February 1 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME For those who will come to Jesus to be freed from their demons, he Himself is that healing truth that will make them free ~ Eleonore Stump is Professor of Philosophy, St. Louis University Daily Mass Schedule: Lord’s Day Mass Schedule: Saturday ~ 5:00 pm Sunday ~ 8:30 am & 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 8:30 am Mass during the school year Confessions: Saturday ~ 4:15 pm or by appointment Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesdays ~ 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Baptism Celebrated on the First Sunday of the Month Marriage Music Ministry Organist & Choir Director: Paul Crivello 508-366-0821 pcrivello@digitallumens.com (work) pjcrivello@verizon.net (personal) Kathy Bernier Parish Intern Paul Reuter ~ pjreuter@gmail.com Religious Education Ministry: Cynthia de la Peña Coordinator grades 1 through 8 cynthia.delapena@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/site/ stannechildrensliturgy/ Karla Reuter High School Coordinator/Youth Ministry kkreuter1@gmail.com Internet Information: E-mail: stanne403@charter.net Web: stanne-southboro.org And just in case those who heard him doubted his legitimacy, Jesus proved his authority by more than words; he cast out evil spirits. When the people witnessed Jesus commanding "even the unclean spirits" and saw that these spirits obeyed him, they were "amazed" at this "new teaching with authority." What our Jewish ancestors experienced is recorded for us to bolster our own faith. Although we were not there to see these events unfold, if we meditate on the reality of today's Gospel story we will also be astonished and amazed. Jesus is more than a teacher. He is more than a kind man with an attractive philosophy. Jesus has power over the spiritual world! His authority over us is real. And he exercises this authentic authority for our own good. He has the power to do away with evil and to set us free, both through his teachings--passed on to us in the Bible and in the Church--and through his action in our lives. We only need to follow his lead. 2015 Liturgical Publications Inc. 01772 Parish Office Hours: Linda Bradstreet - Administrative Assistant Bridgitte Morgan- Bookkeeper Monday ~ Friday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (to 12:00 pm on Friday) Telephone 508-485-0141 Parish Fax 508-481-9374 "The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." Jesus was doing something different. His teaching was new, fresh, surprising. The Jewish people were used to the teaching style of their scribes, the scholars who interpreted the Scriptures and taught the corresponding laws. The scribes were legalists by trade, who focused on what was required of the Jews based on the holy writings. For them, the law was dominant. But when Jesus showed up in the synagogue and began to teach, he was dominant. As the incarnate Son of God, he spoke with an authority that was greater even than the religious laws. SOUTHBOROUGH MA Arrangements with a Priest required at least one year prior to the wedding date. Gospel Insights 20 BOSTON ROAD Week Day Mass: 9:00 am (check Bulletin Intention List for weekly Mass schedule) First Friday: 9:00 am ST. ANNE CHURCH REV. DR. CONRAD S. PECEVICH, PASTOR DEACON STEPHEN LUNDRIGAN PARISH LIFE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, from 7-8:30pm. In addition to studying the upcoming Sunday readings, we will begin exploring the Gospel of Mark (this year is the year of Mark in the liturgical calendar). A change of location: Bible study will meet in the Conference Room in the Parish Hall. POT LUCK FAMILY DINNER: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 following the 5 pm Mass, in the Parish Hall. Please mark your calendars for this, "Pot Luck Family Dinner" for parishioners and friends. We hope to get together for an enjoyable time of "good eats," good company, and ole fashioned fun. Bring the family. There will be entertainment for the youngsters! For further information call Joe or Arlene Kutzko at 508-954-5252. ST. ANNE'S PARISH LENTEN RETREAT with Sr. Rosemary Mulvihill, RSM to be held on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 from 9:30 to 1:30 pm at Betania Center, Medway, MA. Cost: $35.00. per person. (this includes lunch). Please make your reservation by February 21st. Let us continue the spirit of that wonderful evening of recollection we had last December and find some time for ourselves spiritually during Lent to be with the Lord. Those who attended have fond memories of the dynamic and engaging personality of Sister Rosemary. Scholarships available. A CALL FOR HELP! St. Anne's Parish is in process of organizing a "Building and Facilities Committee" that will oversee the Parish facilities and recommend updates and improvements when and as needed. We are looking for parishioners in the building or construction field who are willing to donate their time and talent to assist us in this necessary undertaking. We are very proud of our Parish facilities and want to maintain them as well as possible. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, kindly contact Father Conrad at the Rectory. Companions on the Journey into the Heart of God: A spiritual practice for today's woman. These sessions will explore methods of prayer and practice that will lead us to a deeper awareness of "God-with-us" and "God-within-us" Through the method of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina (hold reading) we will have a chance to deepen our prayer life and our own personal lives. There will be time for sharing and conversation of person insights gained. WHEN: Monday or Friday mornings 10:30amnoon WHERE: Parish Center FOR WHOM: interested women PRESENTER: Sr. Patricia Cushing CSJ (founder/director: The Dear Neighbor Center for Spirituality and Healing) NOTE: For interested persons there will be a brief introduction on SUNDAY FEB 22nd after the last Mass. to decide the preferred day. For those who are interested but not able to attend the first meeting contact Kim at: kimgal59@gmail.com DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO'S INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Do you know anyone "on the fringes" who may have dropped out of the Church and desires to "come home”? If so, please invite them to consider being part of our Parish's R.C.I.A. There's nothing like the "personal touch." We would like to formalize the RCIA Process on the First Sunday of Advent. Call Fr. Conrad for more details. R.C.I.A TEAM: Anyone who is interested in being part of our formation training to welcome adults into the Church is asked to contact Fr. Conrad or Linda at the Rectory. Take the “bushel basket” off your faith! Join the team today! UNITED PARISHES SOUTHBOROUGH FOOD PANTRY: Thank you so very much for your continuous support of the Southborough Food Pantry. You make it possible for us to help our clients. Currently we are in need of cookies, canned pears and pineapple, tinfoil, plastic wrap, baggies (all sizes) and kitchen trash bags. Donations may be left in the foyer of the parish hall. If you know of anyone who may benefit from the Food Pantry, please encourage them to come. Pantry hours (located at Pilgrim Church) are Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. and Fridays from 10-11 a.m. Again, thank you for your continued generosity to the Southborough Food Pantry. Pat Draper THE PILGRIM QUEEN DEVOTION Blessed Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Pilgrim Queen awaits a family to host her in their home. This is a wonderful way to pray with and for your family. Start the new year with the Pilgrim Queen Devotion for your family. Please sign your name and the date you take her into your home. 2014 Tax Statements have been mailed to parishioners who made a recordable donation of $250.00 or more through the envelope system or checks written to the Parish. If you donated through Parishpay you will receive a Tax Statement directly from them. Also, The Diocese of Worcester will send out a tax statement to those who contributed to Partners in Charity. TO HAVE YOUR CHILD BAPTIZED Call the Parish Office if you are planning to have your child baptized in the coming months. If this is your first child, you must arrange for baptism preparation prior to setting your baptism date. Baptisms are generally celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. VISITATION OF THE SICK Our extraordinary ministers are always pleased to bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to join us for weekly worship. If you or a family member would like to receive Communion, please call the Rectory. If you know of someone from the parish who is in the hospital, please let us know. PREVENTING CHILD ABUSE IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is every adult's moral responsibility to protect possible victims by reporting suspected abuse or neglect to the responsible authorities. For particular help you may call: Frances J. Nugent, Director of Office for Healing and Prevention, Diocese of Worcester, at 508-929-4363. St. Anne Parish requires Safe Environment Training for all staff & volunteers and CORI background checks for all those who work with children and young people. PARISH LIFE & STEWARDSHIP RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STEWARDSHIP REPORTS FOR: CHILDREN’S LITURGY: at the 8:30 am Mass. All children grades K-5 are invited to join in hearing the Gospel and reflection at an age appropriate level. Younger children are welcome with a parent. High School or adult parishioners interested in participating in this program starting in the fall can contact Joanne Flathers at jflathers@charter.net or 508485-4345 at any time. January 24 and 25, 2015 Weekly Offertory Collection…………...…..….$4,746.00 Catholic Home Missions………………………$ 992.00 Thank you for your ongoing generous donations! FEBRUARY SPECIAL AND SECOND COLLECTIONS: Capital Improvement Fund Fuel Offering Catholic Free Press Month Ash Wednesday Church in Latin America February 1 (basket passed twice) February 8 (basket passed twice) February 18 February 22 HAITIAN APOSTOLATE UPDATE: The total amount received is $13,778.00 towards a goal of $30,000.00. Donations are always appreciated. Checks can be made payable to St. Anne Parish, Haitian Canteen Project. Camp Perrin is our sister-parish to which we have been linked in our Worcester diocesan “Twinning Project.” PLEASE CONSIDER ELECTRONIC GIVING: To give through Parishpay visit the Parish Web site stannesouthboro.org and click on Parishpay or go online to Parishpay. You may also contact Parishpay at 1-866PARISH1(866-727-4741) to have a Customer Service Representative assist you with enrollment. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANNE DEVELOPMENT FUND: The Development Fund will be used for future projects for the buildings and grounds of the Church. Donations may be made in memory of a loved one, deceased or living at any time. GENERAL ANNOUNCMENTS SCOUT SUNDAY 2015: For all boy scouts AND all girl scouts. You are warmly invited to a worship celebration to honor the devotion of our scouts and their promises to faithful leadership! To be held on February 8 at 2:00pm at Pilgrim Congregational Church If any scouts would like to participate in the worship, we have a range of roles available. Contact John Hurley at jhurlz12@verizon.net. All families are invited to bring refreshments for a gathering after the worship. MONTHLY RETREATS: on themes of Consecrated Life and Mission Today at Fatima Shrine, Holliston. The next half day retreat will be Sunday February 8th, beginning at the 11:00am Mass. A second input will be offered at 1:45pm for those who wish to stay for both sessions, concluding with the World Mission Rosary at 3:00pm. The retreat director will be Fr. Joe Matteucig, s.x and the Theme will be RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES & MISSION. For more information call, 508-429-2144. 15th ANNUAL DIOCESAN CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE: All men are invited to this important annual Conference, at Worcester’s DCU Center on Saturday, March 21. For Conference brochure, information or registration call 508-929-3445, Visit website www.firstmensconf.org. February Class Dates Sunday, February 1 Sunday, February 1 Sunday, February 1 Monday, February 2 Monday, February 2 Sunday, February 8 Sunday, February 8 Monday, February 9 Monday, February 9 Tuesday, February 10 Confirmation First Communion Grades 1-3 Grades 1-3 First Communion Grades 4 & 5 High School Grades 4 & 5 Grades 6-8 Grades 6-8 9:00 am*** 3:15pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:15pm YOUTH MINISTRY OUR FATHER’S TABLE: Grades 6-12 Thanks to the crew of students and parents who cooked and served January’s meal of American Chop Suey to 60 guests at the soup kitchen in Marlboro. Our next dates are February 25th and 26th. Watch for the sign up email in early February. YOUTH LEADERSHIP MEETINGS: Grades 6-8 First Sunday of each Month at 6:00 pm. For February it is changed to the second Sunday, February 8th at 6:00 pm. New members always welcome! GLOW GOLF OUTING for grades 6-8: Saturday, Feb. 28th, 6pm-8:30pm at the Glow Golf in the Roche Brothers Shopping Center in Westborough. Stay tuned for details! PRAYER SPONSORS FOR THE CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: In order to involve our whole parish community in the sacrament program of Confirmation we have developed the Prayer Sponsor Program. It involves parishioners like you, who choose to sponsor a Catechumenate with prayer as they prepare for Confirmation. Prayer is a powerful way to support our candidates, especially as they journey towards the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of Confirmation on May 31st at the Saint Paul Cathedral in Worcester. A basket can be found in the front foyer with envelopes with candidates names. For questions , pleas e contact K arla Reuter at kkreuter1@gmail.com or call at (508) 335-7968. My name is Russell McCarthy and I’m a member of St. Anne sponsored Boy Scout Troop 92. I have been a parishioner at St. Anne Parish almost my entire life. I have been working on my Eagle Scout project to benefit the St. Anne community. The project consists of a flagpole in dedication to Rev. Tom Garlick, an Eagle Scout himself. Fundraising is an important component of any Eagle Project. I am asking the parishioners to consider supporting this project by making donations to help offset the cost. Donations can be sent to my home address at 5 Schipper Farm Lane, Southborough, MA 01772. Please make checks payable to St. Anne’s (note McCarthy Eagle Project). Thank you sincerely for your support. Russell McCarthy Liturgical Minister Schedule WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE and MASS INTENTIONS: January 31 and February 1 5:00 pm Lector: 8:30 am Lector: 10:30 am Lector: Junior Lector: Deb Sanford Kate Battles Peter Bradstreet (First Reading) (Second Reading) Counters: Susan LoVerso and Kathy Gittins February 7th and February 8th 5:00 pm Lector: Jim Noone 8:30 am Lector: Kate Battles 10:30 am Lector: Counters: Pat Draper Counters: Sue LoVerso and Kathy Gittins FEAST OF FAITH TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Old customs fade slowly, and in 1560 the Council of Trent tried for significate change in pastoral care of the sick. People resisted, thinking that the last breath was the right time for the sacrament. Although physical improvement was often noted after anointing, it was seen as a kind of bonus, rather than an expected outcome of a prayer for good health, strength, patience, and even healing. More than four hundred years later, many people still do not ask for anointing until it is literally too late for the person to have reasonable hope of healing, or at least be aware enough to participate in the ritual. By then, it may even be too late for viaticum, the true “last rite.” We have a treasure in our tradition that we seem reluctant to use. We visit the sick, we anoint those who are in the first crisis of illness, we give Communion to those who are dying, and we keep vigil and pray for those close to death. When anointing is celebrated early enough, optimally when the sick person is still at Sunday Mass, it can be a source of courage, faith, and hope for a difficult road ahead. When we anoint our sick, we remind them that they belong to Christ and a community of faith. We bring them into the presence of Christ to reconcile, heal, and give strength and hope. We resist forces that isolate and alienate the sick; the symbol of touch is a powerful act of acceptance. Why wait until the crisis of illness is dire before we apply such a rich remedy to body and soul? ~ James Field Copyright@ J. S. Paluch Co PARISHPAY ONLINE GIVING SUPPORT OUR PARISH WITH ONLINE DONATIONS Make online donations with a credit card, debit card or echeck. With ParishPay, you can make online donations (one-time, weekly monthly or annually) with the payment method of your choice. Manage your donations. Fulfill your Parish commitment throughout the year. For each online donation, ParishPay offers printable donation slips. Pan Ahead. ParishPay gives you the ability to schedule donations according to your personal budget. 3 ways to enroll with ParishPay: 1) Online (ParishPay.com) 2) Phone them, 866-727-4741, 3) Enrollment Card ( located in foyers of the church), return to Parish Office Saturday, January 31through Sunday, February 8, 2015 SATURDAY 5:00 pm: Dick Castelda (3rd Anniversary) by his wife and Family SUNDAY 8:30 am: Parishioners of St. Anne Parish 10:30 am: Anthony Christian (1st Anniversary) by Cindy de la Peña MONDAY 9:00 am: TUESDAY 9:00 am: Margaret Anne Hostage WEDNESDAY 9:00 am: Carmela O’Connell by Mr. & Mrs. James Donohue THURSDAY 9:00 am: Communion Service First FRIDAY 9:00 am: OPEN INTENTION SATURDAY 5:00 pm: Cecile Malone by Ted & Sara Davis SUNDAY 8:30 am: Parishioners of St. Anne Parish Intention for healing for the sick of St. Anne Parish 10:30 am: Fr. Paul Hanno St. Anne Parish extends our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of: JAMES GUNNING May he rest in peace. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Bob Levangie, Bill MacIver, June Stephens, Steve Coldwell, Sr. Yvette Beford, Faith Stephens, Caitlin O’Hara, Jenny Polanik, Sr. Paula Norton, Ray Coldwell, Sr. Norene, Sr. Ann Mary Blute, June Phillipo, Jan & Charlie Mangana, Phyllis Dumas, Christian Campero, Fred Anketell, Danielle Taylor, Sr. Ruth Virginia, Jamie Farley, John Gagliano, Catherine and Cynthia Galbraith, Rachel Knoll, Stephanie McMahon, Diane Toomey, Doris Campero, Patty Morgan, Ben Watkins, George Paine and Family, Sue (Infante) Despo, Sr.Virginella, Jessica Hendron, Sr. Mary Veronica, Richard Dehlham, George Mitchell. Vivian McCabe, Daniel & Steve, Jim Garden FILIPINO COMMUNITY MASS Sunday ~ February 22, 2015 St. Anne Church 1:00 pm Followed by a Pot Luck gathering in the Parish Hall. Grace is not a part of consciousness;; it is the amount of light in our souls, not knowledge or reason. ~ Pope Francis ST. ANNE PARISH WELCOMES ALL VISITORS AND NEW FRESIDENTS WHO WORSHIP WITH US. TO JOIN OUR FAITH COMMUNITY, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE.
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