Where Hospitality and Love Meet St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri Join us for doughnuts TODAY in the parish center. February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Thank you St. Joseph’s for allowing us to represent you in Washington, D.C. for the 42nd Annual March for Life. Front: Fr. Rickey Valleroy, Keegan Wade, Hayden Fingerhut, Calvin Howard, Benny Howard and Michael Webre. First Row: Laney Herbst, Karen Hommelson, Kari Scott, Maggie Carr, Hannah Fingerhut, Rebecca Fingerhut, Jessi Howard, Sam Wade, Sandi Brooks, Cindy Kelso, Zach Kelso, Jane Allen, Mary Webre, Rich Ragsdale and Reagan Ragsdale. Second Row: Jennifer Rhodus, Joe Rhodus, Brad Howard, Isaac Howard, Mike Kelso, Kody Winch, Cameron Brown, Connie Grindel, Rob Grindel, Jill Patton, Marilyn Gegg, Debbie O’Hara, Sharon Partney, Gene Eddleman, Dolores Eddleman, Jayne Wooldridge and Ed Wooldridge. Third Row: Christy Watson, Scott Watson, Abe AuBuchon, Chris Fingerhut, Mark Halter, John Adams, John Thurman, Austin Patton, Jake Whitener, Mandy Whitener, Agnes Hinkebein, Jamie O’Hara, Dylan Kelso, Wanda Jones, Emily Jones, John Podolak, Michelle Podolak and Peggy Adams. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 2 From the Pastor’s Pen Life is a Gift St. Joseph’s 9th Annual Pilgrimage to the March for Life in Washington D.C. Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph, Thank you for your tremendous support for our recent pilgrimage to Washington D.C. The picture above communicates more meaning than words can convey. It’s hard to even begin to find words to express what our 56 pilgrims experienced. Shown above presenting the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown at Arlington National Cemetery are Fr. Rickey Valleroy, Jennifer Rhodus, Jake Whitener and Kody Winch. This wonderful pilgrimage was prayerful and fun. Most of all, it was an experience of a Christ-centered community coming together in the desire to follow Jesus and to witness to our belief in the gift and dignity of life. As our group joined the thousands of others gathered for the March and truly felt the power of a unified voice, speaking truth and witnessing to LIFE. Our whole parish benefits in the blessings of the pilgrimage. It was made possible by the prayer and support of so many. We took you with us in our hearts and we could feel your prayers with us on our journey. With deep gratitude to God and to each of you, I pray that the Gift of Life that we hold so dearly, may come to be reverenced by our nation and our world. Through the intercession of St. Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus, our patron, we were truly blessed again this year! Life is a Gift! Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 3 National Catholic Leadership Institute Our sincere thanks to the following parishioners on being selected to represent our parish at the National Catholic Leadership Institute. Abe AuBuchon is married to our 5th grade teacher, Jami. They are the parents of 4 young children. Abe has been chosen because he is a young father and is a very active Catholic. He is discerning on entering the Diaconate program this Fall. He has served as a youth minister, currently preparing our 8th grade PSR class for Confirmation and is actively involved in our YACHT Club. He will be a great representative of our young families. Risha Gaines is married to Paul, who is our Pastoral C o u n c i l President. They are the parents of Lilly, Nora and Stella. Risha is very active in our school community, serves our Home and School Association and is on our School Board. She and Paul also bring meals to many of our homebound parishioners during Lent and at Our Father’s Table. Risha will be an awesome representative of our parish school families. Shirley Bieser is married to John, they have two children and 3 grandchildren, with one on the way. Shirley has been chosen because of her passion for her faith and her a long-time membership at St. Joseph’s. She currently serves as our co-principal and is actively involved in our St. Vincent dePaul food pantry. She will represent our long-time parishioners well and is eager to learn more and share this information with her parish family. Connie Grindel is married to Rob. One of her great joys of life is being Nana to her grandchildren. She currently serves as the co-director of our RCIA program. She is actively involved in our Women of Mary and served as president. Connie is active in all aspects of the life of St. Joseph’s parish. She will represent well all of the parish family because of her active participation and the love of her faith. Rich Ragsdale is married to Jeannette and they have 4 children. Rich is a pilot for Air Evac. He was chosen because he is passionate about being a newly baptized Catholic. You may have heard his witness story on this year’s Archdiocesean ACA video. Rich is active in all aspects of the life of St. Joseph’s parish. He will be an awesome representative of our many new members who have joined our parish through RCIA. Phyllis LaPlant is married to Ron. Phyllis serves our parish as a lector, Eucharistic Minister and as co-director of our RCIA program. Phyllis has organized several of our parish missions and has been a pilgrim on the annual parish pilgrimage to Washington DC several times. She is a daily communicant and will represent our parish well because of her great relational skills and her active involvement. Jane Ramos is married to Dr. Rusty and they are the parents of three beautiful girls. She currently serves our parish as our Coordinator of Religious Education, for both our full time and our PSR schools. Jane also has the wonderful gift of music ministry and serves also as a cantor. Jane will represent well the young families and also the religious educational needs of our parish. Her warm personality is a gift to all. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 4 Join Us for Coffee and Doughnuts TODAY Hosted by Our School Join Us NEXT WEEK For Our “All You Can Eat Breakfast” Come join us today after all of the masses for Coffee and Doughnuts in our Parish Center in celebration of Catholic Schools Week! Our Teachers and Students will be your hosts for the morning! A great way to meet new people and experience great fellowship with other parishioners! I hope you will join us next Sunday for our monthly breakfast sponsored by our Knights of Columbus after the 7:30 and 9:00 masses. All proceeds from the breakfast go for special need items for our school. The food and fellowship is awesome!!! TODAY Knights of Columbus Chili Is Ready for Pick Up or Purchase If you pre-ordered chili from the Knights of Columbus, you can pick it up in the parish center after all masses today. If you were unable to get your chili pre-ordered, the Knights prepared extra and will be available for sale TODAY after all masses. THIS Tuesday Morning, February 3 We Will have the Blessing of Throats On the Feast Day of St. Blaise After the 7:00 am mass Tuesday morning we will have the traditional blessing of the throats for the final blessing of the mass. Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, May God deliver you from every disease of the throat and every other illness; In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Sue Wilker, RN Director of Priest Wellness Program for the Archdiocese of St. Louis will be our Guest Presenter at our Fifth Annual Men’s Evening of Lenten Reflection On Tuesday, February 17 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm all men of the parish are invited to an evening of spiritual reflection, awesome fellowship and great food. I am thrilled that Sue Wilker, RN will be the guest speaker. This year our own parishioner, Ed Brown, will also give a brief reflection on “Having a Beer with Jesus”. If you would like to attend this awesome night, please RSVP to Jeannette in the parish office. You Should Have Received Your Tax Statement & Parish Directory If you are a contributing parishioner you should have received your tax statement along with our 2015 Parish Directory in the mail this past week. The bulk rate we receive makes this very affordable and assures that everyone receives their tax statements along with a new directory. This year we ask that you immediately check your address and phone information in the directory and let the office know of any changes. This past year we have had a difficult time contacting people, especially those families that have dropped their home land line and are using only cell phones. Non contributing parishioners may pick up their directories at the parish office. Stewardship Prayer My church is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, and a church with a noble spirit, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my church to be. Amen. And Finally... “Always remember that as long as we keep the Eucharist the center of our lives, everything else will fall in place...of that I am confident”!!! Blessings of Peace…Fr. Rickey Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 5 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more. The experience was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human teachers, prophets instead? God agreed, but with a warning. The people had better listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name. That arrangement, though, has its own problems, for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us with those questions, but still there are always a few loose ends. This is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes” (Mark 1:22). The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. They knew it by hearing him. Jesus Taught “With Authority” That Jesus didn’t teach like the scribes was very significant. After all, it was the scribes who taught the scriptures. They were the ones who knew the religious doctrine and taught it to the people. And though frequently criticized in the Gospels, they weren’t bad people by definition. Many of them were probably generous, decent, truthful people. But Jesus was a teacher of a different sort altogether. It was as though he didn’t need to refer to the scriptures or to the teaching of anyone else at all. He had the authority himself. Imagine the unusual impression he must have made on his listeners! It has been suggested that Jesus was reputed to teach “with authority” because the crowds instantly recognized the truth of what he said. Why? Because he spoke the truth that was already in their hearts. God’s Word Is Always Being Spoken Centuries earlier, God had promised through Jeremiah that “the days are coming . . . when . . . I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts” (Jeremiah 31:31, 33). Of course, “the days to come” are always here and now. The reign of God is always “at hand.” So God’s word is always being spoken. Usually, though, we miss God’s word, as available as it always is. It’s as if a movie, filled with wonder and excitement, were always playing away for our enjoyment; meanwhile, we manage to busy ourselves with other things—and eventually wander off—not willing to give our full attention. What Jesus did was stir up a message that had been placed deep within his listeners before they were born, etched in their hearts by God. “Wake up!” he urged, and some people didn’t wander off. They listened, “spellbound.” And what of us? Must we wait for a charismatic teacher to come and wake us up? Well, we may wait a long time. Let’s not give in to the old “homilies are stale” and “church is boring” excuses. God’s word is always being spoken. If only we can learn to pay attention, we will be spellbound. Today’s Readings: Dt 18:15–20; Ps 95:1–2, 6–9; 1 Cor7:32–35; Mk 1:21–28 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 6 Our Pastoral Team Mass Schedule Very Rev. Rickey J. Valleroy, V.F................Pastor email: frrickvalleroy@aol.com Monday thru Friday..................................... 7:00 am Friday (All School Mass Aug-May).............. 8:05 am Sunday Observance Saturday ............................................... 5:00 pm Sunday ........... 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Holy Days of Obligation.......... 7 am, 8 am and 7 pm Rev. James W. Dyer................... Associate Pastor email: jdyer@stjosephfarmington.com Deacon Albin Gegg ............... Permanent Deacon Susie Rohrer ......................................Co-Principal email: srohrer@stjosephfarmington.com Shirley Bieser.....................................Co-Principal email: sbieser@stjosephfarmington.com Agnes Hinkebein .................Pastoral Health Care email: healthminister@stjosephfarmington.com Jane Ramos ...Coordinator of Religious Education email: jramos@stjosephfarmington.com Kari Scott.................................Preschool Director email: kscott@stjosephfarmington.com Lisa Cartee .................. Office / Business Manager email: secretary@stjosephfarmington.com Jeannette Ragsdale....................... Bulletin Editor/ ................................................... Event Coordinator email: bulletin@stjosephfarmington.com Sandi Brooks ............. Evangelization Coordinator email: evangelization@stjosephfarmington.com Connie Grindel & Phyllis LaPlant...............RCIA email: RCIA@stjosephfarmington.com Mike Ward....................... Maintenance Supervisor Paul Gaines ................................. Pastoral Council Jim Eaton ........................... Financial Commission Ed Brown............................ Cemetery Association Parish Business Office Hours Monday thru Friday • 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone (573)756-4250 • Fax (573)756-6938 10 North Long Street • Farmington, MO 63640 “God made us for joy. God is joy, and the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us.” John Paul II Happy Anniversary February 1, 1986 February 5, 2005 Newton & LeAnn Luedecke Anton & Golda Aseniero February 6, 1981 Kevin & Maria Adams The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4 pm, Sundays 7 am or by appointment The Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are held the first Sunday of the month after the 10:30 am Mass. Baptismal preparation class required. The Sacrament of Marriage Celebrated after meeting the bride and groom and beginning preparation six months before the wedding, in accordance with Archdiocesan Wedding Policy. Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 7:30 am through Closing Prayer Service at 5:15 pm. First Fridays of the month from 9 am through Closing Prayer Service at 2:15 pm. St. Vincent de Paul Society Open Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm For assistance call 756-0997 Happy Birthday February 1 February 4 February 6 cont’d Easton Gerstner Doak Holloway Diana Parker Joe Sansoucie Eloise Burd John Carter Philip Hoffman Pat Dastoor Benny Howard Brad Howard Brian Odle Kate Parker Reagan Ragsdale Miriam Stein February 5 February 2 Charles Davis Luke Landreneau Lisa Pratte Lourdes Wilson February 3 Esther Blum KJ Genenbacher Justin Mattingly Eileen Wright Bessie Hogenmiller Mike Thebeau February 7 Greg Barenbrugge Charles Rosetta Halter Baumgartner Chuck Hayden Benjamin Bono Chuck Koppeis Beulah Carrow February 6 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com Eucharistic Celebrations and Mass Intentions Week of February 2 - 8, 2015 Monday: Readings: 7:00 am: Tuesday: Readings: 7:00 am: The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Alice Nicolas St. Blaise Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Johnson & Dollinger Families Wednesday: Weekday Readings: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 7:00 am: Susan Dickmann Thursday: Readings: 7:00 am: Friday: Readings: 7:00 am: 8:05 am: St. Agatha Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Chee Chee Greminger St. Paul Miki Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Ralph Rustemeyer Jon Kopp Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Saturday: 5:00 pm: Sunday: 7:30 am: 9:00 am: 10:30 am: Wilbert Farrar Catherine Tantillo Stephen Weber Parishioners visit www.stjosephfarmington.com and click on “daily mass readings” for easy reference. Welcome to St. Joseph Parish Welcome to St. Joseph’s Parish. If you are a regular visitor and would like to join our parish, please return this form in next week’s collection basket or stop by the Parish Office at 10 North Long Street. Name______________________________________ Address____________________________________ February 1, 2015 • Page 7 Ministers of the Liturgy Saturday, February 7 5:00 pm Mass Priest: Fr. Rickey Valleroy Lector: John Crouch Cantor: Jane Ramos Extraordinary Ministers: Adam Barnhouse, Kevin Boatright, Sandi Brooks, Ron Brooks, Donna Conklin Ushers: Buddy Bordewick, John Denkler, Gary Harris, Ralph Trepasso Servers: Kr. Ramos, Ki. Ramos, Ka. Ramos Sunday, February 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Mass Priest: Fr. Rickey Valleroy Lector: Melissa Mitchell Extraordinary Ministers: Steve Forsythe, Chuck Hayden, Rose Hayden, Kathy Neiner, Jack Neiner Ushers: Austin Bequette, Dale Jones, Scott Watson, Ed Weidenbenner Servers: K. Busenbark, L. Landreneau 9:00 am Mass Priest: Fr. James Dyer Lector: Charlotte Vander Bol Cantor: Tom Berkbigler Extraordinary Ministers: Abe AuBuchon, Jana Dore, Paul Gaines, Doak Holloway, Vanessa Trokey Ushers: John England, John Podolak, Dale Springs, Mike Ward Servers: T. Fischbeck, C. Fischbeck, B. Speakar 10:30 am Mass Priest: Fr. James Dyer Lector: Phyllis LaPlant Cantor: Judy Colligan Extraordinary Ministers: Theresa Aubuchon, Shirley Bieser, Katie Rhodes, Isa Sippo, Bill Sippo Ushers: Mark Bieser, Bob Bone, Roy Henson, Travis Trolinger Servers: K. Kearns, J. Mattingly, A. Werner Monday, February 2, 2015 Sacristans Sue Brown, Pat Dastoor, Barb Doss, Geneva Jokerst Phone______________________________________ Money Counters Email______________________________________ Beulah Carrow, Jackie Maloney, Nancy Ott, Carolyn Rigdon Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com Come join us for our weekly Parish Rosary to be offered this Wednesday at 7:15 pm February 1, 2015 • Page 8 Your Gifts to God and Parish Sunday, January 25, 2015 Our petition for this week will be: For those looking for more peace in their lives. Remember last year’s Christmas present from the parish? We hope you enjoyed the book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. Each week of this new year we will be featuring a meditation from this book. Dynamic Catholic, Alive! Forms of Prayer (ACTS): Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving and Supplication) It is important for us to include the four main forms of prayer into our conversations with God. There is an acronym that can help with this: ACTS - 1) Adoration (acknowledgement that we are creatures of the Creator), 2) Contrition (interior repentance), 3) Thanksgiving (gratitude for blessings), and 4) Supplication (petition). The Eucharist contains and expresses all the forms of prayer. Do you cultivate these forms of prayer in your prayer life? Have you ever attended a life-changing retreat, such as ACTS or Christ Renews His Parish? archstl.org/dynamic Pope Francis’ prayer intention for February: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Adult Envelopes Loose Electronic Envelopes First Offering $7,454.35 $415.26 $380.00 $90.00 $8,339.61 Current Week Sunday Offering Budgeted Amount Shortage/Overage $8,339.61 $10,850.00 $(2,510.39) Partners in Education St. Vincent de Paul St. Louis Review Women of Mary Our Father’s Table Total for Specials Year to Date $343,094.89 $325,500.00 $17,594.89 $150.00 $319.34 $570.00 $698.00 $50.00 $1,787.34 Thank You For Your Faithfulness!!! “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” 1 Corinthians 7:32 How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. Together we pray for those who are sick. (Parishioners names are in bold.) Please pray for: Paula Karl, Connie Walton, Karel Robert, Gary Mitchell, Wilma Whitworth, Ralph Di Tucci, June & Otto Midgett, Marcella Reese, Loretta Brundege, Linda Wheatley, Paula Gebhardt, Arlene Jones, Norman Blankenship, Homer Schnurbusch, Alice Schnurbusch, C. Smith, David Ikemeier, Johnny Gibbs, Barry Jones, Charmaine McFarland, Terry Edgar, Jackie Jones, June Stevens, Rose Petinga, Steve Kaba, Ellen Duren, Rich Eck, Missy Mitchell, Shirley Vineyard, Cathy Schuch, Susan Rudroff, Mike Koppeis, Sr. Amelia Stenger, Veronica Halter, Tracy Beussink, Loretta Forsythe, Aline Valleroy, Agnes Davis, Walter Gregory, Mary Teder, Rhonda LaPierre, Marilyn Trokey and Mary Jones. To add someone to the prayer list contact Pat Boatright at pandkboat@gmail.com or 756-4169. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com St. Joseph Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry In the Gospel today we read that because Jesus spoke with authority his reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As his disciples, we can also speak with authority when we put our faith into actions by helping the poor and suffering. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by volunteering at our St. Vincent de Paul? If so, please give them a call at 756-0997. A Note from our Pastoral Health Care Minister, Agnes Hinkebein, RN If you are homebound or are hospitalized or know a parishioner who is, please contact me in the parish office or email healthminister@stjosephfarmington.com Heartfelt Thanks... The RCIA team would like to thank the women of St. Joseph’s parish for the wonderful food you have been bringing to our RCIA meetings each week. Each Thursday before our class begins we are able to share a meal and fellowship with our catechumens and candidates. You have not only supplied their bodies with food, but by your example of giving with love and kindness, have shown them who Christ is here at St. Joseph’s. What a gift you have been to our RCIA program this year. Many of our parishioners have become involved in the RCIA program by simply bringing food. If you can help on Thursdays, please give Helen Thurman a call at 573-366-8812 and she will be happy to let you know what you can bring. You do not have to be a chef to contribute, just food prepared with love and prayers as our meals are simple with a dessert. “I have called you by your name, though you knew Me not. I am the Lord, and there is no other.” Eucharistic Adoration hours are Thursdays from 7:30 am 5:15 pm followed by Benediction. Everyone is welcome to visit during Adoration Hours! For more information contact Charlie or Rita via e-mail ctboyd@sbcglobal.net or call 573-756-2383. We are currently in need of someone during the 3:30 - 4:30 pm time slot. Please call Charlie or Rita if interested. This Week in Our Parish Mon 2/2 Picnic Meeting 7:00 pm • Parish Center Wed 2/4 Prayer Shawl 9:00 am • Parish Center Women of Mary Meeting 1:00 pm • Parish Center PSR Classes 6:00 pm • School Knights of Columbus Meeting 7:00 pm • Parish Center Parish Rosary 7:15 pm • Church Thurs 2/5 RCIA Co-coordinators Eucharistic Adoration 7:30 am • Church Kindergarten Open House 6:00 pm • Cafeteria RCIA 6:00 pm • Meet, Eat and Greet 6:30 pm • Class begins Fri 2/6 First Friday Adoration 9:00 am • Church Sun 2/8 K of C All You Can Eat Breakfast After 7:30 & 9 am Masses • Cafeteria Sincerely in Christ Jesus, Connie & Phyllis February 1, 2015 • Page 9 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com “Remembering Yesterday...” Last weeks picture: The family from our 1971 photo directory was Joseph and Rose Smith and family. No one called with the correct answer this past week. We will save the rosary for the first caller with the correct answer for this weeks picture!! February 1, 2015 • Page 10 St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri CELEBRATING 125 YEARS Where Hospitality and Love Meet 1890-2015 Can you identify this family from our 1971 photo directory? The first person to call the office Monday morning with the correct answer will receive a special St. Joseph rosary commemorating our 125th anniversary. Calling All the Men of Our Parish Join Us For a Day of Prayer as We Attend the Catholic Men for Christ 8th Annual St. Louis Conference Saturday, February 7, 2015 LAST Doors open at 7:00 am • Conference begins at 8:30 am CALL!!! Conference concludes with 4:00 pm Vigil Mass Location: Peabody Opera House, Downtown St. Louis Theme: The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Luke 10:2. Speakers: George Weigel, Tim Staples, Terry Barber and Monsignor James J. Ramacciotti. The Catholic Men for Christ Conference has a newly designed "user friendly" website. Find conference details and complete your online registration at catholicmenforchrist.org. If interested please call, Charlie Boyd at 573-756-2383 We are hoping to have full bus representing our parish!!! Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 11 TOP TEN with h Sue W Wilker ilker All Men M of the Parish are invited to the Fifth Annual Men’s Evening of Lenten Reflection Sue Wilker, RN Director of Priest Wellness Program for the Archdiocese of St. Louis Guest Presenter On Tuesday, February 17 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm all men of the parish are invited to an evening of spiritual reflection, awesome fellowship and great food as we prepare for the Lenten season. We are thrilled to announce that Sue Wilker, RN will be our guest speaker. Ed Brown will be presenting a reflection for us: “Having Having a Beer with Jesus”. Jesus All men of our parish please mark your calendar for this very special evening. If you have not attended before and would like to join us for the evening please call Jeannette in the parish office at 756-4250 to reserve your seat. Mark Your Calendars!!! St. Joseph’s Spring Mission LIVING A RESURRECTED LIFE It's one thing to celebrate Easter but how do we LIVE it? April 18 - 22, 2015 St. Joseph will be blessed to have Fr. Ron Hoye, C.M., a Vincentian priest, as our guest for our Spring mission. His topic will be Living a Resurrected Life. Fr. Ron has been leading parish missions on and off for more than 10 years. He has taught Business Ethics at DePaul University in Chicago, been heavily involved in youth and young adult programs across the country and continues his interest and involvement in Leadership and Evangelization Outreach. His missions blend humor, story, sacrament and spiritual reflection in a presentation that appeals to all ages. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com There are awesome CDs and books that would make great gifts. Visit the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in our Parish Center!!! February 1, 2015 • Page 12 The Sixth Annual Catholic Women for Christ Conference Saturday, March 21 St. Charles Convention Center (convenient, free parking) This year’s theme is “If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire.” Mark Your Calendar!!! St. Joseph’s 41st Annual Parish Picnic Sunday, June 28 with an evening concert and activities on Saturday, June 27 Please remember to start making, saving and gathering your items for the Country Store • Silent Auction Bottle Booth • Flea Market Come enjoy a refreshing day of speakers, prayer and worship. Keynote Speaker, Teresa Tomeo, Author, syndicated Catholic talk show host and motivational speaker. Teresa has been named an official Vatican Speaker Conference Delegate and is passionate about sharing her faith. Presenter, Brenda Sharman, National Director of Pure Fashion. As Brenda realized our culture had become increasingly more immodest and indecent, she says she had to decide if she was going to be part of the problem or part of the solution. She will inspire your heart and mind to develop your beauty from the inside out. For more information or to register, visit www.catholicwomenforchrist.org. Knights of Columbus Chili Sale The Knights of Columbus will be selling their scrumptiously good chili after all masses THIS weekend. JUST IN TIME FOR SUPER BOWL SUNDAY and other winter gatherings!! 24 oz. containers for $7.00 each Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 13 St. Joseph Catholic School Strong Academics in the Catholic Tradition 501 Ste. Genevieve Avenue • Farmington, MO • 573-756-6312 www.stjosephfarmington.com Now Enrolling Preschool - 8th Grade for the 2015 - 2016 school year St. Joseph Catholic School provides a rich and challenging curriculum in a community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Traditions of the Catholic Church. Proceeds used to update technology through the purchase of an outdoor digital marquis sign. Please detach and return with payment by February 18 to hold your reservation. Contact Name:______________________________ Phone number:__________________________ Table location preference?_____________________ Make check for $120 payable to: St. Joseph Church Drop registration in the collection basket, the parish office or the school office. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com FACTS Grant and Aid Application For the School Year Beginning Fall 2015 Application Deadline March 15, 2015 To apply online: online.factsmgt.com/aid Look at what’s happening in our Parish. . . Tuesday, February 17 Men’s Evening of Lenten Reflection TOP TEN February 1, 2015 • Page 14 Alive in Christ scholarships provide financial assistance to families who would like their children to attend an Archdiocesan Elementary School. Scholarship award amounts are based upon financial need and will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. This program is open to families with new students entering kindergarten through 4th grade or Catholic families with students currently attending an Archdiocesan elementary school. Alive in Christ scholarship applications for the 2015 - 2016 school year will be accepted beginning January 26, 2015. For more information or to download an application, visit www.archstl.org/ttef with i hS Sue Wilk Wil Wilker ker Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday Our Lenten journey begins Friday, February 20 First Fish Fry of the Lenten Season 4:00 - 7:00 pm in the gym Saturday, February 21 St. Joseph School Trivia Night Thursday, March 19 Feast of St. Joseph April 2 - 5 The Sacred Triduum Happenings at Other Parishes The Association of the Miraculous Medal Perryville, MO Invites you to journey along on the 2015 spring pilgrimage to Italy, May 29 - June 8. You will visit many sites full of history, attend a Passion Play and most importantly share your faith with new friends. During the pilgrimage, you will be able to attend Mass daily and spend time reflecting on God’s goodness. Time is running out to sign up for this amazing journey of history and faith. For more information, please call 547-8343 or email ammfather@amm.org St. Joseph Mark Your Calendars!! YOUTH GROUP Feb 8 • Feb 22 • Mar 8 Mar 22 • Apr 12 • Apr 26 Attend 10:30 mass as a group and 7:00 pm meeting Saturday, April 11 First Communion Tuesday, April 14 Confirmation at 7:00 pm April 18 - 22 St. Joseph Parish Mission Advertiser of the Week This week we would like to thank First State Community Bank for sponsoring our bulletin. Without our sponsors, we would have to assume the cost of publication. Please patronize our Advertisers! Try Bulletin Advertising call 800-876-7000, Ext. 295. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.stjosephfarmington.com February 1, 2015 • Page 15 St. Catherine of Alexandria February 7, 2015 Celebrant Fr. Rickey Valleroy Lector Peggy Adams Saturday 7:30 pm Mass We Warmly Welcome the Following New Parishioners Mike and Linda Hagan Extraordinary Ministers Linda Smith Cindy Coffelt Offertory Bearers Tom and Linda Smith Mass Intentions January 31 - Larry Pettus February 7 - E.E. McDaniel Family Your Gifts to God and Parish Saturday, January 24, 2015 Adult Envelopes ......................... $510.00 Loose............................................ $47.00 Total.............................................$557.00 St. Louis Review........................... $60.00 First Offering................................... $1.00 Thank You For Your Faithfulness! Happy Birthday Alyssa Trautman • February 2 Helen McDaniel • February 3 Please join us tonight in the parish hall after mass for a “SOUPER BOWL” gathering and enjoy a bowl of chili or soup with your parish family. Blessings of Peace…Fr. Rickey
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