Policy Loan Request and Agreement Liberty Life Assurance Kenya LImited PO Box 30364-00100,Nairobi,Kenya t 254 20 286 6000 f 254 20 271 8365 e cfclife@cfclife.co.ke www.cfclife-kenya.com Please read instruction carefully before completing your request 1.Print the full names of insured, owner and policy number. 2. Loan cheque may only be issued if this form, properly completed, is brought to the office along with the policy holders document. 3. This loan is made under and subject to the terms of the policy. 4. The policy is hereby assigned to the company as the sole security for such policy loan. 5. The total loan shall include any existing loan(s) including interest due or accrued. 6.Interest shall be at the rate specified in the policy, or at a rate determined by the company (currently being 15% compounded annually). Interest shall be charged on each anniversary date of the policy. If interest is not paid when due, it shall be added to the principal of loan and a new memo of interest generated. 7.The loan shall be paid by crossed bankers cheque or by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) directly to your account. Applicants without bank accounts should make their own alternative arrangements of cashing their cheques. 8.You could choose to repay the loan through a bankers order, salary deductions or direct cash payments. Please completed the applicable forms ad submit together with this request. Policy number Name of insured Name of owner if other than insured CfC Life Assurance Ltd is requested by: (policy owner) Policy loan on the security of the loan value, amount sufficient to: Kshs The cheque to be payable to Each of the undersigned certifies that no bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have been filed or commenced by or against him or her. Important (Tick one of the boxes below for the dispatch of your loan. Pay through EFT Collect cheque from CfC House MPESA Collect from Agency Office DISPATCH OF DOCUMENT Collect document from CfC House Mail to my address Collect from Agency Office If you prefer to have the loan amount transferred direct into your bank account (EFT), please provide us with the full details of your account in the fields provided below. Account type Current account Savings account Bank name Branch name Branch code Account holder name Account number Policy owner’s Passport/Identity number Telephone number Application dated at (place) Postal address Postal code E-mail address CLAIM DETAILS The policy loan of Kshs shall be repayable in Effective DD D Cash D - MPESA M M - Y Y Y Y To D - M M - Y Y Y Y D D - Check-off Policyowner’s signature Date Witnessed by (name) Signature PS 13 (PR 072) D months 1 of 2 M M - Y Y Y Y
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