2015 BC Dairy Expo

5. Starlane Dairy Ltd.
Hosts: Tom, Katrina and Lauryn Maljaars
47848 Camp River Road, Chilliwack BC
Phone: 604.798.0302
Contractors: Chinook Dairy Service, Quantum Engineering, Agriline
Construction, Mid Valley Manufacturing, J & D Farmers Dairy Service,
Meinen Brothers Agri Services, Jonkman Equipment, Doppenberg
Electric, Fraser Valley Watersmart, Neels Heating, Milestone Mechanical,
Starline Cabinets
NOTE: Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a
donation-based fund-raiser lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Starlane Dairy’s primary goal was to build a dairy barn which prioritizes cow
comfort while operating efficiently. The farm is currently milking 30 cows
and has the capability to expand to 50 cows. Farm features include:
• first Boumatic robotic milker (MR-S1) installed in the Fraser Valley by
Chinook Dairy Services; Tuff hoof trimmer by J & D
• new three-row 68 ' x 168 ' drivethrough barn with high walls and clear
span trusses built by Agriline; Arntjen curtains by Meinen
• manure pit with four ten-foot channels under the back 40 feet of the
barn; installation includes a Jamesway agitator
• hydraulic alley scrapers, headlockers, gates, stalls and water troughs, as
well as all gate work and air-powered lift gates for the robot installed by
Mid Valley Manufacturing
BC AGRI and DIREC gratefully acknowledge the financial
support provided by the following sponsors
Biosecurity is an important consideration on dairy
farms and you are kindly requested to use the
plastic boots provided at each farm.
6. Westar Holsteins
Hosts: Bob and Marcie Matzek
9150 Ford Road, Chilliwack
Phone: 604.798.7579
Contractors: Primo Contracting, Kerkhoff Engineering,
J & D Farmers Dairy Service, Artex Barn Solutions
ARY 28 - 29, 20
NOTE: Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
B.C. Dairy Expo
Westar Holsteins has incorporated a variety of features to ensure animal
comfort and environmental sustainability. The orientation of the new
60-cow barn maximizes natural cross ventilation and minimizes the
incidence of direct sunlight on animals or feed. Fans in the roof cupolas
encourage further airflow. Westar did not experience milk production drops
during the extended hot weather experienced during the summer of 2014.
Manure storage incorporated underneath the suspended slab floors
minimizes the introduction of precipitation into the manure pit and provides
an ample 12 months of storage, allowing the farm to spread manure at
optimum times of the year. Other farm features include:
• one robotic DeLaval Voluntary Milking Station (VMS)
• Artex Y2K free stalls; Pro-Mat gel mats; cattle brushes
• Artex headlockers; J&D gates and fencing; Roll-O-Matic curtains; Red
Barn rubber flooring
• JOZ manure alley scrapers; Jamesway custom raceway agitator
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
This Year’s Hosts
Kampvale Farms
Beaverbrook Farms
Rosebrin Farms
Starlane Dairy
• Westar Holsteins
• University of the Fraser Valley
Agriculture Centre of
A big thank you to all hosts for opening
their facilities to visitors!
For More Information Contact
John Luymes, Farm Structures Engineer
BC Ministry of Agriculture
John.Luymes@gov.bc.ca or 604.556.3114
1. Kampvale Farms
Hosts: Harold and Diane Van de Kamp - 5955 Hopedale Road, Chilliwack
Phone: 604.823.6646
Contractors: Kerkhoff Engineering, White Cliff Construction, Lindhout
Construction, Meinen Brothers Agri Services, J & D Farmers Dairy Service,
Doppenberg Electric, West Coast Robotics
NOTE: Visiting hours are from 10 a.m to 3 p.m.
A complimentary lunch will be available from 11 a.m. to
2 p.m., with thanks to Trioliet Feeding Technology.
Kampvale Farms embarked on a new building project recently to replace
outdated barns whose stalls were too small and whose floors were too
slippery. The new facilities for 70 milking cows plus heifers incorporate
features that optimize feed rationing using robotics, and improve animal
walking space and cow comfort markedly by including spacious Artex Y2K
stalls and two-chambered DCC water beds for stall bases by West Coast
Robotics. Site and barn layouts are designed to incorporate pasture feeding
options for the summer.
• Triomatic T30 robotic feeding system by Trioliet, sold and installed
by Meinen Brothers Agri Services, is the first of its kind in B.C. and
manages TMR automatically for 7 groups of animals; feeds include corn
silage, grass silage, hay, grain and commodities
• JOZ alley scrapers with a flush flume system at the back of the barn that
incorporates a Jamesway pump to transfer manure to the steel Slurry
Store manure tank providing six months of storage
2. Beaverbrook Farms Inc.
Host: Vic and Jim Toop
43434 Yale Road West, Chilliwack
Phone: 604.823.4112 or 604.819.2006
Contractors: West Coast Robotics, Agriline Construction, Quantum
Engineering, Fraser Valley Watersmart, Mid Valley Manufacturing,
Col Electric
3. Rosebrin Farms Ltd.
Hosts: Brad and Lisa Roseboom
44445 Sumas Central Road, Chilliwack
Phone: 604.858.8653 or 604.793.3399
Contractors: Quantum Engineering, Kloot Construction, Brad’s
Concrete, J & D Farmers Dairy Service, Artex Barn Solutions, Doppenberg
Electric, Fraser Valley Watersmart
NOTE: Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
NOTE: Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The primary driver for Beaverbrook Farms to go to a robotic milking setup
was to reduce labour costs. The extension to the drivethrough barn
incorporates elements that provide superior cow comfort and allow for
efficient cattle flow. Other features include:
• two Lely A4 Astronaut milking robots with rumination and heat detection,
as well as butterfat and protein monitoring
• 52 ' x 114 ' drivethrough barn addition by Agriline Construction
• new office, vet room, and dairy/equipment room
• buffer tank and second milk line installed for calf milk transport
• MQC II milk quality control; I-flow stall design; M4use bucket system;
automatic separation gates; two Lely Luna cow brushes
• one Lely Juno 150 feed pusher for 24/7 feed availability at fence
• one Holm & Laue Milk Taxi pasteurizer and calf feeding system
• Gravitor weigh floors; Easy Fix Max Comfort cow mats
• gates and stalls by Mid Valley Manufacturing
Rosebrin Farms has been using sand for bedding since the original barns on
this site were built ten years ago. The recently-incorporated sand settling
system allows Rosebrin to reuse 80% -- 90% of the sand at savings of $2000
-- $2500 per month. Parlour water is used to wash the sand and it is stored
after recovery in a covered building for one to two weeks. A new
engineered concrete pit with the ability to accommodate a roof was built as
part of the overall project. Other features include:
• new 220 stall barn with Artex Y2K free stalls
• stalls/scraper alleys completed with tine finish by Brad’s Concrete
• J & D Farmers Dairy Service gates/fencing; Artex headlockers
• 7XL SPI plastic bowl waterers; JOZ alley scrapers
• 20-horsepower Jamesway flush pump, agitator, and automated flush
flume/settling lane system for sand recovery
• old 250 watt lamps replaced by 75 watt LED lighting fixtures
4. Agriculture Centre of Excellence
Host: University of the Fraser Valley
45288 Petawawa Road, Chilliwack BC
Phone: 1.888.504.7441 or 604.847.5700
NOTE: Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The University of the Fraser Valley’s Agriculture Centre of Excellence at its
Chilliwack campus at Canada Education Park includes a barn, greenhouse,
and associated infrastructure constructed to LEED (Leadership Energy and
Environmental Design) standards. The Centre is available to provide
academic resources to industry, including research, industry services,
education and training. The demonstration barn incorporates individual
compartments for livestock (dairy, poultry, swine, equine) and will provide
opportunities for hands-on practical experience and research for seven
types of animal husbandry.
The University’s agriculture department employed Pacific Dairy Centre to
set up a dairy training facility which includes a custom-built fully-functional
single milking stall with the latest milk metering, cow identification and
Cow Scout activity system. The system is connected to GEA’s DairyPlan Herd
Management software for training students. Also included in this project is
a 6-foot by 20-foot Daritech EnviroDrum for composting food waste and
dairy waste material. This system includes a scaled auger mixer with a
conveyor to fill the drum.
The Dairy Industry Research and Education Committee (DIREC) is a
committee which functions under the umbrella of the BC Dairy
Association (BCDA) and includes producers as well as representatives from
the feed industry, veterinary practice and the provincial government.
DIREC’s primary objective is to facilitate, encourage and financially support
projects and programs that have been identified by BCDA to benefit the
BC dairy industry.
DIREC’s funding priorities include initiatives that support BC dairy industry
sustainability, productivity, profitability, animal health and welfare,
technological innovation, and youth and industry development. The three
primary categories for which funding is eligible are research and
education, events, and scholarships.
For further information on DIREC, please visit:
In its support of the dairy industry, the BC Ministry of Agriculture (BC AGRI)
encourages producers and industry to consider a variety of factors that
ensure the long-term viability of dairying in BC, chief among them being
economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social license.
To that end, the Ministry delivers projects and programs designed to
innovative agricultural activities that protect soil, water and air quality
improved water management practices and efficiency of use
development of sustainable by-product and nutrient management
development, promotion and evaluation of beneficial management
access to sufficient water for existing needs and to adapt to climate
responsible farm practices to enhance community and social
The incorporation of these principles in building projects and in
day-to-day farm operations is considered an essential component to the
success of dairying and agricultural production well into the future.