FRIDAY, FRID DAY, JANUARY JA 30, 2015 EYE ON THE FLEET RED SEA VOL. 26 NO. 5 WWW.CNIC.NAVY.MIL/KEYWEST NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST, FLORIDA Navy installations nationwide to conduct Solid Curtain, Citadel Shield Installations Command will conduct Exercise Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield 2015 ommander, U.S. Monday through Feb. 13 on Fleet Forces and Navy installations located in Commander, Navy the continental U.S. FROM NAS KEY WEST PUBLIC AFFAIRS C (Jan. 20, 2015) A Sailor fires an M9 service pistol during a live-fire exercise on the flight deck of the amphibious transport dock ship USS San Diego (LPD 22). San Diego is deployed in support of maritime and theater security operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Stacy Atkins inside: TAX HELP VITA office . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TRAINING OP Target audience . . . . . . 4 HOG WILD A-10s stop by . . . . . . . . 5 CSADD FAIR About families . . . . . . . 8 TOP OF PAGE ONE: A CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 163 (Reinforced) approaches USS San Diego (LPD 22) for a landing. The drill at NAS Key West will involve an active shooter scenario Tuesday morning at Naval Branch Health Clinic Key West, located on South Roosevelt, south of the Triangle. The exer- the drill. The annual SC-CS15 is an cise is scheduled to begin about 9 a.m. and motorists anti-terrorism force protecare encouraged to use other tion exercise designed to traffic routes as traffic may be disrupted at the start of see CITADEL SHIELD page 5 SPEAK UP NAS Key West gears up for Military Saves FROM NAS KEY WEST PUBLIC AFFAIRS T he push is on to promote effective and responsible savings behavior and to provide an avenue for Sailors to assess their own saving status through the Military Saves program. Naval Air Station Key West’s Fleet and Family Support Center will promote Military Saves Week, set for Feb. 23 - 28. A number of events are scheduled for the annual program. On Feb. 12 Keys Federal Credit Union and FFSC staff will lead a discussion on ways to save. The program runs from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Beach Patio on Truman Annex. The Military Saves Week Proclamation signing is 9:30 a.m. Feb. 20 in the command see MILITARY SAVES page 4 U.S. Navy photo by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales C SCS Sheldon Willis, left and BMCM Johnny Ford lead a discussion with Naval Air Station Key West Sailors during Bystander Intervention Training Wednesday at Boca Chica Field. The training team, from the Center of Personal and Professional Development in Mayport, Florida, gave presentations Tuesday to enlisted Sailors. February marks African-American History Month FROM NAS KEY WEST PUBLIC AFFAIRS I t has been 100 years since noted AfricanAmerican author and scholar Carter Woodson established the Association for the Study of AfricanAmerican Life and History. His purpose was to recognize and draw attention to the accomplishments of African-Americans. He created the association believing that histori- cal facts would negate falsehoods and foster a new era of equality, opportunity and racial democracy. Those efforts are reflected in the 2015 theme for February’s African-American History Month: “A Century of Black Life, History and Culture.” It was also Woodson who conceived a week-long observance in 1926 that was known as “Negro History Week.” He chose a week in see FEBRUARY page 2 2 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 Super Bowl I Jan. 30 1862 - The first U.S. Navy ironclad warship, USS Monitor, is launched. Jan. 31 1981 - The era of Enlisted Naval Aviators comes to a close when the last enlisted pilot retires. Feb. 1 2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates and is lost with all astronauts during its re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. Feb. 2 1848 - The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the MexicanAmerican War. Feb. 3 1917 - President Woodrow Wilson severs diplomatic relations with Germany after the country reintroduces the policy of unrestricted U-boat warfare. t is Super Bowl weekend! New England and Seattle will compete for the championship title and their fans will be cheering them on and everyone else will be watching Clydesdales and puppies and all the other commercials filling the $9 million-aminute airwaves. I like rivalries and all the fun that comes with them. My college alma mater is part of the most played football rivalry: Lehigh vs. Lafayette. These two schools played their 150th game against each other this past fall. This rivalry is pretty intense in my family since I am a Lehigh graduate and my father is a Lafayette graduate. If you are part of a “house divided” you know of the fun bantering that comes along with that. Despite the obnoxious jabs before and during the game, in the end we come back together and celebrate the rivalry itself. One of the things I remember most in college during football season was how every year the school hosting the game would invite the visiting team and fans to post-game parties. There are all kinds of rivalries in February continued from page 1 Feb. 4 1942 - While the battle for Bataan rages, USS Trout (SS 202) loads 20 tons of gold bars and 18 tons of silver coins as ballast to replace the weight of ammunition delivered to U.S. and Philippine forces in Manila. Feb. 5 1971 - Apollo 14 astronauts Capt. Alan Shepard Jr. and Cmdr. Edgar Mitchell become the fifth and sixth humans to walk on the moon. February because two key figures in African-American history, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas, had birthdays during the month. Fifty years later in 1976, the week became a month-long celebration and that continues to be celebrated in February. Naval Air Station Key West’s Multicultural Heritage Committee will present a program and luncheon during February as part of the installation’s observance of African-American History Month. our lives and most often they are with the ones closest to us either geographically or in terms of what we do. Who has the better pilots and mariners, the Coast Guard or the Navy? The answer is obvious! (I just had to throw that in there.) What is good about rivalries is that they encourage us to do better, work harder CHAPLAIN'S and raise the bar. CORNER They increase our pride in what we do and who we are, but that should never be at the expense of the other. Because CG Sector Key West rivalries are most Chaplain often with those Lt. closest to us in Peter Dietz location or occupation we should also want to see them do well, too. They are our neighbors! And isn’t it more fun and exciting when the winloss ratio between the rivalries is closer to 50-50? Frederick Buechner wrote this in his book “Beyond Words:” “Jesus said that the one supreme law is that we are to love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls and our neighbors as ourselves. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets,” is the way he put it (Matthew 22:40), meaning that all lesser laws are to be judged on the basis of that supreme one. In any given situation, the lesser law is to be obeyed if it is consistent with the law of love and superseded if it isn’t. “The law against working on the Sabbath is an example found in the Gospels. If it is a question of whether or not you should perform the work of healing people on the Sabbath, Jesus’ answer is clear. Of course you should heal them is his answer. Obviously healing rather than preserving your own personal piety is what the law of love would have you do. Therefore you put the lesser law aside.” I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys a great football game. Even more so, I hope you all remember the paramount obligations we have to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. A little rivalry is good for everyone, keeping in mind that the goal is for everyone to be a little bit better. You are all welcome to grow in your spiritual journey and join the community at Truman Annex Chapel every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. For spiritual care and interesting theological conversations, contact your chaplains - Navy Lt. Ethan Everts, (305) 293-2318, or Coast Guard Lt. Peter Dietz, (305) 2928788. Southernmost Flyer COMMANDING OFFICER Capt. Steven P. McAlearney EXECUTIVE OFFICER Cmdr. Pornchai Davidson PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Trice Denny EDITOR Jolene Scholl STAFF MC1 Brian Morales This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military service and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval Air Station Key West or Cooke Communications of the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of Naval Air Station Key West, Florida. The sale of Southernmost Flyer advertising and printing of the newspaper is performed by Cooke Communications, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval Air Station Key West. Additional copy and photographs provided by the readers of the Southernmost Flyer should be addressed to: Editor, Southernmost Flyer, Public Affairs Office, Naval Air Station, Box 9001, Key West, FL 33040-9001. Copy can also be e-mailed to Telephone (305) 293-2027/2434. DSN 483-2027/2434. Deadline for all editorial copy is 4 p.m. the Friday preceding publication. All articles must be submitted on disk in text format, written in upper/lower case style. Advertisements are solicited by Cooke Communications and queries concerning such should be directed to: Cooke Communications, 3420 Northside Dr., Key West, FL 33041. Telephone: (305) 292-7777 January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 3 TAX HELP This Just In… BBC yard sale Balfour Beatty Communities’ Community Yard Sale is from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday on Sigsbee Park. Call (305) 292-5590 for more information. Marriage workshop planned Naval Air Station Key West Religious Ministries Department and Fleet and Family Support Center host “Couples Connect” communications workshop from 6 - 7:30 p.m., Feb. 19 at the FFSC on Sigsbee Park. The registration deadline is Feb. 13. For more information or to register, call Chaplain Lt. Ethan Everts, (305) 293-2318, or Juan Martinez, FFSC, (305) 293-2766. Child care is available at the Child Development Center. Preregistration is required; call (305) 293-4498. Boating class set U.S. Navy photo by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales N aval Air Station Key West Executive Officer Cmdr. Pornchai Davidson cuts the ceremonial ribbon at the Jan. 22 opening of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance office at Bldg. A-515, Boca Chica Field. A second office is open at Fleet and Family Support Center, Sigsbee Park. VITA personnel are available to assist active and retired military members as they prepare their tax forms. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 13-3, Big Pine Key, is offering a Boating Skills and Seamanship class from Feb. 23 - March 11. The program meets two nights each week from 7 - 9:30 p.m. in the second floor meeting room of Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire Department, 17175 Overseas Highway. The cost of the program is $55 per person, including materials, and $80 per couple with shared materials. To register contact Diane Adam, (305) 872-4071, email, or Bob Eichholtz, (305) 872-7505, email Purple Up project for military children Sigsbee Charter School plans to celebrate April’s Month of the Military Child with a “Purple Up Video.” The school is seeking videos with messages recognizing military children and the sacrifices they make as their parents serve. Participants in the videos are asked to wear purple, the color chosen for this project. Job Title: Patrolman Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska Prior Duty Stations: Great Lakes, Illinois; Lackland Air Force Base, Texas see THIS JUST IN page 10 Hobbies: Fly-fishing, fishing and hunting. Most Interesting Experience: Hand-feeding a mountain lion during an internship at a rehab center. R ON S OLOMON , L AWYER MASN Aldric Meints 509 W HITEHEAD S TREET , S UITE 3 K EY W EST , F LORIDA 33040 tel: 305.517.6466 • fax: 305.509.7669 401811 Future Plans: Finish criminal justice degree and get qualified. Personal Injury Law 4 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 THIS JOB BITES BBC News Upcoming Life Works Events Community Yard Sale Saturday, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Call the office for more information. The following LifeWorks programs are open to BBC residents only: Pilates Monday, 9 - 9:45 a.m., Trumbo. Sewing and Quilting Monday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Dewey House, 1101B Dewey Road. RSVP by emailing or calling (305) 292-5590. Zumba Thursday, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m., Sigsbee Community Center. Sewing and Quilting Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Dewey House, 1101B Dewey Road. RSVP by emailing or calling (305) 292-5590. Contact us Office Number: (305) 292-5590 Service Request Number: (305) 292-5596 Office hours of operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday Tuesday, Thursday - Friday; 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday; and 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday. HARPOON HARRY’S 832 Caroline St. Key West (305) 294-8744 Open Daily 6:30 am - 9:30 pm DINNER SPECIALS $9.95 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY BAKED MEATLOAF BBQ RIBS ROAST TURKEY POT ROAST GRILLED GROUPER GRILLED STEAK CHICKEN & WAFFLES SLIDERS: Chicken, Cuban Mix, Grilled Cheese, Hamburgers $2 Grouper $3 $2 $2 $2 ** 10% Military Discount** 401810 French Fries Onion Rings Caesar Salad Military Saves continued from page 1 conference room, Bldg. A-324, Boca Chica Field. FFSC will have a display at Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Kids’ Fun Day, 2 - 5 p.m., Feb. 21, at Sigsbee Park. FFSC hosts a Bingo night from 6 - 8 p.m., Feb. 25, at Sigsbee Community Center. The CDC will provide child care from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.; please call (305) 293-4498 for more information on child care. The annual Military Saves Fair 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Feb. 27 in the parking lot of Bldg. A-350, Boca Chica Field. The fair will U.S. Navy photo by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales J udge Advocate General Lt. Emily Daniels acts as a decoy for Military Working Dog Dolly during a training exercise at Boca Chica Field Jan. 22. Military working dogs train with volunteer decoys to prepare for real-time scenarios in apprehending suspects. Military Saves is part is a part of America Saves, have food, prizes and Keys and to convince leaders and Federal Credit Union’s organizations to promote of the DOD’s Financial the larger nationwide camReadiness Campaign and paign for all Americans. money booth, which is automatic savings. open to active duty military and civilians. For more information on the local Military Saves programs, call Vinnie Corsano, FFSC personal financial manager, (305) 293-4409, or email vincent.corsano.ctr@ Sailors are encouraged to visit the www.militarysaves. org website to learn about savings tips and available programs to help them set and then meet financial goals. Military Saves is a campaign to persuade and motivate military families to save money every month, January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 5 HOG WILD This week at FFSC Transition Assistance Management (TAP) Workshop Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bldg. A-515, Boca Chica Field This five-day workshop provides the most current information and referral services to exiting military members and their spouse. Topics offered include individual skills assessment, career research, understanding the civilian workplace, the job search, interviewing techniques and veteran benefits. Contact your career counselor to register. IA Family Workshop Wednesday, 5:30 - 7 p.m., FFSC Meet and catch up with other IA families in the area. Explore some of the unique challenges faced by IA and deployment families. The time together helps make connections with other families facing similar issues. Fleet and Family Support Center’s hours of operation are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday. FFSC offers many services including deployment support and professional counseling. For more information or to request services, call (305) 293-4408 or visit the center at 804 Sigsbee Rd., Sigsbee Park. U.S. Navy photo by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales F our A-10 Thunderbolt IIs assigned to the 104th Fighter Squadron of the Maryland Air National Guard prepare to depart Naval Air Station Key West’s Boca Chica Field Tuesday. The A-10s, also known as “Warthogs,” arrived Jan. 25 during a weekend cross-country training exercise and headed to their home station in Baltimore. Citadel Shield continued from page 1 FEB Keys Federal Credit Union booth 12 Keys Federal Credit Union & FFSC will be at Beach Patio to kick off Military Saves Week – talking about ways to save! 11 am – 1 pm FEB Proclamation Signing 20 NAS Key West’s Commanding Officer Steve McAlearney will be signing in the CO Conference Room at 9:30 am FEB MWR’s Kids Fun Day 21 Stop by the Fleet & Family Support Center booth on Sigsbee Park from 2 – 5 pm FEB Bingo Night at Sigsbee Community Center 25 Tons of prizes, snacks & fun from 6 – 8 pm CDC Child Care Provided 5:30 – 8:30 pm (305) 293-4498 FEB Military Saves Fair 27 Food, Prizes & Money Booth from 11 a.m. – 1 pm Chief’s Mess Parking Lot on NAS Key West All events are open to All Hands For more information call the Fleet & Family Support Center at (305) 293-4409 train Navy Security Forces to respond to threats to installations and units. “This is the largest force protection exercise conducted across the Department of Defense and the value of training events like this cannot be underestimated,” said William Clark, CNIC’s exercise program manager. “This exercise enhances the training and readiness of our security personnel and first responders. Additionally, it creates an integrated learning environment for installation and afloat personnel to exercise functional plans and operational capabili- ties,” he added. Exercise SC-CS15 is not in response to any specific threat, but is a regularly scheduled exercise. The exercise will consist of roughly 130 simultaneous field training exercise attacks across the country, each designed to test different regional ATFP operations. “Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield 2015 provides an opportunity to assess the Navy’s ability to respond to and recover from a broad spectrum of antiterrorism threats,” said Capt. Greg Sandway, USFF ATFP exercise director. “One of the key components of the exercise is to improve our ability to protect our Navy equities, but this exercise also enables us to integrate with the emergency responders from the various local communities and establish coordinated response and recovery procedures that are mutually beneficial,” said Sandway. Measures have been taken to minimize disruptions to normal base operations, but there may be times when the exercise causes increased traffic around bases or delays in base access. Residents near bases may also see increased security activity associated with the exercise. Informational updates will be posted to the NAS Key West Facebook fan page and base personnel will receive AtHoc alerts to keep updated on force protection conditions and other emergency, environmental or exercise-related impacts on the area. 398964 6 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 MWR Update Kids Fun Day MWR’s Annual Kids Fun Day is 2 - 5 p.m., Feb. 21, at Sigsbee Park. The carnival is the featured activity with a Ferris wheel, large slide, merry-go-round, kiddie rollercoaster, carnival games and food. Other attractions are inflatable games and rides, face painting and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Animal Farm. The event sponsors are USAA, University of Phoenix, Waste Management, Fury Water Adventures, Sparkling Ice, Navy League Key West Council, Military Affairs Committee and the Chief Petty Officers Association. Sponsorship of this event does not imply federal endorsement of product or service. For more information call (305) 293-2682. Babysitting break MWR’s Child Development Center is offering parents at NAS Key West a break with child care. The cost is $4 per child per hour. Pre-registration is required; Immunization records are required. The registration deadline is 5 p.m. two days before the service. There is a cancellation policy: Parents must cancel before 8 a.m. on the day of child care to avoid paying for reserved time. Contact the CDC at (305) 293-4498 for additional information. Sitting times and dates are 6 - 10 p.m., Feb. 13; 6 - 8 p.m. Feb. 19 (supporting Couples Connect program); 6 p.m. midnight Feb. 21; and 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Feb. 25 (supporting Bingo Night). MWR survey MWR wants your feedback! Take the “Voice Your Choice” customer community activities survey. What programs and activities do you enjoy? What would you like to see added? Take five - seven minutes to complete the survey at Those who complete the survey have a chance to win a family four-pack of movie tickets to the Regal Cinema in Key West. Winners are selected Friday. For more Captain’s Cup Golf information, call (305) 293NAS Key West’s Captain’s 2503 or email mwrnaskw@ Cup Golf season starts March 6; rosters are due Feb. 20. Games are played Family movies every Friday at 11 a.m. at the Key West Golf Club and the Join MWR for Family cost each week is $31 per Movie Night on the second person. To earn Captain’s and fourth Friday of every Cup points, teams may only month. The feature film have one non-active mem- begins at 6:30 p.m. at the ber. Awards are given for Sigsbee Community Center. first and second place. For For more details call (305) information or to submit 293-2503. The Feb. 13 movie a roster, contact Robin at is “Big Hero 6” (PG) and the or Feb. 27 movie is “Kung Fu call (305) 797-7791 or (305) Panda” (PG). 293-2480. 398887 tion, call ITT at (305) 293- at the park and tickets must 4173. be used by the same person. For more information, call the ITT Office at (305) 293Pig roast, potluck 4173. Join MWR for the annual Pig Roast Potluck Style Free movies at 4 p.m., Feb. 7, at the Sigsbee Community Center. Free movies are shown MWR will provide the pig, each Saturday at 1 p.m. coleslaw, rolls and butter. and 6 p.m. at Beach Patio Patrons are asked to bring Recreation Center on a dish to share; register by Truman Annex. Popcorn Saturday at the Sigsbee and snacks are sold during Community Center/ the show. For more inforCampground Office. For mation, call (305) 293-5282. more information, call (305) The schedule: 293-4432. • Saturday - “The Best of Me” (PG-13) at 1 p.m. • Saturday - “Dracula Now hiring Untold” (PG-13) at 6 p.m. MWR and Navy Gateway • Feb. 7 - “Ouija” (PG-13) at 1 p.m. Inns and Suites are continuously seeking qualified and • Feb. 7 - “Birdman” (R) at 6 p.m. professional employees to work at a number of facili- • Feb. 14 - Beyond The Lights” (PG-13) at 1 p.m. ties and programs aboard NAS Key West. Currently • Feb. 14 - “Gone Girl” (R) at 6 p.m. MWR is looking for a cook at two different locations • Feb. 21 - “The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part and a bartender. For a full 1” (PG-13) at 1 p.m. and listing of vacancies, or to 6 p.m. receive an application via email, contact kwmwrhr@ • Feb. 28 - “St. Vincent” (PG-13) at 1 p.m. For more information, call (305) 293-2518. • Feb. 28 - “Horrible Bosses” (R) at 6 p.m. Circus tickets Disney tickets The Walker Brothers Circus is coming to Key West through Sunday at the Truman Waterfront. Show times are Friday - 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., Saturday - 3 and 5:30 p.m., and Sunday - 2 and 4:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the ITT office, Sigsbee Park. Military Family Tickets for two adults and two children are $20. The ITT office also has free children’s tickets for families with more than two children - just ask for a voucher. For more informa- The ITT Office on Sigsbee Park is offering the 2015 Disney Armed Forces Salute tickets: 4-day ticket with Park Hopper option for only $173.75. Tickets are available now through Sept. 30, 2015. All military and their spouses, Coast Guard and active members of the National Guard or Reservists can purchase up to six tickets for friends and family. Black-out dates are March 29 - April 9. Tickets must be activated by military personnel or a spouse Trumbo Pool hours The Trumbo Pool is open Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sundays from noon - 5 p.m. For more information, call (305) 2934324. Sigsbee Marina hours The Sigsbee Marina’s winter hours are 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. until March 1. The Sigsbee Marina has added a number of new paddle boards and kayaks to their fleet. Patrons can also rent fishing gear, snorkeling gear, and center console or skiff boats. For additional information contact the marina at (305) 293-4434. Liberty activities The Liberty Single Sailor Program is open to all single or unaccompanied active duty military personnel E-6 and below. Visit us on Facebook at “MWR Liberty Key West” and request to be added to the closed Liberty Group. For additional information email or call (305) 293-2682 or (305) 797-4468. Saturday - Dolphin Mall Trip, Dave & Busters Trip, $10. Miami Heat tickets MWR is selling Miami Heat basketball tickets for the 2014-2015 season. Tickets for the following games are in section 102. Liberty tickets, for registered single or unaccompanied Sailors E-6 and below, are $85. All-hands tickets are $90. • Feb. 21 - New Orleans Pelicans • Feb. 28 - Atlanta Hawks • March 7 - Sacramento Kings • March 29 - Detroit Pistons • April 11 - Toronto Raptors MWR rentals Need a canopy? How about tables and chairs? A stage? MWR has the following items available for rent: 20-by-20 canopies, 20-by-40 canopies, 10-by-10 pop-up canopies and a 15-by-15 see MWR page 7 January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 7 continued from page 6 stage canopy. Also available are 6-foot tables, chairs, a 6-by-16 stage and bunting. Rental prices are based on daily rates, on-base only. Prices include set up and break down. For more information, call Leroy Jackson at (305) 797-1275. Social media Here’s how to get more information on MWR activities and events: • Weekly Activities Sheet - sent via email; request to be added by emailing • Official website: www. • MWR website: www. • Like us on Facebook NAS Key West MWR • Follow us on Twitter NAS Key West MWR Sigsbee Park offers entertainment as well as drink specials and an updated menu. Every Wednesday the Southernmost Magnolia Cajun Band will perform from 6 - 9 p.m. On Friday come see DJ Gunz from 6 9 p.m. and every Saturday enjoy Muse Gurus from 6 - 9 p.m. The Sunset Lounge bar is open Wednesday Sunday 4 - 10 p.m. and the kitchen is open 4 - 9 p.m. Beach Patio Located on Truman Annex, Beach Patio Recreation Center is located next to the Truman Beach and is a prime location for special events under the new pavilion. Rent snorkel gear, beach chairs, grills, coolers and have lunch at the Beachside Grill. The facility includes internet access, a gaming center, arcade games, a mini movie theater and more. Hours are Sunday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Friday and Youth Center Saturday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. For The MWR Youth Center additional information, call on Sigsbee Park serves (305) 293-5282. dependents of active duty, retired military, Reservists Navigator’s grill and DOD civilians ages 10 18. The facility is open after Located at the Boca Chica school Monday - Thursday Marina, Navigator’s Bar and until 8 p.m., Friday after Grill is a full-service bar with school until 9 p.m. and food available for lunch and Saturday from 1 - 9 p.m. dinner. There is seating For information on how to indoors and on the beach. register your child call (305) The bar is open Monday 293-4437. Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., The Youth Center also has and Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.; a closed Facebook group the grill is open Monday online for children and par- Saturday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., ents to join - NAS Key West and Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Youth Center. A request For more information or to must be submitted to be find out the daily specials, invited into the group. call (305) 293-2468. volleyball Saturdays at 11 a.m. open basketball For more information, email bocachicagym@, look for the gym on Facebook - NAS Key West MWR, or call (305) 293-2480. Beach Yoga Take your practice outside on the last Sunday of every month starting Sunday. Join the Boca Chica Fitness staff at the Boca Chica Marina Beach for a 10 a.m. class. Bring your own mat and towel - all levels welcome. For more information call (305) 293-2480 or email bocachicagym@ Runway Grill The Runway Grill offers fresh healthy concepts on its menu. Choose from a wide selection of a healthy wraps or sandwiches; prices range from $3.50 - $7.50. The Runway Grill opens at 11 a.m. Monday - Friday. Please use the side door on the deck to enter. For more information call (305) 2932116. New fitness classes Beach Yoga - Take your practice outside on the last Sunday of every month. Join the Boca Chica Fitness staff at the Boca Chica Marina Beach for a 10 a.m. class. Bring your own mat and towel - all levels welcome. Paddleboard - Explore the water off Boca Chica and learn basic paddling techniques. Paddleboard classes are every other Friday. The next class is Jan. 30. Class is Sunset Lounge Boca Chica gym from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. at the The Sunset Lounge on Fridays at 5 p.m. - open Boca Chica Marina. Register 24 hours before class at the Boca Chica Fitness Center or call (305) 293-2480 to reserve a board. Boot camp - Challenge yourself by exercising outof-doors using your own body weight, tires, pull-up bars and more. Join the group every Thursday from 6 - 7 a.m. starting Thursday at the Boca Chica Fitness track. For more information call (305) 293-2480 or email bocachicagym@ Cardio kickboxing Punch and kick your way to a leaner, healthier you. This cardio class will improve endurance and burn fat. Classes start Saturday and then meet on Mondays 5:15 - 6:05 p.m. at the Boca Chica Fitness Center. For more information call (305) 293-2480 or email Yoga (Sigsbee Community (Sigsbee Community Center) Center) • 6:15 - 7 p.m. - Cycling • 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. - Pump (Sigsbee Community (Boca Chica Cycling Center) Studio) • 6:15 - 7 p.m. - Cycling (Boca Chica Cycling Wednesday Studio) • 7 - 8 a.m. - PRT Prep (Boca Chica Fitness Center) Friday active duty only 9:30 a.m. • 11 - Noon - Yogalates • 8:30 Paddleboard (Boca Chica (Boca Chica Fitness Marina); every other Center) Friday Starting Jan. 16 • 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. – Kick ‘n Core (Boca Chica Fitness • 10 - 11 a.m. - Kick’n Core (Boca Chica Fitness Center) Center) • 6:15 - 7 p.m. - Ball Flow (Boca Chica Fitness Saturday Center) • 9 - 10 a.m. - Xtreme Circuit (Boca Chica Thursday Fitness Center) • 6 - 7 a.m. - Boot Camp (Boca Chica Track) • 9:30 - 10 a.m. - Core Sunday and Stretch (Boca Chica • 10 - 11 a.m. - Beach Yoga (Boca Chica Marina); last Fitness Center) Sunday of the month. • 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Gentle Fitness schedule Monday • 7-7:45 a.m. - Cycling (Boca Chica Cycling Studio) • 11 - 11:30 a.m. - Step Xpress (Boca Chica Fitness Center) • 11:30 - Noon - Core and Stretch (Boca Chica Fitness Center) • 5:15 - 6:05 p.m. - Cardio Kickboxing (Boca Chica Fitness Center) • 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. - Yogalates (Boca Chica Fitness Center) Tuesday • 10 - 11 a.m. - Xtreme Circuit (Boca Chica Fitness Center) • 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Gentle Yoga (Sigsbee Community Center) • 5:15 - 6 p.m. - TRX (Boca Chica Fitness Center) • 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. - Pump Lic. #MM30205 398830 MWR 8 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 CSADD hosts family planning fair STORY AND PHOTOS BY MC1 (SW/AW) BRIAN MORALES Southernmost Flyer Fleet and Family Support Center’s David Patrocky finishes his brief on financial planning to Sailors and civilians during the Southernmost Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions’ family planning fair at Boca Chica Field. T he Southernmost Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions organized a family planning fair Jan. 22 on Boca Chica Field. The fair offered a one-stop shop of information and resources provided by Fleet and Family Support Center, Naval Branch Health Clinic Key West, Child Development Center, Naval Air Station Key West’s School Liaison Officer, ombudsmen and Morale, Welfare and Recreation. “We wanted to get information out there for the families that they didn’t know existed,” said CSADD President HM2 Samuel Hart. Presenters briefed attendees on parenting and healthy families, financial family planning, ombudsman services, health benefits, partnership and education opportunities, Child Development Center and Youth Center services and MWR programs. During the parenting and healthy families brief, CSADD Secretary AE3 Nicole Ciulla and CSADD member AZ3 Troy Long acted out a small play narrated by FFSC’s Ginny Prior. Prior presented the play to emphasize the importance of communication within a relationship. “It felt rewarding to be involved in a skit that was funny and informative about communication in our relationships,” said Ciulla. “Sailors and dependents were able to see how men and women can take the same situation and have completely different thought processes. I hope they are able to take the message from the play and apply it in their own lives.” The family planning fair was the organization’s first event of the year; members plan on assisting in February’s Military Saves. “I would like us as CSADD to place more emphasis on Sailors making constructive decisions,” said Hart. “I want our common goal to have a positive impact, whether it is strengthening our military families, mentoring the youth at Sigsbee Park or quarterly volunteer opportunities within the community. We are going to have a positive impact for the base and the community.” AE3 Nicole Ciulla, left, and AZ3 Troy Long act out a small play narrated by Fleet and Family Support Center’s Ginny Prior. Prior promoted parenting and healthy families by demonstrating the importance of communication through the play. The Southernmost CSADD organized its first event of the year after recently electing new officers and restructuring as a non-federal entity. January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 9 Sub service now open to enlisted women FROM SUBMARINE FORCE ATLANTIC PUBLIC AFFAIRS F ollowing the successful integration of female officers onboard submarines, the Submarine Force will be immediately opening service on submarines for enlisted female Sailors. The Chief of Naval Operations detailed the enlisted women integration plan in Naval Administrative message 19/15 entitled, “Opening Submarine Force Billets to Enlisted Women.” The plan was formally approved in December 2014 for federal funding by Congress. With Congressional approval, Vice Adm. Michael Connor, commander, Submarine Forces, can begin implementing the plan which was first submitted and approved by CNO, June 30, 2014, and Secretary of the Navy, July 1, 2014. The plan includes opening all submarine ratings and Navy enlisted classification codes to enlisted women in Fiscal Year 2015 for a two-phase integration onboard the Ohio-class ballisticmissile submarines and Ohioclass guided-missile submarines, and the Virginia-class attack submarines. “We are the most capable submarine force in the world,” said Connor. “While we have superb technology, the ultimate key to our success is our people. In order to continue to improve and adapt in a rapidly changing world, we need to ensure that we continue to recruit and retain the most talented Sailors. “Today, many of the people who have the technical and leadership see SUB SERVICE page 16 10 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 BUNDLE UP Navy decommissions frigate Rodney M. Davis FROM NAVY PUBLIC AFFAIRS ny is meant to pay respect to the ship and the Sailors SUPPORT ELEMENT who have served in her DET. NORTHWEST S ailors and guests bade farewell to the Oliver Hazard Perryclass guided-missile frigate USS Rodney M. Davis (FFG 60) as the ship concluded 28 years of naval service during a decommissioning ceremony on Naval Station Everett, Washington. Retired Cmdr. Craig R. Heckert, the first commanding officer of Rodney Davis and several former crew members and plank owners also attended the Jan 23 ceremony. The decommissioning ceremony, a time-honored naval tradition, retires a ship from service through a variety of ceremonial observances, including the department heads’ final reports, lowering of the ship’s commissioning pennant and Sailors walking off the ship while a bugler plays “Taps.” The ceremo- over decades of honorable service. Rodney M. Davis was assigned to Destroyer Squadron 9. In December, the ship returned from her last deployment to the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. During the sixmonth deployment, the ship and crew of more than 200 Sailors conducted presence operations and theater security cooperation with partner nations in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Rodney M. Davis was commissioned May 9, 1987, at Naval Station Long Beach as the 54th Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate. She was named for Marine Sgt. Rodney M. Davis, who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism in the Vietnam War. Rodney M. Davis is scheduled to be transferred for dismantlement March 31. U.S. Navy photo by ACC Chris Ollinger N aval Air Station Key West Sailors load 4,500 pounds of information technology property Monday bound for disposition through the Defense Reutilization Marketing Offices. The IT project, led by Deisse Walton, was completed with the assistance of ABH1 Josh Woolley, ABH2 Ronald Lewis, AC2 Justin Wiser, AC2 John Ammons, AC3 Rafael Geraldino-Fernandez, ABH3 Dale Washam, ET3 Elise Velasquez, and ET3 Joseph Treadway. This just in continued from page 3 Recordings can be emailed to elisa.jannes@ or dropped off at the Sigsbee Charter School main office. The deadline is March 27. The videos will be compiled for presentation at a program for military children. For more information, contact Naval Air Station Key West School Liaison Officer Yolanda Eldred, (786) 6917187. SMF digital delivery Available now: Free home delivery of a digital copy of Naval Air Station Key West’s weekly “Southernmost Flyer.” Send your name and email address to and your information will be added to the SMF distribution list. WWW.CNIC.NAVY.MIL/ KEYWEST NAS Classifieds ted to working with the military, their families and retirees. Please visit the posting at for more information or to apply. The Navy Exchange and Navy Lodge want you - to serve our military and grow your career! Full time (35-40 hours) and flex time (20 hours) positions are available: NEX customer service; and Navy Lodge front desk and housekeeping attendant. Excellent benefits. Prospective employees must pass a background check and have open availability to qualify. Go to www.NavyExchange. jobs for details. NAS KEY WEST CLASSIFIEDS are free for active-duty and retired personnel, their families and civilian FOR RENT base employees only. Deadline for For military only (E9-above) - spa- submissions is noon the Tuesday cious unit at Trumbo Point Annex; prior to that Friday’s issue. Make 2,300 square feet, 4BR/2½ BA; submissions to the NAS Key West separate den. Community amenities Public Affairs Office by email, jolene. include tennis courts and two play-; mail, P.O. Box 9001, grounds. Call BBC at (305) 292-5590. Key West, FL 33040-9001; or fax submissions to (305) 293-2627. Unless HELP WANTED otherwise directed, ads will run for Social work position is open at four issues. Name and phone number Naval Air Station Key West Fleet must accompany all requests in order and Family Support Center, Sigsbee for them to be considered for publicaPark. Looking for a professional, tion. For more information, call (305) team player and someone commit- 293-2425. FOR SALE RV for sale, 1994, 32.5 Jayco 5th Wheel, very good condition. Lots of extras. $5,500. Call (501) 250-7432. Furniture: Three piece bar/tavern set, $200; grandfather clock, $600; king-size bedroom set w/mattress, box spring, dresser and two end tables, $800; hand-painted breakfront, $400; Verizon Motorola Droid Razr Maxx,$150; Ethan Allen antique pine furniture, $200. Items can be viewed on Key West Craigslist. Call (305) 453-6161. 2003 Cedar Creek 5th wheel camper, model M-304LBS. Excellent condition. Asking $10,000. Call (774) 264-0415. Located on Big Coppitt. January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 11 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS 000 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS 010....................................Public Notices 020............................Volunteers Wanted 030...............................................Travel 040.........................................Personals 050....................................Lost & Found 060..........................................Pets Found 100 SERVICES 110..............................Child/Adult Care 112...................................Money To Lend 120............................Private Instruction 130................................Mortgage Broker 200 EMPLOYMENT 210........................................Jobs Wanted 220...............Help Wanted Lower Keys 010 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS In case of errors, please check your ad the first day it appears. In the event of an error, we are responsible for the first incorrect insertion of an ad. The Citizen does not assume responsibility for any reason beyond the cost of the ad itself. CANCELLATIONS All word ad rates are placement fees and non-refundable (for frequency days canceled). Ads may be removed from publication with placement fee remaining. CHANGES Once an ad has been placed only acceptable minor changes can be made to the ad. 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS FINANCE ASSISTANT (HIDTA) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE High school diploma or its equivalent; candidate should have college education in the area of finance, accounting, or general business with some experience in automated payroll. 230..............Help Wanted Middle Keys 240.................Help Wanted Upper Keys 400 MERCHANDISE 402.......................................Roommates 404............................Rooms Lower Keys 406..........................Rooms Middle Keys 408............................Rooms Upper Keys 410...............Mobile Homes Lower Keys 412.............Mobile Homes Middle Keys 414...............Mobile Homes Upper Keys 416........Furnished Condos Lower Keys 417....Unfurnished Condos Lower Keys 418........................Condos Middle Keys 420..........................Condos Upper Keys 422............Furnished Apts. Lower Keys 424...........Furnished Apts. Middle Keys 426............Furnished Apts. Upper Keys 428................Unfurn. Apts. Lower Keys 430...............Unfurn. Apts. Middle Keys 432................Unfurn. Apts. Upper Keys 434.................Furn. Houses Lower Keys 436................Furn. Houses Middle Keys 438................Furn.. Houses Upper Keys 440.............Unfurn. Houses Lower Keys 300 RENTALS 305......................................................Pets 310..................................Sporting Goods 315...............................................Bicycles 320..............................Household Goods 321...........................................Furniture 325...................................Miscellaneous 327...............................................Jewelry 329.....................................Yard Sale Map 330.......................Yard Sales Lower Keys 331.....................Yard Sales Middle Keys 332.......................Yard Sales Upper Keys 335...........................................Antiques 337....................................................Art 338...............................................Fine Art 340.........................Musical Instruments 345.........................................Appliances 350...............................Office Equipment 351.........................................Electronics 355....................................Wanted to Buy 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS Must be detail oriented, organized and exhibit a high degree of accuracy. Work includes coding of invoices, obtaining required approvals, match invoices with PO's and other required documentation. Verifies supporting details for each transactions appropriate for audit trail, data entry, processing check runs, contacting vendors, and other duties. This job requires a thorough understanding of payroll processing practices and must be performed accurately and with attention to dealing with calculations and numbers. Ability to use microcomputer applications to complete the functions. Applicants must fill out the MCSO online pre application at Please email resumes to knowledge of accounting practices. Candidate must possess considerable experience in administrative/ secretarial duties. This work includes financial and other data entry, scanning, copying, screening, answering multiple phone lines, mail duties, routing telephone calls, filing, check distribution, drafting routine correspondence and may involve activities such as research, special administrative projects as assigned by the Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director, and/or Finance Coordinator. The job requires initiative in following actions through to completion, meeting deadlines, adhering to established policies and procedures. Starting salary is $32,636.00. Applicants must fill out the Monroe County Sheriff Office online application and send resume to or fax to (305) 292-7159. Contact Charles Slebodnick at the Monroe County Sheriff's Office at (305) 292-7044. EEO/AAP EOE/AAP. The starting salary for this position is $ 34,675.00. FINANCE ASSISTANT 1RECEPTION A high School diploma is required with basic 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS FINANCE ASSISTANT II-BONDS The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is seeking a candidate for Finance Assistant II. AA Degree in Accounting or High School and experience equivalent to AA Degree required. Minimum year's experience in office environment where skills and understanding of record keeping and data entry were acquired. Work includes processing and maintaining variety of financial documents, bonds, processing invoices, bank deposits, posting records, prepare billings, journal entries, reconciling bank statements, etc. Ability to use micro computer applications needed. Starting salary is $34,675.00. Candidates must complete the MCSO online pre-application at Submit resumes to Charles Slebodnick at or fax to (305) 292-7159. Contact HR at (305) 292-7044, for additional information. EOE/AAP 442...........Unfurn. Houses Middle Keys 444.............Unfurn. Houses Upper Keys 446..............Wanted To Rent Lower Keys 448............Wanted To Rent Middle Keys 450..............Wanted To Rent Upper Keys 451.....................Mobile Home/RV Sites 452............Vacation Rentals Lower Keys 454..........Vacation Rentals Middle Keys 456............Vacation Rentals Upper Keys 458..............Vacation Rentals Elsewhere 460..........................Commercial Rentals 462.......................................Office Space 464...............................................Storage ® The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 513........................................Timeshares 514..........................Condos Lower Keys 516.........................Condos Middle Keys 518..........................Condos Upper Keys 520...........................Homes Lower Keys 522..........................Homes Middle Keys 524...........................Homes Upper Keys Commercial 526......................Business Opportunity 528...............................Business Wanted 530.......................................Investments 532................................Income Property 534.......................Commercial Property Other Real Estate 536...............Lots & Acreage Lower Keys 538.............Lots & Acreage Middle Keys REAL ESTATE 540...............Lots & Acreage Upper Keys 542...............................Realty Elsewhere Mobile Homes 502........................................ Lower Keys 544...................................Realty Wanted 504.......................................Middle Keys 506........................................Upper Keys AUTOS/ 508................................ Lots Lower Keys 510............................... Lots Middle Keys TRANSPORTATION 512................................ Lots Upper Keys Autos/Trucks Homes For Sale 610................................................Trucks 500 600 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS KEYS INSURANCE has two positions open in our Key West office. 1) Insurance Customer Service Rep. Licensed 220 or 440, commercial or personal lines, minimum 3 years experience and 2) Administrative Assistant. We are looking for Team Players with excellent verbal and communication skills, able to multi task in a fast paced environment. Qualified candidates must have HS Diploma or equivalent and be computer literate with a thorough knowledge of Microsoft Office Including Excel. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent compensation and benefits package. Equal Opportunity 615..................................Auto Financing 620....................................Autos For Sale 622.....................................SUVs For Sale 625.....................................Classic Autos 630....................................Autos Wanted 640..........................................Auto Parts 645.............................Heavy Equipment Recreation 650.............................................Scooters 652.......................................Motorcycles 654....................................Travel Trailers 656............................................Campers 658...........................RVs/Motor Homes 660....................................Marine Needs 661....................................Marine Parts 662.......................................Powerboats 664............................................Sailboats 665.......................................Houseboats 667.........................................Misc. Boats 669.............................Dockage/Storage 670.............................................Aviation 900 LEGALS Customer Service The Key West Citizen is now taking applications for a qualified and professional individual to provide support and assistance as a customer service clerk. Hours are 8-5, Monday-Friday Person will report to the Circulation Dept. No phone calls please. Please stop by The Key West Citizen at 3420 Northside Dr., Key West, FL to talk with Claudia Harrell EOE 399336 Key West Little Conch Baseball is looking for umpires and scorekeepers for the upcoming season. Prefer high school age or older to apply. Previous umpiring or scorekeeping experience is beneficial, but not required, but applicants must understand the game. Training will be provided. We will monitor your progress and provide feedback. You will continue to learn throughout the season, and will be expected to share your game experiences with your fellow umpires and scorekeepers. Those applying must be responsible, reliable and enthusiastic, and be willing to learn and work to improve. Scorekeepers will have the important responsibility of tabulating league statistics on a weekly basis, and forwarding that information to league officials. The season starts Feb. 7. Preseason preparations will begin the first week of January. Those interested should contact Director of Umpires Gary E. Maitland by calling 334-717-1533, or by sending an email to 399302 Magazine Designer The Key West Citizen is looking for a creative designer to layout and design our multiple magazines in the Florida Keys. Must be experienced in layout of editorial content & ad placement. Strong knowledge of typography and Macintosh publishing applications; Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustator. You need to be highly organized, have a keen attention to details and the ability to manage multiple projects under deadlines simultaneously. Interested candidates should email cover letter and resume to, attn; Tommy Todd. 399314 12 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS Employer and Drug Free WorkPlace. Send your resume to Gbetancourt@ on call emergency duty when assigned. Must have at least 3 years resident/commercial property maintenance experience, HVAC certified, familiar with all Fair Housing Laws,valid Florida Drivers license. Drug-free, Smoke-free community. Send resume to City View Trolley Now accepting application for Full & Part Time Sales Representatives. Bilingual is a plus. Apply at 105 Whitehead St. Conch Harbor Marina Is looking for: FRONT DESK The Gardens Hotel has a part-time Front Desk position available. Come work with a fun team! Please apply in person 526 Angela Street. IMMEDIATE OPENING For experience maintenance engineer who has knowledge all aspects hotel maintenance. Apply in person Silver Palms Inn, 830 Truman Ave. HOSPITALITY OPPORTUNITIES In the Beautifully Renovated La Concha Hotel Driver / Yardworker Overseas Lumber Supply Is now accepting applications for employment at our Big Pine facility. Applicant must have a current Class B CDL license, be able to load/unload building materials and work daily outside. This position is full time with competitive pay and excellent benefits. Apply in person at 30251 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Key. EOE CityView Trolley Tours Is seeking *Full or Part Time Trolley Tour Drivers *with CDL class C or higher Passenger endorsement preferred. $10 per hour to train, $13 per hour plus tips after certification. Drug and alcohol-free workplace Contact John at 305-896-9216 or apply at 105 Whitehead St. office to fill out application. Credit Services Manager Keys Federal Credit Union Manages the risk and collection activities related to delinquent consumer accounts and real estate. Five years collections/credit experience required, preferably in real estate, foreclosure, bankruptcy and consumer collections. Five years of management experience required. HS diploma or equivalent required; BA preferred. Apply at: Fax application to 293-6056. E.O.E. MAINTENANCE TECH for two apartment communities on Stock Island. Must have technical knowledge/skills to maintain units and other property facilities in good working order, as well as positive service-oriented attitude. Duties: Perform resident service work orders,maintenance as required to prepare vacant units,all physical maintenance to building, grounds, equipment,available for FRONT DESK Busy guesthouse. Fulltime, evenings. Computer skills, experience a plus. 971-319-3226. BIG PINE KEY Help Wanted CDL Class A Driver (tanker endorsement helpful) Laborer heavy equipment operator. Call to apply 305-872-8945. ALARM TECHNICIAN Full time. NICET preferred but MUST have experience. $20 +/ hour, bonuses, company vehicle, 401K and paid vacation. Send resume to gregb@barnesalarm Art Framer Wanted: Alan Maltz Gallery seeks motivated individual for full-time art framing position. Experience preferred. Email resume to or call 305-294-0005. * F/T Dockhand/ Drug screening and background check required. Apply in person at 951 Caroline St. Previous applicants need not apply. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIER Seeking team member FT Monday-Friday for warehouse, driver, and sales CTR. Must work well customers, be comfortable on a computer, drug test background check drug free. E.O.E. Apply in person at 5650 Maloney Ave. Stock Island. *F & B Supervisor *Starbucks Supervisor *Servers *Bartenders *Front Desk Agent *Night Audit *Bell/Vallet *Laundry Attendant Pick up an application at the front desk of Crowne Plaza La Concha 430 Duval St. No phone calls please. EOE Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 13 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS DION QUIK MARTS is currently accepting applications for: Store Managers - Big Pine and Marathon Assistant Managers Sales Associates Qualified applicants will be energetic, positive, enjoy working with the public, and have a can-do-attitude. Applicants must be able to work nights and weekends and have 2-3 year previous retail. All interested candidates can stop by Dion’s Main Office, 638 United Street, Key West or e-mail Kristie Hernandez at KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper USED Advertisers buy audience exposure, but what they really want is results. They want consumers to take action. khernandez@ EOE/ Drug Free Workplace Maricel Salon & Spa 2786 N.Roosevelt Blvd, Overseas Market, Looking for Licensed Acrylic Nail Tech. Apply in person. 305-295-3761 Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens, Inc. is hiring for the following positions: In-Home Support Trainer, Residential Services Assistant, and On-Call Substitutes, Involves hands-on training and support to disabled clients. HSD/GED & 1 year supervised experience in a related field. Background screening, valid FL DL with a clean driving record, and references required. Min age 21, must have good computer skills and speak English. For more information and an application, visit to download an application, email, or stop by our offices at 1401 Seminary Street, Mon-Fri,.EOE Advertising Use: 8 of 10 U.S. adults took action as a result of newspaper advertising in the past 30 days. 54% clipped a coupon 46% bought something advertised 45% visited a store 39% picked up shopping ideas 37% checked a website to learn more Circular Performance: 79% of newspaper readers used a circular from the paper in the past 30 days. 58% compared prices from one insert to another 45% shared the insert items with friends or family 41% took the insert to the store 40% made an unplanned purchase based on an ad In an opt-out world, people opt-in to newspapers.You buy a newspaper ad to reach more than 70% of adults who read a newspaper in print or online in the average week. The action from these 164 million adults is a bonus.Newspaper media. A destination, not a distraction.www.newspapermedia.comNewspaper Association of America 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22203 571.366.1000 Newspaper media. A destination, not a distraction. Newspaper Association of America 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22203 571.366.1000 Sources: Frank N. Magid Associates 2011Scarborough Research (release 2) 2010 14 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS Busy medical office in need of a part-time front desk person. Must have medical office/front desk experience and knowledge of computer applications. Successful candidate will be required to multi-task and interact with patients and staff in a professional manner. Please fax or email resumes and references to: 305-296-2444 DrLefferts@ No Phone Calls Please POSITIONS AVAILABLE at *WESTIN KEY WEST* *SUNSET KEY* *WEATHER STATION* *BANANA BAY* and *BAYSIDE INN* Westin *Executive Housekeeper *Front Office Manager *Busser *Line Cook *Server *Sunset Celebration Host *Restaurant Host *Maintenance Staff Sunset Key *Resort Ambassador/ Concierge *Pastry Cook *Overnight Cleaner/ Pool Attendant *Painter *Houseman *Room Attendant *Busser Weatherstation Inn *Guest Service Agent + Previous applicants need not apply again. + Application hours are from 9am-3:30pm +Can also apply on-line to: hr@westinkeywest Drug Free Work Place An Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in Person 245 Front Street, Key West, FL 33040 Tel: 305-294-4000 Fax: 305-292-4348 January 30, 2015 • Southernmost Flyer • 15 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 428 UNFURNISHED APTS. LOWER KEYS 520 HOMES LOWER KEYS 534 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 534 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OFFICE ASSISTANT (Full Time) 40 hours per week The Monroe County Tourist Development Council (TDC) has an immediate opening for a full-time Office Assistant to support the Administrative, Sales and Finance staff. This person should have experience in Microsoft Office; have excellent organizations skills; be able to multi-task; enjoy answering phone calls; entering data into a data base; be available to assist at scheduled meetings throughout the Keys when required. Experience in taking minutes would be an advantage. Successful candidates should be prepared to take a typing test. Starting salary commensurate with experience and includes excellent benefit package. Email resume to MEL FISHER'S TREASURES Experienced sales persons wanted for our two gift stores. Full or part time. Hourly plus commission. Position may require evening or weekend hours. Benefits for full time include health/dental insurance and 401K. Drug free work place. Send resume to THE 16TH JUDICIAL Circuit is accepting applications for a full-time Drug Court Counselor that provides treatment services to primarily adolescents. This position provides case management, individual and group substance abuse counseling to male and female participants and their families in the Juvenile Drug Court. The Counselor works closely with the Department of Juvenile Justice, Monroe County Schools, Attorneys and Judges, in addition to regular court appearances. BA/BS, CAP certified or working toward CAP required. Licensed Master level preferred. A solid working proficiency with computers is required and fluent in Spanish a plus. Salary range $37,000 to $40,000 a year with Monroe County benefits, based on certification, licensing and experience. Please send a resume and a State of Florida application to Personnel, 16th Judicial Circuit, 302 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida 33040 or by e-mail to THE MARKER KEY WEST QUALITY OPPORTUNITIES, QUALITY SERVICE *Servers *Bartenders *Night Auditor PT *Housemen *Turndown Attendant *Reservationist *Lobby Attendant *Cook Apply online at: OLD TOWN Sugarloaf-Brand New Water Front 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 houses in from open water, with an open water view and 4 foot control depth, call 305-797-5406 1 COM unit, 4 Apts $1,300,000 *9200 Overseas Hwy 1.4 Acres, 374' on Highway $1,500,000 *517 Truman Ave. 4 transient units & Laundromat $2,275,000 *6125 2nd St. 25 unit Mobile Home Park. 7.5% cap. $2,990,000 *423 Duval St. 4 NNN leased stores. Net over $516,000/yr $7,500,000 *808 Southard St. Largest parcel for sale in KW. 2 Acres $12,500,000 Curtis Skomp, CCIM Broker 410 Caroline St. 305.296.1400 - ofc 305.304.0084 - cell www.FloridaKeys Will Langley 305-766-3133, Prudential Knight & Gardner Realty # 1 in KEY WEST commercial sales and lease volume in 2013 and for the last 10 years combined. Sold over $1 Billion. No phone calls please. Quality Assurance Nurse Island Home Care is growing and has an immediate opening for a full time Quality Assurance Nurse. The ideal candidate will conduct chart reviews ensuring accuracy and compliance with all state, federal and Joint Commission guidelines. Minimum one year prior Home Health Quality Assurance experience required. Ability to work under some stressful conditions to meet deadlines and agency needs. Able to work well with others in an office setting. FL RN license preferred; will consider FL LPN with experience. Submit resume and cover letter to employment@ or fax to 305-453-6186. Searching for a Restaurant Manager The Stoned Crab is searching for a daytime Manager. We are looking for someone who has waited tables in the past, is comfortable with ordering, deliveries, interviews, and is the head of daily operations. You will be the go to during the morning shifts. This position is available all year round, not just during the busy season. You don't have to be crazy, we will train you. Please apply in person from Mon-Thurs between 2pm and 4pm . 3101 North Roosevelt Blvd. TELLER Keys Federal Credit Union At least one year customer service, cash handling and excellent 10-key skills required. HS diploma or equivalent required. Apply at Fax application to 305-293-6056. E.O.E. TERVIS RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES We’re an exciting company with a loyal customer base who love our made in America lifestyle drink ware. Join the fun at our Front Street location. Open positions include: *Key Holder *Assistant Manager *Sales Associate Apply online at by February 6, 2015. Applications and job description can be found at We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, age or disability. If you need accommodations to participate in the application/selection process, please notify us in advance at (305)295-3652; to make call through the Florida Relay Center, you can dial 7-1-1. Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 Ext. 3 The Pier House Resort & Spa is seeking SUPER STARS! Reservationist F&B Supervisor AM & PM Server Independent Contractors Massage Therapist Esthetician Please, forward your resume to or stop by to complete an application. Only qualified applicants will be considered. TRAINEE/HELPER To assist in the installation of security and camera systems, no experience required. Must have clean driving record and strong work ethic. $12 +/hour, Apply @ Barnes’, 3201 Flagler Ave #503 9am-5pm 240 HELP WANTED UPPER KEYS RESPONSIBLE Courteous, detailed, prompt, reliable? We train the rest. Full-time, year round, M-F. Requires some heavy lifting. DFWP. 305-852-3133. 330 YARD SALES LOWER KEYS 5205 COLLEGE RD. Saturday 8am-1pm. Key West Sail & Power Squadron. 4 houses of furnishings, tools, fishing and boarding equipment, clothing, and much more. Bake Sale, Hot Dogs, and Chili Dogs. 2/2 apt. in historic building w/ central AC. Available February. Sorry no pets. $2000/mo + $40 cable +Water & electric. See pictures & more properties @ AT HOME IN KEY WEST 888-337-9029 440 UNFURN. HOUSES LOWER KEYS VA SPECIAL IS BACK! 1500 17th Terrace, Key West Estate Lot. Brand New 3/2, room for pool foundation in for guest cottage 6 off street parking spots. $32,500 down only $2,945 a month Insurance only $2,200 a year. Seller pays first year insurance and all closing cost. Open House Sun 1-3 Call Joe Cleghorn 305-301-7110 462 OFFICE SPACE Small Business Office or Secure Storage with individual security system, A/C, $495/month all utilities included 305-296-6272 464 STORAGE SELF STORAGE Residential and Commercial Units 60 up to 1,000sq.ft 305-296-3912. 520 HOMES LOWER KEYS For Sale By Owner Asking $326,000 "AS IT IS" 2016 Patterson Ave. 352-529-0078. BRAND NEW WATERFRONT Big Coppitt Key. 3BR/2BA, Call for details. 305-923-4153. BRAND NEW OCEANFRONT Baypoint. 3BR/2BA, Call for details. 305-923-4153. BRAND NEW HOMES from Key West to Big Pine. Water front and dry lots starting at 339K. Payments as low as $1,980/month. (Includes taxes and insurance) This Weeks Specials! 1500 17th Terrace Key West (ready to move in) 79 Sirius, Geiger Key Deep water canal lot (ready in 30 days) Call Joe Cleghorn at (305) 301-7110 WHY RENT? FREE MONEY get $10,000 to purchase BRAND NEW Home. Find out how to get: -$10,000 in Down Payment Assistance -All Closing Costs Paid -Move in a Home from NO Money Down to $3500 total cost. -Low Payments starting at $1650 per month (+ taxes and insurance) Call Joe Cleghorn at (305) 301-7110 2/2 NEWLY RENOVATED pool & workshop. $899,000 www.1709Washington 534 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ReMax Commercial Power of the Balloon International Exposure & Local Service! *903 Duval St. 180 Seats & vacant lot. $20,000/mos.NNN *Quiznos 80 Seats, all F,F,E. $150,000 *221 Duval St. 150 Seat Rest/Bar Owner says sell! $150,000, lease hold *Cow Key Marina & Almost There Charters $300,000 *68100 Overseas Hwy 620 AUTOS FOR SALE 2007 NISSAN MURANO, 115K mi. great condition, AWD, back up camera, new tires, very well maintained, all records. $8000 OBO.Located in big pine. 702-824-2178. 650 SCOOTERS Commercial For Sale Search All Key West and FL Keys Commercial RE and Businesses For Sale at 2013 YAMAHA ZUMA 49cc (Red) Very clean and well maintained. 18 left to choose from. Mileage from 6,000 to 8,000 miles. Priced at $2,000 each. Located at 601 Front Street or call Steven 305-432-1846 658 RV/MOTOR HOMES Famous Key West Restaurant RE & Biz for Sale. Turn Key, 150 Seats, 2 bars, ask price below appraised. 509 Whitehead St. 2 Com Units/ 2 Res Units. For Sale or Lease Offices. Fully remodeled 6811 Shrimp Road 12,600 SF long-term Gov't backed Tenant. Excellent Investment 1007 Truman Ave. -Reduced4 Residential Units/ 2 Commercial with parking 1213 Truman Ave. Excellent Office Space Across from W. Harvey Gov't. Complex $2,500/mo 1106 White St. For Lease - Beautifully renovated open space plus 2 offices, kitchen and ADA Up to 107 ROGO's ROGO Units allow building of a living unit. Can be moved from Stock Island Ramrod Key Convenience Store 1/2 Acre on US-1, Commercial Kitchen Contact Claude J. Gardner, Jr. or RV 1994 32.5 seat, Jayaco 5th wheel. In very good condition. Lots of extras. $5,500 501-250-7432. 660 MARINE NEEDS MOTOR GUIDE SALTWATER series electric trolling motor. Model SW-HB, 12 volts,54lb of thrust.$300 Call Keith Hansen. 305-395-2440 667 MISCELLANEOUS BOATS 26 FOOT PARKER Cabin, flying bridge, with two station controls. Outriggers, downriggers, 225 Yamaha in excellent condition. Ladder back chairs. Many extras. $16,000 OBO 978-877-0121 669 DOCKAGE/ STORAGE 40 FOOT BOAT SLIP at Oceanside Marina Key West. Live-aboard and pets okay. Electric, water, bath-house, laundry, free parking. $148,000 Call Ron at 305-304-3319 16 • Southernmost Flyer • January 30, 2015 Sub service continued from page 9 skills to succeed in the Submarine Force are women. We will need them. Integrating female officers into the submarine force has increased our talent pool and subsequently the force’s overall readiness, ensuring that we will remain the world’s most capable force for ensuing decades. Following our successful and smooth integration of women officers into the Submarine Force, the Navy’s plan to integrate female enlisted is a natural next step,” Connor added. On July 28, 1994, Congress was notified of policy changes to expand the number of assignments The prospective enlisted women volunteering to serve in nuclear enlisted ratings will join the submarine force through the new accessions pipeline. This will require completion of Navy Training Command; Nuclear Field “A” School and Nuclear Power School at Navy Nuclear Power Training Command in Charleston; prototype training at Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit in either Charleston or Ballston Spa; and then assignment to the fleet. SSGNs provide the Navy with an unprecedented combination of strike and special operation mission capability within a stealthy, clandestine platform, while SSBNs are specifically designed for extended strategic deterrent patrols. There are currently 14 SSBNs and four SSGNs in the Navy’s inventory, each with two crews assigned. There are currently 11 Virginiaclass attack submarines in commission (as Nov. 24, 2014). These submarines have multi-faceted missions. They use their stealth, persistence, agility and firepower to deploy and support special force operations, disrupt and destroy an adversary’s military and economic operations at sea, provide early strike from close proximity, and ensure undersea superiority.
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