SevernSide Ramblers February, March, April, and May 2015 From the Chair A Happy New Year to you all! Here is a great selection of walks. Some familiar, some very different. Thank you to all the inspired walk leaders. Look out for the Wessex Wanderer Walks led by Ann. More details can be found on Our Quiz Night is on Saturday 7 February. See below for information about this very popular event, and don't forget to book. On the same day, if you are at the old chocolate factory in Keynsham at 9.30am there is a very interesting walk followed by a free lunch and then the AGM of the Avon Area Ramblers. Avon Area Council is a link between local groups like Severnside and the Ramblers Headquarters. At the AGM there will be news and discussion about some very important changes that the Ramblers Association is considering. Not all its ideas are welcome. Our AGM was held in November. I was pleased to see that many committee members were able to serve for another year, and we are pleased to welcome Gloria Drury to the team. We are sorry to lose Ann Light and Mike Norman. Their expertise will be missed and we thank them for their help in the past. The names of the new committee are shown in the box below. Mike Norman and Ken Mill are representing Severnside Ramblers Group in two exciting local projects. One is called The Forgotten Landscape, has Heritage Lottery funding, and aims to preserve the environment and history of the coastal floodplain between Avonmouth and the boundary with Gloucestershire. The other project is the route from Aust to Avonmouth which will be part of the coastal path from Aust to Brean. Please ask us if you want to learn more about these schemes. Heather Rickards - Chairman Quiz Night at Filton Golf Club Saturday 7 February 2015 7pm Group Committee 2015 Chairman: Heather Rickards 01454 632134 Treasurer: Peter Randall 07860 167899 Secretary/Membership: Chris Everett 01454 416321 Web Editor: Ken Mill 01179 315108 Footpath Officer: Allan Davies 01454 884145 Publicity: Sue Driver Walks Programme: Joy Harrison 01179 334998 Social: Gill King 01454 631500 General Committee Members: Chris Gaymer 01179 513319 Jean Williams 01179 761445 Gloria Drury 07914 303469 £8 includes food. Choice of: ? Ham, egg and chips Lasagne, salad & garlic bread Vegetarian bake. Send cheque made out to ‘Severnside RA Social Fund’ with menu choice to Gill King, 42 Riverside Park, Severn Beach BS35 4PN. Gill needs these before 31 January please. Map Reading and Navigation Training Saturday 14 February 2015 Meet at Aztec West car park @ 08.30 Do you need help reading a map or reading a compass? If yes, come & join us on Saturday 14 February to practice map reading & navigation around Siston Common area. Maps (E155) provided but bring a compass if you have one. Contact Janet on 01179650661 to book a place. Limited to Severnside members only. £5 to club funds. Help us save money - sign up for electronic mailing. You can still pick up a yellow paper copy of the programme on any walk. Details on 1 Walks and Social Events Programme BEFORE COMING ON A WALK PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT NOTES ON PAGE 2 See back page for grading of walk definitions Notes: Please ensure you are well equipped with suitable footwear & waterproof clothing: contact the leader well before the walk if you have any doubts. We assume that walkers are aware the countryside can be muddy after rain so we do not put this on the programme. You should assume there is no pub or café stop if none is mentioned, so please bring food & drink, but never consume these on pub or café premises. All walkers should carry their own first aid kit & this is especially important for leaders. All walk leaders must be members & over the age of 18. Leaders are required to carry with them a copy of the Accident Form (obtainable from the Severnside web-site or contact the Secretary) & a mobile phone for emergencies. No leader can be responsible for anyone who proceeds ahead without directions. Registered assistance dogs are welcome, but other dog owners should confirm with the walk leader whether it is appropriate to bring them - the decision is entirely at the discretion of the leader and will be based on their observations of terrain & farm livestock during pre walks – if permitted, dogs should be kept on their leads at all times. Some members like to take photographs on the walks. These often appear on our website. Please advise the leader should you not wish to appear in a photograph. Non-members are welcome but after three walks will be expected to join the Ramblers. Date / Walk Grade Venue Sun 1 Feb M Tintern. Fairly hilly walk but with nice views. Fri 6 Feb L Old Sodbury – Tormarton. Almost ‘there and back’ walk through lovely Dodington Park to visit village of Tormarton. Steady incline but only a couple of stiles. Opt pub at end. Sat 7 Feb Keynsham. Local walk in the area of the Frys Club with historical talk. Sat 7 Feb Avon Area AGM at Frys club, Keynsham. Guest speaker on new Governanance Rules Sat 7 Feb Quiz Night at Filton Golf Club. See page 1 19.00 Sun 8 Feb L 14 Locks – Newport. Lightly undulating field paths & canal tow paths & one opt. climb to viewpoint near end. Interesting industrial archaeology. 9.00 AW Sat 14 Feb Map Reading and Navigation (pre-booking required. See page 1) Sun 15 Feb M Mendips. Farm & forestry tracks, drove roads & moorland. Few moderate climbs. 8.30 AW 13 miles E141 48 miles (£4.80) Janet & Mike 01179 650661 Fri 20 Feb L Sun 22 Feb L Old Down. Lovely little walk in this pretty area. 9.30 Aldi 11.00 AW 2 hrs E167 5 miles E155 11 miles (£1.10) 41 miles (£4.10) Doreen & Ros 01454 317188 Jenny & John 01454 777963 Beechen Cliff into Bath.Pretty stroll taking in wonderful views of Bath. One field, parkland, lanes, river & Canal paths. Surprisingly easy climb back. Depart time / place 9.00 AW Walk Length /Time 8 miles OL14 9.30 Aldi 2 hrs E155 9.30 Venue 6 miles E155 Map Distance / Suggested Donation 30 miles (£3 + Toll) Leader or Contact Gordon 01454 616344 20 miles (£2) Jenny & John 01454 777963 Jill 01454 631036 Buffet at 12.30 for attendees for meeting at 1.00pm Gill 9 miles 08.30 AW E152 55 miles (£5.50 + Toll) E155 Andy & Chris 01454 416321 Janet 01179 650661 Sun 1 Mar M Cotswolds. Farm tracks, field paths & some minor roads to the ‘Slaughters’. Few moderate climbs. 8.30 AW 15 miles OL14 100 miles (£10) Janet & Mike 01179 650661 Fri 6 Mar L Failand. Woodlands, fields, a golf course & private school sports ground. Some gentle climbs. 9.30 Aldi 2 hrs E154 20 miles (£2) Andy & Chris 01454 416321 Sun 8 Mar L Bedminster Down. Malago river, Bedminster Down, Ashton Vale and River Avon. 10.00 AW 7 miles E155 21 miles (£2.10) Joy 01179 334998 Sun 15 Mar M Fri 20 Mar L Shudington. Fairly hilly Cotswold countryside but with fine views over Severn Valley. Swineford. Lovely views Visiting Upton Cheyney and North Stoke. 9.00 AW 9.30 Aldi 10 miles 2hrs E179 64 miles (£6.40) 24 miles (£2.40) Bob 07967 891837 Jenny 01179 247102 Sun 22 Mar M Chepstow – Brockweir. Offa’s Dyke to Brockweir & 8.30 AW 13 miles OL14 30 miles (£3 + Toll) Ken 01179 315108 return via Wye Valley. Some steep climbs (365 steps from Wyncliffe). Good views across Wye & Severn Estuary. Continued on next page E155 Walks and Social Events Programme BEFORE COMING ON A WALK PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT NOTES ON PAGE 2 See back page for grading of walk definitions Date / Walk Grade Sun 29 Mar M Venue Bradford on Avon, Westwood & Avoncliff. Canal/river towpaths, farmland paths, scenic views & variety. 1 steep up and 1 steep down. Depart time / place Walk Length /Time 9.00 AW 7 miles Map E156 Distance / Suggested Donation Leader or Contact 54 miles (£5.40) Jill 07868 727971 NB Clocks have gone forward Mon 30 Mar – Fri 3 Apr Fri 3 Apr L Sun 5 Apr M Sun 12 Apr M Fri 17 Apr L Sun 19 Apr M Sun 26 Apr L Fri 1 May L Sun 3 May M Isle of Wight HF break. 9.30 Aldi 2.5 hrs E167 12 miles (£1.20) Heather 01454 631134 Jean 01454 419274 Wotton, Tresham & Ozleworth. Lovely scenic walk featured in Bristol Evening Post. Hills, valleys & woodland. 2-3 steep climbs. Bruton/Alfreds Tower. Bruton Dovecote, Leland trail, Alfreds Tower (NT cards) and return via South Brewham. 9.00 AW 8 miles E167 28 miles (£2.80) Jill 07868 727971 8.30 AW 12 miles E142 80 miles (£8) Ann 01179 798628 Tytherington/Milbury Heath. Lanes, fields & tracks – hopefully with glimpses of seasonal flora. Some stiles. Cam & Dursley. Across fields & tracks to Peaked Down, Uley Bury and Coaley Peak. 9.30 Aldi 2 hrs E167 14 miles (£1.40) Jean 01179 761445 8.30 AW 11 miles E167 50 miles (£5) Ken 01179 315108 Bradley Stoke Bluebells. A rejig of the AGM walk 10.00 AW 9.30 Aldi 5 miles 2hrs E155 n/a E167 26 miles (£2.60) Joy 01179 334998 Andy & Chris 01454 416321 9.00 AW 11 miles OL14 30 miles (£3 + Toll) Andy 01454 411305 Iron Acton. Fields, meadows, river paths on part of Frome Valley Walkway. Several stiles. Opt drink at end. Berkeley Deer Park. Beautiful ridge walk with superb views east & west. One easy climb. Look for deer. Could be muddy in places if wet. Beacon Ash. Follow Gloucestershire Way through narrow wooded valleys and grazing fields with views over Severn. Sat 9 May WWW Freshford Circular. Taking in Limpley Stoke, Tucking Mill, Midford, Wellow, Norton St Philip. 8.39 BTM 15 miles E155 n/a Ann 01179 798628 Sun 10 May M May Hill. Picturesque undulating, couple of steeper climbs taking in THAT iconic hilltop which seems to be visible from everywhere. 9.00 AW 8 miles OL14 70 miles (£7.00) Andy & Chris 01454 416321 Wed 13 May WWW Avoncliff. To Farleigh Hungerford Castle. Can visit Castle with British Heritage card). Shorter walk finishes at Freshford. 10.49 BTM 6 miles E155 n/a Ann 01179 798628 Fri 15 May L Swineford & North Stoke. Fields, river banks & cycle path. Hilly start& then mostly flat. Some stiles. 9.30 Aldi 2hrs E155 24 miles (£2.40) Jean 01179 761445 Sat 16 May WWW Bradford on Avon Tour – free, book with Ann by 9th May 9.49 BTM 3 miles n/a Ann 01179 798628 Sun 17 May M Devizes & Wansdyke. Across fields, tracks onto the Wansdyke. Return via Avon & Kennet Canal. 8.30 AW 12 miles E157 80 miles (£8) Ken 01179 315108 Wed 20 May L Thornbury/Filnore Wood. Stretch of Jubilee Way, fields & wood. Thornbury coffee shop/pub at end. 18.30 AW 4 miles E167 12 miles (£1.20) Andy & Chris 01454 416321 Sun 24 May M Usk Valley. Scenic walk along Usk valley to Clytha Park & return over hills via Bettws Newydd. 9.00 AW 14 miles E152/ OL13 60 miles (£6 + Toll) Don 01179 391685 Fri 29 May Dyrham . A walk around the outside of this estate. 2hrs E155 Sun 31 May M Symonds Yat. Woodland paths, river views & some steep descents. 9.30 Aldi 9.00 AW 11 miles OL14 28 miles (£2.80) 60 miles (£6 + Toll) Doreen & Ros 01454 317188 Kathy 07890 113179 Key: AW – Aztec West Blue zone, Aldi – Aldi car park, WWW – Wessex Wanderers Railway Walks, BTM – Bristol Temple Meads Continued on next page Walks and Social Events Programme BEFORE COMING ON A WALK PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT NOTES ON PAGE 2 Meeting point for all walks. Weekend and evening walks now meet at the Blue Zone, Aztec West, BS32 4TD . Friday Ambles continue to meet at the Aldi car park, Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9DA. Both are served by First Bus service 73 (Please check times). We operate a car-share policy: drivers appreciate a donation towards petrol costs - suggested amount for this programme is 10p per mile. A suggested donation for each walk is given in the programme. Times given are departure times from meeting point. Please submit walks for June, July, August & September 2015 by 6 May either electronically at or phone Joy on 01179 334998. To submit a Friday amble contact Jean on 01454 419274 or GRADING OF WALKS - DEFINITIONS *Easy Access (EA): Walks for everyone, including people with conventional wheelchairs and pushchairs, using easy access paths. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn. Assistance may be needed to push wheelchairs on some sections: please enquire. *Easy (E): Walks for anyone who does not have a mobility difficulty or a specific health problem or is seriously unfit. Suitable for pushchairs if they can be lifted over occasional obstructions. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn. *Leisurely (L): Walks for reasonably fit people with at least a little country walking experience. May include un-surfaced rural paths. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are recommended. *Moderate (M): Walks for people with country walking experience and a good level of fitness. May include some steep paths and open country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are essential. *Strenuous (S): Walks for experienced country walkers with an above average fitness level. May include hills and rough country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are essential. People in doubt about their fitness are advised to contact the organiser or leader in advance. Friday Ambles: A morning sociable stroll for about 2hrs, within easy driving distance. Lifts available from Aldi. Usually optional pub or café stop at end. If you book a holiday through “Ramblers Worldwide Holidays” please let them know that you are a member of Severnside as both the group and you will receive benefits. They may not ask! For more information see their website at: Do Ramblers have your up-to-date contact details? If not, update them at or ring 020 7339 8595 4 The Ramblers Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) & a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered Office: 2 nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TW
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