ARNEC Noteworthy Practices Researchers Call

ECD Noteworthy Practices
Call for Researchers
ARNEC is calling for expressions of interest from researchers who are
interested in joining a research team to document Noteworthy ECD
Practices in Asia and the Pacific
In keeping with its mission to expand the knowledge base on innovative practice in early childhood in the
Asia-Pacific region, ARNEC has established an annual initiative to document noteworthy practices in Early
Childhood Care and Development (ECD). “ECD”, as defined by UNICEF, refers to a comprehensive
approach to policies and programmes for children from birth to eight years of age, including parents and
caregivers. The purpose of ECD programmes is to protect children’s right to achieve full cognitive,
emotional, social and physical developmental potential (
initiative highlights noteworthy ECD practices that are not yet widely known but could contribute to the
developing evidence-base on effective provision of ECD services within this region.
ARNEC is now seeking researchers to participate in documentation of Noteworthy Practices from different
countries in the region that reflect a commitment to Sustainability, Inclusion, and Equity.
Through this research and documentation process, ARNEC seeks to highlight:
(i) programmes that are built on sustainable approaches (strong involvement from community;
respectful and reflective of traditional values, practices and resources) and
(ii) innovative and effective strategies for including children from minority groups (ethnic, linguistic,
ability, or others) in early childhood services and assisting them to fulfill their potential.
Selected researchers will participate in a regional research project, receiving support and training to
conduct documentation of principles, processes and outcomes associated with each programme.
We are interested in hearing from potential researchers with the following professional background and
personal qualities:
Fluency in English (both written and oral) is necessary as you are expected to perform tasks
which are language related, for example attend workshops, communicate with various groups of
people, write reports and present findings.
Experience of working with communities and / or families and / or young children and/or
Committed and motivated to understanding the perspectives of local communities and families;
Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in any Social Science discipline, related to the relevant field of
research. A Master’s degree is highly desirable.
Demonstrated experience of conducting field-based research (interviews; observations; collecting
field notes);
Experience of Data analysis, summarization and report-writing
Enthusiastic of working as part of a team (and preferably be able to engage a research assistant
to aid in the data collection process);
Independent, organized and methodical;
Interested in learning about and documenting new perspectives and approaches to early
childhood programming
Call for NP Sites released
23 January
Applications for NP sites closed
9 February
Selected NP sites notified
16 February
Recruitment of researchers begin
23 January
Researchers identified
16 February
Technical training and orientation workshop
for researchers
23 March
25 March
Phase 1 field research
26 March
26 May
Second technical workshop - follow up,
review and cross-learning
20 June
22 June
Finalisation of Phase 1 field research
23 June
21 August
1 September
3 September
19 October
21 October
Dissemination of Phase 1 findings at HLP
Forum Malaysia
Dissemination of Phase 1 findings at ARNEC
Conference (Beijing, China)
Phase 2 Field Research (To be discussed re:
Tentative dates
Tentative dates
Tentative dates
Begins 2015 and continues
into 2016.
Successful researcher applicants will need to be able to commit to the following timetable of activities:
Attend regional training workshop at the end of March, in either Bangkok or Singapore (the most
economical return airfare from your base city and an allowance will be provided by the ARNEC
Spend time in the field collecting data as part of Phase I of the study (with allowance costs supported
by the ARNEC Secretariat, as well as additional support by a member of the local programme, who
will also be attending the regional training programme) between March – June 2015;
Work closely with your partner programme to ensure that data collection is proceeding smoothly and
in line with community; family; programme needs;
Work with the regional research team – communicating on a regular basis – to provide updates with
regard to data collection and analysis;
Attend a follow-up research workshop in late June 2015 (the most economical return airfare from your
base city and an allowance will be provided by the ARNEC Secretariat)
Spend time in the field collecting data as part of Phase II of the study (with allowance costs supported
by the ARNEC Secretariat, as well as additional support by a member of the local programme, who
will also be attending the regional training programme) from late 2015 into the first quarter of 2016.
Collaborate with the research team through finalisation of the documentation.
Take part in the dissemination of noteworthy practices. This may involve presenting your research at
regional and international ECCD events.
Interested applicants must be submit their CV. They should be emailed to (email
subject: ARNEC Noteworthy Practices Researcher 2015) by 9th February 2015.
Applications will be assessed by a panel of experts, composed of ARNEC Steering Committee members
and external ECD Advisors, according to the criteria above. Selected researchers will be notified by 16th
February 2015.