FOOT AND ANKLE CONGRESS 13-14 MARCH 2015 THE LORD CHARLES HOTEL – SOMERSET WEST PROVISIONAL SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM FRIDAY 13 MARCH 2015 07H00-07H50 Delegate Registration 07H50-08H00 Welcome and Announcements SESSION 1 HALLUX VALGUS Moderator Chris Coetzee 08h00-08h10 - What do I consider to be a severe hallux valgus deformity and why? Mark Myerson 08h10-08h20 - How do I approach the problem of recurrent hallux valgus? Chris Coetzee 08h20-08h30 - Tightropes,wedge plates for correction of hallux valgus? They all seem to fail. Bryan Den Hartog 08h30-08h40 - This princess wanted to do yoga following her bunion surgery and all she can do now is wear flat shoes. How can I manage this stiff hallux following bunion surgery? Bryan Den Hartog 08h40-08h50 - How do I approach malunion of a metatarsal osteotomy? There is no motion of the hallux and overload of the 2nd metatarsal. Chris Coetzee 08h50-09h00 - My approach to correction of hallux varus. Bryan Den Hartog 09h00-09h10 - This is a real disaster. AVN, shortening and a really unhappy patient. Should I lengthen the hallux or shorten the lesser metatarsals? Mark Myerson 09h10-09h20 - When do I do a modified Lapidus procedure and when the originalLapidus? Chris Coetzee 1 09h20-09h40 - 09h40-10H00 - SESSION 2 Case presentation by moderator to Panel. Mark Myerson, Bryan Den Hartog, Chris Narramore TEA HALLUX RIGIDUS Moderator Bryan Den Hartog 10h00-10h10 - Why and when does cheilectomy for hallux rigidusfail? Mark Myerson 10h10-10h20 - What do I do for a failed hallux MP implant arthroplasty? Chris Coetzee 10h20-10h30 - I did a straightforward arthrodesis of the hallux but there are now problems with the IP joint. What did I do wrong? Do I have to redo the MP fusion or fuse the IP joint? Bryan den Hartog 10h30-10h35 - When it goes bad after arthrodesis o the hallux MP joint, it is really bad. Mark Myerson 10h35-10h40 - My technique for interpositionarthroplasty. Bryan Den Hartog 10h40-11h00 - Case presentation by moderator to Panel Mark Myerson, Chris Coetzee, Graham McCollum Techniques and tips SESSION 3 LESSER TOEDEFORMITIES Moderator Mark Myerson 11h00-11h10 - My toes are so floppy and crooked that they catch on everything. Mark Myerson 11h10-11h20 - Her toe sticks up in the air. What is it about this Weil osteotomy? Chris Coetzee 11h20-11h30 - The bunionette sounds so simple, but it actually gives me nightmares. Bryan den Hartog 11h30-11h40 - My technique for the modified Weil osteotomy. Mark Myerson 11h40-11h50 - This 2nd toe MP joint seems a little subluxated. Can I repair the plate or should I just stiffen up the toe with a k-wire? Chris Coetzee 11h50-12h00 - Can AVN of the lesser metatarsal head be salvaged? Mark Myerson Techniques and tips: 2 12h00-12h05 This toe is looking a little blue. Should I take the pin out or wait a while? Bryan den Hartog 12h05-12h10 - How do I decide between a k-wire or some expensive device to fix the toe? Chris Coetzee 12h10-12h25 - Post-operative pain management in foot and ankle surgery. Dr S Oosthuizen 12h25-12h45 - Case presentations by moderator to Panel Chris Coetzee, Bryan Den Hartog, Paulo Ferrao 12h45-13h45 LUNCH SESSION 4 THE MIDFOOT Moderator Chris Coetzee 13H45-13H55 - What solutions do I have for a painful 4th and 5thtarsometatarsal joint? Bryan Den Hartog 13h55-14h05 - How do I manage a non-union and malunion of the mid foot joints? Mark Meyerson 14h05-14h15 - My partner did a hind foot arthrodesis and now the mid foot is really deformed. Now what? Bryan Den Hartog 14h15-14h25 - Someone missed this Lisfranc injury which is now 6 weeks out. Can I still fix it or should I go straight to fusion? Chris Coetzee 14h25-14h35 - I promised this rugby player that he would get back to playing quickly after this stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal but he has a non-union. What did I miss? Bryan Den Hartog 14h35-14h45 - The navicular fracture seemed easy, now I have a non union and a malunion. What now? Chris Coetzee 14h45-14h55 - How do I avoid non-union of arthrodesis of the midfoot? Bryan Den Hartog 14h55-15h15 - Case presentation by moderator to Panel. Mark Myerson, Bryan Den Hartog, Jacques Jonck SESSION 5 15H15-15H25 FLATFOOT - Moderator Bryan Den Hartog When and why does surgery for the flexible flatfoot fail? Bryan Den Hartog 3 15h25-15h35 - I asked Chris Coetzee for advice with this flatfoot. I did a FDL transfer but the deformity is still present and she hurts. Mark Myerson 15h35-15h45 - Taking out the tarsal coalition was easy, but now the foot is even flatter. What now? Chris Coetzee 15h45-15h55 - I learned about this repair of the deltoid ligament but it does not work. Now what? Mark Myerson 15h55-16h25 - TEA My techniques and tips: 16h25-16h30 - My approach to reconstruction of the spring ligament. Mark Myerson 16h30-16h35 - My technique for lateral column lengthening. Chris Coetzee 16h35-16h40 - When do I use an allograft for posterior tibial tendon rupture? Mark Myerson SESSION 6 THE ACHILLES AND OTHER TENDON PROBLEMS Moderator Chris Coetzee 16h40-16h50 - The peroneals are still torn after repeated surgeries. What now? Mark Myerson 16h50-17h00 - I thought that putting the dislocated peroneals back was easy but now she is back with recurring dislocation. What now? Chris Coetzee 17h00-17h10 - Wow, there does not seem to be anything left here. How am I going to span this huge gap in the Achilles? Bryan Den Hartog 17h10-17h20 - What is that lump over the front of my ankle doctor? It has been there since I saw you three months ago. Mark Myerson 17h20-17h25 - My technique for an Achilles allograft Mark Myerson 17h25-17h30 - Is it worthwhile trying to fix a chronic rupture of the FHL? Chris Coetzee Techniques and tips 4 17h30-17h35 - My technique for managing this chronic rupture of the anteriortibial tendon. Bran Den Hartog 17h35-17h55 - Case presentations to panel. Mark Myerson, Bran Den Hartog, Nick Saragas 17h55 - Conclusion. 18h00 - Welcome Function immediately after end of scientific program Venue: Congress area Dress: Casual SATURDAY 14 MARCH 2015 SESSION 7 HINDFOOT Moderator Mark Myerson 08h00-08h10 - Malunion of a calcaneus fracture? I thought that all that ever happened was a little arthritis. Chris Coetzee 08h10-08h20 - How I correct a valgus malunion after a triple arthrodesis. Mark Myerson 08h20-08h30 - This hind foot is really weird. I think that I have to do a TTC fusion, but should I rod it or plate it? Bryan Den Hartog 08h30-08h40 - How I correct a varusmalunion after a triple arthrodesis. Chris Coetzee 08h40-08h50 - Can I really correct a malunion of this talus fracture with osteotomy, or should I just go straight to the triple arthrodesis? Bryan Den Hartog 08h50-09h00 - I thought that I had seen it all, but this is the second non union of a calcaneus fracture that I have seen this year. Weird. What am I going to do? Mark Meyerson 09h00-09h05 - How I treat a wound dehiscence after a calcaneus fracture. Bryan Den Hartog 09h05-09h10 - How I perform a bone block arthrodesis of the subtalar joint. Mark Myerson 09h10-09h30 - Case presentations by moderator to panel. Chris Coetzee, Bryan Den Hartog, Willem de Kock Techniques and tips: 5 SESSION 8 ANKLE INJURY Moderator Chris Coetzee 09h30-09h40 - I have been telling everyone to use these sutures to hold thesyndesmosis, but there is recurrent diastasis and he wants to play football. What now? Chris Coetzee 09h40-09h50 - The fibula is still short and malrotated. Should I do something now even though he is asymptomatic? Mark Myerson 09h50-10h00 - How do I manage AVN of the talus? I thought that it Was easy but there is no body left even to fuse the ankle. Bryan Den Hartog 10h10-10h20 - This patient presented with a malunion of the tibialpilon fracture. Should I do a supramalleolar osteotomy or go straight to arthrodesis? Mark Myerson 10h20-11h10 - TEA SESSION 9 ANKLE ARTHRITIS Moderator Bryan Den Hartog 11h10-11h20 - This arthroscopic ankle fusion was supposed to be straightforward, but the foot and ankle are still a little crooked. How do I correct this malunion? Chris Coetzee 11h20-11h30 - How do I manage a non-union of ankle arthrodesis? Myerson wants me to replace the joint, Coetzee says to refuse it properly, and I want to do a TTC. What should I do? Bryan Den Hartog 11h40-11h50 - Wow, this ankle is deformed. Should I do an ankle or a TTC arthrodesis? Mark Myerson 11h50-11h55 - How, why and when do I perform an intra-articular plafondplasty of the medial ankle? Mark Myerson 11h55-12h00 - My favourite technique tip for bailing me out in the ankle. Chris Coetzee 12h00-12h05 - How to avoid a secondary translational deformity with a supramalleolar osteotomy. Mark Myerson 12h05-12h10 - My favourite technique tip for bailing me out in the ankle. Bryan Den Hartog Techniques and tips: 6 SESSION 10 TENDONS AND LIGAMENTS Moderator Bryan Den Hartog 12h10-12h20 - She wants to go back to playing volleyball after I did her Brostrum repair but the heel is in varus. Should I have done a calcaneus osteotomy? Bryan Den Hartog 12h20-12h30 - How do I approach the correction of the patient with a failed Brostrum procedure? Chris Coetzee 12h30-12h35 - My technique for a percutaneous ankle ligament reconstruction. Mark Myerson 12h35-12h55 - Case presentations by moderator to panel. Mark Myerson, Chris Coetzee, Dawid Burger 12h55-13h55 - LUNCH Techniques and tips: SESSION 11 THE CAVUS FOOT Moderator Mark Myerson. 13h55-14h05 - I was taught to do a triple arthrodesis to correct a rigid cavus foot. Why is there recurrent deformity? Mark Myerson 14h05-14h15 - I over corrected the 1st metatarsal osteotomy. How am I going to bail on this one? Chris Coetzee 14h15-14h25 - How do I decide between osteotomy and arthrodesis? I made a mistake with this and the foot is still deformed. Mark Myerson 14h25-14h35 - I have this equinocavovarus foot deformity here. What went wrong? Bryan Den Hartog 14h35-14h40 - My favourite cavus foot technique tip. Bryan Den Hartog 14h40-14h45 - My favourite cavus foot technique tip. Mark Myerson 14h45-14h50 - My favourite cavus foot technique tip. Chris Coetzee 14h50-14h55 - How I do an osteotomy for a cavus foot. The last time I did one, the patient developed a tarsal tunnel syndrome. Bryan Den Hartog Techniques and tips: 7 SESSION 12 ANKLE REPLACEMENTS Moderator Mark Myerson 14h55-15h05 - Why is the ankle so stiff? It seemed to have nice motion on the table. Bryan Den Hartog 15h05-15h15 - I should have listened to my own advice. Do not replace avarus ankle deformity. Chris Coetzee 15h15-15h25 - Nonsense. Chris just does not know how to correct the varus ankle deformity. Mark Myerson 15h25-15h35 - Now that the prosthesis has subsided and buried itself into the calcaneus, should I fuse it or try another replacement? Perhaps I can use a custom prosthesis. Chris Coetzee 15h35-15h45 - What are my limits to correcting ankle arthritis associated with a flatfoot and valgus ankle deformity? Mark Myerson 15h45-15h55 - I am sick about this. The ankle is infected 6 months following the replacement. What now? Bryan Den Hartog 15h55-16h00 - My technique for a bone block arthrodesis following failed total ankle replacement. Bryan Den Hartog 16h00-16h05 - My technique for a bone block arthrodesis following failed total ankle replacement. Mark Myerson 16h05-16h10 - How do I assess the ankle for instability when I am doing ankle replacement. If it is unstable, how do I fix it? Chris Coetzee 16h10-16h30 - Case presentations by moderator to panel. Chris Coetzee, Bryan Den Hartog, Paulo Ferrao 16h30 - Conclusion. Techniques and tips: 8
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