PAGE 11 Pages 10,11 m_A A A setup 28/01/2015 11:27 Page 2 end oF an era as sue ryder Closes 29TH JANUARY 2015 PAGE 11 Rowie’s Loft For all your curtains, blinds, cushions & curtain alterations Contact Marilyn 07815 544012 • 01225 782243 MARTINA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES Chance to say farewell to man who brought thunderbirds to life FRiENDS and family of a whitley man who helped bring Thunderbirds to life will get the chance to say goodbye at his funeral. Douglas Luke’s funeral will take place at Devizes cemetery on Friday 30th January at 10am and anyone is welcome to attend. In his life Doug achieved so much as a stills photographer and was an important part in the making of Thunderbirds as his imaginative shots helped bring the puppets to life. His work on the set of the hit show created images for merchandise, comics, annuals, toys, games and general publicity with much of his work still used today. Sadly, he died after suffering with dementia and his death has led to many M SuE Ryder sadly closed its doors on Saturday 10th January after over 10 years of trading in Melksham. Manager, Tracie Winslow said, “The lease was up, and Sue Ryder didn't want to renew it. “The shop has been extremely successful, making over £36,000 net profit for the hospices, to provide incredible care. We are looking for new premises in Melksham, and hope to be back in the near future. “I would like to thank tributes from fans of Thunderbirds and the supermarionation shows he captured. For more information about the funeral contact Ashley at John Stuart Funeral Directors on 01225433649 all the loyal customers, for all the donations and purchases you made, every single one helping us raise money. Many customers we knew by name, who came in daily. You're truly missed already. “My team have been amazing. We are more than just work colleagues, we're friends, which has made the closure so much harder to bear. A big thank you to every one who has supported us over the years. We have thoroughly enjoyed our shop, and have Goldies singing GolDEN-olDiES in Melksham run regular events and fun monthly singing sessions for everyone. They sing the popular hits of the 50s onwards and encourage people to dance, sing and relax with a cup of tea and a chat with their session leader and other participants. These groups offer opportunities for people to make supportive friendships and a regular fun activity to attend. Come along to your next session in Melksham at Thornbank Community Room on Tuesday 10th February and then every second Tuesday of every month from 10.30-11.30am. make it Ryder, and hope to be back a happy in Melksham soon.” will still Pictured: Tracie and for Sue the Sue Ryder team ltd Your local house clearance and waste disposal specialist DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND WE ARE NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 8AM-4PM & WEDNESDAY 9PM-5PM on Avonside Enterprise Park opposite LIDL WE SELL QUALITY USED/SECONDHAND ITEMS AT THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN We currently have in stock: • Double/single beds • Tables & chairs • Pine furniture • White goods We also pay cash for: Pine furniture & white goods LOCAL DELIVERY MelkshaM town CounCil CounCillor VaCanCy tidy town day T earn tiMe Credits M elksham is now participating in the national Time Credit scheme. when volunteers give one hour of time to particular projects they are rewarded with one Time Credit which can be spent at participating establishments for an hour of activity. Melksham Town Council are participating in the scheme by awarding Time Credits to people who sign up to the scheme and join in litter picking initiatives around the town. Time Credits can then be exchanged for cinema tickets at Melksham Assembly Hall . For more information call the Town Hall on 01225 704187 or email miriam@ MelkshaM Food and riVer FestiVal F 5th - 6th sePteMBer 2015 ollowing many years of success, the Melksham Food and Drink Festival will be merging with the Melksham River Festival for one exciting weekend of the Melksham Food and River Festival on 5 and 6 September 2015. Local businesses and groups are invited to take part with having a stall or becoming a sponsor, and keen local people who would like to join the committee are always welcome. Get in touch on foodandriverfestival on 01225 704187 MelkshaM asseMBly hall and town hall ith rooms seating from 4 to 400 people, the Assembly Hall and Town Hall offer a variety of spaces for any occasion including conferences, lectures, dinners, dances and wedding receptions. Full catering and refreshment services are also available with a fully licensed bar. Telephone 01225 709887 to speak to a member of the Hospitality Team. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL ON: 07841 106948 OR 01225 705709 JANUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER elksham Town Council currently has a vacancy for a Town Councillor in the Central ward. The Notice of Vacancy and further details can be accessed at electionscurrentcouncillorvacancies w always tried to welcoming with atmosphere. We be fundraising sunday 8th FeBruary Market PlaCe redeVeloPMent w ill be taking place in 2015 to enhance the access he first Tidy Town Day of 2015 will take to the campus at Melksham House. A display of place on Sunday February 8, between 1pm information is at the Town Hall until 1st Februand 3pm. Everyone is welcome for a fun ary and comments are welcome at the Town Hall afternoon making a difference in Melksham. Wear suitable clothes; meet at the Town Hall; tools, gloves and refreshments will be provided. D CriCket PaVilion o you need a space for your community group to meet? The Cricket Pavilion in King George V Park is available for hire during day time hours from Monday to Friday. Situated in an enviable location in the park, the Pavilion has free parking, kitchen and disabled access. It provides a versatile space for a wide range of events and activities during the day, including meetings, training and classes. Any groups who are interested in booking the Pavilion on a long term or short term basis should contact 01225 709887. T Citizens adViCe Bureau he Citizens Advice Bureau is in the Town Hall every Friday between 10.00am and 3.00pm. There is no need to make an appointment; you will be seen on a first come first served basis. You can also contact the CAB on the phone if you need advice on 0844 375 2775 or 0300 456 8375 (for mobile users) or access their website: Visit us online at: who is My loCal CounCillor? MElKSHAM TowN CouNCilloRS All Town Council email addresses follow this format: CENTRAl wARD Alison Christy Claire Forgacs Chris Petty Terri Welch NoRTH wARD Ben Anderson Pat Aves Simon Hedley Geoff Mitcham Pamela Wiltshire SouTH wARD Andy Hinchcliffe Jon Hubbard Bruce Sanders Richard Wiltshire Diane Wnek 6 Lambourne Crescent 705466 41 Blackmore Road, SN12 7H 07799 538638 33 Gloucester Square, SN12 7NS 709523 11 Devonshire Place, SN12 7DW 702800 37 Addison Rd, SN12 8DR 703038 or 07824 807107 29 Ingram Road, SN12 7JH 700633 7 Sherwood Avenue, SN12 7HH 700620 (Home) 790633 (Work) 33 Crescent Road, SN12 7EU 706463 or 07779 330042 Roundponds Farm, Shurnhold, SN12 8DF 708306 9 Martigny Court, SN12 7PD 07504 439065 2 Sweetbriar Road, SN12 6FR 707710 38 Longford Road, SN12 6AT 07706 059365 or 703134 (Work) Roundponds Farm, Shurnhold, SN12 8DF 708306 4 Waverley Gardens, SN12 6AL 287304 wilTSHiRE CouNCil CouNCilloRS All wiltshire Council email addresses follow this format: MElKSHAM NoRTH Pat Aves 29 Ingram Road, SN12 7JH MElKSHAM SouTH Jon Hubbard 2 Sweetbriar Road, SN12 6FR MElKSHAM CENTRAl David Pollitt 4 Bader Park, Bowerhill, SN12 6UF MElKSHAM wiTHouT NoRTH Terry Chivers 700633 707710 703941 7 Eden Grove, Whitley, SN12 8QJ 01225 949114 MElKSHAM wiTHouT SouTH Roy While 71 Locking Close, Bowerhill. SN12 6XS 01225 704063 SuMMERHAM AND SEEND Jonathon Seed Wayside, Chittoe Heath, Bromham, SN15 2EH 01380 850695 TowN ClERK: Steve Gray, Town Hall, Market Place, Melksham. SN12 6ES. Tel. 704187. who is My MeMBer oF ParliaMent? The elected MP for the Chippenham Constituency, which encompasses Melksham, is Mr Duncan Hames MP who can be contacted via: 01249 454110 or email: wHAT’S oN AT THE ASSEMBly HAll **FoR TiCKETS CAll 01225 709887** Evening films £6, Sat £4 adults & £3 u15s MoViES AT MElKSHAM My olD lADy (PG) Friday 30th January, 7:30pm MR TuRNER (12A) Friday 6th February, 7:30pm TiNKERBEll & THE lEGEND oF THE NEVER BEAST (u) Saturday 7th February, 10:30am THE iMiTATioN GAME (PG) Friday 13 February, 7:30pm EVENTS AT MElKSHAM Screening of MiDSuMMER NiGHT’S DREAM from the Globe Theatre 7pm, Thursday 29th January, £8 VAlENTiNE’S BAll 7.30pm, Saturday 14th February, £15 MEGASlAM wRESTliNG 7.30pm, Friday 27th February £12 adult, £10 child, £40 family SEANN wAlSH 8pm, Thursday 9th April, £14 ANDy PARSoNS 8pm, Friday 15th May, £15 wEEKly weight watchers - Thursdays 5.45pm. west wilts Model Car Club - Mondays 7pm. luncheon Club - 12-2pm Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun. 01225 713810. MoNTHly Melksham Electronic organ Club - every 3rd Tuesday of the month. 01225 702110. Melksham & District Historical Assoc. every 3rd Tuesday, 7.30pm. 01225 707785. North wilts Decorative & Fine Art Society Every1st Wed, Oct-July. Start 11am, coffee from 10.15am. £5. 01380 730059. Melksham Rock ‘n’ Roll Club - last Sat, 7.30 pm. 07779 330042.
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