February - 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 432 30th St NW Canton OH 44709 330-492-0310 Fax: 330-455-5268 Home Page: http://www.shaaraytorahsynagogue.org Hazzan Bruce D. Braun hazzanbraun@yahoo.com Visiting Rabbi, Sheldon Switkin swswitkin@aol.com Nancy Shimer, Director of Life Long Learning CHADASH@neo.rr.com Richard Altman, Co-President February Shabbat Dinner with Tohar & Ofri Kait, our Shlichim Feb. 20, 2015 Service 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Adults $14; Children $10 (3-12) Make your reservation now for the Shabbat dinner on Friday, February 20th. Join us for an evening of warmth, good food, and prayer, as we welcome in Shabbat together. The evening begins with Services at 5:30 p.m. led by Hazzan Braun, followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tohar & Ofri will present their continuing series as they explore, explain and share their family roots. The menu consists of Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Hummus & Pita, Greek Salad, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit and Pareve Desserts. Reservations are needed before noon on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. raltman@aaltmanco.com Michael Zoldan, Co-President mzoldan@debtsales.us Synagogue Office shaaraytorah@att.net Contents: Page 2 - Shabbat Schedule; Gift Shoppe; In Memoriam Page 3 - February Donations Page 4 - February Yahrzeits Page 5 - MERCAZ Page 6 - Chadash News; Shlichim February Programs Page 7 – Mishloach Manot Bag Order Form Page 8 - Minyan Participants; Birthdays; Anniversaries Save these Dates for Purim Wednesday, March 4, 2015: Fast of Esther; Chadash Community Evening Purim Program 6:00 p.m. Thursday, March 5, 2015: Purim; Services 7:00 a.m. with Traditional Megillah Reading Friday, March 6, 2015: Sushan Purim Saturday, March 7, 2015: Persian Purim Prom 7:30 p.m. Watch your emails & regular U.S. mail for more information! Shabbat Service Schedule Gift Shoppe Shevat - Adar 5775 Passover will be here before you know it. If you don’t see something you want, please ask. Items for Passover include Seder Plates, Matzah Plates and Holders, Matzah Covers, Haggadahs, etc. Also, we carry Shabbat Candles, Havdalah Candles (round and oblong), Yahrzeit Lamps and replacement bulbs, Tallit bags, Tefillin and traditional talitot. Stop in on Sundays (weather permitting) from 9:30 a.m. to noon or call me (Lila) or Linda Alperin at 330-494-1367 for an appointment . Friday, February 6, 2015 Service 5:30 p.m. Candles 5:33 p.m. Saturday, February 7, 2015 Service 9:30 a.m. Friday, February 13, 2015 Service 5:30 p.m. Candles 5:42 p.m. Saturday, February 14, 2015 Service: 9:30 a.m. In Memoriam Friday, February 20, 2015 Family Shabbat Service 5:30 p.m. with our Shlichim, Tohar & Ofri Kait Candles 5:50 p.m. Shabbat Dinner 6:30 p.m. Shaaray Torah wishes to extend condolences to the following families: Kaethe (“Katy”) Schohl Wells passed away on December 25, 2014. She was the mother of PJ (Fran) Wells and Clara Wells; and grandmother of Katie Wells & Michael Satin, and Jennifer Wells & Gabe Culberg; and the great-grandmother of Issac Wells Satin. Saturday, February 21, 2015 Service: 9:30 a.m. Friday, February 27, 2015 Service 5:30 p.m. Candles 5:59 p.m. Connie Wallace passed away on December 26, 2014. She was the aunt of Linda (David) Sklar. Saturday, February 28, 2015 Service: 9:30 a.m. Phyllis Jacobs passed away on January 7, 2015. Phyllis was a very close friend of Lila Levine. Please Note: There will be no Service on Sunday, February 15th. Herman Davis passed away on January 17, 2015 in Scottsdale AZ. He was the father of Tammy (Dennis) Schuman and Marc (Nancy Turak) Davis; Grandfather of four; and uncle of Hannah Jolly. May their memories be for a blessing. Thanks Everyone! Thanks for all of your expressions of caring and support during my recent convalescence. It meant a lot to me and Linda. A special thanks to the Caring Committee for the delicious meal delivered to our home. Mike & Linda Alperin Shaaray Torah Synagogue The Scribe 2 February Donations Alvin Altman Fund In Honor of The 95th Birthday of Sylvia Altman Gail & Ted Goldman In Memory of Tillie Levine Bobbi & Rick Altman Kaethe Schohl Wells Bobbi & Rick Altman Connie Wallace Bobbi & Rick Altman Kiddush Fund Speedy Recovery of Joe Zoldan Barbara & Stan Rubin Howard Golden Natasha & Alex Fridman Bill Blocker Cindy, Jack & Rachel Bouer Mike Alperin Cindy, Jack & Rachel Bouer Hershel Smuckler Alma & Al Schumann In Memory of Connie Wallace Linda & Mike Alperin Rita & Larry Miller Barbara & Stanley Rubin Fran & PJ Wells Carol & Barry Rose Mary Donna, Jim, Michael, Carey & Lanny Rubin Tobi & Frank Abes Cindy, Jack & Rachel Bouer Kaethe Schohl Wells Edith Benjamin Barbara & Stanley Rubin Carol & Barry Rose Cindy, Jack & Rachel Bouer Rita & Larry Miller Paula & Avrahm Cohen Reuven Fridman Natasha & Alex Fridman Benjamin Mousman Zandy & Joe Bloom Sarah Bloom Zandy & Joe Bloom Hymie Cooper Barbara & Mike Salle Anne Fisher Rita & Larry Miller Elsie Berger Max Miller Rita & Larry Miller Rose Carnes Debra & Norm Carnes Etta Davis Herman Davis Selma Smith Cindi & Jim Rudick Herman Davis The David Genshaft Family Synagogue Fund Speedy Recovery of Mike Alperin Bonnie & Steve Manello In Memory of Kaethe Schohl Wells Linda & Mike Alperin Dr. Rebecca Alperin The Reaven Family Bertrand C. Britt Linda & Mike Alperin Joseph Rich The Reaven Family Rose Weiss The Reaven Family Constance Wallace The Reaven Family Yahrzeit Fund In Memory of Joel Gottesman Alan Gottesman Ralph Refkin Karen Refkin Shaaray Torah Synagogue Rose Eisenman Ethel Regberg Abraham Freed Lillian Weinberger Isadore Freed Lillian Weinberger Anna Freed Lillian Weinberger Philip Silver Lillian Weinberger David Weinberger Lillian Weinberger Roy Baker Ruth Baker Morris Freed Bernice Fidelholtz Lyle Golden Howard Golden & Julie Golden Louis Falkoff Howard Golden & Julie Golden Israel Konor Myriam & Avy Konor Mary Lockshin Shirley & Jim Lockshin Betty Chanan Rosalie Nathan & Scott Nathan & Winnie Kwok Leona Genshaft Judy Genshaft Irving Fidelholtz Bernice Fidelholtz Jack Fogel Mel Fogel Sara Levin Betty Freed Elizabeth Wolf Eileen & Irv Dinn Bernice Shapiro Cindy, Jack & Rachel Bouer Herman Rado Nora & Don Rado The Scribe Sam & Esther Rudner Fund In Memory of Sam Rudner Bonnie & Bill Rudner Marcia Wolf Bonnie & Bill Rudner Harry Rudner Bonnie & Bill Rudner Memorial Fund In Memory of Kaethe Schohl Wells Dr & Mrs Todd Fladen Anne Fisher Dr & Mrs Todd Fladen Betty Freed Phyllis Lockshin Dr & Mrs Todd Fladen Raymond Wilkof Dr & Mrs Todd Fladen Gerald Firestone Edith Benjamin Hazzan Tribute Fund In Memory of Kaethe Schohl Wells Helen Blocker Connie Wallace Helen Blocker 32 February Yahrzeits The following is a list of the Yahrzeit dates of our members’ families and relatives. Please check this list and if you see that one of your family or friends has a Yahrzeit, please try to come to Minyan (except Saturday evening) the evening before the date listed so that we can ensure a Minyan. Your help will be greatly appreciated. (Indented: observer; Bold: Yahrzeit) 1 Freydah Braun Hazzan Braun Emil Gluck Gertrude Reinhart Doris Rapport Davetta Rapport Libby Brody Lanny Silver Steve Silver Ellen Shankle 2 Judith Bernstein Linda Sklar Sayree Bloom Michael Bloom Joseph Cherkinsky Rita Miller Sara Klamer Martin Klamer Tillie Levine Bobbi Altman 3 Faye Berson Ida Shapero 4 Jack Fogel Melvin Fogel Gussie Rosker Bea Pearlman 5 Leona Genshaft Neil Genshaft 6 Louis Falkoff Howard Golden Julie Golden Claudia Rinkov Melissa Blocker 7 Fannie Bloomfield Rossetta Wilkof Hymie Cooper Barbara Salle Israel Konor Avy Konor Bernard Salis Michael Salle 9 Bertrand Britt Linda Alperin Reuven Fridman Alexander Fridman Irving Haber Amy Lakritz Weiner Sam Kastner Edith Benjamin 10 Rachel Adelman Linda Poole Harold Freedman Joseph Vander Burton Vander 11 Morris Freed Bernice Fidelholtz 12 Rose Carnes Marilyn Slesnick Bella Rubin Jim Rubin Stanley Rubin Joseph Shorr Shirley Shorr Susan Mitman 13 Sara Levin Betty Freed Burton Williams Gloria Williams 14 Vincent “Jimmy” Farelli Eve Fishberg Max Fogel Melvin Fogel Joseph Krouse Merle Griff Albert Reaven Bob Reaven 15 Meyer Monett Lila Levine 17 Irving Fidelholtz Bernice Fidelholtz Terri Fidelholtz Sadie Levin Betty Freed Beatrice Shapiro Jack Bouer Shaaray Torah Synagogue 18 Mike Refkin David Sklar 19 Fannie Horowitz David Sklar 20 Stanley Benjamin Edith Benjamin Max Miller Larry Miller Sam Monett Lila Levine Rose Newman Libby Hendler 21 Harry Alpiner Rossetta Wilkof Harry Baum Shirley Rubinstein Lena Birenbaum Terri Fidelholtz Hymen Garfinkle Elaine Garfinkle Rita Netler Bob Altman Miriam Refkin Karen Refkin 22 Ruth Eppy Jerry Eppy Mike Magill Jay Clar 23 Evelyn Alperin Mike Alperin Harold Fisher Fran Reaven Sally Rubin Stanley Rubin Jim Rubin Esther Rudner Madeline Rudner 24 Howard Freedman Lillian Freedman Harold Freedman Linda Poole Bernard Parish Ellis Parish Samuel E. Weiser Ruth Eppy Judy Eppy 25 David Nathan Rosalie Nathan Ingrid Cohn Selma Smith Cindi Rudick 26 Roger Chapman Martin Chapman Linda Poole Harold Freedman Robert Cohen Roberta Freed Robert Gribble Suzanne Bloom Sidney Silverman Diane Blocker 27 Ida Cherkasly Marilyn Slesnick Doree Hafner Stanley Slesnick Bob Slesnick 28 Ida Lichtblau Rita Miller Mamie Rappoport Jack Rappoport The Scribe 4 Why Vote for Mercaz USA in the World Zionist Organization Elections? by Rabbi Alan Silverstein American Jews, concerned about Jewish continuity, long for a view of Israel with which our children can identify. Research indicates that our young people can be positively influenced by encountering Israel first-hand. The success of Birthright programs is living proof of this observation. Through Birthright, our sons and daughters benefit immeasurably, experiencing the pulsating vitality of a modern-day nation in which Jews are the majority, in which Hebrew is being spoken, in which Jewish holy days are marked as national events, and where Jewry and Jewish values are at play in economic, self-defense and cultural life. Yet the cloud on this bright horizon of direct “mifgashim” is young people’s discovery of the Israeli Government’s rejection of non-Orthodox Judasim. Surveys affirm that indifference by the “State for the Entire Jewish People” to Conservative and Reform Judaism is off-putting to scores of young American Jews. After all, it is via their American synagogue culture’s that receptivity to Israel-attachment was nurtured! The challenge is hard enough on educating our young to counter BDS and other forms of de-legitimization of Israel on college campuses and within America’s “progressive” media outlets. What we do not need is to have our youth offended by Israel rejecting the legitimacy of their rabbis, their congregations, converts within their families and their religious approach to prayer. Delegitimization of Masorti/Conservative Reform Judaism inside Israel poses a serious threat to the future of Jewish global unity! As noted by Theodore Sasson of Brandeis University’s Cohen Research Center: “respondents in…[focus] groups [of American Jewish young adults] cited the ambiguous legal status of nonOrthodox movements in Israel as a reason for feeling personally alienated.” Among representative comments, Sasson shared the following: “[if I made aliya]. . . I don’t know where . . . I would fit in because I feel very connected to my [approach to the Jewish] religion and feel very much a part of it. But I feel I would be devalued completely in Israel in terms of the way I practice my religion and am involved in Judaism. It is alienating.” What is needed is to have the Jewish Federations as well as local American donors help fund the growth of the Israeli Reform and Conservative/Masorti Movements. Our young people are the potential AIPAC, Israel Bonds, UJA, JNF supporters of the 21st century. Their distancing from Israel would pose a dire threat to Jewish peoplehood. We need to engage them by being embraced by the Jewish State! We can assist in this urgent process by voting for MERCAZ USA [the Conservative/ Masorti Zionist Party] in the forthcoming [January 15 - April 30] election for the World Zionist Congress. The more votes MERCAZ receives, the more funding for promoting Conservative/Masorti Judaism. Jewish continuity is at stake! Please go online to www.votemercaz.org to register and vote NOW. Shaaray Torah The Scribe 5 Chadash News by Nancy Shimer, Director of Life Long Learning Upcoming Events Shlichim Work with Chadash On Sunday, February 22, our community shlichim Tohar and Ofri will conduct a workshop for the students on the traditional Israeli performance art of Daglanoot, in which young people walk in intricate dance-like patterns on a stage while carrying flags (think marching band with flags instead of instruments!). This workshop will be in preparation for a Daglanoot performance of our students at the community Yom HaAtzma’ut celebration on Monday, April 27. Chadash Community Tu BiShvat Seder It’s not too late to RSVP to the Chadash community Tu BiShvat seder at the Beit Ha’am building on Wednesday, February 4, at 4:30pm (Hebrew students can arrive at the usual time of 4:15 pm and help set up the seder). Please join the students and teachers, as well as Hazzan Braun, Rabbi Adland, and shlichim Tohar and Ofri for a fun and meaningful seder “meal” featuring purple and white grape juice, and fruits and nuts associated with Israel, as we celebrate the birthday of the trees and the early signs of spring. Since we will be only sampling different foods, it is recommended that attendees plan on having their own dinner afterwards. There is no fee for this program, but reservations are required so that we can be sure to have plenty of treats on hand for everyone! You can RSVP to Nancy at chadash@neo.rr.com or by phone at (330) 445-2853. PreKindergarten Havdalah Program On Saturday evening, February 21 at 6:30pm the Chadash PreKindergarten students and their parents will gather at the Beit Ha’am building to celebrate Havdalah, marking the end of Shabbat and the beginning of the new week. PreK teacher Ellen Shankle has been teaching the students about Shabbat and about the elements of the Havdalah ceremony in preparation for this program. The students and their parents will do a fun craft project, hear a story about Havdalah, sing a few songs, have a special snack, and join with Rabbi Adland in the Havdalah ceremony. Presidents Day Weekend Please note that there will be no religious school or Hebrew classes on Sunday, February 15 and no Hebrew classes on Monday, February 16 in observance of Presidents Day weekend. February Shlichim Programs Join Tohar and Ofri at Beit Ha’am as they explore “Shorashim” - Our Roots. Both programs (below) take place at 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 2nd “Shorashim” - Roots of our Families We will go back to our grandparents’ days and learn about Ofri’s family from Argentina, Poland and Russia and Tohar’s family from Poland and Spanish Morroco. We will present the story of our families and how they reach Israel and we will talk about special foods, music and traditions. Wednesday, February 18th “Sharing our Roots” We welcome people from the Canton community of all ages, to come and share their family story: their roots. We ask people to bring photos and any items they would like to share that have a family history. Guide questions: How did your family reach the U.S.? Where did they come from? What did they pass on to you? What were the traditions? Shaaray Torah Synagogue The Scribe 6 Chadash Mishloach Manot Gift Bags Do a Purim Mitzvah! Send to a Friend! It is a mitzvah on Purim to send a gift of at least two different foods to family and friends. You can fulfill this mitzvah by ordering Mishloach Manot gift bags from Chadash! Your friends and family will love to get these delectable kosher treats, including homemade hamentaschen. All recipients will be notified and the gift bags will be available for pick up at Beit Ha’am on Wednesday, March 4th, during the Chadash Community Purim Celebration. (A very limited delivery will be available. Please indicate on order form if they are a shutin). The bag will include a card indicating who sent it. Half of the proceeds will benefit Chadash, our community Hebrew and Religious school, and half will go to Community Harvest, a local perishable food program, whose mission is to fight hunger in Stark County, in keeping with another mitzvah of Purim. The bags will be assembled by Chadash students. Only 100 will be made! To avoid disappointment, send the enclosed order form and a check made payable to Chadash BY Friday, February 20, 2015 to: Chadash 432 30th St NW Canton, OH 44709 (Any recipient with multiple orders will receive one Mishloach Manot gift bag along with a card indicating all those who sent it. Please note, no phone orders will be taken.) Recipient:_______________________________ Recipient:_____________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Email: __________________________________ Email: _______________________________ Recipient:_______________________________ FROM: (sender name to be included on card) _____________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: __________________________________ Enclosed please find a check for ____ Mishloach Manot gift bags Recipient:_______________________________ at $10 each for a total of $______ . Phone: _________________________________ All orders MUST be pre-paid. Email: __________________________________ Recipient:_______________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: __________________________________ For additional orders, please use back side of this form. The Scribe 7 February Minyan Participants Jan. 31 - Feb. 6, 2015 Linda & David Poole Jack Rappoport Fran & Bob Reaven Carol & Barry Rose Mary Donna & Jim Rubin Barbara & Stan Rubin Feb. 7 - Feb. 13, 2015 Shirley Rubinstein Dorothy & Irv Rudick Cindi & Jim Rudick Barbara & Mike Salle Lisa & Steve Sands Feb. 14 - Feb. 20, 2015 Ellen & Bill Shankle Carole Sheidlower Nancy & Arnold Shifman Steve Silver Linda & David Sklar Feb. 21 - Feb. 27, 2015 Marilyn & Bob Slesnick Laura & Rick Solomon Hyla & Burt Vander Marc Vander Feb. 28 - March 6, 2015 Amy & Mark Weiner & Family Fran & PJ Wells Kristin & Jonathan Wilkof February Birthdays 1 1 3 3 4 7 7 7 Sid Mittelman Howard Golden Gail Goldman Adam Goldman Bernie Hafner Dean Pearlman Estabelle Landau Marilyn Slesnick 10 Leslie Wilkof 11 Lillian Weinberger 13 Ellis Parish 13 Hyla Vander 14 Janie Zoldan 15 Beverly Worshil 15 Ellen Shankle 15 Terri Fidelholtz 19 21 24 24 24 26 Libby Hendler Becky Zoldan Alan Cohn Amy Lakritz Weiner Steve Sands Fran Reaven February Anniversaries Couple Stan & Barbara Rubin Burton & Hyla Vander Years 28 61 Shaaray Torah Synagogue 432 30th St. NW Canton OH 44709 Date 16 22 NONPROFIT ORG. 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