Ap pplica ation Forrm forr Enrrolme ent Alessco Senior C College – A perrsonalised, inclusive, innova ative pathw way to your Highe er School Certificate. Inforrmation forr Applicantss: Thank you for you r interest in enrolling in Ale esco Senior Coollege. e results of your applicationn. The informa ation you have The sschool will nottify you of the provided will be ussed by the sch hool to determ mine the appliication to progress to stagee 2 which is an interview. part of the appplication stud dents will need to provide: As a p A copy off proof of iden ntity including date of birth A copy off the most recent school rep port Copies of f any other sup pporting docu umentation (ssuch as support letters etc) Copies of f any other leggal documenta ation (court oorders etc) You a are welcome tto provide furrther informattion on an attaached sheet. Your privacy protectted 998 (NSW) and tthe This school is subjectt to the Privacyy and Personal Information Prootection Act 19 Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. nformation youu provide will be e used to proce ess your child’s application forr enrolment, wh hich may The in includ de a risk assessm ment. It will only be used or disclosed for thee following purposes: General st udent administtration relating to the educatioon and welfare of the studentt Communiccation with stud dents and parents or carers To ensure the health, safe ety and welfare e of students, sttaff and visitorss to the school State and N National reportting purposes For any othher purpose required by law. The in nformation will be stored secu urely. You may access or correect any personal information b by contacting the schoool. If you have aa concern or complaint about tthe way your p personal information has been collected, usedd, or disclosed, you should con ntact the schoo l. Do I h have to answerr all the questio ons? The in nformation youu provide will asssist the school to communicaate with you and to care for yo our child while at school. Shouuld you choose e to submit an in ncomplete form m, processing your application n may be delayed and the quaality of our service to you may be affected. g false or misleeading information is a serious offence. In thhe event that statements mad de in this Giving appliccation later proove to be false or misleading, any decision m made as a resullt of this application may b be reversed. Why h have we askedd for informatio on about Parent /Guardian occcupation and e education? All Au ustralian Educattion Ministers h have agreed on National Goalss for Schooling in the 21st Cen ntury. As a partt of this all schoool must now ask information regarding the ffamily backgrou und of studentss. The main purpose of colllecting this info ormation is to promote an eduucation system which is fair for all Australian students rregardless of th heir background d. We use the innformation to e evaluate wheth her our policie es are effectivee and to ensure e that no group is experiencingg undue disadva antage becausee of their econo omic or social bbackground. Pro oviding informa ation about youur occupation and education iss voluntary and you doo not have to answer if you do o not wish to. The fo our groups listeed on page ‘2’ aare used by the Australian Bureeau of Statistics to classify occcupations. Please e choose the grroup that you think best descrribes you. If youu have retired o or stopped work in the past yyear please chooose the group in which you ussed to work. Yoou will need to use this table tto answer the qu uestions on pagges ‘??’. Stude ent Email and Innternet Access Stude ents are provideed with an emaail account to en nable learning oopportunities in a protected aand secure environment . Students must abide by the sschool’s policy w when using the e schools Intern net and nt their email services. Pareents/ Guardianss will need to inform the schoool in writing if they do not wan child tto have access to the school In nternet and em mail facility. THISS APPLICATIO ON DOES NO OT CONSTITU UTE ACCEPTA ANCE OF THE E ENROLMEN NT. Plea ase tear off tthis front pa age and keep it before rreturning yo our applicatiion to the school. s © Ale esco Senior Colllege Applicatio on Form 2013. P Parrent/ Guaardian Occupation Groups Grou up 4 Machine operatorrs, hosp pitality staff, assisstants, laboureers and related workeers Grou up 3 Tradesmen/ women, clerkks and skilled office, sales and serviice staff Grou up 2 Othe er business managers, arts/media/ Sporrtspersons and d associate professionals Grou up 1 Seniior managem ment in large businesss orgaanisation, gove ernment adm ministration aand defe ence, and quallified proffessionals Drivvers, mobile pla ant, productionn/processing machinery and o other machinery ry operators Hosspitality staff [h hotel service su pervisor, recep ptionist, waiter, bar attendant,, kitchenhand, porter, housekeeeper] Office assistants, ssales assistants and other assisstants Office [typist, word processing/d ata entry/busin ness machine operator, recepttionist, office assistant] Salees [sales assista ant, motor vehi cle/caravan/paarts salesperson n, checkout opeerator, cashier, bus/train cond ductor, tickket seller, servicce station attenndant, car rentaal desk staff, strreet vendor, tellemarketer, she elf stacker] Asssistant/aide [tra ades’ assistant, school/teacher’s aide, dental assistant, veteerinary nurse, nursing assistantt, museum/ gallery a attendant, usheer, home helper, salon assistan nt, animal attenndant] Lab bourers and rela ated workers Deffence Forces ranks below seni or NCO not included below Agrriculture, horticculture, forestryy, fishing, minin ng worker [farm m overseer, she arer, wool/hide e classer, farm hand, horrse trainer, nursseryman, greennkeeper, garden ner, tree surgeo on, forestry/loggging worker, m miner, seafarer//fishing han nd] Oth her worker [labourer, factory hhand, storeman n, guard, cleane er, caretaker, laaundry worker, trolley collecto or, car parrk attendant, crossing supervissor Tradesmen/wome en generally havve completed aa 4 year Trade C Certificate, usuaally by apprenticeship. All ttradesmen/women are includded in this group Clerks [bookkeepe er, bank/PO cle rk, statistical/actuarial clerk, a accounting/clai ms/audit clerk,, payroll clerk, reco ording/ registryy/filing clerk, beetting clerk, sto ores/inventory clerk, purchasinng/order clerk, freiight/transport/shipping clerk, bond clerk, cusstoms agent, cu ustomer servicees clerk, admisssions clerk] Skilled office, saless and service sttaff Office [secretary, p personal assistaant, desktop pu ublishing operator, switchboarrd operator] Salees [company sa ales representattive, auctioneer, insurance agent/assessor/looss adjuster, market researcheer] Service [aged/disa abled/refuge/chhild care worke er, nanny, meter reader, parkinng inspector, po ostal worker, co ourier, travvel agent, tour guide, flight atttendant, fitnesss instructor, cassino dealer/suppervisor] Ow wner/manager o of farm, construuction, import/e export, wholesale, manufactuuring, transport, real estate bu usiness Speecialist manager [finance/engi neering/production/ personnel/industrial re lations/sales/m marketing] Finaancial services manager [bankk branch managger, finance/ inv vestment/insurrance broker, credit/loans officer] Rettail sales/services manager [shhop, petrol station, restaurant, club, hotel/mootel, cinema, th heatre, agency]] Artss/media/sportss [musician, acttor, dancer, painter, potter, sculptor, journaliist, author, med dia presenter, pho otographer, dessigner, illustratoor, proof reade er, sportsman/w woman, coach, trainer, sports official] Asssociate professionals generallyy have diploma//technical qualifications and ssupport manage ers and professsionals Heaalth, Education,, Law, Social W elfare, Enginee ering, Science, C Computing techhnician/associatte professional Bussiness/administtration [recruitm ment/employm ment/industrial relations/trainiing officer, marrketing/advertissing speecialist, market research analyst, technicaal sales represe entative, retail buyer, office/p roject managerr] Deffence Forces senior Non‐Comm missioned Officcer Sen nior executive/m manager/deparrtment head in industry, comm merce, media oor other large organisation Pub blic service man nager [section hhead or above],, regional director, health/eduucation/police/fire services adm ministrator Oth her administrator [school princcipal, faculty he ead/dean, library/museum/gaallery director, rresearch facilityy direector] Deffence Forces Co ommissioned O Officer Pro ofessionals gene erally have deg ree or higher qualifications an nd experience inn applying this knowledge to d design, devvelop or operate complex syst ems; identify, ttreat and advise e on problems; and teach othe ers Heaalth, Education,, Law, Social W elfare, Enginee ering, Science, C Computing proffessional Bussiness [management consultannt, business anaalyst, accountant, auditor, pollicy analyst, acttuary, valuer] Air//sea transport [[aircraft/ship’s captain/officerr/pilot, flight officer, flying insttructor, air trafffic controller] If the e person is not ccurrently in paiid work but had d a job or retireed in the last 12 2 months, please use the persoon’s last occupa ation. If th he person has n not been in paid d work in the last 12 months, pplease write ‘8’’ in the box. © Ale esco Senior Colllege Applicatio on Form 2013. Alesco Senio or College App plication n D Date of Application: _________________ App plication ffor: Yea ar 10 RoSA A Sen nior Progra am Alesco o Flex Pro ogram 1. ST TUDENT DETTAILS First name: _______________________ ____________ Othe er Names: _______________________ ____ Last Name: ___________________ _______________ DOB: ___ ___/ ______/ ____________ M or F Stree et Address: _______________________________________________ SSuburb: ____ ____________________ Posst Code: ________ Hom me Ph.: _______________________ _______________ Mobile P Ph.: ________ ____________ ____________ ________________ Email: _______________________________ _____________ @ ________ ____________ _______________________ ________________ 2. LIVING ARRAN NGEMENTS:: Wiith both parennts With Mother W With Fath er Indeppendent Other (please O specify): ____ _____________ 3. DETAILS ntry of Birth_________________________ ________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ Coun Is the student of A Aboriginal or TTorres Strait Isslander decennt? Doess the student come from a Non English SSpeaking backkground? Yes No Yes No Langguage Spoken at home: _______________ ________________________ ___________ ________________________ ___________ Doess the student have a disability or currentt diagnosis? Diagnosis: ______________________________ ____________ ____________ _ Yes No (plea ase provide alll documents relating to this) Date e: __________________________________ ____________ Who provide ed this: ____________________________ ___________ Has tthe student ever undergon ne assessmentt by psychiatriist, psychologgist, behaviourral therapist oor other: Yes No Sourrce (ie Doctor,, school counssellor etc) : __ ________________________ __________________ Date: ______ ______________ Is the young perso on still involveed with this se ervice: Yes No Please provide alll documents rrelating to thiis section as aa part of the initial applicattion 4. PA ARENT GUARDIAN 1 (whhere details are same as studeent write ‘SAME’) Title: Mr/ Mrs/MSS /Dr Firstt name: _____ ________________________ _ Last Name: ___________________ _________________ Relattionship to Student: _________________ ________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________________ Stree et Address __________________________ ____________________ Su uburb: _____ _________________ Post Co ode: _____________ Hom me Ph.: ____________________________ Mobile Ph.: ___________ ____________ _________ W Work Ph.: ____ ____________________ Email: ______________________________ @ @ _____________________ ____________ _____ Occupaation Group: _ _______________ 5. PA ARENT GUARDIAN 2(wheere details are same as studennt write ‘SAMEE’) Title: Mr/ Mrs/MSS /Dr Firstt name: _____ ________________________ _ Last Name: ___________________ _________________ Relattionship to Student: _________________ ________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________________ Stree et Address __________________________ ____________________ Su uburb: _____ _________________ Post Co ode: _____________ Hom me Ph.: ___________________________ Mobile Ph.: _____________ ____________ ________ Woork Ph.: _____ ___________________ Email: ______________________________ @ @ _____________________ ____________ _____ Occupaation Group: _ _______________ © Ale esco Senior Colllege Applicatio on Form 2013. 6. REFERRAL DETTAILS (if app plicable) Refe erral Agency: _________________________ _______________________ __ Type e of Service: _____________ __________________ Nam me of Worker: _______________________ _______________________ __ Ph.: _______________________ __________________ Email: ______________________________ @ @ _____________________ _______ Ongoing Involvem ment: Yes No Plea ase attach a referral letteer 7. ED DUCATIONA AL HISTORY Nam me of School/ TAFE etc Grade e/s or course//s Last year off attendance Completted? YES NO 8. O OTHER TRAIN NING OR EMP PLOYMENT Naame of Employer Role/ Dutties Comple eted? YES YES Last year oof attendancee O Ongoing? NO O NO 9. REASON FOR APPLICATIO ON TO ALESC CO SENIOR CO OLLEGE ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ ____ ___________________________________ ________________________ ____________ _______________________ ____________________ © Ale esco Senior Colllege Applicatio on Form 2013. 10. SSUPPORT DO OCUMENTATTION Plea ase provide ccopies of thee following; Section 1: Copy off proof of Iden ntification Yes Noo Section 3: Practitioners report (if applicable)) Yes Noo Section 6: Referraal Letter (if applicable) Yes Noo Section 7: Copy off most recent school reportt Yes Noo m Year 9 six m months comp letion or equivalent Section 7: Evidencce of minimum 11. SSIGNATURESS Yes Noo Sign ned: _____________________________ ___________________ (a applicant) Date: _____________ ______ Sign ned: _____________________________ ___________________ (p parent) Date: _____________ ______ OFFICE USE ONLLY Date received Addittional Notes: Interview Datte Enrollment Accepted d YES If No outline reason n Date application to be destroyed © Ale esco Senior Colllege Applicatio on Form 2013. Time: NO N Signature S
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