Lion’s Roar Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation President Excited to Reconnect with Chapter I n December 2011, I was approached at a dinner with several of my ADPi sisters (all of whom I had not seen in more than 25 years) about joining the Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation. Guilt consumed me for not staying in contact with sisters, not going to football games, and not visiting our former home. I considered the request because I felt being a part of the board could be a great way to give back to an organization that had given so much to me. Some of my best years spent with the Capshaws, Jane Kinnaman ’72, Julie Borg DuFaux ’72, Beth Eason Tomasovic ’72, and Judi Terry Schoonover ’73, and it was time I recognized this. No questions asked, I told Marsha Vogel ’71 I would join the board having absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into! Since then, I have never regretted bringing ADPi back into my life. Now I am delighted to be president of the Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation, especially during such an exciting time. Our collaborating board has been very involved in the plans for renovating our existing home and building the new wing. Susan Wiedmier Bridges ’75 and her team have spent countless hours on this huge project, and her dedication should be commended. When I pull up to the house, I cannot tell where the new construction starts. Everything is so well blended. The basement is no longer a scary place; it is open, cozy, and welcoming all at the same time! If I were the housemother, I would move in permanently. What a fun and beautiful home this is going to be for our present and future Chapter members. I encourage all of you to travel to Columbia for a visit. You will be amazed. Remember how we supported each other during our years in the house? Let’s join together again and support ADPi. You can support ADPi with your time, talent, and treasure. • Purchase a brick for the new brick garden. It’s easy by going to our Brick Garden tab on the alumnae website,, or by using the enclosed envelope. • Serve on the Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation. We have provisions for virtual attendance at meetings. E-mail me if you are interested. • Volunteer for the 100th anniversary committee. Two years will be here before we know it. Contact Anniversary Chairman Melanie Harris Guard ’82 at • Keep current and join the conversation in our Facebook group moderated by Deb Clem ’87. Check it out at I look forward to reuniting with my sisters from the ’70s and meeting sisters I have never met before. I am proud to once again be a part of the Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi. Get involved. I’m glad I did. Loyally, Julie Hunt Brown ’73 Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation President Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi * Fall 2013 Never Prouder to Be an ADPi I must admit I’m one lucky senior. As the first president to live in the executive suite, I enjoy my own bathroom, plenty of work space to coordinate all things ADPi, and the opportunity to hang out in the new basement. Speaking of all things ADPi, I attended Grand Convention this summer in Dallas. I must admit I’ve never been prouder to be an Alpha Delta Pi. I was amazed at the spirit and devotion of so many women who still care so deeply about our sorority even though they are years removed from their college experience. Some houses have followed our lead by updating facilities. Others have completely torn down and built from scratch. But we did it all. The house is different from the one I left in May. There are many, many new rooms to explore, gardens to enjoy, and furniture to break in, but it’s still the house where I’ve created so many memories. I can still sit on the red couch and watch TV just like I did as a freshman. I’m so thankful that we didn’t tear down who we are. Instead we built it up. We’ve made room for more sisters, more memories, and more opportunities to develop lifelong friendships. We welcomed home 80 new Alphas a few weeks ago. I’m sure they will find Alpha Delta Pi to be as welcoming and cozy as I do! I’ve never been prouder to be an Alpha Gamma ADPi. First. Finest. Forever. Loyally, Liz Zack ’10 Chapter President (913) 972-5787 | HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR BRICK? Lion’s Roar 2 A Nod to My Big Sis T hirty-eight years ago I met Susan Wiedmier Bridges ’75 as a freshman at Mizzou going through sorority recruitment. As soon as I met her, I knew I wanted to be an ADPi. landscaping, a brick sit-wall, and two semi-circle gathering areas. I asked Sue if there would be patio furniture. Her response illustrates her forethought and vision. “We will wait to see how the girls use the space. If we buy furniture now, we will have to bolt the furniture and then the space is locked into use with outside furniture.” She went by Sue in the ’70s, became my Big Sis, and we roomed together several semesters. We have remained friends since the day we met, and I continue to admire her leadership, dedication, authenticity, and vision. I often wonder how she has time for her fulltime job as controller for (Left) Sue and Terri in 1976. (Right) Terri and Sue on the recent moving day. Without Susan, I’m sure I wouldn’t Alphapointe, because the past few have been an Alpha Gamma ADPi. years she has been traveling from And without Susan, the 101 actives living at 809 Richmond would not Kansas City to Columbia one or more times a month. The week before have a $2.2 million addition to enjoy. move-in, Susan took her vacation days to move in the new furniture, work with the builders, oversee the installation of the brick garden, and make Susan’s vision to enhance 809 Richmond began several years ago when plans for the landscaping to be complete in time for recruitment. she joined the Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation and served numerous years as treasurer and president. Not only is her vision practical in terms Thank you, Susan, for all you have done and all you continue to do for of cultivating bank relationships and being steadfast in ensuring the house ADPi. Thank you for role modeling “We Live for Each Other!” is full and bills paid in a timely manner, her vision also includes making sure the Housing Corporation meets the needs of both Alphas (pledges) Loyally with love, and Deltas (actives). Terri Turner ’76, your little sis Here is just one example of her forward thinking. The new construction includes a 175-foot (more than half a football field) walkway lined with Alumnae News Eloise Clifford Ellis ’47 volunteers with the Gamma Chi Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at TCU. She enjoys TCU football games, bridge, and church. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas. Elaine Brown Malcolm ’58 returned to Mizzou in August 2013, after an absence of five years, and is now the house director of Sigma Kappa sorority. She lives in Springfield, Mo., when not at Sigma Kappa. E‑mail: Nancy Brown Ruggles ’62 is excited to be the grandmother of triplets, who turned three years old in May. She and her husband, Dwayne, live in Little Rock, Ark., where she works as a laboratory supervisor at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. E‑mail: Many sorority chapters do not own their houses. The Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation owns 809 Richmond. When Housemother Kathy makes supply lists, she spot checks 132 light bulbs, gets input from 101 ladies, and looks in the nooks and crannies of 24,642 square feet of bedrooms, bathrooms, hallways, and living space. Linda Russell ’70 donated a kidney to her neighbor in 2011 and has since gotten back into community activities. One of her favorites is with Mizzou Ambassadors. “We are there to welcome visitors and promote the University at all Mizzou athletic events. I love it!” She lives in Columbia, Mo. E‑mail: Jamie Miller Rankin ’71 moved to San Diego in July 2011 after her husband, Steve, passed away in April that year. She has reconnected in San Diego with pledge sisters Katie Hubbard Sullivan ’71 and Lynn Luikart Cordes ’71. She is looking forward to her third trip to Missouri and other travel. E‑mail: Amy Brahm Ficken ’76 and her husband, David, live in Huntsville, Ala., and have three children: Adam, Hannah, and Caleb. Hannah is a member of the Eta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Alabama. Amy welcomed her first grandchild, Isaac, in April 2013. E‑mail: (Continued on page 4) DID YOU KNOW? If you were to go furniture shopping for the house, you’d need to buy 102 mattresses and 102 matching desks and chairs. Chef Eric purchases the equivalent of 100 heads of lettuce, 80 pounds of bananas, 60 pounds of apples, and 50 boxes of cereal each week. As active members, we rent the house from the Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation. When we become alumnae, we become responsible for the care and upkeep of the house as its owners/ landlords. The Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation is made up of volunteer alumnae willing to manage the upkeep. Alpha Delta Pi 3 Moving Day Each August, Alpha Gamma ADPis, generally with help of kind parents, move back into 809 Richmond. It’s always a fun reunion to witness. However, this year there was added excitement to move into a lovely renovated home! Alpha Gamma To Do List Lion’s Roar 1.Join the Alpha Gamma Facebook group at ADPiMizzouAlums. 2. Purchase my very own brick to be displayed in the brick garden. Purchase online at brick-garden or use the enclosed envelope. 3. Mark my calendar for September 28, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the Alumnae Open House. Tours of the new addition will be conducted as well as food and good ole sisterly love. Alpha Gamma Housing Corporation 1037 W. Gregory Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64114-1103 Address Service Requested Alumnae News (Continued from page 2) Nanette Nicholas Rice ’83 and her husband, Richard, live in Chesterfield, Mo., and have three children: Katy, Daniel, and Tara. Tara became an Alpha Delta Pi at Missouri State in fall 2012. E‑mail: Sarah Winkelmann Miller ’01 and her husband, Tim, welcomed their daughter, Adelyn, on January 16, 2013. They live in St. Louis, Mo., where she is a professional sales representative for Johnson & Johnson PriCara. E‑mail: ATTENTION: This newsletter is intended for alumnae and parents. If your daughter is still attending the University of Missouri, she will receive a copy at the Chapter House. If she has graduated, please mail us her new address to help update our records. Thank you. Alumna Shares Why It Is Important to Support the Chapter A mong my fondest memories of sorority collegiate days are the rush week activities. The entire Chapter enjoyed writing, creating, and performing the entertaining skits and the successful welcoming of new pledges, now called Alphas. Our Chapter always enjoyed the group singing of sorority songs each night at dinner, and I find myself still humming them. Four faithful alumnae, three from St. Louis and one from Bolivar, arrived each year to assist us with organization, spirit, and the acquisition of an alumna recommendation required before each rushee could receive a bid. Led by Caralee Stanard ’55, immediate past international grand president, they moved into the sorority house, wore elegant evening gowns at preferential parties, and spent many hours on the telephone with alumnae throughout the state to receive the necessary recommendations. During my seven-year tenure as an international officer, it was my pleasure to work with all chapters regarding their recruitment plans and desired results. This involved conducting recruitment-oriented programs at international conventions and leadership conferences in my position as director of membership selection. It soon became apparent that chapters which had received the benefit of alumnae guidance and support on a continuous manner throughout their entire history had maintained their status on campus far easier than those where alumnae involvement was inconsistent. Alumnae support takes many forms, from serving on the Alpha Delta Pi Housing Corporation, becoming a chapter advisor, contributing to the campaign, or sending voluntary recommendations to chapters where local outstanding prospects are planning to attend college. This means not only to one’s own chapter but to all chapters. Recommendations need to be sent early, long before recruitment has started and prospective members need to be informed about Alpha Delta Pi and that they have been recommended for membership. Membership in Alpha Delta Pi has provided and trained many of us in leadership abilities, loyalty and bonding of friendships with common goals. Alumnae should realize that having enjoyed the privilege of membership carries with it the responsibility of assisting in some manner to keep the Chapter strong so others may enjoy the same privileges in years to come. Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi will soon celebrate 100 years of continuous existence on the campus of the University of Missouri at Columbia. The Chapter has survived the nation’s economic recessions, deep depressions, and even panty raids, but is stronger than ever! Let us all rejoice and give thanks to the many dedicated alumnae and Chapter members who have loyally supported our Chapter throughout 100 years. Loyally, Bettie McHaney Talbert ’53
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