A Reconciling in Christ Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Welcome to Worship at Trinity! Whatever has brought you to this place this week, we pray that God will bless you in these moments of worship. Today we hear the story of Jesus' bold first public act in the gospel of Mark--an exorcism! From a 2015 perspective, what on earth could this encounter have to do with us? Can this action of Jesus tell us something about the same God who works among us today? Thank you for adding your voice, your prayers, and your presence to this worshiping community today. Silent Auction Supports Global Missions The Silent Auction in the Lobby today supports our global mission partnership with Maranatha Ministries in Jamaica. Thank you all for their generous donations. The auction is open until noon, and all proceeds assist a team of 18 going to Jabneh Christian Academy during spring break next month. Souper Bowl of Caring Today Trinity youth lead the "Souper Bowl of Caring," a nationwide hunger relief effort. Youth, sporting their desired team apparel, will invite each person present in worship to help reach our goal of $1,000 to support the hunger needs in the Eau Claire community. Look for the giant soup pots as you exit worship. All contributions will be donated to Trinity's Food Pantry. On Our Way Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, and worship at 12:15 P.M . (followed by a soup lunch) and 6:30 P .M . will offer the series "On Our Way: Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life." This series will offer intriguing video conversations about aspects of work, relationships, and practices of faith which create openings in our lives for grace, mercy, and the presence of God to be revealed to us. Weekly themes will include: Living in the Presence of God, Making a Good Living, Friendship and Intimacy, Knowing and Loving Neighbors of Other Faiths and more. Annual Meeting Next Sunday Please come to the Annual Meeting of Trinity next Sunday, February 8, at 10:45 A .M . in the Worship Center. The Annual Report is available online at trinity-ec.org. Limited print copies are available at the lobby Information Center. Men in Mission This morning a team of eight Trinity men and Pastor Kurt Jacobson are worshiping with the Maranatha Powerhouse congregation at Jabneh Christian Academy, Grange Hill, Jamaica. Since Friday they've been working on completing a bath/shower facility for the school and beginning a kitchen. This small school enrolls 80 children, many from homes where resources are slight. The men extend sincere thanks to nearly 100 people who made contributions which are providing building materials as well as school supplies, toothbrushes, and tooth paste. They return home Tuesday night. Succession Planning Teams Seek Applicants The pastoral succession planning process is starting, and applications are open for the three teams which will play major roles in the work ahead prior to the retirement of Pastor Kurt in later 2016. The Transition Team, Call Committee, and Start-Up Team will each be comprised of 5–7 people with a liaison to the Trinity Council. Team descriptions and the online application form are available at trinity-ec.org or the Information Center in the Lobby. February 15 is the deadline for applying. Dr. Jim Pence of WalkAlong Consulting will guide the teams as they carry out major components leading up to the calling of a new Lead Pastor in 2016. Read about Dr. Pence on the website, and check out the FAQ document which addresses common questions asked when a pastoral transition occurs. Adult Growth Opportunities You're invited to join our Adult Growth opportunities starting soon. You can sign-up for any of these classes online or at Clipboard Central: • "The Greatest Story—Part II" A six week series starting tomorrow. This class will delve into the intricacies of the New Testament while showing us how God's word continues to shape our faith and living today. The class will meet on Monday mornings from 10:00 A .M .–11:15 A .M . • "Revelation" A five week series starting February 19 on Revelation, a book of hope and vision of God's healing love. The class will meet on Thursday Evenings (February 19, 26 and March 5, 12, 19) at 6:00 P.M . The cost is $9.00. • All women are invited to join Pastor Sarah for a five-week Bible study on the book of Philippians. The class will meet on Monday evenings at 6:00 P.M . during Lent at the Coffee Grounds. Come once, or come weekly as you are able. Contact Pastor Sarah for more information at sarah@trinity-ec.org Human Trafficking Forum You are invited to attend a human trafficking forum on Thursday, February 19, from 6:00–8:00 P.M . in the chapel at Trinity. The film "Nefarious: Merchant of Souls" will be shown, and information from the following featured guests will be shared: Jeni Haddad from Family Support Center, Jenny Almquist from Fierce Freedom, and Dave Malone, former Eau Claire Chief of Police and Trinity member. Wisconsin has one of the highest number of cases of human trafficking in the United States. Please join us for this event, and learn what you can do to address human trafficking in our community. For more information, contact Pastor Jim at jim@trinity-ec.org Positions Available at Trinity • • • Wedding Coordinator: The Wedding Coordinator provides a valuable service to w e d d in g p a rtie s a n d o u r congregation by gu idin g and contributing to a meaningful experience at Trinity on weekends when weddings occur. Qualities necessary include confident leadership abilities, good organizational and communication skills, and comfort handling groups of people. A full description of the role is available at trinity-ec.org or in print at the lobby Information Center. The position is open now, and training is available. For more information, contact Pastor Kurt Jacobson at 715.832.6601 ext. 217 or kurt@trinity-ec.org Director of Children's Ministries: We are actively seeking applicants for Director of Children's Ministries, and a full description of the position is available at trinity-ec.org. For more information about this ministry position, please contact Pastor Sarah Semmler Smith at 715.832.6601 ext. 215 or sarah@trinity-ec.org Kitchen/Meal Coordinator: The Kitchen/M eal Coordinator is responsible for providing dinner service for TGIF and children's choirs participants and their adult and youth leaders on Wednesday evenings. This position requires 16–20 hours of work per week from September through April and will begin during the 2015–16 school year. If interested in learning more or to apply for this position, please contact Kristy Casto, Director of Children's Ministries, at 715.832.6601 ext. 207 or kristy@trinity-ec.org 20th Annual Pancake Carnival Come and celebrate with us at our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 10, 4:00–7:00 P.M . Advance ticket prices are $6.00 for age 12 and over and $3.00 for under age 12. At the door on February 10, prices are $7.00 for age 12 and over and $3.00 under age 12. Tickets will be on sale on Sundays, February 1 and 8, before and after worship and also on Wednesday, February 4. During the week, tickets are available in the Church Office. Friendship Group Meeting Trinity's seniors will meet on Wednesday, February 11, at 10:00 A .M . in the Chapel. After a short business meeting, we will meet at the Chippewa Valley Museum for a guided tour of the new exhibit "Changing Currents." Lunch will be on your own at Red Lobster. All are welcome to join us. College Care Packages Another opportunity is available to send your son or daughter a College Care Package. If your son or daughter is attending college or technical college, you may request a special care package to be sent to their dorm or apartment. Toward the end of February, our youth will assemble the packages. If you are interested in sending a care package to your college student, please forward their mailing address to Cassie at cassie@trinity-ec.org or 715.832.6601 ext. 209 by Sunday, February 15. Our mailing list will include the names given for the Christmas Cards mailed in December 2014. “Unbroken” The Page Turners Book Club meets on Tuesday, February 17, at 6:30 P.M . to discuss "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand. Feel free to come whether you've finished the book or not. You can RSVP online at trinity-ec.org or sign-up at Clipboard Central. For more information, email Cindy Beck at cindy@trinity-ec.org Serving Others Locally • • Trinity will be serving at Sojourner House on Friday, February 20, from 6:30 P .M . to 9:30 P . M . We are looking for volunteers to donate two large fruit salads to be served with the meal. Sign up at the designated sheet at Clipboard Central. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the co-leaders, Phyllis at 715.836.7055 or Sheila at 715.831.8982. Trinity will fulfill a variety of tasks at The Beacon House from February 22–26. If you are available for a volunteer shift, you are invited to sign up at the designated sheet at Clipboard Central. Roman and Diane Fritz, Trinity members, will contact you with additional details. Thank you! The Holy Land and Jordan this Fall Pick up the brochure at the lobby Information Center and learn about an exciting travel opportunity this fall to the Holy Land and Jordan. For more information please contact Pastor Kurt at kurt@trinity-ec.org or Joan Lorenz at joan@higginstravel.com Only Four Dates Remain! There are only four weekends available to sponsor flowers for worship to memorialize or honor some person or event in your life. Dates remaining are: March 22; April 5, 26; December 20. Sign-up on the chart at Clipboard Central. Cost: $40. Pick up the blue card with further instructions. Recycle your plastic and paper bags by dropping them off at church for our pantry! Thank you. You may make your offering via your smart phone. Visit our mobile app by scanning the code Trinity Lutheran Church • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 1314 E Lexington Blvd Eau Claire WI 54701-6434 • Phone 715.832.6601 • Fax 715.832.6700 trinity-ec.org • February 1, 2015
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