members in BOLD - Our Savior's Lutheran Church

Please pray…(members in BOLD)
For the Family of the Week:
Richard and Diane Kummer
For our Shut-ins:
Ida Parker, Leota Dunaway, Billie
For those who are ill or with health issues:
Arnold Jestadt, Ed Bornemann, Steve
Verhoeff (Billie Verhoeff’s Son), John
Boucek (Karen Senn’s father), Alan
Reiman (Helen Hegland’s Son)
For our active military:
Chris Swanson, Carrie Bravard, Wyatt
Swanson, Robert & Megan Storms
(Grandson & Granddaughter-in-law of Bob
and Ruth Eggert), Jake Willis (Carol
For those recuperating: Helen Hegland,
Bravard’s Grandson), Kurtis Niehuis
Ruth Brooks, Laura Ries, Dick Rolen,
(Samantha Bravard’s Friend), Cody
Janet Normandin (Sandi York’s daughter), Brentz (friend of the Verhoff family),
Levi Ries (Grandson of Laura
Michael Sommers (nephew of Ruth
For those with cancer: Mary Ann Brown
(friend of Ruth Brooks), Clyde Houge
(Alice Baldwin’s brother), Donna Cameron
(Judy Zuber’s Sister), Nancy Aguilar,
Luella Bauer (friend of Adella Schmidt),
Dave Tozer (Sandi and Bill York’s Friend)
Welcome to O
please fill o
For familie
available, w
or assistan
Prayer Re
box next to
placed in th
For Birthday’s:
1—Billie Verhoeff
For Anniversaries:
1—Bill and Sandi York (52nd)
3—Les and Dolli Garrison (31st)
Attendance Last Week: 60
Last Week’s General Fund Offerings: $1,275.00
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
275 W. John Powell Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
Phone #: (719) 547-2300
Pastor Edward Maanum 719.696.1487 (cell number)
Pastor Maanum’s email:
John Holeton719-696-0847
Admin. Assistant:
Anything for OSLC’s News & Notes? E-mail items to, call 547-2300, or drop a note in the mailbox
outside the Admin. Assistant’s office. Deadline is Wednesday, 9am.
Rev. Ed
David Lud
Larry Simon
self-control, w
OSLC’s Week At A
Sunday, 2/1
9:30-10:30 Adult Bible Study
& Sunday School
10:30--10:45am Fellowship
Worship Service, 10:45am
Tuesday, 2/3
Women’s Bible Study at
OSLC, 9am
Tuesday Evening Bible Class
at the Rolen’s home, 7:00pm.
The class will resume the
study of 1 Corinthians
Everyone is welcome.
Thursday, 2/5
Thursday Morning Men’s
Bible Class at the Rolen’s
home, 9:30am. This group
will continue the study of
Joshua. All men of the
congregation are invited to
attend and bring a friend.
Adult Bible Study with Pastor
Ed at OSLC, 7-8pm. The
topic will be “Unaltered
Augsburg Confession.”
Friday, 2/6
Family Movie Night at OSLC
beginning at 5:30 pm
Sunday, 2/8
Dual Church Service at
Bethany Lutheran Church.
Bible Class & Sunday
School, 9 am Worship
Service, 10 am.
Potluck meal following the
Today’s Text:
Exodus 17:1-7
Sunday Morning Bible
Class, will be held at 9:30
am in the church sanctuary.
Next Week’s Readings:
Isaiah 55:10-13
2 Corinthians 11:19-12:9
Luke 8:4-15
Tuesday Women’s Bible
Study: The Women’s Bible
Study will be studying
Hosea, Joel and Amos;
“Faithfulness Amidst
Check out our website,
Unfaithfulness”. The Bible
www.oursaviorspueblowest. Study will be held at 9am at
com for worship
Our Savior’s Lutheran
messages, bulletins, and
Church. All are welcome!
News & Notes, or call the
church office,
The Portals of Prayer for
January—March are
++OSLC Shepherding
A—C Dave Lucero
D—J Earl Trantham
K—R John Holeton
S—Z Greg Ronning
Elder’s Phone Numbers:
John 719.696.0847
Dave 719.671.2711
Earl 719.647.0864
Greg 719.659.0098
available on the tract rack.
Stewardship Thought
1 Corinthians 9:25
“Every athlete exercises self
-control in al things. They
do it to receive a perishable
wreath, but we an
imperishable.” Self control is
a fruit of the Spirit—for the
desires of the flesh are at
war with the desires of the
Spirit. Having received the
new life in Christ by his
grace, he now calls us to
follow him deliberately, with
emphasis for
donation box is
hall by the k
more informat
3403 or go to
Also on the b
by the kitchen
List that the
Care Center
need of. Pleas
Please remem
your mailbo
If you have a p
that you wou
sent through
Chain, please
Rolen, 719-64
you request. S
via e-mail, th
who need to
on the teleph
Chain. It is g
prayers of Th
On the bulletin