ECON4950 Problem Set 2 Georgia State University Chapter 3: Estimation of Multiple Linear Regression General Problems Problem 3.1 Using the data in gpa2.csv on 4, 137 college students, the following equation was estimated by OLS: d colgpa = n = 1.392 − .0135f sperc + .00148sat 4, 137, R2 = .273 where colgpa is measured on a four-point scale, hspercs the percentile in the high school graduating class (defined so that, for example, hsperc = 5 means the top 5% of the class), and sat is the combined math nd verbal scores on the student achievement test. 1. Why does it make sense for the coefficient on hsperc to be negative? 2. What is the predicted college GPA when hsperc = 20 and sat = 1, 050? 3. Suppose that two high school graduates, A and B, graduated in the same percentile from high school, but Student A’s SAT score was 140 points higher (about one standard deviation in the sample). What is the predicted difference in college GPA for these two students? Is the difference large? 4. Holding hsperc fixed, what difference in SAT scores leads to a predicted colgpa difference of .50, or one-half of a grade point? Comment on your answer. Problem 3.2 The data in wage2.csv on working men was used to estimate the following equation d = educ 10.36 − .094sibs + .131meduc + .21f educ 1 n = 722, R2 = .214 where educ is years of schooling, sibs is the number of siblings, meducs is mother’s years of schooling, and f educ is father’s years of schooling. 1. Does sibs have the expected effect? Explain. Holding meduc and f educ fixed, by how much does sibs have to increase to reduce predicted years of education by one year? (A non-integer answer is acceptable here.) 2. Discuss the interpretation of the coefficient on meduc. 3. Suppose that Man A has no siblings, and his mother and father each have 12 years of education. Man B has no siblings, and his mother and father each have 16 years of education. What is the predicted difference in ears of education between B and A? Problem 3.3 The following model is a simplified version of the multiple regression model used by Biddle and Hamermesh (1990) to study the trade-off between time spent sleeping and working and to look at other factors affecting sleep: sleep = β0 + β1 totwork + β2 educ + β3 age + u (1) where sleep and totwork (total work) are measured in minutes per week and educ and age are measured in years. 1. If adults trade off sleep for work, what is the sign of β1 ? 2. What signs do you think β2 and β3 will have? 3. Using the data in sleep75.csv, the estimated equation is d = sleep n = 3, 638.25 − .148totwork − 11.13educ + 2.20age 706, R2 = .113 If someone works five more hours per week, by how many minutes is sleep predicted to fall? Is this a large trade-off? 4. Discuss the sign and magnitude of the estimated coefficient on educ. 5. Would you say totwrk, educ, and age explain much of the variation in sleep? What other factors might affect the time spent sleeping? Are these likely to be correlated with totwrk? 6. Suppose that Man A works 6 hours per week, has 12 years of education, and is age 25. Man B works 6 hours per week, has 12 years of education, and is age 35. What is the predicted difference in minutes of sleep per week between B and A? 2 Problem 3.5 In a study relating college grade point average to time spent in various activities, you distribute a survey to several students. The students are asked how many hours they spend each week in four activities: studying, sleeping, working, and leisure. Any activity is put into one of the four categories, so that for each student, the sum of hours in the four activities must be 168. 1. In the model GP A = β0 + β1 study + β2 sleep + β3 work + β4 leisure + u does it make sense to hold sleep, work, and leisure fixed? 2. Explain why this model violates the multicollinearity assumption of multiple linear regression. 3. How could you reformulate the model so that its parameters have a useful interpretation and it satisfies the multicollinearity assumption? Problem 3.8 Suppose that average worker productivity at manufacturing firms (avgprod) depends on two factors, average hours of training (avgtrain) and average worker ability (avgabil). avgprod = β0 + β1 avgtrain + β2 avgabil + u Assume that this equation satisfies the Gauss-Markov assumptions. If grants have been given to firms whose workers have less than average ability, so that avgtrain and avgabil are negatively correlated, what is the likely bias in β˜1 obtained from the simple regression of avgprod on avgtrain? Computer Problems Note: all data sets are available at Computer Problem 3.2 Use the data in hprice1.csv to estimate the model price = β0 + β1 sqrf t + β2 bdrms + u where price is the house price measured in thousands of dollars. 1. Write out the results in equation form. 2. What is the estimated increase in price for a house with one more bedroom, holding square footage constant? 3 3. What is the estimated increase in price for a house with an additional bedroom that is 140 square feed in size? Compare this to your answer above. 4. What percentage of the variation in price is explained by square footage and number of bedrooms? 5. The first house in the sample has sqrf t = 2, 438 and bdrms = 4. Find the predicted selling price for this house from the OLS regression line. 6. The actual selling price of the first house in the sample was $300,000 (SO price = 300). Find the residual for this house. Does it suggest that the buyer underpaid or overpaid for the house? Computer Problem 3.6 Use the data set in wage2.csv for this problem. As usual, be sure all of the following regressions contain an intercept. 1. Run a simple regression of IQ on educ to obtain the slope coefficient, say, δ˜1 . 2. Run the simple regression of log(wage) on educ, and obtain the slope coefficient, β˜1 . 3. Run the multiple regression of log(wage) on educ and IQ, and obtain the slope coefficients, βˆ1 and βˆ2 , respectively. 4. Verify that β˜1 = βˆ1 + βˆ2 δ˜1 4
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