REGISTRATION FORM Full Name: (Prof. / Assoc. Prof/Dr. /Mr. /Ms.): __________________________ __________ Occupation: _________________________ Organization: __________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________ ___________________________________ ____________________________________ Tel: _______________________________ Email: _____________________________ ( ( ( ( ) I wish to attend the conference ) I wish to present a paper(s) ) I wish to present a poster(s) ) I wish to participate in the conference tour EXHIBITION An exhibition featuring latest products and technologies related to soil management and analysis like fertilizer products, laboratory instruments, facilities and scientific equipment for the laboratory and field experiments will be held. Research institutions, universities and private companies are invited to display their products. Please contact the secretariat for details. POST CONFERENCE TOUR One day tour on the 9th of April 2015 will be arranged. The highlights of this tour are visits to soil profiles around Klang Valley, research institutions and organic farm in the surrounding areas. Reservation is on first come first serve basis due to limited seats. A separate fee will be imposed to cover tour bulletin, transportation and meal. Soil Science Conference of Malaysia 2015 “Soil Security for Sustainable Food Production” Food security Energy sustainability Water security Soil security Title of paper/poster: _______________________________________ ________________________________ Ecosytem service delivery Climate change Biodiversity protection I enclose a cheque/money order/ postal order/ bank draft (No.: ________) of RM ___________ made payable to Malaysian Society of Soil Science (MAYBANK Account no.: 014057303489) Signature: Date: ______ _______________ ______________________ Please mail, e-mail or fax this form with a copy of the extended abstract to: The SOILS 2015 Secretariat Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, UPM 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. (Attn: Ms. Noraini Md. Jaafar) Fax: +603 - 8940 8316 Tel: +603 – 8947 4953 E-mail: 7th – 9th April 2015 The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya Jointly Organized by MSSS and Universiti Putra Malaysia BACKGROUND Soil security is a new concept which concerns with the maintenance and improvement of the global soil resource. Soils have been recognized to have at least seven functions which include a media for biomass production; for storing, filtering and transforming nutrients, chemicals and water; a biodiversity pool; a physical and cultural environment; a source of raw materials; a carbon pool; and as geological and cultural heritage. Soil security is an anchor to six societal global challenges which are food security, water security, energy security, ecosystem service delivery, biodiversity protection, and climate change abatement. In recognition of the international year of soils, SOILS 2015 will emphasize on ‘Soil Security for Sustainable Food Production’. We look forward to bring together researchers, academicians, managers, policy makers and relevant people to share their results, knowledge and experiences related to the conference theme and topics. TOPICS/SCOPES CALL FOR PAPERS Soil Chemistry and Environment Soil Mineralogy and Classification Soil Fertility and Management Soil Physics and Conservation Soil Biology and Ecology Fertilizer and Nutrient Management Crop Production Environmental Awareness and Education Other soil/agriculture related topics KEYNOTES AND PLENARY SPEAKERS One keynote speaker and three plenary speakers on topics related to soil security for sustainable food production will be invited. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Academicians, researchers, agronomists and students pedologist, Policy makers OBJECTIVES 1. To explore, discuss, and impart the concept of soil security related to sustainable food production. 2. To share new findings and addressing various issues in soil science. 3. To provide a forum for the participants to communicate, discuss and share new ideas, inventions and products. Agriculture consultants/ advisors Private sectors and plantation companies Individuals involved in soil / land / agriculture /environment related matters VENUE AND ACCOMODATION The conference will be held at The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya. In conjunction with SOILS 2015 theme, papers of relevant topics are invited for oral and poster presentations. Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract not exceeding four (4) pages in English. The extended abstract must include the title, author(s), introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion and references. Manuscript should be prepared on an A4-sized paper with 25 mm margins on all sides, and typed with single spacing using size 12 Times New Roman font. All illustrations must be prepared inside of the main text. Poster must be prepared on size A1 paper. There will also be a “Best Poster Award” competition. Deadlines for the submission of the extended abstract is on the 31st January 2015 CONFERENCE FEE Non-MSSS member MSSS member Students RM 650.00 RM 600.00 RM 350.00 The registration fee includes the conference bag, proceedings, lunch, refreshments and a conference dinner. Additional payment will be required for those attending the conference tour.
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