Legal Focus

Legal Focus
Monthly Newsletter
Expert Opinion
December 2014
Banking and Finance Law
Romanian branches of credit institutions from other Member States
subject to certain new conditions on regular statistical financial and
accounting reports
The new regulation aimed to ensure the appropriate conditions for the
application of the FINREP reporting framework at the individual level by
Romanian credit institutions, but also ensuring comparability of statistical
financial and accounting reporting information by Romanian branches of credit
Capital Markets
Miruna Suciu
Material legislative amendments concerning
capital markets
The Government of Romania adopted a new
legislative document bringing forth material
amendments to the relevant laws governing capital
markets, in order to carry on the economic and
financial reforms in view of maintaining the
economic stability, in the context of the current
worldwide financial crisis and in an attempt to
appropriately improve the relevant legal frame work.
Thus, a significant amendment brought about by
the new legislative document consists in the
change of the majority conditions in the case of
forfeiting the right of preference following an
increase of the share capital by contribution in
cash or in kind. In the case of increases of share
capital by contribution in cash, forfeiture of the
shareholders’ right of preference to underwrite the
new shares needs to be decided in the
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders,
with the attendance of shareholders representing
at least 3/4 of the underwritten share capital, and
with the vote of shareholders holding at least 2/3
of the voting rights. At the same time, share
institutions from other Member States with similar information reported by the
credit institutions.
The guidelines amended by Order no. 10/2014 of the National Bank of
Romania envisaged the international standards for financial reporting,
applicable to credit institutions for purposes of prudential supervision.
Thus, in preparing the new order, several key issues were taken into account:
correlation of the FINREP reporting frame at individual level with the
consolidated level reporting as provided under Regulation (EU)
no. 680/2014, by taking over the amendment to the FINREP reporting
frame at consolidated level, approved by EBA in July 2014;
update of the statistical financial and accounting information reporting
frame, applicable to the Romanian branches of credit institutions from
other Member States, according to the amendments made to the
FINREP reporting frame, at an individual level;
update of the harmonization with the chart of accounts for reports, in
accordance with the amendments made to the accounting regulation
frame in force;
including provisions referring to the electronic submission of reports;
amendment of the format of forms F20.04 - F20.07 in the FINREP
financial statements at an individual level and the correlations within
such forms, with a view to simplifying the subsequent submission of
such reports, as hard copies.
Order no. 10/2014 of the National Bank of Romania amends Order no. 5/2014
approving the Guidelines for the preparation of regular reports containing
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capital increases by contributions in kind need to be
statistical financial and accounting information, applicable to the Romanian
approved by the extraordinary general meeting of
branches of credit institutions from other Member States and Order no. 6/2014
representing at least 3/4 of the underwritten share
an individual level.
shareholders, with the attendance of shareholders
capital, and with the vote of shareholders
approving the Guidelines for the preparation of FINREP financial statements at
representing at least 2/3 of the voting rights.
The Order was published in Official
Another significant amendment refers to the raise of
16 December 2014 and shall come
the holding thresholds in market operators. No
Gazette of Romania no. 914 of
into force starting with the regular
shareholder of a market operator may hold, directly
reports, more specifically the
act in concert, more than 20% of the overall voting
individual level prepared for the
market operator, an operation that would trigger a
for certain provisions expressly
or jointly with the individuals/entities with which they
rights. Any purchase or alienation of shares in a
holding of more or decrease below the above-
mentioned threshold, needs to be notified to the
market operator. The purchase of shares in the
market operator in excess of the 20% threshold shall
also be previously subject to the approval of the
Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (A.S.F.),
while the alienation of shares in excess of such
threshold has to be notified to A.S.F., as well.
At the same time, the provisions of the new
legislative document stipulate the supplementation
of the category of securities by also enclosing under
this category the State bonds with a due date shorter
than 12 months, negotiable on the market.
Furthermore, it simplifies the corporate activity in
the field of capital markets in respect of the
shareholder’s representation in the General
Meetings of Shareholders, representation which
may also take place through individuals other than
the shareholders, in accordance with a limited or
general power of attorney.
Among the significant amendments, there are also the
provisions relating to the initial capital of a S.S.I.F.
(Financial Intermediary Company), in particular
harmonization of the relevant provisions in this field
with those of the European law, more specifically with
the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 575/2013 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June
2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions
and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU)
no. 648/2012.
The new legislative document was published in Official
Gazette of Romania no. 964 of 30 December 2014
and came into effect on 9 January 2015. For further
details, please see Emergency Ordinance no. 90/2014
amending and supplementing Law no. 297/2004 on
capital markets.
FINREP financial statements at an
date of 31 January 2015, except
stipulated in the new regulation,
which became effective upon the publication date.
Credit institutions - subject to obligations relating to prudential
The National Bank of Romania issued a new Regulation supplementing
Regulation no. 5/2013 of the National Bank of Romania on prudential
requirements for credit institutions.
The main amendments refer to the provision on new obligations incumbent
upon credit institutions:
the obligation to set up risk management policies, procedures and
inspections to ensure that risks associated with the management of
securities and encumbrances over assets are appropriately identified,
monitored and tackled; such policies shall take into consideration the
business model of each credit institution, the Member States where it
operates, the specificity of financial markets and the macro-economic
in order to have in place the necessary capacity to identify all the
significant types of liquidity risk concentrations, credit institutions shall
have a good understanding of the financing structure and of the asset
structure and be aware of all the primary factors influencing them over
the time, including commitments outside the balance sheet or
vulnerabilities deriving from the financing and asset structure;
credit institutions operating in several countries and in several
currencies shall have access to various financing sources in each
currency in which the credit institution holds significant positions;
in order to determine the level of liquidity risk concentration, credit
institutions shall use quantitative indicators to fill in the qualitative
assessments of liquidity risk concentrations; or
credit institutions shall include, in their contingency plans, strategies to
take into consideration the contingent encumbrance generated by
relevant crisis situations, such as a downgrading of the credit
institution’s rating, depreciation of garnished assets and increases of
margin requirements.
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Regulation no. 5/2014 was published in Official Gazette of Romania no. 963 of 30 December 2014 and came into effect upon its
Labor and Social Security
Employers faced with a new minimum gross base salary at a national level
Starting with 1 January 2015, the minimum gross base salary at a national level has been
increased, from RON 900, to RON 975, for a normal working period of 168.667 hours, in
average, per month in 2015, meaning RON 5.781/hour.
The provisions of the Government Decision are mandatory for all companies, setting forth
base salaries below the level stipulated above amounting to a misdemeanor, which may be
punished by fine between RON 1,000 and RON 2,000. The companies whose employees
have a gross base salary below RON 975 have the obligation to implement the
amendments brought by the Government Decision.
The new legislative document was published in Official Gazette of Romania no. 902 of
11 December 2014. For more details, please see Government Decision no. 1091/2014
setting forth the minimum gross base salary at a national level, guaranteed for payment.
Aviation, Shipping and Transportation
Ratification of the Protocol on the protection of the marine environment of the Black Sea against pollution originating from
sources and activities on shore
The purpose of the protocol consists in maximizing the prevention, control and removal of pollution originating from sources and activities
on shore in view of maintaining a proper ecologic condition of the Black Sea, also including marine and coastline ecosystems.
The protocol shall apply to:
● emissions of polluting substances originating from punctual and diffuse sources on shore, which may entail a quantifiable
negative effect on the marine environment or the coastline of the Black Sea;
● intake of polluting substances transported through the air into the marine environment of the Black Sea from sources originating
on shore;
● activities which could directly or indirectly affect the marine environment or coastline of the Black Sea.
Law no. 158/2014 was published in Official Gazette of Romania no. 894 of 9 December 2014 and became effective three days after its
publication date. For more details, please see Law no. 158/2014 ratifying the Protocol on the protection of the marine environment of
the Black Sea against pollution originating from sources and activities on shore.
Approving the National Quality Control Program in the field of civil aviation security – PNCC - SECA
The national quality control program in the field of civil aviation security (PNCC - SECA)
aims to monitor the accurate and efficient fulfillment of the security requirements in relation
to civil aviation and to determine the level of compliance with the provisions of Regulation
no. 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 on common
rules in the field of civil aviation security and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 2320/2002.
Among the operators and entities subject to quality control, there are: air carriers, civil
airports in Romania, technical entities for ground operation, aircraft maintenance and repair,
having duties relating to aircraft protection, etc.
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The competent authority in the field of civil aviation security at a national level shall
coordinate and monitor the implementation of PNCC - SECA.
Order no. 1613/2014 was published in Official Gazette of Romania no. 915 of
16 December 2014 and came into effect on 1 January 2015. For more details, please see
Order no. 1613/2014 approving the National Quality Control Program in the field of civil
aviation security – PNCC – SECA.
Bucharest Headquarters
43 Aviatorilor Blvd.
1st District, Code 011853
Bucharest, Romania
Cluj Office
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Code 400117
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Tel: (40-21) 202.59.00; (40-31) 423.29.00
Fax: (40-21) 223.39.57 / 223.04.95
Tel: (40-264) 40.38.08; (40-21) 202.59.99
Fax: (40-264) 40.38.09
This report is a summary of recently published legislative acts, which we deem important for our clients and friends, and for the Romanian business
environment in general. The report does not provide legal advice with regard to particular aspects.
Should you require additional information and/or comments with regard to the legislative acts or to specific legal matters, please contact us.
Luminiţa Popa
tel: (40-21) 202.59.12
Anca Buta Muşat
tel: (40-21) 202.59.09