23rd January SJI International Newsletter Term 1 - Issue 2 Message from the Principal Dear Parents, It has been a very good week for SJI International. Last weekend our debating team defeated the other international schools in Singapore, to be crowned winners of the international schools debating competition. Congratulations to the team and to Mr Nicholson on this achievement. Then, on Wednesday, our IGCSE results for 2014 exceeded all expectations, setting a new record for our school. This week’s newsletter includes the following: Photos of our top achieving IGCSE candidates; A reminder about the process for reporting school absences; Names and contact details of all our Tutors; a report about our victory in the international schools debating tournament; A report about one of our students participation in the ASEAN Schools Games in Manila; The Calendar for 2015 and the provisional Calendar for 2016 (at the end Upcoming Dates of today’s newsletter) and the first Sports Results of 2015. Wednesday 28th January: Catholic Parents Meeting 19:00 Glass Hall Wednesday 28th January: Grade 8 Trip to the Zoo Friday 30th January: Grade 10 Camp overnight Wednesday 4th February: G7 Info Evening about Loola 18:30 Glass Hall Table of Contents IGCSE Top Students - Page 2 Debating News - Page 4 Absence Procedure - Page 5 Important Email Information - Page 6 ASEAN Games in Manila - Page 7 Virtues Parenting Workshop - Page 8 Upcoming University Fairs - Page 9 Parents Meeting Invitation - Page 9 Sports Announcements - Page 10 2015 Calendar - Page 11 2016 Calendar - Page 12 This week’s newsletter also includes important notifications of the following upcoming events: An invitation to attend the Virtues Project Parenting Workshop; An advertisement about the SJI International merchandise available through our Advancement Office; The upcoming Canadian and London University Fair; An invitation to a meeting with the SJI International Brother President this coming Wednesday evening; and the upcoming Sports Fixtures. Outstanding IGCSE Results It is my great pleasure to announce the IGCSE results for the 2014 cohort. Our students have set another new record, with 75.3% of all exams taken, scoring an A or A* grade (up from our previous record of 69.6%, set in 2013). Our students were graded at an A* level (equivalent to an A1 in the Singaporean system) in 40.3% of all examinations written, an absolutely outstanding achievement. About 24% of students in the UK score A or A* grades. A number of students did exceptionally well. Our top achieving students are: Toh Sook Lin (9 A* grades); Ardon Pillay, Andres Sena, Joshua Yong and Dan Tan (8 A*plus 1 A grade); and Kieran Arul, Augustine Leong and Charmaine Neo (7A* and 2A grades). I would like to congratulate all our students on these wonderful results. I would also like to thank our staff for all their hard work and dedication they put in to support our students. Class of 2014 - IGCSE Stars Toh Sook Lin 9 A* Dan Tan 8 A* + 1 A Ardon Pillay 8 A* + 1 A Joshua Yong 8 A* + 1 A Andres Sena 8 A* + 1 A Kieran Arul 7A*+2A Augustine Leong 7A*+2A Charmaine Neo 7A*+2A Canteen News As you are aware, we have increased our student cohort to 977 this year. One of the impacts of this increase is that the canteen is busier than ever, especially at lunch. We have been monitoring this problem and have decided that we need to try to alleviate this congestion at the start of lunch. We have thus decided to trial a lunch in two settings for the next two weeks, starting on Monday 26 th January. This system will see two grades attending a first sitting (from 12:55 to 13:15 hrs) and two grades attending a 2nd sitting (from 13:15 to 13:40). Food will also be sold in two sittings, with the 2 nd batch of food only being made available at 13:15 hrs. Grades 11 and 12 will be allowed to attend either sitting or in their free sessions. Week 1 Week 2 Grades 7 and 8 Grade 9 and 10 Grade 9 and 10 Grades 7 and 8 st Grades attending 1 sitting from 12:55 to 13:15 hrs Grades attending 2nd sitting from 13:15 to 13:40 hrs Students with lunch-time activities will be allowed to join the 1st sitting. We will monitor this trial carefully and make a decision once we evaluate the impact of this change. At the same time, I have ordered 56 additional chairs and tables (we have space for these). We are also investigating the possibility of extending the seating area, possibly with the addition of an extra serving area, as a more permanent, medium term solution. 2 Academic Calendar for 2015 and 2016 (provisional) Please see the end of this week’s newsletter for the 2015 and 2016 (provisional) Calendars. We hope this is useful in planning year (s) ahead. SJI International to host IB Workshops We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a series of IB Workshops from 28 th February to 2nd March. This is an excellent way of exposing our school to a wide range of IB teachers from around the region. In Closing As I mentioned last week, it is hard to believe that our academic year started only 2 weeks ago. So much has already happened. I have heard that our Canadian University Fair this morning was a great success with many interested students and parents attending. I am currently in London, attending the Search Associates Teacher Recruitment Fair, with 120 schools and about 650 candidates. We have a small number of posts coming available in July, and this fair is a great opportunity to see a large number of staff in a short time. It is also a sharp reminder that not every city has an almost constant temperature of 30 oC – it is very cold here! Wishing you a wonderful coming week! Yours sincerely Bradley Roberts Principal High School Happy Students receiving their IGCSE results! 3 SJI International Champion Debaters in International School Debate League Last weekend, the SJI International Debate Society sent two teams to participate in the Singapore International Schools Debate League. The teams were the Senior Debate Team, SJII A, led by our captain and Debate President, Mark Hangchi (G12), along with team members: Yin Lng Low (G12), Augustine Leong (G11) and Han Wei Low (G11). Our second team, SJII B, was our junior team, comprised of Joe (G8), Nadya (G8), Max Finkelstein (G10), Raphael (G10) and Marcus (G10). The debates were a great success. SJI International A emerged as the champions of the tournament, winning all three debates versus UWCSEA and SAS, both very formidable and worthy opponents. In the individual speaker rankings, Mark Hangchi ranked 2nd best speaker in the tournament, while Han Wei Low ranked 4th and Yin Ing Low 7th. Motions, two of which were impromptu, ranged from the politically complex notions of belligerents’ legal obligation in International Humanitarian law to rebuild post-conflict societies, to the outright controversial topic of the unifying or disintegrative effects of religion on the sphere of international relations. Nevertheless, all debates were won. The support of Mr Guy Nicholson, our teacher-in-charge who generously lends time and effort to support us, and the lessons of Mr Andre Kua, our debate coach, were vital to victory. They have taught us to balance the passion and nervousness of speaking and an aggressive opponent, with cool rationality and the application of superior intelligence. We shall learn more. We shall train harder. We shall go further. Audacit et Effectus. SJII Debate Society 4 Absences from School Your child has an appointment and will miss part of the school day. (Inform school as soon as appointment is made). If your child/ward is ill in the morning and is unable to come to school. Parents to do the following please Phone Reception (6871 5200/1) Or Email G7 - G10 janette.roberts@sji-international.com.sg G11 - G12 ira.noorali@sji-international.com.sg Or Email your child’s tutor Attendance registers will be updated accordingly. If your child/ward takes leave outside of school calendar dates. (non-school event). If your child/ward has to take leave for family emergencies ie Bereavement. Email the Head of Grade to inform them about planned absence in advance. Email the Head of Grade. Authorised absence will be given for this time period. Your child’s tutor will be informed. Compassionate leave. This is usually recorded as an unauthorised absence. Your child’s tutor will be informed. Head of Grade 7 Head of Grade 8 Head of Grade 9 Head of Grade 10 Head of Senior School Mr Brown Mr Fantom Mr Crumbie Ms Powell Mr Rainone Assistant Head of Senior School Mr Wood oliver.brown@sji-international.com.sg stephen.fantom@sji-international.com.sg gary.crumbie@sji-international.com.sg frances.powell@sji-international.com.sg renato.rainone@sji-international.com.sg alistair.wood@sji-international.com.sg If your child/ward is late for school - they have to report to reception and sign in please. If your child/ward feels ill during school they are to report to the School nurse. They may not leave school without Head of Grade permission. 5 Grade 7 Tutor Groups 7BWo 7NBe 7VBr 7DCb 7SCh 7RPu Mr Wong Ms Berge Ms Bradley Mr Brain Ms Chieng Mr Punjabi boniface.wong@sji-international.com.sg nicola.berge@sji-international.com.sg vicki.bradley@sji-international.com.sg duncan.brain@sji-international.com.sg shue.chieng@sji-international.com.sg ronak.punjabi@sji-international.com.sg Grade 8 Tutor Groups 8RBe 8CWa 8STa 8NiB 8PNe 8SDl Mr Bennett Mr Walsh Ms Taylor Ms Bennett Ms Newman Dr Del Linz russell.bennett@sji-international.com.sg conor.walsh@sji-international.com.sg suzanne.taylor@sji-international.com.sg nicola.bennett@sji-international.com.sg pam.newman@sji-international.com.sg samantha.dellinz@sji-international.com.sg Grade 9 Tutor Groups 9KUp 9EWa 9ITh 9CIr 9MHa 9CCh Ms Upshall Ms Walsh Mrs Thorpe Mr Ironside Ms Hamilton Mr Chang kathryn.upshall@sji-international.com.sg emily.walsh@sji-international.com.sg ineke.thorpe@sji-international.com.sg christopher.ironside@sji-international.com.sg morag.hamilton@sji-international.com.sg chiahao.chang@sji-international.com.sg Grade 10 Tutor Groups 10MCh 10JIn 10DSa 10KWa 10ATe 10ILh Ms Chai Mr Ingram Mr Saranam Mrs Walsh Mr Tedstone Ms Hadisantoso mary.chai@sji-international.com.sg james.ingram@sji-international.com.sg david.saranam@sji-international.com.sg kerryanne.walsh@sji-international.com.sg andy.tedstone@sji-international.com.sg irene.hadisantoso@sji-international.com.sg Grade 11 Tutor Groups 11SHi 11ACh 11PDe 11ASc 12VJu 11SMc 11GNi 11Carr` 11LBA 11EOx 11PRa 11CTr 11NMe Mrs Higgins Mr Chaudhry Mr Denousse Mr Scheelbeek Ms Juett Ms McBride Mr Nicholson Mr Carr Mr Lee Ms Oxley Ms Rana Mr Travis Dr Mercer samantha.higgins@sji-international.com.sg ali.chaudhry@sji-international.com.sg patrick.denousse@sji-international.com.sg tony.scheelbeek@sji-international.com.sg victoria.juett@sji-international.com.sg susan.mcbride@sji-international.com.sg guy.nicholson@sji-international.com.sg aidan.carr@sji-international.com.sg boonann.lee@sji-international.com.sg elizabeth.oxley@sji-international.com.sg parvinder.kaur@sji-international.com.sg colin.travis@sji-international.com.sg nicholas.mercer@sji-international.com.sg Grade 12 Tutor Groups 12PBu 12SiB 12NGh 12SRa 12RaL 12EHo 12PMa 12GTh 12MTr 12TCo 12AMa Mrs Bull Mr Banks Ms Ghosh Mrs Rao Ms Lock Mr Hogg Mr Macario Mr Thorpe Mr Trigg Mr Condon Mr Majeed pauline.bull@sji-international.com.sg simeon.banks@sji-international.com.sg nandini.ghosh@sji-international.com.sg sunanda.rao@sji-international.com.sg rayna.lock@sji-international.com.sg edward.hogg@sji-international.com.sg paolo.macario@sji-international.com.sg greg.thorpe@sji-international.com.sg michael.trigg@sji-international.com.sg tom.condon@sji-international.com.sg aziz.majeed@sji-international.com.sg 6 My Experience at the ASEAN Schools Games in Manila During the December holidays, I was in the Singapore contingent that took part in the 6th ASEAN School Games in Manila. It was the second time I was selected to participate in the Games. I was really looking forward to the competition and spent many hours training for it. I was also excited that my brother was going to be there to support me, having travelled all the way from New Zealand. It was a great experience being at the Games and seeing the older and more experienced gymnasts perform their routines. Being one of the younger ones, I knew I still had a lot to learn and develop. We had podium training the day before the actual competition. Although tired from the flight, I managed to perform all the skills on the different apparatus. I was pleased that I was able to execute a new skill on the parallel bars which I planned to perform during the actual competition. I got my high bar routine perfected. Things couldn't have gone more smoothly until I went to practise my floor routine. I was able to execute my landings perfectly, sticking the dismounts. However, when I was practising my last dismount, I landed heavily and twisted my ankle. I was in excruciating pain and it felt like I had fractured it. The physiotherapist who examined me did not think I would recover in time to compete the next day. I was put on crutches to help me move around and was devastated and very disappointed. I couldn't believe I would sustain an injury the day before the competition. This couldn't be happening to me! All the hard work I had put in for this seemed to go down the drain! I felt I had let everyone down: my team, my brother and family who were there to support me, and most of all, myself. While watching my team mates warming up for the competition, I decided I couldn't just sit there and watch them. I had trained hard for this competition and didn't want to see it all go to waste. I made the decision to take part in the competition, even though I was not able to execute the landings. I hobbled on one leg and despite the pain, managed to carry out part of my routine on the parallel bars and high bars, to my best ability. I was proud of my perseverance and the cheering from my team mates and other competitors spurred me on. I learnt a lot from this trip and it is an experience I will never forget. I learnt that life is unpredictable and we never know when it will knock us down, sometimes at the most important times. But what is important, is what we choose to make of these moments; whether we choose to let it get us down or whether we decide to make the best of it! I chose to make the best of it and am pleased I did. Christopher Chew (G10ATe) 7 The Virtues Project is the foundation of the pastoral care programme in our Elementary school. The respectful, friendly and enthusiastic environment we enjoy at SJIIES has been achieved through this unique and inspiring programme. Would you like your children:…to listen and cooperate more respectfully? …to resolve their conflicts peacefully and fairly? …to be more responsible and confident? Register for the upcoming… Virtues Project Parenting Workshops Workshop 1 Tuesday March 3rd: (8:30am -11:30am) During Workshop 1 you will learn: How to inspire and encourage your child to show their Virtues….confidence, respect, responsibility, excellence... How to replace shaming/ negative thinking and use positive empowering language. Workshop 2 Tuesday March 10th: (8:30am -11:30am) (participants need to have attended workshop 1) During Workshop 2 you will learn: ● How to overcome power struggles and build unity in your family ● Set Clear Boundaries that are simple, clear and measurable. Workshop 3 Tuesday March 17th: (8:30am -11:30am) (participants need to have attended workshop 2) During Workshop 3 you will learn: ● An effective counselling tool to support and mentor your child when they face moral dilemmas or need to resolve conflict. Venue : ES Multi Purpose Room Cost: Each workshop $75 per person/ $150 per couple Three workshops $180 per person / $280 per couple Fees contribute to our Global Initiatives Program and are payable to Rachel in the ES Office on the day of the workshops. Please register at our website: www.sji-international.com.sg/virtues_workshop For more information, please email: rachel.ang@sji-international.com.sg For more details on the Virtues Project visit the website at www.virtuesproject.com 8 Upcoming University Fairs Each year, a large number of universities from around the world visit SJI International. Some sessions are for students only. For others, parents are welcome to attend such fairs and some talks. While these are predominantly for Grade 11 and 12 students and parents, students in younger grades are welcome to attend if interested. We were very pleased to see so many students and some parents at the Canadian University Fair this morning. Next week parents are very welcome to attend a talk given by four University of London Colleges. The presenters have just informed us that they would like to start the talk at 18.15pm because their previous appointment only ends at 17.15pm. Study in London, Tuesday, January 27, 18:15 - 19.15pm in the Assembly Hall Representatives from University College London (UCL), Imperial College London, King's College London (KCL) and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) will give a presentation on the advantages of studying in a city like London and also information specifically about their four institutions. Information will also be included on UCAS, focusing mainly on the personal statements and what the institutions would be looking for. There will be time at the end of the presentation for students to ask any general questions. This is a presentation and will start at 18.15pm. It is usually a very popular presentation and a highlight for our students. To facilitate planning students have been signing up in Tutor Groups. However, registration is not required and all Senior School students and parents are welcome to attend. In addition to this we have many university visits in the school day that are for students only. Students are informed of these through a weekly email as well as in their weekly assemblies. We encourage our Senior School students to use these opportunities to learn more about higher education opportunities around the world. Helping Your Child to Grow In Faith A Meeting for High School Parents (Grades 7-12) Dear Parents, You are invited to a meeting on Wednesday evening, 28th January, to learn more about the Religious Education Programme and Religious Opportunities organised for Catholic students in the High School. Although the topic for the evening is focused on those activities organised for Catholic students, because students of all faith traditions are welcome to participate in these programmes, all parents are also welcome to attend the meeting. The meeting is expected to last about one hour, and refreshments will be served. Wednesday, 28th January 2015 7:00 pm Glass Hall, SJI International I hope you can join us to learn more about opportunities we offer on behalf of our students as we accompany them in their faith journeys while attending SJI International. Sincerely, Brother Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Brother President 9 From the Sports Desk DATE 16-Jan 19-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan RESULTS COMPETITION ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS SPORTS 14U Boys Football A 16U Boys Rugby 19U Girls Touch 19U Boys Basketball 19U Boys Rugby 19U Girls Touch 19U Girls Touch 19U Girls Tennis TEAMS SJIIA v SAIS SJII v ACS int SJII v ACS int B Team SJII v SAS SJII v MCM SJII v UWC East SJII v CHIS SJII v SAIS SCORES Won 5-2 Drew 29-29 Lost 1-4 Lost 38-42 postponed postponed postponed postponed TIME 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 18:00 hr 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 17:30 hr 16:30 hr SPORTS 19U Girls Tennis 14U Girls Football 19U Girls Basketball 14U Boys Football B 19U Girls Basketball 19U Girls Tennis 19U Boys Basketball 14U Boys Football B 19U Girls Basketball 14U Boys Football A TEAMS SJII v OFS SJII v GISS QT SJII v SAS SJII v MCM SJII v NEXUS SJII v UWC Dover SJII v Gess SJIIB v YBIS SJII v ISS B Team SJII v NPIS VENUE YCK Balis SJII SJII SJII UWC Dover Gess SJII SJII SJII TIME 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 17:00 hr 16:30hr 16:00 hr 16:30 hr 16:30 hr 16:30hr Upcoming Fixtures DATE 22-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan 26-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 30-Jan COMPETITION ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACSIS ACIS SJI International Merchandise Starting a new school year? In need of items for the new semester? The Advancement and Communications Office may just have the items you need. We have added new products to the list of merchandise for sale. All proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Fund. Our new merchandise: (Water Bottle, Executive Ball Point Pen, Sticky Notes, Non-Woven Bag). We also have keychains, umbrellas, shoe bags, caps and thumb drives available for sale. Visit http://www.sji-international.com.sg/merchandise to view more products, and for more information, or visit us at the Advancement and Communications Office to check out the various items. 10 11 12
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