Sunday February 1, 2015 Service and Announcements

Asbury United Methodist Church
Loving...Serving...Transforming Lives
February 1, 2015 ~ 8:30 am and 10:30 am Services
Love God and one another, serve our community, and transform lives.
 radically inclusive community, empowered to spread God’s love
throughout the world.
We believe we are created in the image of God. We believe God loves everyone
and through Christ saves!revives!renews the world. We believe God through the
Holy pirit changes lives. We believe the church is the body of Christ with a
mission. We believe the Bible is the word of God. We believe that God has gifted
everyone and the church for the purposes of God. We believe discipleship is a
continuing journey.
BURY UD MHD CHURCH
ourth unday fter the piphany
8:30 am and 10:30 am Worship
†† = Those who are able may stand
AAHH = African American Heritage Hymnal ! Yellow!Hymnal!!!UMH = United Methodist Hymnal ! Red!Hymnal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please use this time for prayer and meditation as we prepare for Worship.
††CLL  WRHP
Leader: Wait for the Lord . . . even when waiting isn’t easy or comfortable.
People: Wait, hope, wait.
Leader: Wait with hope and trust . . . even when God’s presence isn’t obvious or clear.
People: Wait, hope, wait.
Leader: Wait for Christ to heal you . . . even when sickness and sorrow overwhelm you.
People: Wait, hope, wait.
Leader: As we worship our God this day, know that the Spirit is with us now.
PRCL HYM
WLCM D WRD  HPLY
PG  H PC
Koinonia!(579 HH)
††HYM  PR
Lift!Every!Voice!and!Sing!(540 HH)
PRYR  C
Leader: Come, all who are tired and weary. God’s strength renews our lives.
ll: Holy ne, you know the burdens of our hearts, the exhaustions of our lives, the
illnesses that threaten to destroy us. Lift our burdens. Renew our strength. Heal our
ills, in body and soul.
WRD  URC
Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? God’s love is more powerful than death. God’s
strength is unending and true. In God’s powerful strength and love, you are renewed and
restored to life. Amen.
CHLDR’ MG
10:30!am—islinn Kopp
MRY  MUC
CLL  PRYR
MRG PRYR
Rev. dam Briddell, ssociate Pastor
PRYR RP
W HR H WRD
CRPUR L
!!!!!!!saiah 40: 21!31(—Page 668)
Liturgist: This is the word of the Lord. People: hanks be to God.
††HYM  PRPR
“Patient Healing”
Rev. Dr. anther M. Mills, enior Pastor
W RPD  H
††HYM  V
Worshipers are invited to pray at the altar in private or signal to an Intercessory Prayer member to pray with
you. Also at this time, you may come down to join Asbury in Christian Fellowship.
PR  H D RG
††RRY RP
Praise God from whom all blessings ow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise
Him above ye heavenly host. Praise ather, on, and Holy Ghost. men.
RRY PRYR
CLBR  HLY CMMU!
H GR HKGVG (Please follow insert)
HRG H BRD D H CUP!
CMMU HYM
W CR  B H CHURCH  H WRLD !!!!
††HYM  RC
he congregation is asked to remain seated for the closing voluntary.
WRHP PRCP
Celebrant: Bishop Forrest Stith
Minister of Music & Liturgical rts: Everett P. Williams, Jr.
rganist: Earl Hargrove (8:30 am)
Choir Director: Everett P. Williams, Jr.
Choir: Wesleyan Choir
oloists: Adrienne Neal!Harris, Anamer Castrello & Phillip Collins
Children’s Message: Aislinn Kopp (10:30 am)
Liturgists: Monica Mzezewa & Stephanie Myers (8:30 am)/Clergy (10:30 am)
Ushers: Men & Women
Greeters: Benjamin Ginyard, Marva Ginyard & Jeanarta McEachron (8:30 am)
Adelle Banks, Kelvin Childs & Monica McEaddy (10:30 am)
colytes: Elle Waters & Maxim Waters (8:30 am)/Danielle McEaddy & Bryana Zavala (10:30 am)
rustees on Duty: Josephine Baker (8:30 am) /Phillip Collins (10:30 am)
Welcome to Asbury United Methodist Church. We are so glad you
joined us today for worship! We hope that through word, music,
fellowship and prayer you will experience the presence of God
today. Please make sure you sign the Attendance Register as it is
passed so that we can share with you about what is happening in
the life of this church.
All ages are welcome
Our nursery is available for infants
through four-year-olds on Sundays
from 10:30 am–12:15 pm. The nursery
is located on the third floor of the
Education Building in room 2-5.
9:30 am!10:30 am
All ages are welcome
Nursery and Kindergarten—Room
Adult School—Room 1!9
Young Adults—Room 2!3
Youth—Rooms 1!11,9:30am!10:30am
1!12, 2!8 & 2!9
sbury’s Week t!!Glance
unday, ebruary 1, 2015
8:30 & 10:30 am—Worship, Sanctuary
8:30 am—Neighbor Bible Study, Library
9:30 am—Co"ee with the Pastors, G!1
9:30 am—Sunday School, 1!11/1!12/2!3/2!8/ 2!9/
9:30 am—A Disciple’s Path, 1!9
12:00 pm—Higher Ed Committee Mtg., 1!11/1!12
12:30 pm—Acolytes Meeting, 1!9
6:30 pm—Super Bowl Party, (NY Avenue
Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Ave., NW)
Monday, ebruary 2, 2015
7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G
!1/1!11/1!12/Old Social Hall
3:00 pm—Deadline: Asburyan Bulletin & Ads
7:00 pm—DC Wado!Ryu Martial Arts, 2!8/2!9
uesday, ebruary 3, 2015
7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G
!1/1!11/1!12/Old Social Hall
10:00 am—Covenant Bible Study II
(1st UMC of Hyattsville, 6201 Belcrest Rd., MD)
7:00 pm—Covenant Bible Study II, 1!11/1!12
From the Senior Pastor’s Desk
February 2015
Word for the Month: “REMEMBER”
Scripture of the Month: I was pushed back and about to
fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and
my defense; he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:13-14
Thought for the Month: Celebrate African American
History Month with this annual collection of devotions to
increase a sense of knowledge and awareness of African
American history, foster pride in that history, and
strengthen personal and communal faith, hope, and
commitment to a rich heritage and future.
Emphasis for the Month: Spiritual Formation
Pastor’s Book of the Month: African American History
Month by Bishop Woodie White
Wednesday, ebruary 4, 2015
7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G
!1/1!11/1!12/Old Social Hall
6:45 pm—APAT Auditions, Sanctuary
7:30 pm—Wesley Seminary—PMM 2, 1!9
hursday, ebruary 5, 2015
7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G
!1/1!11/1!12/Old Social Hall
 S WOEN
riday, ebruary 6, 2015
LEAN OT EX AFFIIN AT 11T " K
AT., E. 21 ~ 8:30 A!1:00 
7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G
!1/1!11/1!12/Old Social Hall
aturday, ebruary 7, 2015
10:00 am—APAT Auditions, 1!11/1!12
10:00 am—Archives & History Interview, 2!3
10:00 am—Handbell Choir Rehearsal, G!13
10:30 am—Food Pantry, Food Pantry Area
11:00 am—Archives & History Meeting, Library
11:00 am—Wesleyan Choir Rehearsal, OSH
11:30 am—Dance Min. Rehearsal, 2!8/2!9
12:00 pm—Brighter Day Min. & Crocheting for
Christ Meeting, G!1
12:30 pm—Male Chorus Rehearsal, OSH
2:00 pm—Higher Praise Choir, OSH
(OSH = Old Social Hall)
WEE: S UNITE METOIST C ~ G1
he 2015 United Methodist Women’s Lenten vent,
to learning about sex tra#cking and nding ways we
can make a di$erence in the lives of the young people
who are caught up in its web.
his event is free and parking will be available.
 continental breakfast will be served.
Please join us. Register in G!1 after each service.
Sun., Feb. 1 ~ 12:30-1:30 pm ~ Room 1-9
Current and new acolytes and parents or
guardians are encouraged to attend this
meeting. Do you know of a young person
(8 years or older) who is interested in serving
the church? Bring them to the meeting too!
Light refreshments will be served.
Prayer Requests
Beginning Sun., Feb. 1, prayer requests may be made
on prayer cards located in the pew envelope
holders. Place cards in the prayer boxes in the
narthex or at the entrance to the prayer
chapel. Please don’t place your prayer requests in
the collection plate.
You may also send prayer requests to Weekly prayer
partners will be prepared to respond to your
Contact Monica McEaddy with questions.
301-655-4979 or
We are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve
you through intercession.
Yours in Christ,
Barbara & Phillip Collins
Prayer Ministry Coordinators
The choirs of Asbury are engaged in the cleaning
up and clearing out of the choir dressing rooms
and library. Items that have been left in the
rooms and have no relationship to the Music
Ministry of the church will be removed and will
be available for pick!up today. Unclaimed items
will be discarded.
Thank you,
Grace Hines, President, Wesleyan Choir
Giving Cards
We are still accepting your completed Estimate of Giving Cards from Consecration
Sunday. You can pick one up from the Narthex or from outside the church office.
Please drop them in the offering basket, or mail them to the finance office. Asbury’s
ministries are counting on your financial support!
Stewardship Committee
Part 1: RCL HRY  H UD MHD CHURCH
Sun.,!February!15!–!12:45"2:00!pm!—!Asbury!Church!!! 926!11th!Street,!NW,!G"1
This three!part series begins with Bishop orrest tith presenting and leading a discussion on the racial
history of the United Methodist Church, providing context for Foundry and Asbury's history; the creation of
the Washington Conference in 1864; the 1939 merger of the Northern and Southern branches of the
Methodist church and the creation of the Central Jurisdiction; and the 1968 merger of the Methodist
Church with the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the abolition of the racially segregated Central
Jurisdiction. All are invited and refreshments will be provided. RVP to FUMC/AUMC Steering Committee,
Carlotta Jones,, 202!491!2003 or Carol Travis,
Part 2: YUH DUC CL
Video and discussion led by Don Hauprich, District Youth Coordinator of the BWC on early beginning of
Foundry and Asbury. Date and location for youth service project to be determined. Please RSVP to Ruth
Scarborough,, 301!505!8288.
Sunday, February 1
John 13:34-35
Thursday, February 5
Psalm 19:1-6
Monday, February 2
Roman 5:1-5
Friday, February 6
Luke 1:30-37
Tuesday, February 3
Matthew 5:13-16
Saturday, February 7
Psalm 18:1-6
Wednesday, February 4
Mark 9:14-29
!" There is an elevator in the Education Building that
accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the
fellowship hall, and all the Sunday School rooms.
!" Free parking is available Sundays in the garage adjacent
to our 11th Street entrance. You may pick up a parking
pass from the 11th Street reception desk.
!" Restrooms are on the lower level on either side of the
narthex. There is also a family restroom on the main
level in the Education Building.
sbury United Methodist Church!
Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor
Rev. Adam Briddell, Associate Pastor
Bishop Forrest Stith, Retired Bishop in Residence
Mr. Robert Mallett and Ms. Rene Carter, Lay Leaders
Rev. Dr. Joseph Daniels, Jr., District Superintendent
Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore!Washington Annual Conference
Visit for information about our ministries.
Find us on Facebook and Twitter.
926 11th t., W, Washington, DC 20001
202!628!0009 (o#ce) and 202!783!0519 (fax)
Monday!riday ~ 9:30 am!5:00 pm
SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER THE GREAT THANKSGIVING Celebrant: The Lord be with you. People: And with Thy Spirit. Celebrant: Let us pray It is right, and good and joyful prayers, always and everywhere to give thanks for the beginning of all things, O Creator God You made the earth round, rich and fertile; the mother of all life, the seedbed of all growth, You bent low and gently gathered up a handful of clay and shaped it “into your own image”, wonderfully and intricately blew into it, until is became the Human soul. SANCTUS HOLY,HOLY, HOLY LORD GOD OF POWER AND MIGHT, BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST. AMEN. When human cruelty reared its ugly head, you sustained your people and made it possible for us to survive the middle passage, auction blocks, whipping posts, and forced labor. You softened the hearts of many who worked in secret on our behalf. You lifted our heads with the message that God sides with the oppressed, and delivers the captives. You strengthened our hands to struggle for justice and freedom. And so with your people on earth: Moses and Miriam, Lydia and Paul, John Wesley and Francis Asbury, Harry Hosier and Aunt Betty, Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas, Charles Tindley and Mary McLeod Bethune Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. All, who amidst great travail, stayed the course, kept the faith and became the yeast of which we rise and prosper. Even their descendants, like we, at Asbury, formed in your image, carrying the stars in our eyes, the moon in our heart, and the cosmos in every breath, we your people join their unending hymn: SANCTUS HOLY, HOLY, HOLY LORD GOD OF POWER AND MIGHT, BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD.HOSANNA IN THE HIGHIEST. AMEN. You touched us with goodness and beauty. Yet we resisted your touch and attempted to shape ourselves. So we have become encompassed by greed, blinded by injustice, broken with grief. But again, and again, you send your Spirit, to renew us and your earth, to gather our brokenness and despair into new hope and turn us into an ALLELUIA. Loving God, in the fullness of time, you sent us salvation. You gave us Jesus, who dared to feed the hungry and welcome the outcasts, who healed the sick and challenged the privileged, who announced that a new reign of love had begun. He promised to send the Spirit, told us we would never be alone, and continues to say, “Peace be with you.” On the night he gathered his friends together, he took bread, the stuff of life, the blessing of the Son, gave thanks, broke the bread, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body , broken and given for you. He also took the cup, the fruit of the earth, the blessing of the rain, and said “Drink from this, all of you, for this announces my new covenant.” CHRIST HAS DIED, CHRIST HAS RISEN, CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN And now in confidence, that we are the children of God, we share his sacred prayer, Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Then lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever, Amen. THE CONSECRATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELEMENTS PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us, those who went before us, and those who will follow us. Grant that we may go into this world in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Written By Bishop Forrest Stith Sun
2 9:30 am (1-9)
A Disciple’s Path
12:00 pm (1-11/1-12)
Higher Ed Committee Meeting
12:30 pm (1-9)
Acolytes Meeting
6:30 pm (NY Ave. Presbyterian
Church, 1313 New York Ave., NW)
Super Bowl Party
3 4 10:00 am (1st UMC of Hyattsville,
6201 Belcrest Rd., MD)
Covenant Bible Study II
7:00 pm (1-11/1-12)
Covenant Bible Study II
10:00 am (Sanctuary & G-1)
Dorothy Rush’s Wake, Funeral and
6:45pm (Sanctuary)
APAT Auditions
7:30 pm (1-9)
Wesley Seminary—PMM 2
5 Fri
6 Sat
7 10:00 am (1-11/1-12)
APAT Auditions
10:00 am (2-3)
Archives & History Interview
11:30 am (2-8/2-9)
Dance Ministry Rehearsal
9 10 11 9:30 am (1-9)
A Disciple’s Path
6:00 pm (G-1)
DC Stop Modern Slavery
10:00 am (1st UMC of Hyattsville,
6201 Belcrest Rd., MD)
Covenant Bible Study II
7:00 pm (1-11/1-12)
Covenant Bible Study II
7:00 pm (G-1)
#Stop Human Trafficking
6:45 pm (Sanctuary)
APAT Auditions
6:45 pm (2-8)
Staff Pastor Relations Meeting
7:00 pm (G-1)
Wesley Sem.— Spiritual Formation 2
7:30 pm (1-9)
Wesley Seminary—PMM 1
17 18 19 20 21 10:00 am (1st UMC of Hyattsville,
6201 Belcrest Rd., MD)
Covenant Bible Study II
6:45 pm (Asbury Dwellings, 1616
Marion St., NW)
Asbury Credit Union Board Meeting
6:45 pm (1-9)
Medical Mobile Unit Meeting
7:00 pm (1-11/1-12)
Covenant Bible Study II
8:00 am (Metro Center)
Ash Wednesday Service
12:00 pm (Sanctuary)
Ash Wednesday Service
7:30 pm (Sanctuary)
Ash Wednesday Service
7:30 pm (1-9)
Wesley Seminary—PMM 2
6:45 pm (Sanctuary)
APAT Rehearsal
7:00 pm (G-1)
Greater Washington
District —Middle
School Youth Night Out
8:00 am (G-1)
UMW Annual Lenten Event
11:00 am (Sanctuary)
APAT Rehearsal
11:30 am (Sanctuary)
Dance Ministry Rehearsal
26 27 28 12:00 pm (Chapel)
11:00 am (Sanctuary)
APAT Rehearsal
11:30 am (1-11/1-12)
Dance Ministry Rehearsal
1:00 pm (Sanctuary)
Altar Guild
1:00 pm (1-11/1-12)
APAT Rehearsal
15 9:30 am (1-9)
A Disciple’s Path
12:45 pm (G-1)
Racial History of UMC
22 23 24 25 12:00 pm (Sanctuary)
Lent Meditations
6:00 pm (G-1)
DC Stop Modern Slavery
6:45 pm (Sanctuary)
APAT Rehearsal
10:00 am (1st UMC of Hyattsville,
6201 Belcrest Rd., MD)
Covenant Bible Study II
7:00 pm (1-11/1-12)
Covenant Bible Study II
7:00 pm (G-1)
District Racial Justice Gathering
6:30 pm (2-8/2-9)
Church Council Meeting
6:45 pm (1-11/1-12)
APAT Rehearsal
7:30 pm (1-9)
Wesley Seminary—PMM 1
12 6:30 pm (1-8)
13 14 8 Trustee Board Meeting
10:00 am (G-1)
APAT Auditions
11:30 am (Sanctuary)
Dance Ministry Rehearsal
Events in
8:30 am & 10:30 am
8:30 am
Neighbor Bible
R-G&H)9 W--JH* EL-'#" MONDAY
7:45 am Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric (G-1, OSH, 1-11 & 1-12)
3:00 pm Deadline: Asburyan Bulletin and Ads
7:00 pm DC Wado-Ryu Martial Arts Club (2-8 & 2-9)
2'( S&'()*—F-.. 8 8:30 am (G‐1) Coffee with Pastors 7:45 am Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric (G-1, OSH, 1-11 & 1-12)
7:45 am Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric (G-1, OSH, 1-11 & 1-12)
7:45 am Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric (G-1, OSH, 1-11 & 1-12)
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
Asbury Handbell Choir Rehearsal (G-13)
Food Pantry (Food Pantry Area)
Wesleyan Choir Rehearsal (Old Social Hall)
Male Chorus Rehearsal (Old Social Hall)
Higher Praise Choir Rehearsal (Old Social Hall)
9:00 am
1"# S&'()*—F-.. 1 TUESDAY
7:45 am Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric (G-1, OSH, 1-11 & 1-12)
9:00 am
9:30 am
Young Adults
39( S&'()*—F-.. 15 8:30 am (G‐1) Coffee with Pastors 12:30 pm (2‐8 & 2‐9) M.A.R.C. Mee5ng 1:00 pm (1‐11 & 1‐12) Higher Ed. & Campus Min.
8:30 am (G‐1) Coffee with Pastors 12:00 pm (1‐11) UMW Jochebed Group Mee5ng 12:00 pm (1‐9) UMW Lydia Group Mee5ng 12:00 pm (2‐8) UMW Susanna Group Mee5ng
1"# S)#&9()*—F-.. 7 2'( S)#&9()*—F-.. 14 9:00 am (2‐8 & 2‐9) Prayer Ministry 10:00 am (1‐11 & 1‐12) UMW Mission Team Mee5ng
11:00 am (Library) Archives & History Mee5ng 12:00 pm (G‐1) Brighter Day Ministry & Croche5ng for Christ LENT/HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SERVICES
9:45 am
(1-11, 1-12, 2-8, 2-9)
4#M S&'()*—F-.. 22 39( S)#&9()*—F-.. 21 10:00 am (1‐9) UMW Esther Group Mee5ng 11:00 am (1‐11 & 1‐12) UMW Ruth Mee5ng 4#M S)#&9()*—F-.. 28 
Ash Wednesday — February 18, 12:00 pm & 7:30 pm
Lenten Meditations — Mondays starting February 23-March 30 at 12:00 pm
Palm Sunday — March 29, 8:30 am & 10:30 am
Maundy Thursday Drama (Judas: What Was He Thinking) — April 2, 7:30 pm
Good Friday (Seven Last Words) — April 3, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Easter — April 5, 6:30 am, 8:30 am & 10:30 am
9:30 am (G‐1) Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Breakfast 9:45 am (Old Social Hall) Mission Team Undergarment & Toiletry Distribu5on 12:30 pm (G‐1) UMM Mee5ng 1:00 pm (2‐8 & 2‐9) UMW Group Rizpah If you find that the front office has placed your scheduled meeting time and or date incorrectly on the calendar or have not placed your event/meeting on the calendar please send us an email ( or drop a note in the office and we will correct it. Thank you.