EFFECTIVENESS MEDIA STRATEGY 03 About the Awards 04Eligibility 06 Enforcement of the rules 07Judging 08Awards 10Entry requirements 12Material requirements 15Deadline 16Mailing instructions 17 Treatment and publication of entries 19Miscellaneous 20 Tips for entering EFFECTIVENESS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENTS 22Categories 26Judging MEDIA STRATEGY 27Categories 31Judging DIGITAL STRATEGY 32Categories 36Judging DIGITAL STRATEGY 37Categories 40Judging E-COMMERCE 41Categories 44Judging E-COMMERCE 2 DATA & ANALYTICS DATA & ANALYTICS The Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards and Conference 2015 is the region’s must-attend event, attracting senior marketers, heads of agencies, brand pioneers, consumer and customer insight professionals and media owners. A selection of shortlisted work will also be on show, providing a showcase of the finest work in Asia-Pacific and giving delegates the opportunity to learn and draw inspiration. Winners of the Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards will be revealed and honoured at the end of the programme, during the prestigious Awards Ceremony. MEDIA STRATEGY Delegates will be engaged by a comprehensive full-day programme of content, providing insights and learning into effectiveness in brand marketing. A line-up of industry leaders from across the Asia Pacific region will take to the stage to share the secret to their success through case studies and discuss relevant issues covering effectiveness, data, media and digital strategy. EFFECTIVENESS ABOUT THE AWARDS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 3 1 The Awards is open to all those involved in advertising and marketing communications, including advertising agencies, media agencies, digital firms, public relations agencies, client marketers, media owners, marketing research and consultancy firms, MSPs and even technology companies. 3 Entries will be accepted on the basis that they are designed for implementation in Asia or are created by Asian Agencies or companies. 4 Past AMES entries cannot re-enter the same awards section, but can be entered cross section. For example, work entered in Media Strategy section last year can re-enter awards in Effectiveness, Digital Strategy, Data & Analytics or e-Commerce section. 5 For Effectiveness awards, however, past entries in this section can re-enter into “Best Sustained Success” upon condition that they have not been entered in this category in previous years. 7 The Organisers may refuse entries, which offend national or religious sentiments or public taste. E-COMMERCE 4 DATA & ANALYTICS 6 In the event that a campaign runs over an extended period of time (with multiple implementation dates), it is the responsibility of the entrant to provide adequate proof of the campaign’s evolution from year to year. In light of the information provided by the entrant, the Organisers retains the right to decide if the entry has evolved sufficiently enough that it may be regarded as a new entry and thus be eligible. DIGITAL STRATEGY For the purpose of the Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards, those countries are: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, The Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. Thus work can be entered by agencies outside Asia if it adheres to the above criteria. Likewise, work that has run outside Asia may be entered as long as it has been entered by Asian companies. MEDIA STRATEGY 2 Any campaigns launched or current between 1 January to 31 December 2014 are eligible to enter the awards. EFFECTIVENESS ELIGIBILITY GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION 8 Any entry which, up to and including the final day of judging, has infringed any of its country of origin’s voluntary or regulatory codes of practice, is not eligible. It is the responsibility of the entrant to inform the Awards Organisers should any infringement have arisen prior to the judging and Awards Ceremony. 10 Entry submission must be completed online at http://app.judgify.me/ames2015, including an online entry form, an entry payment confirmation, and a client endorsement from a senior manager authorising the entry and claims. 11 In each category, only one party may enter an entry, i.e. either the digital agency or the advertising agency may enter a piece that both parties have worked on, but not both. Which of the companies is going to make the entry in a specific category should be agreed in advance between the parties concerned. In the event that the same entry is submitted by two different entrant companies, only the first entry will be accepted for that category. E-COMMERCE 5 DATA & ANALYTICS 12 There can only be one entrant company per entry. The entrant company is responsible for payment of entry fees and is the automatic point of contact for the entry. Multiple companies can be credited for their contribution to the work entered. Please ensure that all contributing companies are credited on your entry form before finalizing your submission. DIGITAL STRATEGY Incomplete entries and entries that have not been endorsed by 20 April 2015 may be disqualified by the Awards Organisers. Please note that entries submitted online will not be considered complete until all the relevant entry materials, the payment and client endorsement have been received, both online and in the Organisers’ office. MEDIA STRATEGY 9 All entries must have been made within the context of a normal paying contract with a client. That Client must have paid for all or the majority of the media costs. All entries must have been produced with the full knowledge of the trademark/copyright owner of the product or brand advertised. EFFECTIVENESS ELIGIBILITY GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION 1 All entries must be submitted for judging exactly as published, aired or implemented and may not be modified for awards entry. However, entries that are not originally in English may be translated as long as the presentation is exactly the same as the original version. 3 The Organisers may contact the client related to any entry at the request of the jury at any time during the voting process should any questions about the implementation or presentation of the work arise. 4 In the event of a complaint against any winning or shortlisted entry, the Organisers will conduct a full investigation into each case and will request detailed documentation from all parties concerned including the complainant, the entrants and the client. 6 The Organisers, if necessary, will endeavour to move entries to more appropriate categories with the entrant’s consent. However, the Jury will not be allowed to move entries between categories. 7 The judges’ decisions are final and neither the Organisers nor the judges will enter into any correspondence about them. E-COMMERCE 6 DATA & ANALYTICS 8 Entrants who are proved to have deliberately and knowingly contravened any rules relating to eligibility may be barred from entering the Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards for a period of time as specified by the Organisers. DIGITAL STRATEGY 5 The Organisers will have no hesitation in withdrawing an award in cases where the complaint is upheld. MEDIA STRATEGY 2 The Organisers reserve the right to request a full media schedule from each entrant company to verify the authenticity of the campaign(s) in the event that entry is shortlisted or a winner. EFFECTIVENESS ENFORCEMENT OF THE RULES GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION The award-winning entries will be selected by a panel of industry leaders, comprising senior client marketers, marketing practitioners, agency heads, strategists, and research & analytics experts from across the region. EFFECTIVENESS JUDGING GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION The shortlist is decided by a first round of voting. The juries will score all entries individually online, and a computerised system selects the highest marks based on judges’ scores. At the final judging, the panel will meet in Singapore to discuss and select winners. Winners of the Gold awards will then compete for the ultimate accolades, the Platinum Awards. The decision of the jury on all matters relating to the awarding prizes will be final and binding. DIGITAL STRATEGY At all voting stages, the judges do not vote for entries submitted by their own agency in their country. MEDIA STRATEGY The judges will then review and re-score only the shortlisted entries. The results from this round will form the foundation for the discussion at the final round. DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 7 The awards given are as follows: The judges will award Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophies in each awards section to entries judged to be deserving of the honour. Trophies are awarded in each category at the discretion of the judges. All awards will be given to the entrant companies. Duplicate trophies can be purchased by other participating parties after the Festival. Only the information submitted on the original entry form in the Agency fields, or amendments received before 12 May 2015 will be considered in the Agency of the year calculations. All calculations are based on information provided by the entrant company. The Organiser cannot be held responsible for omissions or wrongful inclusions if that information has not been provided. E-COMMERCE 8 DATA & ANALYTICS The Award will be given to one office only – points awarded to sister companies will not be combined. For example, the points for JWT Hong Kong and JWT Shanghai will be considered separately. DIGITAL STRATEGY Agency of the Year Award An Agency of the Year award will be given in Media Strategy, Digital Strategy and Effectiveness to an individual agency office that obtains the highest aggregate score for its entries in that awards section. MEDIA STRATEGY The Platinum Award must be awarded in each awards section, and will be chosen from all the entries awarded a Gold. Entries in the Public Service and Charities categories are excluded from winning the Platinum Award, unless they are supported by a commercial brand. The Platinum Award is an elevation of the Gold. Once the entry is awarded a Platinum, it is no longer a Gold winner. EFFECTIVENESS AWARDS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVENESS AWARDS Points System 10 points for the Platinum Award 7 points for a Gold 5 points for a Silver 3 points for a Bronze 1 point for a shortlist entry Calculation For each entrant company the total number of Awards is subtracted from the total number of shortlisted entries. From this number, a maximum of 10 shortlisted entries will be counted towards the entrant company points total. The entrant company total is calculated by adding the total points from prizes awarded to a maximum of 10 remaining shortlist points. In the case of a tie in the number of points, first the number and then the rank of the awards will be taken into consideration. If necessary, all shortlist points will be taken into consideration. Although the total points are the same, entrant company A beats entrant company B based on the number and rank of trophies awarded. E-COMMERCE 9 DATA & ANALYTICS Entrant Company B 1 Gold: 7 points 1 Silver: 5 points 8 Shortlist: 8 points TOTAL: 20 points DIGITAL STRATEGY The total points from prizes awarded are calculated by multiplying each Award by the relevant points as listed above. MEDIA STRATEGY If an entry is shortlisted and then goes on to win an award, the shortlist point is no longer counted. The maximum number of points awarded to an entrant company for shortlisted entries is 10. For example: Entrant Company A 2 Gold: 14 points 1 Silver: 5 points 1 Shortlist: 1 point TOTAL: 20 points GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION In all categories except Data & Analytics, you may enter an entry into one product & service category and multiple specialist categories. However, for each category you must provide separate documentation, support materials and entry fee. 4 Entry submission must be completed online at http://app.judgify.me/ames2015, including an online entry form, an entry payment confirmation, and a client endorsement from a senior manager authorising the entry and claims. Incomplete entries and entries that have not been endorsed by 20 May 2015 may be disqualified by the Awards Organiser. 5 Except where indicated on the entry form, agency names and logos should NOT appear on your written submission or support materials. Materials with agency names or logos may be disqualified. 6 Written submission must be completed in English. 7 Support materials that are not originally in English may be translated as long as the presentation is exactly the same as the original version. It will be in your own interest to explain or translate any specific word play or local, social, cultural or political references and nuances. 8 Materials cannot be returned after judging. 9 Entrants may mark various sensitive parts of their submission as “Not for publication” and tick the “Confidentiality” box on the online entry form, provided these restrictions are not used excessively. Information marked as confidential will be treated as such. It is essential that the entry/campaign/project/solution is appropriate to the categories it enters for and that it meets the respective criteria of each. If a single entry is entered in multiple categories, it is highly recommended that the presentation of each is tailored / adapted to highlight the elements most relevant to the chosen categories. The Organisers may reassign the entries to more relevant categories at their discretion. DATA & ANALYTICS 2 3 DIGITAL STRATEGY Please ensure that each entry complies with the following rules. Failure to do so may result in your entry being disqualified at an early stage in the judging process. MEDIA STRATEGY E-COMMERCE 10 1 EFFECTIVENESS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION 11 Once an entry is shown on the entry system as ‘submitted’, this denotes that the entry has been accepted by system and that the entry will be processed. 12 At this point, all entry fees are due and payable to Asian Advertising Festival (Spikes Asia) Pte Ltd. Furthermore, Asian Advertising Festival cannot accept any cancellation of entries after the system has shown that the entry is ‘submitted’ for whatever reason. Any withdrawn, cancelled, disqualified or duplicate entries are still due and payable to Asian Advertising Festival. 13 Entries cannot be withdrawn or removed from the competition in any way after 20 April 2015. 14 In addition, should entry fee remain unpaid by 20 April 2015 the entry may be disqualified and Asian Advertising Festival will retain the right to claim for unpaid entry fees. DIGITAL STRATEGY Please carefully check and re-check the credits you have entered. If you are shortlisted or a winner, these credits will be published on our website exactly as you have typed them here. Any amendments or additions to credits made after 30 May 2015 will incur costs. MEDIA STRATEGY 10 EFFECTIVENESS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 11 1 Entry submission must be completed online at http://app.judgify.me/ames2015, including an online entry form, an entry payment confirmation, and a client endorsement from a senior manager authorising the entry and claims. Incomplete entries and entries that have not been endorsed by 20 April 2015 may be disqualified by the Awards Organiser. The written submission must be prepared in English (black Arial, font size 12); supporting materials that have elements in any other languages may be accompanied by a translation uploaded as one item of the support materials. 4 Please do not delete any part of the written submission form from the completed submission. 6 Charts or graphics can be inserted in the written submission provided that they are not used excessively. Texts in graphics and charts are not included in the word count. 7 Any supporting data must be accompanied by an indication of the source of reference. If your agency is the source of research, please reference “Agency Research”. 8 Three (3) compulsory high-resolution images must be uploaded and will be used to showcase the entry, if awarded. E-COMMERCE 12 DATA & ANALYTICS 5 The written submissions should comply with the set word limit . EFFECTIVENESS 2000 words MEDIA STRATEGY 1500 words DIGITAL STRATEGY 1500 words DATA & ANALYTICS 1500 words E-COMMERCE1500 words DIGITAL STRATEGY 3 MEDIA STRATEGY 2 The online entry form includes the following: • Basic entry information • Written submission • Three (3) compulsory high-resolution images for the awards show and post- awards publications • URL of the presentation page or microsite to host the support materials • Or up to six (6) support materials uploaded on the entry system EFFECTIVENESS MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION For all entries, we recommend that you prepare a Case Film or “video clip” to support your entry, which should summarize the brief, execution and outcome of your entry. This Case Film will be viewed by the Jury during voting, and will be used if your entry is a winner in post-awards promotions and on the Awards website. It will also be shown at the Awards ceremony should the entry wins a Gold. 11 Please indicate when you send your submission if there are reasons, such as music licensing, that mean your video cannot be shown at or after the Awards Ceremony. 12 Supporting materials can be submitted in two ways – either to be uploaded online; or via URL of a micro site that hosts the files. No file sharing site should be used. The Jury will not download any file in the judging process. 13 Please only supply one URL, and the Jury should be able to access it on-line without having to key in any password. 14 No agency branding (names, logos, etc) should appear in the entry URL, written submission or any of supporting materials. Materials with agency names or logos may be disqualified. 15 Microsites must be live from the date the entry is submitted to 30 June 2015. 16 Please do not add the category code or title in your case video as this may be subject to change during the entry process. DATA & ANALYTICS 10 This may vary depending on the category, but can range from branded media coverage, photographs, customer research, sales or profit figures, media evaluation, tracking studies, market share, customer attitudes etc. DIGITAL STRATEGY No more than six (6) items of support materials should be provided on top of the hi- res images. The support materials should show evidence of the success of your campaign/project/solution, and support the case made in your written entry. MEDIA STRATEGY E-COMMERCE 13 9 EFFECTIVENESS MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION SUPPORT MATERIAL FILE REQUIREMENTS Documents • • File size: Less than 5MB File formats: doc, ppt, pptx, pdf EFFECTIVENESS MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Pictures/Photographs Audio • • Videos • • • File size: Less than 3MB File formats: .jpg File size: Less than 10MB File formats: mp3 File size: Less than 25MB Length: a maximum of 2 minutes File formats: mov, mpeg2, wmv, mpeg, mp4, mpg 2 If you decide to submit a case video as support materials, it is compulsory to send in two (2) duplicate copies of CDs containing the high-resolution versions of your videos to the Organiser’s office. The specs are as follows: mov, mp4, mpeg, or mpeg2 file format in high resolution, 720 x 576, aspect ratio 4:3, encoded from the master source. 4 CDs should be labelled with the category entered and entry number assigned by the online system. 5 Deadline for the CDs arrive no later than 20 April 2015. 6 Once shortlisted, the entrants will be asked to supply a shortened/edited version case film of 30-45 seconds which would be shown at the awards ceremony in the event that the entry is a Gold winner (any short version over 60 seconds will be refused). This should also contain some key visuals and a simple clear commentary in English summarising the entry. E-COMMERCE CDs are not necessary if no videos were submitted online. DATA & ANALYTICS 14 3 DIGITAL STRATEGY 1 For video submission, the file should have Audio and Video synched in one, encoded as NTSC 29.97 fps, Frame Size 720 x 576. The Data Rate must not exceed more than 8 megabyte/s. MEDIA STRATEGY • • All materials, documentation and payment must be received in the Awards office in Singapore no later than 6 March 2015. Please note that there is a price difference between entries completed before and after 6 March 2015. Please refer to “Enter” on our website for further details. MEDIA STRATEGY Entrants should submit their entries according to our deadline to allow sufficient amount of time for entries to be throughly reviewed and processed. This will also allow the Organisers to provide relevant feedback when necessary. EFFECTIVENESS DEADLINE GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 15 If you are submitting a case study video to support your entry, please send in CDs by courier or registered mail to: Please ensure that your CDs are clearly labelled, including the entry number. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure and confirm safe delivery of his/her shipment at the Organisers’ office and to cover fully ALL courier, mailing and insurance costs and any import duties in advance, up to and including arrival at the Organisers’ office. A customs invoice should be included in the consignment which should be clearly marked: “Contest material – No commercial value.” If your courier requires a value to be indicated, this should be purely nominal – for example $1 per CD. DIGITAL STRATEGY The Organisers cannot accept responsibility for presentation of entries which arrive after 20 April 2015. MEDIA STRATEGY Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards 2015 Asian Advertising Festival (Spikes Asia) Pte Ltd Attention: Melody Liu 21 Media Circle, #05-05, Infinite Studios, Singapore 138562 Tel: +65 6579 0549 EFFECTIVENESS MAILING INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 16 For the purpose of this paragraph, ‘entry/campaign’ means the work you enter into the Awards. With effect from your submission of an entry, the following terms apply: By submitting any campaign in the course of entering the awards, the entrant acknowledges that such material will be used for the Awards Purposes (as defined below), on the terms set out herein. 2 Entrants may be required to supply additional material of any shortlisted or winning work for the winners book and any promotional publications and exhibitions held after the event. DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 17 DIGITAL STRATEGY 3 In order to promote the Awards, the organisers may : • Screen or publish all materials submitted to the organisers for purposes of conducting and promoting the Awards, including all entry/campaign, with or without charge at public or private presentations, in such manner and form as the Organisers reasonably think fit; • Reproduce all materials submitted to the Organisers - including all entry/ campaign in the Awards Winner Archive and offline for the purpose of conducting and promoting the Awards; • Permit the material to be used directly or indirectly for the purpose of promoting the Awards; • Reproduce any entry/campaign into a collection of advertisements which may be offered for sale anywhere in the world. Such a collection may not, nor may any extracts of it, be copied, marketed or sold by any organisation other than the Awards organisation or any organisation authorised to do so by the Awards. This may include adaptation/ translation by a third party; (together, the “Awards Purposes”); provided, however, that Awards Purpose shall exclude any action that may violate (a) any applicable law, or (b) any restriction placed on the use of that material by its legal owner, permitted licensee or third party whose property is included within such material as disclosed to the organisers by the entrant and notified to the Organiser as detailed below (each of (a), and (b), a “Restriction”). MEDIA STRATEGY 1 EFFECTIVENESS TREATMENT AND PUBLICATION OF ENTRIES GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION For the avoidance of doubt, “commercially reasonable endeavours” shall include the entrant using its commercially reasonable efforts to attempt to cause the applicable third parties to agree to permit the Organiser to exercise the Awards Purposes, but shall not require the entrant to retrospectively amend or agree new terms of engagement for any Campaign already commissioned. 5 Each entrant agrees to assist the Awards organisers (at the sole cost and expense of the Awards organisers) in every reasonable way in supporting any legal action that may be taken against the Awards in relation to the exercise of the rights set out in the paragraph above and to supply information to the Organisers immediately should they become aware that an unauthorised collection or compilation including their Advertisement is available for sale or distribution. 6 Each entrant confirms to the Organisers that they have the legal right to enter the campaign into the Awards on the terms of these entry rules, subject to any Restrictions.” DIGITAL STRATEGY To the extent that the entrant is not the owner of the material comprising the campaign, the organiser’s exercise of the Awards Purposes shall be subject to any Restrictions. The entrant shall use commercially reasonable endeavours to ensure that the organiser may exercise the Awards Purposes, but shall not, in any event, be required to spend any money in order to permit the organiser to do so, and entrant’s failure to obtain sufficient rights in order to enable the organiser to do so shall not give rise to any liability on entrant’s part; and the entrant shall notify the organiser in writing (including by e-mail) of any Restriction as soon as reasonably practical on becoming aware of the same. MEDIA STRATEGY 4 EFFECTIVENESS TREATMENT AND PUBLICATION OF ENTRIES GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 18 2 All entrants will strictly observe the Entry Rules. Completion and sending of the entry payment will imply full acceptance by each entrant of the Entry Rules. Non-compliance with any of the Entry Rules will result in automatic disqualification of the entry. 3 The decisions of the Organisers in all matters relating to the Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards shall be final and binding. 4 In the event of a win, any duties, fees and charges accrued from the transporting of the trophy, will be covered by the recipient, not the Organisers. 5 The Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards trophy is the intellectual property, including copyright, design rights and trademark rights, of Asian Advertising Festival (Spikes Asia) Pte Ltd. Asian Advertising Festival (Spikes Asia) Pte Ltd have the exclusive right to and not limited to, reproduce, manufacture, copy, and sell the Asian Marketing Effectiveness and Strategy Awards trophy in any size or medium, and to distribute by gift, sale, re-sale or licence. No reproduction, replica or other copy of the trophy may be made or used by any manufacturer, advertiser, organisation or individual except in accordance with these terms unless you have the prior express written consent or license from Asian Advertising Festival (Spikes Asia) Pte Ltd. DIGITAL STRATEGY Each entrant accepts full responsibility for the quality of entries and discharges the Organisers from any responsibility in respect of third parties. MEDIA STRATEGY 1 EFFECTIVENESS MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 19 A. Choose the right category It sounds simple, but the sheer breadth, depth and versatility of the marketing industry mean that there is potential overlap between some of the categories in the Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy Awards. Please choose your categories wisely depending on the strength of the campaign. C. Use verified results In all categories, judges look for evidence of commercial success. This can be demonstrated in a number of ways but justified facts and figures often tell the story best. It always helps to explain the basis of a successful return on investment for a campaign, project or business success story. If your campaign runs over a very short period, beware of attributing the results across an entire year (you can quantify them). Always avoid vague statements such as ‘substantial improvement reported by client’ as your measure of success. E-COMMERCE 20 DATA & ANALYTICS Results must be quantifiable. Always name your source and be clear on the link between the campaign/projects/solution and the results. The judges look for figures that have been verified, measured or audited by a third party such as a research company, media owner, industry measurement tool or industry body. DIGITAL STRATEGY B. Customise your entry Where projects/campaigns/solutions can be appropriately entered into many different categories, judges do look for different attributes and successes against the criteria set for the specific category. Always customise your written submission based on the category being entered for and showcase results and elements relevant to the category. MEDIA STRATEGY For instance, it is clear that, say, a campaign based around mobile marketing creative and execution fits into Mobile category in Digital Strategy; it can also form an element of a project entered into a bigger category, such as Integrated category in Digital. You may in the meantime enter the same campaign into a Media Strategy category with a focus on the media planning execution of the campaign. EFFECTIVENESS TIPS FOR ENTERING GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION D. Less is best Be concise and relevant in your written entry – you have only a few minutes to grab the judges’ attention. Also, please ensure file sizes are manageable for the judges’ downloads – long loading and downloading periods should be avoided at all costs. MEDIA STRATEGY E. Context The judges are experts in their field, but may not have intimate knowledge of the particular project or business that has been entered. It always helps to put an entry in the context of the wider business, marketing campaign or, even, specialist marketplace. It can help to think of each entry as a submission to a member of the board in a major Blue Chip company: they will have a grasp of what makes a successful business case, but not necessarily of the absolute minutiae of the international market for purple widget manufacture. EFFECTIVENESS TIPS FOR ENTERING GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 21 In the Effectiveness section, campaigns can be entered into one product & service category, and multiple specialist categories. PRODUCT & SERVICES CATEGORIES EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVENESS EFP01. Non-Alcoholic Beverages EFP02. Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco Beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, cocktails, tobacco & associated products EFP03. Food Products EFP04. Home Furnishing, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products House & garden furniture, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, microwaves, kitchen utensils, appliances & crockery, glassware, bed & table linen, baths, showers & toilets, home decorating & building products, wall & floor coverings, heaters, air conditioners, lamps, clocks, home security products, smoke detectors, tools, garden tools, machinery & products. Detergents, cleaning products, shoe polish, air fresheners, insecticides, foil, cling film & food packaging, light bulbs, batteries (not car batteries), paint, varnish & wood protectors, adhesives DIGITAL STRATEGY Meats, fish, seafood, soups, delicatessen, fruits & vegetables, rice, pasta, pizza, sauces, mayonnaise, vinegar, oils, spices, herbs, pre-cooked & prepared meals, frozen, canned, dried foods, baby foods & baby milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, milk, margarine & spreads, diet & health foods, chocolate, candy, chewing gum, potato crisps, snacks, nuts & dried fruit, sweet & savoury bars, cakes, biscuits, desserts, sugar, jam, honey, peanut butter, syrup, bread, crispbread, flour, baking ingredients, breakfast cereals, yoghurt & yoghurt drinks, milk desserts, ice cream, flavoured milk MEDIA STRATEGY Coffee, tea, still & carbonated drinks, juices, mineral waters EFP05. Pharmaceuticals, Beauty Products, Cosmetics & Toiletries DATA & ANALYTICS Make-up, skin & nail care products, perfumes, eau de toilette & aftershaves, deodorants & body sprays, shampoos & conditioners, hair dye, hairspray, gel, mousse, dyes, soap, shower & bath products, sun block & tanning products, hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, OTC medicines & tablets, vitamins & herbal remedies, diet supplements & products, insect repellents, adhesive plasters, skin remedies, anti-hair loss lotions, condoms, pregnancy tests, other pharmaceutical products, hairbrushes, combs, wigs, toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, oral hygiene, toilet paper, tampons & sanitary towels, tissues, diapers, razors & shaving products, hair removal products, contact lenses, hearing aids, prescription drugs, contact lenses, alternative therapies & medicines, virility drugs EFP06. Other Consumer Products (Including Durable Goods) 22 E-COMMERCE Televisions, video players, blank audio & video tapes, cameras, video cameras, film, hi-fi, personal stereos, CD players, minidisks & MP3 players, DVD players, personal phone equipment inc. mobile phones & pagers, musical instruments, sports equipment, bicycles, boats & caravans, toys, games consoles, clothing, footwear and accessories, sportswear, luggage, jewellery, watches, sunglasses, computer hardware and software, computer peripherals, gifts & greetings cards, pens and personal stationery EFP07. Cars & Automotive Services Cars, jeeps and 4-wheel drives, pick-up trucks, vans, lorries, motorbikes, tyres, auto products and services, spare parts, accessories incl. in-car hi-fi, petrol stations, petrol, oil, breakdown & servicing companies, car dealerships, car finance & leasing EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVENESS EFP08. Lifestyle EFP09. Financial Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services EFP10. Publications & Media Online newspapers, magazines, TV & radio stations, networks, books, records, CDs, DVDs, TV & radio stations, networks & programmes, encyclopaedias & correspondence courses DIGITAL STRATEGY Banks, building societies, credit cards, current & savings accounts, mortgages & loans, investment companies, personal, health insurance, building insurance, car insurance, pension & retirement plans, real estate investment; apartments and housing; Consumer telecommunications services, internet service providers, directories, yellow pages, postal services, electricity, gas, power & water companies, schools and colleges. Business phone & computer equipment, office furniture & stationery, telecommunication services, accountancy, conference & events services, business postal services, courier services, employment agencies, website development & agricultural & manufacturing equipment; hospitals, private healthcare & clinics, medical & dental services, psychiatrists, sex therapists, plastic surgeons, prescription drugs MEDIA STRATEGY Transport, travel and tourism, airlines, train & bus companies, ferry & cruise lines, travel agencies, tourist boards, hotels, resorts, city & country promotion, car hire, travel passes, leisure & theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sporting events, music festivals, orchestras, exhibitions & shows, nightclubs, bars, etc. museums, art galleries, cinemas & theatres, golf & country clubs, lotteries, gambling, sex toys, dating sites, social networking sites; Stores, including home shopping, restaurants, fast food, department & specialist stores, supermarkets, DIY stores, drugstores, opticians, hairdressers, beauty salons, laundry service, estate agents, photo-processors, TV, video & other rental stores, mail-order companies, online shopping & auctions, pet food & pet care products EFP11. Corporate Image & Information EFP12. Charities, Public Health & Safety & Public Awareness Messages Anti-smoking, anti-drugs, anti-drink-driving, road safety, health, hygiene, Aids awareness, political & religious messages, unions, associations, environmental awareness, government & forces recruitment, state education, racial, ethnic & disability awareness, sex equality, charities, funds, volunteers, Red Cross, blood & organ donation E-COMMERCE 23 DATA & ANALYTICS Non-product-based company image, competition & event sponsorship, Christmas messages, company mergers, flotations & relocation, TV programme sponsorship, press releases, press conferences, announcements, PR, employee schemes, internal communication & statements, marketing, website design, advertising agencies & production companies, award competitions & Image libraries. SPECIALIST CATEGORIES EFS01. Innovative Use of Media Awarded to the marketing campaign that demonstrates the most innovative and effective use of media to achieve consumer engagement, deliver marketing objectives and generate business growth. The marketing strategy could be executed through new media or traditional forms of advertising & communications. Media types include Press, Outdoor, Radio, Screens, and Digital Media etc. Awarded to the most innovative and effective branded media programme featuring content creation, product placement or product association. Entries should illustrate the costs from all aspects of the marketing activity, as well as the results and return on investment. For the purposes of Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy, Branded Content is the creation of, or natural integration into original content by a brand. The purpose of branded content is to deliver marketing messages by engaging consumers via relevant content platforms rather than traditional advertising methods. MEDIA STRATEGY EFS02. Branded Content EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVENESS EFS03. Sponsorship and Event Marketing EFS04. Insights / Strategic Thinking Awarded to the campaign that most effectively used insights/strategic thinking which led to the communication idea and achieved the set marketing objectives. Entries must be supported by business results. DIGITAL STRATEGY Awarded to the campaign that most effectively uses sponsorship and/or event marketing to provide an engaging brand experience to the target audience. Entries must demonstrate how the campaign connected with the target consumer and met the business objectives of the brand. Entries can include organisation of or sponsorship of one-off promotions, product launches, exhibitions, shows, brand experiences, music concerts, sports events, charity walks, fashion shows, tie-ins with television programmes etc. EFS05. Small Budget Marketing Campaign EFS06. Marketing Campaign for Regional Brand Development Awarded to the campaign that most effectively builds a brand presence across at least 3 countries in Asia Pacific. This category is open to all brands whether Asian, or global, that are establishing themselves in the Asia Pacific marketplace. EFS07. Marketing Campaign for National Brand Development Awarded to the campaign that most effectively builds a brand presence in a single country within Asia Pacific. This category is open to all brands whether Asian, or global, that are establishing themselves in the Asia Pacific marketplace. E-COMMERCE 24 DATA & ANALYTICS Awarded to the campaign that achieved its marketing and business objectives while adhering to a limited production and media budget of under US$100,000. This category can include retail, sales promotion and point of purchase. EFP08. Sustained Success Awarded to the campaign that demonstrates how a single vision and strategic platform have had the most effective long-term impact on the development and growth of a brand. The campaign strategies must span at least 3 years. EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVENESS EFS09. Integrated Marketing Campaign SPECIAL AWARDS Platinum Award (Non Enterable) The best effectiveness campaign from all of the gold winning entries in Effectiveness categories (entries in the Public Service and Charities categories are no eligible for consideration unless they are supported by a commercial brand). The award is given to the agency with the highest number of points from the awards received in all the Effectiveness categories. DIGITAL STRATEGY AME Agency of the Year (Non Enterable) MEDIA STRATEGY Awarded to a campaign that most effectively integrates a range of marketing disciplines to meet set objectives. Campaigns must exhibit a minimum use of 3 marketing disciplines such as direct marketing, event marketing and advertising. DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 25 CATEGORY DEFINITION This category awards outstanding examples of strategic and imaginative solutions that have delivered a measurable and proven impact on businesses. Detailed quantitative methods have been developed for the jury to fairly and accurately benchmark and analyse each entry on its merits. The voting will be based on 4 criteria: Strategy 20% Creativity & Innovation 20% Execution 20% Results 40% The decision of the Juries in all matters relating to the awarding of prizes will be final and binding. Duplicate trophies can be purchased by other participating parties after the Awards and Conference. E-COMMERCE 26 DATA & ANALYTICS Awards credit and the associated trophies and certificates will be given to the entrant company. DIGITAL STRATEGY The shortlist is decided by a first round of voting. The juries will score all entries individually online, and a computerised system selects the highest marks based on judges’ scores. The judges will then review and re-score only the shortlisted entries. The results from this round will form the foundation for the discussion at the final round. At the final judging, the panel will meet in Singapore to discuss and select winners. MEDIA STRATEGY JUDGING The award-winning entries will be selected by a panel of industry leaders, comprising senior client marketers, marketing practitioners, agency heads, strategists, and research & analytics experts from across the region. EFFECTIVENESS JUDGING GENERAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVENESS In the Media Strategy section, campaigns can be entered into one product & service category, and multiple specialist categories. EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION MEDIA STRATEGY PRODUCT & SERVICES CATEGORIES Coffee, tea, still & carbonated drinks, juices, mineral waters MSP02. Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco Beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, cocktails, tobacco & associated products MSP03. Food Products MSP04. Home Furnishing, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products House & garden furniture, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, microwaves, kitchen utensils, appliances & crockery, glassware, bed & table linen, baths, showers & toilets, home decorating & building products, wall & floor coverings, heaters, air conditioners, lamps, clocks, home security products, smoke detectors, tools, garden tools, machinery & products. Detergents, cleaning products, shoe polish, air fresheners, insecticides, foil, cling film & food packaging, light bulbs, batteries (not car batteries), paint, varnish & wood protectors, adhesives DIGITAL STRATEGY Meats, fish, seafood, soups, delicatessen, fruits & vegetables, rice, pasta, pizza, sauces, mayonnaise, vinegar, oils, spices, herbs, pre-cooked & prepared meals, frozen, canned, dried foods, baby foods & baby milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, milk, margarine & spreads, diet & health foods, chocolate, candy, chewing gum, potato crisps, snacks, nuts & dried fruit, sweet & savoury bars, cakes, biscuits, desserts, sugar, jam, honey, peanut butter, syrup, bread, crispbread, flour, baking ingredients, breakfast cereals, yoghurt & yoghurt drinks, milk desserts, ice cream, flavoured milk MEDIA STRATEGY MSP01. Non-Alcoholic Beverages MSP05. Pharmaceuticals, Beauty Products, Cosmetics & Toiletries MSP06. Other Consumer Products (Including Durable Goods) 27 E-COMMERCE Televisions, video players, blank audio & video tapes, cameras, video cameras, film, hi-fi, personal stereos, CD players, minidisks & MP3 players, DVD players, personal phone equipment inc. mobile phones & pagers, musical instruments, sports equipment, bicycles, boats & caravans, toys, games consoles, clothing, footwear and accessories, sportswear, luggage, jewellery, watches, sunglasses, computer hardware and software, computer peripherals, gifts & greetings cards, pens and personal stationery DATA & ANALYTICS Make-up, skin & nail care products, perfumes, eau de toilette & aftershaves, deodorants & body sprays, shampoos & conditioners, hair dye, hairspray, gel, mousse, dyes, soap, shower & bath products, sun block & tanning products, hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, OTC medicines & tablets, vitamins & herbal remedies, diet supplements & products, insect repellents, adhesive plasters, skin remedies, anti-hair loss lotions, condoms, pregnancy tests, other pharmaceutical products, hairbrushes, combs, wigs, toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, oral hygiene, toilet paper, tampons & sanitary towels, tissues, diapers, razors & shaving products, hair removal products, contact lenses, hearing aids, prescription drugs, contact lenses, alternative therapies & medicines, virility drugs MSP07. Cars & Automotive Services Cars, jeeps and 4-wheel drives, pick-up trucks, vans, lorries, motorbikes, tyres, auto products and services, spare parts, accessories incl. in-car hi-fi, petrol stations, petrol, oil, breakdown & servicing companies, car dealerships, car finance & leasing EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION MEDIA STRATEGY MSP08. Lifestyle MSP09. Financial Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services MSP10. Publications & Media Online newspapers, magazines, TV & radio stations, networks, books, records, CDs, DVDs, TV & radio stations, networks & programmes, encyclopaedias & correspondence courses DIGITAL STRATEGY Banks, building societies, credit cards, current & savings accounts, mortgages & loans, investment companies, personal, health insurance, building insurance, car insurance, pension & retirement plans, real estate investment; apartments and housing; Consumer telecommunications services, internet service providers, directories, yellow pages, postal services, electricity, gas, power & water companies, schools and colleges. Business phone & computer equipment, office furniture & stationery, telecommunication services, accountancy, conference & events services, business postal services, courier services, employment agencies, website development & agricultural & manufacturing equipment; hospitals, private healthcare & clinics, medical & dental services, psychiatrists, sex therapists, plastic surgeons, prescription drugs MEDIA STRATEGY Transport, travel and tourism, airlines, train & bus companies, ferry & cruise lines, travel agencies, tourist boards, hotels, resorts, city & country promotion, car hire, travel passes, leisure & theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sporting events, music festivals, orchestras, exhibitions & shows, nightclubs, bars, etc. museums, art galleries, cinemas & theatres, golf & country clubs, lotteries, gambling, sex toys, dating sites, social networking sites; Stores, including home shopping, restaurants, fast food, department & specialist stores, supermarkets, DIY stores, drugstores, opticians, hairdressers, beauty salons, laundry service, estate agents, photo-processors, TV, video & other rental stores, mail-order companies, online shopping & auctions, pet food & pet care products MSP11. Corporate Image & Information MSP12. Charities, Public Health & Safety & Public Awareness Messages Anti-smoking, anti-drugs, anti-drink-driving, road safety, health, hygiene, Aids awareness, political & religious messages, unions, associations, environmental awareness, government & forces recruitment, state education, racial, ethnic & disability awareness, sex equality, charities, funds, volunteers, Red Cross, blood & organ donation E-COMMERCE 28 DATA & ANALYTICS Non-product-based company image, competition & event sponsorship, Christmas messages, company mergers, flotations & relocation, TV programme sponsorship, press releases, press conferences, announcements, PR, employee schemes, internal communication & statements, marketing, website design, advertising agencies & production companies, award competitions & Image libraries. SPECIALIST CATEGORIES MSS01. Branded Content MSS02. Sponsorship and Event Marketing Awarded to the campaign that most strategically and successfully uses sponsorship and/or event marketing to provide an engaging brand experience to the target audience. Entries must demonstrate how the campaign connected with the target consumers and met the marketing and business objectives of the brand. Entries can include organisation of or sponsorship of one-off promotions, product launches, exhibitions, shows, brand experiences, music concerts, sports events, charity walks, fashion shows, tie-ins with television programmes, etc. MEDIA STRATEGY Awarded to the most innovative and successful branded media programme featuring content creation, product placement or product association. For the purposes of the Asian Marketing Effectiveness & Strategy awards, Branded Content is the creation of, or natural integration into original content by a brand. The purpose of branded content is to deliver marketing messages by engaging consumers via relevant content platforms rather than traditional advertising methods. EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION MEDIA STRATEGY MSS03. Digital Media MSS04. Mobile Awarded to the campaign that most strategically and successfully uses the mobile channel(s) to reach and engage consumers and achieve set objectives. Mobile channels include smartphones, tablet computers, bluetooth, SMS, MMS, WAP, mobile applications, etc. DIGITAL STRATEGY Awarded to the campaign that most strategically and successfully uses digital media to reach and engage target audience and achieve set objectives. Digital media include websites, microsites, search engines, banner ads, instant messaging, email marketing, digital POS, new technology, games, virtual worlds, downloadable applications including screensavers, widgets etc. MSS05. Social MSS06. Media Innovation Awarded to the campaign that demonstrates the most innovative and strategic use of media to obtain consumer insights, reach target audience, influence consumer behaviour, and deliver results against the set marketing and business objectives. Innovative media strategy could be executed through new media or traditional forms of advertising & communications. Media types include Press, Outdoor, Radio, Screens, and Digital Media etc. DATA & ANALYTICS Awarded to the most creative and strategic use of social platforms backed by a sound understanding of online consumer behaviour to effectively reach and engage target audience and achieve set objectives. Entries can include consumer driven campaigns, community building, targeting, engagement and conversational marketing strategies. MSS07. Integrated Use of Media 29 E-COMMERCE Awarded to the campaign that most strategically and effectively integrates a range of media to meet set objectives. Entries must exhibit a minimum use of 3 media channels such as digital, event marketing and screens. MSS08. Small Budget Media Campaign Awarded to the campaign that achieved its marketing and business objectives while adhering to a limited media budget of under US$100,000. This category can include retail, sales promotion and point of purchase. MSS09. Media Strategy for Regional Brand Development *This category and Media Strategy for National Brand Development category are mutually exclusive. Entries cannot be duplicated between these 2 categories unless the work stands strong in both scenarios, in which case the case study has to focus only on the regional strategy. MSS10. Media Strategy for National Brand Development Awarded to the most strategic and effective use of media in building a brand presence in a single country within Asia Pacific. This category is open to all brands whether Asian, or global, that are establishing themselves in the Asia Pacific marketplace. SPECIAL AWARDS Platinum Award (Non Enterable) The best media campaign from all of the gold winning entries in Media Strategy categories (entries in the Public Service and Charities categories are not eligible for consideration unless they are supported by a commercial brand) The award is given to the agency with the highest number of points from the awards received in all the Media Strategy categories. E-COMMERCE 30 DATA & ANALYTICS Media Strategy Agency of the Year (Non Enterable) DIGITAL STRATEGY * This category and Media Strategy for Regional Brand Development category are mutually exclusive. Entries cannot be duplicated between these 2 categories unless the work stands strong in both scenarios, in which case the case study has to focus only on the strategy for the specific market. MEDIA STRATEGY Awarded to the most strategic and effective use of media in building a brand presence across at least 3 countries in Asia Pacific. This category is open to all brands whether Asian, or global, that are establishing themselves in this part of the world. EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION MEDIA STRATEGY CATEGORY DEFINITION This category awards entries that have demonstrated media strategy was at the heart of driving successful business results. Detailed quantitative methods have been developed for the jury to fairly and accurately benchmark and analyse each entry on its merits. The voting will be based on 5 criteria: Insights 20% Media Idea 20% Media Strategy 30% Media Execution 10% Results 20% The decision of the Juries in all matters relating to the awarding of prizes will be final and binding. Duplicate trophies can be purchased by other participating parties after the Awards and Conference. E-COMMERCE 31 DATA & ANALYTICS Awards credit and the associated trophies and certificates will be given to the entrant company. DIGITAL STRATEGY The shortlist is decided by a first round of voting. The juries will score all entries individually online, and a computerised system selects the highest marks based on judges’ scores. The judges will then review and re-score only the shortlisted entries. The results from this round will form the foundation for the discussion at the final round. At the final judging, the panel will meet in Singapore to discuss and select winners. MEDIA STRATEGY JUDGING The award-winning entries will be selected by a panel of industry leaders, comprising senior client marketers, marketing practitioners, agency heads, strategists, and research & analytics experts from across the region. EFFECTIVENESS JUDGING GENERAL INFORMATION MEDIA STRATEGY In the Digital Strategy section, campaigns can be entered into one product & service category, and multiple specialist categories. EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY PRODUCT & SERVICES CATEGORIES DSP02. Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco Beer, wine, spirits, liqueurs, cocktails, tobacco & associated products DSP03. Food Products DSP04. Home Furnishing, Appliances, Maintenance & Household Products House & garden furniture, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, microwaves, kitchen utensils, appliances & crockery, glassware, bed & table linen, baths, showers & toilets, home decorating & building products, wall & floor coverings, heaters, air conditioners, lamps, clocks, home security products, smoke detectors, tools, garden tools, machinery & products. Detergents, cleaning products, shoe polish, air fresheners, insecticides, foil, cling film & food packaging, light bulbs, batteries (not car batteries), paint, varnish & wood protectors, adhesives DIGITAL STRATEGY Meats, fish, seafood, soups, delicatessen, fruits & vegetables, rice, pasta, pizza, sauces, mayonnaise, vinegar, oils, spices, herbs, pre-cooked & prepared meals, frozen, canned, dried foods, baby foods & baby milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, milk, margarine & spreads, diet & health foods, chocolate, candy, chewing gum, potato crisps, snacks, nuts & dried fruit, sweet & savoury bars, cakes, biscuits, desserts, sugar, jam, honey, peanut butter, syrup, bread, crispbread, flour, baking ingredients, breakfast cereals, yoghurt & yoghurt drinks, milk desserts, ice cream, flavoured milk MEDIA STRATEGY DSP01. Non-Alcoholic Beverages Coffee, tea, still & carbonated drinks, juices, mineral waters DSP05. Pharmaceuticals, Beauty Products, Cosmetics & Toiletries DSP06. Other Consumer Products (Including Durable Goods) 32 E-COMMERCE Televisions, video players, blank audio & video tapes, cameras, video cameras, film, hi-fi, personal stereos, CD players, minidisks & MP3 players, DVD players, personal phone equipment inc. mobile phones & pagers, musical instruments, sports equipment, bicycles, boats & caravans, toys, games consoles, clothing, footwear and accessories, sportswear, luggage, jewellery, watches, sunglasses, computer hardware and software, computer peripherals, gifts & greetings cards, pens and personal stationery DATA & ANALYTICS Make-up, skin & nail care products, perfumes, eau de toilette & aftershaves, deodorants & body sprays, shampoos & conditioners, hair dye, hairspray, gel, mousse, dyes, soap, shower & bath products, sun block & tanning products, hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, OTC medicines & tablets, vitamins & herbal remedies, diet supplements & products, insect repellents, adhesive plasters, skin remedies, anti-hair loss lotions, condoms, pregnancy tests, other pharmaceutical products, hairbrushes, combs, wigs, toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, oral hygiene, toilet paper, tampons & sanitary towels, tissues, diapers, razors & shaving products, hair removal products, contact lenses, hearing aids, prescription drugs, contact lenses, alternative therapies & medicines, virility drugs DSP07. Cars & Automotive Services Cars, jeeps and 4-wheel drives, pick-up trucks, vans, lorries, motorbikes, tyres, auto products and services, spare parts, accessories incl. in-car hi-fi, petrol stations, petrol, oil, breakdown & servicing companies, car dealerships, car finance & leasing EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY DSP08. Lifestyle DSP09. Financial Services, Commercial Public Services, Business Products & Services DSP10. Publications & Media Online newspapers, magazines, TV & radio stations, networks, books, records, CDs, DVDs, TV & radio stations, networks & programmes, encyclopaedias & correspondence courses DIGITAL STRATEGY Banks, building societies, credit cards, current & savings accounts, mortgages & loans, investment companies, personal, health insurance, building insurance, car insurance, pension & retirement plans, real estate investment; apartments and housing; Consumer telecommunications services, internet service providers, directories, yellow pages, postal services, electricity, gas, power & water companies, schools and colleges. Business phone & computer equipment, office furniture & stationery, telecommunication services, accountancy, conference & events services, business postal services, courier services, employment agencies, website development & agricultural & manufacturing equipment; hospitals, private healthcare & clinics, medical & dental services, psychiatrists, sex therapists, plastic surgeons, prescription drugs MEDIA STRATEGY Transport, travel and tourism, airlines, train & bus companies, ferry & cruise lines, travel agencies, tourist boards, hotels, resorts, city & country promotion, car hire, travel passes, leisure & theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sporting events, music festivals, orchestras, exhibitions & shows, nightclubs, bars, etc. museums, art galleries, cinemas & theatres, golf & country clubs, lotteries, gambling, sex toys, dating sites, social networking sites; Stores, including home shopping, restaurants, fast food, department & specialist stores, supermarkets, DIY stores, drugstores, opticians, hairdressers, beauty salons, laundry service, estate agents, photo-processors, TV, video & other rental stores, mail-order companies, online shopping & auctions, pet food & pet care products DSP11. Corporate Image & Information DSP12. Charities, Public Health & Safety & Public Awareness Messages Anti-smoking, anti-drugs, anti-drink-driving, road safety, health, hygiene, Aids awareness, political & religious messages, unions, associations, environmental awareness, government & forces recruitment, state education, racial, ethnic & disability awareness, sex equality, charities, funds, volunteers, Red Cross, blood & organ donation E-COMMERCE 33 DATA & ANALYTICS Non-product-based company image, competition & event sponsorship, Christmas messages, company mergers, flotations & relocation, TV programme sponsorship, press releases, press conferences, announcements, PR, employee schemes, internal communication & statements, marketing, website design, advertising agencies & production companies, award competitions & Image libraries. SPECIALIST CATEGORIES DSS01. Search Awarded to the best use of search marketing to create a measurable impact. Tactics could include search engine optimisation and/or paid search. Awarded to the campaign that best uses a destination site built as a storefront for a company’s long-term business to create a measurable impact as part of an overall marketing communications strategy. You may enter a website and a microsite that is part of the same website as long as that microsite has a separate URL that is accessible independently of the main website URL. DSS03. Mobile (including Apps) Awarded to the best use of the mobile platform, which includes advertising campaigns and applications, to create a measurable impact. Mobile use could refer to all types of advertising that can be accessed on mobile phones, tablets, PDAs, Blackberries, etc., including SMS, MMS, and in-app campaigns. MEDIA STRATEGY DSS02. Website & Microsites EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY DSS04. Gaming DSS05. Video Awarded to the video campaign, online or on mobile, that combines creativity and engaging & targeted content or leverages consumer created content to build viral buzz and achieve proven results in relation to the objectives set. Entries can include interactive videos. DSS06. Social DSS07. Online Content (excluding Video Content) Awarded to the strategic creation, curation, and distribution of engaging, relevant and consistent online content to attract the target audience, and eventually drive profitable customer action. DSS08. Other Digital Solutions Other digital advertising that doesn’t fit in any of the categories above, e.g. digital OOH campaigns, display, banners, and loyalty campaigns, etc. Work entered in any of the 8 categories above CANNOT also appear in Other Digital Solution category and vice versa. They are mutually exclusive. E-COMMERCE 34 DATA & ANALYTICS Awarded to the campaign that uses social networking and community sites most effectively and creatively to reach target customers to build or maintain their brand and market share while attaining marketing objectives set during the review period. Entries should truly make use of social media platforms beyond simply the viral reach of a campaign. DIGITAL STRATEGY Awarded to the strategic development of a game that effectively and creatively reached target customers to build or maintain their brand and market share while attaining marketing objectives. DSS09. Digital Innovation Awarded to the campaign that uses newly created digital media or existing digital media in fresh and innovative ways to explore new channels of communication and achieve marketing success. DSS10. Digitally Integrated Campaign SPECIAL AWARDS MEDIA STRATEGY To be considered for this award, entries must show how they used a range of digital solutions in the best possible way to promote a product or service. Entries must have run across a minimum of 3 digital channels (for example banners, viral videos, landing sites, etc.), and must build a complete picture by showing how the campaign played across these digital elements/channels. This means that the elements of the campaign were designed to ensure that the combination of different channels produced an effect greater than the sum of its parts. EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY Platinum Award (Non Enterable) Digital Strategy Agency of the Year (Non Enterable) The award is given to the agency with the highest number of points from the awards received in all the Digital Strategy categories. DIGITAL STRATEGY The best digital campaign from all of the gold winning entries in Digital Strategy categories (entries in the Public Service and Charities categories are not eligible for consideration unless they are supported by a commercial brand). DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 35 CATEGORY DEFINITION This category awards entries that demonstrate clearly how business goals were achieved through innovative digital strategies. Detailed quantitative methods have been developed for the jury to fairly and accurately benchmark and analyse each entry on its merits. The voting will be based on 5 criteria: Insights 20% Digital Idea 20% Digital Strategy 30% Digital Execution 10% Results 20% The decision of the Juries in all matters relating to the awarding of prizes will be final and binding. Duplicate trophies can be purchased by other participating parties after the Awards and Conference. E-COMMERCE 36 DATA & ANALYTICS Awards credit and the associated trophies and certificates will be given to the entrant company. DIGITAL STRATEGY The shortlist is decided by a first round of voting. The juries will score all entries individually online, and a computerised system selects the highest marks based on judges’ scores. The judges will then review and re-score only the shortlisted entries. The results from this round will form the foundation for the discussion at the final round. At the final judging, the panel will meet in Singapore to discuss and select winners. MEDIA STRATEGY JUDGING The award-winning entries will be selected by a panel of industry leaders, comprising senior client marketers, marketing practitioners, agency heads, strategists, and research & analytics experts from across the region. EFFECTIVENESS JUDGING GENERAL INFORMATION DIGITAL STRATEGY The Data & Analytics awards will reward great strategy founded on insights gained through the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data in order to target, drive engagement, or develop a meaningful relationship with a specific consumer audience. The jury will award compelling, relevant strategy led by insights founded in and driven by the strategic application of data/analytics and associated targeting methods. DAA01. Web Analytics Strategic analysis of online consumer activity and web traffic. Entries in this category should demonstrate how the measurement, collection and analysis of web data have provided, contributed to, or enhanced an insight or understanding of the audience. DAA02. Social Analytics MEDIA STRATEGY ANALYTICS & INSIGHTS CATEGORIES EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS Strategic analysis of online social platforms, activity and behaviours. Entries in this category should demonstrate how the measurement, collection and analysis of social platform or social user data have provided, contributed to, or enhanced an insight or understanding of the audience. Strategic analysis of audiences. Insight may be gained through the collective and shared decisions and preferences of several different categories of consumer. Entries in this category should demonstrate how the measurement, collection and analysis of audience clustering data have contributed to, or enhanced the understanding of the audience and related insights. STRATEGY & TECHNIQUE CATEGORIES DIGITAL STRATEGY DAA03. Data Mining – Audience Association and Clustering Analysis DAS01. Audience Segmentation DAS02. Response/Real Time Data Strategy that drives consumer engagement by utilising real-time data in order to effectively respond to world shifts, news, crises and other significant events. DAS03. Data Storytelling DATA & ANALYTICS Strategic use of data concerned with identifying and appropriately dividing the audience into specific consumer groups in order to better understand who makes up the market. Entries must illustrate how testing and targeting phases were implemented in order to fulfil the strategy. Strategy that harnesses consumer data in order to build a comprehensive view of customer preferences. Entries should illustrate how the strategy drove the delivery of appropriate brand stories. E-COMMERCE 37 DAS04. Personalisation Strategic use of data concerned with individual consumers’ behaviour (e.g. transactions, websites visited, content viewed) resulting in direct sales and acquisitions. DAS05. Single Customer View at Scale EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS Entries in this category should demonstrate how appropriate techniques were used in order to gain a single customer view founded in the analysis of data. Entries in this category should demonstrate how the strategic use of multiple data sourcing or the merging of data was carried out in order to produce original consumer insight or to better engage with the market. USE OF DATA TECHNOLOGIES & TOOLS MEDIA STRATEGY DAS06. Multiple Data Sourcing/Merging DAU01. Analytics Innovation Online newspapers, magazines, TV & radio stations, networks, books, records, CDs, DVDs, TV & radio stations, networks & programmes, encyclopaedias & correspondence courses Strategic use of database technologies. Entries in this category should demonstrate how technology was harnessed in order to appropriately build a customer database or target an existing consumer set. DAU03. Customer Intelligence (CI) Strategic use of technologies that aid the interpretation of raw, consumer related data into meaningful information. Entries in this category should be able to demonstrate how the creative use of technology had a direct impact on the overall engagement strategy. DIGITAL STRATEGY DAU02. Database Application DAU04. Business Intelligence (BI) DAU05. Data Visualisation Strategic use of schematic data technologies in order to physically and/or graphically interpret or represent data. DAU06. Innovative use of Data Technology Entries in this category must demonstrate how progressive methods or data technologies were harnessed for the purposes of gathering and/or interpreting data. Strategic collaborations with technology providers will be considered. E-COMMERCE 38 DATA & ANALYTICS Strategic use of technologies that aid the interpretation of raw, business related data into meaningful information. Entries in this category should be able to demonstrate how the creative use of technology had a direct impact on business strategy. SPECIAL AWARD Platinum Award (Non Enterable) The best data & analytics campaign from all of the gold winning entries in Data & Analytics categories (entries in the Public Service and Charities categories are not eligible for consideration unless they are supported by a commercial brand). EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS MEDIA STRATEGY DIGITAL STRATEGY DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 39 CATEGORY DEFINITION This category awards the best examples of great strategy led by insights founded in and driven by the strategic application and analysis of data with proven results. Detailed quantitative methods have been developed for the jury to fairly and accurately benchmark and analyse each entry on its merits. The voting will be based on 5 criteria: Insights 20% Idea 20% Strategy 30% Execution 10% Results 20% The decision of the Juries in all matters relating to the awarding of prizes will be final and binding. Duplicate trophies can be purchased by other participating parties after the Awards and Conference. E-COMMERCE 40 DATA & ANALYTICS Awards credit and the associated trophies and certificates will be given to the entrant company. DIGITAL STRATEGY The shortlist is decided by a first round of voting. The juries will score all entries individually online, and a computerised system selects the highest marks based on judges’ scores. The judges will then review and re-score only the shortlisted entries. The results from this round will form the foundation for the discussion at the final round. At the final judging, the panel will meet in Singapore to discuss and select winners. MEDIA STRATEGY JUDGING The award-winning entries will be selected by a panel of industry leaders, comprising senior client marketers, marketing practitioners, agency heads, strategists, and research & analytics experts from across the region. EFFECTIVENESS JUDGING GENERAL INFORMATION DATA & ANALYTICS E-commerce Solution: Taking an analogue process and making it digital/mobile PRODUCT & SERVICES CATEGORIES EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION E-COMMERCE ECP01. Retail (Including Fashion, Food and Beverage, Consumable Products and Durable Goods) ECP02. Finance (Including Financial Services, Commercial Public Services Business Products and Services) Banks, building societies, credit cards, current & savings accounts, mortgages & loans, investment companies, insurance, pensions & real estate investment, mergers and acquisitions, privatizations, financial services marketing. MEDIA STRATEGY Stores, including home shopping, restaurants, fast food, department & specialist stores, supermarkets, DIY stores, drugstores, opticians, hairdressers, beauty salons, laundry service, estate agents, photo-processors, TV, video & other rental stores, mail-order companies, online shopping & auctions. ECP03. Electronics (Including Games/Music/Computing) ECP04. Pharmaceutical, Health and Beauty (Including Cosmetics and Toiletries) E-COMMERCE 41 DATA & ANALYTICS OTC medicines & tablets, prescription drugs, vitamins & herbal remedies, diet supplements & products, insect repellents, adhesive plasters, skin remedies, anti-hair loss lotions, condoms, pregnancy tests, other pharmaceutical products, contact lenses, hearing aids, make-up, skin & nail care products, perfumes, eau de toilette & aftershaves, deodorants & body sprays, shampoos & conditioners, hairspray, gel, mousse, hair-dyes, soap, shower & bath products, sun block & tanning products, hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair curlers, toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, toilet paper, tampons & sanitary towels, tissues, nappies, razors & shaving products, hairbrushes, combs, wigs, hair removal products. DIGITAL STRATEGY Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, microwaves, kitchen appliances, heaters, air conditioners, lamps, torches, clocks, home security products, smoke detectors, tools, garden tools, machinery & products, televisions, video players, blank audio & video tapes, cameras, binoculars, video cameras, film, hi-fi, personal stereos, CD players & minidiscs, mp3 players, home computers, DVD players, personal phone equipment incl. mobile phones, PDA’s, pagers, personal gps systems, personal alarms. ECP05. Travel, Entertainment and Leisure Airlines, train & bus companies, ferry & cruise lines, travel agencies, tourist boards, hotels, resorts, city & country promotion, car hire, travel passes, leisure & theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sporting events, music festivals, orchestras & instruments, exhibitions & shows, nightclubs, bars, museums, art galleries, cinemas & theatres, sports and outdoor equipment, bicycles, boats & caravans, toys, board games, computer games & consoles, lotteries, gambling, golf & country clubs, sex toys, dating services, social networking sites. Consumer telecommunications services, internet service providers, cable & satellite TV providers, directories, Yellow Pages. ECP07. Other e-Commerce Including Mining, Forestry, Agriculture, Building Supplies, Hardware, Government, Infrastructure, Utilities, Manufacturing, Warehousing and Supply Chain. MEDIA STRATEGY ECP06. Telecommunications EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION E-COMMERCE DIGITAL STRATEGY DATA & ANALYTICS E-COMMERCE 42 SPECIALIST CATEGORIES ECS01. User Experience Awarded to the e-commerce solution that demonstrates a clear customer-centric approach and understanding of that user’s journey that delivers superior business results through the online user experience and/or interface. Awarded to a newly created e-commerce solution or existing solution repurposed in a fresh and innovative way that demonstrates enhanced engagement and delivers business objectives together with business growth. ECS03. Payment System Awarded to the e-commerce solution that has created an as frictionless-as-possible payment process for customers, including mobile payments, payment platform integration and order online/pay offline methods. MEDIA STRATEGY ECS02. Innovation EFFECTIVENESS CATEGORIES GENERAL INFORMATION E-COMMERCE ECS04. Mobile and Apps ECS05. Data Awarded to the e-commerce solution that collects and leverages customer data to bring the right offer to the right customer at the right time, and to connect it as seamlessly as possible to the brand’s other channels, potentially including offline. SPECIAL AWARD DIGITAL STRATEGY Awarded to the e-commerce solution specifically developed for handheld devices that achieves business objectives and results or the integration of ecommerce functionality in existing or new native apps Platinum Award (Non Enterable) E-COMMERCE 43 DATA & ANALYTICS The best digital campaign from all of the gold winning entries in e-Commerce categories (entries for Public Service and Charities are not eligible for consideration unless they are supported by a commercial brand). CATEGORY DEFINITION This category recognises innovative e-commerce solutions that have created a demonstrable positive business impact. Detailed quantitative methods have been developed for the jury to fairly and accurately benchmark and analyse each entry on its merits. The voting will be based on 5 criteria: Business Consultancy 20% Strategy 20% Implementation 10% Execution 30% Results 20% The decision of the Juries in all matters relating to the awarding of prizes will be final and binding. Duplicate trophies can be purchased by other participating parties after the Awards and Conference. E-COMMERCE 44 DATA & ANALYTICS Awards credit and the associated trophies and certificates will be given to the entrant company. DIGITAL STRATEGY The shortlist is decided by a first round of voting. The juries will score all entries individually online, and a computerised system selects the highest marks based on judges’ scores. The judges will then review and re-score only the shortlisted entries. The results from this round will form the foundation for the discussion at the final round. At the final judging, the panel will meet in Singapore to discuss and select winners. MEDIA STRATEGY JUDGING The award-winning entries will be selected by a panel of industry leaders, comprising senior client marketers, marketing practitioners, agency heads, strategists, and research & analytics experts from across the region. EFFECTIVENESS JUDGING GENERAL INFORMATION E-COMMERCE
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