sikap kerja positif

FMM Institute Selangor Branch
Centre for Professional Development
SBL Scheme
January 28—29, 2015 | 9.00am - 5.00pm | Shah Alam Convention Centre
Most employees perceive work as a chore. Therefore their hearts
and minds are not set on completing the task at hand efficiently and
improve on the quality of the finished job. A dissatisfied employee
will slowly spread his discontentment to fellow employees and this
will have an adverse effect on the organisation as a whole. The main
purpose of this programme is to open up an employee’s potential in
realising his personal vision and the organisation’s objective through
positive thinking and positive work attitude.
 understand and practise positive working concepts in an
 adopt highly effective communication principles based on
creating a positive working environment
 understand positive working values and skills in order to
increase efficiency and quality of work
 plan and design positive steps towards building positive work
culture at the workplace
Encik Othman Rais is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and
Transport (United Kingdom) and holds a M.Sc. (Info. Mgmt.) He is also a
GE-Trained Change Champion, BSC Collaborative-Trained Facilitator and is
an IATC Certified ISO 9001: 2000 Lead Auditor. He has held several senior
managerial positions in public-listed companies as head of strategic
planning, business development and organisational development divisions.
Whilst serving as head of organisational development, he has been tasked
to train and develop managers, executives and management trainees and
lead a team of managers and executives in implementing company-wide
balanced scorecard initiative. As head of strategic planning he has led
several teams of experts to conduct several feasibility studies in the Middle
East, India Sub-continent and ASEAN countries. He is not only hands-on but
has shared his experience in seminars, local and abroad, and facilitated
several in-house and public workshops on management subjects such as
supervisory and managerial skills, reinforcing motivation, positive work
culture, change management, continuous improvements and balanced
scorecard. His exposure began in 1983 when he was co-opted by UNCTAD
on a Port Management Information System (PORTMIS) Project (1983 –
1985). After that, he has worked along with reputable consulting firms such
as Messrs Proud foot on change initiatives (1993 – 1995) and, Messrs Price
Waterhouse (1997 – 1998) and Messrs Hewitt Associates on HR and
organisational development projects (2002 – 2004).
This programme is specially designed for the administrative and
clerical staff, supervisors, line leaders and section heads.
Suatu Pendekatan Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Organisasi
Konsep Positif
Kesepaduan Sikap Positif
Menilai Sikap Positif
Bagaimana Membentuk Sikap Positif
Sikap Positif Dalam Budaya Kerja Cemerlang
Kaedah Membentuk Sikap Positif Dalam Budaya Kerja Cemerlang
Dorongan Dan Motivasi Diri Untuk Membentuk Sikap Positif
Peranan Hubungan Kemanusiaan Untuk Membentuk Sikap Positif
Dates : January 28– 29, 2015
Time : 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
No.4 Jalan Perbadanan 14/9,
40000 Shah Alam, Selangor
Fees : FMM Members – RM1,100 per participant
Non Members – RM1,400 per participant
(Fees include course materials, Certificate of Attendance,
lunch and refreshments)
For further enquiries, please contact:
Pn. Nazihah / Pn. Shimah
FMM Institute Selangor Branch
Tel: 03-55692950 Fax: 03-55694346
Visit us at: /
Registration is on a first-come first-served basis. Cheques made in favour of the “FMM Institute”
should be forwarded one week before the commencement of the programme. Completed
registration form, that is faxed, mailed or e-mailed to FMM Institute, would be deemed as
All cancellations must be made in writing. There will be no charge for cancellation received 10 or
more working days before the start of the programme. Cancellation received 6 – 9 working days
before the start of the programme is subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of the course fees.
Cancellation received 5 working days and below before the start of the programme is subject to a
cancellation fee of 100% of the course fees. If the participant fails to attend the programme, the
full course fees are payable. However, replacement can be accepted at no additional cost.
10% group discount is applicable for registration of three (3) or more participants from the same
organisation and of the same billing source. The FMM Institute reserves the right to change the
facilitator, reschedule or cancel the programme and all efforts will be taken to inform participants of the changes.
January 28 - 29, 2015 (Wednesday - Thursday )
Shah Alam Convention Centre
Please tick () accordingly:
PSMB Scheme:  SBL
 Non Contributor
Required vegetarian meal:  Yes
 No
The Manager
FMM Institute, Selangor Branch
Tel: 03-55692950
Fax: 03-55694346
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please register the following participant(s) for the above programme.
(To be completed in BLOCK LETTERS)
1. Name
IC No.
2. Name
IC No.
3. Name
IC No.
(If space is insufficient, please attach a separate list)
Enclosed cheque/bank draft No. ____________________________________ for RM ________________________________
being payment for _________________ participant(s) made in favour of the “FMM Institute”.
Submitted by:
Designation: ___________________________________E-mail: _____________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tel No.: ______________________________ Fax No.: ________________________ Date: _______________________________
FMM Membership No.: ______________ My Corporate Identity No.: _____________________________________________