Issued 27/01/2015 Employment and Training Phone any of these Oxfordshire Hubs for more details: Abingdon: 0845 6029279/01865328400 Banbury: 0845 6029288/01865 328440 Bicester: 0845 6029298/01865 328470 Didcot: 0845 6029299/01865 328480 East Oxford: 0845 6029315/01865 328490 Littlemore: 0845 6416424/01865 816202 Witney: 0845 6029284/01865 328730 Bulletin! Opportunities for young people aged 16-19 and up to age 25 for those with learning difficulties. Is this last week's list? You can download the most up-to-date versions at: Young people can chat about opportunities online at Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Bicester Bicester Village Ref: Apprenticeships 14229277 Banbury Study ProgrammeRef: Traineeships 14229806 Description Other Information Salary Areas covered in the Apprenticeships include Hospitality and Customer Service, Sales, Health and Safety, visual merchandising, product knowledge, giving guests advise and information, working effectively within a team, tourism. Qualifications Required: N/A In addition to the above you will learn and improve personal learning and thinking skills. Key skills in maths and English. Qualifications are Certificate in Retail Skills and Retail Knowledge Level 2.htt No set salary Many employers also offer this will vary on opportunities to get involved in your employer. out of work activities including social events, community projects and volunteer programmes. Please contact Miranda Markham 01869 366324, Tom Chant 07717 315 815 / Traineeship- A work placement Qualifications Required: N/A programme completing a Functional Skills English and 19-24 years substantial and beneficial work Maths. experience. In addition JCP have confirmed that individuals who are in receipt of benefits will be able to complete the programme without affecting Bicester Technical Apprentice The estimator works out the Ref: Estimator approximate total cost of the 14229852 building work from the contract drawings & the bill of quantities. They find out information about the cost of the materials & calculate the time it will take to do the work. Qualifications Required: 5 National GCSE's Grade A-C (including Apprenticeship Maths, English & Science) Wage BTEC Level 3 Further details For further information drop into our centre @ YMCA Training, 1 Mawle Court, 58 George St, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 5BH. Or contact are dedicated Pathways Adviser 01295276190 You'll need to be excellent at Maths, IT & communicating as well as paying attention to detail & solving problems. Please apply via website register & complete an online assessment. Jacqueline Rawlings 07765336916 or Contact Details Bicester Village TEL 01869 323 200 FAX 01869 323 201 EMAIL/WEB www.BicesterV YMCA Training - Banbury Foundation Learning TEL 01295 276190 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.ymcatrain CITBConstruction Skills TEL 0344 994 4010 FAX EMAIL/WEB Myapprentces Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity Description No Kidlington Health & Social Care You will learn key worker duties; Ref: Apprenticeship ensuring residents' needs are 14230157 met. Be responsible for ensuring that a full care plan is compiled and implemented and is kept up to date, and agreed with the resident and/or their relatives, participate in assessments and reviews Other Information Qualifications Required: No £100.50 per qualification are required. An week interest in care is essential 16-24 years Intermediate Level Apprenticeship Bicester Carpentry Apprentice You will be taught on the job and Qualifications Required: You Ref: learn all aspects about carpentry. must live within 5 miles from 14230301 Bicester. You will be trained in all aspects of carpentry in the workplace and by CITB Salary Apprenticeship wage applies for this post 16-18 Further details Contact Details Good communication skills and to be able to work well as part of a team. A friendly caring nature and a desire to listen and learn. Debbie Watts Tel: 01865 849782 email: .uk Care Training Solutions TEL 01865 849782 FAX 01865 849782 EMAIL/WEB admin@caretr ainingsolutions etrainingsolutio n To find out more about this opportunity including how to apply please email Look on the website and or telephone the helpdesk on 0300 456 5038 CITBConstruction Skills TEL 0344 994 4010 FAX EMAIL/WEB Myapprentces Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Bicester Bricklaying (all Apprentice applicants must live 5 miles or less from Bicester) Ref: 14230302 Contact Details Description Other Information Salary Further details As an apprentice you will learn all aspects of bricklaying at the workplace and at College. You will learn from experienced bricklayers in the workplace. Accuracy and good practical skills will be an asset for this post. Qualifications Required: Good standard of education You will be working towards a NVQ and Diploma or BTEC with training in the workplace as well as day or block release to the nearest College which will be either Aylesbury or Oxford. Wages 16-17 years £3.72 and 18 years £5.03 per hour. Age 16-18 To find out more including how to apply please e-mail: or telephone the Help Desk on 0300 456 5038 Go to websites for more information and CITBConstruction Skills TEL 0344 994 4010 FAX EMAIL/WEB Myapprentces Bicester Sales Executive / As the Apprentice sales executive Ref: Apprentice Telesales and consultant you will be 14230764 Consultant generating new business opportunities, by means of telephone calls to targeted lists sourced from the company’s database. The primary objective is to build, maintain and increase a contact base. Qualifications Required: A* C grade in both Maths and English is desirable for this role. Full Sales incorporating NVQ where evidence will be gathered to build a portfolio showing your competency within the role. £150.00 per week Closing date 16/02/2015 If successful you will be working for the company Park Display which design & build bespoke custom built exhibition stands, from double-decker exhibition stands to conference and stage sets. To apply go to ref VAC000538470 Park Display Limited TEL FAX EMAIL/WEB Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref No Banbury Ref: 14230885 Opportunity Description Other Information Classic Vehicle Restoration Apprenticeship This course is designed to give you a broad base of knowledge and experience to prepare you for working within the industry and focuses on developing the particular skills and knowledge required for older classic vehicles. Qualifications Required: All Apprenticeship Really good opportunity to learn applicants will be called in to wage. about Classic Vehicle sit an initial assessment. restoration. To apply and find You spend 1-2 days a week out more please go to in college participating in http://www.banburyclassroom and sessions. The other 3leaver/apprenticeship/classic4 days are spent in the vehicle-restorationworkplace, putting what you apprenticeship or phone 01865 have learned into practice. 551015 Over the two years of the programme you learn the theory of Motor Vehicle and gain the practical skills and experience necessary to progress in this industry or related areas Qualifications Required: no entry requirements for this course but you will do an assessment. You spend 1 day a week in college participating in classroom and practicalbased sessions. The other 4 days are spent working in the workplace putting what you have learned into practice. Banbury Motor Vehicle Ref: Maintenance and 14230886 Repair, Vehicle Restoration Salary Apprenticeship wage Start date Tuesday 08 September 2015 Further details Contact Details Banbury & Bicester College TEL 0808 168 6626 FAX EMAIL/WEB http://www.ban Banbury-andBicesterCollege-c http://www.banburyBanbury & leaver/apprenticeship/level-2College motor-vehicle-maintenance-and- TEL 0808 168 repair-vehicle-restoration Ask a 6626 question bout this opportunity FAX by phoning 01865 551 015 EMAIL/WEB http://www.ban Banbury-andBicesterCollege-c Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref No Bicester Ref: 14230887 Contact Details Opportunity Description Other Information Salary Further details Motorsport Engineering Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship Activate Enterprise apprentices have progressed through the engineering and motorsport industry. Many are currently working and travelling the world with well-known racing teams, or occupying positions within the engineering industry Qualifications Required: GCSE Maths and English AC and a genuine interest in the industry. By training with Activate Enterprise you could train with one of a range of companies, from the large F1 employers to the smaller engineering suppliers You w2ill gain a Level 3 qualification. Apprenticeship wage. Start date 3rd September 2015 port-engineering-level-3advanced-apprenticeship and follow the Motorsports Blog. Telephone 0808168 6626 for more information. Banbury & Bicester College TEL 0808 168 6626 FAX EMAIL/WEB http://www.ban Banbury-andBicesterCollege-c Qualifications Required: GSCE Maths & English grade C + or equivalent preferable QCF Level 2 Certificate in Fenestration Installation QCF Level 2 Certificate in Glass Related Operations £212.50 per week Closing Date For Applications 09/02/2015 Please note 16-18 year old candidate if successful will work a maximum of 40 hours per week. Also if they have not got GCSES they will be able to take Functional skills. To apply please go to vacancy Reference Number VAC000556656 Midland Trade Frames Ltd TEL FAX EMAIL/WEB http://www.che rwellwindows.c Banbury Window/Door/Conser From work sheets identify Ref: vatory Installer products in warehouse and check 14230900 Apprentice off against work sheet. Load products on to works vehicle and secure safely to prevent any damage to the products. Offload goods on site. Prepare site for removal of windows and other tasks. Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Kidlington Technician – Light Ref: Vehicle Apprentice 14230903 Bicester Retail Traineeship Ref: 14230905 Contact Details Description Other Information Salary Further details Excellent opportunity for an outgoing, enthusiastic and proactive individual who is looking to start a career in the Motor Trade. This position will offer the right candidate the chance to work for one of the world’s most prestigious car companies. Qualifications Required: GCSE grades (or equivalent) A*-C in: Maths & English ICT (preferable Successful applicants will be required to travel to Milton Keynes regularly to complete block release training for their VRQ work at the new Mercedes-Benz Academy staying and all meals provided. £109.20 per week Closing date for applications 27/02/2015 After a 3 year training programme young people can become Maintenance, System, Diagnostic Technicians as well as Area Sales Managers. To apply please go to vacancy VAC000558990 MercedesBenz of Oxford TEL 01865 371011 FAX EMAIL/WEB Think you could be ready for employment or an apprenticeship? The Retail Traineeship at Halfords will give you work experience in a Halfords outlet. You'll be a good communicator, pay attention to detail, be proactive, provide good customer service. Qualifications Required: No qualifications needed. Must be qualified BELOW Level 3 (A Level) A qualification in Retail at Level 1 providing Skills for your future in this industry. Level 2 in Employability Skills. Functional Skills Level 1/Entry 3 English and Maths. Equality and Diversity. UNPAID Work Experience as part of an entry to work course. Aged 18-24 years Closing date 10th February 2015 You should be well presented, enjoy working in a fast moving environment. Visit our website at Hannah Fehr 07580 972316 VAC000557080 HIT TEL 0800 093 5292 01869 351404 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.hittraining info@hittrainin Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Banbury General Retail Ref: Vacancies 14222976 Description Contact Details Salary Further details Working in various outlets in the Qualifications Required: N/A centre when vacancies occur. In-house training OR Visit the website for the latest Apprenticeships. vacancies. THIS IS NOT A SPECIFIC VACANCY. PLEASE LOOK ON THE JOBS BOARD IN THE CENTRE OR WEBSITE FOR JOBS ADVERTISED NOW. Minimum Wage or more depending on outlet. For the latest vacancies at Castle Quay, go to the centre and look at the jobs boards or look at the various shop windows. Visit the website to which stores are at the centre. Castle Quay Shopping Centre TEL 01295 256296 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.castlequa Bicester Retail and Barista Ref: Vacancies 14224361 THIS IS NOT A SPECIFIC VACANCY. PLEASE LOOK ON THE WEBSITE FOR JOBS ADVERTISED TODAY. Type of vacancies: Assistant Store Manager, Baristas, Chef, Floor Supervisor, Sales Assistant, Stockroom, Store manager, Waitress / waiter & others. Qualifications Required: Depending on Different position applied experience/qualifications for needed depending on position Training will depend on what each company offers Bicester Village TEL 01869 323 200 FAX 01869 323 201 EMAIL/WEB www.BicesterV Banbury Team Members Ref: 14225162 You will experience real variety within your role and may find yourself working in the reception area where you’ll be the first point of contact with our customers, working in our kitchen, making sure that all our food is made to order. Qualifications Required: No formal qualifications or experience required Full in house training will be provided There is a frequent bus service running from Gloucester Green to the outlet every 30 minutes. Apply on-line. m/ Apply to a specific vacancy and your CV will automatically be visible to brands present at the Village Meets National You will have a friendly, Minimum outgoing approach, as well as Wage great communication skills, ensure every customer feels special. Please visit the website to apply, you will be contacted when a vacancy arises if none at time of application. Pizza Hut (Banbury) TEL 01295 277422 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.pizzahut. Other Information Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Bicester Mystery Shopper Ref: 14226025 Bicester Trainee Investigator Ref: 14226317 Contact Details Description Other Information Salary Further details You will perform mystery shopping visits to retailers of age restricted goods/services. These visits can be to stores, bars and betting shops and you will be required to purchase alcohol, cigarettes or other age restricted items. Visits are about 3-15 minutes long. Qualifications Required: No formal qualifications Training will be given. You should be observant, accurate, good standard of English. From £7-£12 a visit plus travel expenses. Keep what you buy. 18-19 years Submit an online application today if you meet the following criteria: have good observational skills and attention to detail, like to work independently to agreed deadlines, access to a car or good transport links, internet access for online Serve Legal TEL 020 7091 1080 FAX EMAIL/WEB info@serveleg www.servelega Brand Solutions specialises in brand security and the protection of intellectual property, worldwide. We help companies develop, promote, and maintain an effective brand image, whatever the product. You need to be selfmotivated, computer literate and have brand awareness. Qualifications Required: No formal qualifications. Own transport required due to the location Training will be given. Subject to status, there are also opportunities for further education. You will be working within a young team, in a pleasant working environment. Starting salary £15,000 with excellent scope for future development. NO VACANCIES AT THE MOMENT BUT TAKE APPLICATION S FOR FUTURE No previous experience required. There are 21 days annual leave (+ statutory Bank Holidays). If you feel that you meet these criteria, can make well balanced judgements and are keen to learn, please email your CV to Brand Solutions International Ltd. TEL 0845 6787 007 FAX 0845 6787 008 EMAIL/WEB www.brandsol enquiries@bra Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Bicester Various Opportunities Ref: - Recruitment Agency 14225944 Banbury Mystery Shopper Ref: 14225873 Description Contact Details Salary Further details Vacancy types available: Qualifications Required: Engineering/Technical, Depending on job role Site/Project Management, Trades and Labour, Rail, Commercial/Purchasing, Design/Design Management, Site Administration and Construction. THIS IS NOT A SPECIFIC VACANCY. PLEASE LOOK ON THE WEBSITE FOR JOBS ADVERTISED NOW. Depending on job role To register and for information on current vacancies, please visit the website. Work stream Construction Services Ltd. Agency TEL 01280 848888 FAX 01280 849031 EMAIL/WEB careers@work www.workstrea You will perform mystery shopping visits to retailers of age restricted goods/services. These visits can be to stores, bars and betting shops and you will be required to purchase alcohol, cigarettes or other age restricted items. Visits are about 3-15 minutes long. From £7-£12 a visit plus travel expenses. Keep what you buy. 18-19 years Submit an online application today if you meet the following criteria: have good observational skills and attention to detail, like to work independently to agreed deadlines, access to a car or good transport links, internet access for online Serve Legal TEL 020 7091 1080 FAX EMAIL/WEB info@serveleg www.servelega Other Information Qualifications Required: No formal qualifications Training will be given. You should be observant, accurate, good standard of English. Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Kidlington Care Support Ref: Workers 14227305 Description Other Information Salary Further details You'll enable clients to remain independent in their own homes, provide good quality Personal care, support with medication, social activities, general/domestic duties, companionship and care relief dependent upon clients agreed support plan. Working hours between 7am-10pm Qualifications Required: Full driving License and access to a car (to get to clients) No experience is necessary as induction and training will be provided. Training and professional development and support, good pay rates and holiday pay. You will shadow an experienced carer for 2 weeks. £8/hr. upwards. Live-in £400/505 per week dependent upon care package Candidate must be 18 plus years Pay dependent on qualifications, experience, requirement of care package. There is scope for professional development as the company is expanding rapidly. Complete an enhanced criminal records bureau check, provide 2 professional references. Ring Mary Russell 01295 724560 Bicester Team Member Ref: 14228949 Ensuring every customer receives Qualifications Required: N/A WOW Hospitality and a great In house training given experience at all times, maximising sales opportunities by suggestively selling according to customer needs, accurately taking orders, ensuring food and drinks are delivered to our customers. Banbury Chef & Kitchen Ref: Assistant 14229583 Working in a busy kitchen of a restaurant you will be preparing and cooking food, make sure the kitchen operation is maintained to the highest of standards with regards to cleanliness and maintenance. Carry out stock rotation, Health and Safety/Food Hygiene Regulation National Please visit the website and minimum wage apply online applies Qualifications Required: No National formal qualifications required Minimum and no experience required Wage applies Full in house training will be given and a structured career path to develop your skills further. Must be keen to learn. Please complete the online application form at Contact Details Goldsmith Personnel Ltd. TEL 01295 724560 FAX 01295 724144 EMAIL/WEB admin@golds mithpersonnel. www.goldsmith k Pizza Hut (Banbury) TEL 01295 277422 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.pizzahut. Pizza Hut (Banbury) TEL 01295 277422 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.pizzahut. Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Bicester Trainee Investigator Ref: 14229604 Bicester Team Member Ref: 14230625 Other Information We are looking for a wellmotivated person with good internet and administrative skills to work in comfortable office surroundings. There is considerable potential for the position to eventually extend to further time and become a permanent position to the right applicant Qualifications Required: N/A National In house training will be given Minimum Wage minimum Young but well established company working in the internet security industry. Working on behalf of well-known branded clients to eradicate counterfeits from the internet. Please contact for more information. Brand Solutions International Ltd. TEL 0845 6787 007 FAX 0845 6787 008 EMAIL/WEB www.brandsol enquiries@bra Delivering outstanding customer service. Delivering fantastic products and outstanding restaurant cleanliness. Accurately handling cash and using our till system. A flexibility for your to transfer to another restaurant to suit your circumstance. Qualifications Required: Minimum Good standards of literacy Wage and numeracy Training will be given in all aspects of the work including NVQ. Good training provided with career progression also an opportunity to progress on to an Apprenticeship. Find out more and arrange a visit to the restaurant to experience first hand what is involved. Take your CV into the KFC branch Buckingham Road Bicester or call 01969 246246. Apply on-line go to 44K5968 KFC TEL 07977134744 FAX EMAIL/WEB ers Salary Further details Contact Details Description Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Kidlington Home Carers , Upper & Lower Heyford, surroundi ng area Ref: 14230229 Contact Details Description Other Information Salary Further details Would you like to make a real difference to your community? Helping to care for people in their own homes you'll assist with dressing, eating, washing, getting up & going to bed, catheters & stoma bags, paying bills, laundry & ironing, tidying & cleaning. Qualifications Required: No qualifications required. Must have your own transport Excellent and full training programme delivered including continued personal development. £8.68 per hour plus enhancement for travel time. 35p per mile Aged 18 years plus You'll be working in a friendly and supportive team. You should be dedicated and committed to helping clients maintain a dignified and independent lifestyle. For a full description of the duties please contact Deb Delay on 01295 675071 Life Carers TEL 01993 835099 FAX EMAIL/WEB Banbury, Home Carers Brackley, surroundi ng area Ref: 14230230 Would you like to make a real difference to your community? Helping to care for people in their own homes you'll assist with dressing, eating, washing, getting up & going to bed, catheters & stoma bags, paying bills, laundry & ironing, tidying & cleaning. Qualifications Required: No qualifications required. Must have your own transport Excellent and full training programme delivered including continued personal development. £8.68 per hour plus enhancement for travel time. 35p per mile Aged 18 years plus You'll be working in a friendly and supportive team. You should be dedicated and committed to helping clients maintain a dignified and independent lifestyle. For a full description of the duties please contact Deb Delay on 01295 675071 Life Carers TEL 01993 835099 FAX EMAIL/WEB Banbury McDonald Ref: Opportunities 14230323 A wide variety of positions available such as Crew members, Customer Care, Trainee Management positions, Student and Summer jobs, Food Service, Apprenticeships opportunities, Work experience jobs. Good opportunities for career progression. Qualifications Required: N/A Full training and support given. Join us and we can promise you a wealth of training, career opportunities, rewards, benefits and plenty more besides. Above minimum Wage plus shift enhancements Continually recruiting for various jobs. You’ll need to be confident in approaching and dealing with diverse groups of people. Visit and apply on line. McDonalds Restaurant Banbury TEL 01295 270034 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.mcdonald Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Bicester - Labour Technician but will be Field based required to travel and stay at other sites all expenses paid. Ref: 14230382 Contact Details Description Other Information Salary Further details You will be gaining valuable experience in all aspects of Advanced Resin injection and grouting techniques, leak sealing, soil stabilization, structural reinforcing and ground water control. Qualifications Required: Full UK driving licence. CSCS card desirable Engineers will run through the methodology for the job and the Team Leaders then run them. So you will learn and gain valuable experience from them. £14500 £18700 pa http://www.equ ationrecruitmen is recruiting continuously. Check out the website about this and other vacancies in Oxfordshire http://www.equationrecruitment. com/ is recruiting continuously. Generally you will meet at the Company office yard to load vans with relevant equipment and drive to site. Equation Recruitment TEL 01869 323444 FAX 01869 323900 EMAIL/WEB www.equationr m Qualifications Required: Various - depending on position. Previous experience would be desirable, however not essential as full training will be given National Standards for various positions If you are interested in this position please e-mail m. More details www.bicesterhotelgolfandspa.c om. Bicester Hotel, Golf & Spa TEL 0845 519 9204 FAX EMAIL/WEB www.bicesterh otelgolfandspa .com gundula.seifert @bicesterhgs. com Bicester Various opportunities Various vacancies, Food and Ref: Beverage Assistant, health Club & 14230383 Spa Receptionist, Conference porter, Commis Chef, Casual Chamber Maid, Issued 27/01/2015 Locatio n & Ref Opportunity No Kirtlington F/T Bar/Waiting Golf club position Ref: 14230844 Description Other Information You will be serving in the Bar and in the Golf club. You will be taking orders and serving customers promptly and efficiently Qualifications Required: Must Minimum wage be friendly and polite Must be over You will be trained how to 18 serve drinks and wait at table and you will be trained on the cash till. Salary Further details If you are interested please send a CV to or call 01869 351133 Contact Details Kirtlington Golf Club TEL 01869 351133 FAX EMAIL/WEB
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