CHURCH OF SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT 242-20 88TH AVENUE, BELLEROSE, NY 11426 Week of February 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7TH ANNUAL VALENTINE’S DAY COMMUNION BREAKFAST Saturday, February 14th Oak Room Following the 9:00AM Mass Parish Mission Statement: St. Gregory the Great Parish, established in 1936, is a welcoming Catholic community serving the people of Bellerose, Floral Park, and environs. Pursuing holiness through the Eucharist, we strive to live out Jesus Christ's mandate of service, evangelization, and establishment of justice for all. Embracing the diversity and talents of our members, we seek the participation of everyone on the journey. Parish Staff: Contact Information: Msgr. Edward A. Ryan, Pastor Rev. William Dulaney, Parochial Vicar Rev. Johnson Nedungadan C. M., Parochial Vicar Deacon Arthur Cutter Deacon Robert Zeuner Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Lynn Alaimo, School Principal Mr. Bart Haggerty, Director of Music Ministry Msgr. Eugene A. Feldhaus, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Joseph Cunningham, Pastor Emeritus Mr. John Reh, Civil Trustee Mrs. Patricia Brandt, Civil Trustee Parish Office: Mass Schedule: Office of Faith Formation Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM; 9:15AM; 11:00AM; 12:30PM; 5:15PM Sunday in Gregorian Hall: 9:15AM (when Religious Ed Classes are in session) Weekdays Monday - Friday: 7:00AM; 9:00AM, Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Holydays: Vigil Mass: 7:30PM 7:00AM; 9:00AM; 12:00Noon 242-20 88th Ave. Phone 718-347-3707 Fax 718-347-0583 Parish Website: Parish Email: Mrs. Lois Brady, Parish Receptionist Miss Jennifer Kalin, Parish Receptionist Mrs. Patricia McMenamin, Parish Secretary Mr. Peter Varol, Parish Bookkeeper Office Hours: Weekdays 9:00AM - 8:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM - 3:00PM Sundays 9:00AM - 12:30PM Gregorian Hall Phone 718-347-0525 Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Kathy LaVache, Secretary Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Wednesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Thursday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Sunday 10:15AM - 11:30AM St. Gregory the Great School Eucharistic Devotion: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from the conclusion of the 9:00AM Mass until 10:30AM. Address 244-44 87th Ave. Phone 718-343-5053 School Website: Ms. Lynn Alaimo, Principal Mrs. Camille Gunning, Secretary Baptism: Baptism is celebrated on the Second Sunday of each month at 2:00PM and on the Fourth Saturday of each month at 12:00Noon. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to meet with Deacon Zeuner. Sacrament of Penance: The Sacrament of Penance is offered each Saturday at 1:00PM. and at other times by appointment with one of our priests. Marriage: A couple planning marriage must make an appointment with one of our priests or deacons at least 6 months in advance of the marriage. FAITH FORMATION Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time "His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee." Freedom from anxiety can be found by listening to Jesus and allowing His word to penetrate to our innermost being. For adult reflection: How often do I find small oases of quiet for prayer and reflection? For children: Do I really know who Jesus is? Do I listen to Him and talk with Him? Looking Ahead Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Job 7:1-4, 6-7 I Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-38 Jesus has come to preach the good news of God's love and to make it effective in the lives of ordinary people. His disciples must do the same. For adult reflection: Do I freely put myself at the service of the people who need me? Religion classes for children in Grades 1 through 8 attending public school are held on Sunday mornings following the 9:15AM Family Mass in Gregorian Hall. Diocesan Guidelines require two years of preparation for First Holy Communion. Children 6 years of age or older who have not been baptized must receive two years of instruction before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. In all cases parents/guardians must make an appointment to speak with Sr. Patricia Anglin at the Office of Faith Formation 718-347-0525. ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS - If you are an adult who has not yet made Confirmation, call the Parish Office for information on how to register. Classes will be held on Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00PM, at Our Lady of Lourdes Bethsaida Spirituality Center in Queens Village. Dates and Topics are: Tuesday, February 24th - Catholic Morality Tuesday, March 3rd - Jesus and the Church Tuesday, March 10th - The Seven Sacraments Tuesday, March 17th - The Eucharist Tuesday, March 24th - Confirmation & Christian Witness BAPTISM We welcome those newly baptized into our faith community. Mason Rocco Salvaggio Sean Patrick Lally For children: Am I prepared to tell others about how much Jesus has done for me? REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: The Lord is with us in Sacrament and Word. FOR ALL THE SICK: Nick Rippo, William Hollowell, Sean Kinahan, Robert Schreiner, Jimmie Boddie, Cheyenne Pekarski, Mary Sullivan, Ellen Jarrett, Tony Garone, Grace Leuze, Elizabeth Williams, Joseph Konefal FOR ALL THE DECEASED: John Galvin, Genevieve Kelleher, Margaret Perrini CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of February 1, 2015 SUNDAY RCIA 11:00AM Office Basement ATHLETIC ASSOC. 1:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ALCOHOLICS ANON. OPEN 8:00PM Convent Basement MONDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 11:00AM-9:00PM Gregorian Hall EMOTIONS ANON. 7:30PM Convent Basement ROSARY SOCIETY MEETING 7:30PM Oak Room TUESDAY CRAFT GROUP 9:00-11:00AM Convent Basement EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 9:30AM-10:30AM Church GOLDEN AGE LEISURE 1:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ATHLETIC ASSOC. BOARD MEETING 8:00PM Rectory Basement WEDNESDAY DIVORCED, SEPARATED & WIDOWED 1:00PM Oak Room DIVINE MERCY 3:00PM Church ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-6:00PM Gregorian Hall TEEN GROUP 7:30PM Gregorian Hall THURSDAY GOLDEN AGE GHT 12:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall CONFIRMATION “SPIRIT NIGHT” 7:30PM Church FRIDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall MUSIC MINISTRY 4:00PM Office Basement CHEERLEADING 5:00-6:30PM Oak Room ALCOHOLICS ANON. STEP 7:00PM Convent Basement ALCOHOLICS ANON. CLOSED 8:30PM Convent Basement MASSES FOR THE WEEK February 1, 2015 SUN. FEB. 1ST 8:00AM George Brandt 9:15 Members of the Purgatorial Society 9:15(Hall) Mary Murphy 11:00 John Whelan, Brigida Bembo Kioeho, Trinidad Poblete, Mateo Poblete, Perlita Poblete 12:30PM Most Sacred Heart of Jesus from Modesto Ortiz 5:15 All People of the Parish MON. FEB. 2ND 7AM Genevieve Kelleher 9AM Kate Garman TUES. FEB. 3RD 7AM 9AM Kenneth Brovetto WED. FEB. 4TH 7AM 9AM John A. Neston THURS. FEB. 5TH 7AM 9AM Magale & de la Torre Family FRI. FEB. 6TH 7AM 9AM William Boland SAT. FEB. 7TH 9AM Anne & Joseph Gebhard, Magno Vispo 5PM Lawrence Dowd SATURDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 8:00AM-8:00PM Gregorian Hall PENANCE 1:00PM Church WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE will be celebrated on Sunday, February 8th. We recognize and give thanks for those who have consecrated their lives to God and the Church through vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. May the light of Christ shine brightly through men and women who choose the consecrated life to live out their baptismal commitment. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Cont. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK 2/1/15 My show was like a zoo. I had Ronald Reagan on with the Dancing Dentists. I had Margaret Mead on with the man who whistled through his nose." - Joe Franklin Joe Franklin, the pioneer talk show host who styled himself "The King of Nostalgia," died last week at the age of 88. He got his start in broadcasting on the radio after a chance meeting with George M. Cohan in a Manhattan park. Over the course of the better part of the 20th century Joe interviewed an amazing total of 300,000 people - the equivalent of the entire population of Cincinnati, Ohio. And the people who joined him in front of the microphone or television camera were just about as diverse as the population of an ordinary American city. There were celebrities, of course. Joe is credited with discovering such stars as Woody Allen, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra Streisand, Bill Cosby and Liza Minnelli. But he also interviewed rather ordinary people who for one reason or another had captured his interest. Truth be told, I believe that God is a lot like that. He has an infinite interest in all the people whom he has created. His grace has made celebrities of the wonderful souls whom we venerate as saints. But his interest extends equally to those of us who struggle along with our lives as best we can. Heaven is like Joe Franklin's zoo of a show where Dancing Dentists and nose whistlers have a place with the glamorous and accomplished. And perhaps heaven is also like Joe's office where all that we have cherished is stored up and cherished for eternity. Now, if I can only get my own office straightened up. ++++++ I . Joe never used a computer. He depended mainly on a stack of business cards and the phone book to maintain his contact with people. And he accumulated a treasure trove of memorabilia in the form of gifts from the celebrities that he interviewed. His office contained such things as a tie clip from Ronald Regan and one of Jack Benny's violins. Thanks to your generosity we have gone over our goal in the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. Our grand total of pledges came to $81,230 on a goal of $80,000. I am grateful to all who made our success possible. COLLECTIONS last week amounted to $9,063 for the parish and $947 for Churches In Need Thank you for your generosity. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING has been rescheduled for Monday, February 2nd at 7:30PM in the Office Basement. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL ON THE ROAD AGAIN - Woodloch Pines - March 16th -20th - Balance of $495 per person, double occupancy, is due by today, February 1st. Please make your check out to St. Gregory’s Run-AWays and mail to Elaine Miles at 5 Michigan Road, Bellerose Village, NY 11001. For questions, please call Elaine at 516-328-7298 or Annette at 718-343-4033. REGISTRATION for new families is ongoing. For a tour of the school and additional information, please call the School Office at 718-343-5053. BOOK CLUB - The January meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, February 9th at 6:30PM, in the Rectory Basement. The book selection being discussed is Goldfinch. The selection for the meeting on Monday, February 26th at 7:30PM is The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. Artist of the Week - Anjali Tikaram - Pre-K - Untitled 7TH ANNUAL VALENTINE’S DAY COMMUNION BREAKFAST Saturday, February 14th Oak Room Following the 9:00AM Mass. Cost is $12 per person, which includes a full hot breakfast, pastries, coffee and juice. For reservations, please call Cathy at 516-352-4202 or Susan at 516-650-3231. No reservations will be taken after February 12th. Join us to share in faith, food and friendship with parish friends. ROSARY SOCIETY DINNER & CHINESE AUCTION Come and join the fun! All ladies of the parish are invited to join us on Saturday, February 28th, 7:00-11:00PM in the Oak Room. Tickets are $28, which includes dinner and one sheet of auction tickets. For tickets or additional information, please call Susan at 516-650-3231. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to join our new service project….St. Gregory the Great’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. Our ministry will consist of volunteers who gather in community and prayer to knit or crochet shawls and lap robes for those who are in need of comfort, to provide hope and healing to those who are most in need of a reminder of God’s love for them. We will meet on the last Monday of each month to pray and craft shawls for people in need of special prayers. A member has the option to work from home if unable to attend meetings. Please join us! The first meeting will be on Monday, February 23rd, 1:00-3:00PM in the Oak Room. Refreshments will be served. Please call Maria Altamuro for more information at 516-782-6278. Tuition incentives for referring new students. For information call the School Office. SAVE THE DATE: ST. PATRICK’S DAY DANCE - SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH, 8:00PM-Midnight, in Gregorian Hall. Music provided by The Tommy Mulvihill Band and County Tyrone Bagpipers. Cost is $40 per person, which includes a full sit-down dinner, prepared on site, featuring corned beef, potatoes, vegetables, Irish soda bread, beer, wine and soda. Hosted by Holy Name Society, AOH and St. Anne’s Council #2429. For tickets please call Mike 917-567-8909, John 347426-7726 or Tim 718-347-5020. S.G.A.A. Registration for Spring CYO Baseball, Softball and Clinics is open now. CYO deadlines are fast approaching to enter teams. Please take the time to register now! Visit the website for more information and to register. Baseball and Softball Clinic is open to children in Grades K - 2, CYO teams are for grades 3-8. Service Time - During this current basketball and volleyball season, help is needed with the door, the snack counter, game clock and setup/clean up. If you are able to do some of your service hours in these areas, please contact MaryAlice at 917-482-0213, Danny at 917-755-1698 or Denise at 646-594-8561. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOCATIONS BISHOP DIMARZIO’S ANNUAL VOCATION RETREAT - Attention young men, ages 17-35 - Have you every considered the possibility that God may be calling you to be a priest? If so, please consider attending the Vocation Retreat to be held from Friday, March 6th through Sunday, March 8th. For more information or to register, contact the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454 or ++++++ WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE SICK will be held at Sacred Heart Church, in Bayside, on Wednesday, February 11th, at 2:00PM and 7:00PM. This day of prayer reminds us all to pray intensely and sincerely for those who are sick, to reflect on and respond to human suffering and to recognize and honor all who work in health care and serve as caregivers. IRISH CULTURAL DAY will be held at St. Mel’s Church, Whitestone, on Sunday, March 1st, 1:00-5:30PM. Continuous live Irish music, song and dance, stepdancing, pipers, exhibits and more. Free refreshments. Donation is $7, children under 12 free. Sponsored by the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians. For additional information, please call 718-746-3837. TRIPS Bus Trip to St. Joseph’s Day at the Villa Roma Resort March 18th - The bus will leave at 7:45AM from St. Catherine of Sienna Church, Franklin Square. Cost is $84 per person, which includes the show, daytime activities, sit down luncheon. For more information, please call Maryann at 516-352-0082 or 516-209-2256. Virginia Beach - Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestown & Yorktown - May 17th-21st - Trip includes four night stay at Sandcastle Ocean Front Hotel, four breakfasts and three dinners, a visit to Douglas MacArthur Memorial, guided tours of Norfolk Naval Base, Historic Williamsburg, Yorktown Victory Center/Jamestown Settlement, $499 pp/dbl or $453 pp/triple. A deposit of $50 is due now. Make check payable to Golden Age Leisure Club. For additional information, call Finbar at 718-343-0676. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE SAT. JAN. 31ST 5PM Sephora Baksh, Maria Flynn, Caelin DeJoie SUN. FEB. 1ST 8:00AM Jonathan Mulligan, Christopher Tuffy, Michael Smith 9:15AM Robert Lewis, Daniel Lewis 11:00AM Timothy Perez, Rodger Recker 12:30PM Jazmine Bergancia, Joanne Bergancia 5:15PM Jasmin Pagba, Alexis Torres, Aaron Torres SAT. FEB. 7TH 5PM Nicholas Bustamante, Kaycee Dominguez, Ashley Pichardo SUN FEB. 8TH 8:00AM Destiny Krause, Joseph Aguas 9:15AM Ryan Bowe, Thomas Nugent 11:00AM Declan Cullinan, William Reid, Liam Cullinan 12:30PM Grace O’Connor, Allyson Quintillan, Fiona Clabby, Frances Pedersen 5:15PM John Hughes, Thomas Wirta, Francisque Jean KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Wanted: Catholic men to become a member of “the Sign of the Cross”, the only deaf/hearing impaired K of C Council in the world. Hearing men are welcome also. We meet the first and third Monday of every month in Hicksville. For more information contact John Passarella, Grand Knight at or call 516-997-8347. FAMILY, MARRIAGE & INDIVDUAL THERAPY Services are provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani. Confidential information and appointments are available by visiting or by calling 631-243-2503. FREE SPEECH & HEARING SCREENING and HEARING AID HELP will be offered at St. John’s University Speech and Hearing Center from February 2nd through May 11th. Please call the Center at 718990-6480 to schedule an appointment. The Center is located at 152-11 Union Turnpike, Flushing. HOME CLEANING SERVICES - Friends Keep Hope Alive, Inc., is a reliable and competent cleaning service run by The Sisters of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus. For more information call 718-888-7709 or 917349-2471 or visit
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