TC IFES 2015 - Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Journal Special Issues
About Publication:
The selected papers will be published in many peer reviewed
journals including Indian Journal of Science and Technology
(Anna University Annexure II Scopus indexed) We Facilitate
Anna University Annexure I , II publications.
All Contributors need to specify the sub-theme of their
presentation, all papers will be reviewed by the Reviewer
committee and the selected Papers will publish in the form of
proceeding book bearing with ISBN number. We invite Research /
Innovative papers that encompass conceptual analysis of
subtheme or research findings about facts. The paper should be
original, unpublished. Any Research Papers related to Main
Theme will be accepted for the presentation.
For Publication Related Queries: contact at
Submission of Papers
Working papers on research work, case studies and
implementation of new innovative ideas/concepts, methods and
services are invited. The papers will be reviewed by the
international program committee. Selected papers will be
included in the Conference proceedings for publication in the
book form with ISBN. Further selected papers will be published in
Anna University Annexure I, II Journals, SCOPUS, and
THOMSON REUTERS Indexing Journals.
Send your papers with all information to:,,,
Guidelines for Submission of Papers
Authors are requested to submit the soft copy of full paper (with
abstract not exceeding 200 words including keywords) mailed to
the organizing secretaries. Papers should not exceed 7-9 pages
including references in the A4 size with 1.5 line spacing and font
size 12 in Times New Roman. Charts, Graphs, etc. if any, should
be inserted at proper places in the paper. Authors are advised not
to include downloaded materials and figures from the internet.
Contributed papers will be considered based on merit for the best
research paper National award.
Registration Fee:
Indian Delegates
Foreign Delegates
Students(UG, PG)
Rs. 3,000/-
US $150
Research Scholars
US $175
US $200
Rs. 5,000/-
US $225
DD of registration fee should be drawn in favour of 'TCIFES 2015” Payable at
Please send the Registration form and DD to: CAAS Management Research, AP
795, G- Block, 1st Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 40
Conference Kit: Conference Bag, Proceedings, Souvenir,
Participation Certificates, Information Brochure on Higher
Education and carrier Guidance, Lunch, Tea.
TC IFES 2015
International Conference on Technological Convergence
for Information, Health, Food and Energy Security
1st & 2nd May 2015
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission
February 27th 2015
Notification of Acceptance
March 10th2015
Full Paper Submission
April 10th 2015
Registration Deadline
April 15th 2015
Conference Date
May 1st , 2nd 2015
May 8th 2015 (foreign)
Dr. V. Kasi Rao,
Principal Documentation Officer & Head,
Department of Documentation and Information Science
CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute,
Ministry of Science &Technology, Govt. of India
Adyar, Chennai-600020.
Organized by
Indian society for Education and Environment
CAAS Management Research
The Department of Documentation
and Information Science
Further Detail contact:
CAAS Management Research,
AP 795, G- Block, 1st Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai – 40.
Mail Id: Mobile: 9940269685.
About Conference:
The proposed conference aims at gathering researchers from the
fields of Science, Technology,Medicine, Social Studies, Law &
Management and Industriesto think about the obstacles and find
the leveraging of understanding and capturing of advancements
in informationthat interconnect citizens, education, science and
government in the sustainable world.
The conference will focus on the recent and significant
developments in the general areas of Information technology and
to promote cross-fertilization of techniques in the socio
economic domain and Energy security area. In particular, it aims
at identifying trends and respective applications in
communication, health, education, energy and technological
solutions; techniques from end-to-end solutions' or applications'
development that will enable researchers to understand the
dynamic phenomena in communication technology, as well as
specific important directions for the research communities.
About CSIR- Central Leather Research Institute
The World's largest Leather Research Institute, was founded on
24 April, 1948. CLRI made an initiative with foresight to link
technology system with both academy and industry.CLRI, today,
is a central hub in Indian leather sector with direct roles in
education, research, training, testing, designing, forecasting,
planning, social empowerment and leading in science and
technology relating to leather.State-of-art facilities in CLRI
support, innovation in leather processing, creative designing of
leather products viz. leather garment, leather goods, footwear and
development of novel environmental technologies for leather
About the Department of Documentation
and Information Science
The Documentation Department plays a vital role in the
Information and Documentation Knowledge Management for
content analysis and content management for promoting Leather
Research Communication through the unique International
monthly Current Awareness Service (CAS) Leather Information
products/periodicals publication called “Leather Science
Abstract (LESA)”.
In view of this, “Digital India- An Initiative by the Honorable
Prime Minister of India and be the part the initiative,”.
Accordingly Documentation Depar tment obtained the
institutional and national development, Department of Science
and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology,
Government of India project on” Digital Documentation in
Leather and Allied fields using LESA database” for R&D support
in CLRI towards leather industrial development .
The sub-themes of the conference include:
Information Technology
 Science, Technology and Society
 Women Empowerment through Education
 Information Management and Knowledge Organization
 Socio-Economic issues and Education Policies
 Education leadership and Education Management
 Role of higher Education Institutions
 Information retrieval and information seeking
 Law, Business and intellectual property
 Political instability, Poverty and Primary Education
 Learning Technology and Education policy
 Industrial Information System and Services
 Case studies on Data base Management
 Web-Technology and Its applications in information
 Impact of software Technology tools in information products
and services
 E-Society and Knowledge Management
Health Security
 Medical Imaging
 Bioinformatics and Drug designing
 Telemedicine
 Drug design for cancer treatment
 Green medicine
 Physiotherapy
 Palliative Medication
 Ethics
 Gene therapy
 Education and counseling pertaining to school children for
personal hygiene and health care
 Child Obesity
 Food and medicine
 Environment and hygiene
 Traditional Medicine
 Herbal Medicine
 Nano Medicine
Food Security
 Fortification of milk,egg,grains
 GM crops
 Cold storage
 Crop improvement
 Advancement in fertilizer for food crops
 Forestry and Forage
 Livestock improvement and management
 Advancement in feed sects
 Advancement in storage and packing of Agro foods
 Advancement in irrigation sector
 Role of tissue culture in crop improvement
 Distribution system management through information
 Role of information management for pest and disease control
 Role of constitutional amendment and programs on poverty
alleviants especially rural sector
Energy Security
 Bio fuel
 Distribution system management
 Renewable / alternate energy sources
 Energy sources and sustainability
 Fossil fuels and their efficient management
 Public transport system and energy security
 Nanotechnology and energy security
 Energy resource management
 Nuclear energy
 Wind energy
 Solar energy
 Hydrogen Fuel
 Storage Batteries
 Biomass energy
 Green building