St Mary the Virgin Twickenham st Sunday 1 February Candlemas WELCO ME to the Church`s worship at this the culmination of Epiphanytide, as we celebrate the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. This marks the moment when we celebrate that Jesus is the newborn Son of God and when we recognise the price He will pay to be our Saviour in the events of Holy Week. An especial welcome to those at the beginning of their time with us at St. Mary`s. It is good to have you with us ! Refreshments will be served in the hall after the Parish Eucharist, do please join us, our hosts today are St Mary’s Group. 8.0 0 am Holy Eucharist Reading Gospel Hebrews 2: 14-18 Luke 2: 22-40 (Bob Bryan) 9.30 am Parish Eucharist O rgan music Hymns Reading Intercessions Gospel O rgan music Adagio in E minor Frank Bridge 394, 542, 313, 251, 317 Hebrews 2: 14-18 (Heather Gibbs) Robert Franklin Luke 2: 22-40 Postlude Stanford 3.0 0 pm Little Heaven A service for children with additional needs and their families and friends. 6.0 0 pm Healing Eucharist A celebration of the healing ministry of Christ in the context of the Eucharist, with an invitation to pray at the communion rail for healing for yourself or for another, or to sit quietly in your pew while this ministry takes place. Intercessions We pray for all members of our congregation; for Twickenham Club for the Blind and the Alzheimers Disease Society. We pray for all those seeking God’s intervention, guidance and healing in their lives, amongst them: Antonio Carmona Ali Ruth Ann Renick Janice Coxall Margaret Hastings Nicholas Andy Dennison Linda Christopher Price Sylvia Butler Iain Ruby Smithers Ronald Leeson Gordon Hollis Colin Rennie Kenneth Miller Valerie Smith Keith Schofield John Palmer Julia David Simon Peter Ball Ida Curtis Eve Alan Stanton Barbara Jenkins Fiona Roe Raoul Franklin We pray for those who have died that they may know new and eternal life: Gordon Gilby David Bell Hazel Ashby Jim Schofield Nansi Collier James Wadeson If you would like the names of anyone included or re-added to the Intercessions list, please e-mail Jeff, our Vicar, on or speak to him after the service. Please can we remind you to keep your valuables with you at all times while you are in church. Thank you. Today The February Prayer Cycle is now available at the back of church. Forthcoming Events Standing Committee – A reminder that the next Standing Committee will be nd held tomorrow, Monday 2 February, at 8pm in the vestry. Agenda and 20 14 accounts to come. The Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion will be observed next th Wednesday, 4 February at 10 .0 0 am in church, followed by tea and coffee in the vestry. All are welcome at this service. Q uiz Night – next Friday, 6th February, the annual O ak Lane Cemetery fund raiser on behalf of the St Mary's Eco. Group, doors open 7.0 0 pm for 7.30 pm. Tickets £10 per person, includes a baked potato supper and raffle. Bring your own drinks. Tickets available after the 9.30 am service or e-mail: Next Sunday, 8th February CHA RITY SUNDA Y - As part of our programme of talks from the charities we as a church support, Anna Khan CEO of WELCARE will be speaking at next Sunday`s Parish Eucharist, 8th February. Please note that there will be a collection as you leave the church on that Sunday, which will go toward our Charitable Giving. The next lunch out will be on Thursday 12th February, 12noon, at Loch Fyne Restaurant, Fulwell. Please confirm attendance with Joan Redropp on 8892 5911. Hymn Singing at Nightingale House – will be on Sunday 15 February. New singers very welcome. Meet Pat Ingham in the Hall at 10 .50 am. th O n Shrove Tuesday, 17 February, the Mothers’ Union members will be serving pancakes, tea and coffee in the vestry from 12 noon - 1.30 pm, price £1.50 – less for a child, in aid of Away From It All Holidays for needy families. For the same fund raffle tickets will be on sale on the two preceeding th th Sundays, 8 & 15 February with several good prizes and a very large bottle of Brandy. The draw will take place at the Pancake Party. Please support this worthy cause. Pat Ingham th nd Sunday 22 February at 7.0 0 pm A Concert of Music for Lent – The Howells Singers Richard Lyne founded Howells Singers to be a living memorial to the much loved composer Herbert Howells. The choir’s repertoire focusses on the music of Howells, his teachers and contemporaries and of the Tudor composers that influenced him so much. It is the music of the latter group of composers that nd makes up the programme on 22 February. Thomas Tallis’s settings of the Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet will be complemented by Passiontide motets by Sheppard, Morley, Byrd and Taverner. General N otices PIANO CONCERT MANY THANKS to all those who supported our inaugural concert last Sunday evening as we give thanks for 30 0 years of being able to worship and celebrate the deep things of our lives in this beautiful church of ours and as we invest in its future. Please make sure you have all the other special music events to celebrate this year in your diary. JIM SCHOFIELD Jim’s sons, Ian, Richard and Christopher, would like to thank warmly everyone at St Mary's who has sent messages of sympathy to the family and tributes to Jim. They are a great comfort . th Jim’s funeral will be held in church on Tuesday 17 February at 11.0 0 am. Lent Groups - Lent Groups will be starting during the week commencing Monday 23rd February and will run for 5 weeks. Groups will meet in people's homes on various evenings and there will be a couple of afternoon groups. Do sign up to one of the groups. The lists are available in the porch. If you have not been part of a group before, it is an excellent way to get to know other members of the congregation as well as to explore our faith further. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: O ur Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 26th April. 30 0 th ANNIVERSARY O F ST MARY`S. To help us celebrate the 30 0 th Anniversary of the building we currently enjoy worshipping in, there will be a special THANKSGIVING EUCHARIST at 10 am on Sunday 10 th May, followed by refreshments in the Church Gardens. We are delighted that we are to be joined on that occasion by the Ven. Stephan Welch, Archdeacon of Middlesex who has been such a source of encouragement and support to us during our deliberations over how God is calling us to make our church available to the wider community in the years ahead. Please book this into your diary as it promises to be a significant day in the life of our church. ST MARY`S SUMMER FAYRE AND FLO WER FESTIVAL will take place on Saturday 13th June. CELEBRATIO N SUNDAY will be on 21st June. Walsingham Pilgrimage 20 15 - St Mary’s Annual Pilgrimage will be from Friday nd th 2 -Sunday 4 O ctober. Each year around 20 of us spend a weekend at the Anglican Shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk joining with pilgrims from all over the country in services in the Shrine church or in quieter moments with our Parish Group. There is comfortable accommodation, good food and a chance to enjoy the Shrine gardens or the surrounding countryside. Do join us. For more information and a booking form speak to Jean Love ( or tel. 0 20 -8892 5552). Email and contact details – to assist in maintaining the Parish List in an as up-to-date condition as possible please complete the notification slip below (or pick up a separate slip from the back of church) if you have recently changed your contact details, and pass to a sidesperson or churchwarden and your details will be updated accordingly. Garden of Remembrance - Some support in keeping the rose beds weeded and tidy would be greatfully appreciated. Please contact Barbara/ Rafael Carmona on 8755 3955. th Messy Church - The next Messy Church will be held on Friday 13 March, 3.15 pm to 5.0 0 pm. Some volunteer support would be gratefully received, please contact Fr.Piotr with any offers of help on 8891 5421 Is there someone missing who usually sits near to you in church? The Parish Visitors ask the congregation to help by informing them if someone they know is absent from church for some time, or is sick or in hospital or in some kind of need. If you have such a concern please e-mail Jeff, or Margaret Mence, or call her on 8977 3679. The Rt Rev'd Libby Lane You will have heard about the consecration in York last Monday of Libby Lane as Bishop of Stockport. As a church that has signed up to Inclusive Church we wish Bishop Libby well in her new position and pray for her ministry to all those whose lives she touches. Prayers for her consecration and further information are available in the January newsletter on the Affirming Catholicism website ( Parish List and Data Protection If you are new to St Mary’s or your details have changed, please complete as below, tear off and pass the slip to a churchwarden and this will assist in ensuring the parish list is kept up-to-date. St Mary’s Church is committed to protecting your privacy and will handle all personal data in accordance with the principles required by the Data Protection Act 1998. A parish list is maintained and all information provided will be used only for the administrative purposes of parish life and your details will not be shared with any other organisation, institution or company. NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHO NE No: E-MAIL ADDRESS: Please pray for these events which are taking place amongst the Church family during the coming week. Monday 10 .0 0 am-5.0 0 pm 7.30 pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The organ will be in use. Induction of Father Kevin Bell as the new Vicar of All Hallows. 8.0 0 pm St Mary`s Standing Committee meets in the vestry. Safeguarding Training Day. 11.0 0 am-12.0 0 noon Minnows meeting in the vestry. 10 .0 0 am Holy Eucharist with Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion. 11.0 0 am-6.0 0 pm The organ will be in use. 11.0 0 am -11.45 am St Mary’s School Reception Year visit to the church. 12.0 0 noon-3.0 0 pm Harrison & Harrison organ inspection. 7.0 0 pm St. Mary`s School Governors Admissions Committee. 10 .0 0 am-5.0 0 pm The organ will be in use. 7.0 0 pm for 7.30 pm Eco Group Q uiz in the hall. Sunday 8th February Second Sunday before Lent 8.0 0 am Holy Eucharist 9.30 am Parish Eucharist with an address by Anna Khan, CEO of WELCARE 11.30 am Morning Prayer 6.0 0 pm Evening Prayer 2 Corinthians 3: 1b-6 Mark 2: 13-22 2 Corinthians 3: 1b-6 Mark 2: 13-22 2 Corinthians 3: 1b-6 Mark 2: 13-22 Psalm 65 Genesis 2: 4b-end Luke 8: 22-35 St Mary the Virgin Church Street Twickenham Middlesex TW1 3NJ Parish Priest The Revd R J Hopkin Williams email: 0 20 -8892 2318 Assistant Priest The Rev’d Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski email: 0 20 -8891 5421 (Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays) Churchwardens Charlotte West: 0 20 -8891 0 461 Tony Dempsey: 0 20 -8898 2860 Parish Verger Audrey Thomas 0 20 -8892 9628 Parish Office 0 20 -8744 2693 (9am-11am daily Monday-Friday & 2pm-4pm Monday & Friday) communications: finance: Parish Visitor Co-ordinator Margaret Mence 0 20 -8977 3679 Peter Sheil Parish Giving Recorder email: 0 20 -8755 0 454
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