St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church 2014 Annual Report Semi-Annual Meeting • February 1, 2015, 9:40 am Table of Contents Agenda ..........................................................................................................................3 Letter from Bishop Mary Froiland.............................................................................4 Membership Report .....................................................................................................5 Pastors Report...............................................................................................................6 President’s Report ........................................................................................................7 St. James Youth Education Coordinator Report ......................................................8 Parish Nurse Report ....................................................................................................9 St. James Preschool Report .......................................................................................10 St. James Women of the ELCA Report ....................................................................11 St. James WELCA Financial Report.........................................................................12 Annual Financial Report ...........................................................................................13 General Fund Offering Data .....................................................................................15 Dedicated Accounts & Memorial Fund ..................................................................16 Statement of Financial Position ................................................................................19 2015 Ministry Plan (budget) .....................................................................................20 Congregational Council and Staff List ....................................................................21 2 St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church Semi-Annual Meeting February 1, 2015 AGENDA I. Welcome II. Call to Order III. Opening Prayer IV. Pastors’ Report Kurt Billings and Peter Narum V. President’s Report David Polet VI. Treasurer’s Report Kim Feller VII. A. 2014 Year-End Report B. Presentation of 2015 Ministry Plan (budget) & Discussion C. Vote on 2015 Ministry Plan (budget) VIII. Old Business IX. New Business X. Adjournment XI. Closing Prayer Board President: David Polet 3 4 St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church 2014 Membership Report Membership at end of 2013 Baptized 1592 Confirmed 1182 Members received during 2014 By Baptism - children By Baptism - adults By transfer 19 0 75 60 Baptized Youth who were confirmed 14 Members removed during 2014 By death By transfer 7 9 7 Due to inactivity 59 51 Membership at end of 2014 1611 1198 5 2014 St. James Annual Pastors Report And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’ Also he said, ‘Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ — Revelation 21.5 The mission God has set before us at St. James is to be a community where you, our members, as well as friends and visitors, can receive God’s love, grow in love for one another, and give God’s love to others. A congregation however is not an island existing apart from the world. Rather, we live in it and are called to serve it. What happens in our homes and at work, in our community and around the world affects how we think and how we live. In other words, the expression of our mission in not fixed but constantly changing. In 2014 we have been particularly mindful of this as we have contemplated how our facilities can best serve a growing and changing community. We have engaged a process of both discerning the design of a remodeled and expanded facility, as well as what we can afford, and always keeping before us the question: how might our facilities best be an expression of and serve our mission? This process has helped us see beyond the facilities as well — how can God’s people here, and the ministries we share, also best be an expression of our mission as well. We do this mindful of challenges before us, such as living in a time of decreasing commitment to institutions, and increasing ability to find information and be entertained through phones, computers and televisions. God is calling us to new things! However, the danger is to try to follow every new fad or look over our shoulder and try to copy what others are doing. God has called us to be St. James — to live out our unique identity in this time and place. This means honoring our traditions and legacy, remembering those who have gone before us, giving thanks for all that is wonderful and good right here and right now, and being open to innovative and creative approaches to ministry together. As your pastors — and alongside fellow staff members, leaders and all members — we seek to provide a place where Jesus’ transformative love is experienced. Given the challenges of our time, we are encouraged and inspired that members of St. James have indeed chosen to move forward in daring confidence, led by the Holy Spirit, in hopes that God will continue to shape our facility and our community to be a place where we can grow as disciples of Jesus. With too many thank you’s to share, we simply wish to extend to you all our gratitude for your partnership and support in the ministry we share. —Kurt M. Billings & Peter W. Narum 6 President’s Report Sometimes the hardest conversations are the most productive and meaningful conversations. Thus it was with 2014. As a congregation, we focused a lot of effort on the building project. Dozens of people in the congregation were actively involved in selecting and working with our architecture firm and taking the vision for St. James into something more concrete—a plan, a flow of the space, a project that we adopted as a congregation. But the conversation was hard. We had to weigh our individual wants and expectations against the needs of the congregation as a whole. We had to challenge ourselves to think not just about what we need now, but what this congregation needs for the future to continue to grow in Christ and as a community. We proposed ideas, accepting a few, modifying others, and rejecting some as well. But in these moments, we grow together as a congregation; in the dialogue we get to know one another and come closer together as a congregation. We challenge and support each other, just as we did when we approved an aggressive budget for 2014 and approved fundraising for this building vision. And as a result, we were able to make the budget. Despite a little hiccup in November, we showed our commitment to this vision through our financial giving. We were also able to take the building plan and have an honest conversation about what was most important in order to meet our congregation’s needs. We changed and modified and approved the plan for fundraising in those meetings and discussions we had, both formal and informal. Beyond the building project were the other ministries that we provide as St. James. We developed, continued, and enhanced many ministries that define our congregation. For example, our Wednesday community meals continue to bring many congregants and non-congregants together. From church picnics to summer outdoor services, we continued to enhance the ministries to our congregation and the community. We have brought new ministries on, including the Wednesday night jazz services and establishing a children’s choir. For me, 2014 will be remembered as the year in which we took a hard look at our vision and how we practically lived that out in our congregation with one another. Although the path may have been difficult at times, I believe that we have become stronger as a congregation as a result. Looking forward to 2015, the fundraising project will be prominent, but we will look closely at some other aspects of our life together, supporting our ministries but also evaluating how we are conducting our ministries so that we are good stewards of the gifts that we all give to this church to lift up this congregation. Thank you all for meeting the challenges of 2014 and representing the vision of St. James as you live it out day by day in and for this community. — David Polet 7 Youth Education Coordinator 2014 Annual Report I cannot believe another year has come and gone so quickly! I feel like I say that every year, but this year it seems especially true! I want to first and foremost take a minute to thank everyone who supports the Youth and Family program at St. James! Sunday School, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, Mission Trips, Youth Group, special events, etc. would not be possible without the dedicated and kid-loving volunteers. So, THANK YOU! Sunday School and Confirmation classes are off to a great start. This year the Sunday School curriculum changed slightly and now corresponds to the Revised Common Lectionary, which are the Bible readings followed in worship. Parents and youth are able to talk about the lessons learned in worship and Sunday School. Helping families take faith home is something that I have been focusing on. The Confirmation classes have been working on learning Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Each week they learn more about the 10 commandments, Lord’s Prayer and Apostle’s Creed. Anyone who has been through knows how tough this can be! New this year to youth group is the inclusion of 4th and 5th grade youth group. This youth group did not start out slow, from the very first week we have a great group of energetic kids ready to learn about God and play some games. The Middle School and High School groups are also going strong. Last summer I was blessed to lead two amazing trips! Ten middle school youth and two chaperones went to Kansas City for a week-long mission trip. During this trip we worked with Metropolitan Lutheran Ministries to serve people in the downtown Kansas City area. We also ate a lot of BBQ! Due to the generous support from the congregation we were able to offer this trip for under $100! Thank you to everyone who helped support this mission trip financially. The high school youth went on an adventure trip where you could hear nothing but rushing water, buzzing mosquitoes, falling rain and wisps of wind. Along with one fearless chaperone, five high school students took to the Boundary Waters, located in-between Minnesota and Canada for a canoe trip. This trip was extraordinary! As we look forward to 2015 I am eager for new students to take part in the First Communion classes. I am looking forward to our always exciting Vacation Bible School. The Middle School Mission Trip to Minnesota is going to be a great opportunity for our youth. 2015 is going to be a great year of growth and learning. I am so thankful for the support from this congregation both personally and for the Youth and Family Ministry here at St. James. Blessings, Kelly Rodger 8 Parish Nurse/Lay Visitation Coordinator Annual Report 2014 This past year was a year of growth and excitement in the ministry of Parish Nursing and Visitation. Goals were met and exceeded this year. The Hope and Healing Dinner held on All Saints Sunday, had fifty St. James’ parishioners, families, and their friends in attendance. Our committee of St. James volunteers did an exceptional job! Feedback from those in attendance was very positive. The event is very time consuming: Planning; arrangements; speaker; music; catering the meal; decorating the narthex and sanctuary; photos; programs; setting up; tearing down, and cleaning up. I cannot thank them enough. The Ministry Fair brought more volunteers who signed up to assist in transportation of our members who have difficulty in attending events or church services. We now have parishioners who are transporting members and making the telephone calls themselves. Home visitation has increased and is more involved. The nursing assessments are invaluable and have assisted some to seek medical attention and some to procure certain medical equipment to enhance their quality of life. I have initiated to sometimes asking another member volunteer to go with me on a home visit to make it more social for some members who do not leave their home. It has been well received. I always take breads or cookies and prayer shawls on home visits and the recipients are so appreciative. Thank you to all the women who provide those special gifts. Blood Pressure Clinic is now available year round. It was increased this year to include the summer months. I think it’s important to have it taken routinely to be more aware of any sudden changes. Those participating have expressed agreement. I received a scholarship in May, 2014, to attend Concordia U W. I received my certification in Parish Nursing. It enables me to bring more knowledge and insight into my position and to serve you even more effectively and efficiently. God Bless You, Barbara Rasmussen, RN., CPN. 9 2014 Annual Report Program Description: St. James Preschool and the Verona Area School District have continued their partnership in the Pre-Kindergarten program. The school district has no plans in moving the Pre-K program to their buildings. Currently St. James is one of thirteen sites that offer the Pre-K program. We have 16 students and 2 teachers in our Pre-K class. The Pre-K class attends school four days a week for 3 hours and 10 minutes. We also have a 3’s class at our school. There are two sections each with 6 kids and 1 teacher. Each section is 3 hours 10 minutes two times a week. In addition to the Pre-K and 3’s class we also have a 2 ½’s class. There is one section with 5 students and 1 teacher and they attend for 3 hours two days a week. Staff: We only had one staff change this year as Lynn Hauski (Pre-K Teacher) is on maternity leave for the 2014-2015 school year. We welcomed Amy Hampton to our staff part-time to help fill in for Lynn. Stacy Zimmerman (Pre-K Teacher), Holly Parker (3’s Teacher), Lori Rudy (2 ½’s Teacher & Pre-K Assistant Teacher), and Amy Hampton (Pre-K Assistant Teacher) all continue to prove to be top notch at St. James Preschool. Highlights: For the 2014-2015 school year we have four after school programming options for our students. The children can stay after class for extended programming until 12:00 on four different days. We have two local businesses that come and offer classes on two of the days. One is a music class and the other teaches the kids Spanish. On Wednesdays, Holly Parker holds a lunch bunch during which the kids have chapel time twice a month. On Fridays, Amy Hampton teaches a physical education “Ready…Set…Move” class. At St. James Preschool, we value our relationship with students’ parents. We hold events throughout the year for families. We also engage with the parents through homework, projects, and by communicating with them through weekly newsletters, emails and notes home. In the future we look forward to reflecting, growing and continuing the great program we have. Thank you for your continued support to the school, the staff, and the students. --Heather Pearl, Preschool Director 10 Women of St. James 2014 Annual Report During 2014, the Women of St. James continued to contribute in many ways to the church, the community and to each other. The Circles met in homes and at church for Bible study and reflection. The Circles were involved in many activities including the following: sponsoring birthday parties at Four Winds Manor, selling Valentine's Candy and Mother’s Day flowers as a charitable benefit, coordinating and serving the Easter breakfast, supporting the St. James Preschool, providing Christmas gifts for a family in need, providing necessary gas cards and diapers as community outreach, making contributions by circles to the Verona Food Pantry, and sending Christmas military/Peace Corps care packages. The Circles served coffee and homebaked treats the first Sunday of each month during the fellowship hour between services. The free-will offering was used by the individual circles to fund various projects. The funds from the Annual Bake Sale and Luncheon, funeral luncheon revenue/donations, and $800 from the St. James allocation of Thrivent Funds helped us contribute to the following organizations and activities in 2014: •Pastor’s Fund in Honor of St. James Staff •Two High School Scholarships •Verona Food Pantry “Christmas Bags” •St. James Women’s Retreat •Children’s Bibles •Care Packages to Military/Peace Corps •Oakwood Service League •Verona Food Pantry For mission work, hundreds of items were sent on the boxcar to benefit Lutheran World Relief, including quilts from the quilting group, Mary Circle school kits, Sarah Circle layettes and health kits from the Ruth and Martha Circles. In addition, more than 125 “Gift Bags” filled with children’s stocking stuffers went to the Verona Food Pantry to distribute at Christmas time. The Women of St. James would like to again thank Candy Feldt, lead organizer, along with the many women of St. James for their food donations and volunteer time at all the funerals held at St. James during the year. This is an important function of our Church Women and appreciated by the families served. 2014 included the annual women’s retreat that was held March 15-16 at Sinsinawa Mound Center with the theme “Health, Wholeness, Healing: Body, Mind, Spirit”. The 2015 retreat will be held March 14-15 at the Lowell Center on the UW Madison Campus with the theme being: "Women of Faith and Spirit: What the women of the New Testament can teach us." Thanks to Bobbie Wang for once again leading the overall planning of the annual retreat. The Women of St. James are also involved in a variety of other activities within the church including a Sunday night Bible study group, assisting with Sunday School and other education based activities as well as social events such a Bunco game afternoon that was held this past Sunday which included refreshments, fellowship, and fun for all. If you are a Woman of St. James we welcome you to participate in any one of the ways mentioned in this report. We'd love to have you join us! Respectfully submitted, Linda Freitag and Lisa Wendorff, Co-Chairs 11 Women of St. James 2014 Financial Report BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD ON JANUARY 1, 2014 $3,238.15 RECEIPTS Women’s Retreat Registration Deposit Retreat Offering Thrivent Matching Fund Fall Bake Sale Fall Luncheon THRIVENT Matching Funds Reimbursement from Mary Circle 6 Funeral Luncheons $7,838.31 $1,700.00 $ 440.00 $ 200.00 $2,150.00 $1,210.00 $ 800.00 $ 23.00 $1,315.31 DISBURSEMENTS Bake Sale/Luncheon Expenses Youth Bibles High School Scholarships (2) VANN Christmas Bags from St. James Postage for Military Christmas Pkgs. Family Christmas Project WELCA Dues $5,475.27 BALANCE IN CHECKBOOK DECEMBER 31, 2014 $5,601.19 $ 236.11 $ 400.00 $1,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 300.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Retreat Offering to “JOURNEY” of Dane County Mental Health $ 400.00 Retreat Expenses $2,149.16 VANN Donation $ 100.00 Parish Nurse Ministries (Retreat offering) $ 200.00 DP for 2016 Women’s Retreat $ 50.00 Respectfully Submitted by Audrey Huseth, Treasurer 12 Financial Report For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Summary of 2014 General Fund Income: Increase of $20,000 or 4.0% higher than 2013 Receipts 2014 Income Budget achieved with Receipts > Budget by $262 December included the highest level of receipts at $95,000 St. James members answered the 2014 stewardship call in supporting the mission and vision of our Receive – Grow – Give path Summary of 2014 Operating Expenses: Increase of $19,000 or 4% higher than 2013 Expenses 2014 Expenses are $1,053 favorable to 2014 Expense Budget Actual Results for 2014 show Net Income of $1,315 Historical Summary of Income and Expenses by Year: 2009 2010 2011 Income 446,900 460,500 473,235 Expenses 504,200 460,000 481,108 Net Results (57,300) 500 (7,873) 2012 492,324 487,823 4,501 Actual Results by Year 2013 498,334 497,474 860 2014 518,096 516,781 1,315 Receipts by Year $540,000 $560,000 $540,000 $520,000 $500,000 $480,000 $460,000 $440,000 $420,000 $400,000 $520,000 $500,000 $480,000 $460,000 $440,000 $420,000 $400,000 2009 2010 Income 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Actual Expenses Budget 2015 Budget: 2015 Budget has a 5.5% gross or 3.9% net increase over 2014 which in dollars is approximately a $28,000 gross or $20,000 net increase from 2014 actual receipts. 13 The Wednesday Jazz Worship service funding represents the majority of the gross vs. net change as a $20,000 donation was received in 2014 specific for the Wednesday service. In other words, $7,000 of the increase in Receipts and Expenses in the 2015 Budget is for the Wednesday Jazz Worship service, and it is funded outside of the regular giving. Other budget increases included in the 2015 Budget for the benefit of the ministry programs and operations include the following: o Children’s Choir Director o Building & Grounds Improvements o Four hours per week of additional office support o Potential part-time custodian/maintenance position o Wage and Benefits increases average 2% - 3% Operating Cash, Memorial, and Endowment Fund Balances: 12/31/14 12/31/13 General Fund Cash $ 78,850 $ 74,290 Memorial/Building Funds $108,053 $ 82,985 Frank Schroeder Estate $ 34,118 $ 69,364 Endowment Funds $135,025 $124,233 Total Cash and Investments $356,046 $350,872 In 2014, St. James contributed $4,000 to the ELCA South Central Synod, $2,600 to the Verona Area Food Pantry, and $1,000 to Joining Forces for Families. We also received $15,270 for the Illuminations project, $605 for hymnals for St. Andrews in Cairo, Egypt. Additionally, members of the congregation provided 20 bags of food to students at Country View Elementary School during their Winter break from school. Mortgage Balance: With a memorial gift from the family of Elmer Palmer received in 2014, an additional $63,000 was paid down on the mortgage which brings the current mortgage balance to approximately $135,000. The amortization has annual payments of $46,000, of which $41,000 will be paid on principal in 2015. At the current balance and payment schedule, the mortgage is expected to be paid off in three years. 2015 Outlook: St. James is an active congregation and is creating a vision in Building for God’s Tomorrow. As a congregation, together we answered the 2014 challenge and increased general fund contribution giving by 7%. Our 2015 budget goal is an increase of 4%. In simple terms, this can be achieved if 200 giving units increase their offering by $100 or just $2 per week. Let’s all prayerfully evaluate our financial commitment to St. James Lutheran Church in order to both maintain regular giving and achieve the necessary increase in the 2015 Budget. Our Stewardship along with Worship, Membership, and Fellowship is critical to the St. James mission and vision in following our Receive – Grow – Give path. Respectfully Submitted, Kim Feller, Congregational Council Treasurer 14 2014 General Fund Offering Data from Annual Statements Giving Units >$500 Giving Units < $500 Total Giving Units Number % Dollars % 211 56% $462,150.00 94% 168 44% $29,299.00 6% 379 100% $491,449.00 100% 2013 G eneral Fund Offering Data from Annual Statements Giving Units >$500 Giving Units < $500 Total Giving Units Number % Dollars % 203 54% $426,358.50 93% 176 46% $33,305.00 7% 379 100% $459,663.50 100% $31,785.50 7% 2014 T ota l Incre a se $ a nd % Average Giving Unit 2014 2013 $1,296.70 $1,212.83 $83.87 7% 2014 Ave ra ge Incre a se $ a nd % 190 Mean $600.00 $530.00 2014 10 Top 10 Giving Units $88,864.00 18% % of Dollars 38 Top 10% Giving Units $225,018.00 46% % of Dollars Top 50% # of Giving Units $450,530.00 92% % of Dollars Top 50% $ of Giving Units $245,304.00 12% % of Giving Units 190 44 Dollar Range $0-$499 $500-$999 $1,000-$1,499 $1,500-$1,999 $2,000-$2,499 $2,500-$2,999 $3,000-$3,499 $3,500-$3,999 $4,000-$4,499 $4,500-$4,999 $5,000-$5,499 $5,500-$5,999 $6,000-$6,499 $6,500-$6,999 $7,000-$7,499 $7,500-$7,999 $8,000-$8,499 $8,500-$8,999 $9,000-$9,499 $14,000-$14,499 $14,500-$14,999 Total for 2014 Giving Units 2014 $ Contributions % Contributions 168 $29,299 6% 76 $53,104 11% 38 $45,599 9% 18 $30,442 6% 18 $39,391 8% 11 $29,745 6% 12 $38,851 8% 6 $22,171 5% 3 $12,857 3% 5 $23,896 5% 8 $41,020 8% 2 $11,160 2% 3 $18,490 4% 3 $20,357 4% 2 $14,515 3% 3 $22,600 5% 1 $8,800 2% 1 $14,300 3% 1 $14,852 3% 379 $491,449 100% 15 Dedicated Accounts - General, Memorial, and Endowment Beginning Balance 1/1/2014 2014 2014 Receipts Disbursements Ending Balance 12/31/2014 General Members Funds General Offerings Thrivent Choice Food Bags General Offerings $ $ 4,376.10 $ 0.00 4,376.10 $ $ $ 2,715.26 2,715.26 5,710.81 $ 2,000.00 7,710.81 $ 2,682.94 $ 0.00 2,682.94 $ 7,403.97 2,000.00 9,403.97 9,403.97 2,698.61 2,698.61 2,698.61 Congregational Life Parish Nurse/Grief Dedicated Congregational Life $ $ 160.00 160.00 $ $ 176.65 176.65 $ $ Preschool Preschool Fundraising Preschool Capital Improvements Preschool Scholarships Preschool $ $ 9,616.35 $ 9,636.23 11,805.67 31,058.25 $ 5,543.50 $ 0.00 1,614.49 7,157.99 $ 4,628.08 $ 1,798.54 1,184.95 7,611.57 $ 10,531.77 7,837.69 12,235.21 30,604.67 30,604.67 1,808.06 $ 0.00 9,100.00 104.75 0.00 41.45 222.00 40.86 530.00 464.78 0.00 0.00 293.12 2,968.45 0.00 702.50 0.00 328.73 5,931.76 8,811.30 4,500.65 891.62 150.00 625.00 37,515.03 $ 4,663.00 $ 1,079.75 0.00 397.52 909.30 28.00 0.00 0.00 275.00 2,145.55 1,894.65 865.00 370.00 4,934.57 2,000.00 636.55 605.00 400.00 0.00 15,270.00 0.00 2,048.17 0.00 0.00 38,522.06 $ 4,390.76 $ 1,079.75 9,100.00 0.00 909.30 0.00 222.00 0.00 805.00 2,600.00 1,894.65 865.00 293.12 6,256.17 0.00 702.50 0.00 398.72 0.00 12,652.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42,169.47 $ 2,080.30 0.00 0.00 502.27 0.00 69.45 0.00 40.86 0.00 10.33 0.00 0.00 370.00 1,646.85 2,000.00 636.55 605.00 330.01 5,931.76 11,428.80 4,500.65 2,939.79 150.00 625.00 33,867.62 33,867.62 General Golf Outings Easter Flowers Miscellaneous Hunger Appeal Poinsettias Phoebe Circle Coffee Maker Back Packs Other Clearing Food Pantry/Baskets Altar Flowers/Weekly Bulletins Lenten Lunch & Fellowship Pastor's Good Samaritan Fund Cont Ed - Pastor Cong Life Lenten Coin Folders Hymnals Quilting Dedicated Kitchen Fund Illuminations Library Furnace Mission Endowment Distribution Guatemala Water Project Sign Replacement General $ $ 16 Beginning Balance 1/1/2014 2014 2014 Ending Balance Receipts Disbursements 12/31/2014 Memorial Mission Endowment Memorials Unrealized Gains/Losses Dividends Due from Memorial Fund Memorial $ General Members Funds $ 77,300.39 4,035.00 7,756.10 5,782.47 8,510.07 3,648.17 0.00 3,230.00 93,566.56 $ 16,695.64 $ 169,231.20 $ 70,246.50 $ 0.00 4,342.13 0.00 3,230.00 7,572.13 $ 60,212.76 81,335.39 9,196.44 12,158.24 0.00 102,690.07 $ 179,264.94 179,264.94 11,584.58 $ 350.00 $ 0.00 20,000.00 (100.00) 22,324.09 13,037.05 65,360.70 6,133.72 77.65 100.00 0.00 140.00 0.00 (13.33) 13.33 155.00 0.00 211.48 0.00 100.00 0.00 240.08 0.00 420.00 0.00 2,015.98 0.00 0.57 0.00 525.00 0.00 10,014.23 0.00 31,431.78 151.65 0.00 3,230.00 3,473.00 12,770.00 156.97 0.00 44.83 0.00 994.75 0.00 1,285.00 0.00 34.11 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 82,984.80 $ 124,277.42 $ 1,722.31 $ 728.25 23,106.28 68,903.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,230.00 0.00 0.00 44.83 0.00 1,285.00 34.11 0.00 99,209.25 $ 10,212.27 19,271.75 (882.19) 9,494.28 6,211.37 100.00 140.00 0.00 0.00 211.48 100.00 240.08 420.00 2,015.98 0.57 525.00 10,014.23 31,583.43 0.00 16,243.00 156.97 0.00 994.75 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 108,052.97 108,052.97 82,984.80 99,209.25 108,052.97 108,052.97 Memorial Fund Memorial Community Meal Fund Wednesday Worship Fund Due from General Fund Undesignated Memoria Interest-Memorials Adult Choir-Memorial Air Conditioning-Mem Special Projects Altar Items-Memorial Handbells-Memorial Kyle Mark Riddle Mem Doerfer Memorial Sunday School-Memori ELCA Grant - Food Pantry Due to JR Educ. Fund BeFrienders Church Maint. Reserv A.G. Fund Due to Endowment Fund Building Fund Memorials Music in Worship (Thompson Gift) Computer Supplies Celebration Service Kitchen Fund Lower Level Window Treatments Jan Reed Endowment Contribution Memorial $ $ Memorial Fund $ 17 $ 124,277.42 $ $ Beginning Balance 2014 1/1/2014 2014 Ending Balance Receipts Disbursements 12/31/2014 Endowment Fund Memorial Driveway Project 2008 Consulting - Special 2008 Mortgage Prepayment 2014 Architect Planning Fees Front Entry Project 2008 S. Estate Interest Income Due from Gen Fund Frank Schroeder Estate Memorial $ $ (56,931.00) $ $ (12,732.27) 0.00 (150,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (27,054.85) 0.00 7,375.07 79.94 (31,540.99) 35,326.24 340,248.11 0.00 69,364.07 $ 35,406.18 $ $ (56,931.00) 0.00 (12,732.27) 0.00 (150,000.00) 35,326.24 (35,326.24) 0.00 (27,054.85) 0.00 7,455.01 35,326.24 (31,540.99) 0.00 340,248.11 70,652.48 $ 34,117.77 34,117.77 Jan Reed Mission Endow ment Fund Dividends Due from Memorial Fund Unrealized Gans/Losses Jan Reed Educational Fund Jan Reed Mission Endow ment Fund $ 1,999.52 (0.57) 3,210.75 27,125.57 32,335.27 32,335.27 $ 66,453.04 66,453.04 $ 3,155.47 $ 0.00 25.00 0.00 2,772.03 0.00 3,029.29 901.48 400.00 0.00 500.00 31.97 400.00 -192.84 1,172.42 740.61 $ 11,454.21 $ 3,056.91 $ 0.00 2,572.03 3,029.29 711.06 500.00 31.97 0.00 9,901.26 $ 98.56 25.00 200.00 0.00 590.42 0.00 400.00 979.58 2,293.56 2,293.56 Youth Funds $ 740.61 $ 11,454.21 $ 9,901.26 $ 2,293.56 2,293.56 $ 352,987.22 $ 244,420.31 $ 241,343.02 $ $ Endowment Fund $ 827.10 $ (0.57) 2,714.44 27,125.57 30,666.54 $ 100,030.61 1,172.42 $ 0.00 1,863.58 0.00 3,036.00 $ $ 38,442.18 $ $ 0.00 1,367.27 0.00 1,367.27 $ 72,019.75 Youth Funds Youth Funds Youth Fundraisers Mission Trip Contributions Middle School Mission Trip High School Mission Trip Bibles High School Scholarship Youth Funds - Dedicated J. Reed Scholarship Fund Youth Funds Total for dedicated accounts $ $ 18 356,064.51 356,064.51 Statement of Financial Position - St. James Lutheran Church December 31, 2014 - All Funds Balance as of 12/31/2014 Change Balance as of 12/31/2013 Assets: Cash Accounts N.O.W. Checking Savings - Memorials/Building Memorial CD Endowment Fund Jan Reed Scholarship Fund Estate Fund- F. Schroeder Cash Accounts $78,850 $76,470 $31,583 $102,690 $32,335 $34,118 $356,046 $4,561 $24,917 $152 $9,124 $1,669 ($35,246) $5,175 $74,290 $51,553 $31,432 $93,567 $30,667 $69,364 $350,872 Other Assets Funding Receivable Note Total Assets $135,495 $491,541 ($102,789) ($97,613) $238,283 $589,155 Liabilities: Short Term Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to Estate Fund Due to Memorial Fund Short Term Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Mortgage Note Payable General Fund Reserve Total Liabilities $135,495 $0 $167,918 ($102,789) $0 ($102,006) $238,283 $0 $269,924 Net Assets: Mem bers Equity Mem bers Equity Total Liabilities & Net Assets $323,623 $491,541 $4,392 ($97,614) $319,231 $589,155 $0 $31,541 $882 $32,423 19 $0 $0 $782 $782 $0 $31,541 $100 $31,641 St. James Lutheran Church 2015 Ministry Plan 2015 Budget INCOME Envelopes Loose Offerings Sunday School Offerings Other Offering Misc. receipts Mission Endowment Dist. Interest Income Church use Total Receipts EXPENSES Staffing Salaries Benefits Total Staffing Ministries Benevolences Worship & Music Ministry Spiritual Growth Youth Ministry Preschool Outreach/Fellowship Ministry Office Support for Ministries Total Ministries Facilities Utilities Insurance Maintenance & Repairs General Fund Operating Reserve $ $ $ $ $ $ 2014 Actual 506,000 $ 20,370 1,000 7,000 7,997 1,600 8 2,400 546,375 $ 480,203 $ 25,103 798 6,972 1,088 1,600 6 2,325 518,096 $ 489,500 16,500 1,000 7,000 0 1,600 34 2,200 517,834 217,362 159,684 377,046 $ 189,285 $ 155,073 344,357 $ 187,374 158,175 345,549 4,500 $ 8,500 2,650 2,000 (1,447) 9,300 35,354 60,857 $ 4,000 8,256 1,959 1,900 (3,500) 9,321 33,715 55,652 $ Mortgage Total Facilities $ 17,200 14,465 27,475 3,000 46,332 108,472 Total Expenses $ 546,375 Building & Grounds Improvements Receipts - Expenses $0 20 2014 Budget $ $ 4,000 8,200 4,500 2,000 (3,500) 10,000 33,200 58,400 $ 17,087 $ 12,985 40,368 46,332 116,772 $ 15,500 13,653 38,400 46,332 113,885 $ 516,781 $ 517,834 1,315 $0 Congregational Council David Polet, President ........................................................................................ 848-9628 Karen Breitnauer, Vice-President ..................................................................... 848-8297 Kim Feller, Treasurer .......................................................................................... 845-6425 Sue Zernicke, Secretary ...................................................................................... 246-2025 Sheri Doyle ........................................................................................................... 848-5466 Mark Giesfeldt ..................................................................................................... 848-7162 Ed Kindschi .......................................................................................................... 235-6975 Jon Schellpfeffer .................................................................................................. 845-9449 Staff Kurt Billings, Pastor ................................................................................ Cell: 235-8122 Peter Narum, Pastor .................................................................................. Cell: 469-9625 Michelle Lichty .............................................................................. Parish Administrator Emily Jeremiason ....................................................................................Office Assistant Barb Roberts .............................................................................................Office Assistant Kelly Rodger ................................................................... Youth Education Coordinator Paulette Spoon .............................................................. Adult Choir & Handbell Choir Marilyn Doerfer ................................................................................................... Organist Alex Ford .............................................................................................................. Organist Rhonda Chalone ..................................................................................................... Pianist Barb Rasmussen, R.N. ................................................................................ Parish Nurse Heather Pearl .................................................................... Director, St. James Preschool Amy Hampton.................................................................................. St. James Preschool Holly Parker ...................................................................................... St. James Preschool Stacy Zimmerman ............................................................................ St. James Preschool Lori Rudy .......................................................................................... St. James Preschool 21
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