LOUISIANA OILMEN’S BASS INVITATIONAL 2015 P.O. BOX 9726, NEW IBERIA, LA 70562 Benefiting St. Jude & Miles Perret Center Bass Invitational Tournament BOARD OF DIRECTORS DARRELL MOUTON Island Operating Company (337) 233-9594 MIKE TRAHAN Process Piping Materials (337) 319-9185 CHESTER HUVAL Huval Trucking (337) 364-8002 MARIO BRUNO Island Operating Company (337) 280-1052 TOMMY DUPUIS Coastal Chemical Co (337) 272-0135 ROBERT TRAHAN Wolverine (337) 278-3005 MIKE ROPER HB Rentals (713) 855-9286 TOM DOYLE Island Operating Company (281)546-5696 KENNETH McMINN Texas Petroleum Investment (281) 433-5178 MALCOLM LEGER International Well Testers, Inc. (337) 233-7649 PHILIP BOURQUE Quality Process Services (337) 552-8509 CHRIS DESHOTELS Island Operating Company (337) 580-5364 GARY MECHE Energy XXI (337) 258-2519 JOURDAN RAACKE SEACOR Lift Boats, LLC (337) 577-1426 MITCH VIDRINE Coastal Chemical Co. (337) 261-0796 JAMIE “BULL” BROUSSARD Priority Energy Services (713) 213-1655 REGGIE QUINN Fieldwood Energy (337) 354-8000 JEREMY MELDER Tubular Solutions (318) 210-2266 JOE EDISON (318) 623-5077 LANCE LEBLANC Island Operating Company (337) 319-3211 Dear Friend: The Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational of Lafayette is pleased to announce the 20 th Annual LOBI tournament will be held on March 27 th & 28 th , 2015 at Toledo Bend Reservoir, Cypress Bend, SRA, Park Site 11. Registration will begin on Thursday, March 26th at 12:00 pm until 9:00 pm. This year's tournament promises to be another success, and you are invited to be a part of this success and sponsor this exceptional oil industry outing. We received an overwhelming response to our proposed rule changes for the 2015 Tournament. After going through all of the responses, we have decided to implement the following changes to the 2015 Tournament based on participant feedback. To further enhance the tournament's quality and make it the most rewarding oil industry tournament for our anglers, we are going to a 2 Day Payout plus an Overall Payout at the end of the Tournament. In addition, there will be a Grand Prize Drawing on Saturday evening f o r a fully rigged Bass Boat. We have decided to keep it an Oilfield exclusive event with the exception of allowing an Immediate family member of an eligible Team Captain fish in the same boat with them. For further clarification on eligibility requirements, please refer to the Tournament rules listed on the registration form and website (www.lobibass.com). Additionally, to improve overall efficiency with both weigh-in and nightly meals, we will issue Team Bracelets for the 2015 Tournament. Bracelets must be worn for the duration of the tournament. Trophies will be awarded to the tournament's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams, along with a trophy for the tournament's largest bass. In addition, Champion "Team Tournament” Rings and a "Big Bass" Champion Ring will also be presented. Remember, the tournament will be limited to the first seven hundred (700) teams. For your convenience, we now offer online payment options. We currently accept credit cards and checks. ALL CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE ONLINE. All payments are secured through both our hosting company and our payment gateway. Please visit www.lobibass.com to make your payments. Your support of the tournament will ensure its success and help the children and families of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Miles Perret Center. For more information on the tournament, please contact any of the directors in the margin of this letter. We are looking forward to getting together with our colleagues for a day of fun and fellowship. Hope to see you there! On behalf of the Louisiana Oilmen's Bass Invitational, we thank you for your support throughout the years, and we look forward to another successful year with you. Sincerely, Board of Directors Louisiana Oilmen's Bass Invitational P.O. Box 9726 New Iberia, LA 70562 / www.lobibass.com /lobibass18@gmail.com 8. LAUNCH SITE: Contestants will be allowed to trailer boats to any landing on Toledo Bend. However, fishing is allowed only during tournament hours and weigh-in time must be observed. 9. TIES: In the event of a tie for 1st place, the tie will be broken by a coin toss with both teams present. If one team is not present, the present team will automatically be granted the 1st place prize. In the event both teams are not present, the Board of Directors will conduct the coin toss on their behalf to determine the winner. In the event of all other ties, monetary prizes will be added together and divided by the number of places tied. Each team shall then receive their equal share. 10. BOATS: Boats may be used that are 14 feet or longer. Contestants may not change boats during tournament hours. Overpowered boats not allowed. Proceeds to Benefit: Proceeds to Benefit: 11. POLYGRAPH TEST: Each contestant agrees to submit, by his signature on this application, to a polygraph test to be given at the sole discretion of the Tournament Committee. The administration and interpretation of the polygraph test is solely the responsibility of the tournament committee and its agents. If either team member fails to test with satisfactory results, that team will be disqualified. If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will not be given a polygraph test, and your team will be disqualified. 12. COMPLAINTS: Any complaint participant must be submitted Tournament Committee within 30 in each day. All decisions rendered final and without recourse or appeal. 20th Annual Bass Invitational or protest by a in writing to the minutes after weighby the committee are 13. ENCROACHMENT: A team is not permitted to approach nearer than 50 yards to any other tournament boat which is tied or anchored with the trolling motor out of the water. 14. ENTRY DEADLINE: The first 700 teams will be qualified based on postmark of entry application envelope. Waiting list applicants will be qualified on the same basis. All entries must be submitted online, by mail, by regular US Postal Service or special service such as Federal Express, etc. ON TOLEDO BEND RESERVOIR CYPRESS BEND - SRA PARK SITE 11 All entries postmarked by February 1, 2015 will be entered into a drawing to win $500 REGISTRATION 15. REGISTRATION: Each team must register with the Tournament Committee between 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m., Thursday, March 26th, 2015 at Cypress Bend Park. They may pick up their ditty bags and shirt or jacket orders at this time. No late registrations will be allowed. Any teams failing to register by 9:00 p.m. may be subject to replacement by teams on a waiting list. 16. JURISDICTION: Should any dispute arise to the level of litigation, it is agreed that exclusive jurisdiction will be in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Lafayette Parish, Lafayette, Louisiana. THURSDAY, MARCH 26th FISHING DATES FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 27th & MARCH 28th Info: www.lobibass.com lobibass18@gmail.com Mario Bruno (337) 280-1052 Mail To: P.O. Box 9726 New Iberia, LA 70562 (OVER) $60 $400 LINED TOURNAMENT JACKET TEAM ENTRY FEE TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (entry fee plus total clothing order) $35 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT Total cost Cost per item Number of items XL XXL 3X 4X L S M ITEM DESCRIPTION ALL Credit Cards must be processed online at www.lobibass.com MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO LOBI ENTRY FEE OF $400.00 PER TEAM AND ANY CLOTHING PAYMENT MUST BE SENT ALONG WITH THIS REGISTRATION FORM. DATE _______________________ SS# ______________________________ SS# ____________________________ DATE _________________________ SIGNATURE #2 __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE #1 ___________________________________________________ (3) I SIGNIFY BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE AGREEMENTS NUMBERED 1 AND 2 ABOVE. BOTH PARTICIPANTS MUST SIGN FORM (1) LIABILITY RELEASE. In signing this agreement, I, on behalf of myself, my heirs and assigns, hereby release and will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational, its officer’s and director’s, agents, employees, and contributors from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses relating to this tournament. (2) COVENANT NOT TO SUE AND WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. I further agree that I will never sue Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational, its officer’s and director’s, et al for damages on account of any injury or damage I suffer or cause whether know now or which may develop in the future. In the event Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational, its officer’s and director’s et al are sued because of my actions, I expressly agree to defend, indemnify and hold Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational, its officer’s and director’s, et al, harmless from any liability whatsoever, including court costs and attorney’s fees, arising with respect to such actions. I understand that in waiving my rights of recovery from Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational, its officer’s and director’s, et al, I also am waiving the rights of recovery from Louisiana Oilmen’s Bass Invitational, its officer’s and director’s, et al, of my insurance carrier for any claims they may pay on my behalf. CELL PHONE#: ________________________________________________________ IF NON-OILFIELD, LIST RELATIONSHIP TO CAPTAIN (MANDATORY): ____________________________________________________________________ This entry will be considered incomplete unless signed below by both team members. ZIP CODE ____________________________________________________________ CITY & STATE _________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS ____________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ CELL PHONE# ________________________________________________________ ZIP CODE ____________________________________________________________ CITY & STATE _________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS ____________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ COMPANY____________________________________________________________ COMPANY:____________________________________________________________ Supply Co. Service Co. Production Drilling Exploration PARTNER’S NAME: ____________________________________________________ TEAM CAPTAIN’S NAME:_______________________________________________ 7. FISHING HOURS: Fishing hours will begin at 6:30 a.m. each morning. Teams numbered 1-350 must stop fishing at 2:00 p.m. on the first day and be in the weigh-in line at the Marina by 3:00 p.m. Teams numbered 351 and above must stop fishing at 3:00 p.m. on the first day and be in the weigh-in line by 4:00 p.m. Teams numbered 1-350 must stop fishing at 3:00 p.m. on the second day and be in the weigh-in line by 4:00 p.m. Teams numbered 351 and above must stop fishing at 2:00 p.m. on the second day and be in the weigh-in line by 3:00 p.m. It is the responsibility of each team to understand and abide by the prescribed fishing hours and weigh-in times as they wille strictly enforced and are grounds for disqualification if violated. Supply Co. 6. SCORING: Scoring will be based on the weight in pounds of bass (largemouth, Kentucky or Spotted) with a minimum length of 14 inches measured on a flat board. Fish presented for weighing that are less than 14 inches in length will be disqualified prior to weighing and one pound per undersized fish will be deducted as a penalty. Only 5 fish per team, per day will be counted. Teams are not allowed to have more than 5 fish in their permanent possession at any time, except for culling the 6th fish. If more than 5 fish are kept in a team’s possession, that team shall be disqualified for the day and shall receive no weight for the day. It is the responsibility of the team to keep fish alive. A determination of whether the fish are alive or dead will be made solely by the members of the Weigh-In Committee at the scales and a deduction of .10 pound will be assessed for each dead fish weighed in. No fish may be kept by any contestant with the exception of a trophy fish. The Golden Rule will be the official measurement. Service Co. 5. TACKLE: Only artificial lures can be used; no prepared or live bait other than pork rind strips may be used. Only rod and reel outfits may be used. No trolling is permitted. Production 4. TEAMS: Teams will consist of two (2) eligible individuals registering as such. No participant shall be allowed to fish without a qualified partner in the boat at all times. Any contestant’s action will directly reflect on his teammate. There will be no use of guides during tournament competition in any manner. Any use of guides will result in immediate disqualification. Drilling 3. SAFETY: Safe boat conduct must be observed at all times. Each competitor is required to wear a Coast Guard approved life vest when the outboard engine is operating. Drunkenness on the part of any contestant will not be tolerated. The tournament committee highly recommends the use of engine kill switch. Exploration 2. ELIGIBILITY: Any person who derives at least eighty percent (80%) of their annual income from the time of retirement, was actively engaged or employed and derived at least eighty percent (80%) of their revenue from the exploration, drilling, production and/or servicing of oil and gas wells, is eligible to fish in this tournament. The only exception to the oilfield eligibility requirement would be an immediate family member (i.e. parent, child, sibling, grandparent & current in-laws) of an eligible Team Captain. They must fish with that participant only. Any person who has served as a professional guide on Toledo Bend at any time during the preceding five (5) years is not eligible to fish this tournament. All entries will be carefully screened to verify eligibility. It is the responsibility of each member of the team to abide by these eligibility requirements. Failure to do so will subject the team to immediate disqualification. The Rules and Registration Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry application and disqualify any participant that may have been deemed in any way to have violated the eligibility requirements or any rule governing the tournament; the decision of the committee shall be final. Applicants may be required to furnish the committee with proof of eligibility including but not limited to providing evidence demonstrating any and all sources of income, subjecting themselves to polygraph testing and any other means deemed necessary to satisfy an investigation into the Applicant’s employment and activity conducted during the course of the tournament. Submission of your application and/or the participation at the tournament represents your expressed acceptance of the LOBI Board and its committees’ authority concerning approval of applications and disqualifications. Any application containing or suspecting to contain false or misleading information will be immediately rejected. Applicant acknowledges that the Tournament and its Board have limited resources. As such it is further acknowledged that any decisions related to participation or qualification are final and without recourse. The LOBI Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any application or remove any participant for any reason. By signing this form applicant acknowledges and accepts this reservation. In the event of disqualification for any reason whatsoever, Applicant acknowledges and accepts, by signing the application, they it will defend, indemnify and hold LOBI harmless from and against any and all claims that may arise from said disqualification. It further agrees to return any awards or prizes granted and to reimburse any and all costs and expenses incurred in reaching the decision to disqualify and to pursue the recovery of any awards or prizes received by the disqualified participant. If at any YOU MUST COMPLETE THE INFORMATION ON BOTH SIDES OF THIS ENTRY! 1. SPORTSMANSHIP: Any contestant who displays poor sportsmanship, violates these rules, or violates any local, state or federal rules, regulations, statutes or laws is subject to immediate disqualification. (DETACH HERE) GENERAL RULES time during the tournament a participant is deemed ineligible or disqualified, they agree to immediately leave the tournament site and will forever be barred from further participation in any LOBI function. LOBI realizes that the foregoing provisions are a bit strong; however, they will be enforced to the letter of their intent in order to preserve the integrity of YOUR tournament. LOUISIANA OILMEN’S BASS INVITATIONAL 2015 Benefiting St. Jude & Miles Perret Center Bass Invitational Tournament ADVERTISEMENT/DONOR WORKSHEET Date: _______________ TAX ID #: 27-1812177 Full Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ______ Zip:___________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________ Fax Number: _________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________ CORPORATE DONOR ($500 DONATION) ½ Page Ad in Tournament Booklet Name Listed on Stage Board as a Corporate Donor BRONZE DONOR ($1000 DONATION) Full Page Ad in Tournament Booklet Name Listed on Stage Board as a Bronze Donor Name Listed on LOBI Website as a Donor SILVER DONOR ($2500 DONATION) Full Page Ad in Tournament Booklet Name Listed on Stage Board as a Silver Donor Company Name and Link on LOBI Website Special Seating at Nightly Functions 1 – Team Entry for Tournament (must be in Oil Industry) 2 – Silver Donor Tournament Hats GOLD DONOR ($5000 DONATION) Full Page Ad in Tournament Booklet Logo/Company Name on all Tournament Posters/Documents Company Name and Link on LOBI Website Special Seating at Nightly Functions 2 – Team Entries for Tournament (must be in Oil Industry) 2 – Gold Donor Tournament Hats 2 – Gold Donor Tournament Shirts(List Sizes Below) S M L XL XXL Space at Tournament to put up Tent to Highlight your Company or Products - Must Confirm: YES NO PLATINUM DONOR ($7000 DONATION) Full Page Ad in Tournament Booklet Logo/Company Name on all Tournament Posters/Documents Company Name and Link on LOBI Website Special Seating at Nightly Functions 3 – Team Entries for Tournament (must be in Oil Industry) 3 – Platinum Donor Tournament Hats 3 – Platinum Donor Tournament Shirts (List Sizes Below) S M L XL XXL DIAMOND DONOR ($10,000 DONATION) Full Page Ad in Tournament Booklet Logo/Company Name on all Tournament Posters/Documents Company Name and Link on LOBI Website Special Seating at Nightly Functions 4 – Team Entries for Tournament (must be in Oil Industry) 4 – Diamond Donor Tournament Hats 4 – Diamond Donor Tournament Shirts (List Sizes Below) S M L XL XXL Space at Tournament to put up Tent to Highlight your Company or Products - Must Confirm: YES NO Space at Tournament to put up Tent to Highlight your Company or Products - Must Confirm: YES NO Donation, Ad and LOGO must be turned in by March 1, 2015. Mail forms along with a check to: P.O. Box 9726, New Iberia, LA 70562. Please email Ads and Logos to lobibass18@gmail.com. For credit card payments, contact Mario Bruno (337-280-1052) to process payment. All proceeds go to St. Jude and the Miles Perret Center.
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