COLORADO WATER RESOURCES and POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2:00 P.M. – January 28, 2015 Wind River Conference Room – Hyatt Regency DTC 7800 E. Tufts Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237 AGENDA (Order & contents subject to change by action of the Authority) Check for agenda changes and other information) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Greg Higel ROLL CALL, DECLARATION OF A QUORUM APPROVAL OF MINUTES – December 5, 2014 OTHER AGENCY REPORTS (a) Report of CWCB – Tim Feehan (b) Report of WQCD – Ron Falco (c) Report of DOLA – Barry Cress AUTHORITY REPORTS (a) Public and/or Board Member Comment (b) Report of Chair – Greg Higel • Mary Hammond, Resolution No. 15-01 (c) Report of Treasurer – Frank Kugel (d) Report of Executive Director – Mike Brod (e) Report of Legal Counsel – Karl Ohlsen UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Drinking Water Revolving Fund (a) Loan Applications • Denver Southeast Suburban Water & Sanitation District Interim Loan, Resolution No. 15-02 (b) Project and Matching Account Updates (c) Status of Projects UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (a) Town of Ault 2014 Loan Agreement – Additional Bonds Test Reduction Request (b) Clean Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2015 Series A Resolution No. 15-03 (c) Project and Matching Account Updates (d) Status of Projects UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Small Hydropower Loan Program (a) Status of Program UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Grant Assistance Program (GAP) for Small Systems (a) Status of Program UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Water Revenue Bonds & Small Water Resources Projects (a) Status Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS – La Plata Future Projects Escrow (a) Long Hollow Reservoir – Status Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS – COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Project Finance Committee NEW BUSINESS (a) Legislative Issues and other Business of Interest to the Authority Arrangements for Future Meetings March 6, 2015 – Denver, CO April 24, 2015 – Denver, CO June 5, 2015 – Denver, CO Adjournment SLIDES Back to Agenda Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority BOARD MEETING MINUTES December 5, 2014 Call to Order Chair Greg Higel called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Authority Conference Room, Suite 610, 1580 Logan Street, Denver, CO. Roll Call and Declaration of a Quorum Board members present: Chair Greg Higel, Vice-Chair Greg Fisher, Secretary/Treasurer Frank Kugel, Don Carlson, Steve Harris, Steve LaBonde, Roy Heald and Ty Wattenberg. Webb Jones was absent. A quorum was declared with eight Board members present. Consent Agenda Chair Greg Higel announced that the Project Finance Committee has forwarded favorable recommendations for certain items to be considered on a Consent Agenda: Agenda Items 6(a) Loan Applications for Denver Southeast Suburban Water & Sanitation District, Town of Dillon, Resolution No. 14-46, and Town of Lake City, Resolution No. 14-47, Agenda Items 7(a) Loan Applications for the Town of Gilcrest, Resolution No. 14-50, Town of Granby, Town of LaVeta, Resolution No. 14-53, and Shadow Mountain Village Local Improvement District, Resolution No. 14-56. Upon hearing no objection or comment, a motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda as recommended. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Frank Kugel Vote: Motion carried Approval of Minutes – October 3, 2014 The October 3, 2014, Minutes were presented for approval. Hearing no comments, a motion was made to approve the Minutes for October 3, 2014, as presented. Motion: Steve Harris 2nd: Roy Heald Vote: Motion carried Other Agency Reports Report of CWCB – No representative was present to provide a report. Report of WQCD – Ron Falco referred to the Division’s written report and reported that Patrick Pfaltzgraff was named the new Division Director and would be present at today’s meeting. Mr. Falco reported that work continues on the LEAN implementation for the State Revolving Fund programs. The Division is also working on the Natural Disaster Grant Program Awards and that of the twenty awards, sixteen have been fully executed and the remaining four are with the State Controller’s office for execution. The Small Communities Grant Program Request for Application was issued on October 27th with a December 4thdeadline. It is anticipated that a large number of applications will be received and prioritization is anticipated to be completed by the end of December. Mr. Falco concluded his report with a brief update on the set-aside programs. Mr. Pfaltzgraff arrived during Mr. Falco’s report and introduced himself to the Board and stated he is looking forward to cooperating with the Authority. Report of DOLA – Barry Cress congratulated Steve Harris and Steve LaBonde on their retirement from the Authority Board and thanked them for their many years of service. Mr. Cress provided an update on Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 2 Back to Agenda the Energy & Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) applications and stated the Tier I funding decisions from the August 1st application cycle were reached in October and provided a written report. The Tier II decisions are almost final and a report would be available at the January Board meeting. There were 91 applications submitted for the December 1st application cycle, and the funds allocated has been raised from $25 million to $35 million per cycle due to the great interest in the program. Mr. Cress announced $25 million would be available through the Water Shed Resilience Pilot Program to assist local governments and non-profit entities in preparation for natural disasters, with a maximum award of $300,000 and January 30, 2015, is the application deadline. Additional information on this program is available on DOLA’s website. Mr. Cress concluded his report by stating that Reeves Brown announced his resignation as DOLA’s Executive Director, effective March 1, 2015. Authority Reports Report of Chair – Greg Higel presented Resolution 14-44, a resolution of appreciation to Steve Harris for his sixteen years of service as a Board member. A motion was made to adopt Resolution 14-44. Motion: Steve LaBonde 2nd: Don Carlson Vote: Motion carried Mr. Higel then presented Resolution 14-45, a resolution of appreciation to Steve LaBonde for his ten years of service as a Board member. A motion was made to adopt Resolution 14-45. Motion: Steve Harris nd 2 : Frank Kugel Vote: Motion carried Report of Treasurer– Frank Kugel referred to the Treasurer’s written report and financial statements provided. Controller Justin Noll reported that BKD, the Authority’s auditor, would be in the office in one week to perform interim work on the 2014 audit. Mr. Noll also stated there were still issues obtaining statements from the State Treasurer’s Cash Pool due to the State’s new accounting system. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion: Frank Kugel 2nd: Ty Wattenberg Vote: Motion carried Keith McLaughlin reported on the annual requirement for the Board to review the Investment Policy and make changes as deemed necessary. Mr. McLaughlin also stated the Program Review Committee forwarded a recommendation to the Board to maintain the current Investment Policy as written. A motion was made to adopt the existing Investment Policy without changes. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Don Carlson Vote: Motion carried Report of Executive Director – Mike Brod stated that an update on the SEC’s Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation (“MCDC”) Initiative would be provided in an Executive Session at the conclusion of the Board meeting as suggested by Jim Marlin, Authority Bond Counsel and Authority General Counsel Mary Hammond. A motion was made to authorize an Executive Session at the conclusion of the meeting for an update on the MCDC initiative. Motion: Don Carlson 2nd: Greg Fisher Vote: Motion carried Mr. Brod continued the Executive Director’s report by referring to his written report and directing Board members to the proposal provided by the Colorado Foundation for Water Education for the Water Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 3 Back to Agenda Fluency Program Partnership. Mr. Brod discussed the proposed program and the Foundation’s request for a $10,000 sponsorship. A motion was made to become a program partner for the Colorado Foundation for Water Education’s Water Fluency Program for $10,000. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Ty Wattenberg Vote: Motion carried Report of Legal Counsel – Mary Hammond had no separate legal report. Chair Greg Higel rearranged Agenda Item 7(a) Yampa Valley Housing Authority – Fish Creek Mobile Home Park to accommodate audience guests. Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Loan Application – Yampa Valley Housing Authority – Fish Creek Mobile Home Park, Resolution No. 14-57 Shanna Shipley introduced Executive Director Jason Peasley and Board Member Doug Monger from the Yampa Valley Housing Authority and presented a direct loan request through the WPCRF Disadvantaged Communities Loan Program in the amount of $481,250 at a 0% interest rate for a term of 20 years. The project consists of replacement of the sewer collection system with new 8” sewer mains located under the drive aisle of the mobile home park. Mrs. Shipley reviewed the credit report and addressed specific questions that arose on the Project Finance Committee conference call regarding this loan, and read the six conditions set forth in Exhibit A of Resolution 14-57. Steve LaBonde expressed concern that the City of Steamboat Springs would not be designated as a co-signer on the loan, or have the mobile home park property pledged, but Mr. Brod stated there may be TABOR issues with that type of arrangement. After further discussion, a motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 14-57, approving a Drinking Water direct loan to the Yampa Valley Housing Authority – Fish Creek Mobile Home Park and execution of a loan agreement and other necessary documents therefor, subject to the Housing Authority meeting all six conditions set forth in Exhibit A. Motion: Steve Harris 2nd: Greg Fisher Vote: Motion carried, Steve LaBonde opposed Drinking Water Revolving Fund Additions/Modifications/Deletions to the Project Eligibility List for Joint Resolution Shanna Shipley reviewed the DWRF Project Eligibility List and stated that 10 projects were added, 61 were modified and 114 were deleted. The DWRF Project Eligibility List for 2015 covers 349 projects at an estimated cost of $4.2 billion. A motion was made to adopt the 2015 Drinking Water Revolving Fund Eligibility List and incorporate the additions, modifications, and deletions into a Joint Resolution with the provision that staff can modify the list following further review and discussion with the Water Quality Control Division. Motion: Steve Harris 2nd: Don Carlson Vote: Motion carried LEAN Principal Forgiveness Recommendation Keith McLaughlin reviewed the discussion at the Program Review Committee meeting and referred to the minutes of the meeting. Three motions were crafted for consideration following the discussions at the Program Review Committee meeting, and all three received favorable recommendations from the Committee. The first motion was made to adopt the Planning, Design & Engineering Grant LEAN recommendations as outlined in the November 26th Board memorandum. Motion: Don Carlson nd 2 : Ty Wattenberg Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 4 Vote: Back to Agenda Motion carried The second motion was made to authorize the Executive Director of the Colorado Water Resources & Power Development Authority to approve future project description changes, and construction start and completion time extensions, not to exceed 60 days without Board approval, so long as such changes do not increase the overall project budget, meet SRF program eligibility criteria and are approved by the Water Quality Control Division. Motion: Frank Kugel nd 2 : Steve Harris Vote: Motion carried The third motion was made to direct staff to reach out to the Legislature to determine if there is any interest in streamlining the Eligibility List process by eliminating the need to formally adopt the Joint Resolutions and either: 1) adopt the Water Quality Control Commission Eligibility List or 2) have the Water Quality Control Division include the Eligibility List in its report to the Legislature. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Don Carlson Vote: Motion carried Project and Matching Account Updates Keith McLaughlin reported that since the last Board meeting, there were no rating changes and Societe Generale’s rating outlook was decreased from Stable to Negative by Moody’s and stated in theory there is a one in three chance they will receive a downgrade within the next few months. Mr. McLaughlin also reviewed the investment provider ratings and the balances of the project and matching accounts. Status of Projects Keith McLaughlin reported that since October 3, 2014, two $10,000 DWRF Planning & Design Grants were awarded to Shadow Mountain Village Local Improvement District and the Town of Julesburg. Three DWRF Planning & Design Grants remain for 2014. Mr. McLaughlin reported that December 15th is the application deadline for funding consideration at the March Board meeting, and five applications are expected. The Authority anticipates a bond issues in each SRF program for 2015, with three Drinking Water projects totaling approximately $27 million. Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Loan Applications Town of Ault, Resolution No. 14-48 Wesley Williams introduced the Town of Ault’s representative Susan McCannon and presented a request from the Town of Ault for a direct loan through the WPCRF loan program in the amount of $2,000,000 at an interest rate of 2% for 20 years. This project is categorically green and therefore the City is requesting that if funding for green projects becomes available in the 2015 Capitalization Grant, they are eligible to receive the 0% interest rate on the loan. A motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 14-48, approving a direct wastewater loan to the Town of Ault and execution of a loan agreement and other documents necessary therefor, subject to the following conditions: an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant prior to loan execution, all project financing in place prior to loan execution and if and when 2015 green project funding reserve is allocated to the project, the loan agreement will be amended to reduce the interest rate to 0%. Motion: Steve Harris 2nd: Frank Kugel Vote: Motion carried Town of Cedaredge, Resolution No. 14-49 Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 5 Back to Agenda John Williams presented a request from the Town of Cedaredge for a leveraged loan through the WPCRF Loan Program in the amount of $3,200,000 plus cost of issuance and a principal forgiveness loan in the amount of $457,761. The project consists of constructing a new domestic wastewater treatment facility and decommissioning of the existing lagoon facility, and the Town is pledging sewer system revenue for repayment. The Town is also seeking an Energy & Mineral Impact Assistant Fund grant from the Department of Local Affairs in the amount of $1.2 million. The project received a favorable recommendation from the Project Finance Committee. A motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 1449, approving a wastewater loan to the Town of Cedaredge and execution of a loan agreement and other documents necessary therefor, subject to the following conditions: financing a direct loan not to exceed $2,457,761 with $457,761 in Principal Forgiveness with an interest rate of 0% and a term of 20 years, an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant prior to loan execution and the Town securing all project financing prior to loan execution. Motion: Frank Kugel 2nd: Ty Wattenberg Vote: Motion carried Town of Hotchkiss, Resolution No. 14-51 Ross Kuhn presented a request from the Town of Hotchkiss for a direct loan through the WPCRF Disadvantaged Communities Loan Program in the amount of $1,542,244 at an interest rate of 0% for 20 years and a principal forgiveness loan in the amount of $457,761. The project consists of replacing or rehabilitating failing collection system piping to address both infiltration and inflow conditions and flow capacity issues associated with undersized pipe, and installing a new effluent line for an improved discharge location. The Town is pledging sewer system revenues. This project received a favorable recommendation from the Project Finance Committee. A motion was made to adopt Resolution 14-51, approving a direct wastewater loan to the Town of Hotchkiss and execution of a loan agreement and other documents necessary therefor, subject to the following conditions: an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant prior to loan execution and securing all project financing prior to loan execution. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Steve LaBonde Vote: Motion carried Town of La Jara, Resolution No. 14-52 Ross Kuhn presented a request from the Town of La Jara for a Disadvantaged Communities WPCRF direct loan in the amount of $650,000 at an interest rate of 0%, for a term of up to 20 years. Mr. Kuhn reported the Town has applied for an Energy & Mineral Impact Assistant Fund grant from the Department of Local Affairs in the amount of $325,000, and if approved, the Town’s loan request would be decreased to $325,000. The project consists of replacing a failing 18-inch diameter transmission sewer line with a new forcemain, new pump station, manholes and appurtenant monitoring equipment. The project received a favorable recommendation from the Project Finance Committee. A motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 14-52, approving a direct wastewater loan to the Town of La Jara and execution of a loan agreement and other documents necessary therefor, subject to the following conditions: an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant prior to loan execution and having all project financing in place prior to loan execution. Motion: Steve Harris nd 2 : Roy Heald Vote: Motion carried City of La Junta Keith McLaughlin presented the City of La Junta’s request for a leveraged loan through the WPCRF Loan Program in the amount of $13,596,000 plus cost of issuance. The leveraged loan will be for a term of 20 years plus construction at 70% of the interest rate on the Authority’s 2015 Series A Clean Water Revenue Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 6 Back to Agenda Bonds. The project consists of wastewater treatment plant upgrades to an Orbital Oxidation Ditch to include construction or rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plant, new influent head works, pumps, metering, grit collector, new grit building, oxidation ditch, clarifier, new return activated sludge building, generator, chemical storage, disinfection, waste sludge gravity thickener, digesters and control building rehabilitation. Addressing a question from the Project Finance Committee, Mr. McLaughlin confirmed that the City had not actively pursued alternate funding for this project. The project received a favorable recommendation from the Project Finance Committee. A motion was made to authorize staff to begin negotiating a leveraged loan through the WPCRF loan program for the City of La Junta in the amount of $13,596,000 plus cost of issuance secured by a sewer system revenue pledge for twenty years plus construction at 70% of the interest rate on the Authority’s 2015 Series A Clean Water Revenue Bonds, and authorize staff to begin drafting the Preliminary Official Statement incorporating the City, subject to an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant and having all project financing in place prior to loan execution. Motion: Roy Heald nd 2 : Frank Kugel Vote: Motion carried Town of Nucla, Resolution No. 14-54 Steve LaBonde recused himself from the discussion and left the room. John Williams presented the Town of Nucla’s request for a WPCRF Disadvantaged Communities direct loan in the amount of $1,662,640 at an interest rate of 0%, for a term of up to 20 years. The project consists of upgrading the existing aerated lagoon treatment facility to a hybrid treatment process allowing for winter storage during the colder months of the year when water temperatures are below 5 degrees Celsius, and allowing both the aerated lagoon process and a new biofilm reactor add-on unit treatment process to be utilized to meet effluent ammonia limits during the warmer months of the year. This project received a favorable recommendation from the Project Finance Committee. A motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 1454, approving a direct wastewater loan to the Town of Nucla and execution of a loan agreement and other documents necessary therefore, subject to the following conditions: an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant prior to loan execution and having all project financing in place prior to loan execution. Motion: Ty Wattenberg 2nd: Steve Harris Vote: Motion carried, Steve LaBonde recused Town of Pritchett, Resolution No. 14-55 John Williams presented a request from the Town of Pritchett for a direct loan through the WPCRF Disadvantaged Communities Loan Program in the amount of $179,500. The project consists of wastewater treatment facility rehabilitation and improvements to correct lagoon seepage issues and includes biosolids removal, lagoon reconfiguration, regrading, pond lining, influent measurement, level control structures, gates, yard piping and manholes. Mr. Williams stated the Town was out of compliance with the rate covenant in 2013 on its 2006 Drinking Water direct loan. A compliance letter was sent to the Town but the Authority has yet to receive a response. The Board expressed concern about the covenant compliance and asked about the procedure to resolve the issue with the Town, and suggested adding rate covenant compliance as an additional condition. Mr. Wattenberg expressed concern over the Town’s total debt and new debt valuations. A motion was made to adopt Resolution 14-55, approving a direct wastewater loan to the Town of Pritchett and execution of a loan agreement and other documents necessary therefor, subject to the following conditions: an increase in user rates sufficient to meet the Authority’s rate covenant prior to loan execution and compliance with the Authority’s rate covenant for its 2006 DWRF direct loan prior to loan execution. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Roy Heald Vote: Motion carried, Ty Wattenberg opposed Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 7 Back to Agenda Additions/Modifications/Deletions to the Project Eligibility List for Joint Resolution John Williams reviewed the WPCRF Project Eligibility List and stated that 16 projects were added, 35 were modified and 114 were deleted. The WPCRF Project Eligibility List for 2015 covers 319 projects at an estimated cost of $5.4 billion. A motion was made to adopt the 2015 Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Eligibility List and incorporate the additions, modifications, and deletions into a Joint Resolution with the provision that staff can modify the list following further review and discussion with the Water Quality Control Division. Motion: Steve Harris nd 2 : Greg Fisher Vote: Motion carried Status of Projects Ross Kuhn reported that since October 3, 2014, one WPCRF Planning & Design Grant was awarded to the City of Monte Vista the amount of $10,000, and one is in process for the Town of Ordway in the amount of $10,000. There are three WPCRF Planning & Design Grants remaining for 2014. Tri-view Metropolitan District made a pre-payment on its 2006 Series A and 2008 direct loans. Six applications are expected on or before the December 15th application deadline. Small Hydropower Loan Program Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District – Loan Agreement Amendment, Resolution No. 14-58 Don Carlson recused himself from the discussion. Wesley Williams presented a request from Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District to amend the definition of System in the Loan Agreement. The amendment changes the pledged revenue for repayment of this loan from total enterprise fund revenues to Carter Lake hydroelectric project revenues exclusively. The Colorado Water Conservation Board would like the Authority’s loan agreement to be amended to segregate Carter Lake revenues from Granby dam revenues. A motion was made to adopt Resolution 14-58, approving an amendment to the system description for the 2011 direct SHLP loan to Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Colorado and execution of appropriate documents necessary therefor, approving the amended loan agreement form Ms. Hammond provided. Motion: Steve LaBonde 2nd: Ty Wattenberg Vote: Motion carried, Don Carlson recused Status of Program – Wesley Williams reported that four Small Hydropower Grants have been executed in 2014, but none since the last Board meeting. No Small Hydropower loans have been executed this year and no applications are expected for the remainder of 2014. Grant Assistance Program (GAP) for Small Systems Status of Program – Shanna Shipley reported that as of November 24, 2014, $1,235,669, or 99% of the Drinking Water funds have been drawn, and $965,515, or 77% of the Wastewater funds have been drawn. Six Drinking Water GAP grants and three Wastewater GAP grants have been fully disbursed. Water Revenue Bonds & Small Water Resources Projects Water Resources Revenue Bonds 2014 Series A Sale Results Ross Kuhn reviewed the sale results of the Water Resources Revenue Bonds 2014 Series A issue and confirmed that sale date was November 13, 2014, and the closing date was November 25, 2014. The principal amount of serial bonds was $10.8 million and the yields were 0.34% in 2015, and 3.80% in 2035. The underwriter’s discount was $8.00 per bond, BAM was the insurer and Robert W. Baird & Co. was the underwriter. The borrower in this issue was the City of Fountain and the loan rate was 3.75%. Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 8 Back to Agenda Status of Program – Ross Kuhn reported no new activity in the programs and that no borrowers were expected in either program for the remainder of the year. For 2015, the City of Fountain is expected to come through for one more loan for the same Southern Delivery System project. La Plata Future Projects Escrow & Animas-La Plata Project Long Hollow Reservoir – Status Report Mike Brod reported that the Bobby K. Taylor Reservoir completion ceremony on October 2nd was well received and thanked Frank Kugel for providing pictures from the event that are on the Authority’s website. Work continues on final clean-up items and additional requisitions are expected. A discussion is expected on the handling of the $500,000 O&M reserve fund the Authority agreed to fund. Additional details on the final completion and costs will be available for the January and March Board meetings. Unfinished Business – Committee Reports Project Finance Committee Committee Chair Greg Fisher reported that the 110% vs. 120% coverage requirement vs. the additional bonds test would be discussed in a future Program Review Committee meeting. Additional topics for discussion would also include setting a limit for general fund transfers for borrowers and the use of Admin fees for the State Match requirement. Personnel Committee Committee Chair Ty Wattenberg reported the Personnel Committee prepared four recommendations for the Board to consider for approval: 1) Conduct annual review of outside consultants, including counsel, in accordance with the by-laws 2) Increase salary ranges by 2% for Authority staff 3) Increase Executive Director’s salary by 4% for 2015 4) Authority would take a “time-out” from the 4% incremental increase in the employee share of health insurance benefit package, and to direct Mr. Brod and staff hire a health care consultant to review the healthcare packages to better understand alternate available options (aside from PERACARE) Mr. LaBonde requested recommendation 4 be a separate motion for Board consideration. Following further discussion, a motion was made to approve recommendations 1-3 from the Personnel Committee. Motion: Ty Wattenberg 2nd: Steve Harris Vote: Motion carried A subsequent motion was made to approve recommendation 4 from the Personnel Committee. Motion: Ty Wattenberg 2nd: Greg Fisher Vote: Motion carried, Steve LaBonde opposed Chair Wattenberg, on behalf of the Board, thanked staff for all their hard work this year. Program Review Committee Committee Chair Don Carlson reviewed the previous evening’s Program Review Committee meeting and referred to the meeting minutes provided. Mr. Carlson also referred to the agenda items for consideration at a future PRC meeting. Budget & Audit Committee, Resolution No. 14-59 and Resolution No. 14-60 Executive Director Mike Brod referred to Justin Noll to present the Final 2015 Budget. Mr. Noll stated that the publication requirement was met and the “Notice as to Proposed Budget” appeared in the October 23, 2014, edition of the Denver Post and no inquiries were made for inspection. Mr. Noll reviewed the memo regarding adjustments to the 2014 budget and Mr. Brod explained all line item budget adjustments in detail. A motion was made to approve all 2014 budget adjustments as outlined in the December 5, 2014, memorandum. Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 9 Motion: 2nd: Vote: Back to Agenda Steve Harris Frank Kugel Motion carried A subsequent motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 14-59, summarizing expenditures and resources for each fund and adopting a budget for the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority for the calendar year beginning on the first day of January 2015 and ending on the last day of December 2015. Motion: Don Carlson 2nd: Frank Kugel Vote: Motion carried A subsequent motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 14-60 appropriating sums of money to the various funds and spending agencies in the amounts and for the purposes set forth for the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority for the 2015 budget year. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Ty Wattenberg Vote: Motion carried New Business Legislative Issues and Other Business of Interest to the Authority Mike Brod reported that he was seeking House sponsorship for the Authority’s Joint Resolution and that Senator Jerry Sonnenberg will be the Senate Sponsor. Mr. Brod also reported on a bill that was drafted and referred from the Water Resources Review Committee that dealt with additional steps for Water Conservation Planning. The Authority was identified in the bill and Mr. Brod will monitor it. Draft Bill – Leased Treatment Works Mike Brod reported on a draft Senate bill entitled “Leased Treatment Works Qualify as a Public Water System” which was included in the Board materials. Ms. Hammond briefly outlined the concerns from the Federal perspective of this type of entity being eligible for financial assistance. Mr. Brod will monitor this legislation. Arrangements for Future Meetings The next meeting of the Authority Board will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center in conjunction with the Colorado Water Congress Annual Convention. Subsequent meetings will be held in Denver at the Authority’s offices on March 6, 2015, April 24, 2015 and June 5, 2015. SEC’s Municipal Continuing Disclosure Cooperation (“MCDC”) Initiative At this time, the Board voted to enter into an unrecorded Executive Session for the purpose of receiving legal advice on the MCDC initiative update. Motion: Greg Fisher 2nd: Roy Heald Vote: Motion carried Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Board returned to the regular meeting. Adjournment Chair Greg Higel adjourned the meeting at 12:03 p.m. Back to Agenda Board Meeting Minutes December 5, 2014 Page 10 Back to Agenda Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________________ Keith McLaughlin, Assistant Secretary NOTE-FOR INFORMATION ONLY - COPIES OF THE DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE TEXT OF THESE MINUTES ARE ON FILE IN THE AUTHORITY OFFICE AND MAY BE OBTAINED BY SUBMITTING A “REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS.” PLEASE CALL SABRINA SPEED AT (303) 830-1550, EXT. 1010, FOR INFORMATION. Back to Agenda Back to Agenda January 28, 2015 I. Follow up Actions II. Water Quality Control Commission Actions A. The revised total coliform rule plus Colorado initiatives regarding storage tanks, water haulers, cross connection control and backflow prevention, and minimum 0.2 mg/l disinfection residual throughout distribution were adopted by the commission on January 12, 2015. B. The division will be working with Authority staff to schedule a joint meeting between the Water Quality Control Commission and Authority Board. We are hoping to have this meeting on April 23. An agenda will be developed and shared with both boards along with a specific time. III. Update on Project Activities A. The Water Quality Control Division, Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority and Department of Local Affairs staff has moved toward full implementation of LEAN for the state revolving funds process effective January 1, 2015. To date we have held meetings to market the new process with the Wastewater Utility Council, the Water Utility Council, as well as a webinar for stakeholders. In addition there are eight workshops across the state to be held beginning Feb. and running through May 2015. The grants and loans unit staff held several one-on-one sessions with interested participants and have received 6 pre-qualification forms from interested borrowers (3 WW and 3 DW). B. On January 9, 2015 the department posted the fundable list for the small communities grant program through a press release. We received 80 applications for a total $37,317,230. Forty-nine of those applications were DW and thirty-one for WW. The division will award 8 DW grants in the amount of $4,750,000 and 6 WW grants in the amount of $4,750,000. Tawnya Reitz has begun working with the entities on the workplans and contracts for executing these grants. C. The request for application for the balance of the natural disaster grant was released on December 18, 2014 and closed on January 21, 2015. At the time of this writing 12 applications have been received totaling $5.8 million. In the next two weeks, Tawnya Reitz will begin prioritizing the applications to develop a fundable list for this $4,653,156 to be awarded. 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 John W. Hickenlooper, Governor | Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer Back to Agenda Back to Agenda IV. Update on Set-Aside Programs A. Local Assistance Unit 1. Capacity coach and training workgroup a. The coaching and training workgroup continues to work on developing a twoday basic operator training consisting of modules that were prioritized using sanitary survey deficiency and violation trends. The training modules can be used individually to work with systems that need help in certain areas during a coaching visit. b. The workgroup is working on implementing a new way to measure the success of coaching visits by tracking actions systems have done to improve performance in 10 different areas as a result of a coaching visit. c. The workgroup has been training division staff to run tracer studies as part of a project to assess microbial inactivation at all of Colorado’s surface water treatment plants. d. The workgroup updated its onsite training material to help groundwater systems that must conduct additional monitoring as part of an evaluation to determine whether their source is under the influence of surface water. e. The workgroup assisted Denver Water to conduct an emergency response training in December 2014 for its consecutive systems. f. The workgroup is assisting the Clean Water Program with updating permits that impact drinking water systems that discharge a waste stream. As part of the project, the workgroup will then assist drinking water systems with residuals management. 2. Capacity development and training services a. The unit is developing a brochure to highlight the services it provides and includes the expanded menu of topics for which they provide assistance. b. The coaching and training workgroup is developing an updated resource list that will be available on the department website and provides drinking water and wastewater systems with tools and training opportunities to improve their technical, managerial, and financial capacity. c. Coaching staff continue to provide one-on-one training for training units to water system operators at a location convenient for the operators as well as offering classroom operations and maintenance manual training. d. The unit has reached out to systems scheduled for sanitary survey inspections during 2015 offering free sanitary survey training. This training will assist systems in preparing for an inspection. e. Armando Herald is a member of the 2015 National Operator Certification and Capacity Development Workshop planning committee. This group will work together to plan an educational and rewarding workshop for capacity development and operator certification coordinators across the country. The workshop is scheduled for Dec. 2015. 3. Colorado drinking water pursuing excellence program a. The excellence lead, Kaitlyn Minich, is in the process of finalizing a brochure to advertise the awards program. 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 John W. Hickenlooper, Governor | Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer Back to Agenda Back to Agenda b. The excellence lead is actively seeking out systems to get signed up in the program and expanding the award perks systems will receive for meeting the program criteria. 4. Grant and budget management a. All grant reporting is on schedule. 5. Measuring results a. Total coaching and training events as of the date of this report: The unit is currently tracking and measuring the number of training and coaching events. An event in this report is a unique combination of date, material presented and location (e.g., SS101 training on 06-23-2013 in Alamosa is one event). These events do not necessarily take place at the system itself. 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 John W. Hickenlooper, Governor | Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer Back to Agenda Back to Agenda b. 2014 monthly training and coaching events as of the date of this report: The unit is currently tracking and measuring the number of training and coaching events. An event in this report is a unique combination of date, material presented and location (e.g., SS101 training on 06-23-2013 in Alamosa is one event). These events do not necessarily take place at the system itself. The drop in events in July and August is likely the result of a combination of factors including the approaching end of the sanitary survey inspection year and possibly a decrease in service requests due to the summer months. B. SWAP/wellhead 1. Solicitation of protection planning pilot project grants and protection plan development and implementation grants continue. Discussions and application processing steps are occurring with several prospective applicants. 2. Work continues with Colorado Rural Water Association (CRWA) and public water systems on developing source water protection plans. 3. The SWAP program, Dave Rogers, and Devon Williford (GIS expert) are designing and developing an internal source water interactive GIS viewer to view drinking water source data. The SWAP program also has plans to build an external web viewer for protection planning information. 4. The SWAP program is now actively holding protection planning meetings with Denver Water for the Upper South Platte Basin. A $50,000 pilot project grant was issued to Denver Water on Oct. 29, 2013. We have conducted nine stakeholder meetings to date and future protection planning meeting dates and notes are posted on the Coalition for the Upper South Platte website. The anticipated completion date for Denver Water’s protection plan is June 2015. Park County is investigating a Master Oil and Gas Leasing Plan for the county in coordination with the BLM, USFS and other stakeholders. CDPHE and the stakeholders are 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 John W. Hickenlooper, Governor | Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer Back to Agenda Back to Agenda coordinating on proposed upstream drinking water protection areas for the Master Oil and Gas Leasing Plan. 5. The following protection planning grants have been approved and funding has been encumbered during this report period: a. Lefthand WD for $5,000 b. Town of Flagler for $5,000 6. We are currently expending 2011 wellhead protection set-aside funds. 7. We are currently operating under a newly approved wellhead protection set-aside work plan for 2013-2018 approved by EPA region 8 on July 1, 2013. 8. The SWAP program has completed a two year extension for Colorado Rural Water Association’s contract to support the statewide protection planning support. The contract renewal amount is $925,008 and the new contract term will be effective from Feb. 1, 2015 through Jan. 31, 2017. 9. The SWAP program recently met with the Bureau of Land Management and will be working on drafting an MOU between CDPHE and the BLM for drinking water protection areas statewide. V. Budget/Legislative Situation A. Fee bill update 4300 Cherry Creek Drive S., Denver, CO 80246-1530 P 303-692-2000 John W. Hickenlooper, Governor | Larry Wolk, MD, MSPH, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES And POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 15-01 A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO MARY “MOOEY” HAMMOND WHEREAS, Mooey Hammond brought to the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority special expertise resulting from her unique experiences in the water litigation field; and WHEREAS, Mooey Hammond, in the best interests of the State of Colorado, provided valuable guidance in the operation of the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority while serving as General Counsel for thirty-two years; and WHEREAS, Mooey Hammond, by her loyal devotion to the Authority Board, exercise of good judgment, and her understanding of Colorado water law, has earned the strong respect and affection of all members of the Board of Directors of the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority, its associates, and staff throughout the years. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority at a duly constituted meeting convened in Denver, Colorado, on January 28, 2015, expresses its heartfelt thanks and deepest appreciation to Mooey Hammond for her superior guidance, and outstanding work as General Counsel to the Board of the Authority in seeking solutions to the many complex water and legal issues that have confronted the Authority during her thirty-two years of service, and sincerely wishes for her and her family the very best of health, success, and happiness in all current and future endeavors, and the utmost of personal satisfaction and happiness. CERTIFICATE The undersigned officers of the Board of Directors of the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority do hereby certify that the above Resolution No. 15-01 was adopted by the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors with a quorum present in Denver, Colorado on January 28, 2015. ________________________________________ Chair ________________________________________ Secretary ATTEST Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Treasurer’s Report for Board of Directors Meeting January 28, 2015 The financial reports are located behind Tab 5 of your meeting notebook. Authority – November 2014 statements Balance Sheet o Assets totaled $56.3 million, compared to $63.8 million in 2013. The major factor in the decrease was project draws from the La Plata Escrow in 2014. Income Statement o The November statements do not include the budget line item amendments that were discussed at the December meeting. o Total income is significantly higher than the budgeted amount, due to the funds received from the CWCB for the Long Hollow project. o Because the November statements have not been adjusted for the year-end budget reclassifications, certain line items exceed 92%, which is the target budget percentage after 11 months. NOTE: the December financial statements will not be complete until all 2014 data has been received and recorded. The Financial Highlights Report for December • State Treasurers Cash Pool earned 1.03% • COLOTRUST interest rate is 0.12% Financing Programs • Program financial statements are through November in DWRF, WRBP & SWRP and are through October in the WPCRF program. • The WRBP 2014A Bond Issue and Fountain prepayment is reflected in the WRBP November financials. • All programs continue to function normally and all loans are current as of December 31, 2014. Accounting Department Activities • BKD conducted interim audit work in December and plans to return in March 1, 2015, to complete the audit work. Meanwhile, accounting staff is preparing various year end correspondence for the financial statements and single audits. • Nearly all December transactions have been recorded and staff is waiting for a few additional 2014 expenses to be submitted before closing the books for 2014 and preparing the year-end financial statements, in preparation for the audit. • Preparations have begun for the March 1st bond debt service for the SRF programs. Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CASH EXPENDITURES for the MONTH ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 Wells Fargo Colorado Choice 3 Checking Account DATE 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/01/14 12/02/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 CHECK # PAYEE 23130 23131 23132 23133 23134 23135 23136 23137 23138 23139 23140 23141 23142 23143 23144 23145 23146 23147 23148 23149 23150 23151 23152 23153 23154 23155 23156 23157 23158 23159 23160 23161 23162 23163 23164 23165 23166 23167 Automated Business Products CCBIT Comcast Federal Express Interior Concepts Lincoln National Life Insurance New Logan Tower NexusTek Peak Communication Systems Shanna Quinn Wells Fargo Bank John Williams Jefferies Kutak Rock Arbitrage Compliance Specialists Baca Grande Water & Sanitation Donald Carlson Carlson, Hammond & Paddock CCBIT Causey, Demgen & Moore Colorado Water Congress Comcast Costilla County Curbside Recycling Federal Express Fulbright & Jaworski Town of Gilcrest Jim Griffiths Steve Harris Roy Heald Greg Higel Iron Mountain Kroger Frank Kugel Stephen LaBonde North La Junta Office Depot Peak Communication Systems DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Monthly Copiers Service Monthly Email Filtering Monthly Internet Misc Deliveries 2nd Payment Desk for Vacant Office & Staff Chairs December LTD / Life Insurance December Rent Windows OS Research with SL 2011 Move Rachel's Phone & Setup Jim's Phone CGFOA Travel Expenses DWRF & WRBP Trustee Fees CGFOA Travel Expenses WRBP 14A COI WRBP 14A COI WPCRF & DWRF Arbitrage Calculations WPCRF Planning & Design Grant 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem November Legal Expenses Monthly IT Agreement, 9 HP EliteDesk Computers WRBP Fountain Escrow Verification Report Fee Board & Staff 2015 CWC Convention Registration Monthly Fiber-optic Internet DWRF Planning & Design Grants Monthly Recycling Misc Deliveries Tabor, MCDC, Tax Compliance, Triview Prepayment WPCRF Planning & Design Grant Ipad & Ipad Case 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem & Travel Expenses 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem & Travel Expenses 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem & Travel Expenses Monthly Records Storage Misc Groceries 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem & Travel Expenses 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem & Travel Expenses WPCRF Planning & Design Grant Misc Office Supplies Monthly Phone Service $ 143.82 29.04 256.46 294.10 3,708.00 680.79 9,285.97 45.00 207.50 137.64 1,870.00 245.74 15,000.00 13,000.00 6,550.00 5,516.00 184.00 1,966.70 16,089.34 2,500.00 2,350.00 1,999.93 5,872.00 35.00 212.93 50,409.57 8,129.31 741.72 690.41 261.28 455.04 319.94 310.69 412.48 530.66 3,074.80 312.36 218.00 SUB TOTAL $ 154,046.22 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CASH EXPENDITURES for the MONTH ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 Wells Fargo Colorado Choice 3 Checking Account DATE 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 12/15/14 CHECK # PAYEE 23168 23169 23170 23171 23172 23173 23174 Pitney Bowes Speedy Messenger Susquehanna Commercial Finance United States Treasury Ty Wattenberg Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Corporate Card DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Postage Machine Rental WRBP 14A COI Monthly Phone Equipment Lease Filing Penalty 12/5 Board Meeting Per Diem & Travel Expenses DWRF & WRBP Trustee Fees Brod, McLaughlin, Noll & Speed Credit Card Exp 189.50 8.59 350.35 275.01 408.00 4,156.00 3,568.23 TOTAL CHECKS $ 163,001.90 WIRE TRANSFERS (State Treasury Cash Pool Fund Accounts) 12/18/14 La Plata Water Conservancy District La Plata River Escrow Draw 235,705.09 TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS $ 235,705.09 ACH PAYMENTS (Wells Fargo Colorado Choice 3 Checking Account) 11/30/14 DIRECT DEPOSIT - FEDERAL / MEDICARE / COLORADO WITHHOLDINGS 7,506.94 12/15/14 PERA & PERA 401(k) ACH Payment 13,150.21 12/15/14 DIRECT DEPOSIT - PAYROLL 30,306.00 12/15/14 DIRECT DEPOSIT - FEDERAL / MEDICARE / COLORADO WITHHOLDINGS 12/15/14 PERA Board ACH Payment 12/31/14 PERACare Insurance Payment 12/31/14 PERA & PERA 401(k) ACH Payment 12/31/14 DIRECT DEPOSIT - PAYROLL 7,506.94 356.30 12,989.84 0.00 32,827.63 TOTAL ACH PAYMENTS $ TOTAL CASH EXPENDITURES for the MONTH ENDING December 31, 2014 $ 104,643.86 503,350.85 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority Authority Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2014 As of 11/30/14 ASSETS: Cash - Wells Fargo (Checking Account) State Treasurers Cash Pool COLOTRUST Checking Investment Account Total Cash & Equivalents Interest Receivable on Investments Receivable From La Plata Escrow (to Authority) Receivable From SWRP Loan Payoff Interest Receivable - I Loans Interest Receivable - SHLP Interest Receivable - ALP Water Rights Purchase Accounts Receivable - Misc WPCRF Reimbursement Receivable DWRF Reimbursement Receivable SWRP Reimbursement Receivable Total Receivables $ $ 368,388.91 9,512,150.59 51,519.94 9,932,059.44 $ 4,392.20 129,571.17 170,211.20 185,424.72 489,599.29 State Treasurers Cash Pool-Self Insurance Fund COLOTRUST SWRP DSRF State Treasurers Cash Pool-La Plata River Escrow State Treasurers Cash Pool-Durango Specific Costs State Treasurers Cash Pool-ALPWCD Earnest Money COLOTRUST - SHLP Project Accounts COLOTRUST - I Loan Projects COLOTRUST - WPCRF GAP COLOTRUST - DWRF GAP Loans Receivable - SHLP Loans Receivable - ALP Water Rights Purchase Loans Receivable - Interim Loan Loan Receivable - WPCRF State Match Loan Receivable - DWRF State Match Prepaid Expenses Deposits Depreciable Assets Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES and EQUITY: Accounts Payable Trade Prepayment Payable Other Accrued Expenses Flexplan Spending Withheld Due to Authority Rebatable Arbitrage Payable (SWRP DSRF) Project Costs Payable - Long Term Accrued Vacation and Sick Leave ALP Water Contract Deposits Total Liabilities Net Assets: Net Income / (Loss) TOTAL LIABILITIES and EQUITY As of 11/30/13 $ 191,348.25 18,089,907.88 51,461.02 $ 18,332,717.15 $ 804,470.59 8,515,865.69 1,464,993.80 561,197.74 493,663.47 14,331.03 4,693,856.69 3,809,251.44 10,615,642.61 14,852,800.00 3,430.00 9,133.75 149,432.92 (116,182.42) 2,922.41 129,571.17 168,225.12 115,484.30 416,203.00 808,082.74 8,514,763.18 4,899,870.88 584.83 296,478.67 778,327.62 709,819.70 4,909,614.38 3,978,753.40 8,372,442.61 11,774,000.00 3,405.00 9,133.75 151,337.92 (114,230.36) $ 56,293,546.04 $ 63,841,304.47 $ 31,904.06 4,330.00 7,769.75 1,378.94 120,200.00 165,582.75 6,345.88 1,086.44 101,707.49 584.83 109,724.64 $ 62,623,605.72 (6,495,642.43) 56,293,546.04 $ 67,551,823.89 (3,820,244.06) $ 63,841,304.47 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority Authority Income Statement Budget To Actual Calendar Year-To-Date as of November 30, 2014 Budget For 2014 Actual Year-To-Date Balance % Actual/ Budget INCOME: Interest Income - COLOTRUST (Investment) Interest Income - State Treasurer Cash Pool Interest Income - T Bills Interest Income - SWRP Debt Service Reserve Fund Interest Income - Repo Debt Service Reserve Fund Int Inc-COLOTRUST I-Loan Projects Interest Income - WPCRF Interest Income - From SWRP/WRBP Subtotal Interest Income Interest Income - La Plata River Escrow Interest Income - Loans Conference Room Rental Income Miscellaneous Income TOTAL INCOME $ 99,000 15,000 460,000 1,281.75 92,087.70 0.00 8,163.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101,533.36 (2,533.36) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 103% 13,914.66 129,617.88 0.00 1,626,251.47 1,871,317.37 $ $ $ 1,085.34 330,382.12 - $ 328,934.10 $ $ 4,728.15 6,875.99 2,532.03 2,025.00 30,000.00 46,161.17 74% 80% 82% 84% 0% $ 13,271.85 28,124.01 11,467.97 10,975.00 63,838.83 $ 136,051.66 19,968.00 30,000.00 186,019.66 86% 0% 0% $ 870,948.34 32.00 0.00 870,980.34 $ 26,706.61 77,783.37 (11,724.99) 7,866.76 3,594.71 224.00 868.00 6,000.00 1,400.00 112,718.46 85% 64% 0% 51% 78% 72% 73% 0% 0% $ 149,293.39 137,216.63 11,724.99 8,133.24 12,405.29 576.00 2,332.00 0.00 0.00 321,681.54 $ 6,477.05 49,676.76 1,505.00 57,658.81 74% 1% 62% $ 18,522.95 323.24 2,495.00 21,341.19 $ 4,554.19 3,678.00 2,350.00 5,811.11 16,393.30 54% 39% 88% 27% $ 5,445.81 2,322.00 17,650.00 2,188.89 27,606.70 $ 574,000.00 $ $ $ 18,000 35,000 14,000 13,000 30,000 110,000 $ 1,007,000 20,000 30,000 1,057,000 $ 176,000 215,000 0 16,000 16,000 800 3,200 6,000 1,400 434,400 $ 25,000 50,000 4,000 79,000 $ 10,000 6,000 20,000 8,000 44,000 93% 28% 0% 0% 326% EXPENSES: BOARD EXPENSES: Per Diems & P.E.R.A. on Per Diems Travel, Lodging, Meals, etc. Meeting Expenses Memberships Board Insurance TOTAL Board Expenses SALARIES EXPENSE: Staff Salaries Temporary Services Annual Vacation & Sick Leave Accrual TOTAL Salaries Expense EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: P.E.R.A. - Employer's Match Medical and Dental Insurance HRA Reimbursement LTD/Life Insurance Medicare - Employer's Match Denver City Tax - Employer's Match State Workman's Comp. Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Public Transportation Incentive TOTAL Employee Benefits OUTSIDE SERVICES EMPLOYED: General Legal Fees General Consulting Services Audit and Budgetary Fees TOTAL Outside Services EMPLOYEE / ADMIN. EXPENSES: Travel, Lodging, Meals, etc. Registration and Training Fees Contributions and Sponsorships Dues, Subscriptions and Publications TOTAL Employee/Admin. Expenses 1 of 2 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority Authority Income Statement Budget To Actual Calendar Year-To-Date as of November 30, 2014 Budget For 2014 GENERAL OFFICE EXPENSES: Office Rent and Deposits Telephone and Internet Charges Postage and Delivery Fees Copying and Printing Costs Office Supplies Technical Support Activities Office Insurance Records Retention TOTAL General Office Expenses 145,000 32,000 7,000 3,000 16,000 45,000 5,000 8,000 261,000 $ OFFICE ASSETS EXPENSES: Furniture & Fixtures Machines Computer Software Depreciation Expense Machine Maintenance & Maint. Contracts Office Improvements TOTAL Office Assets $ 15,000 3,000 81,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 2,066,400 EXPENSES ALLOCATED TO PROGRAMS Salaries Allocated to Project Exp's Allocated Salaries Expense - WPCRF Allocated Employee Benefits - WPCRF Allocated Overhead Expense - WPCRF Allocated Salaries Expense - DWRF Allocated Employee Benefits - DWRF Allocated Overhead Expense - DWRF Allocated Salaries Expense - La Plata River Allocated Employee Benefits - La Plata River Allocated Overhead Expense - La Plata River TOTAL Allocated Expenses Actual Year-To-Date $ 125,731.64 9,246.20 2,191.01 361.50 8,840.93 33,748.53 3,668.00 3,195.09 186,982.90 $ 5,338.00 8,455.95 5,851.90 0.00 8,500.97 0.00 28,146.82 $ 4,662.00 29,544.05 9,148.10 N/A 6,499.03 3,000.00 52,853.18 $ 1,520,578.32 $ 545,821.68 74% (23,239.00) (29,546.00) (41,124.18) (29,792.63) (25,531.00) (36,050.75) (23,878.72) (9,550.00) (6,298.58) (2,593.07) (227,603.93) 74% 89% 75% 76% 89% 74% 78% 52% 48% 45% 83% 10,000 38,000 15,000 N/A 87% 29% 31% 12% 55% 75% 73% 40% $ 19,268.36 22,753.80 4,808.99 2,638.50 7,159.07 11,251.47 1,332.00 4,804.91 74,017.10 53% 22% 39% 0% 57% 0% $ (89,000) (275,000) (167,000) (126,500) (232,000) (141,000) (110,300) (20,000) (12,000) (4,700) (1,177,500) $ $ 888,900 $ 570,682.25 $ 318,217.75 64% APPROVED PROJECTS Animas-La Plata Expenses Small Water Resource Projects Expenses Water Revenue Bonds Program Expenses La Plata River Escrow Expenses Small Hydro Loan Program Expenses Small Hydro Loan Program Planning & Design Grants Watershed Protection & Forest Health Program Expenses WPCRF-GAP Grant Expense DWRF-GAP Grant Expense 73,000 85,000 650,000 12,000,000 50,000 167,000 67,000 850,000 850,000 $ 18,963.06 49,584.14 351,773.54 6,580,950.63 7,775.20 0.00 0.00 284,664.15 592,404.65 $ 54,036.94 35,415.86 298,226.46 5,419,049.37 42,224.80 167,000.00 67,000.00 565,335.85 257,595.35 26% 58% 54% 55% 16% 0% 0% 33% 70% POTENTIAL PROJECTS Other Potential Projects TOTAL PROJECT EXPENSES $ 1,000,000 15,792,000 $ 0.00 7,886,115.37 1,000,000.00 7,905,884.63 50% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 16,680,900 $ 8,456,797.62 8,224,102.38 51% OPERATING INCOME / (LOSS) $ (6,585,480.25) Transfer in From SWRP $ Transfers In / (Out) $ NET OPERATING EXPENSES Change in Net Position $ Balance % Actual/ Budget 2 of 2 $ (65,761.00) $ (245,454.00) (125,875.82) (96,707.37) (206,469.00) (104,949.25) (86,421.28) (10,450.00) (5,701.42) (2,106.93) (949,896.07) $ $ 89,837.82 (6,495,642.43) Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority Financial Highlights November 30, 2014 YIELD: BALANCE: Unrestricted: Cash - Wells Fargo (Checking Account) State Treasurers Cash Pool COLOTRUST Checking Investment Account (Average Daily Yield) 0.00% 1.04% 0.12% $ $ $ 368,388.91 9,512,150.59 51,519.94 Board Designated: State Treasurers Cash Pool - La Plata River Escrow State Treasurers Cash Pool - Self Insurance Fund 1.04% 1.04% $ $ 1,464,993.80 804,470.59 Restricted: State Treasurers Cash Pool - Durango Specific Costs State Treasurers Cash Pool - ALPWCD Earnest Money COLOTRUST SWRP DSRF (Average Daily Yield) COLOTRUST - I Loan Projects (Average Daily Yield) COLOTRUST - GAP WPCRF COLOTRUST - GAP DWRF SHLP Project Accounts 1.04% 1.04% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,515,865.69 493,663.47 14,331.03 - WPCRF State Match Receivable Loans Receivable - WPCRF State Match 1/1/2014 State Match Transferred to Holding Account Repayment from WPCRF Administrative Fees Loans Receivable - WPCRF State Match YTD Balance DWRF State Match Receivable Loans Receivable - DWRF State Match 1/1/2014 State Match Transferred to Holding Account Repayment from DWRF Administrative Fees Loans Receivable - DWRF State Match YTD Balance Interim Loans Receivable I Loans Receivable 1/1/14 I Loan Funds Drawn I Loan Repayments I Loans Receivable YTD Balance Budget Balance 8,372,442.61 2,243,200.00 $ 10,615,642.61 2,761,000.00 (3,000,000.00) Budget Balance 11,774,000.00 3,078,800.00 $ 14,852,800.00 3,684,000.00 (3,000,000.00) Budget Balance 10,000,000.00 (10,000,000.00) $ Small Hydro Outstanding Balance Available for Loans Amount Approved for Loans Loans Funded Amount Available for Small Hydro Loans - Balance 10,000,000.00 (5,147,062.37) $ 4,852,937.63 *Board approved a maximum of $10,000,000 in total for Small Hydro loans. Reloan Accounts WPCRF - COLOTRUST DWRF - COLOTRUST Admin Accounts WPCRF - COLOTRUST DWRF - COLOTRUST 1/1/2014 Balance Misc Additions/ Subtractions 68,418,124.23 36,735,332.60 10,031,345.69 2,767,254.02 1/1/2014 Balance Misc Additions/ Subtractions 18,507,220.98 13,449,292.32 5,879,272.43 3,060,217.77 Bond Closings Loans Funded 78,449,469.92 16,747,250.62 (22,755,336.00) Admin Draws (2,647,971.16) (654,701.61) 11/30/2014 Balance St Match Loan Payment 11/30/2014 Balance 21,738,522.25 15,854,808.48 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES and POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANIMAS - LA PLATA ESCROW ACCOUNT as of November 30, 2014 BALANCE SHEET As of 11/30/14 ASSETS: State Treasurer Cash Pool - Unsegregated State Treasurer Cash Pool - Segregated Total Cash $ YTD Water Depletion Rights-ALP (Bureau of Reclamation draws) 1,085,161.86 462,098.91 1,547,260.77 1,353,315.92 Infrastructure-Durango Specific Costs - Interest Receivable - State Treasurer's Cash Pool - TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,900,576.69 LIABILITIES and EQUITY: Durango Specific Costs Deposit $ Equity Net Position Change in Net Position 2,983,048.00 (82,471.31) TOTAL EQUITY 2,900,576.69 TOTAL LIABILITIES and EQUITY $ 2,900,576.69 $ 7,237.19 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) $ 7,237.19 Transfers In / (Out) $ (89,708.50) Change in Net Position $ (82,471.31) INCOME STATEMENT INCOME: Interest Income - State Treasurer Cash Pool EXPENSES: Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES & POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Board Meeting January 28, 2015 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT Michael Brod MAJOR ACTIVITIES SINCE LAST MEETING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. On December 10th Keith McLaughlin provided an update on the WPCRF to the Wastewater Utility Council. On January 6th I met with the Windy Gap Firming Project Participants (at Northern’s offices) to discuss financing options for the project. On January 9th Keith McLaughlin provided an update on the DWRF to the Water Utility Council. On January 12th I attended a CWC State Affairs Committee meeting. On January 12th I met with representatives of TriNet, a benefits and human resources company. On January 14th Keith McLaughlin and Ross Kuhn attended a LEAN meeting at the Authority’s office. On January 16th, I provided a presentation of the Bobby K. Taylor Reservoir (Long Hollow) to the Four States Irrigation Council conference in Fort Collins. On January 26th I provided an Authority Director’s report to the CWCB. On January 26th I/Keith provided information on HJR 15 – 1006 (Projects Eligibility Lists) to the CWC State Affairs Committee. On January 27th I met with Chair Greg Higel to discuss Authority committee assignments and other Authority matters. On January 28th I provided testimony to the House Ag Committee on HJR 15 – 1006. On January 28th a Senate Ag Confirmation Hearing was held for appointees, Greg Higel, Bruce Smith and Bob Wolff. On January 28th-30th, Keith McLaughlin, Jim Griffiths and I attended the Colorado Water Congress Annual Convention. On January 30th I participated in a panel discussion on available state funding for water projects at the CWC Annual Convention. FUTURE ACTIVITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Continue to negotiate HJR 15 – 1006 through the legislative process. Continue to review possible bond refundings. Begin the insurance consultant review process. On February 12th Keith McLaughlin and I will attend the CML Legislative Workshop in Denver. On February 18th a SRF workshop will be held at the Centennial Water & Sanitation District’s office in Highlands Ranch. On February 19th a SRF workshop will be held at the CDPHE offices in Cherry Creek (Glendale). FUTURE MEETINGS March 6th – Denver (9:00 a.m. at the Authority offices) April 23rd – possible joint meeting with the Water Quality Control Commission (Authority offices) April 24th – Denver (9:00 a.m. at the Authority offices) June 5th – Denver (9:00 a.m. at the Authority offices) August 19th or 20th – Vail (time TBD in conjunction with the CWC Summer conference) October 2nd – Denver (9:00 a.m. at the Authority offices) December 4th – Denver (9:00 a.m. at the Authority offices) Back to Agenda Back to Agenda MEMORANDUM January 28, 2015 TO: Authority Board of Directors Karl Ohlsen FROM: Michael Brod, Executive Director RE: Additional Adjustments to the 2014 Budget At the December 2014 Board meeting, I submitted a similar memo to you reporting certain reclassifications to the 2014 budget. The Authority received two legal invoices in December that were larger than anticipated. Because the budget for the Authority’s spending agencies within the Water Operations Fund were not exceeded in total, the Board’s approval was not required. I authorized reclassifications to certain budget line items, and the explanations for these changes are discussed below. Water Operations Fund Outside Services: In December, the Authority received invoices from Fulbright and Jaworski and Carlson, Hammond and Paddock totaling $8,000. These expenses were larger than anticipated, causing the Authority’s Legal Expense line item to be over budget. Therefore, the following budget reclassification is necessary: Budget Line Item General Legal Fees General Consulting Services 2014 Approved Budget 25,000 50,000 2014 Amended Adjustment Budget 3,000 28,000 (3,000) 47,000 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES & POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Logan Tower Bldg - Suite 620, 1580 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado 80203-1942 303/830-1550 · Fax 303/832-8205 · MEMORANDUM January 22, 2015 TO: Project Finance Committee and Karl Ohlsen FROM: Keith McLaughlin, Finance Director John Williams, Financial Analyst RE: Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District Interim Loan Request On December 5, 2014, the Authority Board of Directors approved a $14,204,500 leveraged loan plus cost of issuance for Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District (the “District”). The project consists of a new pump station and treatment building and new water lines connecting the new and existing pump stations. The Authority anticipates the funding of the District’s long-term leveraged loan with the Drinking Water Revenue Bond 2015 Series A bond issue in the Spring of 2015. The District would like to begin reimbursing soft costs and is in need for financing prior to the bond issue and is requesting an interim loan in the amount of $1,500,000, for a term of no more than 2 years at an interest rate of 3.5%. The District’s credit report was presented to the Board of Directors in December of 2014, and the District did not need a rate increase based on the 2013 audited financials. The projected coverage ratio was 173% using the full leveraged loan amount and of the twenty one current indicators calculated, 15 were strong, two were average, and four were considered weak. Staff recommends the Board approve the above-listed DWRF Interim loan request and authorize staff to begin negotiating a DWRF Interim loan with Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District in the amount of $1,500,000. The Board will consider the District’s request on January 28, 2015. Attachment: Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District’s Interim Loan Request Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District’s 2014 Credit Report Back to Agenda Back to Agenda DWRF LEVERAGED LOAN CREDIT REPORT Denver Southeast Suburban Water & Sanitation District (“The District”), Douglas County D.B.A. Pinery Water & Wastewater District Recommendation: Loan Request: Interest Rate & Term: Annual Debt Service: Pledge: Current Rate: Estimated Rate Increase: Project Budget APPROVAL $14,204,500 Estimated 3.0%, 20 years $949,631 Water & Sewer System Revenue $79.55(W), $40.90(S) $0.00 $14,204,500 $14,204,500 DWRF Loan: Total PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of a new pump station and treatment building and new water lines connecting the new and existing pump stations. COMMUNITY PROFILE: Denver SE Suburban WSD District Population Douglas County Population Douglas County Jobs Number of Water ERU Number of Sewer taps Assessed Value ($000) Actual Value ($000) 2009 10,184 282,163 122,394 4,090 3,949 184,609 2010 10,279 287,124 123,048 4,128 3,972 194,234 2,049,762 2011 10,338 292,305 124,891 4,152 3,994 197,049 2,090,043 2012 10,373 298,167 129,681 4,166 4,051 163,525 1,825,656 2013 10,421 4,185 4,055 164,046 1,840,081 Avg. Annual Change 0.46% 1.39% 1.46% 0.46% 0.53% -2.33% -2.66% BORROWER BRIEF: Denver Southeast Suburban Water & Sanitation District serves several, mostly residential subdivisions southeast of the Town of Parker, and is located approximately 27 miles southeast of downtown Denver along Colorado Highway 83. Denver SES WSD MHI $98,551 2008‐2012 ACS 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 $58,244 Households State MHI Income in thousands RECOMMENDATION: The District serves a suburban community in eastern Douglas County. This proposed loan is necessary to replace the District’s main pump station and raw water treatment facility; and add a redundant main connecting said pump to existing infrastructure. These improvements will increase system reliability and reduce water age. The District is in a strong financial position, and will exceed coverage ratio and reserve requirements. We therefore recommend the DWRF Committee approve a $14,204,500 loan to the Denver Southeast Suburban Water & Sanitation District. 1 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda PROJECT SUMMARY: System summary: The District currently treats water from alluvial wells along Cherry Creek (shallow wells) in addition to groundwater from the Denver Basin aquifers (deep wells). In the Denver Basin, the District treats water from the Dawson and Arapahoe aquifers. Six treatment facilities, eight pump stations, nine water supply reservoirs, and 31 wells serve the district. There are three service areas and seven pressure zones. Reason/need: The proposed project will help the District replace a critical water facility that is reaching the end of its useful service life and reduce system weaknesses and inefficiencies while improving system redundancy. The upgrades will also improve distribution system reliability and reduce water age. System Compliance: System is currently in compliance. Project Costs: $10,404,900 Transmission and Distribution, $3,200,000 Planning & Design, $599,600 Treatment. CURRENT INDICATORS: Total Debt per Capita ($): Total + New Debt/Capita ($): Total Debt/Tap ($): Total Debt + New Debt/Tap ($): Current W&S Debt/Tap ($): Current W&S + New W&S Debt/Tap ($): Total Debt/Assessed Value: Total Debt + New W&S Debt/Assessed Value: Total Debt/Actual Value: Total Debt + New W&S Debt/Actual Value: Curr. W&S Debt + New Debt/Tap/MHI: W&S Fund Current Ratio (CA/CL): W&S Fund Reserves/Current Expense: W&S Operating Ratio (OR/OE): Coverage Ratio (TR-OE)/DS: Coverage Ratio (TR-OE)/DS Excluding Tap Fees: Coverage Ratio with New Loan: Coverage Ratio with New Loan Excluding Tap Fees: Current Annual W&S Rates/MHI: Current Water Rates + New Water Debt Service/MHI: Operation and Maintenance Reserve: 2011 1,756 2012 1,656 4,372 4,122 4,372 4,122 9.21% 11% 0.87% 0.94% 632% 212% 171% 231% 184% 587% 227% 191% 320% 279% 2013 1,568 2,938 3,887 7,281 3,887 7,281 9.92% 19% 0.88% 1.66% 7.39% 432% 151% 166% 317% 250% 173% 136% 0.94% 1.17% 112% TOTAL: X X X X 4 Weak >$2,000 >$2,000 >$5,000 >$5,000 >$2,000 >$2,000 >50% >50% >10% >10% >20% <100% <50% <100% <110% <110% <110% <110% >3.0% >3.0% <25% X X 2 Average $1,000 - 2,000 $1,000 - 2,000 $2,500-5,000 $2,500-5,000 $1,000 - 2,000 $1,000 - 2,000 25-50% 25-50% 5-10% 5-10% 10-20% 100-200% 50-100% 100-120% 110-125% 110-125% 110-125% 110-125% 1.5-3.0% 1.5-3.0% 25-50% X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Strong <$1,000 <$1,000 <$2,500 <$2,500 <$1,000 <$1,000 <25% <25% <5% <5% <10% >200% >100% >120% >125% >125% >125% >125% <1.5% <1.5% >50% 15 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: Of the twenty-one current indicators calculated, fifteen are rated strong, two are average and four are considered weak. The weak indicators suggest a high debt burden, but the District’s relative affluence – strong MHI, actual value and assessed value indicators – together with solid financial performance make the District a strong candidate for financing. Based on 2013 financial information, coverage with the proposed loan is a strong 173%. Tap fee revenue should continue for the foreseeable future. The subdivisions served by the District are predicted to grow, with tap numbers maxing out at around 5,800, about 40% more than 2013. The PER did not specify any new costs to the District as a result of this project, except for possible additional training of existing staff. Earlier in 2014, the District closed on a CWCB loan in the amount of $9,926,280, with a 30 year term and annual debt service estimated at $506,431. With this additional debt, the indicators change to fifteen strong and six weak, but coverage ratio drops to 139% (including tap fee revenue), still higher than the 110% coverage ratio requirement. DESCRIPTION OF THE LOAN: A $14,204,500 leveraged loan with a twenty year term, two payments annually at an interest rate of 3% will cost the District approximately $949,631 in debt service annually. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Based on a State Demographer estimate of 2.49 persons per tap, the District has a 2013 population estimated at 10,421, and has grown 0.5% since 2009. Douglas County has experienced an increase of 4.3% in population since 2000, growing from 180,510 to 298,167 in 2012. According to the American Community Survey, Douglas County is the sixth wealthiest 2 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda county in the United States; the County is home to several large employers such as Boeing, Dish Network, Western Union, Charles Schwab’s new consolidated Denver-area campus, and many others. The District reports the largest area employers are Douglas County School District with 7,000 employees and KB Homes, which employs 1,430. The largest revenue-generating water customers served by the District are three golf courses, of which Pinery Country Club accounts for 7.1% of usage and 4.4% of revenue, Colorado Golf Club which is 6.9% of usage and 3.9% of revenue, and Club at Pradera with 5.7% of usage and 3.4% of revenue. ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS: Bond Rating The District’s debt has not been rated by Fitch, Moody's, or Standard & Poor’s in the last five years. Section 37-60-126(2) C.R.S. (Water Conservation Planning) The District adopted a water conservation plan in 2009. Organizational Structure The District is a Title 32, Article 1, special district governed by an elected board of directors and was organized in 1965. The District provides water and wastewater services. Approximately 18 full-time employees staff the utility. The water utility is overseen by the District Manager, who reports to the Board of Directors. • The District has generally been in compliance with Colorado statutory budgeting and auditing requirements for the past five years. • The District maintains general liability insurance coverage through the Colorado Special Districts and Liability Pool. • The District is currently involved in a legal dispute with Hydro-Resources – Rocky Mountain, Inc. concerning a hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) incident the District estimates caused $1,000,000 in damage. The mediating project engineer concluded the fracking company was to blame, and that they must construct a new well and bear associated construction costs. HydroResources – Rocky Mountain, Inc. then sued the District for breach of contract for approximately $736,451; the District’s attorney believes the company’s suit to be without merit and will pursue all necessary steps to ensure the District’s rights and claims are protected. • There have been no recall elections in the last ten years. • CDPHE and DLG conducted a review of the Districts Technical, Managerial, and Financial capacity to operate the water system. The review did not find any mandatory requirements. Capital Improvement Plan As part of the application process, the District submitted a capital improvement schedule, which anticipates capital outlay of $77,980,606 for mostly water system improvements over the next ten years, to be funded from a combination of financing and cash reserves, depending on the circumstance. Through 2019, the majority of the projected $23,616,663 in water and sewer projects will be funded through the 2014 CWCB loan, and potentially this loan. Intergovernmental Agreements In 2013 the District entered into the South Metro Water, Infrastructure, and Supply Efficiency (WISE) Authority. The agreement specifies that the District will subscribe to an average of 500 acre-feet of renewable water from the WISE partnership and be responsible for a portion of the capital construction costs, currently estimated at $10,900,000; the renewable water subscription is estimated to be a $55,000 annual expense. Subsequent to the December 31, 2013, audit, the District closed on a $9,926,280 CWCB loan; the new debt is a component of total capital improvement plan costs mentioned above, and is described in both the Financial Analysis and Debt sections. 2005 Agreement with the Developer of the The Timbers subdivision to reimburse said developer for construction of a storage tank with a portion of tap fees. $517,000 of the $800,000 cost to construct has been reimbursed as of the 2013 audit. 2004 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Castle Rock for treatment of up to 0.29 MGD average annual flow of sewage from the Liberty Village Service Area. As of the 2013 audit, 155 of the 1,245 possible residential taps had connected to District. 2004 Agreement with the Developers, sub-Developers, and Crowfoot Valley Metropolitan Districts 1 & 2, to treat the Metropolitan Districts’ wastewater. The Developer was required to build an interceptor joining the Metro Districts to the wastewater treatment facility, and pay an upfront cost of $3,100,000 to the District for the equivalent of 268 taps of wastewater capacity, and for golf course wastewater taps. The agreement also stipulates the Developer has a letter of credit to ensure the District’s payment of this tap fee revenue. 3 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda 2002 Intergovernmental Agreement with Pinery West Metropolitan District wherein the developer who formed the metropolitan district constructed infrastructure improvements and conveyed them to the District, and the District subsequently collects tap fees from property owners to reimburse the developer for the actual costs without interest of said improvements. There are 108 remaining taps, and $819,072 to be remitted. The District also collects an $800 fee from property owners per dwelling unit to reimburse the Developer for construction of the golf course. REVENUE ANALYSIS: In accordance with the District’s most recent fee study, rates are pegged to inflation. User fees have correspondingly risen over the last several years, with revenue variation explained by increased irrigation needs during drought years, such as 2012. Total fund reserves trended down in 2013 due to several well drillings and enhancements, as well as installation of raw water pipelines, and other ongoing projects. TRENDS Monthly Water Rate ($) Monthly Sewer Rate ($) Residential Water Tap Fee ($) Residential Sewer Tap Fee ($) Total W&S Revenue ($) Tap/Development Fees ($) W&S Operating Revenue ($) W&S Operating Expenses ($) W&S Net Operating Income ($) W&S Debt ($) Total Debt ($) W&S Debt Service ($) W&S Debt Service/Tap/Month ($) W&S Fund Reserves ($) 2009 Ratios Operating Revenue as % of Total Revenue Operating Revenue as % of Expenses Tap Fee Revenue as % of Total Revenue 2011 75.18 38.63 23,804 8,339 7,380,501 720,231 6,593,024 3,850,021 2,743,003 18,152,132 18,152,132 1,525,427 30.62 11,404,160 2012 75.18 38.63 23,804 8,339 7,858,256 515,871 7,245,332 3,796,440 3,448,892 17,173,859 17,173,859 1,269,688 25.40 11,503,752 2013 77.25 39.71 24,518 8,589 7,600,426 768,014 6,617,459 3,981,843 2,635,616 16,267,440 16,267,440 1,141,122 22.72 7,754,433 2014 79.55 40.90 24,518 8,589 5,706,866 759,146 4,836,983 3,610,190 1,226,793 14,944,298 14,944,298 2,073,614 42.25 5,707,759 2010 73.63 37.80 21,735 9,660 7,159,418 1,018,782 6,032,987 3,895,966 2,137,021 19,545,815 19,545,815 2,105,494 42.50 11,377,640 2009 85% 134% 13% 2010 84% 155% 14% 2011 89% 171% 9.8% 2012 92% 191% 6.6% 2013 87% 166% 10% Average 88% 163% 11% $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 W&S Operating Revenue ($) $5,000,000 $4,000,000 W&S Operating Expenses ($) $3,000,000 W&S Net Operating Income ($) $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda User Charges The District’s current water rate is estimated at $79.55 compared to the 2013 estimated state average of $41.43. The District uses a formula based on recommendations from a rate study, which is currently being revised. The District’s average monthly water rate is based on average residential consumption of 17,700 gallons per month. Residential users pay a $33.54 base rate up to 3,000 gallons and a volume charge of $3.13 per 1,000 gallons for consumption from 3,000 to 20,000 gallons. Base rates are based on consumption, as are charges per thousand gallons. Base fees increase with tap size, non-residential use, and large irrigators (golf courses) are charged a special fee. The District’s current estimated average monthly residential sewer rate is $40.90 compared to the 2013 estimated state average of $22.61. The District’s average monthly sewer rate is based on typical residential winter water consumption of 4,400 gallons per month. Residential users pay a $40.90 flat rate for up to 9,000 gallons and a volume charge of $4.27 per 1,000 gallons for consumption exceeding 9,000. Base rates and flat rates are based on consumption. Larger tap sizes and higher consumption results in higher rates; uses are not separated as in water fees. Contributed Capital Revenue from tap fees has ranged from $515,871 to $1,018,782 and has averaged 11% of total water and sewer revenue during the last five years. The District updates its tap fees each year, based on Denver-Boulder-Greeley CPI. Residential water tap fees are $24,518 for a ¾” tap and increases to as much as $392,288 for a 3” tap. Residential sewer tap fees are $8,589 for a ¾” tap and increases to as much as $137,424 for a 3” tap. Current System Utilization Current Fee Summary Residential Revenue (water only) 70.6% 83.6% Non-residential (per EQR) 29.4% Usage Tap size Water user/tap fees Sewer user/tap fees ¾” $79.55/$24,518 Dependent upon consumption/$24,518 $40.90/$8,589 Dependent upon consumption /$8,589 16.4% ¾” DEBT as of December 31, 2013 Executed Lender Term End Pledge Outstanding Interest Rate Annual payment 2010 Refunding Note 2030 W&S $9,643,859 3.95% $753,650 2005 CWRPDA 2023 W&S $3,525,000 3.35% $340,800 2002 CWRPDA 2023 W&S $4,005,000 3.21% $469,790 2043 W&S $9,926,280 3.00% $506,431 New debt since December 31, 2013, audit 2014 CWCB LOAN COVENANTS: The District will have to meet the Authority’s 110% rate covenant, 3 month operations and maintenance reserve fund covenant and the 110% additional bonds test (if applicable) on an annual basis. The District has met the Loan Covenants on its WPCRF leveraged loan dated 2002 and its DWRF leveraged loan dated 2005 with the Authority for the last 5 years. The District has also had no debt service payment issues. Project # 140310D Cost Categories: 152: Treatment – 4%, 153 Transmission and Distribution 73%, 151 Planning and Design 23% Prepared by: Date: Joseph McConnell November 3, 2014 5 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda November 3, 2014 DWRF Credit Report Denver Southeast Water & Sanitation District, Douglas County, CO Using most recent data available (Census, audits, local records) 2012 Population (Estimated) Number of Water Taps (or customers) - 2013 10,373 4,185 Total 2012 Assessed Valuation $163,525,000 Total 2013 Assessed Valuation $164,046,000 Actual Value of all Real Property (2012) $1,825,656,000 Actual Value of all Real Property (2013) $1,840,081,000 Median Household Income (MHI) Monthly Water Rate (2013) W&S Operating Revenue (2013) W&S Total Revenue (2013) [May include non-operating revenue, such as contributed capital, tap & system development fees, interest income, S.O. tax and property tax. Excludes one-time capital grants.] W&S Tap and System Development Fee Revenue (2013) $98,551 $77.25 $6,617,459 $7,600,426 $768,014 W&S Operating Expense (2013) $3,981,843 W&S Current Expense (2013) $5,122,965 W&S Debt (2013) $16,267,440 Total Debt (2013) $16,267,440 W&S Reserves [2013 current assets minus current liabilities] $7,754,433 All Fund Reserves [2013 current assets minus current liabilities] $7,754,433 W&S Debt Service (2013) $1,141,122 New W&S Debt (requested DWRF loan amount) Requested DWRF Loan Term Requested DWRF Loan Interest Rate New Loan's Annual W&S Debt Service [two payments annually] $14,204,500 20 3.00% $949,631 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda CurrentIndicators(2013) DenverSoutheastSuburbanWater&SanitationDistrict (W&SOnly) 1 Total Debt $16,267,440 ÷ Population 10,373 = $1,568 New Debt $14,204,500 ÷ Population 10,373 = $1,369 Total Debt + New Debt $30,471,940 ÷ Population 10,373 = $2,938 2 Total Debt $16,267,440 ÷ Number of Taps 4,185 = $3,887 New Debt $14,204,500 ÷ Number of Taps 4,185 = $3,394 Total Debt + New Debt $30,471,940 ÷ Number of Taps 4,185 = $7,281 3 Total Debt $16,267,440 ÷ Assessed Value $164,046,000 = 9.92% New Debt $14,204,500 ÷ Assessed Value $164,046,000 = 8.66% Total Debt + New Debt $30,471,940 ÷ Assessed Value $164,046,000 = 18.58% 4 Total Debt $16,267,440 ÷ Actual Value $1,840,081,000 = 0.88% New Debt $14,204,500 ÷ Actual Value $1,840,081,000 = 0.77% Total Debt + New Debt $30,471,940 ÷ Actual Value $1,840,081,000 = 1.66% 4,185 = $3,887 5 Current W&S Debt (Current W&S Debt + NewW&S Debt)/Number of Taps $16,267,440 ÷ Number of Taps $7,281 ÷ MHI $98,551 = 7.39% $10,199,299 ÷ Current Liabilities $2,363,294 = 432% $7,754,433 ÷ Current Expenses $5,122,965 = 151% $6,617,459 ÷ Operating Expenses $3,981,843 = 166% 6 Current Ratio [CA/CL] Current Assets 7 Reserve/Expense Ratio Reserves 8 Operating Ratio [OR÷OE] Operating Revenues Back to Agenda Back to Agenda 9 Coverage Ratio [(TR - OE)/DS] Total Revenues $7,600,426 - minus Operating Expenses $3,981,843 = $3,618,583 ÷ Current Debt Service $1,141,122 = 317% $1,141,122 = 250% Total Debt Service (with new loan) $2,090,753 = 173% Total Debt Service (with $2,850,569 ÷ new loan) $2,090,753 = 136% $1,141,122 ÷ Number of Taps 4185 = $272.67 $949,631 ÷ Number of Taps 4185 = $226.91 Coverage Ratio Excluding Tap & 10 Development Fee Revenue $3,618,583 minus Tap and Dev. Fee Revenue $768,014 = $2,850,569 ÷ Current Debt Service 11 Projected Coverage Ratio Total Revenues $7,600,426 minus Operating Expenses $3,981,843 = Projected Coverage Excluding Tap & 12 Dev. Fee Revenue $3,618,583 $3,618,583 minus Tap & Dev. Fee Rev. $768,014 = 13 Current Debt Service Annual New W&S Debt Service 2013 Annual Water Rate (monthly rate 14 x 12) $926.98 ÷ MHI $98,551 = 0.94% 2013 Annual W&S Rate + New Annual Debt Service per Tap $1,153.89 ÷ MHI $98,551 = 1.17% 15 Current 2013 Monthly User Charge $77.25 Debt Service on DWRF/2013 Taps/month $18.91 Total $96.16 16 Operation and Maintenance Reserve Reserves $4,466,695 ÷ Operating Expenses $3,981,843 = 112% Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 15-02 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERIM LOAN TO THE DENVER SOUTHEAST SUBURBAN WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT AND EXECUTION OF AN INTERIM LOAN AGREEMENT AND OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS THEREFOR WHEREAS, the Authority was created to initiate, acquire, construct, maintain, repair, and operate or cause to be operated, water management projects, which include drinking water facilities, and to issue its bonds to pay the cost of such projects; and WHEREAS, the Authority anticipates issuing its Drinking Water Revenue Bond Series 2015A bonds in calendar year 2015, for the purpose, among others, of financing the costs of a Drinking Water Revolving Fund project of the Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District (the “Governmental Agency”); WHEREAS, the Governmental Agency has submitted an Application for an interim loan, in anticipation of participating in the Authority's Drinking Water Revenue Bond Series 2015A bond issue later in 2015; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority: 1. The proposed interim loan to the Governmental Agency in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 is approved subject to the terms and conditions set forth on the attached Exhibit A; 2. The Executive Director and Assistant Secretary are authorized and directed to execute the Loan Agreement and any other necessary and reasonable documents for the proposed interim loan with such changes as they may approve prior to the loan closing in order to consummate the interim loan approved hereby. Back to Agenda Back to Agenda CERTIFICATE The undersigned officers of the Board of Directors of the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority do hereby certify that the above Resolution No. 15-02 was adopted by the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors with a quorum present in Denver, Colorado on January 28, 2015. ____________________________________ Chair ____________________________________ Secretary ATTEST Back to Agenda Back to Agenda EXHIBIT A Borrower: Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District Project: This project consists of a new pump station, treatment building and new water lines connecting the new and existing pump stations. Pledge: Water & Sewer System Revenue Loan Term: No more than 2 years Interest Rate: 3.5% Amount not to exceed: $1,500,000 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES & POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Logan Tower Bldg - Suite 620, 1580 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado 80203-1942 303/830-1550 · Fax 303/832-8205 · MEMORANDUM January 28, 2015 TO: Board of Directors and Karl Ohlsen FROM: Keith McLaughlin, Finance Director RE: Update on Project and Matching Account Fund Investments The Authority has historically used over collateralized repurchase agreements as its investment vehicle to hold the majority of the project and matching account funds for its WPCRF and DWRF leveraged loan programs. Authority staff continues to monitor the ratings of the providers of these agreements and reports that there were no ratings or outlook changes since the last Board meeting. On a monthly basis, Staff monitors the collateral posted as security for these agreements and can report that all of the agreements are in compliance with the required collateral percentages and eligible securities. Updated spreadsheets showing the current project and matching account investments and investment provider ratings are attached. Attachment: Updated WPCRF and DWRF Project and Matching Accounts spreadsheet Investment Provider Ratings spreadsheet Back to Agenda Back to Agend Investment of DWRF and WPCRF Project and Matching Accounts 16-Jan-15 Investment Provider Societe General Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp.* Trinity Citigroup** AIG Portigon AG*** Repurchase Totals Matching & Project Account Balance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,949,285 21,326,984 9,917,893 14,377,412 20,078,553 216,165 77,866,292 % of Total Matching & Project Accounts Number of Repurchase Agreements 5.92% 10.57% 4.92% 7.13% 9.96% 0.11% 38.61% 1 3 3 2 4 1 14 * Formerly known as FSA ** The clean water 1997A and 2002A repurchase agreements were assigned from Salomon to Citigroup ***Formerly known as Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale SLGS* COLOTRUST/Federated Prime Total Grand Total $ $ $ 92,169,562 31,643,535 123,813,097 45.70% 15.69% 61.39% $ 201,679,389 100% * All T-bonds have matured Back to Agend Back to Agenda Investment Provider Ratings Spreadsheet January 16, 2015 Investment Provider Societe Generale Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp.¹ Trinity AIG Citigroup² (senior debt) Portigon AG³ Moody's Rating A2 A2 A1 Baa1 Baa2 Aa1 Moody's Outlook Negative Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable S&P Rating A AA AA+ AANR S&P Outlook Negative Stable Stable Stable Negative N/A Fitch Rating A NR NR A-⁴ A A+ Fitch Outlook Negative N/A N/A Stable Stable Stable ¹Formerly known as FSA ²The clean water 1997A and 2002A repurchase agreements were assigned from Salomon to Citigroup ³Formerly known as Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale ⁴Fitch does not directly rate AIG Matched Funding Corp. However, the Issuer Default Rating for its parent company, AIG International Group, Inc., is A-. Negative Outlook - Means there is a 1 in 3 chance that ratings could be cut in the next 18-24 months Negative Watch - Means there is a 1 in 2 chance that ratings could be downgraded in the next 3 months Postive - Means that the rating is likely to be upgraded over a 1 to 2 year period NR - Not rated WD - Rating withdrawn Back to Agenda SET ASIDE UPDATE January 20, 2015 Program Admin Admin Admin Admin Admin Grant Year 1997-2011 2009 ARRA 2012 2013 2014³ Totals Grant Amount $8,392,464 $1,374,080 $636,800 $0 $1,213,240 $11,616,584 Funds Remaining $0 $0 $39,116 $0 $1,213,240 $1,252,356 SSTTA SSTTA SSTTA 1997-2012² 2013 2014 Totals $4,920,140 $298,740 $307,880 $5,526,760 $0 $98,554 $307,880 $406,434 100% 67% 0% 93% PWSS PWSS PWSS PWSS 2000-2011 2012 2013 2014 Totals $13,965,528 $1,592,000 $1,493,700 $1,539,400 $18,590,628 $0 $62,125 $1,493,700 $1,539,400 $3,095,225 100% 96% 0% 0% 83% Cap. Development Cap. Development Cap. Development Cap. Development 1997¹-2011 2012 2013 2014 Totals $16,355,681 $1,592,000 $1,493,700 $1,539,400 $20,980,781 $0 $260,242 $1,493,700 $1,539,400 $3,293,342 100% 84% 0% 0% 84% Well Head Well Head Well Head Well Head Well Head 1997-2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Totals $7,616,217 $835,250 $796,000 $746,850 $769,700 $10,764,017 $0 $460,912 $796,000 $746,850 $769,700 $2,773,462 100% 45% 0% 0% 0% 74% SWAP 1997¹ $1,660,065 $0 100% ¹Unused SWAP 1997 funds of $18,345 were transferred into the Capacity Development 1997 funds. ²Unused funds of $281,532 from the 1997 SSTTA grant were transferred into the DWRF loan funds. Includes $287,000 banked from the 2008 3 Includes $597,480 banked from the 2013 grant. % Complete 100% 100% 94% 0% 0% 89% Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES & POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Logan Tower Bldg - Suite 620, 1580 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado 80203-1942 303/830-1550 · Fax 303/832-8205 · MEMORANDUM January 22, 2015 TO: FROM: Board of Directors and Karl Ohlsen Keith McLaughlin, Finance Director Wesley Williams, Financial Analyst RE: Town of Ault’s Additional Bonds Test (“ABT”) Reduction Request The Town of Ault (the “Town”) was approved for a WPCRF direct loan on December 5, 2014, for $2,000,000 at a 2% interest rate for a term of 20 years, with the condition that if and when the 2015 Green Project reserve is available the Loan Agreement will be amended to reduce the interest rate to 0%. The Town’s loan is considered a categorically “Green Project” as the eligible green elements account for more than 20% of the Project costs but, at the time of loan approval, the 2014 Green Project reserve was fully allocated. During the 2014 WPCRF principal forgiveness funding cycle, only the top two projects were funded and the Town of Ault prioritized third on the list and did not receive principal forgiveness. In addition, the Town applied for the small community’s block grant program but did not prioritize for funds from this program as well. The Town executed a WPCRF direct loan on March 30, 2006 in the amount of approximately $1.4m, with a remaining balance of $862k. This loan requires that prior to the issuance of any additional parity debt that it meets a 120% Additional Bonds Test (“ABT”). Attached is the Town’s letter to the Board requesting a reduction in the Additional Bonds Test from 120% to 110% and states that the reduction would provide relief for the Town’s rate payers and would contribute to the successful completion of the wastewater treatment facility improvements. The Town is a smaller community with limited resources and is very sensitive to rate increases. If the Board approves the ABT reduction request, the rate increase for the Town would decrease from $12.78 (2% interest w/120% ABT) to $9.77 (2% interest w/110% ABT). It appears that 2015 Green Project reserve funds will become available in which case the Town would receive a 0% interest rate and the rate increase needed to meet the ABT would decrease to $8.93 (0% interest w/ 120% ABT) or $6.23 (0% interest w/ 110% ABT). Staff recommends that the Board approve a one-time reduction to the Town’s Additional Bonds Test to 110%. Note: The Additional Bonds Test for direct loans was discussed at the December Board meeting and this topic will be placed on the March Program Review Committee agenda. Attachment: Town of Ault’s Additional Bonds Test reduction request Back to Agenda to Agenda Back to A Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CLEAN WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, 2015 SERIES A ________________________ FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL REVENUE BOND RESOLUTION Resolution No. 15-03 Adopted January 28, 2015 56134745.1 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL REVENUE BOND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CLEAN WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, 2015 SERIES A Be It Resolved by the Board of Directors of Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority as follows; ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS AND STATUTORY AUTHORITY SECTION 101. Supplemental Resolution. This resolution is supplemental to, and is adopted in accordance with, Article II and Article X of, a resolution adopted by the Authority on January 30, 2013, entitled “2013 Supplemental Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Revenue Bond Resolution”. SECTION 102. Definitions. 1. All terms which are defined in Section 101 of the 2013 Supplemental Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Revenue Bond Resolution shall have the same meanings, respectively, in this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution as such terms are given in said Section 101 of the 2013 Supplemental Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Revenue Bond Resolution. 2. In this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution: “Details Certificate” means the certificate of an Authorized Officer of the Authority delivered pursuant to this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution, setting forth certain terms and provisions of the 2015 Series A Bonds, as such Certificate may be amended or supplemented. “2013 Series A Bonds” means the Authority’s Clean Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2013 Series A “2015 Series A Bonds” means the Authority’s Clean Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2015 Series A, authorized by Article II of this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution. SECTION 103. Authority for this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution. This First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Act. ARTICLE II. AUTHORIZATION OF 2015 SERIES A BONDS SECTION 201. Principal Amount, Designation and Series. Pursuant to the provisions of the Bond Resolution, a Series of Bonds entitled to the benefit, protection and security of such provisions is hereby authorized in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed 56134745.1 1 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda $120,000,000 and shall be designated as, and shall be distinguished from the Bonds of all other Series by the title, “Clean Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2015 Series A”. SECTION 202. Purpose and Determination as to Financing. The purpose for which the 2015 Series A Bonds are being issued is to refund all or a portion of the Prior Resolutions Bonds described in Section 213 The specific Prior Resolutions Bonds to be refunded shall be set forth in the Details Certificate. SECTION 203. Date, Maturities and Interest Rate of 2015 Series A Bonds. 1. The 2015 Series A Bonds shall be dated the date of delivery and shall bear interest from their date, except as otherwise provided in Section 301 of the Bond Resolution. Any 2015 Series A Bonds issued prior to the first interest payment date shall be dated the date of initial delivery of the 2015 Series A Bonds. 2. The 2015 Series A Bonds shall mature on the dates and in the principal amounts, and shall bear interest at the rates, payable on March 1 and September 1 of each year, commencing on the first March 1 or September 1 following the initial delivery of the 2015 Series A Bonds, as provided in the Details Certificate relating to the 2015 Series A Bonds. 3. The 2015 Series A Bonds shall have such redemption provisions (including Sinking Fund Installments), if any, as shall be set forth in the Details Certificate relating to the 2015 Series A Bonds. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bond Resolution to the contrary, the Authority may provide that any notice of redemption may be cancelled prior to the designated date of redemption by giving written notice of such cancellation to all parties who were given notice of redemption in the same manner as such notice was given. SECTION 204. Denomination, Numbers, Letters and Execution. The 2015 Series A Bonds shall be issued in registered form in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiples of $5,000. Unless the Authority shall otherwise direct, the 2015 Series A Bonds shall be numbered separately from one upward preceded by the letter “R” prefixed to the number. The 2015 Series A Bonds may be executed by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Executive Director or other Authorized Officer of the Authority. SECTION 205. Place of Payment and Paying Agent. The principal of the 2015 Series A Bonds shall be payable at the corporate trust operations office in Minneapolis, Minnesota of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association and interest on the 2015 Series A Bonds shall be payable by check of the Trustee. The principal of and interest on all 2015 Series A Bonds shall also be payable at any other place which may be provided for such payment by the appointment of any other Paying Agent or Paying Agents as permitted by the Bond Resolution. SECTION 206. Parameters of the 2015 Series A Bonds. 1. The following provisions are applicable to the sale and issuance of the 2015 Series A Bonds: (a) The 2015 Series A Bonds shall be sold to the hereinafter defined Underwriters or sold at public bid at an aggregate underwriters’ discount or compensation that shall not exceed two percent (2.0%) of the principal amount of the 2015 Series A Bonds; 56134745.1 2 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda (b) The final maturity of the 2015 Series A Bonds shall not be later than September 1, 2038, and no maturity of the 2015 Series A Bonds shall have an interest rate greater than 6%; (c) The present value savings for refunding any series of the Prior Resolutions Bonds to be refunded, if any, shall not be less than three percent (3.0%) of the principal amount of each series of Prior Resolutions Bonds to be refunded, (d) The net interest cost on the 2015 Series A Bonds shall not exceed 6.00%; and (e) The Authority shall determine if the 2015 Series A Bonds are to be sold pursuant to a competitive bid process or through a negotiated sale. 2. The information set forth in each of the clauses of subsection 1 of this Section 206 as well as the principal amount and maturities of the 2015 Series A Bonds shall be set forth in the Details Certificate related to the 2015 Series A Bonds. SECTION 207. Application of Proceeds of 2015 Series A Bonds. The proceeds of the 2015 Series A Bonds, shall be applied simultaneously with the delivery of the 2015 Series A Bonds, as follows: (1) There shall be deposited in the Refunding Matching Account, an amount, which when added to the amount on deposit in the Refunding Matching Account, shall equal the Matching Account Requirement calculated immediately after authentication and delivery of the 2015 Series A Bonds; (2) There shall be deposited with the trustee for deposit in the Debt Service Funds created under the Prior Resolutions or for application pursuant to the Escrow Agreement, the amounts, as set forth in the order to the Trustee to authenticate and deliver the 2015 Series A Bonds, which are necessary to provide for the payment of the principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the Prior Resolutions Bonds to be refunded; and (3) The remaining balance of the proceeds shall be deposited in the Cost of Issuance Fund. Any amounts remaining in said Cost of Issuance Fund after all costs of issuance have been paid shall be transferred to the Debt Service Fund. SECTION 208. Book Entry Bonds. 1. The Authority hereby determines that the 2015 Series A Bonds shall be in “book entry” form. The Underwriters have informed the Authority that the owner of the 2015 Series A Bonds shall be Cede & Co., on behalf of DTC, which shall hold one or more immobilized certificates representing each maturity of the 2015 Series A Bonds. All transfers of 2015 Series A Bonds shall be effected as set forth in the Resolution; provided that the Authority understands and agrees that DTC shall establish procedures with its participants for recording and transferring the ownership of beneficial interests in the 2015 Series A Bonds. The Authority may enter into a letter of representation and other documentation necessary or desirable to effectuate the issuance of the 2015 Series A Bonds in book entry form. 56134745.1 3 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda 2. For purposes of determining the consents of holders of the 2015 Series A Bonds under the Bond Resolution, the Trustee shall establish a record date for determination of ownership of such Bonds, and shall give to DTC or any successive securities depository at least fifteen (15) calendar days’ notice of any record date so established. 3. The Authority may hereafter amend this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution without notice to or consent of the holders of any of the 2015 Series A Bonds in order (i) to offer to holders the option of receiving 2015 Series A Bonds in certificated form or (ii) to require the execution and delivery of certificates representing a portion or all of the 2015 Series A Bonds, (A) if DTC shall cease to serve as depository and no successor can be found to serve upon terms satisfactory to the Authority, or (B) if the Authority determines to terminate use of book-entry form for the 2015 Series A Bonds. SECTION 209. Form of 2015 Series A Bonds. The form of 2015 Series A Bonds and Trustee’s Authentication Certificate subject to the provisions of the Bond Resolution, shall be of substantially the following tenor: 56134745.1 4 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda [FORM OF 2015 SERIES A BOND] UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF COLORADO COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CLEAN WATER REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, 2015 SERIES A AS PROVIDED IN THE RESOLUTION REFERRED TO HEREIN, UNTIL THE TERMINATION OF THE SYSTEM OF BOOK-ENTRY-ONLY TRANSFERS THROUGH THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK (TOGETHER WITH ANY SUCCESSOR SECURITIES DEPOSITORY APPOINTED PURSUANT TO THE RESOLUTION, “DTC”), AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THE RESOLUTION TO THE CONTRARY, A PORTION OF THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF THIS BOND MAY BE PAID OR REDEEMED WITHOUT SURRENDER HEREOF TO THE PAYING AGENT. DTC OR A NOMINEE, TRANSFEREE OR ASSIGNEE OF DTC OF THIS BOND MAY NOT RELY UPON THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT INDICATED HEREON AS THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT HEREOF OUTSTANDING AND UNPAID. THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT HEREOF OUTSTANDING AND UNPAID SHALL FOR ALL PURPOSES BE THE AMOUNT DETERMINED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED IN THE RESOLUTION. UNLESS THIS BOND IS PRESENTED BY AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OF DTC (A) TO THE TRUSTEE, AS REGISTRAR, FOR REGISTRATION OF TRANSFER OR EXCHANGE OR (B) TO THE PAYING AGENT FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL OR REDEMPTION PRICE OR PREMIUM, AND ANY BOND ISSUED IN REPLACEMENT HEREOF OR SUBSTITUTION THEREFOR IS REGISTERED IN THE NAME OF DTC OR ITS NOMINEE OR SUCH OTHER NAME AS REQUESTED BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF DTC AND ANY PAYMENT IS MADE TO DTC OR ITS NOMINEE, ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE OR OTHER USE HEREOF FOR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL BECAUSE ONLY THE REGISTERED OWNER HEREOF, CEDE & CO., AS NOMINEE OF DTC, HAS AN INTEREST HEREIN. Number Dated Date: Interest Rate % CUSIP _______________ Maturity Date: Registered Owner: Cede & Co. Principal Sum: 56134745.1 DOLLARS 5 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), a body corporate and political subdivision of the State of Colorado created and existing under the laws of the State of Colorado, acknowledges itself indebted to, and for value received hereby promises to pay to Registered Owner or registered assigns, on the Maturity Date stated hereon, but solely from the funds pledged therefor, upon presentation and surrender of this bond, at the corporate trust operations office in Minneapolis, Minnesota, of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association (such bank and any successors thereto being herein called the “Trustee” or “Paying Agent”) or such other place as the Paying Agent may determine, the Principal Sum stated hereon in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, and to pay from such pledged funds on March 1 and September 1 in each year, commencing ___________, 2015, until the Authority’s obligation with respect to the payment of such Principal Sum shall be discharged to the Registered Owner hereof, interest from the Dated Date hereof or from the March 1, or September 1, as the case may be, next preceding the date of authentication to which interest has been paid or provided for unless such date of authentication is a date to which interest has been paid or provided for, in which case from such date or if such date of authentication is prior to the first interest payment date, in which case from the Dated Date, on such Principal Sum by check or draft of the Trustee mailed to such Registered Owner who shall appear as of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month (or if such day shall not be a Business Day, the preceding Business Day) next preceding such interest payment date on the books of the Authority maintained by the Trustee. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by law and the Resolution to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed and that the Series of Bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of the Authority, complies in all respects with the applicable laws of the State of Colorado, including, particularly, the Act. This bond shall not be entitled to any benefit under the Resolution or be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until this bond shall have been authenticated by the execution by the Trustee of the Trustee’s Certificate of Authentication hereon. The terms and provisions of this bond and definitions of certain terms used herein may be continued on the reverse side of this bond and such continued terms and provisions and definitions shall for all purposes have the same effect as though fully set forth on the front of this bond. This bond is one of a duly authorized Series of Bonds of the Authority designated “Clean Water Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2015 Series A” (herein called the “2015 Series A Bonds”), in the aggregate principal amount of $__________ issued and in full compliance with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Colorado, and particularly the “Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority Act”, being Section 37-95-101 et seq. of the Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended and supplemented (herein called the “Act”), and under and pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Authority on January 30, 2013 entitled “2013 Supplemental Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Revenue Bond Resolution” (said Resolution, as supplemented by a supplemental resolution authorizing the 2015 Series A Bonds, herein called the “Resolution”). 56134745.1 6 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda As provided in the Resolution, the 2015 Series A Bonds, and all other bonds issued on a parity with the 2015 Series A Bonds under the Resolution (herein collectively called the “Bonds”), are direct and special obligations of the Authority payable solely from and secured as to payment of the principal or Redemption Price thereof, and interest thereon, in accordance with their terms and the provisions of the Resolution solely by the Trust Estate (as defined in the Resolution), subject only to the provisions of the Resolution permitting the application thereof for the purposes and on the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. The Trust Estate under the Resolution includes certain of the right, title and interest on the Authority in the Loan Agreements, the Revenues and certain funds and accounts applicable thereto, including Investment Securities held in any such funds or accounts, together with all proceeds and revenues of the foregoing and all of the Authority’s right, title and interest in and to the foregoing and all other moneys, securities or funds pledged for the payment of the principal or Redemption Price of, and interest on, the Bonds in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Resolution. Copies of the Resolution are on file at the office of the Authority at the above mentioned office of the Trustee, and reference is hereby made to the Act and to the Resolution and any and all supplements thereto and modifications and amendments thereof for a description of the pledge and assignment and covenants securing the Bonds, the nature, extent and manner of enforcement of such pledge, the rights and remedies of the holders of the Bonds with respect thereto, the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds are issued and may be issued thereunder, the terms and provisions upon which this bond shall cease to be entitled to any lien, benefit or security under the Resolution and for the other terms and provisions thereof. All duties, covenants, agreements and obligations of the Authority under the Resolution with respect to this bond may be discharged and satisfied at or prior to the maturity or redemption of this bond if moneys or certain specified securities shall have been deposited with the Trustee. As provided in the Resolution, Bonds may be issued from time to time pursuant to Supplemental Resolutions in one or more Series, in various principal amounts, may mature at different times, may bear interest at different rates and may otherwise vary as in the Resolution provided. The aggregate principal amount of Bonds which may be issued under the Resolution is not limited, and all the Bonds issued and to be issued under the Resolution are and will be equally secured by the pledge and covenants made therein, except as otherwise expressly provided or permitted in the Resolution. To the extent and in the manner permitted by the terms of the Resolution, the provisions of the Resolution, or any resolution amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, may be modified or amended by the Authority, with the written consent of the holders of at least a majority in principal amount of the Bonds Outstanding under the Resolution at the time such consent is given, and, in case less than all of the several Series of Bonds then Outstanding are affected thereby, with such consent of at least a majority in principal amount of the Bonds of each Series so affected and Outstanding; provided, however, that, if such modification or amendment will, by its terms, not take effect so long as the Bonds of any specified like Series A and maturity remain Outstanding under the Resolution, the consent of the holders of such Bonds shall not be required and such Bonds shall not be deemed to be Outstanding for the purpose of the calculation of Outstanding Bonds. No such modification or amendment shall permit a change in the terms of redemption (including sinking fund installments) or maturity of the principal of any Outstanding Bond or of any installment of interest thereon or a reduction in the principal amount or Redemption Price thereof or in the rate of interest thereon without the 56134745.1 7 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda consent of the holder of such Bond, or shall reduce the percentages or otherwise affect the classes of Bonds the consent of the holders of which is required to effect any such modification or amendment, or shall change or modify any of the rights or obligations of the Trustee or of the Paying Agent without its written assent thereto. This bond is transferable, as provided in the Resolution, only upon the books of the Authority kept for that purpose at the above mentioned office of the Trustee, as Bond Registrar, by the Registered Owner hereof in person, or by such Registered Owner’s attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of this bond together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar duly executed by the Registered Owner or such Registered Owner’s duly authorized attorney, and thereupon a new fully registered Bond or Bonds in the same aggregate principal amounts, shall be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor as provided in the Resolution, and upon payment of the charges therein prescribed. The Authority, the Trustee and the Paying Agent may deem and treat the Registered Owner as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal or Redemption Price hereof and interest due hereon and for all other purposes. The 2015 Series A Bonds are issuable in the form of fully registered bonds without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple of $5,000. The 2015 Series A Bonds maturing on or after __________ shall be subject to redemption prior to their respective maturity dates, on or after __________, at the option of the Authority, either in whole, or in part randomly within a maturity from maturities selected by the Authority, on any date, at a Redemption Price equal to the principal amount of the 2015 Series A Bonds to be redeemed, in each case together with accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. The 2015 Series A Bonds stated to mature on __________ and __________ are also subject to mandatory partial redemption by the Trustee in the amounts and at the times set forth in the Resolution at a Redemption Price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest thereon. The Resolution provides for the making of deposits in the Debt Service Fund established under the Resolution to provide Sinking Fund Installments sufficient to pay the principal amount of 2015 Series A Bonds so redeemed; but if the Trustee is obligated to call such 2015 Series A Bonds for mandatory redemption in any event, the 2015 Series A Bonds so called shall be treated (except for initial source of payment) as if they matured and were stated to mature on the date they were called for redemption and the final payment of said 2015 Series A Bonds may not be extended beyond such date without loss of the security provided by the Resolution. Such Sinking Fund Installments may be reduced as a result of the redemption of 2015 Series A Bonds in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution. The 2015 Series A Bonds are payable upon redemption at the above mentioned office of the Paying Agent. Notice of redemption, setting forth the place of payment, shall be mailed by the Trustee, postage prepaid, not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the redemption date, to the registered owners of any such Bonds or portions of such Bonds which are to be redeemed, at their last addresses, if any, appearing upon the registry books, all in the manner and upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Resolution. If notice of redemption shall have been mailed as aforesaid, the 2015 Series A Bonds or portions thereof 56134745.1 8 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda specified in said notice shall become due and payable on the redemption date therein fixed, and if, on the redemption date, moneys for the redemption of all the 2015 Series A Bonds and portions thereof to be redeemed, together with interest to the redemption date, shall be available for such payment on said date, then from and after the redemption date interest on such Bonds or portions thereof so called for redemption shall cease to accrue and be payable. Failure of the registered owner of any such Bonds which are to be redeemed to receive any such notice shall not affect the validity of the proceedings for the redemption of Bonds. The principal or Redemption Price of, and interest on, the 2015 Series A Bonds are payable solely from the Trust Estate and neither the State of Colorado nor any political subdivision thereof, other than the Authority, is obligated to pay the principal or Redemption Price of, or interest on, this bond and the issue of which it is one and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Colorado or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal or Redemption Price of, or interest on, this bond or the issue of which it is one. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY has caused this bond to be executed in its name and on its behalf by the manual or facsimile signature of its Executive Director, and its seal to be impressed, imprinted, engraved or otherwise reproduced hereon, and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of its Assistant Secretary, all as of the Dated Date hereof. (SEAL) COLORADO WATER RESOURCES AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Executive Director Attest: Assistant Secretary 56134745.1 9 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda SECTION 210. Tax Covenant. The Authority shall comply with each requirement of the Code necessary to maintain the exclusion of interest on the 2015 Series A Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes. In furtherance of the covenant described in the preceding sentence, the Authority shall comply with the provisions of the Tax and Nonarbitrage Certificate (a “Tax Certificate”) executed by the Authority on the date of initial issuance and delivery of the 2015 Series A Bonds, as such Tax Certificate may be amended from time to time, as a source of guidance for achieving compliance with the Code. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Resolution to the contrary, the covenants contained in this paragraph shall survive the payment of the 2015 Series A Bonds and the interest thereon, including any payment or defeasance thereof pursuant to the Resolution, for as long as necessary to maintain the exclusion from gross income of the interest on the 2015 Series A Bonds for federal income tax purposes. SECTION 211. Authorization of Various Documents. 1. If the Authority determines to have the 2015 Series A Bonds sold at a negotiated sale, the sale of the 2015 Series A Bonds to the Underwriters (the “Underwriters”) listed in the Purchase Contract between the Authority and the Underwriters to be dated the date of the sale of the 2015 Series A Bonds (the “Bond Purchase Agreement”), on the terms and conditions set forth in the Bond Purchase Agreement that was utilized for the sale of the 2013 Series A Bonds, is hereby authorized. The Bond Purchase Agreement is hereby approved in the form that was utilized for the sale of the 2013 Series A Bonds; and each Authorized Officer be, and each is, authorized on behalf of the Authority to execute the Bond Purchase Agreement and to deliver it to the Underwriters. 2. In the event that the Authority determines to have the 2015 Series A Bonds sold at a competitive sale, the Notice of Sale (the “Notice of Sale”) substantially in the form utilized in connection with the sale of the Authority’s Clean Water Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series A is hereby authorized. 3. The Escrow Agreement, to be dated the date of delivery of the 2015 Series A Bonds, between the Authority and the Trustee, as escrow agent, is hereby authorized in the form that was utilized for the sale of the 2013 Series A Bonds; and each Authorized Officer be, and each is, authorized on behalf of the Authority to execute the Escrow Agreement and to deliver it to the Trustee. 4. The distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement (the “Preliminary Official Statement”) by the Authority and the Underwriters is hereby authorized in the form utilized for the sale of the 2013 Series A Bonds. 5. The draft form Official Statement of the Authority relating to the 2015 Series A Bonds to be dated the date of the sale of the 2015 Series A Bonds (the “Official Statement”) is hereby approved in the form of the Preliminary Official Statement that was utilized for the sale of the 2013 Series A Bonds with such changes to the Preliminary Official Statement as is necessary to reflect the terms of the 2015 Series A Bonds and each Authorized Officer, and each is, authorized on behalf of the Authority to execute the Official Statement with such other changes therein as shall be approved by General Counsel to the Authority and shall deliver the Official Statement to the Underwriters. 56134745.1 10 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda 6. The proper officers of the Authority are authorized in the name and on behalf of the Authority, to take any and all action which they deem necessary or advisable in order to effect the registration or qualification (or exemption therefrom) of the 2015 Series A Bonds, for issue, offer, sale or trade under the Blue Sky or securities laws of any of the States of the United States of America and in connection therewith to execute, acknowledge, verify, deliver, file or cause to be published any applications, reports, consents of service of process, appointments of attorneys to receive service of process and other papers and instruments which may be required under such laws, and to take any and all further action which they may deem necessary or advisable in order to maintain any such registration or qualification (or exemption therefrom) for as long as they deem necessary or as required by law or by the Underwriters for such securities; and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. 7. Each Authorized Officer and any Assistant Secretary of the Authority are authorized to execute such documents, instruments and papers, and do such acts and things as may be necessary or advisable in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance of, and security for, the 2015 Series A Bonds and in connection with the authorization, execution and delivery of the Official Statement, the Escrow Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Notice of Sale. SECTION 212. Obligation to Provide Continuing Disclosure. 1. The Authority hereby undertakes, for the benefit of Holders of the 2015 Series A Bonds, to provide or cause to be provided: (a) to the MSRB, no later than 210 days after the end of each Fiscal Year, the Annual Information relating to such Fiscal Year; (b) if not submitted as part of the Annual Information, to the MSRB audited financial statements of the Authority and each Obligated Person for such Fiscal Year when and if they become available; provided that if the financial statements of the Authority or any Obligated Person are not available in audited form by the date provided for in (a), the Annual Information shall contain unaudited financial statements of the Authority or such Obligated Person in a format similar to the audited financial statements most recently prepared for the Authority or such Obligated Person, and such audited financial statements of the Authority or such Obligated Person shall be filed in the same manner as the Annual Information when and if they become available; and (c) to the MSRB in a timely manner (not in excess of ten business days after the occurrence of the event), notice of the occurrence of the following events with respect to the 2015 Series A Bonds: (1) Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (2) Non-payment related defaults, if material; (3) difficulties; 56134745.1 Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial 11 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda (4) difficulties; (5) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (6) Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notice of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701 – TEB) or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the 2015 Series A Bonds, or other material events affecting the tax status of the 2015 Series A Bonds; (7) Modifications to rights of the 2015 Series A Bondholders, if material; (8) Optional contingent or unscheduled calls of any 2015 Series A Bonds other than scheduled sinking fund redemptions for which notice is given pursuant to Exchange Act Release 34-23856, if material, and tender offers; (9) Defeasances; (10) Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the 2015 Series A Bonds, if material; (11) Rating changes; (12) Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the Authority or an Obligated Person (a “Bankruptcy Event”). A Bankruptcy Event is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent or similar officer for the Authority or an Obligated Person in a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the Authority or an Obligated Person, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the Obligated Person; (13) The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the Authority or an Obligated Person or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Authority or an Obligated Person, other than in the ordinary court of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; (14) Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material; and 56134745.1 12 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda (d) to the MSRB in a timely manner, notice of a failure to provide any Annual Information required by clause (1)(a) of this Section 2.06(1), subsection 3, subsection 4, and subsection 5 of this Section 2.06. 2. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the Authority from disseminating any other information in addition to that required hereby in the manner set forth herein or in any other manner. If the Authority disseminates any such additional information, the Authority shall have no obligation to update such information or include it in any future materials disseminated hereunder. 3. The required Annual Information shall consist of the following information contained in the Official Statement: (a) to the extent not included in (b) and (c) below, the annual financial statements of the Authority and each Obligated Person described above; (b) with respect to the Authority, updated versions on the information contained in the table relating to investment of matching accounts, the table of “Drinking Water Matching Account Bonds” and moneys released from the “Drinking Water Matching Accounts” and the table of “WPCRF Matching Account Bonds” and moneys released from the “WPCRF Matching Accounts” under the heading “SECURITY FOR THE BONDS” and the information in “APPENDIX D – Information Regarding Outstanding Bonds and Direct Loans Under the Drinking Water and Water Pollution Control Revolving Programs”; and (c) with respect to each Obligated Person, updated material financial information and operating data as the Authority shall deem necessary to provide compliance with Rule 15c2-12. 4. All or any portion of the Annual Information may be incorporated in the Annual Information by cross reference to any other documents which have been filed with (i) the MSRB or (ii) the Securities and Exchange Commission. 5. Annual Information for any Fiscal Year containing any modified operating data or financial information (as contemplated by subsection 9(v), hereof) for such Fiscal Year shall explain, in narrative form, the reasons for such modification and the effect of such modification on the Annual Information being provided for such Fiscal Year. If a change in accounting principles is included in any such modification, such Annual Information shall present a comparison between the financial statements or information prepared on the basis of the modified accounting principles and those prepared on the basis of the former accounting principles. 6. The annual financial statements of the Authority and each Obligated Person shall be prepared in accordance with GAAP as in effect from time to time. Such financial statements shall be audited by a certified public accounting firm. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof to the contrary, upon the furnishing of notice by the Authority to the MSRB that an Obligated Person is no longer an “obligated person” within the meaning of Rule 15c2-12, the Authority’s obligation to provide continuing disclosure regarding such Obligated Person as described herein shall terminate. 56134745.1 13 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda 7. If the Authority shall fail to comply with any provision of this Section 2.06, then a Holder may enforce, for the equal benefit and protection of all Holders similarly situated, by mandamus or other suit or proceeding at law or in equity, this obligation against the Authority and any of the officers, agents and employees of the Authority, and may compel the Authority or any such officers, agents and employees to perform and carry out their duties hereunder; provided that the sole and exclusive remedy for breach of this obligation shall be an action to compel specific performance of the obligations of the Authority hereunder and no person or entity shall be entitled to recover monetary damages hereunder under any circumstances, and, provided further, that any challenge to the adequacy of any information provided pursuant to this Section 2.06 shall be brought only by the Holders of 25% in aggregate principal amount of the 2015 Series A Bonds at the time Outstanding which are affected thereby. Failure to comply with any provision of this obligation to provide continuing disclosure shall not constitute an Event of Default under Section 9.01 of the Bond Resolution. 8. This obligation is executed and delivered solely for the benefit of the Holders of the 2015 Series A Bonds. No other person shall have any right to enforce the provisions hereof or any other rights hereunder. 9. Without the consent of any Holders of the 2015 Series A Bonds, the Authority at any time and from time to time may enter into any amendments or changes to this obligation for any of the following purposes: (i) to comply with or conform to Rule 15c2-12 or any amendments thereto or any authoritative interpretations thereof by the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff (whether required or optional); (ii) to add a dissemination agent for the information required to be provided hereby and to make any necessary or desirable provisions with respect thereto; (iii) to evidence the succession of another person to the Authority and the assumption by any such successor of the covenants of the Authority hereunder; (iv) to add to the covenants of the Authority for the benefit of the Holders of the 2015 Series A Bonds, or to surrender any right or power herein conferred upon the Authority; (v) to modify the contents, presentation and format of the Annual Information from time to time as a result of a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity, nature, or status of the Authority, or type of business conducted; provided that, (a) there is filed with the Trustee an opinion of counsel having expertise with respect to the securities laws of the United States or an opinion of Bond Counsel stating (1) this undertaking, as amended, would have complied with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12 at the time of the offering of the 2015 Series A Bonds, after taking into account any amendments or authoritative interpretations 56134745.1 14 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda of Rule 15c2-12 as well as any change in circumstances; and (2) the amendment or change does not materially impair the interests of Holders of the 2015 Series A Bonds, or (b) such change or amendment is approved by the vote or consent of Holders of a majority in outstanding principal amount of the 2015 Series A Bonds affected thereby at or prior to the time of such amendment or change. 10. This obligation shall remain in full force and effect until such time as all principal, redemption premiums, if any, and interest on the 2015 Series A Bonds shall have been paid in full or legally defeased pursuant to Section 12.01 of the Bond Resolution. Upon any such legal defeasance, the Authority shall provide notice of such defeasance to the MSRB. Such notice shall state whether the 2015 Series A Bonds have been defeased to maturity or to redemption and the timing of such maturity or redemption. 11. For the purposes of this Section 2.06, Holder shall be deemed to include any beneficial owner of the 2015 Series A Bonds within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. 12. Any notices to or filings with the MSRB may be effected in an electronic format in accordance with the published procedures of the MSRB and accompanied by identifying information prescribed by the MSRB. SECTION 213. Prior Resolutions. Subject to the Prior Resolutions Bonds to be refunded as set forth in the Details Certificate, the following Resolutions are hereby designated as Prior Resolutions: (i) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 1996 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on June 7, 1996, as supplemented; (ii) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 1997 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on April 25, 1997, as supplemented; (iii) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2000 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on June 2, 2000, as supplemental; (iv) the Wastewater Revolving Fund 2004 Series A Refunding Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on December 3, 2004; (v) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2005 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on April 22, 2005; (vi) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2005 Series B Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on August 26, 2005; (vii) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2006 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on April 21, 2006; (viii) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2006 Series B Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on October 6, 2006; (ix) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2007 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on April 20, 2007; and (x) the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 2008 Series A Revenue Bond Resolution adopted on April 25, 2008. SECTION 214. Loan Agreements. Except as may be revised in the Details Certificate, Exhibit A to the 2013 Supplemental Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Revenue Bond Resolution is hereby amended to include the Loan Agreements set forth in Exhibit A hereto authorized by the Prior Resolution described in Section 213. 56134745.1 15 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda ARTICLE III. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 301. Effective Date. The provisions of this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution, other than Section 204 which shall take effect immediately, shall take effect upon the payment pursuant to the Prior Resolutions described in Section 213 of the bonds outstanding under such Prior Resolutions. 56134745.1 16 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda CERTIFICATE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority (the “Authority”) HEREBY CERTIFY that the Resolution attached hereto entitled “First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution, was duly adopted at a meeting of the Authority duly called and held on January 28, 2015, and that said Resolution has been compared by me with the original thereof, and it is a correct transcript therefrom, and the whole of said original, and that said Resolution has not been altered, amended or repealed, and is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of ____________, ______. Assistant Secretary 56134745.1 17 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda EXHIBIT A 1996 Series A Between the Authority and the Town of Crested Butte, Colorado Dated as of June 1, 1996 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2016 Between the Authority and the City of Idaho Springs, Colorado, Acting By And Through the City of Idaho Springs Water Activity Enterprise, Dated as of June 1, 1996 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2016 1997 Series A Between the Authority and City of Westminster, Colorado, Acting By And Through Its Water And Wastewater Utility Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 1997 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2017 Between the Authority and Breckenridge Sanitation District, Acting By And Through the Breckenridge Sanitation District Wastewater Activity Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 1997 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2017 Between the Authority and the Parker Water and Sanitation District, Acting By And Through Its Sewer Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 1997 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2017 Between the Authority and the City of Sterling, Colorado, Acting By And Through Its Sewer Enterprise Dated as of May 1, 1997, Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2017 56134745.1 18 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Between the Authority and the Town Eagle, Colorado, Dated as of May 1, 1997 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2017 Between the Authority and the Town Of Erie, Colorado, Acting By and Through The Erie Wastewater Enterprise Dated as of May 1, 1997 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2017 2000 Series A Between the Authority and Parker Water and Sanitation District, Acting by And Through Its Water Activity and Its Sanitary Sewer Enterprise, Dated as Of May 15, 2000 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2020 Between the Authority and Summit County, Colorado, Acting By And Through the Snake River Wastewater Utility Enterprise, Dated as of May 15, 2000 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2020 Between the Authority and Three Lakes Water and Sanitation District Dated as of May 15, 2000 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2019 2005 Series A Between the Authority and City of Westminster, Colorado, Acting By And Through the City Of Westminster, Colorado Water And Wastewater Utility Enterprise Dated as of May 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: June 1, 2025 Between the Authority and the Town of Breckenridge, Colorado Dated as of May 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2026 56134745.1 19 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Between the Authority and Roxborough Park Metropolitan District, Dated as of May 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2026 Between the Authority and Plum Creek Wastewater Authority, Dated As of May 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2026 Between the Authority and the Town Of Eaton, Colorado, Acting By and Through Its Sewer Fund Enterprise, dated as of May 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2027 Between the Authority and the Denver Southeast Suburban Water and Sanitation District, Acting By and Through Its Water and Wastewater Utility Enterprise, dated as of May 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2026 2005 Series B Between the Authority and The Breckenridge Sanitation District, Acting By And Through The Breckenridge Sanitation District Wastewater Activity Enterprise, Dated as of October 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2026 Between the Authority and the City of Glendale, Colorado, Acting By And Through Its Wastewater Enterprise, Dated as of October 1, 2005 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2027 56134745.1 20 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda 2006 Series A Between the Authority and Clifton Sanitation District No. 2, Acting By And Through Its Sanitation Sewer Activity Enterprise Dated as of May 1, 2006 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2027 Between the Authority and Donala Water and Sanitation District, Acting By And Through Its Gleneagle Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 2006 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2027 Between the Authority and Granby Sanitation District, Acting By And Through Its Water Activity Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 2006 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2027 2007 Series A Between the Authority and Bayfield Sanitation District, Acting By And Through Its Wastewater Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 2007 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2028 Between the Authority and the Town of Eagle, Colorado, Acting By And Through Its Wastewater Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 2007 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2028 Between the Authority and the Town of Mead, Colorado, Acting By And Through Its Wastewater Activity Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 2007 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2028 Between the Authority and the City of Rifle, Colorado, 56134745.1 21 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Acting By And Through Its Sewer Enterprise, Dated as of May 1, 2007 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2028 2008 Series A Between the Authority and the Town of Elizabeth, Colorado Dated as of May 1, 2008 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2029 Between the Authority and the Town of New Castle, Colorado, Acting By And Through the Town of New Castle, Colorado, Water and Sewer Enterprise Dated as of May 1, 2008 Last Repayment Date: August 1, 2030 56134745.1 22 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS AND STATUTORY AUTHORITY ...................................... 1 Section 101. Supplemental Resolution ..................................................................... 1 Section 102. Definitions............................................................................................ 1 Section 103. Authority for this First Supplemental Revenue Bond Resolution ............................................................................................ 1 ARTICLE II. AUTHORIZATION OF 2015 SERIES A BONDS ......................................... 1 Section 201. Principal Amount, Designation and Series .......................................... 1 Section 202. Purpose and Determination as to Financing ........................................ 2 Section 203. Date, Maturities and Interest Rate of 2015 Series A Bonds ................ 2 Section 204. Denomination, Numbers, Letters and Execution ................................. 2 Section 205. Place of Payment and Paying Agent .................................................... 2 Section 206. Parameters of the 2015 Series A Bonds ............................................... 2 Section 207. Application of Proceeds of 2015 Series A Bonds ................................ 3 Section 208. Book Entry Bonds ................................................................................ 3 Section 209. Form of 2015 Series A Bonds .............................................................. 4 Section 210. Tax Covenant ..................................................................................... 10 Section 211. Authorization of Various Documents ................................................ 10 Section 212. Obligation to Provide Continuing Disclosure .................................... 11 Section 213. Prior Resolutions................................................................................ 15 Section 214. Loan Agreements ............................................................................... 15 ARTICLE III. MISCELLANEOUS ...................................................................................... 16 Section 301. Effective Date .................................................................................... 16 56134745.1 Back to Agenda Back to Agenda COLORADO WATER RESOURCES & POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Logan Tower Bldg - Suite 620, 1580 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado 80203-1942 303/830-1550 · Fax 303/832-8205 · MEMORANDUM January 28, 2015 TO: Board of Directors and Karl Ohlsen FROM: Keith McLaughlin, Finance Director RE: Update on Project and Matching Account Fund Investments The Authority has historically used over collateralized repurchase agreements as its investment vehicle to hold the majority of the project and matching account funds for its WPCRF and DWRF leveraged loan programs. Authority staff continues to monitor the ratings of the providers of these agreements and reports that there were no ratings or outlook changes since the last Board meeting. On a monthly basis, Staff monitors the collateral posted as security for these agreements and can report that all of the agreements are in compliance with the required collateral percentages and eligible securities. Updated spreadsheets showing the current project and matching account investments and investment provider ratings are attached. Attachment: Updated WPCRF and DWRF Project and Matching Accounts spreadsheet Investment Provider Ratings spreadsheet Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Investment of DWRF and WPCRF Project and Matching Accounts 16-Jan-15 Investment Provider Societe General Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp.* Trinity Citigroup** AIG Portigon AG*** Repurchase Totals Matching & Project Account Balance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,949,285 21,326,984 9,917,893 14,377,412 20,078,553 216,165 77,866,292 % of Total Matching & Project Accounts Number of Repurchase Agreements 5.92% 10.57% 4.92% 7.13% 9.96% 0.11% 38.61% 1 3 3 2 4 1 14 * Formerly known as FSA ** The clean water 1997A and 2002A repurchase agreements were assigned from Salomon to Citigroup ***Formerly known as Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale SLGS* COLOTRUST/Federated Prime Total Grand Total $ $ $ 92,169,562 31,643,535 123,813,097 45.70% 15.69% 61.39% $ 201,679,389 100% * All T-bonds have matured Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Investment Provider Ratings Spreadsheet January 16, 2015 Investment Provider Societe Generale Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp.¹ Trinity AIG Citigroup² (senior debt) Portigon AG³ Moody's Rating A2 A2 A1 Baa1 Baa2 Aa1 Moody's Outlook Negative Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable S&P Rating A AA AA+ AANR S&P Outlook Negative Stable Stable Stable Negative N/A Fitch Rating A NR NR A-⁴ A A+ Fitch Outlook Negative N/A N/A Stable Stable Stable ¹Formerly known as FSA ²The clean water 1997A and 2002A repurchase agreements were assigned from Salomon to Citigroup ³Formerly known as Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale ⁴Fitch does not directly rate AIG Matched Funding Corp. However, the Issuer Default Rating for its parent company, AIG International Group, Inc., is A-. Negative Outlook - Means there is a 1 in 3 chance that ratings could be cut in the next 18-24 months Negative Watch - Means there is a 1 in 2 chance that ratings could be downgraded in the next 3 months Postive - Means that the rating is likely to be upgraded over a 1 to 2 year period NR - Not rated WD - Rating withdrawn Back to Agenda Back to Agenda Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority January 28, 2015 Back to Agenda Denver Southeast Suburban Water & Sanitation District Resolution No. 15-02 Back to Agenda • Authorize an interim loan in the amount of $1,500,000, for a term of up to 2 years at an interest rate of 3.5%. • Loan Agreement must have legal opinions concerning compliance with TABOR. • Require the District to submit its annual audit by July 31st of each year. Back to Agenda Back to Agenda DWRF and WPCRF Planning Grant Update • There are 30 SRF Planning Grants allocated for 2015. • Eligibility Criteria: Current year’s Project Eligibility List or will be added the subsequent year. Population 10,000 or less MHI less than or equal to 80% of the State MHI • Planning Grants are issued at up to $10,000 per community, per project. • Planning Grants require a 20% match. Back to Agenda Back to Agenda DWRF and WPCRF Design and Engineering Grant Update • Design and Engineering Grants are issued based on board approval with an allocated budget of $1.5M in each program for eligible communities. • Design and Engineering Grants are issued up to $250,000 per community, per project: • Small Projects ($0-$1M): 16% of project cost up to $160,000 Medium Projects ($1M-2M): 12% of project cost up to $240,000 Large Projects (>$2M): 10% of project cost up to $250,000 Eligibility Criteria: Current year’s Project Eligibility List or will be added the subsequent year Population 10,000 or less MHI less than or equal to 80% of the State MHI Back to Agenda Back to Agenda GAP (Grant Assistance Program) Update As of January 26, 2015, $1,245,332 or 99% of Drinking Water funds have been drawn. -There is 1 remaining Drinking Water GAP Grant: – Town of Branson with a remaining balance of $4,668.27 or 88% complete. As of January 26, 2015, $1,217,544 or 97% of Wastewater funds have been drawn. -There is 1 remaining Wastewater GAP Grant: – Town of Dinosaur with a remaining balance of $32,455.56 or 41% complete. Back to Agenda Back to Agenda SHLP Matching Grant Update Since December 5, 2014, no SHLP Matching Grants were awarded. There are ten SHLP Matching Grants allocated for 2015. Back to Agenda
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