Waterville Elks 905 NEWS January 2015 Santa & Mrs. Claus arrived at the Children’s Christmas Party and gave stockings to all the children (aka Ginny Joseph and Dave Anderson, PER!) Elks Lodge 905 76 Industrial Street • Waterville, ME 04901 Lounge 207-873-4335 – Fax 861-8094 Banquet 873-4235 – Secretary 873-0137 – Treasurer 873-4335 E-mail: secretary@waterville905.com treasurer@waterville905.com • banquet@waterville905.com Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 am-9:00 pm Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 am-10:00 pm Friday & Saturday: 9:00 am-12:00 am • Sunday: Noon-8:001 pm LODGE OFFICERS Steve Washington, PER Exalted Ruler Sandi Anderson Leading Knight Joe Pomerleau Loyal Knight David Hammond Lecturing Knight Wendy Lee Secretary Felecia Gaulin Treasurer Paul LaBrie Tiler John C. Brown, PER Esquire Sheldon Dudley Inner Guard Paul Robert Chaplain TBA Organist TRUSTEES David Fecteau Al Stedman Bambi Tefft David Anderson, PER Carlette Eaton, PER MEA TRUSTEE Carlette Eaton, PER Tom Corey Elk of the Year Sharon Finemore Mother of the Year Barbara Currie Officer of the Year Dusty Woodside Citizen of the Year 2 Message from the Exalted Ruler Steve Washington, PER 24 Forest Park Waterville, ME 04901 207-646-0065 mrstevew@myfairpoint.net The New Year is upon us and now is the time to make your New Year’s resolution. When you make that resolution, keep the Lodge in mind. Resolve to participate in Lodge activities, attend a Lodge meeting, or volunteer for a function. My thanks go out to Carlette Eaton for running the Children’s Christmas party – over sixty children attended, played games, enjoyed the craft booths, and had a visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Also a thanks to the New Year’s Eve committee, Proud To Be An American was this years theme, and it was a great time. The Lodge is always the place to be to celebrate New Year’s Eve. During the month of February the Lodge will be raffling a gun a day. Don’t forget to get your gun raffle tickets. As always, I want to mention that the entertainment committee has a DJ on the second Saturday of each month. In February, it will be the Valentine Dance and in March it will be the St. Patrick’s party. We are now in our slowest months of the year, your support of our events would help us be successful in these endeavors In November’s bulletin I mentioned the formation of a Membership Management Committee. Membership is the lifeblood of our organization; therefore this committee is taking on a serious responsibility. This committee will be focusing on lapsation, roaming Elks, and new members. I ask all Elks to be a part of this team. If one out of ten Elks were to propose a new member each year, the Waterville Elks Lodge would be the largest and best Lodge in the State. Let’s make this our goal for the New Year. Yours in Elkdom Steve Washington, Exalted Ruler February Blues Gun Raffle Time is getting short. Come on in to the Lounge and Pick up tickets for the February Blues gun raffle to sell to your friends and family. 25 guns and A Drawing Every Day of the four cash prizes!!! A drawing every Month for Limited February, 2015!of day in February!!! number Calendar listingEvery is on ticket back ofwill stub. tickets to be sold!!! be All tickets will be in all drawings. in every drawing!!! $10.00 each 3 for $25.00 8 for $50.00 ONLY 4,500 TICKETS SOLD * Daily drawings in February No. ________ * Tickets on sale now. Sign them out at the bar. * 25 guns and four cash prizes Name for ________________________________ * Prizes the two members that sell the most tickets. Address________________________________ * Great stocking stuffers * Potentially our largest fund raiser of ______________________________________ the winter. ______________________________________ Phone ________________________________ No. ________ 3 905 MEETINGS SCHEDULED EVENTS Lodge: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm, except July only 4th Thursday, and November and December only 2nd Thursday. Pot of Gold is growing – you must be present to win. Bingo: Every Monday & Wednesday Nights in our Banquet & Conference Center – doors open at 4:00 pm and games start at 6:30 pm. Play up to 36 cards for $16.00. Open to the public. Snack kitchen and sealed game tickets are offered. Must be a Bingo player to play sealed tickets. David Fecteau – Bingo Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Thursday of each Lodge meeting week at 5:30 pm before Lodge meeting. Chair – Steve Washington, PER House Committee: The 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm. Chair – Sandi Anderson Past Exalted Rulers: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:45 pm. Chair – Dan Hubert, PER Investigation Committee: 1st Monday of every month. Chair – Joe Pomerleau MEMBERSHIP Committee: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Chair – TBD National Veterans Service Committee: 2nd Monday of every month - 6:00 p.m. Anyone interested in helping, please come and join us. Chair Al Stedman, Co-Chairs: Dave Anderson, Kirk Finemore ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE: Meeting first Monday of the month, looking for committee members for entertainment. Chair – Pat Magaw Our District Deputy Maine Central #3600: Wayne Cotterly 282 Maine Street, Poland Spring, ME 04274 207-998-2282 cotterly@fairpoint.net A lodge of sorrow can be requested at any time. If you have a loved one that has passed, please call the lodge 873-4335 to arrange a service. 4 Tuesday Night SpaGhetti: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. All you can eat spaghetti, salad, garlic bread/rolls, dessert and coffee for $6.00. November through March, we will only serve the 1st Tuesday of the month. April will resume to every Tuesday. Sponsored by 905 PER Association FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. $9.00 per person/$5.00 per child under 10. All you can eat buffet, serving 2 entrees with all the fixings! Eat-in or take-out. Wayne Lee, Jr. – Chairman Cribbage Tournament: WATCH FOR NEW DETAILS Chairman TBA Saturday Pool Tournament: Starts in September and runs until 2nd week of April. Every Saturday morning at 10:30. $6.00 per player per week. Wayne Lee, Jr. – Chairman Saturday Sandwiches: Italians, Hoagies, Salads. $5.00 - Deliveries available - 5 sandwich minimum. Pauline Magaw – Chair Sunday Lunches: Come see what is cooking and watch the sports of the day on the BIG screen TV. New cooks welcome, come show your stuff! See Lounge Steward Chicken Barbecue: 1/2 chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, homemade baked beans, and a biscuit for only $9.50 per person. Strawberry shortcake $3.50 or Bar-B-Q & Shortcake combo $12.00 4:30 to 6:30 pm, 2nd Saturday of every month March – October. Lanny White, Chairman TEXAS HOLD’EM: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of every month at 6:30 pm - $35.00 entry fee. Tom Corey, Chairman Sickness & Distress: Please call the lodge or Donna Stedman, 509-8036 (cell) or 616-0242 (home). 5 SECRETARY’S REPORT - Dec. 2014 The following were elected to membership, attended Orientation and were Initiated on Thursday December 11, 2014. Raymond Lane, Gerard Poulin, John Goulette, Connor Pillsbury, Matthew Spinner, and Wayne Theriault. The Key Cards for 2015/2016 are Canary Yellow. 2015/2016 LIFE members $28.50 and Regular members $73.50 They will be available for issue as of December 18. We still have 73 members who have not paid their dues for 2014/2015, its not to late. Wendy Lee, Secretary – 207- 873- 0137 Honorary Life Members: PAINTING CLASS at Waterville Elks Lodge #905 ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND MEMBERS & GUESTS!!! Saturday, Jan. 10th from 1:00-3:00 pm WE ARE PAINTING & YES, YOU CAN LEARN TO PAINT!! A professional instructor will show you! How about trying a fun day of painting? Take a couple of hours out of your hectic life & sit back with your palette & your friends & paint! Guaranteed to be lots of conversation, a few laughs, lots of color! No experience necessary! Ed Gurski, Richard Leavitt, Ronald Gaulin, Carl Loiselle, Leo LaChance Price per person: $50. Can accommodate up to 20! Participants MUST PREPAY to reserve a seat! SIGN-UP SHEET AT THE BAR OR Call or Email Carlette Eaton to reserve your seat - 751-5590 - place04963@yahoo.com Positions Available Next Year: Lecturing Knight, Leading Knight, Esquire, Chaplain. Please contact Sandi Anderson for information on how you can help your lodge. Arica’s Art provides a canvas, paint, brushes, aprons & instruction & you bring home your MASTERPIECE! (sorry no refunds due to purchasing of supplies) Hosted by: Arica Pillsbury of Arica’s Art JEWELRY MAKING CLASS Friday, January 16th - 6:00 pm to 8:00 PM learn to make jewelry. Everything will be provided for small fee. instructor Melissa Karter call for information 872-2006 Support Your Lodge by Purchasing a 2015 Maine Elks Association Calendar 365 Drawings for $25-$100 per Day $20.00 per calendar ~ Great Stocking Stuffers! See Your Lounge Steward or Carlette Eaton, PER 6 QUEEN OF HEARTS Congratulations to Tom Corey, the Queen of Hearts Winner! #29 was picked on Friday, December 19th. Total to the winner was close to $1,400!!! We will start another board, so come in to the lounge and get in the next drawing: Friday Nights at 7:00 PM- $1.00 a chance. TREASURER’S MESSAGE I am a Notary and would be willing to notarize papers for Elk members when I am here. Please call lodge 873-4335 and leave message, if I’m not here, to set up meeting. Thank you - Felecia Gaulin 7 Thank you to everyone who helped with the Children’s Christmas Party! It was a huge success and everyone had a great time! PROUD to be an AMERICAN? WE WANT YOU to help us celebrate New Year’s Eve at Waterville Elks #905 Carlette Place, PER, Chair A future elk, Owen, having his 1st visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. He is the son of Dana and Nick Champagne. Red Cross Blood Drive February 6, 2015 The Lodge is looking for volunteers for the annual blood drive. Please contact Steve Washington if you could donate any time during the day for this great cause. More details to follow in next newsletter. Thank you ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Having entertainment the 2nd saturday of every month, DJ s will vary. Please start buying 50/50 superbowl tickets available at the bar. Every friday night buffet we will be having a meat raffle with 2 winners. Entertainment committee will meet on first Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. Don’t forget the NEW YEARS TOAST at 10 am on New Years Day. Thank You - Pat Magaw, Chairman Have something for the 905 Newsletter? Please email to: place04963@yahoo.com Carlette Eaton, PER, Editor 8 December 31st, 2014 7:00 Social / 7:30 Dinner / Dancing 9:00 - 1:00 a.m. Featuring: ★ $5.00 ★ DJ Larry Thibodeau $5.00 BUY A STAR FOR THE HIGHWAY! ENJOY: Full Dinner ~ Party Favors 50/50 ~ Snacks ~ Champagne Toast DRESS AS YOUR FAVORITE PATRIOTIC FIGURE, WEAR YOUR UNIFORM OR JUST COME IN YOUR FAVORITE AMERICAN ATTIRE TO WIN EXTRA PRIZES! $25 per person if purchased Nov. 1st - Nov. 30th $30 per person if purchased Dec. 1st - 31st TICKET SALES STOP ON DEC. 31st AT NOON! Waterville Elks Lodge #905, 76 Industrial Street, Waterville Call 873-4335 or 313-2479 for tickets - Members & Guests All Stars sold for the Highway at $5.00 each will benefit the Veterans! 9 JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY NEW YEAR’S TOAST 10 AM 1 FRIDAY NO BUFFET SATURDAY 2 Pool Tourney 10:30 am 3 Texas Holdem 6:30 pm 4 MEA State Mtg Brunswick Lodge 9:00 am Trustees 10:00 General Mtg 11 5 BINGO 6:30 Investigation Committee 12 6 PER Spaghetti 5-6:30 19 BINGO 6:30 PER Mtg. 6:45 Entertainment Committee 6:30 13 20 BINGO 6:30 8 BofD Mtg. 5:00 9 Roast Pork Smothered Beef & Onions Lodge Mtg. 7:00 14 BINGO 6:30 BINGO 6:30 Sportsman Committee 6:00 Veterans Committee Mtg. 6:30 18 7 21 BINGO 6:30 15 House Comm. Mtg. 6:00 22 BofD Mtg. 5:00 16 10 Pool Tourney 10:30 am Painting Class 1:00 pm 17 Meatloaf Mac & Cheese w/Ham Pool Tourney 10:30 am Jewelry Making 6:00 pm Texas Holdem 6:30 pm 23 Baked Stuffed Haddock Sheppard’s Pie 24 Pool Tourney 10:30 am Lodge Mtg. 7:00 25 26 BINGO 6:30 27 28 BINGO 6:30 29 30 Beef Tips Chicken Shortcake 31 Pool Tourney 10:30 am Upcoming Events in FEBRUARY: BLOOD DRIVE Dec. 14, 2014 10:00 am Signup Sheet at the Bar Looking for New Members for the Pool Tournaments Every Saturday Morning! New 8 Ball Format Looking for help with the Chicken BBQ Call Lanny White 623-7723 FEBRUARY 6 Meatball Stroganoff BBQ Pulled Pork 10 11 SPORTSMAN’S NIGHT MEETING Monday, January 12, 2015 @ 6:00 pm. Grand Prize has been selected: 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 side by side or $7500.00 cash. Winner pays all taxes. Tickets will be available about mid Jan. Please help to support your lodge and sell some tickets so as for us to support our community programs. Any member that would like to help on the sportsman night committee or help the night of the event 4/25/15 call chairman Sheldon Dudley 314 0925; sdudley1@roadrunner.com. VETERAN’S COMMITTEE ICE AUGER RAFFLE $3.00 each - 2 for $5.00 - 4 for $10.00 Only 500 tickets printed and will be drawn when all are sold Tickets at the bar or call Al Stedman 616-0242 Veteran’s Committee Announces Visits Please check the Veteran’s Committee Bulletin board at the Lodge, for any additions or deletions. The Veteran’s Committee is looking for folks that want to actively help us and serve our Veterans. Our activities are many; but could include making items as gifts, helping cook or serve meals and visiting our Veterans; there are numerous ways to aid the committee; any help would be greatly appreciated. The more people we have, the less each person has to do. We have a lot of fun and it is a really great, feel good activity. Anyone interested can contact any member of the Veteran’s Committee, which are listed on the Veteran’s Bulletin Board, in the Lounge, by the entrance to the Buffet Room. Any Elk member who is a Veteran and homebound and would like a visit from our Committee; please contact the lodge and leave a message. Remember the Vets monthly meeting: 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. and we are always looking for new members. The Wall of Honor The Veterans Committee is still selling plaques to display on our Wall of Honor. Applications are available at the bar, the Lodge Secretary, and Brother Al Stedman. ELK’S SATURDAY SANDWICHES New Hours: 10:00 am to Noon To any members that have purchased plaques for the Veteran’s Wall of Honor: If your Veteran has passed away, please let us know; we are in the process of adding stars to the plaques of our deceased Veteran’s. Please contact Al Stedman at 616-0242 or 509-0052. Information for the Waterville Elks “Veteran’s Memorial Wall” Plaque Name of Purchaser_____________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________ Phone or contact number________________________________________________ Italians – Ham, Salami or Turkey / Hoagies – Bulky Roll / ItaliansHam, Salami, or Turkey Salads / All for only $5.00 Hoagies- Bulky Roll Call for deliveries - 5 sandwich minimum Salads Only $4.00Pauline Magaw, Chairperson 873-4335 12 Call for Deliveries- 5 sandwich minimum (873-4335) Information for Veteran (list below) Name_______________________________________________________________ Branch of Military_____________________________________________________ Rank (optional) _______________________________________________________ Area of Service (optional)_______________________________________________ Years of service _______________________________________________________ 13 Texas Hold’em Tournaments Waterville Elks Lodge #905 $35.00 Entry Fee 1st & 3rd Saturday of Month Chips Starting Stack $10,000 High Hand $5.00 TENTATIVE 2015 DATES January 3 & 17 February 7 & 21 March 7 & 21 April 4 & 18 May 2 & 16 Check FB for Updates . . . New events posted as they get planned! Support Your Lodge - Stay in Touch! 14 Time Per Level 20 minutes June 6 & 20 July 18 & 25 August 1 & 15 September 5 & 19 October 3 & 17 November 7 & 21 December 5 & 19 OPEN TO MEMBERS & THEIR GUESTS Sign up early as limited seats available. Dates subject to change. Chairman – Tom Corey 15 GEORGE LINT DRYWALL Over 60 Years of Experience Toll Free: 1-866-HAMMOND Auburn, Bangor, Belgrade, Boothbay, Brunswick, Damariscotta, Fairfield, Farmington, Greenville, Pemaquid, Portland, Skowhegan, Wilton Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00-5:30 Fri 8:00-8:00 • Sat 8:00-5:00 412 Augusta Road, Winslow Corner of the Carter Memorial Bridge 872-5941 • 1-888-872-5942 PLEAU’S MARKET The Home of the Rite Meat! Open 7 Days a Week. China Road, Winslow 873-4612 JIM’S GUN SHOP Buy - Sell - Trade - Pawn Free Appraisals 69 Bay Street, Winslow 872-9481 KMD FLORIST & GIFT HOUSE TAXES ARE OUR SPECIALTY 1175 Main St., Clinton, ME 04927 207-426-9125 / Fax 426-2013 www.jrtaxacct.com D.B. JOHNSTON & ASSOCIATES Cedar Springs Golf Course 873-0443 Dyer B. Johnston Dyer B. Johnston II Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll & Income Tax Services 419 North Pond Rd., Winslow 873-4688 or Fax 873-2185 14 North Street, Waterville 873-3371 145 Lakewood Road, Madison 474-9771 33 Depot Street, Livermore Falls 16 J. R. TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES 73 K M D WATERVILLE LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES FREE LOCAL DELIVERY or $10 Off any $50 Sale Sheetrocking, Taping, Finishing, Small Home Improvements 617 Abbott Road Winslow, ME 04901 877-0611 / 692-7008 drywallinman@yahoo.com 897-3861 www.warebutler.com Bog Road - Albion $15 for 9 or $22 for 18 holes Mon.-Thurs. before Noon $12 437-2073 Do you have any used furniture, dishes, linens you could donate for homeless vets? Please Call Dave Anderson 660-5640 or Lodge 873-4335 Mike Sadulsky Foundations Repaired and Sealed 948-3117 Zimba Company, Inc . Wall & Ceiling Specialists 7 Summit Street Fairfield 453-7991 PARSONS SMALL ENGINE/ ARCHERY/ GUN SHOP 991 Waterville Road UNITY TOWNSHIP, ME 04988 207-948-2377 smalleng@uninets.net 17 PARKER’S Small Engine Repair CARROLL & SON AUTO BODY 385 Norridgewock Road Fairfield, ME 04937 24 HOUR WRECKER USED CARS 453-6862 George Parker, Owner/Operator 872-5226 453-6758 Nights ACCURATE BUILDING Have you lost a loved SYSTEMS one and would like a Mechanical General Contractor Plumbing~Heating~Electrical Specializing in Home Comfort Licensed & Insured Eddie Klein 207-437-4900 E-mail: accuratebs@uninets.net Lodge of Sorrow? Ritual Services Available Contact Lodge 873-4335 Sandi Anderson, Esquire Remember, the Lounge is available to Elk Members who would like to host a Party! Great for Retirements, Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. Call Mike King 873-4335 FOUR SEASONS JANITORIAL Central Maine Electric SNOW POND CRUISES Specializing in Residential, Commercial, Fully Insured, Reasonable Rates LEO DUPREY Master Electrician 466 Mutton Lane, Clinton 426-8842 - 314-1926 18 Residential Power-Washing Commerrcial Cleaning Randy Gerry ~ Darla Smart 453-2552 / 1-800-273-8366 Capt Gary Bennett Reg. Maine Guide 207-314-3520 www.snowpondcruises.com • Please notify the Lodge Secretary of any changes in your mailing address. If we get it back for any reason, we will stop your 905 NEWS until we hear from you. • Please notify the Lodge Secretary any time you are in the hospital. • Please notify the Lodge Secretary of any member deaths. Please Print 2015-2016 MEMBERSHIP Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________________________________ Member No ________ E-Mail : __________________________________________ Check What You Are Paying: ❏ Regular Dues Full Year $73.50 ❏ Life Dues Full Year $28.50 In Addition, I Would Like To Make A Tax-Deductible Donation To: ENF $ ________ MCCP $ ________ Veterans $ ________ Scholarships $ ________ We Now Accept: Cash, Check, VISA, Master Card, or Discover Card. I am enclosing: Dues $___________ Donations $___________ Mortgage Burning $___________ Total Amount $___________ Give a Gift that lasts all year: $73.50 will pay for a loved one’s membership for 2015-2016. Due April 1st. Sharon Finemore and Gail Dudley both celebrated birthdays Friday, 12-12! See Lodge Secretary! 19 2015 Happy New Year! 20
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