Document 73771

As a mission driven, locally owned not-for-profit health
system, ProMedica contributes substantially to communities
throughout our 27-county service region, ensuring that we
meet our mission of improving the health and well-being
of those within, and outside, our four walls. Through our
advocacy efforts, ProMedica contributes time, resources,
staff, and financial support to develop partnerships and
implement innovative ways in which residents of our region
can better reach their fullest potential.
timeLine of DePartmentS
aDDeD to DiViSion:
Mission Services
Relations – Established
as a department
Government Relations –
added, division created
System Grants
Medical Director of Community
Health and Advocacy
Established as a separate department of the
system in 2001, ProMedica’s advocacy and
community relations functions are now part
of the division of Government Relations and
Advocacy which includes the departments of
Mission Services, Grants, Community Relations,
Government Relations and Advocacy.
Beginning in 2008, with a focus on obesity
prevention and education, we became
increasingly aware of the inextricable link
of hunger and obesity. Though seemingly
counterintuitive and two separate issues, the
more we learned about and worked to address
obesity, the affect that hunger and poverty had
on obesity and overall good health became
increasingly clear.
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Today, there is a growing understanding and
commitment to address hunger and other
social determinants of health by hospitals and
health systems across the country. At the core,
addressing the social determinants goes to the
foundation of many health issues that follow
an individual through life. By taking a lead in
ensuring that basic needs and a solid foundation
for living are in place, the health of individuals
can increase, communities can become stronger
and economically sound, and the health costs of
our nation can be better managed.
Established in 2008, Fields of Green was initially implemented to provide nutrition education and obesity
prevention programs. obesity exacerbates heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, chronic back
and joint pain, and other diseases, and its effects are far-reaching and life threatening. Fields of Green is an
umbrella for a variety of programs developed by Promedica and shared with the community:
KeysTo Good Health™
Healthy Kids Conversation Maps
Community Gardens
Developed for grades 1 – 6 as an interactive
educational program to help children and their
parents adopt healthy lifestyle choices.
ProMedica supports local community gardens
through the Toledo Botanical Garden’s Toledo
Grows program, so that under-served areas of
our community have access to locally grown fresh
fruits and vegetables.
Three map programs have been developed
to teach healthy behaviors:
• Eat Strong, Play Hard, Get Lots of Sleep
(Grades 1 – 3)
• 1, 2, 3 and ½ Keys to Good Health
(Grades 4 – 6)
Several years ago, ProMedica Flower Hospital
was the demonstration site for a vertical growing
system that is now in place at more than a dozen
sites throughout Toledo including schools, food
pantries and YMCA locations.
• Healthy Eating in the Real World
Since 2009, more than 3,200 children have been
educated in schools, YMCA locations, after
school, and summer programs.
United Way of Greater Toledo awarded its
Healthy Greens grant to ProMedica in 2011
and 2012 to train community agency staff in
the program:
• 49 agencies have been included in the
trainings with a Conversation Map kit
donation to each agency.
ProMedica | PAGE 3
Fields of Green scholarship program
To better engage young people in their
understanding of the importance of nutrition
and exercise, as well as to capitalize on their
creativity and energy, the Fields of Green
scholarship program was developed in 2008.
In year one, the competition challenged teams
of 2 – 4 high school students to develop a
two-week menu for an elementary school that
incorporated prescribed nutrition standards,
locally grown and produced ingredients, where
possible, remained within a budget and also
included a simple exercise option. Finalists
gathered to demonstrate their menu as well as
their exercise program and each member of
the winning team was awarded a $5,000 college
scholarship and a $1,000 award for their school.
The 2008 winning entry from the PB Jammers
became a two-week pilot program in a local
elementary school with the winning menu and
activities available on-line for use by other
schools. The judges for the competition were
incredibly impressed with the entries and
awarded not only $15,000 in first place prize
money, but a total of $42,000 with the addition
of second and third place team prizes.
Following the same team format, in 2009
the competition returned with a new theme
challenging the high school students to create
an elementary school exercise program that
included healthy snack options. The winning
entry was titled Around the World: Destination
Health and featured games from countries
around the world and snacks from those same
countries. Again, the winning entry became
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a pilot program with local schools and YMCA
locations. Each member of the winning team
again received a $5,000 scholarship with second
and third place teams also receiving cash awards
for higher education totaling $52,500 in awards.
Building upon the success of the first two years,
ProMedica challenged high school teams in
2010 to reinvent an elementary school breakfast
menu. The winning entry, Breakfast Boot Camp,
provided creative, easy and healthy breakfast
options that can be served at school and at
home. Highlights of the menus included French
toast roll-ups, cinnamon apple oatmeal and stars
and stripes toast. The winning entry was again
a pilot program locally with menus available
on-line for wider distribution. This competition
awarded $19,000 to local high school students
who placed in the competition.
The last scholarship competition was held
in 2011 and evolved along with ProMedica’s
work from obesity to hunger and challenged
high school students to raise awareness of
hunger in their community. Many creative entries
were received with the winning entry developed
by an enterprising team from Bowling Green
who not only provided the entry for the
competition, but actually brought their entry
to fruition. They implemented an elementary
school weekend backpack program for children
in need, funded through a food/contribution
drive at local football games. Volunteers pack
the backpacks and distribute them to students
weekly. This competition awarded $13,000 to
four local students.
ISSUE…Come to the Table
ProMedica sees the health impacts of poor nutrition and hunger
on our patients and families every day.
Hunger in our region
Through our partnerships with local, regional and
national organizations, and the community health
needs assessment conducted for our member
hospitals, ProMedica came to understand the
link between hunger and obesity, and our work
has thus evolved into the Come to the Table
initiative. This effort encompasses a variety of
collaborations both within our hospitals and within
our communities that serve as a model for other
hospitals and health systems.
The statistics on families who are food insecure in
our region are staggering:
• In Michigan, more than 19 percent of
households were food insecure in 2011,
increasing from 14.7 percent in 2010.
• In Ohio more than 18.1 percent of
households being food insecure in 2011,
increasing from 16.3 percent in 2010.
• Food insecure children suffer from more
ear infections, colds, stomachaches, iron
deficiency, and negative effects on cognitive
and physical development.
• Food insecure pregnant women are more
likely to deliver underweight babies.
These significant health threats are preventable
and ProMedica, as the largest employer in
the region, is in a unique position to convene
organizations and community leaders to develop
strategies that will have a positive impact while at
the same time inviting other organizations to join
the effort, especially those who are providing direct
services to those in need, such as food banks, soup
kitchens, food pantries and more.
One poignant and measurable outcome of
this collaborative approach is the increase in
summer meals served to children in metro Toledo.
ProMedica in partnership with United Way,
YMCA, Feed Lucas County Children and several
other organizations developed a targeted public
relations campaign to increase awareness of the
summer meal sites. Prior to the collaboration,
only 1,500 meals were served. After year one,
45,000 meals were served, and in year-two more
than 100,000 meals were served. This effort did
not involve extensive monetary resources due
to the generous in-kind contributions of several
participants, but it did involve coordination of
resources and a consistent message.
ProMedica has framed the dialogue for Come
to the Table with hunger as a health issue rather
than an issue based solely in poverty. This unique
tactic has changed the dynamic of discussions as
well as brought new energy and motivation to the
issue. By sharing the detrimental health effects
of hunger with our employees, physicians and
community, there is a much clearer understanding
of why ProMedica is working on this issue coupled
with a willingness to help. To that end, Come to
the Table continually evolves as new partners and
opportunities are presented.
ProMedica | PAGE 5
In Michigan, there are 3,151,371 individuals
with incomes below 200% of the federal
poverty level.
25.1% to 30% Eligible
40.1% to 45% Eligible
20.1% to 25% Eligible
35.1% to 40% Eligible
15.1% to 20% Eligible
30.1% to 35% Eligible
10% to 15% Eligible
Over 45.15 Eligible
There are 3,561,514 Ohioans with incomes
below 200% of the federal poverty level—or
income eligible for emergency food.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American
Community Survey
under age 5
under age 18
Van Wert
Source: Ohio Association of Foodbanks
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In 2012, Dr. Michelle Boose joined the Division
as Medical Director of Community Health and
Advocacy. Her experience as a family practice
physician coupled with her background in Public
Health provides unique expertise and perspective
as our initiatives evolve. Dr. Boose is currently
developing a pilot research program to address
childhood obesity in partnership with several other
ProMedica physicians. Dr. Boose also shares her
expertise throughout the community as an active
member of our Speakers Bureau.
To further our Mission, ProMedica’s
Come to the Table initiative is proud to
partner with these organizations at the
national level:
The Alliance to End Hunger
In 2009 ProMedica became
the first health care system
in the nation to join this
organization, whose purpose
is to engage communities
and help establish
partnerships among all
sectors to eradicate hunger.
In partnership with The Alliance to End Hunger,
ProMedica has embraced a bold initiative to end
hunger in our region by 2015.
By utilizing The Alliance to End Hunger’s
successful model, ProMedica is acting as a
catalyst and a coalition builder in our community
as we organize program administrators, private
businesses, non-profit organizations, the faith
community and elected officials in a coordinated
Hunger Free Region effort.
Share Our Strength
ProMedica was
selected in 2012,
and again in 2013, as
one of 13 national
Share Our Strength:
No Kid Hungry Allies in recognition of our work
on hunger as a health issue. This affiliation has
brought additional resources to our community, as
well as the opportunity to share ProMedica’s work
with other organizations nationally.
Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease
is a partner
organization of
the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, PFCD, a
national coalition of patients, providers, community
organizations, health experts, and business and
labor groups.
In a recent white paper developed by ProMedica
and PFCD, we examined the extent of hunger in
America, the inextricable links of hunger to poor
health and the need to consider hunger as a health
issue to make changes that are needed to acheive
improved health status.
The White House and Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) Health
Systems Learning Group
In October 2012 ProMedica was invited to join a
group of health systems from across the country that
are focusing on the social determinants of health
and developing collaborative ways to improve the
health status of those in greatest need throughout
communities. ProMedica’s hunger initiative, Come
to the Table, has been identified as a model on
which other health systems can build to address
the basic cornerstone of proper nutrition and good
health. The Health Systems Learning Group met with
staff of the White House and HHS Center for Faith
Based Community Initiatives in April 2013 to share a
monograph of how the industry can play a pivotal role
in addressing the social determinants of health, and
ProMedica will continue to be an instrumental partner
in this initiative and its activities.
The monograph of the Health Systems Learning
Group will serve as an initial roadmap for the
establishment of a comprehensive business plan
for ProMedica to further broaden our efforts and
initiatives on the social determinants of health.
ProMedica | PAGE 7
Come to the Table is actively working on
programs and partnerships at the local
and regional level, as well:
Food Reclamation
ProMedica, in partnership with the Hollywood Casino, has
developed a food reclamation program modeled after the
Forgotten Harvest model in Detroit, Michigan.
ProMedica has hired several part-time individuals who
have been trained to repackage un-served food from
the buffet for pick up by our local food pantry. The
food is then delivered to communal feeding sites in
the Toledo area.
The project, begun in February 2013, reclaimed more
than 4,000 pounds of food in its first month of operation,
and has averaged 1,200 pounds of reclaimed food per
week. Our goal is to replicate this process in other venues
around the community.
Circle of Care
Annually, ProMedica employees are encouraged
to contribute funds to a ProMedica foundation of
their choice.
In 2013, ProMedica is offering a new fund to which
employees can contribute. The fund fits with our Come
to the Table initiative and will provide seed money so that
ProMedica can provide qualified patients with emergency
food upon discharge.
Through an initial screening process, followed
by a consultation, patients in need will be identified
and provided with emergency food, then also linked to
community resources for ongoing support.
Regional Hunger Summit
ProMedica organized a Hunger-Free Region initiative,
which is serving as a model for other communities by
engaging city, county and regional government officials,
as well as county health departments.
With Toledo Mayor Michael Bell, ProMedica recently
co-hosted a local Hunger Summit where agencies and
community members gathered to discuss barriers to
ending hunger.
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Statewide Hunger Caucus
ProMedica also recently collaborated to establish
a statewide Hunger Caucus, through which state
legislators are invited to take a leadership role
toward decreasing the human and economic
impacts of hunger on Ohio residents.
Along with our partner, the Ohio Association of
Food Banks, we regularly host informational
legislative forums in Columbus that focus on a
particular topic related to hunger as a health issue.
Come to the Table e-newsletter
The Come to the Table electronic newsletter, which
debuted in April 2013, will be published quarterly
to provide stakeholders with updates on our work
toward addressing hunger as a health issue across
our service region.
Topics will include our work to create a hunger-free
region, state-wide and national initiatives that
address hunger, and community programs or
activities designed to raise public awareness and
provide opportunities for engagement.
Food Council
ProMedica is an active member of the Food
Council, whose members are working on myriad
projects that impact our food system from grower
to end-user.
Projects include creating healthy corner stores,
converting more food pantries to a free-choice
model, and encouraging local food production
and purchase.
Food Drives
ProMedica hosts bi-annual food drives within
our hospitals and office locations to support local
food banks.
In March 2013, more than 3,300 pounds of food
and $632.67 was donated by staff at all ProMedica
hospitals and facilities. In addition, 15 schools
participated in the 27-county ProMedica Come
to the Table School Food Drive competition
collecting over 17,000 pounds of food for their
local food agencies.
As Come to the Table continues to evolve
as the cornerstone for our advocacy
work, several new programs are under
Comprehensive screening
By July 1, 2013, ProMedica will begin a program that
screens our inpatients for food insecurity. Qualified
patients will be referred to a social worker or care
navigator who will assess the patient.
Prior to discharge, qualifying patients will be
provided an emergency supply of food as well as
information about additional community resources.
Witness to Hunger exhibit
Witness to Hunger is a traveling photographic
exhibit organized to raise awareness of hunger in
our communities, which will be displayed at several
locations over the coming months.
Partners with ProMedica include the Toledo Museum
of Art, Toledo School for the Arts, Food for Thought,
American Frame, and The Andersons.
National Hunger Summit
ProMedica and The Alliance to End Hunger will host
a National Hunger Summit in Washington, D.C. in
October 2013 for national healthcare leaders and
federal legislators.
Our goals include identifying and addressing
hunger in patient settings as well as through
community partnerships, and working with public
officials to protect and shepherd programs and
policies to end hunger.
ProMedica | PAGE 9
Partnering from A – Z
ProMedica’s strong community partnerships have been central in developing collaborative
opportunities to work toward an overall healthier community. We are committed to giving back to the
communities we serve and supporting other organizations whose Missions closely align with our own.
To that end, ProMedica has funded many programs for the following organizations:
Bradfield Community Association
Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry
Ability Center
Camp Courageous
Adopt America Network
Campfire Girls USA
Food For Thought
Adrian Breakfast Lions Club
Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School
Fostoria Area Habitat for Humanity
Adrian College
Catholic Charities
Fostoria City Schools
Adrian Morning Rotary Club
Central City Ministries
Fostoria Community Foundation
Adrian Schools Educational
Cherry Street Mission
Fostoria Kaubisch Memorial
Public Library
Aids Resource Center Ohio
Cheryl Allen Southside Community
Allen County Health Department
Children’s Hunger Alliance
Fostoria Lions Club
Alliance for Paired Donation
Clay High School
ALS Association - Northern
Ohio Chapter
Clinton High School
Four County Suicide Prevention
Communities in Schools of
Fulton County Help Me Grow
Geary Family YMCA
Communities in Schools
of Tecumseh
Genoa Schools
American Red Cross
Coy Elementary School
Good Shepherd Home
Anne Grady Center & Anne Grady
Crohns and Colitis Foundation
D.O.V.E. Fund
Anthony Wayne High School
Defiance Area Society for the
Alzheimer’s Association
American Cancer Society
American Heart Association
Fostoria Kiwanis Club
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Grace Community Center
Great Lakes Collaborative
for Autism
Defiance Area YMCA
Greater Fostoria Community
Defiance City Schools
Greater Toledo Urban League
Assistance Dogs of America
Defiance College
Health Partners of Western Ohio
Associated Charities of Lenawee
Defiance County Furniture Bank
Heartbeat of Toledo
Defiance Lion’s Club
Hedges and Highways Ministries
Autism H.O.P.E. of Lenawee
Defiance Schools
Helping Hands of St. Louis
Auto Dealers United for Kids
Dental Center of NW Ohio
Hiawatha Elementary School
Ayersville School
Diabetes Youth Services
Hope Community Center
Beach House
Down Syndrome Assoc of
Greater Toledo
Hospice of Lenawee
Bethany Lutheran Church
East Toledo Family Center
Imagination Station
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
NW Ohio
East Toledo Oregon Kiwanis
Eastern Community YMCA
Birmingham Hall of Fame
Fairview Schools
Bittersweet Farms
Faith Community Health Ministry
ARC of Ottawa County
Area Office on Aging
Arthritis Foundation
Bedford High School
Black Swamp Area Council
Bowling Green State University
Boy Scouts Erie Shores Council
Boys and Girls Club of Toledo
PAGE 10 | ProMedica
Family and Child Abuse Prevention
Festival of India
Firelands Regional Medical Ctr
House of Bread Ministries
Innkeeper of Defiance - Coopers
Islamic School and Center
of Greater Toledo
James “Wes” Hancock Oregon
Senior Center
Junior Achievement
Junior League of Toledo
Juvenile Diabetes Research
National Association Negro
Business Club
St Wendelin School
Kidney Foundation of NW Ohio
Neighborhood Health Association
Kids on the Block
Northwood High School
Susan G Komen NW Ohio
Kids Unlimited
Notre Dame Academy
Kiwanis Clubs of Adrian, Fostoria,
Tiffin, Tecumseh
NWO Sickle Cell Anemia
Sylvania Area Family Services
Knights of Columbus
NW Ohio Hemophilia Foundation
Lake High School
NW Ohio Sickle Cell Anemia
Sylvania Franciscan Academy
Lambie’s Legacy
Latino Fest
Legal Aid of Western Ohio
Lenawee Community Foundation
Lenawee Community Mental
Health Authority
Lenawee County Education
Ohio Cancer Research Associates
Oregon Health and Welfare
Oregonian Club
Ovarian Cancer Connection
Owens Community College
Sunshine Foundation
Sylvania Academic Excellence
Sylvania Community Action Team
Sylvania Schools
Taste Of The Nation - Share Our
Thomas M. Wernert Center
Tiffin County YMCA
Tinora Local Schools
Tiny Purpose
Toledo Area Humane Society
Lenawee County YMCA
Pantry Plus of Seneca County
Toledo Area Ministries
Lenawee Emergency & Affordable
Parkinsons Disease Assoc
Toledo Christian School
Partners in Education
Toledo Community Foundation
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
PKD Foundation
Toledo Day Nursery
Library Legacy Foundation
Prevent Blindness Ohio
Toledo Dental Society
Little Sisters of the Poor
Progeria Research Foundation
Toledo Head Start
Lourdes Arab American Student
Project ABC
Toledo Lucas County Health Dept
Lourdes University
Raymer Elementary School
Read for Literacy
Toledo Neighborhood Block Watch
Lupus Foundation of NW Ohio
Make A Wish Foundation of
NW Ohio
March of Dimes
Martin Luther King Kitchen for
the Poor
Ronald McDonald House of
NW Ohio
Rossford High School
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential
Toledo Public Schools & Toledo
Public Schools Foundation
United Way
University of Toledo & University
of Toledo Foundation
Vail Meadows Equestrian Center
Maumee High School
Sandusky County Storybook
Maumee Valley Country Day School
Seed to Root
Victory Center
Maumee Valley Habitat for
Seneca County Commission
on Aging
Washington Local Schools
Miracle League of NW Ohio
Servant Leadership Center
MLK Kitchen for the Poor
SewHope - Kids Against Hunger
Williams County Health
Mobile Meals of Toledo
Siena Heights University
Williams County YMCA
Mom’s House
Sight Center of Northwest Ohio
Monroe Neighborhood Center
Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural
Wyandot County Health
Montessori Children’s House
of Lenawee
Veggie U
Wesley Center
YMCA - Geary Family
Springfield High School
YMCA of Greater Toledo
Multiple Sclerosis Society
St Francis de Sales High School
YMCA of Lenawee County
Muscular Dystrophy Association
St John’s Jesuit High School
NAACP Freedom Fund
St Paul’s Community Center
Zepf Center
NAMI of Greater Toledo
St Ursula Academy
ProMedica | PAGE 11
Boys and Girls Clubs – ProMedica financially
supports these Clubs, which offer quality, afterschool
and summer programming for area youth. In
addition, ProMedica has trained Club staff to deliver
our Healthy Kids Conversation Maps and provided
facilitators for the program. The Clubs were also
ProMedica Advocacy Fund recipients for kitchen
renovations, enabling them to serve healthy, fresh
fruits and vegetables to the children in their care.
STEM+M – In partnership with Toledo Public
Schools Early College High School, ProMedica is
developing a program that will provide activities
and information encouraging students to pursue
careers in medicine. Through coursework, speakers,
shadowing, internships and career fairs, students will
have the opportunity to learn more about the myriad
careers available in healthcare and the skills needed
to succeed.
South Toledo Community Center, Baby University –
The South Toledo Community Center is a community
hub where meals and other social services are offered
to those in need in an area of our city that is struggling
with poverty. One unique program offered is Baby
University, modeled after the successful Harlem
Children’s Zone in New York City. The program
PAGE 12 | ProMedica
provides innovative skill building for young parents
focusing on the importance of education, parenting
skills, nutrition and safety. To date the program has
more than 180 graduates.
Imagination Station – As part of ProMedica’s
ongoing efforts to share education about
healthy lifestyles, ProMedica is proud to partner
with Imagination Station to present the newest
experience, Eat It Up! – a highly interactive, nutrition
and exercise-focused permanent exhibition at the
science center. These interactive exhibits blend
the newest in intuitive technology with nutrition
information and human physiology to tell the story
of how the choices you make today affect your body
as a whole.
The ProMedica Advocacy Fund was established in 2009 by ProMedica’s Board of Trustees. Administered
by the Toledo Community Foundation, the fund was developed to help provide for the basic needs of
food, clothing and shelter services.
Priority is given to innovative, direct service programs that have an impact on health and well-being.
Request for proposals is open to nonprofit organizations located in, and providing services for,
residents of ProMedica’s 27-county service area.
impo act
In 2010, eight projects
selected, with total gr
funding of $493
Associated Charities of Lenawee County –
Provided food to individuals and families
in need.
Cherry Street Mission Ministries – Supported
the establishment of the South Toledo Community
Center, which provides social, educational and
medical services. Programs also include Baby
University, a parenting course focusing on the
importance of nurturing, education, nutrition
and other topics.
Erie-Huron Counties Community Action
Commission – Purchased a new furnace for the
Norwalk Emergency Shelter.
Mobile Meals of Toledo – Supported the
Weekender Program, which is a school-based
distribution program that provides food
to children.
United Way of Defiance County – Established
the Back Pack Buddy Program, which is a schoolbased distribution program that provides food
to children.
In 2011, 12 projects were selected,
with total grant funding of $425,779: – Expanded the Project Connect
initiative to three counties.
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Fostoria –
Provided shelter, transportation assistance and
food to individuals and families.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Toledo – Completed
the kitchen upgrade project to provide evening
meals at two club locations.
The Salvation Army of Hillsdale – Supported
the establishment of a community soup kitchen.
Cherry Street Mission Ministries – Supported
programs at the South Toledo Community Center.
This continued funding resulted from initial
success and subsequent program expansion.
Toledo Seagate Food Bank – Purchased
a refrigerated truck to transport food.
ProMedica | PAGE 13
In 2012, 17 projects were selected,
with total grant funding of $447,280:
Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio –
Supported their home delivered meal program.
Beach House Family Shelter – Supported a
financial assistance program.
Cherry Street Mission Ministries – Supported
operations of the South Toledo Community Center.
Communities in Schools of Lenawee
County, Inc. – Supported the Lenawee Urban
Exchange that provides clothing to students.
East Toledo Family Center – Supported kitchen
renovations that will allow for the inclusion of
healthy food options.
Geary Family YMCA – (Fostoria) Supported the
weekend meal program.
Habitat for Humanity, Maumee Valley –
Supported the Home Repair Ministry program.
Meals ‘til Monday – Supported their weekend
meal program.
Communities in Schools of Lenawee County, Inc. –
Assisted the Lenawee Urban Exchange.
Defiance County Senior Services Auxiliary –
For enhancements to the senior meal program.
FOCUS – Donations went toward the purchase
of new furniture for families.
Friendly Center, Inc. – Dollars used to collaborate
with Martin Luther King Kitchen for the Poor to
improve and expand food services.
Geary Family YMCA – Continued support for
the Fostoria Food Connections Program, which
provides weekend meals for children.
Mobile Meals of Toledo, Inc. – Supported their
weekend meal program.
Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County –
Supported a home renovation for a family in
need of safe, affordable housing.
The Salvation Army, Hillsdale – Supported the
community soup kitchen, fresh food initiative
and the food choice pantry.
Legal Aid of Western Ohio – Provided legal
services for clients, free of charge.
Toledo Botanical Garden – Supported Toledo
GROW’s Oneida City Farm.
Mobile Meals of Toledo – Supported the
Weekender Program, which provides weekend
meals for children.
United Way of Defiance County – Continued
to support the weekend meal program.
Specialized Alternatives for Families and
Youth of Ohio, Inc. – Dollars used to purchase
food for the Safe Harbor shelter.
St. Vincent de Paul Society, Fostoria – Dollars
supported the basic needs assistance program.
PAGE 14 | ProMedica
Sylvania Area Family Services, Inc. –
Supported the Weekend Backpack Program,
which provides weekend meals for children.
The Salvation Army, Hillsdale – Award helped
fund food assistance programs.
Toledo Day Nursery – Supported kitchen
YMCA of Greater Toledo – Supported summer
meal programs.
It was recently recommended that
18 proposals receive funding for
2013, with a total of $373,718 to be
disbursed from the fund.
Associated Charities of Lenawee County –
Supports the Holiday Basket program to distribute
food during the holiday season.
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Toledo, Inc. –
Supports the Family Emergency Guidance
program that will connect families to appropriate
services and create an action plan to assess
basic needs.
Children’s Hunger Alliance – Expands the
federally-funded afterschool meal program to
underserved communities in Toledo to include
healthy meals and snacks.
FOCUS – Supports transitional and permanent
supportive housing and services for homeless
families by offering basic home furnishings to
families who transition to stable housing.
Food for Thought Toledo, Inc. – Supports
the expansion of the Mobile Pantry Program
by purchasing an additional truck and trailer
to expand the amount of food for distribution.
Friendly Center, Inc. – Supports the Healthy
By Choice (HBC) initiative that will revamp the
program delivery that was proposed in 2012
which serves healthy meals.
Geary Family YMCA – Provides nutritious,
easy-to-prepare food for consumption to
Fostoria Intermediate Elementary School for
the weekend.
Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. – Provides
free, comprehensive legal assistance to
low-income residents in a 32-county area of
northwest and west central Ohio.
Lenawee Community Foundation – Dollars
support efforts to reduce childhood hunger by
providing healthy snacks for the weekend to
elementary school children.
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Mobile Meals – Provides students a bag of kidfriendly and nutritious food to take home every
Friday such as cereal, fresh fruit, granola bars,
juice and healthy snacks.
Monroe County Opportunity Program –
Provides nutritious alternatives for food
pantry items.
Sandusky County Food Pantry – Provides
healthy, well-balanced items for the food pantry
so families in Sandusky County can have access
to vegetables, fruits, grain products, dairy items
and meat products.
St. Vincent DePaul Society (Fostoria) – Provides
financial support to assist individuals and families
with emergency food, shelter, prescription drugs,
transportation or other identified needs of referred
families and individuals.
The Salvation Army, Hillsdale – Provides hot
meals to all those who are hungry, provides food
parcels and personal care products through the
food pantry, and provides fresh produces and dairy
products through the fresh food initiative.
Toledo Community Service Center dba Family
House – Supports emergency shelter services
by replacing 44 wood framed bunk beds with
metal framed bunk beds plus 11 additional metal
bed sets.
Toledo Seagate Food Bank – Rehab and upgrade
the 45-foot wide by 14-foot high main freezer
facing with new energy efficient components, as
well as upgrade the internal lighting and electrical.
United Way of Defiance County – Continues the
Back Pack Buddy program which began in the fall
of 2010 to ensure that Defiance Elementary School
children have access to nutritious food on the
YMCA of Greater Toledo – Supports the Summer
Food Service Programs (SFSP) to provide nutritious
meals to children during the summer months.
Funds will also address summer learning loss by
providing engaging and enriching activities for
youth at the SFSP sites.
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ProMedica System Grants is committed to ensuring that health care delivery in our region continues to be
innovative and transformational through patient-centered, community-focused, and regional collaborations.
The department coordinates and develops grant applications and fiscally manages grant programs that assist
ProMedica in meeting the health needs of the communities we serve. The following examples are of projects
that have been submitted for funding, funded and/or represent community collaborations and partnerships.
USDA 2012 Farmers Market Promotion Program
– This is a two-year project with a multi-faceted
approach to increase the direct marketing and
access of agricultural commodities from local
producers, specifically to areas which are classified
as food deserts. The grant will purchase a mobile
van with produce for sale that will travel to areas
of Lenawee County with limited access to local
produce. It will also work with corner stores to
facilitate relationships with local producers to stock
more healthy foods, and provide resources and
training to store owners.
(with the addition of Medicine) student cohort,
summer internships at ProMedica, and mentorship
to motivate students to pursue STEM+M careers.
United Way / ProMedica “Path to Prosperity” –
This grant will help create a youth and workforce
development strategy that provides underserved
youth in Toledo with summer jobs at ProMedica.
The program also provides financial coaching,
mentoring, and the opportunity for these youth
to then mentor K – 8 students.
Ohio Department of Health, Safe Routes to
School – The goal of this grant is to encourage
or enable students in grades K - 8 to walk or
ride bicycles to school safely. ProMedica Toledo
Children’s Hospital and the Department of Injury
Prevention are working with the Sylvania School
District and have also worked with Oregon
City Schools.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, Drug-Free Communities
Program – The purpose of this grant is to establish
and strengthen community coalitions working to
prevent and reduce substance use among youth.
This is accomplished by addressing the factors in a
community that increase the risk of substance abuse,
and by promoting the factors that minimize the
risk of substance abuse. ProMedica Bixby Hospital,
as a member of the Lenawee Health Network, is
partnering with the Lenawee Substance Abuse
Prevention Coalition on this project.
National Science Foundation, Innovative
Technology Experiences for Students and
Teachers – This grant utilizes innovative immersive
simulation technology to engage students in
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) education, development of a STEM+M
Michigan State University
National Institutes of Health, Alcohol Marketing
and Youth Drinking – This grant will help identify
key factors that interfere with the effectiveness of
pro-alcohol messages so that improved strategies
can be developed to reduce the impact of proalcohol messages on this vulnerable population.
This grant would be a partnership with Michigan
State University’s Department of Advertising, Public
Relations and Retailing.
More broadly, through discussions with faculty
at Michigan State University, numerous collaborative
opportunities exist where our Missions and
focuses intersect.
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ProMedica Mission Services recently laid the
foundation for expanding spiritual and pastoral care
services for our patients, families and caregivers.
Our system-wide department has the following
primary areas of service:
Spiritual Care
As integral members of the ProMedica healing
team, spiritual care provides a compassionate,
pastoral presence and guidance to patients,
families, physicians and staff during times of
celebration of life, crisis, illness, and grief.
Chaplains are professionally trained and board
certified. ProMedica Toledo Hospital is a clinical
site for the Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center
Clinical Pastoral Education Program. This is a
collaborative initiative.
Faith Communities
Mission Services participates with various faith
communities. We support advocacy issues,
spiritual care issues and health issues through
working with the following groups:
• Perrysburg Ministerial Association
• Catholic Diocese of Toledo
Deanery Meetings
• Catholic Diocese of Lansing
Vicariate Meetings
• Adrian Ecumenical Forum
• United Pastors for Social Empowerment
• Multi Faith Council of Northwest Ohio
• Local groups who partner with
individual hospitals
• Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders
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Our work in the communities we serve acts as the framework for our relationship with elected officials.
ProMedica’s Government Relations department coordinates efforts involving public officials and our
stakeholders to best support the care we provide and the communities we serve. This department also
advocates public policy priorities and monitors legislation impacting our system and our communities.
This department keeps ProMedica’s stakeholders up-to-date on the latest developments – so they can
make the most informed decisions on myriad policy and other government relations issues.
Government Relations Action Center
GrassRoots Green program
Our employees, volunteers, medical professionals,
and board members are encouraged to become
involved in civic issues that affect our hospitals,
healthcare services and the communities we serve.
This resource allows our stakeholders to contact
their elected leaders and learn more information
on specific policy topics access the Action Center
Through GrassRoots Green – a grassroots advocacy
program for our care providers, employees and
volunteers – we encourage individuals to become
involved in civic issues that impact health care and
the communities we serve. We also encourage
team members to act as health advocates for our
current and future patients. Individual GrassRoots
Green teams meet regularly to discuss these issues
and share information about how to be involved.
Legislative Update newsletter
The Legislative Update is a bi-weekly publication
of ProMedica that helps our stakeholders to
remain informed of the latest healthcare policy
happenings at the state and national levels.
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Contact Us
For more information on the services
outlined, please contact Barbara Petee,
Chief Advocacy Govenment Relations
Officer, ProMedica, 419-469-3894 or
via email at
© 2013 ProMedica