Dear Friends, CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST (HOLY COMMUNION) Nicene Creed BCP, p. 358 Prayers of the People Form VI BCP, p. 392 Confession and Absolution BCP, p. 393 Sharing the Peace of Christ Blessings for birthdays, anniversaries, and announcements. Offertory Hymn: Wayfaring Stranger See insert The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer A BCP, p. 361 The Sanctus: CCLI License #2520403 The Lord’s Prayer: Traditional BCP, p. 364 (Left Column) Communion-All baptized Christians are welcome to the Lord’s Table Communion Reflection: Solitary Winter Star Prayer After Communion: Choir BCP, p. 365 The Blessing The Final Hymn: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus See insert Dismissal: We leave church to bring Christ to the World! ST. MARY’S EVENTS: ADULT FORMATION in parish hall at 9:15 am Sunday, January 25: The Conquest—The Old Testment Sunday, February 1: Discussion from Krista Tippett’s “On Being” - Lead by Pete Jancowiak LOOKING AHEAD: TODAY, Sunday, J anuar y 25: 11:15 am—Parish Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Luncheon Monday, January 26: 6:30-8:00 pm—”Episcopal 101” class with F r. Scott. Saturday, January 31: 10:00 am—Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in the Narthex—all are welcome! Wednesday, February 4: 6:00-8:30 pm—Ministry Celebration Dinner Saturday, February 7: Dinner with Friends hosted by Barb & Rod Riek Today we celebrate our Annual Meeting here at St. Mary’s. This is a time for parish members and friends of the parish to gather together and review the gifts and blessings of the past year, look forward to the year ahead, choose leadership, review our financial health, and most importantly give thanks and praise to God for all that is happening here! At the Annual Meeting, it’s become my custom to outline some goals that I’d like us all to focus on and support in the coming year. I will also review with you the goals I laid out for 2014. For 2015, I would like us to look together at the following goals: First, it is my hope to continue to incr ease par ticipation and quality of our Sunday wor ship experience. We always want to be sure that our prayer is welcoming and engaging. Our experience should be lifegiving and transformative. Second, as we pr epar e to pay off our building debt this coming Apr il, I would like to wor k with par ish members to highlight the existence of our Endowment Fund. This will be a great way to invite our members and friends to keep St. Mary’s in mind when considering estate planning, financial gifts such as annuities and proceeds from stock sales, and other types of gifts that can help to support our ministry on this corner well into the future. Third, I would like to challenge all par ish households to attend one of two par ish r etr eats that we will offer at the parish in 2015. It will be the same retreat offered two different times. The schedule would be to come together for the evening meal and a session on Friday evening, go home to sleep and then return for a day together on Saturday. These retreats will be led by me along with a parish retreat team and will be a way that we can grow closer to Christ and to one another. My hope is that we will all make an effort to take part in formation and education opportunities in the coming year. Fourth, in the coming year I’d like for us to lear n mor e about the var ious ministr ies our member s ar e involved in at St. Mary’s. To this end, we’ll hear a brief report from parish ministry representatives from time to time during Sunday morning announcements. There will be an opportunity to talk with the ministry representative during Fellowship hour and perhaps join that ministry, should you feel so called. This will be a way to celebrate what’s happening here and see where the Holy Spirit might be leading us next. –Fr. Scott REMINDERS: YEARLY DONATION STATEMENTS: Statements are now available, please pick them up in the parish hall to help save on postage costs. ALTAR FLOWERS FOR 2015: The new Altar Flower chart is posted in the parish hall. Please feel to sign-up for your special occasions for the new year. The yellow “Flower Donation card” found below the Altar Flow chart should be filled out and given to the parish office or dropped in the offering plate. February 1st Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 WE THANK ALL WHO MINISTERED DURING OUR SERVICE AND HELPED WITH FELLOWSHIP HOURS Altar Guild: Ted Br yant-Nanz Music Director: Carrie Arndorfer Counters: Bar t & Liz Schr oeder Greeters: Acolyte: Lectors: Intercessor: Chalice Bearers: Bread Minister: 8:00 a.m. Carol McConnell Br. Chuck Runge Bob Perkins Carol McConnell Sally Williams 10:00 a.m. Scott & Kelly Noles Leah Bryant-Nanz Shirley Robertson Theresa Wilson Kim Smith & Lori Slocomb Br. Chuck Runge Priest: The Rev. Scott Leannah Fellowship Hours: Dave & Ethel Rowen / Par ish Annual Meeting & Pot Luck More - back of bulletin BIRTHDAYS FOR JANUARY: 1 – Nancy Saeger 1 – Luke Roman Steidl 5 – Emily Menting 5 – Walker Ruedin 7 – Max Beneker 7 – Julie Wolf 10 – Adrian C. Rowen 19 – Chris O’Konek 19 – Jayden Yauck 21 – Darrell Beneker 21 – Frannie Ruedin 24 – Patricio Iligaray 24 – Raymond Menting 29 – David Rowen CSI Deb’s Main Street Diner CENTRAL STATES INSURANCE Open 6am to 8pm Seven days a week Daily Specials, Meatloaf on Mondays, Fish Fry on Fridays, Hot Ham and Rolls To-Go on Sundays, Homemade Pies, Hand Breaded Fried Chicken, Fresh Made Pizza, Dine in, Carry-out or Call for Delivery 19275 W. Capitol Drive Ste. 204 P.O. Box 746 Brookfield, WI 53008-0746 ST. MARY’S VESTRY: Officers Sr. Warden : Kelly Noles Jr. Warden: Theresa Wilson Treasurer: Mike Sterk Clerk: Sally Williams 120 N. Main Street, Dousman, WI 53118 262-965-DEBS (3327) Members Nina Radi Shirley Robertson Rod Riek John Wolf Joe Zember THANK YOU’S: Family Promise of Western Waukesha County: Dear Father Leannah and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Family Promise of Western Waukesha County wishes to thank you for your kind donation of $1,386.00 on December 31, 2014, all of which will be used to provide food, shelter and assistance in finding employment, permanent housing and sustainable independence for local homeless families with children. Very sincerely, Johnna L. Sachtschale, Treasurer, Family Promise of Western Waukesha, Waukesha County BloodCenter of Wisconsin: Thank you for hosting the blood drive yesterday. Please express to all of the volunteer blood donors that came out to the event how appreciative we are for such a successful event. The blood drive saw 37 donors come through the Medical Interview process and 34 of them were able to donate. That translates into a potential of 102 patients helped through your efforts. On behalf of patients here in our community and across Wisconsin, THANK YOU! Meredith Londo, Blood Program Consultant, BloodCenter of Wisconsin FUNERAL: Evie Agnie died early Monday morning—January 19th. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Steve, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please keep them all in your prayers. The Funeral visitation and mass was held for Evie here at St. Mary’s on Friday, January 23rd. May Evelyn and all the faithful departed, through the mercy and love of God, rest in peace. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church—Dousman, WI The Third Sunday after the Epiphany —January 25, 2015 WE GATHER IN THE NAME OF GOD Opening Hymn: Opening Acclamation: Gloria Hymnal #S-280 Collect (Opening Prayer) of the Day BCP, p. 211 or insert WE PROCLAIM GOD’S WORD The First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 See insert Psalm: Psalm 62:6-14 Lectionary #96 1. TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS: This Sunday’s altar flowers are from Tony & Stacy Menting in celebration of Raymond’s Birthday on January 24th. Thanks! 2. MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary’s Church invites and welcomes all people to experience the new life promised in the Gospels. We celebrate faith in Jesus Christ through worship, support of one another, and service to others. Adopted by Vestry 8/18/04 3. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, P. O. Box 126, Dousman, WI 53118 262-965-3924—Email:, Fax: 262-965-3431 HOUSING NEEDED: JUDY FLEMING Interior Decorator 10505 West North Avenue • Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 774-5858 • FAX (414) 774-6453 HANDS ON INC. Certified in Massage Therapy And Active Release Techniques* (ART) Elizabeth Hoffman, Owner 414-543-9936 3400 S. 103rd St. #300 Long time parish member is seeking short term housing from January 29 through March 3, 2015. My no shedding dog comes along. I am open to some shared housing arrangements. Respond to I will be traveling until January 29th, so please be patient, I will reply. Chamberlain’s Flowers Two Locations - Family Owned Since 1915 Dousman: 133 N. Main Street 262-965-3384 West Allis: 6737 W. Washington Street 414-453-1525 All Occasions-Sympathy and Wedding Flowers our Specialty! Also Serving Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream Spread O Spread Thou Mighty Hymnal #530 Word BCP, p. 355 Only in God is my soul at rest; from him comes my salvation.* He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be disturbed. * Only in God be at rest, my soul, for from him comes my hope.* He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be disturbed.* With God is my safety and my glory, he is the rock of my strength; my refuge is in God.* Trust in him at all times, O my people! Pour out your hearts before him.* The Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 See insert Sequence: Seek Ye First Hymnal #711 The Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 See insert The Sermon: Fr. Scott Leannah WELCOME! Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, we welcome you to St. Mary’s Church. We are glad that you are here. We invite you to join us in prayers and in receiving Holy Communion. This is God’s house, and so it is your house, because you are a child of God. Kindly sign our guest book located on the table as you enter the church so that we can keep in touch with you. You are always welcome here! For upcoming parish events, Fr. Scott’s blog, and sermons, see our parish’s website: Wayfaring Stranger (pg 2) OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS: “Islam–A Study of the World’s Great Religions” - second lecture A Short Presentation on Islam followed by an extensive question and answer period will be given as part of a Continuing Series. Presenter: Othman Atta Date: Thur sday, J anuar y 29, 2015 , 6:30-8:30 pm Location: St. Bar tholomew Episcopal Chur ch N27W24000 Paul Court in Pewaukee Admission: fr ee and all ar e welcome to attend. A light meal will be served. Questions? Call the chur ch (262) 691-0836 About the presenter: Othman Atta: •Executive Director of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee. •Marquette University Law School –1994. •Private Law Practice –20+ Years •Degrees in Biological Sciences and International Relations from UW-Milwaukee. •Member: Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee •Taught “Religious Cultures of Islam” at Cardinal StritchUniversity and UW-Extension •Commissioner: Milwaukee Commission on Police-Community Relations •Member: FBI Civil Rights Advisory Group •American Citizen of Palestinian Birth •Married with Four Children A Taste of Hope: Sponsored by the Hope Center. This is a fun social event for guests to sample a unique selection of cheese, appetizers, wine and beer. Date: Febr uar y 7, 2015 Time: 6-10 pm Location: Thunder bay Gr ille, N14 W24130 Tower Place in Pewaukee Contact: 262-549-8726 or Annual Smorgasbord: at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Date: Febr uar y 11, 2015 Serving Time: 3:00—7:30 pm Location: 145 East Lisbon Road in Oconomowoc on Fowler Lake Contact: 262-567-8349 or Tickets: Adults $10, Childr en 6-12 $5, 5 and under—free. Menu: See flyer posted in par ish hall by pur ple r oom. Dinner & A Movie: God’s NOT Dead Sponsored by: Bethlehem Luther an' s Youth Gr oup—Uturn Date: Febr uar y 15, 2015 Time: Movie at 3:30 pm and spaghetti with meatballs, salad and bread 5:30—7:00 pm Location: 470 Oak Cr est Dr ive in Wales Contact: KIMBERLY@BETHLEHEMFAMILY.ORG or 262-968-2194
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