Eagleville Elementary Charter School S101 W34511 Hwy LO, Eagle, Wisconsin 53119 January 2015 Newsletter Phone Number: 262-363-6258 FAX Line: 262-363-6272 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Eagleville website: District Web: www.masd.k12.wi.us/eve www.masd.k12.wi.us ************************************************************************************************************ Welcome Back We all hope you had a wonderful holiday break and welcome each one of you back to school! One school one book Thismonthourschoolwillbeembarkingonaspecialproject,anallschoolbook clubcalledOneSchool,OneBook.Everyfamilywillreceiveacopyofthesame book–RichardandFlorenceAtwater’sMr.Popper’sPenguins‐andwillbeasked toreaditalongwithusathomeoverthemonthsofJanuaryandFebruary.We arepersonallyaskingyoutomakethetimesoyourfamilycanparticipateinthis specialactivity. YourchildwillreceivetheirveryowncopyofMr.Popper’sPenguinsataspecial school‐wide assembly introducing the program and the book. When the book comeshome,youwillreceiveatailoredreadingschedulesoyoucankeepupat home.Generallyyouwillbeaskedtoreadachapteranight–about15minutes pernight. Inschool,yourchildwillbeinvitedtoanswerdailytriviaquestionstoencourageandrewardattentive, aggressivelistening.Youwillsoon indthatyourchildwill takeprideinknowingandanticipatingthe detailsofthestory.Inclass,theremaybevariousactivitieswhichdiscussorexplorethebook.Youwill wanttomakesureyourfamilykeepsupsoyourchildcanbeincluded.Throughoutthemonths,everyone willbetalkingaboutMr.Popper’sPenguins! Goodluck!WehopetotalkwithbothyouandyourstudentsometimethismonthaboutMr.Popper,Captain Cook,Greta,andalloftheirpenguins.“Whenawholeschoolreadsabook,there’salottotalkabout.”With yourhelp,wecanbuildaCommunityofReadersatourschool. ‐‐EaglevilleStaff ************************************************************************************************************ GRADES 5 & 6 BASKETBALL The after school program for our fifth and sixth grade students is again being organized by the Town of Mukwonago Parks & Rec Department. The purpose of the program is to teach students the skills and rules of the game, and to strengthen and shape cooperation for team sports. Good sportsmanship, cooperation and fair play will be stressed. Practices will start the week after the winter break. The practice times are 3:35 until 5:00 p.m. The practice schedule is as follows: Thursdays: 5th Grade Boys—Starting Thursday, January 8th. They will be joining the Rolling Hills Teams. Tuesdays: 6th Grade Boys—Starting Tuesday, January 6th. They will be joining the Rolling Hills Teams. Please mark your calendar for the following important dates: January 31, 2015 February 21, 2015 February 28, 2015 – 5th grade tournament at PVMS March 7, 2015 – 6th grade tournament at PVMS All Teams will play one game on both of these dates at Park View Middle School. For any questions please contact, Toby Monogue, Recreation Director, Town of Mukwonago Recreation Dept. 262-363-7077 ************************************************************************************************************ MARK YOUR CALENDARS Early Dismissal Days 2015 (Out at 11:35 am) Friday, January 23 Wednesday, April 15 Wednesday, June 10 PRESS RELEASE MUKWONAGO AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2015 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION INFORMATION KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for district residents will be held January 19, 2015, through March 15, 2015, at the Mukwonago Area School District Office. The district office is located at 385 County Road NN East in Mukwonago between Clarendon Avenue Elementary and Park View Middle Schools. Children who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2015, should register for the 2015-2016 school year. Children are not required to attend this registration. Registration materials need to be completed prior to bringing them to the district office. The registration materials can be obtained http://www.masd.k12.wi.us/parents-students/masd-forms.cfm#enrollreg Enrolling for kindergarten is a three-part process. 1. Registration – January 19, 2015 through March 15, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. daily 2. Screening – This will be scheduled at a later date at the school site. 3. Parent & Child Orientation – To be held the first day of school. Parents must bring a certified birth certificate to register. This is used for age and identity verification. If you are interested in having your child attend Eagleville for grades 1-6, please indicate that preference when you register at the school district office. If you have questions or are unsure of your home school, feel free to contact Laura Stroika at the school district office, at (262) 363-6300 x24101. ************************************************************************************************************ OPEN ENROLLMENT LAW The State of Wisconsin has a public school open enrollment law that allows non-resident students to apply for either full-time or part-time enrollment in district schools. This means that students who live outside of the Mukwonago Area School district may apply to attend Mukwonago schools and students who live in the Mukwonago district may apply to enroll in other districts. Districts will set criteria for acceptance based on space available, disciplinary records, educational needs, and requests of resident students to attend other schools within the district. Part time enrollment is limited to high school students who may take up to two courses at a high school. Criteria for granting part-time requests will include the cost to the home district. Transportation for either full-time or part-time enrollment is the responsibility of the parent. Parents seeking enrollment under this law for the 2015-16 school year must submit an application to the non-resident district between February 2 - April 30, 2015. Late applications will not be accepted for any reason. Applications must be completed on-line at http://sms.dpi.wi.gov/sms_psctoc Copies of the school district policy for open enrollment are also available. Questions about the open enrollment law should be directed to Laura Stroika at the Superintendent’s Office at 363-6300, ext. 24101. ************************************************************************************************************ INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER REQUESTS Elementary schools will start accepting intra-district transfer requests on January 1st. Intra-district transfers are requests for a district resident student to attend a Mukwonago Area School District elementary school outside his or her attendance area. Parents desiring a transfer for their son or daughter must complete a form and submit to the building principal of their current home school. Home school principals will notify the requested school of transfer papers. Transportation to attend a school outside of the home area is the responsibility of the parent. Students who are already attending a school as an intra-district transfer do not need to re-apply, however, new family members would need to do so. Written transfer requests for the next school year are to be filed between January 1st and May 1st. Parents will be informed of the decision by June 1st. If there are more requests than seats, students will be selected on a lottery basis. See School Board Policy IEB for the full set of criteria governing intra-district transfers. EARLY ENTRANCE The Mukwonago School District is accepting applications for early entrance to Kindergarten through March 1, 2015. Early Entrance eligibility evaluations will be conducted for children who are not five years old by September 1st only if the child will be five years of age by October 1, 2015. To be eligible for early admission to Kindergarten, the child must be age five by October 1, 2015, and meet criteria set by the District in the areas of social-emotional, academic and intellectual levels. More information can be found on the district website, www.MASD.k12.wi.us, in Board Policy JBCCB. To apply, parents must send a letter of request stating the child's name, date of birth, parent name, address and phone number to Mukwonago Area School District, Pupil Services Department, Attn: Laura Stroika, 385 County Road NN East, Mukwonago, WI 53149. 262-363-6300 x 24101 ************************************************************************************************************ School Counselor’s Note Losing a loved one can be extremely hard for individuals of any age. Below are a few ways you as parents can support your children through this difficult time. Understand that children cope with death differently and may have a range of reactions (including emotional shock, regression, acting out and explosive emotions, and questioning) depending on their developmental level. Answer your child's questions and help them understand what happened with truthful, developmentally appropriate responses. Allow children to grieve and tell their story, listen and validate their feelings, and show extra love and care. Listening is one of the most important things an adult can do for a grieving child. Children may want to share their story, their perspective on what happened, explain how they feel and how they experienced the news. Talking through their thoughts and feelings is a healing experience for children. Here are some suggestions for being a good listener to a grieving child: Don’t give advice or pass judgments Reflect back what the child says using the child’s words Paraphrase the child’s words to show understanding Ask clarifying questions Understand that grief is a process and allow it to happen naturally for the child. Be aware of your own need to grieve as a parent; adults who get help working through their grief are much more able to help their child through the grieving process. Do answer the child’s question, even if they are tough. Do try and maintain consistency of routines and expectations as much as possible. Don’t force kids to talk, but do encourage them to express themselves through play, art, writing, and movement. Sources and resources: Website resource: The Dougy Center http://www.dougy.org/ Local support groups: child and teen grief NOTE: Please call groups before attending Kyle's Korner – The Reiman Center for Grieving Children, Teens and Families www.kyleskorner.org 7106 W. North Ave., Wauwatosa 414-777-1585 Bi-weekly peer support groups: Child and Family Grief Support - 2nd and 4th Tues. /Wed or 1st and 3rd Thurs., 6-7:30 pm Teens and Family Grief Support - 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6-7:45 pm My Good Mourning Place www.mygoodmourningplace.org EAGLEVILLE’S HOLIDAY GIFT SHOP We would like to send out a huge, “Thank you!” to Kristen McEwing and Shelli Essmann for organizing this year’s shop. The students had a great time and were very happy to pick out gifts for their loved ones. Thank you to the many volunteer Elves who made it all possible. We appreciate all of your help and you made the event a huge success! The event would not have been as successful without each one of you! We hope you all enjoy your special presents! See you next December! ************************************************************************************************************ Ski Club Hello EECS Families, Ski Club is in FULL SWING!!!!! For our new families, Eagleville participates in a ski club program with Alpine Valley. Alpine offers great rates to those that choose to participate. The ski club cost is $16 to join. Your membership entitles you to reduced rate on ski and board lift tickets as well as rentals. The price of lift tickets and rentals are $16 apiece. That is almost a 50% savings off the regular price. Listed below are the ski club dates. You are allowed to bring all family members for the same reduced rates on those days. Friday 01-09-15 Friday 01-23-15 (early release) Friday 02-06-15 Monday 02-23-15 (no school) Please contact me at my email address if you are interested in joining: mauryalomen@gmail.com (Old members this is a new email address) I need to know the number of cards needed for your family. Remember only your kid’s need cards for ski club. Parents do not. Rates are extended to you on ski club dates. Also new this year the ski club members themselves can ski or board over the holiday break at the reduced rates. Once our club is established for the 2014‐15 season additional information will follow. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you. Maurya Lomen ************************************************************************************************************ Help Eagleville out while organizing your House! Remember to hold on to your old items you want to get rid of after X-mas and sell them at our Eagleville’s Rummage Sale Event! *Save the Date* Eagleville’s Rummage Sale Event March 28th Questions?? Contact Rebecca Stoltz (262-565-3554) Or Mickie Healy (262-594-2644) Eagleville’s Annual Family Dinner & Science Fair Please Join Us for our Annual Family Dinner! We will be enjoying a Taco Bar again this year with all the toppings! RSVP Today! When: Wednesday, January 14th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Where: Eagleville’s Gymnasium All proceeds will go towards the purchase of Clean Water Filtration Systems and Luci Inflatable Solar Lanterns (www.mpowerd.com) for Escuela Pueblo Modelo, Eagleville’s Sister School in Guatemala Visit the booths for Clean Water Demonstrations & Info on the Impact of Clean Water on Pueblo Modelo: Hearts in Motion Eagleville’s Science Club The Friends of the Mukwonago River RSVP & Send payment to School made out to Eagleville PTO. Pre-paid dinners will be $5.00 if received by Friday, January 9th, or $7.00 at the door. Drinks are included. Churros will also be available for purchase for $1.00. Volunteers Needed Taco Dinner – January 14th Please contact Stephanie Wojciechowski stephewojo@wi.rr.com or (262)‐378‐4280 if you are able to help out at all! -----------------------------------------------------------------------Dinner Reservations: Please check the time you would like to eat and fill out the information below. Dinner is included in the Family Water Filtration Sponsorship option (but not with the Luci Lantern sponsorship alone). Extended Family & Friends are welcome as well! 1st. Shift: 5:30-6:15 pm __________ 2nd Shift: 6:15-7:00 pm __________ Name of Family: _______________________________ Number of Adults: ______ x $5.00 = _______ Number of Children: ______ x $5.00 = _______ Total = ________ Families also have the option of sponsoring their own Clean Water Filtration System and/or Luci Solar Lantern: Family Sponsorship Name_______________________________ We would like to Sponsor a Water Filtration System for $40.00 _______________________________ x $40.00 = ________ We would like to Sponsor a Luci Inflatable Solar Lantern for $10.00 _______________________________ X $10.00 = ________ Total = ________ Make Checks out to Eagleville PTO & Send to school with your child. January 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2:30 pm: Early Release 8 3:30-5:30 pm: Science Club Meeting 9 4:00 pm: Ski Club @ AlpineValley 10 11 12 13 Lunchtime: DeWitt’s Class Bake Sale 14 2:30 pm: Early Release 15 16 17 22 3:30-5:30 pm: Science Club Meeting 23 11:35 am: Early Dismissal 24 5:30-7:00 pm: Science Fair & Family Taco Dinner 7:00 pm: PTO Meeting 18 19 20 21 2:30 pm: Early Release 12:00 pm: Ski Club @ AlpineValley 25 26 27 28 2:30 pm: Early Release 29 30 LOOKING AHEAD TO FEBRUARY T 3 Selzer’s Class Bake Sale W 4 Parent/Teacher Conferences TH 5 Science Club Meeting W 11 PTO Meeting @ 7:00 pm TH 12 Jump Rope for Heart during Gym Class F 13 Valentine Classroom Parties TH 19 Science Club Meeting M 23 NO SCHOOL & Ski Club @ Alpine Valley 31
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