T H E I H E A R T O F H O M E S C H O O L I N G I 2015 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 91 RISE UP & BUILD! CHEC DAY AT THE CAPITOL EVENT APRIL 17th, 2015 DON’T MISS THE DUGGARS! Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family SEE THE DETAILS ON PAGE 15 ARTICLES INSIDE THIS ISSUE 4 The Three S’s of Giving That Matter 8 Run Your Own Race 12 Harmony in the Home 14 Why I Homeschool Brand New Resource from CHEC! Make sure your students don’t skip this important subject! CHEC FAMILY BOOKS AND RESOURCES These include homeschool curricula, Bible resources, creation materials, modesty and purity books for all ages, worldview information, family books for fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters, prayer cards for children, classic literature, and coloring books. Publishers we carry include BJU Press, Christian Liberty Press, Saxon math, Apologia science, Master Books, New Leaf Press, and Progeny Press. Think of us not only for curricula, but also for educational books for birthdays, holidays, and stocking your family library. Know of something we should carry for Christian homeschoolers? Let us know! Open Monday through Friday 10am to 5pm LINCOLN PARKER RD. N Family Books & Resources PLAZA DR. MAIN ST. Parker Road and Plaza Drive one light south of Lincoln Ave. CHEC Family Books & Resources By Christian Home Educators of Colorado CHEC FAMILY BOOKS AND RESOURCES 10461 South Parker Road, Parker, Colorado 80134 720.842.4852 I 1.877.842.CHEC (2432) I office@chec.org INSIDE CHEC Homeschool Update Family Encouragement 4 The Three S’s of Giving That Matter BY STEVE CRAIG 8 10 I Volume 1, 2015 12 14 22 I Issue 91 Why I Homeschool BY JOE HOLMAN You’re Not Done Yet Run Your Own Race BY MARCIA WASHBURN Harmony in the Home BY TONY PRANAITIS BY RALPH AND CAROL SWANSON Too Much Emphasis BY KIRK SMITH CHEC Events 15 26 Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family 2014 National Bible Bee PRESENTED BY CHEC 19 Day at the Capitol PRESENTED BY CHEC The views expressed by contributors and advertisers in this news magazine do not necessarily reflect those of Christian Home Educators of Colorado. The purpose of the Homeschool Update is to provide education, resources and leadership for home educating families, while effectively communicating the activities, opportunities and needs of Christian Home Educators of Colorado. CHEC reserves the right to refuse any article or ad deemed inappropriate for our publication. Permission is granted to reprint any portion of this magazine, except where noted, provided the following credit is given: “Reprinted from the CHEC Homeschool Update, Volume 1, Issue #91, 2015 ; 720.842.4852, CHEC.org” Advertising information on page 20. CHEC Homeschool Update, Volume 1, 2015, Issue #91, is published triannually by Christian Home Educators of Colorado, 10461 South Parker Road, Parker, Colorado, 80134-9038. The Homeschool Update is free to all who request it. Donations are gladly accepted. Front Cover: Day at the Capitol event. Photography by Winslow Robbins/www.thewdesigner.com This page: Day at the Capitol event. Photography by Winslow Robbins/www.thewdesigner.com 10461 South Parker Road Parker, Colorado 80134 720.842.4852 I 1.877.842.CHEC (2432) I CHEC.org PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHUTTERSTOCK DIRECTOR’S DESK THE THREE S’s of Giving That Matter BY STEVE CRAIG GIVING YOURSELF TO WHAT IS SIGNIFICANT Take a moment to read these three passages all that I have commanded you.” In Daniel 12:3, it is of Scripture – Matthew 28:19-20, Daniel 12:3, put a little differently. Daniel speaks of those who Matthew 10:40-42. “turn many to righteousness.” The idea is the same. How often do you feel like your life is dominated I believe these passages answer the question Daniel attaches this idea to the promise that those by the mundane? “How do you know if you are giving yourself toward who turn many to righteousness will shine like the what is truly significant for Christ’s kingdom?” stars forever and ever. What a thought! Most of the time, it seems like our life is devoted The answer is when you are making and serving You can pay a little money to have a star named after towards staying ahead of the most basic tasks disciples of Jesus Christ. you. But you can’t pay money to shine like a star. My wife and I have three very small children. of life. Changing diapers, cleaning up disasters, wiping runny noses, resolving conflicts, practicing obedience, teaching our children how to pick up after themselves, potty training, etc., can consume our time and attention. Sometimes we struggle with the tension between really wanting to do something important for Christ’s kingdom and feeling like the activity of our lives is not exactly the kind of material the final, summary level marching orders given by have to turn others to righteousness. In Matthew chapter 10:40-42 we are given the His Father. And what were those marching orders? promise of certain reward for those who direct Go. Make disciples. Making disciples is at the very even the smallest act of service toward a disciple of heart of God’s mission for us here on earth. Jesus. Just by giving them a cup of cold water. That is why I love homeschooling. At its core, it is There is special notice taken of those who care for really about disciple making. disciples. Not just the great ones, the prophets of Discipling the world, starting with those right in your Christian of the Faith. own house. I don’t think you will find a more significant task in Scripture than that of making disciples. toward what is significant for Christ’s kingdom I like Daniel 12:3 because it speaks of a critical when much of life seems absorbed with component of the disciple making spoken of in the insignificance? Great Commission, the “teaching them to observe C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E No, if want to do something that amazing then you Christ to His disciples before He left them to go to that you would find in the biography of a great So how do you know if you are giving yourself 4 In Matthew 28:19-20, we have The Great Commission, I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 our day. Even the very least of Christ’s disciples, even the little ones. In John 21:17 Jesus asks Peter “Do you love Me?” Peter answered, “Lord, You know everything; You know that I love You.” Then Jesus said to Peter, “Feed my sheep.” DIRECTOR’S DESK If you want to do something truly important for her as she brought her gift. She was probably not I was raised among the homeschooling crowd and Christ, take care of Christ’s disciples, including their the kind of woman who would stand out in a crowd, large families were nothing unusual to me based on the most basic needs. especially amidst the many who were gathered there experience of my life. I always wanted a large family with their large and glamorous gifts. and still desire as many children as God sees fit. But Jesus was waiting, and watching, and He saw her. I have to admit, however that reality struck when Notice how each of these passages has a promise associated with it. The promise of Christ’s continual presence in Matthew 28:20. The promise of shining like the stars forever in Daniel 12:3. The promise of certain reward in Matthew 10:42. Second, notice how Jesus saw not just the gift but also the givers. He saw the condition of their lives. He noticed those with great abundance. He noticed Do you want to give your life to something that really those with great need. He saw every circumstance matters to God; something that has a promised of their lives. reward and something truly significant? Then you give yourself to making and serving disciples. That is giving to what is significant. Tara and I had our first child. Carson had some health issues that certainly added to the difficulty of caring for him. It wasn’t too long into our parenting debut that Tara and I looked at Carson, looked at the large families that we knew, looked at each other and said “What in the world? How do those families do that?” Finally, what lesson did Jesus draw from His observations for His disciples? Jesus taught them that the true value of a gift is determined not by the gift alone, but That which I had taken for granted for so many years suddenly became very real as I began to become aware of the effort and sacrifice involved in raising GIVING THAT IS SUBSTANTIAL by the circumstances from which the gift is given. given out of great necessity. The poor widow had There are moments when you look at your children Maybe you are sitting there fully convinced of the given everything she had, all she had to live on. and say, “It’s too big of a task. I don’t have the significance of giving your life toward making and What gift did Jesus value the most? He valued one serving disciples for Jesus Christ. So what if you feel like what you bring to God just You doubt, however, the total value of your service be able to give God something really substantial? in the context of God’s great kingdom. isn’t that much? What if you fear that you will never Remember, Christ values high above all other gifts just a single child. resources. I make too many mistakes. I just don’t have what it takes!” Let’s see what John 6:4-13, the account of Christ’s feeding of the five thousand, might have to instruct us. Perhaps you see those families who, in addition to the ones given by those who are giving everything that I think this passage presents us with a picture of homeschooling their children, are able to financially they have. Those are the gifts with real substance. what our lives are often like. We feel like we have support missions, are heavily involved in Church five thousand hungry mouths to feed and all we can scrape together is five loaves of bread and a couple You want to know not only that your resources are GIVING THAT IS SUFFICIENT directed toward what is significant but that your Many of us have goals for our lives or at least a picture We’re more than willing to give it. After all, it is contribution to Christ’s kingdom amounts to in our minds of what we would like to become of the Jesus who has asked us to feed them. We will give something substantial. effort of our lives. Of course, we should always be them everything we have, right down to the last evaluating these goals in the light of Scripture in crumb. But it is just not going to be enough. outreach, lead bible studies, and so on. Do you ever struggle with regret that, when compared to others around you, the total value of your life for Christ’s kingdom just doesn’t seem to amount to much? We are all familiar with the story of the widow’s mite told in Mark 12:41-44. Take a moment to read this passage and notice several things with me. First, notice that Jesus was watching. I am quite sure that when the poor widow in this story set out to bring her two small copper coins to the temple that day that she never guessed that the Creator of the universe would be waiting there and watching of fish. How pathetic! order to make sure that we are staying focused on accomplishing that which is truly significant Now suppose the disciples said to themselves, according to God’s Word. “Let’s see if we can make this stretch.” But what if you have directed your life toward that I remember growing up that our family would which is truly significant and you have given it everything you’ve got, but you feel like your best is just not good enough? What if you feel like all that you have to give is just not sufficient to accomplish its intended purpose? sometimes get something special to eat, maybe a few pieces of special Christmas candy. But there would not be enough for everyone to have one. So my mom would get out a knife and cut it up into pieces so that everyone could have a taste. Let’s apply this to the raising and discipling of our children. (Continues on page 5) Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 5 DIRECTOR’S DESK THE THREE S’s of Giving That Matter (Continues from page 4) Now suppose the disciples did the same thing. They made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast Do you want to know that what you have to give is got out their knives and tried to do their best to all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the truly substantial from God’s point of view? Then make it stretch. They tried to cut up those five loaves power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of remember that Christ values high above all other gifts, and two fish into five thousand little portions. That Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, the ones given by those who are giving everything would be ridiculous! hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I that they have. Those are the gifts with real substance. They could never feed five thousand with what they had, and neither can we! You know the first step toward giving that is sufficient is to accept that our very best just isn’t good enough. We are just like the disciples with a tiny little bit of food standing before a hungry crowd of five thousand. But what did the disciples do? They took all they could scrape together and they brought it to Jesus. And what did Jesus do? He took it and blessed it and He turned those meager provisions into superfluous abundance. am weak, then I am strong.” be sufficient? Give it to Jesus. He will bless it. His enough? You take what you have and you give it to strength will be made perfect in our weakness. Jesus. Then He blesses it and turns it into all that it must be, and so much more. Only when you give what you have to Jesus will it ever be sufficient. His strength will be made perfect in our weakness. CONCLUSION Do you want to make sure you are giving yourself to 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says, “But He said to me, what is truly significant? Then give yourself to making “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is and serving disciples, even the little ones. 6 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E Do you want to know that what you have to give will So, what do you do when your best is just not good I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 Steve Craig is the Executive Director for Christian Home Educators of Colorado. He and his wife Tara are second generation homeschoolers and have a passion to inspire others toward biblical discipleship in the home. Steve and Tara live in Castle Rock with their three children, Carson, Christiana, and Angelina. Global Studies Major Want a career in foreign affairs? What about international business, humanitarian work, politics, missions, or homeland security? In today’s globalized world, it’s important to understand different people and cultural values— CCU’s Global Studies major can help: • Diversify your skills and worldview with courses in cultural studies, economics, and political science Homeschooler And National Merit Finalist Finds Her Ideal College Experience At CCU • Customize your studies with any number of minors • Gain on-site, overseas experience through a semester abroad • Explore how to integrate your knowledge and abilities with God’s call to share the Gospel message CCU offers nearly 20 undergraduate majors, plus a variety of emphases and minors and also study-abroad options through BestSemster.com. Here’s a peak at Gillian’s major. Learn more at www.ccu.edu/academics. “ “ This was it, this was both things, the school I thought didn’t exist. -she says of CCU, whose academic programs and faculty impressed her— something she wouldn’t compromise on. HSN 7x9_2011.indd 1 5/9/2011 2:19:04 PM PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHUTTERSTOCK FAMILY FAMILYENCOURAGEMENT ENCOURAGEMENT RUN YOUR Own Race BY MARCIA WASHBURN I DON’T KNOW The excitement of September’s new start was in the He also gives us everything we need to serve Him distant past and the glitter and fun of the Christmas in this present moment. He gave Paul everything he ABOUT YOU, break was packed away with the lights and gift wrap. needed to serve Him with joy while in the Philippian Snow season dragged on and on and June seemed jail where he wrote the above verses. Even though BUT IT ALWAYS to be years away. What a temptation it was at this winter weather, sick children, and boredom can time of year to just take it easy and coast for awhile, sometimes make us feel like we are in a prison, we SEEMED TO even though I knew we would pay for it in an end-of- can ask God to give us contented, joyful hearts. ME THAT year scramble to get everything done. We can also pray that we will run our race well. How easy it is to look around at other homeschoolers Hebrews 12:1-2 teaches us that God has marked out FEBRUARY and assume that you are the only one who is tired of a specific race for each of us. We often forget that the day-to-day slogging along through worksheets. every single day of our lives counts as we run the WAS THE It is easy to catch a case of the if-onlys. If only race God has set before us. LONGEST curriculum. If only we had a better support group. If At a track meet, each person in the race has the lines only my husband was more supportive. If only my for his own lane drawn out on the track. He must MONTH OF THE children were smart/enthusiastic/obedient/eager stay in his own lane or he will be disqualified. If he learners. If only the school year was over! keeps turning to look at other runners he cannot run SCHOOL YEAR. I had more energy. If only we had more exciting his own race efficiently. We often forget that the verse that precedes “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” is “I Likewise, we must guard against leaving our lane. have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” 1 We, too, must avoid comparing our race with someone else’s. Our race doesn’t look like anyone One of the toughest lessons God taught me during else’s race. Our relationships, finances, health, and the nineteen years we homeschooled our sons was life message are all different from those of other contentment. I needed to remember that God gives families. Our race, both as an individual and as a us everything we need for our present happiness. 8 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT Just Pedal family, is unique to us. God designed it just for us. We must not attempt to run someone else’s race. It may seem that another person is running faster or that she has an easier route. Your itinerary may seem difficult, with hills and obstacles that others At first I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture but I didn’t really know him. don’t face. But it is your race. Don’t take shortcuts. But later on, when I met Christ, it seemed as though life were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal. God designed your race for you and He will empower you to run it. I don’t know just when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since. When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring and predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points. Many years ago, someone forwarded me an essay that I call “Just Pedal” (see sidebar). I have not been able to learn the author’s name, but it has been a But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts up mountains and through rocky places at break-neck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, “Pedal!” blessing to me through the years. Perhaps you will find it helpful, too, as you face the long days of winter. Ask God to give you the gift of contentment with the I worried and was anxious and asked, “Where are you taking me?” He laughed and didn’t answer, and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure. And when I’d say, “I’m scared!” he’d lean back and touch my hand. race he has laid out for you. Don’t compare your race with anyone else’s race. Keep your eyes on the prize you will hear at the finish line: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance, and joy. They gave me gifts to take on my journey, my Lord’s and mine. And we were off again. He said, “Give the gifts away; they’re extra baggage, too much weight.” So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light. ©2014 by Marcia K. Washburn who enjoys giving practical encouragement for moms through her speaking and writing ministry. View her resources at www.marciawashburn.com, “like” her at www. facebook.com/MarciaKWashburn, or contact her at marcia@marciawashburn.com. 1 I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life, I thought He’d wreck it; but he knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to make sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten scary passages. Philippians 4:11b-13 (ESV) And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and beginning to enjoy the view, and the cool breeze on my face, with my delightful constant companion, JESUS CHRIST. And when I’m sure I just can’t do anymore, He just smiles and says, “Pedal.” ~ Author unknown OT, PT, ST Pediatric OT/ PTPediatric • Speech Language Therapy • Specialized Academic Instruction Comprehensive Evaluations • Child-Focused Therapy • Life Skill Development Specialized Academic Parent Education • Integrated Care • Holistic Approach Instruction 303.886.9921 • bluehorizontherapy.com Therapy is fun for the child and is skillfully managed by the therapist to ensure it is appropriate for the child. Activities are set to the “just right challenge,” ensuring the child’s adaptive response. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 9 PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHUTTERSTOCK FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT HARMONY IN THE HOME (and church, and school) BY TONY PRANAITIS FOR 15 YEARS SUMMER HARMONY CAMP HAS GIVEN STUDENTS WHO LOVE TO SING THE OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOP HARMONIZING SKILLS THROUGH THE TRAINING OFFERED BY THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY AND SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL. During that time several homeschool students (and Harmony Camp and have fallen in love with the some private / religious school students) have challenge and the beauty of the barbershop style. discovered this opportunity, but none have become They are now on staff at the Camp, they have a as involved and taken harmonizing in the home to homeschool family quartet which regularly enters the level that the Michel family has. the High School Quartet Contest held in Febru- Jarrod and Charlene Michel homeschool and sing with their 8 children (and also play a wide variety of musical instruments). They discovered Summer 10 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 ary (earning a half-tuition scholarship to Summer Harmony Camp by competing), and mom and dad are quartet singing too! FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT Due to some exciting developments in the past in one of those chapters, and immediately became We then ask these students to become ambassadors year, a new Camp will be launched in 2015 which involved in the “youth outreach” effort (wishing I in their churches and communities to perform what made it strategically advantageous to re-design our had learned this when I was younger). they learn for the edification of congregations and Camp in Estes Park (at the YMCA Camp) to shift the repertoire toward songs of faith and inspiration, and songs of American heritage and patriotism, which will have greater appeal (and long-term use) by the homeschool, private, and church school communities. We were also able to secure Dr. Frank Eychaner (music professor at the University of Texas, previously men’s choral director at Colorado Christian University) as our primary clinician. Dr. Eychaner has been singing barbershop for many years and considers it an ideal way to learn and an ultimate way to perform exquisite harmony. There are a multitude of arrangements in the barbershop catalog that we will draw from and direct singers toward who want to continue to pursue 4-part harmony. Harmonizing is not easy. If it was, everybody would be doing it. On the other hand, it’s not impossible. With the declining support for the arts in our public schools (another story), opportunities like this are audiences, and to encourage participation by those who are willing to sing. becoming more vital for students who wish to learn Music speaks when words are inadequate. It chang- to harmonize. The ACDA (American Choral Direc- es the heart, and singing is the ultimate organic tor’s Association) is acutely aware of the decline in expression of the heart where the body of the singer choral participation, particularly among boys, and is IS the instrument. Harmonizing—perfect alignment partnering with the Barbershop Harmony Society to of sound by multiple voices creating chords with engage students (especially young men) in singing. exact intervals—has been found in all cultures, Summer Harmony Camp is July 17-19 at the Estes Park YMCA (see our ad elsewhere in this magazine). The first half of 2015 we will be getting the word out about the new direction of our Camp, and we invite homeschool students who have good music reading and vocal intonation skills to come and develop all faiths, throughout all of history...vanishing only recently. Let’s keep vocal harmony alive for the next generation (and many more). Tony Pranaitis — my wife and I homeschooled our 3 children, and they are now homeschooling our 8 grandchildren. their ability to harmonize with 100 other students of similar interest. Years ago church hymnals were printed with “shape notes” which enabled even the “musically illiterate” to easily learn to harmonize. (Shape notes had different shape note heads, which symbolized the tones of the musical scale: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.) Today, music in worship is a highly controversial subject, but no matter your opinion, it is plainly and painfully obvious that a capella harmony singing is on the decline in American churches. This, despite the fact, that people love to hear it performed. There is a secular resurgence of a capella singing (i.e. “The Sing Off” etc.) and we would like to see a similar resurgence in churches, in communities, and of course in homes and families. For over 75 years the “Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America” (SPEBSQSA – now known simply as the “Barbershop Harmony Society”) has offered to men of all ages and abilities (and for almost as long, Sweet Adelines International has offered to women) the opportunity to learn to harmonize through chapters all across North America, and now in many nations around the globe. I learned to harmonize Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 11 PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHUTTERSTOCK FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT WHY I Homeschool BY JOE HOLMAN ONE TOOL THAT CAN HELP THE PROCESS OF HOMESCHOOLING IS A MISSION STATEMENT. It can alleviate frustration and provide direction. Families can use it to focus on their true desires. A family mission statement makes it easier to create plans that will keep your family moving in the right direction. These goals and statements will be an encouragement to you in times of despair or burnout, and a light to guide you through the choices you encounter. Below is what a mission statement for homeschooling might look like. I encourage you to use it as an example, then form your own statement reflecting the uniqueness of your family as God created it to be. WHY I HOMESCHOOL 1. T he Bible teaches it is my responsibility to teach my children the things that they need in order to know, honor and love Jesus Christ. 12 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 2. It is most important that my children possess a Christ-like character and Godly wisdom. These character traits and life application skills are best taught by parents through example and doctrine. MY HOMESCHOOLING GOALS 3. M y time with my children as their chief influence is short. The best way to redeem this time together is to intentionally invest my life into theirs; homeschooling allows me to do this. 1. Have a lifelong relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 4. I am charged by God to protect my children from the influences of sin until they are fully equipped spiritually and intellectually to overcome the temptations they will face in the world. 5. My children must have a coherent and complete Biblical Worldview if they are going to make the right choices in life and eternity. 6. H omeschooling allows me to formulate a personalized curriculum around the uniqueness of each child so they can be taught what they need to know in the manner of their own individual learning style, and to encourage a lifelong habit of learning. We can change their curriculum as needed as we encounter life’s challenges without my children suffering academically. 7. Homeschooling builds a strong family with common values and goals. 8. I can help my children discover who God made them to be, and then help them accomplish their purpose in life by giving them the skills they will need to succeed. 9. Individual tutoring has historically proven to be the best method of instruction. I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 Spiritual Goals — I Want Each Child To: 2. B e committed to the study and devotion of God. This enables them to translate those doctrines into their daily lives. 3. H ave a cohesive and complete Biblical Worldview that they depend upon to make their choices in life. 4. Discover God’s unique plan for their lives by living the life that He has called them to live. Individual Goals — I Want Each Child To: 1. B e men (or women) of Christ-like character and integrity. 2. Have total confidence in the fact that God loves them, and because of that, they can live courageously for Him. 3. Have Godly wisdom in their decisions. 4. Spend their entire lives as students, studying and growing until Christ returns or takes them home to be with Him. 5. Know how to recognize and defeat the schemes of the devil through submitting to God, resisting the enemy, and renewing their minds. 6. B e hard workers, doing whatever they do to the best of their ability and the glory of God. 7. Manifest the love of God to others and help them know God better. FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT 8. Understand the relationships, roles and responsibilities in which God places them. Skill Goals — I Want Each Child To: WANTED: PERFORMERS FOR STATE CONFERENCE 1. Manage their time in such a way that they determine how they will invest their lives. 2. Live debt-free, being wise stewards of the financial resources God has given them. 3. L ive their lives enjoying the moment, but thinking long-term. 4. Think logically and rationally, keeping their emotions subject to the truth of God and the needs of others. 5. Listen and communicate effectively and coherently to individuals or to groups. We all enjoy hearing the talented young performers at the state conference in June each year. Perhaps you have wondered how these young people were selected. Each year we invite interested families to submit an audition packet to the General Sessions coordinator by April 30. 6. Be technologically up-to-date. 7. Be equipped to resolve conflict to the honor of Christ. 8. Be able to analyze, research and solve problems. 9. T hink quickly on their feet and act immediately when needed. If you know talented youngsters or families who could bless us at the conference, please urge them to apply, or let us know and we will contact them. For further information and an audition form, see www.chec.org. For remaining questions, please call Marcia Washburn at 970-842-4776 (mornings only) or e-mail her at marcia@chec.org. 10. K now Christian Apologetics to explain and defend their faith in Christ. 11. E fficiently and effectively manage a household. ACADEMIC GOALS 1. U nderstand the linear nature of history and our place in it, knowing key events and individuals and how they shaped their time and those that followed them. 2. T o know how to think critically and logically. 3. Math skills through calculus and advanced geometry. 4. To be able to read anything they pick up. 5. To read the great books of humanity. To average reading two books a week. Joe and his wife, Denise, served CHEC for a number of years. Joe was a CHEC Board member from 1997 to 2000, when their family moved to Purcellville, VA. The Holman family is now in Bolivia on the mission field. Their family website is http://joe-holman. blogspot.com/. Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 13 PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHUTTERSTOCK FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT YOU’RE NOT Done Yet! BY RALPH AND CAROL SWANSON “THOSE THAT BE PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD SHALL FLOURISH IN THE COURTS OF OUR GOD. THEY SHALL BRING FORTH FRUIT IN OLD AGE.” — Psalm 92:13-14. When our last child was graduated from high By keeping and restoring the furniture we needed used by God to help many homeschooling families school and our 22 years of homeschooling for a fair-sized family, we’ve been able to entertain serve the Lord. One of the reasons Carol gives piano ended, we were ready to catch our breath. But and encourage many homeschooling families who lessons is to prepare young people to serve properly God does not “retire” his sons and daughters come for vacations or visits. One family came out of at the instrument in their churches. In recent years into rocking chairs. He has plenty of work necessity! They were evacuated from their home due playing hymns accurately has not been a priority. assignments to keep us busy in His service to a very large forest fire. They stayed with us for a Piano students need training to play the most right down to old age. Often His assignments month, during which time we had many opportunities difficult hymns accurately and then to improvise are one on the heels of the other, but not to share what God had taught us. and transpose, within limits of reverence. Students beyond what we are equipped to do. trained like this have gone out to accompany worship services, VBS, choirs and wherever they are needed. Our service may not be as vigorous or visible and we had hours of edifying fellowship. The father, as in the days of our youth; but it is serenely a medical doctor, was in medical school when we fulfilling. The most joyous by far is our increased were missionaries in Japan. He read Ralph’s book, time for intercessory prayer. God brings prayer The Bible and Modern Science which taught him requests enough to fill two hours every morning! the truth of creation and fallacy of evolution. This There are needs all around us where God would The more we pray the farther our vision of man embraced God’s Word as literal, infallible have us turn our hand and serve Him, bringing forth need extends. The children we homeschooled truth, and the Biblical theology of God’s absolute fruit right down to our old age. are now homeschooling our grandchildren. sovereignty. This is the foundation on which he has We cover them daily, each by name, during been homeschooling his children. It is a delightful this prayer time. After all, we “walked in their privilege to encourage and strengthen families shoes” and are very familiar with their needs. like this. Also, the blessing of email has given us instant updates for prayer requests. 14 Another homeschooling family came from Japan C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E Another assignment God gives is to pass on our skills by teaching others. Piano lessons have been I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 They are able to skillfully play any music set before them. It’s a ministry high school students can and do fulfill. Ralph and Carol Swanson homeschooled their 6 children in the 1960s and 1970s, and are still active after all these years. Generations with Vision’s Kevin Swanson is blessed to be a part of this great heritage. TOOL S IN HIS HANDS Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family I I I I VISION HOME DISCIPLESHIP WORLDVIEW ENCOURAGEMENT RELATIONSHIPS Presented by Christian Home Educators of Colorado JUNE 18-20, 2015 DENVER MART E XCLU S IV E LI M ITE D D I SCO U NT ! Watch your email inbox the week of Feb. 23rd for an Exclusive Offer! Not Getting CHEC eBlasts? Sign up today at CHEC.org so you don’t miss this! SUPER-SIZED CONFERENCE. SUPER-SIZED FAMILY. DON’T MISS THIS YEAR – WE’VE GOT THE DUGGARS! Registration Opens March 2nd, 2015 TOLL-FREE 877.842.CHEC I CHEC.org I DENVER METRO 720.842.4852 S U P E R CO N F E R E N CE S U P E R VALU E REGISTER EARLY & + PLUS, THE DUGGARS! SAVE 10%! 89 $ $ 99 FULL CONFERENCE: Includes admission to all GENERAL SESSIONS, WORKSHOPS, and the EXHIBIT HALL with more than 200 booths for you and your spouse. Bring the whole family for just $119!* FIRST TIME ATTENDEES: Come at a special low price! Your pass 69 gets you and your spouse admission to the entire conference, including $ $ 79 39 $ $ EXHIBIT HALL: Your registration includes admission for you and your spouse to the VENDOR EXHIBIT HALL. Bring the whole family for just $59.*** AN EVENING WITH B R I N G TH E WH O LE FA M I LY ! Children of any age living in your home are welcome and you can bring them all for one low price. 49 GENERAL SESSIONS, WORKSHOPS, and more than 200 EXHIBIT HALL booths! Bring the whole family for just $99!** THE DUGGARS This year, your FULL CONFERENCE PASS gets you free admission to AN EVENING WITH THE DUGGARS! Join us Friday, June 19th, for a night with Jim Bob, Michelle, and their children. Seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first served basis. Don’t miss this opportunity! * ** Price is for online early registrations only. After 6/15/2014, full conference registration will be $99/$129. Price is for those who have never attended the Rocky Mountain Super Conference on the Family. Online early registration only. After 6/15/2013, admission will be $79/$109 . *** Price is for online early registrations only. After 6/15/2014, Exhibit Hall only registration will be $49/$69. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE REGISTRATION OPENS AT 7:30AM EVERYDAY SPECIAL EXHIBIT HALL HOURS ON THURSDAY 4:30PM – 8:00PM EXHIBIT HALL HOURS ON FRIDAY 10:00AM – 6:30PM SATURDAY 10:00AM – 5:30PM Christian Home Educators of Colorado CHEC.org I 720.842.4852 I TOLL-FREE 877.842.CHEC (2432) Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC) is committed to honoring Jesus Christ by encouraging parents to educate their children through home discipleship. We will do this by providing leadership, resources, and information that advances God-centered relationships, while respecting the Biblical jurisdictional boundaries of family, church, and state. TOO L S I N H IS HAN DS “For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves (Lk. 22:27).” Jesus set aside His kingly glory to come and to SERVE hell-deserving sinners. He showed us the perfect example of how to LEAD by serving others. This year’s conference will explore ways to build stronger families, churches, and governments through SERVANT LEADERSHIP. SPEAKERS PETER HECK Author and Host of The Peter Heck Show DR. MARSHALL FOSTER Founder of World History Institute DR. JASON LISLE Director of Research Institute for Creation Research DR. R.C. SPROUL, JR. Founder of Highlands Ministries TODD FRIEL Host of Wretched Radio, Author and Speaker JIM BOB & MICHELLE DUGGAR Of 19 Kids and Counting OTH E R S P E A K E R S I N C LU D E : RICK STEVENS RENEE ELLISON DR. S.M. DAVIS SHELLEY NOONAN KEVIN SWANSON ANDIE DAVIDSON BARB WEST USE D CU RRICU LU M SALE EXHIBIT HALL Registration for this year’s conference will also admit you to the Used Filled with over 200 booths, our Exhibit Hall attracts vendors from across the Curriculum Sale. This is a great opportunity to shop for used materials nation. A wide variety of the latest in educational materials will be available. at discounted prices and to sell items you no longer need. Go to the conference Vendors will offer books and materials for specific subjects, traditional textbooks, info pages at chec.org to find details and register used curriculum. unit study materials, full-scale curricula, fun extras (educational games, videos, art supplies, music programs, etc.), life skills, family economics, and more! YOU NG E NTRE PRE NEU RS If you are a homeschooled student, ages 13 to 21, and have your own business, there’s a place for you in our Exhibit Hall! This area held more than three dozen Young Entrepreneur vendors last year and proved to be very popular with attending families. Send inquiries to youthvendor@chec.org. Vendor Demos are a great way to learn more about some of our vendors and their products; see program for scheduled demonstrations. REGISTER AND PAY ONLINE AT ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS ONLY 89 $99 $ REGISTRATION AT THE DOOR CHEC.org Please follow the online instructions to register. WHY WAIT? ONLINE REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 2ND, 2015 If you are unable to register online please contact the CHEC Office at 720.842.4852 or Toll-Free 877.842.CHEC (2432) GENERAL INFORMATION GET ALL THE DETAILS ON CHEC.org CHEC IS A MINISTRY TO FAMILIES DISCOUNTED ADMISSION PROGRAMS STROLLERS AND ROLLING DEVICES If you support our vision of providing leadership, information and resources with a Christ-centered focus for those involved in home education, we ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us in any of the following ways: FIRST TIME ATTENDEES If you are attending the Conference for the first time, please enjoy a discounted registration fee. These will be allowed in the exhibit hall only. • DONATION – Those who give $50, or more per year, will receive a 15% discount on the upcoming conference, $20 discount on membership with HSLDA, and 10% discount on CHEC products. • ADDITIONAL LEVELS OF GIVING – There are added benefits for higher levels of annual giving. Details at chec.org/donate. • SCHOLARSHIP FOR CONFERENCE ATTENDEES – CHEC recognizes that not every family can absorb the cost of a conference registration in their budget so we provide a special scholarship fund to which others may contribute. PASTORS Pastors who are not currently home educating their own children may attend the conference at a discounted rate. Please request this discount by submitting your request on church letterhead. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE OFFERS, VISIT CHEC.ORG PRESENTED BY: CHILDREN OF ALL AGES WELCOME All children regardless of age are welcome to attend the Conference. You may purchase a FULL CONFERENCE or EXHIBIT HALL ONLY FAMILY ADMISSION PASS with the purchase of an adult registration. Full registration includes admission to the entire conference: Thursday’s Pre-conference as well as Friday and Saturday’s Conference, including the Exhibit Hall, vendor demonstrations, General Sessions and the Used Curriculum Sale. HOMESCHOOL DAY AT THE CAPITOL PRESENTS: RISE UP & BUILD “ Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me... And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened ” their hands for this good work. NEHEMIAH 2:18 APRIL 17, 2015 I I Liberty Celebration Fife and Drum March Rally on the West Steps Citizen Lobbyist Program Rotunda Displays And More! I I VISIT CHEC.org FOR MORE DETAILS! SPONSORED BY: RISE UP & BUILD Join us April 17, 2015, to ask God to strengthen our hands. When God’s people returned from exile, Nehemiah led them in the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. He also led the people in rebuilding their spiritual foundations to the worship of the one true God. Rubble turned into solid walls of strength around the city. Idols turned into rubble outside the city walls. Revival was so thorough and so sincere that the Jews did not return to idol worship during the 400 years before Christ. How wonderful that when the Messiah came, there was a spiritual treasure-house of godly people like Joseph and Mary, Anna, Simeon, and John the Baptist to welcome Him. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Let us, like Nehemiah, rise up and build the spiritual architecture that welcomes the one true God and blesses our nation. • The Liberty Celebration—including music from the talented voices of the Bold Reflection choral group, fun dramatic presentations, and an inspiring message. • The Fife and Drum Corps to march us, colonial style, around the Capitol. • The Noon Rally, an invaluable opportunity to show our elected officials that we care about our liberty, as well as a chance to hear more inspiring messages and music. • The Future Statesman Study Guide is a booklet specially designed with fresh content each year to enhance your children’s experience of Homeschool Day at the Capitol. Order copies through CHEC.org. Your visit to the Capitol is a great opportunity to arrange a meeting with your senator or representative! Get in touch with them by visiting www.Leg.State. Co.Us and selecting “House” or “Senate” under contact information. For more details & to register, visit CHEC.org SPONSORED BY: 8:45am State House Gallery: Introduction of Homeschool Families 9:00am Doors open at Pillar of Fire Church, 1340 Sherman (1/2 block south of Capitol) 9:30-11:15am Liberty Celebration (Pillar of Fire Church) 11:15-12:00pm Lunch (Chick-fil-A lunches- $7.00 ea) 12:00-12:15pm March Around the Capitol 12:15pm Noon Rally (West steps of the Capitol) 1:30-2:45pm Citizen Lobbyist Workshop (at the Capitol) REGISTER ONLINE AT CHEC.org Or by calling CHEC at 720-842-4852 or Toll-Free 877-842-CHEC(2432) When you register you can also purchase Future Statesman study guides, US Constitution booklets, and lunches for your family. “We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.” – JAMES MADISON, “FATHER OF OUR CONSTITUTION” Are you weary of your labors? Are you heavy laden? Do you long for rest? The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt 11:28 Service Times: Worship: 10:30 am Fellowship Meal: 12:30 pm Meeting at: Clear Sky Elementary School, 1470 Clear Sky Way, Castle Rock, CO 80109 You are invited to join us for weekly worship of the triune God at Emmanuel OPC in Castle Rock, CO! Emmanuel is a new church plant of Reformation Church (which moved to Elizabeth). We are an evangelical, reformed & Presbyterian work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (opc.org). Our church officers include elders Mike Chapa & Jim Mill and deacons Nathan Seldomridge & Todd Strawser. For more information, go to emmanuelopc.com PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHUTTERSTOCK FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT TOO MUCH Emphasis BY KIRK SMITH HAVE YOU EVER HAD THIS ACCUSATION LEVELED AGAINST YOU: “YOU HOMESCHOOLERS EMPHASIZE THE FAMILY WAY TOO MUCH!” A Biblical non-contexualist might add, “If when I say that five years later he was divorced. He must manage his own household well, with anyone comes to me and does not hate his own Biblically speaking, his ministry was at best all dignity keeping his children submissive, father and mother and wife and children and compromised and, at worst, finished. for if someone does not know how to manage brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26) Funny how the focus is always on the family part of this verse but never on hating self! In actuality, this was not a comment against the family or against a person appreciating the fact that he is fearfully and wonderfully made, but instead it is a priority check of our commitment and loyalty to Christ. We must interpret scripture by scripture and surely the rest of scripture puts this verse in proper context. At 25 years of age, I remember going through a fairly exhaustive discipleship program written by a then well-known preacher. He too emphasized that Christians put far too much emphasis on the family. He challenged his There are many thoughts that flow through Christendom that sound spiritual but, in fact, are his own household, how will he care for God’s church?—1 Timothy 3:4,5 (ESV) not biblical. While the scriptures are clear that If a man’s house—marriage and children—are not Christ is coming back for the church and the family in order, he is disqualified to lead in the church. will cease to exist—as we know it—in eternity, it Period. Do you realize if this verse were consistently doesn’t diminish its importance in this life. applied in the evangelical community today, hundreds, Why did God call Abraham? For one reason, God knew Abraham would disciple his family: For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. —Gen. 18:19 (KJV) readers to get their priorities straight with the This is very similar to the requirement for a man underlying assumption that ministry trumped to hold the office of elder or deacon in the church: family life. I guess I wouldn’t surprise you if not thousands, of pastors would be out of a job. In some churches, there would be no elders or deacons left in lieu of the fact their children are imbibing in all sorts of unbiblical behavior, yet, people would still say that we put too much emphasis on the family! God did not send Christ to live with a highly trained Rabbi. Neither did He send Him to the state in order to receive exceptional training. Instead, He ordained Him to be born to an unknown maiden, who was betrothed to an equally unknown man. God put Christ in an ordinary family to be raised. I ask again, “Do we put too much emphasis on the family, especially in this day and age?” I say we don’t put enough emphasis on it. 22 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 FAMILY ENCOURAGEMENT Finally, the barometric pressure of our wisdom is I say this? I can manipulate or guilt or intimidate my I know of many Christians who have thought that if defined by how those we come in consistent contact children into a certain appearance of compliance. they give everything to Christ, He would take care conduct themselves: People in the church do this all the time. I believe, of their families. Sounds admirable. Even spiritual. however, the purest reflection of my wisdom will be The only problem, it isn’t biblical. The result of seen in my grandchildren. Will they embrace my this flawed theology has devastated many a man’s values and then pass them on or will they chuck spiritual legacy. What a shame! But wisdom is justified by her children.”— Matt. 11:19 (NKJV) The context here is not our physical children per se; it refers more to the backwash of our lives; those we spend time with. Shouldn’t this include our own children? Who else should we influence more than these? I realize that each of our children must give their own account for their relationship with Christ; however, we fathers will give an account of our stewardship in that process. In fact, it’s my personal conviction that this verse not only refers to my them and substitute them with something else? Remember there is a reason why family life should Obviously, this is a tall order. So tall, in fact, it is receive such a wonderful emphasis: God made it only possible through the grace of Christ being that way! active in our lives. This thought alone causes me to Kirk Smith is the Executive Director for ICHE. He and his wife, Joely have discipled and homeschooled their 11 children for over 20 years.. He regularly blogs at http://buildingrstalls.com/. really bear the weight of what I am to be about with my life. If I gain all of Christendom, and lose the hearts and souls of my children or grandchildren, what does it profit? children but especially to my grandchildren. Why do ONLINE RESOURCE CENTER Need new ideas? Ready for the next step? Looking for family-friendly fun? VISIT TODAY! CHEC Family CHEC.org/resource-center &Prep Resources Curriculum Suppliers I Music Programs I Books Testing and Test I Tutoring Sports Programs By Christian Home Educators of Colorado Services I and MORE! I Art, Ballet, & Theater I Support Groups I Professional Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 I C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 23 RESOURCES FOR YOUR FAMILY AND BUSINESS Our mission is to help families and individuals with practical application in Apprenticeship, Mentorship and Entrepreneurship as you establish, integrate and operate your family businesses to the glory of God. See all the resources we offer at our recently updated website to help you grow your vision and passions. Including new products, seminars and conference events in 2015. www.AMEprogram.com A part of Christian Home Educators of Colorado IS YOUR FAMILY SET FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR? CHEC Independent School Independent School applications can be filled out quickly and easily from your home computer!* Visit chec.org and click on the Independent School button. Enrollment for the 2014/2015 year will close on May 31, 2015 REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! *Paper applications will still be handled. Contact the CHEC office at 720-842-4852 if you need this service. Keep Up-to-Date on the Homeschool Community Resources VISIT TODAY: CHEC.org CHEC EVENTS 2014 National Bible Bee BY CINDY PUHEK MY FAMILY RECENTLY COMPLETED THE 4,000 MILE ROUNDTRIP DRIVE FROM COLORADO SPRINGS TO ORLANDO. About 68-hours of travel time was required with the expectations for Nationals is much higher. Over trains kids how to inductively study the Bible. Over the eight of us crammed into our 8-passenger the last two years, my oldest has memorized more the years, my older children have mastered this minivan which has been affectionately christened than 1300 verses preparing for Nationals. Danika method and can now explore any book of the Bible “The Sardine Express.” It was not the ultimate says, “I never would have attempted something like on their own. The inductive method starts with an Disney World vacation that caused our normally memorizing hundreds of verses in a few short weeks overview of a book of the Bible and then looks at sane family to make a rather insane trip to without the Bible Bee challenging me. I’m so grateful each passage in more detail like finding the Greek the east coast. We joyfully made the arduous for the Bible Bee showing me what a frail human and Hebrew key words and cross references. “The expedition in order to participate in the 2014 brain is capable of.” inductive study method has been so rich and has National Bible Bee. helped me drink deeply from the well of Scripture,” states Danika, “It is amazing being able to look My family has been involved with the Bible Bee verses in preparation for Nationals and accomplished since it began in 2009. We thought the contest much more than Mom and Dad ever realized they was a wonderful way to encourage Scripture could. We rejoice that our children have so much memorization and Bible knowledge. Every summer, truth stored in their hearts because of the Bible Bee. But by far my favorite aspects of the National Bible the Bible Bee chooses a book of the Bible to All this memorizing has instilled in the kids a love of Bee are the camaraderie between the contestants and study in depth and chooses 24 Scripture memorizing that I think will go far beyond the Bible Bee. the way God is glorified through the public declaration passages (typically about 60 verses) to memorize Danika selected and began memorizing new passages of His Word. “Everyone cheers each other on. It over the course of 12 weeks. At the end of of Scripture as soon as we returned from Orlando. doesn’t feel like we’re competing against each other. the summer everyone takes a test and the contestants across the nation that score in the top 120 in each age category (primary 7-10 yrs, junior 11-14 yrs, and senior 15-18 yrs) are invited to compete at the National Bible Bee. There is over $350,000 in prize money awarded to the top finishers at the National Bible Bee. 26 Hudson and Sonja also memorized hundreds of Second, we’ve learned that memorizing Scripture helps the kids in all areas of study. Danika has decided that after memorizing so many verses, preparing for a biology exam seems like, “preschool up and understand word origins like a seminary graduate.” I love getting to know so many like-minded families,” says Sonja. Listening to the young people proclaim God’s Word during the semifinals and finals at Nationals is a very moving, glorious experience. work.” On the other hand, Sonja has always had We hope your family will consider participating in difficulty in school. “I’m proof you don’t have to be the 2015 Bible Bee and spend the summer studying a ’memorizing genius’ to compete in the Bible Bee,” and memorizing God’s Word. Registration opens in This year three of my children, 15-year old Sonja says. Even though memorizing has always April. Memorizing God’s Word brings with it its own Danika, 13-year old Sonja, and 9-year old been a challenge to Sonja, her determination to reward, so whether your children end up qualifying Hudson, qualified for Nationals which was held memorize God’s Word for the local and National for Nationals or not, investing in the Bible Bee will in Orlando, Florida. And even though we did Bible Bees has had a noticeable positive impact on bring eternal dividends. not win any of that prize money, we have had her scholastic performance. For example, there was numerous benefits from our involvement with a time she could barely pass a spelling test, and now the Bible Bee. she consistently aces them. First, all of my children have memorized HUGE Third, the Bible Bee has trained all of the kids amounts of Scripture. While the local contest how to study the Bible. The Bible Bee produces a only requires contestants memorize 60 verses, Sword Study every summer for the local Bee that C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 Peter and Cindy Puhek reside in Colorado Springs and keep busy homeschooling their six children who range in age from toddler to high schooler. For more information about the Bible Bee, contact Dale or Lisa Johnson at biblebee@chec.org or Cindy at puhek77@netzero.net. 5 l 1 o 0 2 Scho ay D e n m o H ily Fu ay 8 M m , Fa iday Fr ELLOWSHIP! F D N A FUN R O F HER T E G O T COME Exclusive Offer for Home School Families Order by February 28th for Best Price EASY TO ORDER Go to ElitchGardens.com Enter HOMESCHOOL in the promo code box and hit enter! Event open to school groups and general public. Homeschool Fun Day_ad.indd 1 12/15/14 9:16 AM UPCOMING EVENTS March May 7 High School & Beyond Seminar 16 Graduation ELIZABETH PARKER April June 17 Homeschool Day at the Capitol 18-20 Rocky Mountain Super Conference DOWNTOWN DENVER 18 DENVER Introductory Seminar Please refer to CHEC.org for further information PARKER sloss&carpenter orthodontics Erin A. Sloss, DDS, MS 9094 E. Mineral Avenue Suite 220 Centennial, Colorado 80112 303.799.7733 303.799.7732 Fax carpslossortho@yahoo.com www.slosscarpenterortho.com Member American Association of Orthodontists ® DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARD OF ORTHODONTICS 28 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 CHEC BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Word became flesh Bill Roach, President George Sechrist, Vice President Kevin Lundberg Brenda Kelly Steven Vaughan and dwelt among us. Jn 1.14 CHEC DIRECTORS: Steve Craig, Director of CHEC 970-765-8028 ! Montrose, CO ! MontroseCPC.wordpress.com Kevin Swanson, Director of Generations With Vision ChurchoftheCovenant Mike Cheney, Director of AME HOMESCHOOL UPDATE Advertising Policy Circulation: 7,000 Next Advertising Deadline: April 10, 2015 For advertising opportunities with CHEC, please visit the Advertising Center listed under CHEC Services at chec.org. We reserve the right to refuse any ad submitted. Payment must be made by the deadline to reserve your ad space. Ads are published on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis and are subject to approval. Payment must accompany ad to reserve space. New advertisers must include complete product description. Jump Your ACT & SAT Score! ® “I raised my ACT score 4 points. The JBP online course is convenient, engaging, and worthwhile.” -Nate, Home Educated Norfolk, NE ® Proven, Engaging Online ACT & SAT Test Prep • Better scores, better scholarships • Best college, lowest cost Call us for special discount pricing – 402.640.1297 JohnBaylorPrep.com CHEC’s mailing list is not sold or rented. Advertising in this magazine provides an excellent opportunity to reach homeschooling families likely to be interested in your product or service. Questions may be directed to admanager@chec.org. The CHEC Homeschool Update is published 3 times a year by Christian Home Educators of Colorado. Copyright © 2015 by CHEC Creative Coordinator and Designer: Ian Serff, www.serffcreative.com Assistant Designer: Kristin Storrie Editing Assistant: Paula Miller Ad Manager: Phillip Schwarz 164476-JBTP-Home School Ad.indd 1 30 C H E C H O M E S C H O O L U P D AT E 12/10/14 4:24 PM I Vo l u m e 1 , I s s u e 9 1 , 2 0 1 5 Homosexuality is Good. Matthew Vines, God & The Gay Christian, 2014 Homosexuality is Sinful. Justin Martyr Clement Cyprian Augustine John Chrysostom Council of Elvira Council of Ancyra Basil Hincmar Ambrose Gregory the Great Isidore Egbert Peter Damian Martin Luther John Calvin Menno Simons John Cotton John Wesley Matthew Henry So...are you still part of this church? KEEPthe FAITH SERIES Get your copies online at: generationswithvision.com NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID DENVER CO PERMIT #792 Christian Home Educators of Colorado 10461 South Parker Road Parker, Colorado 80134-9038 Change Service Requested Dear families: If you no longer want to receive this magazine, please contact the CHEC office and ask to be removed from our mailing list. Thank you. 720.842.4852 1.877.842.CHEC office@chec.org I I
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