SPEAKER BIO Adler Aphasia Center is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. Speaker “Content was cutting edge, using current research.” “Dynamic speaker, knowledgeable, engaging, passionate about the topic.” “Very relevant to my clinical practice.” Testimonials from past attendees: Bilingual Aphasia: A Practical Framework for Assessment and Treatment www.AdlerAphasiaCenter.org (201) 368-8585 MAYWOOD, NJ 07607 60 WEST HUNTER AVENUE FIRST TIME PROFESSIONAL ATTENDEE? Enjoy a discount on your registration and pay only $125! 13TH ANNUAL SLP WORKSHOP LISA A. EDMONDS, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Associate Professor and Director of the Aphasia Rehabilitation and Bilingualism Research Laboratory at Teachers College, Columbia University, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Friday, March 27, 2015 Adler Aphasia Center 60 West Hunter Avenue Maywood, NJ .6 Continuing Education Units Sponsored by LISA A. EDMONDS Ph.D., CCC-SLP Dr. Lisa A. Edmonds is an Associate Professor and Director of the Aphasia Rehabilitation and Bilingualism Research Laboratory at Teachers College, Columbia University in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Dr. Edmonds’ research focuses mainly on aphasia, with an emphasis on the development of assessment materials and treatment protocols for monolingual and bilingual speakers with aphasia. COURSE DESCRIPTION Assessing and treating bilingual aphasia is difficult given the variability in the combination of languages that bilingual individuals speak and differences in the language background of the clinician. Further, assessment materials and treatment protocols for bilingual aphasia are limited. This workshop will present the most current research findings as well as practical information related to assessment and treatment. Issues unique to this population such as cross linguistic generalization, which language to treat, and pathological code switching will be addressed. Participant questions and involvement will be highly encouraged! Disclosure: Dr. Edmonds is receiving an honorarium for this presentation. Other than this, she has no relevant financial or relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose. With respect to treatment, she aims to develop treatment approaches, such as Verb Network Strengthening Treatment, that are designed to maximize generalization to untrained items, contexts, and modalities with the ultimate goal of increasing functional communication. This perspective also applies to bilingual aphasia treatment, where consideration of cross-linguistic generalization is important. and This course is offered for .6 ASHA CEUs. (Intermediate level, Professional area) AGENDA 8:00 – 8:30 amRegistration & continental breakfast provided EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 8:30 – 10:00 amWelcome & speaker introduction Participants will: • Name and describe models of bilingual aphasia that consider premorbid language use patterns, effects of aphasia across languages and various recovery patterns. Review of bilingual aphasia models as a foundation for development of a clinical framework. • Identify factors that must be considered in a bilingual evaluation and how some of that information can be gathered and interpreted as part of an assessment. 10:00 – 10:15 am Break • Identify unique issues involved in bilingual aphasia treatment and describe how to address to address those issues. 10:15 – 12:00 pm Assessment of bilingual aphasia: difficulties, limitations and practical solutions. 12:00 – 12:45 pm Lunch provided 12:45 – 2:15 pmReview of treatment research with an emphasis on principles that can be translated and directly applied to bilingual aphasia treatment. 2:15 – 2:30 pm • Describe a framework for assessment and intervention of bilingual aphasia, and apply this framework to specific clinical case studies. 3:45 – 4:00 pmPaperwork wrap-up & certificate distribution Who should attend? This workshop is for speech-language pathologists (clinicians, academic faculty and students). Fee: Include .6 CEU workshop, continental breakfast and lunch. Professionals: First Time Professional Attendees: $125 Professionals before 3/13/15: $150 Professionals after 3/13/15: $175 Students before 3/13/15: $50 Students after 3/13/15: $65 Location: This program will be held at the Adler Aphasia Center at 60 West Hunter Ave. in Maywood, N.J. The Center is conveniently located within 20 minutes of the George Washington Bridge. We are easily accessible from Route 17, Route 4 and Route 80 in northern New Jersey. Break 2:30 – 3:45 pmPutting it all together: how to integrate current aphasia treatment protocols and materials and adapt them for persons with bilingual aphasia. Includes case studies and interactive discussion. OTHER INFORMATION The Center is also only a 10-15 minute walk from NJ Transit bus lines # 163, 164 & 144. a·pha·sia (uh-fay’-zhuh) n. A language disorder that impairs the expression and understanding of spoken language, reading and writing. It occurs most often from a stroke or brain injury. This frustrating condition affects a person’s ability to comunicate, but does not affect his or her intellect. www.AdlerAphasiaCenter.org Directions and Hotel Information: For directions, please refer to our website: http://www.adleraphasiacenter.org/information. cfm?id=5 Call the Adler Aphasia Center at (201) 368-8585 for suggested area hotels. COURSE REGISTRATION BILINGUAL APHASIA: A PRACTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT March 27, 2015 First Time Professional Attendees: $125 Professionals before 3/13/15: $150 Professionals after 3/13/15: $175 Students before 3/13/15: $50 Students after 3/13/15: $65 Please include check or credit card information with your registration. Please print all information below Name:________________________________________ Facility name:__________________________________ Address:______________________________________ Daytime phone:________________________________ Fax:__________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________ n I am applying for ASHA CEUs n I am a First Time Attendee n I am a student; My Program Director’s Signature: Payment: n Enclosed is my check for $______________________ made out to the Adler Aphasia Center or n Visa n Mastercard n AMEX Card number: __________________________________ Expiration Date:________________________________ Name on card: _________________________________ Billing address: _________________________________ Send registration form and payment to: Adler Aphasia Center, Attn: SLP Workshop 60 West Hunter Avenue, Maywood, NJ 07607 Or fax to: (201) 587-1909 For further information (201)368-8585 wgreenspan@adleraphasiacenter.org www.AdlerAphasiaCenter.org
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