Egyptian J. Anim. Prod. (2011) 48(1):77-85. ANTIBODY RESPONSE IN EARLY HATCHED CHICKS AS INFLUENCED BY VACCINATION AND DIFFERENT MATERNAL ANTIBODY LEVELS A. S. Ahmed Department of Animal and Fish Production, College of Agriculture and Food Science, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia SUMMARY This study evaluated the antibody response to Newcastle disease (ND) and sheep red blood cells (SRBC) of early hatched chicks as influenced by their maternal immune capacity and early vaccination. Chicks of the current study were produced using 32 week old three parent groups of local Saudi chickens which had been sorted in a previous experiment into high (H) , low (L) and a random control group (C) according to their primary antibody response at 7d post im injection with 1ml of 15% SRBC. Parents were vaccinated late at 31 weeks of age against ND and secondarily exposed to SRBC antigen at 32 wk of age. Three hatches from each group were obtained. Half of each hatch was vaccinated at 3 days of age with ND vaccine (HB1) and SRBC. The other half was left without any vaccination. Antibody titer for all chicks against ND and SRBC were evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 days of age. Body weights were recorded weekly and weight gain then calculated. The L group chick body weight, and weight gain, were significantly (P< 0.05) higher than H group at all measuring point. The unvaccinated chicks of H group were significantly (P< 0.05) higher than L group for ND titer at all measuring point and for SRBC at the first two measuring points. The current study demonstrated that the chick antibody response was influenced by the maternal antibody level for SRBC and ND antigen. Results of body weight and weight gain emphasized the concept of allocation of resources between the different needs of one bird. The study spotlighted the importance of considering maternal antibody level before designing a vaccination program for early hatched chicks. Keywords: Newcastle disease, sheep red blood cells, maternal immunity, body weight INTRODUCTION There are many reports in literature over time regarding chick susceptibility to many pathogens during the first few weeks of age because their immune system is not fully developed; hence, maternal antibodies are the primary means of antigenspecific protection until adaptive immune responses become fully effective (Hamal et al., 2006; Davison et al., 2008).The immunoglobulin Y (IgY) is selectively secreted via the circulation of the hen into egg yolk (Patterson et al., 1962). The amount of IgY transferred across the follicular epithelium into the yolk is proportional to the IgY concentration in serum (Al-Natour et al., 2004; Hammal et al., 2006). The IgY is continuously absorbed by embryo during embryogenesis until Issued by The Egyptian Society of Animal Production 2 Ahmed the 2nd day after hatching, providing evidence of passive immunization protection acquired from hen (Li et al., 1998). The time at which the newly hatched chicks start to synthesize antibodies endogenously depends on the type of antibody (Hammal et al., 2006). Lawrence et al. (1981) reported that IgY-secreting B cells are not detectable in a chick’s plasma until 6 d post hatch. Endogenously synthesized IgM and IgA antibodies have been detected in plasma of 3 to 4 d old and 12 d old chicks, respectively (Leslie and Martin, 1973;Martin and Leslie, 1973; Leslie, 1975). The susceptibility for many poultry diseases was shown to be partly influenced by breed (Bumstead et al., 1991). Using the dam’s titer to predict the day-old chick’s titer against certain pathogens would be valuable to poultry clinicians in the field( Gharaibeh et al., 2008). In chickens, selection for the specific antibody response against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) has been a frequently used experimental method for investigating genetic aspects of the immune response as a part of the adaptive (humoral) immune system (Wijga et al., 2009). Sheep red blood cells besides their nonpathogenic characteristic were initially chosen for their multiple antigenic sites, which may stimulate a wide range of immune cells. Because SRBC are natural products, similarities in certain structural patterns with other natural products (for instance, similar proteins on the cell membrane), among others pathogenic organisms, were also expected (Kreukniet, 1995).live lentogenic vaccines are usually derived from field viruses that have been shown to have low pathogenicity for poultry but produce an adequate immune response. Hitchner B1 (HB1) and La Sota, became globally the most used veterinary vaccines for Newcastle disease virus (Alexander et al., 2004). Newcastle disease virus (NDV) antibody titer were significantly increased by vaccination and by immunization with SRBC, the SRBC agglutination response was also positively affected by vaccination ( Van der Zijpp et al., 1981). This study was conducted using parents from two groups according to their antibody response to SRBC and a control group to investigate the influence of different levels of maternal antibody to SRBC on immune response to NDV and SRBC antigens and body weight of young chicks under early vaccination and non-vaccination program. MATERIALS AND METHODS Parent flock and obtained chicks: The chicks used in the present study were obtained from three groups of local Saudi parents kindly provided by King Faisal university poultry experimental station. They were previously evaluated and differed in their primary antibody response to SRBC antigen as follow, the highest antibody titer group (H) and the lowest antibody titer group (L) plus a random control group (C). The grouping was based on individual total antibody titer at 7 days after primary intramuscular immunization with 1 ml of 15% SRBC using micro heamaglutination (HI) technique (Nelson et. al. 1995). A 32 week old fifty dams and five sires were used in each group to produce the current experimental chicks. Each parent group was placed randomly within each group into 5 breeding pens in an open house system with ventilation fans, feeders, drinkers, wood shave litter and trap nests. Birds were exposed to 17h/d of light during the experimental period. Feed and water were available ad libitum. Birds were fed a commercial layer diet with 16% protein and ME of 2700 Kcal/kg feed. The Egyptian J. Anim. Prod. (2011) 3 regular experimental station vaccination system against NDV was achieved, where all parents were vaccinated at 31 wk of age with Lasota strain via drinking water route. At 32 wk of age all birds, secondary intramuscular immunized with 1 ml of 15% SRBC antigen. Average antibody titers of parents as evaluated in a previous research work at 7 d post secondary exposure were 5.79, 4.36, and 4.08 for H, C, and L group, respectively. Average antibody titers against ND at 32 weeks of age were 8.36, 7.75, and 6.75 for H, C, and L group, respectively. Starting from wk 32 of age eggs were collected separately for each group and stored for 10 days at 10°C until incubation, and then eggs were placed into incubator. Three hatches were obtained from each group. All chicks were wing banded to identify different groups. Experimental chicks: Four hundred fifty one day old chicks were obtained from the three hatches of each parent group. All chicks were wing banded, weighted to the nearest g and housed in a five levels cage system for brooding. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Cages were placed in an open house system considering the optimum chicks brooding criteria. Half of the chicks of each hatch for each group were vaccinated with ND vaccine (HB1 stain) at 3 d of age via eye drop route. Also subcutaneously injected with 0.5 ml of 15% SRBC suspended in phosphate buffer saline (vaccinated group). The other half of chicks of each group was left without any vaccination as (unvaccinated group). Parameters and data collection: Body weight was recorded for all chicks at one day old and for two other consecutive weeks to the nearest gram. The vaccinated chicks of all groups were bled via the jugular vein at 6, 9, 12 days of age (3, 6, and 9 days post immunization) using a 0.5-ml insulin syringe with a 28.5-gauge needle. The serum samples were collected after centrifugation (3000 rpm, 3min) , stored at -20˚C until the assays were run simultaneously for both SRBC and ND antibody titer. The unvaccinated chicks of all groups were bled via the jugular vein at 6, 9, and 12 days of age, serum samples were collected to assess the maternal antibody against SRBC and ND antigens. SRBC antibodies were assayed using micro heamaglutination technique (Nelson et. al. 1995). ND antibody titer was assayed using microtitre heamaglutination inhibition (HI) test as described by OIE (2008). Statistical Analysis Differences in body weight, and weight gain of all chicks in addition to the antibody response to SRBC of the unvaccinated chicks were analyzed by a one-way ANOVA for the group effect. Differences in titers of ND for chicks were analyzed by a two-way ANOVA for the effect of the group of dam, vaccination status and their interactions. Data were analyzed using the general linear model procedure of SAS software (SAS, 2000). RESULTS Immune response: The unvaccinated group of chicks showed antibody response against SRBC and NDV antigens at 6, 9, and 12 d post hatching (Table 1 and Figure 1). While the 4 Ahmed vaccinated group showed antibody response against HB1 vaccine but not SRBC antigen. The unvaccinated chicks hatched from H group recorded higher (P≤ 0.05) antibody titer than L group at 6 and 9 days of age for SRBC antigen (Table 1) ; and at 6, 9, and 12 days of age for NDV too (Figure 1). No differences were detected in antibody titer against SRBC or NDV antigen of the unvaccinated chicks hatched from L and C groups of dams at any of the measuring points (Table 1 and Figure 1). Table 1. Maternal antibody titer against sheep red blood cells unvaccinated chicks Antibody titer to SRBC Parent group 6d 9d H1 3.00 ±0.23 A 1.73 ±0.15 A C 1.64 ±0.18 B 1.36 ±0.18 AB B L 1.50 ±0.17 1.09 ±0.18 B (SRBC) of the 12d 1.21 ±0.09 1.00 ±0.19 1.09 ±0.07 A,B values within a column with different superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05). H, C, and L are High, Control, and low group respectively The titer values are log2 of the reciprocal dilution 1 Vaccinated H 9 Antibody titer (log2) 8 7 Vaccinated C Vaccinated L A1 B B B 6 Unvaccinated H Unvaccinated C A B B B B B A C B D 5 Unvaccinated L C 4 BC BC BC 3 2 1 0 Day 6 Day 9 Day 12 Figure (1) Antibody titer against Newcastle disease (ND) at 6,9, and 12 days of age for vaccinated and unvaccinated chicks produced from H, C, and L parent groups 1 columns within a day with different superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05). For the vaccinated chicks group the antibody titer against NDV generally had lower values than unvaccinated group (Figure 1).whereas, the H group unvaccinated chicks recorded the highest antibody titer within each measuring point over all groups whether vaccinated or not. Vaccinated chicks hatched from H groups of dams recorded the highest titer for NDV followed by C, and L groups (P≤ 0.05) at 9 days of age, while at 12 days of age no differences between the three groups have been noticed (Figure 1). Egyptian J. Anim. Prod. (2011) 5 Body weight and weight gain Chicks hatched from H group dams recorded significant (P≤ 0.05) lower body weight at 0, 7, and 14 days after hatching than chicks hatched from L group(Table 2). In addition, the weight gain over the first 2 weeks of age of the chicks hatched from H group recorded significant (P≤ 0.05) lower values than chicks hatched from L group (Table 2). No significant differences were observed between chicks hatched from L group and C group in weight gain or body weight at any measuring point (Table 2). Table 2. Weight gain and body weight of chicks at 0, 1, and 2 weeks of age Wight gain Body weight (g) (g) Parent (0-14 d) group One day old wk12 wk2 1 B H 23.20±0.26 35.62±0.63B 48.10±1.05B 24.85±0.98B AB AB A C 23.78±0.27 37.24±0.62 51.72±1.03 27.29±0.96AB A A A L 24.17±0.24 38.12±0.55 52.57±0.94 28.30±0.88A A,B values within a column with different superscript differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05). H, C, and L are High, Control, and low group respectively 2 weeks 1 and 2 are 7, and 14 days old respectively. 1 DISCUSSION Grouping of parents according to the primary immune response against SRBC showed the same trend of response in the early hatched chick response against SRBC and NDV in this study. The trend of antibody response against NDV, which is consistent with parent grouping according to the primary immune response to SRBC, may be explained through the multiple antigenic sites of SRBC which have some similarities in certain structural patterns with other pathogens (Kreukniet, 1995). The nature of SRBC may affect the other pathogen (NDV) antibody response and showed the same trend of response in the maternal antibody. Therefore, using the group of parents that were selected for high titer to SRBC might be beneficiary to produce chicks with high antibody response against some poultry diseases. The unvaccinated chicks hatched from H group showed significant superiority over the vaccinated group for antibody titer against NDV at 6, 9 and 12 days of age. In addition, they were significantly superior over C and L unvaccinated chicks at all measuring points (Figure 1). The antibody titer for the unvaccinated group is high which may be affected by more than one factor including chicken breed. Transfer of maternal antibody into the egg yolk is proportional to the IgY concentration in blood serum (Al Natour et al., 2004; Hammal et al., 2006). The level of maternal antibody transfer is a major importance when serology for disease diagnosis considered (Sharma, 2003).The group in this study affect the serum antibody of dams which had a high level in the H group dam this may explain the higher level of response of the dams of H group chicks through passive transfer. The high maternal antibody was accompanied with the low response to vaccination in the vaccinated group using HB1 vaccine. This vaccine is a live 6 Ahmed lentogenic vaccine and has low pathogenicity (Alexander et al., 2004(. This vaccine strain usually is used to vaccinate chicks at early age, including layers vaccinated at one day of age with this live vaccine (Gilad and David, 1998). This low response may be explained as, when chicks are vaccinated while having a high levels of maternal antibody, vaccine may be not highly effective due to vaccine neutralization. Previous reports explained that when chicks are vaccinated while having a high level of antibody, failure due to neutralization of the live vaccine is expected (Mondal and Naqi, 2001; Al Natour et al., 2004). The current research results suggests reconsidering the vaccination date of the early hatched chicks in Saudi breeds because it may affect the level of antibody due to the high maternal antibody, which may have an effect on the vaccine neutralization. The transfer of maternal antibody against SRBC showed low values in comparison with ND, and declined to be less than or equal to 1.21 for all dam groups at 12 d of age. This low transfer rate may be due to the biological nature of the antigen where, a considerable variation for about 17 folds among transfer rate of maternal antibodies against the different pathogens was observed (Gharaibeh, et al., 2008). Weight gain and body weight of L group chicks were higher than H group. These results suggested the inverse relationship between immune response and other traits, such as body weight and growth, which have been reported previously (Martin et al., 1990; Parmentier et al., 1996; Mashaly et al., 2000). In conclusion, the present results suggested that maternal antibody against SRBC and ND is successfully transferred to the offspring with different levels according to different maternal antibody level. The results of vaccinated group suggested that the vaccination program of early hatched chicks should consider the maternal antibody background to avoid anticipated low response to vaccine. 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(2011 إستجابة اإلجسام المضادة بالكتاكيت حديثة الفقس تحت تاثير التحصين ومستويات مختلفة من األجسام المناعية األمية أحمد سيد أحمد قسم االنتاج الحيوانى والسمكى – كلية العلوم الزراعية واالغذية -جامعة الملك فيصل – المملكة العربية السعودية تم اجراء هذة التجربة لتقييم االتستجببة ببالجسبم المنبعية ضد مرض النيوكبتسل وانتجين كررا الردم الرمرراء لالغنرربم فررا ال تبكيررح يدة ررة التقررت ترررح تررب ير كترربءا مختلتررة للمنبعررة االميررة والترصررين المر ررر .ال تبكيررح المستخدمة ببلدراتسة تم انتبجهب من الث مجموعب من اببء الدجبج المرلا السرووى عمرر 23اتسررو والترا رد تررم تصررنيتهب تسررببقب الررا مجموعررة مرتتوررة (هرر ) ومجموعررة منخت ررة ( ل) ومجموعررة كنترررول (ك) مررن ييرر االتستجببة بود 7اةبم من الرقن االولا ب 1مرل مرن مرلرول ةرترو علرا %11مرن انتجرين كررا الردم الرمرراء لالغنربم .االبرربء ترم اتررر ترصرين لهررم علرا عمررر 21اتسررو ضررد مررض النيوكبتسررل وترم تورة ررهم للرقرن ال رربنا ببنتجين كرا الدم الرمراء لالغنبم عند عمر 23اتسررو مرب بداةرة جمرب الرريص للرصرول علرا ال تبكيرح .رالث ىفوررب تترررة تررم جموهرب مررن كررل مجموعررة مررن االبرربء .ال تبكيررح التب سررة مررن كررل مجموعررة ب ررل ىفوررة تترررة تررم ترصين نصتهب عمر 2اةبم بلقبح HB1ببلتقطير فا الوين مب الرقن ببنتجين كرا الدم الرمراء لالغنبم بينمرب ترك النصف االتر من ال تبكيح ب ل ىفوة تترة ىون ا تورةص لالنتجينب .تم تقييم مستو االجسبم المنبعيرة ضد مرض النيوكبتسل وضد انتجين كرا الدم الرمراء لالغنبم لجميرب ال تبكيرح علرا عمرر 6و 9و 13ةروم .ترم تسجيل الوزن االتسروعا لل تبكيح وتم يسبب مودل الزةبىة الوزنية .اظهرر كتبكيرح المجموعرة (ل) وزن جسرم وزةبة وزنية اعلا بصورة مونوةة عن المجموعة (ه ) تالل جميب اعمربر القيرب .ال تبكيرح الييرر مرصرنة مرن المجموعة (ه ) اظهرر ارتترب مونرو فرا مسرتو االجسربم المنبعيرة ضرد مررض النيوكبتسرل ةتروا المجموعرة (ل) تالل جميب اعمبر القيب ببالضبفة الرا نترت االرتترب المونرو فرا مسرتو االجسربم المنبعيرة ضرد انتجرين كرررا الرردم الرمررراء لالغنرربم ببلمقبرنررة ببلمجموعررة (ل) عنررد عمررر 6و 9ةرروم .اوضرررح الدراتسررة الربليررة ان االتستجببة المنبعية ضد مرض النيوكبتسل و انتجين كرا الدم الرمراء لالغنبم تب ر بمستو االجسبم المنبعيرة االمية .اكد نتربج وزن الجسرم وموردل الزةربىة الوزنيرة بتلر التجربرة علرا متهروم تروازن االيتيبجرب المختلترة للطبجر الوايد.كذل القح تل الدراتسة ال وء علرا اهميرة االترذ فرا االعترربر مسرتو االجسربم المنبعيرة المنقولرة من االم رل تصميم برام الترصين لل تبكيح يدة ة التقت.
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