Principal's Message – Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs Sts Peter & Paul's

28 January 2015
Volume 1
Principal’s Message – Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Children
Welcome to the 2015 academic school year. This year marks a new beginning for Primary schools as
Prep – Year 6 schools with the Year 7 students transitioning into the secondary context. The demand for
enrolment at the school has again been very high and with Year 7 leaving the primary school setting, our
student population remains at 616. Therefore, we especially welcome to Sts Peter & Paul’s new families,
new students and new staff – they will all provide fresh energy, enthusiasm and talent to our community.
For our Year One children, this marks their entrance into the world of formal education, while for our new
Prep students; it is their preparatory year for the world of schooling. The months ahead will see them all
progress significantly especially in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
We welcome the following new staff to the school for 2015: Miss Libby Graham (Year 1), Mrs Reffeech
Chalmers (Year 3), Mrs Emma Lewis (Year 3), Mrs Andrea Tynan (Prep Teacher Aide) and Mrs Annette
Knott (Teacher Aide). Mrs Alayna Foster (Drama Teacher) is on Long Service Leave for the first eight
weeks of this term, therefore, we welcome Mrs Megan Mobsby to this role. Congratulations to Sophie
O’Meara who was married over the holidays and will now be known as Mrs Sophie Nicholson.
Sts Peter & Paul’s School Staff for 2015
Prep Red
Prep Green
Prep Blue
Prep Yellow
Ms Lyn Creevey
Miss Leigh Carroll
Miss Loren Scanlan
Mrs Sarah Gibbs
Year 1 Red
Year 1 Green
Year 1 Blue
Year 1 Yellow
Mrs Carol Bradley
Miss Libby Graham
Mrs Tonya Muir
Miss Katherine Griffin
Year 2 Red
Year 2 Green
Year 2 Blue
Mrs Marlene Wellington / Mrs Megan van Dyk
Ms Nikki Belej
Mrs Lyn Montgomery / Mrs Jo Sobral
Year 3 Red
Year 3 Green
Year 3 Blue
Year 3 Yellow
Mrs Sophie Nicholson
Mrs Reffeech Chalmers
Mrs Ange Barton
Mrs Emma Lewis
Year 4 Red
Year 4 Green
Year 4 Blue
Ms Bec Coen
Ms Sue Raymond / Mrs Fran Wallin
Mr Peter Gibson
Year 5 Green
Year 5 Blue
Mrs Heather Mazlin / Mrs Sheree Shelton
Mr Ben Lancaster
Year 6 Green
Year 6 Blue
Mrs Michelle Hammill
Ms Emilia Michieletto
Support Teacher (Inclusive Education)
Support Teacher (Inclusive Education)
Guidance Counsellor
Teacher Librarians
Curriculum Support Teacher
Mathematics Support Teacher
Mrs Julie Thompson
Mrs Nicole Jones
Mrs Emma-Kate Corby
Mrs Rochelle Rimmer / Mrs Trish Wilson
Mrs Fran Wallin
Mrs Katrina Taylor
Technology Support Teacher
Music / Enrichment Teacher
Drama Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
LOTE (Japanese) Teacher
ESL Teacher
Mrs Trish Wilson
Mrs Carolyn Burchill
Mrs Alayna Foster
Mrs Lyndall Conaghan
Mrs Helen Claes
Ms Claire Ravenswood
Finance Secretary
Secretary & Workplace
Health & Safety Officer
School Officer - Prep
School Officer - Prep
School Officer - Prep
School Officer - Prep
School Officer - Library
School Officer - Library
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
School Officer
Mrs Bernie Shelton
Mrs Jenny Williamson
Mr Ian Stevenson
Mr Kevin O’Loghlen
Mrs Christine Watt
Tuckshop Convenor
Mrs Kelly Lea
Mrs Lisa Oberthur
Mrs Deanna French
Mrs Cass Thornton
Mrs Andrea Tynan
Mrs Fran Wheatley
Mrs Jenny Atkinson
Mrs Babette Brooks
Mrs Anne McEniery
Ms Marisa Bartlett
Ms Michelle Boyle
Ms Sharon Burke
Mrs Mary Clarris
Mrs Annette Knott
Mrs Cathy Purcell
Mrs Carmel Rodney
Mrs Kylie Rogers
Mrs Lyn Walters
Opening School Mass
All families are invited to attend the 2015 Opening School Mass which will be held on Sunday, 8 February at 8.00am. During
the Mass the Year 6 students will be presented with their School Leadership badges. After the Mass a Morning Tea will be
shared in the Parish Hall.
Working Bee – Sunday, 8 February
Following our Opening School Mass and Morning Tea with the Parish we have scheduled a Working Bee in order to attend to
those extra jobs which need attention around the school and its grounds. Your assistance even for an hour on that day will be
greatly appreciated. A BBQ lunch will also be provided.
Parent Information Evening
All parents are invited to attend our Parent Information Evening for Years 1 - 6 which is scheduled for Tuesday, 10 February
from 6.00pm – 7.30pm. You are invited to gather on the Veranda of the Good Samaritan Hall at 6.00pm for wine and cheese
which will be provided by the Parents & Friends Association. At 6.30pm you will then be invited to your child/ren’s classroom.
The evening is not a Parent/Teacher interview but a time for parents to receive important information relating to classroom
procedures together with a brief overview of the curriculum. At 7.00pm teachers at each grade level will repeat their
presentation. The evening will conclude at 7.30pm. This format will allow parents to meet/see all teachers; it only requires
parents to be available on one evening and it will provide an overview of the curriculum for each grade level. The evening is
designed for parents only. We look forward to seeing all families at our Parent Information evening.
School Visitors
All parents are reminded that when visiting the school during school hours they must report to the school office and sign in and
then sign out when leaving. This procedure is in place for the safety of all on the school grounds.
Mobile Phones and Ipods
Parents and students are reminded that if students bring mobile phones and/or ipods to school, they must hand them in to the
office when they arrive at school and collect them when leaving in the afternoon. Thank you.
I would like to remind families that SCHOOL PARKING IS NOT PERMITTED along the driveway in front of the Church
and beside the Parish Pastoral Centre. Also, this area should not be used as a pick up or drop off zone for students
coming or going home from school. Parking in this area is strictly for Parish use only. Thank you for your continued
support as we strive to ensure a safe environment for our school community.
As we begin the new school year, let us pray that all school students may learn to seek God in all people and all events. God of
new beginnings, may this year which we dedicate to you, bring us closer to you and to each other. We ask this through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Peace and Best Wishes
Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs
Sacraments in 2015
Parents information sessions:
Thursday 5 February at 7.30pm or
6 February at 9.30am
Celebration of Penance
10, 11 or 12 March at 6pm
Parents information sessions:
Thursday 23 April at 7.30pm or
24 April at 9.30am
Celebration of Sacrament
30 and 31 May at Sunday Masses
APRE News – Mr Brendan Schostakowski
Welcome back to a new school year and a very special welcome to all our new students and their families.
Today we begin our new school year – its challenges, delights, disappointments and
surprises lie ahead of us. Let us be filled with hope, energy and determination as we
work together to build our community.
Our Opening School Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 8 February at 8.00am. During
this Mass the Year 6 students will be presented with their leadership badges. All families
are welcome to attend.
The Parish Program for the Sacrament of Penance begins with a Parent Information Session on Thursday evening 5 February
at 7.30pm and repeated on Friday morning 6 February at 9.30am. These sessions will be held in the Parish hall.
The celebration of the Sacrament will take place on 10, 11 and 12 March at 6pm.
This program is for students in Year 3.
Today O Christ, and every day, be in my eyes and in my seeing,
be in my ears and in my hearing, be in my mouth and in my speaking.
Today O Christ, and every day, be in my hands and in my holding,
be in my legs and in my moving, be in my body and my actions.
Today O Christ, and every day, be in my mind and in my thinking,
be in my heart and in my feeling, be in my faith and my belief.
Wishing you all a wonderful start to the year.
APA News...Mr Damien Sullivan
Welcome back to all families. We hope you have had a wonderful break from school and are looking forward to an exciting new
school year. A very warm welcome to all of the new families who have joined the Sts Peter and Paul’s school community in
2015. We look forward to getting to know you well. I’m sure there will be some great stories that will go home today to share with
mums and dads.
Our teachers will help children settle quickly into their school day routines. Please remember that Prep children and Year 1
gather in the morning before school in the adventure playground. Other students assemble in the undercroft. Commencing next
week, the library will also open every morning before school. Supervision of these areas begins each day at 8.20am and we
strongly discourage students from arriving at school before this time.
Drop Down and Pick Up Zones: Parents are reminded that Collings Street and Alexandra Street are pick up and drop off
zones only. In the mornings, if you need more than about 30 seconds to unload children and bags, please continue along past
the drop off area to a more suitable place for taking the extra time. After school, if your child is not waiting on the footpath ready
to be collected when you arrive at the pick up area, we ask you to please continue on, drive around the block and join the queue
again. This allows the traffic to keep flowing and helps avoid long queues. Teachers are on duty on Collings and Alexandra
Streets after school until 3:20pm.
Swimming will commence next week for children in Years 3 to 6. Years 3, 5 and 6 will have their first lesson next Monday 2
February and Year 4 students will go to swimming on Thursdays commencing 5 February. Students travel by bus to the
Churchie swimming pool at East Brisbane for their swimming sessions which will be for 45 minutes for the 6 week program. A
note with further information and a permission slip will be sent home by tomorrow.
Public Transport Arrangements
Many children travel to and from school by means of public transport (eg: buses). If your child is travelling this way we ask that
you complete a form available at the office which details these arrangements. Some children may need to be dismissed from
class a few minutes early each afternoon to ensure they catch their bus. Children who leave school early are required to sign
out at the office before leaving the school grounds. If your child needs to leave school before 3:00pm on a regular basis to catch
public transport, the school office requires these details in writing along with your written permission allowing your child to leave
early. We would also appreciate you detailing any alternate arrangements or contact details should your child miss their bus for
any reason.
Student Medication
Sts Peter and Paul’s, like all schools, has important guidelines for administering any medication to students. If your child has to
take medication at school these procedures must be followed:
Medication must be in its original packaging and have a label with the pharmacist’s directions; Written permission from the
parents must be included with the medication; Medication must be left at the school office and not given to the child or class
teacher to look after. One exception to this is where a student carries a Ventolin or similar asthma puffer with them.
Sick Days
If your child will be away from school a phone call at the start of the school day would be greatly appreciated. This information
can then be passed onto the class teacher. If you know the day before that your child will be away because of an appointment,
etc, a written note for the class teacher would be very helpful.
All the best for the week ahead.
Damien Sullivan
Stairs to Years 5, 6 and 7 Classrooms and OSHC
Please note the stairs from Collings Street leading to OSHC and the Years 5, 6 and 7 classrooms are closed
Access to these rooms will be available from Collings Street stairs which lead to the Year 4 classrooms and from
Victoria Street.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Sports News
Welcome back to PE and Sport for 2015. I am looking forward to teaching PE lessons beginning in Week 2.
Classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Your class teachers will advise your child of their specific day.
Please don’t forget to wear your full sports uniform. It is advised to put on sunscreen before school and to bring your water
bottle when visiting me for PE this year.
We are all looking forward to using the Good Samaritan Hall and also the school oval and hand ball courts (weather permitting).
Individual Team School Sport Representation for 2015
Sts Peter and Paul’s School is a participating school in our local sporting Lytton District 10 – 12 years Sports Association
providing a pathway towards the Queensland State Championships representation. Our school is eligible to select
representatives in various sports throughout the year that are catered for in this sporting program. We are also joining the
Catholic Primary Schools Sports Association in our Southside Region (Zone 2) in 2015.
Further information is posted on the Sports notice board throughout the year as it becomes available and advertised when
required in the school newsletter. Students are to adhere to the varying nomination procedures as advertised as cut off times for
all sports are prescriptive.
Please contact the school office to request further information from myself or Damien Sullivan if required.
Lytton District Swimming Nominations – due Wednesday 4 February
Nominations are being considered for future representation for Swimming at the Lytton District Swimming Trials for students
aged 10 – 12 Years (DOB 2003 – 2005). These trials will be held on 13 February 2015 at Moreton Bay College. If you are
interested in nominating please submit your child’s signed swimming times where applicable for the events available. These
times are to be signed by your swimming coach and taken from the 2014-2015 summer season. Please note that submitting
these times does not ensure entry to the carnival as students must have achieved the qualifying times or better to be eligible for
school nomination.
Lytton Swimming nomination paperwork is available from Mrs Conaghan after my class visit this week or from the school office.
Please submit these before the closing date Wednesday 4 February. If successful, a final notification will distributed on
Thursday 5 February advising of details regarding the trial.
Yours in sport
Mrs Conaghan, PE and Sport Coordinator
The current menu is available on the school website at
Hi everyone,
Welcome back to all families. Tuckshop resumes this FRIDAY, 30 JANUARY and is available for Years 1 to 6. Tuckshop is
available Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
New students will need to register at Families who currently use Flexischools will need to update your
child’s 2015 class.
Sushi is supplied by Peardy’s Catering. To ensure freshness, sushi needs to be pre-ordered as follows: order online by 9.00am
Monday for Wednesday lunch and by 9.00am Wednesday for Friday lunch.
The first orders can be placed next MONDAY for WEDNESDAY lunch.
A BIG THANK YOU to all the ladies who have offered their time to help at tuckshop this year. Mondays and Wednesdays are
well covered. However, there are a few spaces left to fill on each Friday of the month (especially the 5 Friday. There are only
four this year!). If you can help on a Friday (our busiest day), I would be very pleased to hear from you. All helpers are most
ROSTER: Friday, 30 January (2 more helpers would be great)
Leigh Gaeta, Katie Pesch, Carmel McCormack, Juanita Barbagallo
Monday, 2 February
Sue Raptis, Anna Stephanos
Many thanks,
Chris Watt, Tuckshop Convenor
0413 590 109
P & F News
Welcome Back to School Mass – Sunday 8th February
Would Year 5 families please bring a plate to share for the Welcome Back morning tea after Mass.
Working Bee – Sunday 8th February
A working bee will be held at the school on Sunday 8th February from 9am. All parents welcome, no handyman
experience necessary. Some jobs to be completed include weeding gardens in the Prep area and around the
school, topping up sandpits, minor classroom handyman jobs, repainting pick up line markings, placing old furniture
in skip bins, playground maintenance and pruning branches around school grounds. A BBQ lunch and refreshments
will be provided. If you can help on the day, please email Adam Cairns at
P&F Meeting – Wednesday 11th February, 7.30pm
Why not come along and see what we have planned for 2015?
Everyone is welcome. Attending P&F meetings is a great way to find out what is going on at school, have your say
about what needs to be done and to participate in decision making about the expenditure of P&F funds. See you
Welcome back Day on the Green – Sunday 1st March
To celebrate the beginning of a new school year, please come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon of live jazz and a
complimentary spit roast BBQ.
Vacancy – P&F Quartermaster
We are seeking someone to monitor and record the stock in the P&F storeroom. This role does not take much of
your time but is vital. This is a perfect introductory position on the P&F Committee.
If you are interested in fulfilling this position, please email Vicki Loadsman at
This year, the P&F will be using the email database that is used by the school to contact all parents. It will provide a
seamless communication channel for the P&F and will enable you, as parents, to be informed and up to date. All
email addresses will not be visible to anyone else. If you would like your email to be withheld from this list, please let
the school office know.
Who is your P&F team for 2015?
Social Committee Coordinator
Care & Concern Group
Welcome Wagon
Sustainability Committee
Technology Committee
Health & Wellbeing Committee
P&F Storeroom Quartermaster
Adam Cairns
Ken Gargan
Vicki Loadsman
Caine Barends
Chrissy Quinn &
Brendan Quinn
Megan Mobsby
Mechelle Fury
Sam de Lore
Brian Restall
Terry Shaw
Katherine Cullerton
0418 871 126
0427 733 285
0417 008 092
0423 523 933
0404 221 790
0428 030 080
0418 913 430
0433 797 233
0402 895 225
0412 644 815
0434 284 459
WELCOME: A big welcome to all of the new families starting with us at Sts Peter & Paul’s this year!
2015 BOOKINGS: All families are reminded that a new Enrolment Form and Booking Form must be completed
every year for each child. Please contact OSHC for an Enrolment Form.
ACTIVITIES: We have lots of fun activities planned for the first week of school. We are making coconut and mango
smoothies, cooking blackberry muffins and yummy beetroot dip. For craft we are making mosaic pictures, folding
origami designs and making paper planes. Inside we are playing with mobilo, trio and hama beads. Outside we are
playing soccer and cricket in the playground and having paper plane competitions in the quad.
Kind regards,
Claire Ravenswood
OSHC Coordinator
Educational Leader
Lourdes Hill College
Important Information:
Applications for Year 7 2018 close on Friday 6th February 2015
Applications for Year 7 2019 (Year 3 students 2015) now open
If your daughter is currently in Year 3, 4 or 5 and you wish to submit an enrolment for her please contact the
College on 3399 8888 to request an Enrolment Pack or alternatively download from our website:
5 February
6 February
8 February
8 February
9 February
10 February
11 February
1 March
4 – 6 March
Sacrament of Penance Information Evening 7.30pm
Sacrament of Penance Information Morning 9.30am
Opening School Mass 8am
Working Bee 9.30am
Year 5 Laptop Deployment 2pm
Parent Information Evening 6pm
P & F Meeting, 7.30pm
Welcome Back Day on the Green 2pm
Year 5 Camp – Tallebudgera
Qld State Election
Please click on the links below from the Catholic Education Office in relation to the State Election on Saturday.
014 Att1 Summary of Responses Election Commitments
014 Att2 Letter to Parents and Carers
Need help managing stress or anxiety?
If your child or teen has difficulties with anxiety or just seems to have too many
worries, we would like to introduce you to BRAVE Self-Help – an interactive,
online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent
anxiety. It was developed by a group of researchers from the University of
Queensland and now, with the support of beyondblue, this program is now
freely available to all young people aged 8 -17 years old who are living in
Australia. BRAVE Self-Help provides strategies for children and teenagers to
better cope with their worries. There are 4 programs available, one for children
aged 8-12 years, one for teenagers aged 12-17 years and one for parents of
children at these ages respectively. The program can be accessed as often as you
like, from the comfort of your own home. For more information, or to register
for the program, please visit
WHIZ KIDZ – Science
Is your child driven by curiosity?
Does your child love science?
Does your child ask lots of questions?
Your child will have fun and enjoy learning about the world and how it works!
Fortnightly on Thursdays (3.15 – 4.30pm)
Years 1-5
BALANCING - Can you beat gravity? – If everything were weightless, balancing would not be a problem. If your ‘centre of gravity’
is not over your balancing point then gravity will win – you can depend on it!
MACHINE SYSTEMS – A little technological know-how; a machine; can make your life a lot easier. Machines multiply your strength
and make it easier to do things.
EGGCITING SCIENCE - Science is all around us, everywhere we look! What`s an egg then? Where is the science in this wonderful
engineering feat that is also good for us?
AS A MATTER OF FACT – Everything in the world is either matter or energy. How many different atoms do we have on earth?
What is matter and what is not?
WHO – Years 1-5
WHEN – Fortnightly from Thursday 19th February
WHERE – Prep room
FEE – $100 (4 sessions only) (Cash, money order or cheque payable to D. Bennett)
ENROLMENT - Your child must be properly enrolled to be accepted. For the enrolment package and a full program – contact Donna
Bennett before Session 1- see below
Email –
 Mobile - 0427 644490