® Chapter Ten Wm. Bull Meek – Wm. Morris Stewart “Orphans bless us, and the widow’s heart is glad” Original art by “All the news that fits” E CLAMPUS VITUS HEWGAG-MONITOR Volume 32, No. 1 Nevada City, California Joel Borstad February, 2015 ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ OUT WITH THE “Xs” IN WITH THE NEW Our one-year experiment with an all XNGH corps of Officers came to an end on December 6th in Nevada City. New Officers were chosen in conjunction with our annual Election of Officers and dinner, held at the Seamen’s Lodge in Ne vada City. XNGH Randy Burk prepared a great steak dinner with salad, noodles in Italian sauce and cheesecake for dessert. We have the best-fed Board of Directors in all of Clamperdom! Just make a “gut check” sometime! Election Results This year, the first nomination for each of fice was made by the current holder of that ofThe nominee had been “shadowing” that fice. man, and had supposedly absorbed a lot of prac tical knowledge during the year. Additional nominations from the floor were made as usual. Election Proctors again were XNGHs Brian White and Tyler Souter. Noble Grand Humbug John Edens, Grass Valley 1st Vice Noble Grand Humbug Jeffro Winge, Grass Valley 2nd Vice Noble Grand Humbug Don McKay, Nevada City Grand Noble Recorder / Gold Dust Receiver Jason Thorn, Penn Valley DamnFool Doorkeeper #1 Sean Nutall, Yuba City DamnFool Doorkeeper #2 (chosen by DFDK #1) Josh Webb, Nevada City Grand Clamp Parade Master XNGH Buzz Miller, Grass Valley Grand Imperturbable Hangman Mike Antrobus, Yuba City These officers will be installed at the Sweetheart’s Ball on Feb. 21st. 46th ANNUAL SWEETHEARTS BALL IN GRASS VALLEY ON FEBRUARY 21st, 2015 Our new NGH John Edens, and the Officers and Directors of Chapter 10 invite all Redshirts to come to our 46th annual Sweetheart’s Ball. It will take place at the SAME LOCATION as last year. We will again be using the St. Canice Church Hall. It has lots of parking and a great kitchen. To get there, take Hwy. 49 to the Gold Flat Road exit, between Grass Valley and Nevada City. Exit to the northwest side of the freeway and then turn right on Zion. Go a short distance to Reward Street on your left. St. Canice Hall is at the end of Reward Street. NGH Edens says, “You’d better not miss this one!” This by XXNGH Tyler “IT” Souter event will be available by ADVANCE Humbug in 1999 and 2014 RESERVATION ONLY, due to the need to know how much food to prepare, and First, I would like to thank everyone for the will be limited to the first 200 entries, due support we (the Xs) received this last year. The to the somewhat limited space available at notion that all members are officers and all offithe hall. We will have only enough tables cers are of equal indignity was apparent. It wasn’t and chairs for 200. MY year; it was OUR year and the members of The cost for this extravaganza will be Chapter 10 proved that point. Whether it was helpthe same as last year, $70 a couple and ing an officer with his duties or filling in wherever $40 for Stags, preferably of the feminine needed, more members stepped up to make this a gender. This includes a buffet dinner, very successful year. dancing to live music (band not decided We had two well-run and well-attended on yet, but we’re told that all of them are doin’s in the Spring and Fall, both of which were still alive) and all the fun you can squeeze financially rewarding to the chapter, and an ininto an evening. We will have a great credible plaque dedication for the 150th Annivercostume contest for the ladies, and ansary of The Union newspaper in Grass Valley in other one of Chapter Ten’s big raffles, October. After hours spent cutting, grinding and with lots of goodies to be won! Please polishing that huge chunk of serpentine, I am perpatronize the Hawker and the Raffle sales! sonally proud of the monument for that plaque in Our new belt buckles are now available front of the offices of The Union. I feel that it is for sale at $60. They’re beauties! among the best looking of all the many historical We’ll be running the Bar again this plaques in Nevada County. year with our Libationists pouring the I hope the trend continues with the future ofshots. (John will be busy as NGH and ficers and brothers of this chapter. We support our head honcho of the doin’s. The bar new board and want to respect them as you reopens at 4:30 PM and closes at 9:00 spected us, the current board of officers. PM. Sorry, NO doggy bags for the bar! My final advice would be this: Lead by exAgain, please notice this important ample and remember; the world is watching! So stuff! Due to the church hall being in a ACT like a horse’s ass…. Don’t BE a horse’s ass. residential area, we must clear the hall by We will only get out of our Brotherhood that TEN pm. The music will stop at 9:30 or which we put into it. Help us maintain our presso. We will, consequently, start at 4:30 ence as a respected historical association in the pm with dinner at 5:30 pm. Please plan West as well as the rest of America. accordingly so you don’t miss dinner! Send paperwork to the Chapter Ten Recorder at the address below: Humbug's year of the X in review GNR/GDR XNGH Jason Thorn P.O. Box 843 Penn Valley, CA 95946 for PayPal info go to ecv10.com Page 2 SHORT HISTORY OF E CLAMPUS VITUS DIRECTOR’S MEETINGS OF 1977 We’ll continue this time with the history of the Chapter Ten Directors meetings. At least some of these minutes are written down in a and seem to be readable. However, booklet some of them are out of order and mixed up. None of the individual months are attached to other months. Some are just loose papers. (Edi tor’s comments in parentheses and Italic.) January 28, 1977 Officers for the year: NGH John “Jay” Palm, 1VNGH Doc “Charlie” Lewis, 2VNGH H.O. Buck Jones, Recorder Bob Wyckoff, DFDK, ParadeMaster and Hangman not recorded. Under old business, a report from the Blood Bank on our chapter’s blood account showed a credit of nine pints. To be used by us, they need to be used by the end of January. Wyckoff moved that we dispose of the credits by giving them to the general blood fund. No opposition. The Sweetheart’s Ball is still a go at the N.C. Armory, just off freeway 49/20 at the Sacramento St. exit. A motion was made and unanimously secto have the new batch of belt buckles onded made. (They were made up and were later sold for $7.00 each.) For new business, Doc Stauffer announced the theme for the Malakoff Homecoming as “Fraternal Organizations,” and asked for a brief speech by the Humbug on the subject. Wyckoff asked the Directors for the Chapter attitude toward Homecoming and our participation in the Park, in general. Dick Scriven said he has outlived his participation in the Malakoff as a result of the State’s interference in the makeup of the Citizen’s Committee. (This item is in reference to a new revelation that some in the upper management of the park system feel that the current Park Association is not a representative of the ethnic makeup of the State, and it should be dissolved until provisions can be made for it to be “more inclusive.) Capt. Bergman said we shouldn’t give it up. We’ve got too much time and work invested. Some publicity gave the Masons credit for a lot of work in the Park (referring to the second floor of the Knotwell Drug Store), most of which we did. Other opinions were that we should continue our association and not back out. State administrators and Park Rangers come and go, and we remain. Upcoming plaque ideas were discussed. Lucky Gillet said he couldn’t get a suitable rock in time for a plaque at the Indian Petroglyphs. Wyckoff said we could do the Narrow Gauge RR, which is on city land. Someone brought up possibility of getting our hands on a stamp mill. Directors agreed to plaque the Railroad site in Grass Valley, and explore the stamp mill for the future. (The Narrow Gauge site in Grass Valley was done in May, and the Stamp Mill site would wait until October 1982. February 25, 1977 The financial report for the Sweetheart’s Ball was welcome news, as we now have $1300 in the checkbook. A suggestion was made to save some of the money for a band for next year. Several guests were introduced including one named Will Derryberry, and another was John Riggs from Snowshoe Thomson Chapter. Jack Douglas was late as usual. In new business, Buck Jones reported on the menu requests for next year’s Sweetheart’s Ball. Some very strange ideas were presented! A pitch was made for Murphy’s Creek Yacht Club cards at $1. Capt. Bergman has registered the MCYC with the international yachting association, and reciprocal rights of visitation have been granted. Durand moved that the chapter make an $80 donation towards a quilt to be raffled off at next Homecoming. Motion passed with the usual NO vote by Dr. Charlie Lewis. Price for beer tickets at Homecoming was set at 50¢ ea. or 3 for $1. More on the Yacht Club cards. The cost for printing was $84, and any sales over that amount were money in the bank. XNGH R. Peter Ingram spoke in support of the chapter donating some money to aid the restoration of the Lola Montez house. No amount stated. The Bok Kai Parade is to be on Mar. 26th and we will meet at the Chiseler’s Inn beforehand. XNGH Riggs of Snowshoe Thomson Chap donated $100 to the chapter to help fund our various projects. March 25, 1977 Meeting called to order by Charlie Lewis in the absence of NGH Jay Palm. Capt. Bergman was given a round of applause. (No reason stated, but the next day, at the Chiseler’s Inn gathering before the Bok Kai Parade, no red shirt could buy a drink. The good Capt. kept feeding the bartender Cnotes, with the instruction to pay for any drinks for redshirts, and let him know when that one ran out.) Pre-registration for the May Party will be held at Duffy’s Bar in Nevada City from 11 to 12. Plans for the May Party were discussed. We need a new ParadeMaster. Acting NGH Lewis asked for volunteers. Charlie Tuna suggested Dave Manchester. Dave graciously accepted with the words, “It’s an honor!” (Dave would go on to serve as ParadeMaster until 2000, and his gold painted boots were seen at parades all over Northern California. He went to the Golden Hills in 2004.) After the break, guests were introduced, including: Riley Powers, Pukin’ John Riggs, Joe Allison, Mike Sprule, and Al “Beady Eyes” Lewis. Barry moved and Al Lewis seconded that we buy the first batch of belt buckles. Buck Jones voted “no” because Charlie Lewis is presiding, and couldn’t do it. Pukin’ John wants a belt buckle sent C.O.D. Clementine (our flatbed truck) will be in the Bok Kai Parade. Seemly decorum is required of riders. XNGH Barry reported on the upcoming dissection and rebuilding of Lil’ Clyde, beginning tomorrow, Mar 26th. Anyone that wants to help is welcome. In new business, Charlie Tuna announced that a mining contest (hand drilling a hole in a rock) will be open for anyone to compete. Wyckoff gave a short history of the methods of drilling used by the early miners. Scriven announced that the blood bank was going to put our 9 pints credit into the general fund. The plaque for the May Party was authorized and Wyckoff will see to it. April 29, 1977 Suggestion was made to change our patch provider so as to obtain better prices. The Plaque dedication and May Party was discussed. Recorder reported that $711.02 remained in the checkbook. Durand reported that we got the blue ribbon in the misc. vehicle category at the Bok Kai Parade. There were 140 entrants, and we made appearances on TV twice. Tom Barry played a tape of the first firingup of Lil’ Clyde’s new engine. He reported that he spent $504.78 total for the rebuilt engine, gaskets, carb. rebuild kit, radiator hoses and new clutch pressure plate and disc. Clyde runs very well, now! A round of Satisfactory! rang out! After guests were introduced and Byars announced a change of address for The Clamper, Durand started a discussion of the expenses we give our NGH, 1VNGH and Recorder to attend the Grand Council in Murphys. Early reservation at Murphys Hotel is $24.50 a night and the Bazinett in Angels Camp was only $9.00. A motion to increase the total given our representatives to $35 was made, seconded and passed. We were informed that the State will now only take electronic (Ticketron) reservations for the group site at the Malakoff and the cost will be $40.00. No May Director’s meeting due to the GC meeting in Murphys. June 24, 1977 Called to order by Buck Jones, in the absence of NGH Jay Palm. VNGH Doc Lewis was also out screwing around someplace and couldn’t fill in for the NGH. Minutes of last meeting could not be read due to the absence of Recorder Bob Wyckoff, who took them with him wherever he has gone. In old business, Jim Springer, John Riggs and Harold Case spoke on and on about the Malakoff. Buck Jones then had a few words to say about the Malakoff. “We wuz ripped off!” Someone got away with a fair quantity of the chapter’s booze supply, apparently gin. Harold Case rose to state that he does not drink gin. The Directors seemed relatively unconcerned, or perhaps reconciled, about the loss. Nothing could be done retroactively, as you can’t undrink gin. Rakow reported on needing pictures for the wall of XNGHs here in the Sam Bass Room. Borstad brought some pictures for the wall, and glee and joy broke out among the Directors, who were glad to have some good news. Derryberry spoke on some dead members of the Board. Since none of them were Page 3 present, the meeting continued with a report of the need for a first aid kit to be kept with the Cook Crew trailer. Motion to buy a First Aid Kit costing around $10 was made by Buck “Geez, that knife is sharp!” Jones, and it passed satisfactorily. XNGH Dave Durand moved that the chapter present XNGH Francis Rakow with a Grand Clamper Extraordinaire, in recognition of all he does for the chapter. Motion passed unanimously. After the piss break, Dave Manchester reported on the upcoming 4th of July Parade. We’ll meet at the Holbrooke Hotel in Grass Valley at 10 AM. On a motion by Francis Rakow, with a second by Lucky Gillett, Pukin’ John Riggs from Snowshoe Thomson Chapter, was to be made a Director of Chapter 10 at the first available opening. Motion passed. Jim Knight spoke about reducing the SNGH benefits, specifically the retirement checks. He was told by all XNGHs in the room to sit down, shut up and he did, seeing the tempest brewing among the gathering storm of wrath from the XNGHs. C. Lucky Gillett then took the floor and spoke for what seemed like an extremely long time. No one was able to tell what or why he was talking, but due to his rank as an exalted XNGH, he was allowed to ramble on for a few minutes. July 29, 1977 Meeting was called to order by Buck Jones due to the absence (again) of NGH Jay Palm and 1VNGH Charlie Lewis. Guests included Will Derryberry, Riley Powers and Red Walsh. Dave Manchester reported on our participation in the 4th of July Parade. We all managed to survive once again. Pukin’ John Riggs of Snowshoe Thomson chapter presented us with a certificate and a plaque (minutes say plague!) for our donation for the Snowshoe Thomson monument atop Carson Pass. He also offered to sell us some badges from the dedication. Acting Recorder Byars also offered some of our new belt buckles for sale. Sales were slow for both. XNGH R. Peter Ingram called for the chapter to place a plaque on the Lola Montez house in October. He made this official in the form of a motion, which was quickly seconded by Campbell Johnson, and it passed with only one dissenting vote by XNGH Harold Case, who was standing in for the absent Doc Charlie Lewis, who always voted NO on everything. XNGH Ingram will do all the legwork and tend to all details for this plaque, which has been one of his pet projects for years. XNGH Case spoke on the overnighter possibly not being at the Malakoff in October. (Due to the dust-up with the park system management.) Much discussion ensued. Acting NGH Buck Jones appointed XNGH Jerry Leisk to look into an alternative venue, and Derryberry quickly volunteered to assist in this effort. After the break, XNGH Barry reported on the completion of the engine and clutch overhaul on the fire truck. All is well! XNGH Scriven reported again on our blood bank situation. We need to bleed more, as we only have five pints in our reserve account. XNGH Leisk introduced two of his neighbors, Dave Altobell and Gene Gruver as guests. (Gene would rise quickly in the ranks of the Chapter and become NGH in 1986.) Borstad brought up a possible plaque site and date. The Chisler’s Inn in Marysville has been neglected all these years and deserves a Clamper plaque. We could do it on the day of the next Bok Kai Parade. No motion was presented, however. (The plaque was made and dedicated on Mar. 11, 1978.) The hat was passed for the beer fund and Chris Lewis and Dick Scriven spoke briefly on the benefits of beer. (“Beer builds bodies and helps stamp out mental health.”) (Meeting minutes of the June, July and August meetings were taken by XSNGH Bill Byars, due to the absence of XNGH Bob Wyckoff, but were not included in the collection of documents available at press time.) September 30, 1977. Checkbook balance reported to be $1331.42. Turnout for this meeting was small, due to the upcoming Fall Party tomorrow, Not much was discussed other than the management of the Holbrooke didn’t want us to bring our own beer into the meetings, but rather buy the beer from them at $11.00 a case. Some suggested that we might start looking for another meeting site, but others pointed out the many benefits we have enjoyed by meeting at the hotel. XNGH Ron Leick moved to have us pay the price asked and that would save us a little bit of trouble in rounding up the beer. Motion passed. Guests were introduced, including Hank Hanlin, Jerry Jarvis and Geo. Marshall, all close friends of Bro. Ben. Buck Jones noted that we have enough stuff in the Cook Crew’s equipment supply to warrant buying a trailer to carry it and make setup at a doin’s much easier. Dennis Griffith said he sold 2000 memberships in the Murphys Creek Yacht Club, but a peg-legged guy with a parrot on his shoulder stole almost all of it. He presented the Board with $87.00 he was able to save from the vicious pirate/parrot. October 28, 1977 The October Party made some money and there was enough for the upcoming Director’s Dinner and some for a reserve fund for the Sutler. (Hawker.) A letter of complaint about our initiation practices was received. While the specific incident is not listed in the minutes, it probably had to do with the mud crawl, as well as the fact that many of the Candidates had been severely pre-initiated. Other Directors voiced opinions that we needed to clean up our act, or maybe we need a kind of police force among the chapter to keep a lid on things. Nothing specific came of that one, but it was agreed that we all need to be more vigilant to prevent unseemly decorum. A lot more discussion ensued, as had happened on numerous occasions in the past. Once again, we vowed to exert greater control on the treatment we give our candidates. At this point in the minutes there is a bit of confusion as to the actions taken. Example is: Tom Barry moved that we $300………… Seconded by Doc Lewis. What this item pertained to is not written, but the discussion went like this: Can we afford it? Should we wait? They are $8000 in the hole. We can afford the $300. A vote was taken and passed by split vote of 13 Ayes and 10 against. (I cannot find out any other information about this in the minutes I have, but will keep looking.) Scriven said we should know that our contribution be put forth. The Chair took this under advisement, whatever that means. No meeting was held in November, and the Election of Officers took place on Dec. 2, 1977. We had a successful year with two plaques placed, a third one in the works. We mostly recovered from the financial disaster we had last year and the Chapter fire truck, Lil’ Clyde was back on his wheels, including new tires. Life was good for William Bull Meek – William Morris Stewart Chapter this year! More history next time. Rhett Reddeye, ECV by Bro. Ben “Yup, Zeke, they DO seem to look alike; but after a coupla doin’s they usually shape up purty good!” WORDING ON ORIGINAL PLAQUE 1864 - THE UNION - 1964 GRASS VALLEY - NEVADA CITY OF THE MANY HISTORIC NEWSPAPERS STARTED IN THE NORTHERN MINES OF THE GREAT MOTHER LODE DURING THE FAMOUS GOLD RUSH ERA, ONLY THE UNION OF GRASS VALLEY AND NEVADA CITY EMERGED A SUCCESSFUL DAILY PUBLISHED FOR 100 YEARS. BORN IN CRITICAL TIMES - CIVIL WAR AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - THE UNION HAS EVER STRIVED FOR UNITY AND HAS EVOLVED AN INDEPENDENT VOICE SUPPORTING MAN AND MEASURE OVER PARTISANSHIP. THE UNION IS ONLY THE SEVENTH DAILY NEWSPAPER IN CALIFORNIA TO CELEBRATE ITS CENTENNIAL UNDER THE ORIGINAL NAME. CENTENNIAL DATE - OCTOBER 28, 1964 WM. BULL MEEK - WM. MORRIS STEWART CHAPTER 10 E CLAMPUS VITUS NEVADA CITY, NEVADA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WORDING ON NEWEST PLAQUE 1864 THE UNION 2014 IN RECOGNITION OF THE UNION’S 150 YEARS OF BRINGING TRUTH TO LIGHT AND CONNECTING THE COMMUNITIES OF NEVADA COUNTY DEDICATED OCT. 28, 2014 WILLIAM BULL MEEK WM. MORRIS STEWART CHAPTER 10 E CLAMPUS VITUS NEVADA CITY, NEVADA COUNTY, CALLIFORNIA THE UNION 150TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT IN OCTOBER GOT RAVE REVIEWS BY ALL The replaquing of the 100th Anniversary of the founding of The Union and placement of an additional plaque noting the passage of yet another 50 years of business for this venerable voice of Nevada and Yuba counties was deemed a huge success by all concerned. The replacement of Chapter Ten’s original plaque on its new site was handled by XNGHs Tyler Souter and Mark Sellards, as well as other members of the chapter. Originally mounted on the front of The Union office building at 151 Mill Street in Grass Valley in October, 1964, the plaque was moved to the interior of the new offices of the newspaper when they moved to the Sutton Street location in the 70s. Unseen by the public (unless they ventured into the building) for many years, it was taken down again when the not-so-new any longer building underwent a recent expansion and remodeling. We were contacted by some staff members of The Union and asked it we would like to participate in the remounting of this jewel of a plaque, as well as do another one for the 150th Anniversary. We jumped on that one! As to the location, we (along with the Publisher) thought the plaque would be very much more visible to the public if it were mounted in the edge of the planter area next to the front door. At about this time, NGH Tyler Souter’s neighbor informed him that he had a big rock that might be of use as the base of a plaque monument. It was a pretty huge block of serpentine, maybe 2 feet by 3 feet and 6 feet tall, rough on the outside but beautifully figured on the inside. Tyler made the decision and had the block put in his yard, whence he proceeded to cut a flat spot on the front with room to remount the original plaque and add another, smaller one just below noting the additional 50 years the paper was celebrating. After cutting and grinding, even more grinding and then many more hours for polishing, the deed was done. Someone with a big enough truck and a lifting rig was recruited and the rock was taken to the parking lot of The Union. The new, smaller plaque would be mounted in the style of a “hangar bar” just below the original, with a couple of copper “rings” appearing to be attaching the plaques together. The plaques and rings were actually mounted in deep holes with quick-set epoxy. See wording of plaques to the left. The Union held a public Open House on Thursday, September 25th at which time the original, remounted plaque was revealed. Some speechifying ensued and a nice catered buffet was served. Tours of the building were made available. Then, on October 28th, the second, smaller plaque was mounted below the first one, and the Chapter gathered for the formal dedication of the 150th Anniversary plaque, 50 years to the day after the 100th Anniversary dedication. HEWGAG-MONITOR 7935 Aviara Place Sacramento, CA 95829-8031 (Note: This address is for the newslet‐ ter only!) See insert inside for Recorder’s ad‐ dress. Coming Events 2015 CY 6020 Feb. 21 Sweetheart’s Ball – see this issue May 2 n d Hammon Grove Spring Doin’s June 13 t h Malakoff Homecoming at the park 10 AM. Bring the family and join in on the day’s fun stuff! Bring money for food at the Clamper Cook Shack! October 3 r d & 4 t h Overnighter at Scott’s Flat Lake Interested in becoming a Director? Come to Seamen’s Lodge on in Nevada City on the last Friday of the month at 8 PM. (No meetings in May, November and December due to holiday conflicts. First Class Mail William Bull Meek - William Morris Stewart Chapter Ten, E Clampus Vitus is pleased to announce our 46th Annual Sweetheartʼs Ball Clampyear 6020 To be held at the St. Canice Church Hall on Feb. 21st, 2015, beginning at 4:30 pm, followed by a fantastic buffet dinner at 5:30 pm. This is the same location as last year. We will have a live band again this year, so bring your dancin’ shoes (or brogans)! New officers for Clampyear 6020 will be installed during a brief, tear-filled ceremony. There is no conflict with the LSD #3 Bean Feed on this date. Come on up and enjoy the day looking around the area, then party with new NGH John Edens and the rest of us! ClampChef XNGH Randy Burk and his Cook Crew will prepare another one of the delectable meals you have come to expect from his kitchen and extraordinary crew. The price will be the same as last year, too: only $70.00 a couple! We will admit Stags at $40 each. Our crew of libationists will be dispensing “Tirebiter Tea, Smartass Sassafrass,” and other medicinal beverages beginning at 4:30 pm. Water and soft drinks will also be available. Be sure to have a designated sober driver for the evening. To get there, take Hwy. 49 to Gold Flat Road, which is between Nevada City and Grass Valley. Exit to the northwest and turn right on Zion Street. Go a couple of short blocks and turn left on Reward Street. The hall is at the end of the street at 236 Reward Street. You can’t miss it, as they say. St. Canice is a small venue, and we must therefore limit this event to the first 100 couples, or 200 people. We also must have ADVANCE RESERVATIONS as we must know how much food to bring. We recommend that you prepare for inclement weather, as we have had this event in the rain, snow and sleet that can come at this time of the year in the Sierra. We’ll have a costume contest for the ladies, a great raffle, great food, and best of all, a great time dancing and carrying on till ten pm, maybe even later! Please identify any Non-Clamper guests for us, to avoid us putting them on our mailing list by mistake. They are most welcome, however, and who knows, they may even want to join after they see how great a party we throw! GNR/GDR Jason Thorn P.O. Box 843 Penn Valley, CA 95946 Don’t forget to feed the Sick Jackass if you can’t make it! It costs big bucks to get this out to you! Get your reservations to the Recorder by Mon. Feb. 16th, 2015! Make checks payable to ECV 10. Or, go to our website at ecv10.com and use the Pay Pal option. Here’s my (our) Advance Reservation gold dust for the 46th Sweetheart’s Ball in Grass Valley! Ticket Price......$70 per couple, $40 Stag. No tickets sold at the door! Bring a guest couple to look us over! Clamper’s Name_____________________________________ Widder’s Name_________________________________ Address_________________________________________City____________________________________________ State_______ ZIP ________________ Phone (________)______________ email____________________________ If you bring a non-clamper guest couple, please fill out the following lines for them. If another Clamper couple is coming with you, please indicate “Clamper” below. Guest’s Name_______________________________________ Widder’s Name_________________________________ Address_________________________________________City____________________________________________ State_______ ZIP ________________ Phone (________)______________(use back side for more names, if needed!) Guest is a Clamper! _____YES _____NO 02‐2015 #160 “u”
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