SILER th rrriroi Nnih re Treated tbr Making of t olna GOLD AND fjffw FAXGS OF THE BATTLER THE DOG OF MONTARGIS How the Noble Animal Avenced the In Not Correctly Described in Most Books of Reference For every lar which Is in the vaults of the mint at Philadelphia there is a nn the looks of the superintendent That res nrd shew the weight and fluent m of the bar Many of the Some Cnrioos Things Disclosed by an Ex ¬ amination of a Dead specimen Marvelous Mechanism of th Reptiles Deadly Jaw boojrnt ii when the Sherman law first went into Icir- - remained untouched lime e hen the stamp of the Now they it on them ifi melted with cop alloy says n corn Copper i An opportunity of disserting the business parts of the Crotalas horri dus or in plain EDclish the horrid rattler which is the literal meaning of to prove this portion of silver to what many scientific persons will tt 11 hat iu you via that the encyclopediasare the less than the measure very atom NOtutees to go to for anv that l adding in ft timation Oal seientilie matties the ters The Inst newspapers now furas tnssi nish this kind of information And ndird It is truly this holds good in rep- In nii iiitr cop this reptile which is classed amot irk it up by u vipers and of the viers it is Thej have but one fang and tlie bar Mirer n The living drawing is from life or r ither from death of a good band sized rattler carefully dissected The pats east rheat is nearly four feet long- had if them will hold u Is nit thirteen rattles and when opened was at a time fund tt have dined not long In fore on thro- row which were lying melt sme lv in its very hmg stomach e after the other as pot lowed The tail at the much junction of the rattles is formed of a bundle of fibres much like tlmc of a -- third of an ineh in di- tarn the iron ter twisted in the same msnnri d sti as to give a great ft the cm of the tail on which the - are arrai ifter it has teea the last other end ol the reptile is of int Test beeaaae the exami tliou1 nati tely npsete all - far held about the fangs the of these on each jaw line was as shown in the drawing over half an inch in length Ue but not t lie conveyer This is a triple fang or ¬ i r - i mroi earl - a- - the n -- at ry loosely the mov t of tic 71- - lily drawn out and invisible on account Brent eolor so that pe notice in a real fang These hollow and are direct In which the ined AMUSING SCIENCE Tin si that this sac from the hol- r of the fang the In an Hp- - m Dealti of ilia Master This brave dog lived in France way back in the middle ages Infortun atcly we do not know his name so he is always called the dog of Montaris He was very fond of his master who was named Aubri de Montdnlier The dog followed his master everywhere and people never saw one without the A THE BIRD OF WISDOM Little Iexou on the H iMt of the Experienced Sportsman Performe How the OpvraUim While hunting ducks on a marsh lasi Owl and Ilia Famfit The owi has always been called the had the misfortune to step winter int i a deep hole over the tops of my rubber boots and every sportsman knows how disagreeable such a mishap It takes is especially in cold weather long time to get the boots thoroughly The felt dry inside after a soaking lining seems to h old the water and the waterproof nature of the robber greatly increases thcdttliculty Oat thia occasion it was necessary to use the boots again the next morning or miss a days sport Necessity is said to be the mother of Invention and with the aid of a sketch I will show an easy way out of such a predicament Tie the boot to a bedpost or other support with the foot uppermost Get ¬ ¬ v naf -- js j M l which mscle or tendon to half- - Br s is open- lar cover- sled when it is hroturh the ing as a of i ii the jaw- the liar hooked in the jaws v lhi nshion at the jaw merely- - sh buch when the m ami an liie II it on hi h it les of the rnder fib i and hen shI i has hiv done true fangs it hich oiilar enter the wounds and dia-n Thsc arc and are made w They of the all t he other draw the tb-them looks like pearl and h and finish No catclr- - n it - N BEE KEEPING V4 THE TOILET OF BiHDS twaae Like Mrr l Iran aTaaar llllirn BM Ire many pe- - ir hi very their rf sa 1 ater aland and ponds a r- - in Spar- - tts i water and in r a- Jar alxiit in but I shallow hae the riraf lata tilce a dip that were quite wen pools - BtHMal y prefer e a watrr an get it in the street tt il in hi ebuiea of his Mad laeat otieed bis dost faath in th ad invariably he rJaooaca ast is like powder prefer dry loam They like to scratch n1 im under The iers with i Most il ahes f I morn i n j over and Teatlir s N MISTAKES Make a sif Men heNever llumitiet liable baiter At birth a nejrro child is of n color wlii KaBBra V lor a rediish to a tlie k of ir is ary- - ptti for ant1 bine tin Sur e of In tlie American lice Journal a r says To think that the man never made a success at anything tried will snake a success with been To try to keep one hundred raJimil I where lift would starve To neglect to give tlae bees proper care in spring ami fall in fact all the time and hope for generous returns To neglect to put the bees away into winter tjiiarters in good condition then ex- find them strong in the dawn of early spring To rob them of their stores too late for them to replenish t litis causing them to starve then blame them for perishing and curse your luck To try to ue all patent hives and appliances because some ugned agent tells him to and expect to succeed To ventilate his hives with cracks in the roof and knot Tn keep plenty in the bottom of weak colonies on han ant expect t lie comb grub ape the by using a moth proof hive Noi-lo fail to put on the surplus at the right time then blame nature and the beea for surplus Watch work and wait must be VOW motto in ho To ing for Sue ess let the grass and weeds grow so rank around the hives that the beeseant tind them then expect to become a prince in the business To u e old fogy dog box hires whose internal mechanism you cannot view without cutting out the cimbs tien expect to in cimc scientific To allow dirt ami Blthtoa mulate on the bottom boards of the hives as a hot bed for the propagation To buy an extractor before of moths yon know w hat to extract from one pound Hon leli- - BO I bins alitj Iit aaade Turn ir Tile brood- boast of your know ledge talk a drones laying eggs and the ijueen lie ing the king bee To try to keep and not havO some books on bee culture at banal with which you are well and thiuk yourself a actiuainted bee master To expect to reap won derful result with bees without labor knowledge patience and eosta No without labor To become cranky and think no one else keeps i tlo This is a progressive rumble because you have to ¬ Baa a I arm All in White tin his Dorsetshire state Lord Alington has a white farm It iiisc every anbaal in it i OX- - tjuil rss white donkeys and a whit whit- has prove by - white ire white Tin ace Uttfa lilith n a birthday and - - - fjr her little fr up quit the chain party VlD i i J i TTu - wer end project below tlie leg and ten it in thai position with a string A tube such as pictures or maps are mailed in is just the thing Thelower or projecting end of the tube must have a funnel shaped mouth of paper fastened to it Under it pi ice a ker¬ osene lamp w ith its lame burning low The working of thia arrangement is simple and thoroughly effective The stream of w arm dry air from the lamp chimney is conducted up the paper tube into the foot of the wel boot and drives out the colder air down the boot leg This constant circulation of warm air will dry very wet bool in fifteen minutes and then the tube may be transferred to the other one The lamp should be jnst close enough under the funnel and the wick should be burning at such a height as to make the foot part of the boot feel about a blmMi heat If too hot it will injure the rubber Thomas C Harris iu YouthN i ompanion l fa ¬ i ¬ Tr omul ¬ -- Womens Department Childrens Department Agricultural Department Political Department Answers to Correspondents Editorials Everything v WILL BE FOUND IIL- - STOVES At e t Ini iiiarles Stark vator boy in the Joba store Bridgefords Economist Cast and Steel Ranges Every range is guaranteed to give perfect We have over satisfaction 50 of these ranges in Rich- ¬ mond We also keep a full line of Stoves Hardware Tin- ¬ ware c Give ns a call ¬ ing broken Georgetown Kranlcfort Ar except SuncUy C D BKRC R R Time Table No 22 In Ef- N B I COZE KINDLING AND FEED it OF PYTHIAS 43 K P meets everv Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows hill at oclock C W Tudor C C C C Hooker K of R and S aaaaaaaaaaaa a CASNOWCO t D C 30 29 YELLOW PINE FLOORING AND A taken J that p on All First Class Goods And tlie Climax 3 Cheaper Than Ever F Rock oROBT THOMSON Breeder and Dealer in 0 ¬ old companionship with gold We need the assistance of the people in disseminating the truth to which end we invite all in your selection of pa pers for the coming season to include the Enquirer that costs only 100 a year Issued twice a week Liberal commissions and cash re- ¬ wards given to club raisers Sample copies free Enquirer Company Cincinnati O blPPINGOTTS MAGAZINE 1895 The special feature of LIPPINCOTTS A A E CARSE AM Memphis Tenn j Main St - F M F M M Pa CERTflll Near K C De RT- - In ih addition to the usual short stories novelettes essays poem etc all combineii make i one ol the no t drarraatr magazines now onbli hed We avoid the ohie tion held by so many rcades to a cortmued storv During the comim year novels nay be expected Irom e iaane -- Through da rain seivicr net ween Cincir tsi nati Middlesborough and Point- v Bfiluir is uUTh BOlNU No - a Accor Daily Ex S11 N Dally Daiiy txiress Cincinnati Covington Falmouth Cyiittiiaua Vrr Paris Arr lxiiiKton 8 3 am 1 1 755 pm 803 p m 908 p 950 p m ii am 948 ami 1043 am iiiiS am o rr Wlnrliester Lvo Winchester rr Kichimmd IveKichmoml 156pm Lve Berea Arr Iivliitfstoii 130- m p rr Corhin 445 445 530 600 640 Lve Corbin LveBarbrville Pinevilf ive Miildlesirii Lve Arr Cuniil Oap Lv Iumil tap Lve Corblu Lve Williaitsbg No 2 Han 7 a a a a a m m m m m t Nil Daily Daily ro am M 1015 a m 3 z x l- aa C - Z if C w f- - iiin 0 630 am - 7 1110 p m 7 00a ra 1138 p m 7 46 a m a m 9 50a m 1001 p m 10 o p m 7 40 a m 05 p m 8 19 a tn 1140 pm 9 00 a m 1220 a m 9 45 m 108 a m 033am a 00 am 1 215 a m it 30 a m 312 a m 13 28 n m 339 a m 13 55 n n 319 a m 3 30 p m 435 am 3 20 p m 5 a m io am 741 am 700 a m 752 am I 831 a m 911 am 1024 am 1030 am VsVII 3 28 ami 5 36 711 ami 6 36 p m 735 am 6 45 pm r roi vr jj ball BOUND D Ex Sun Ex Suu Lve Cincinnati Lve Covington trr ks pa pm mm Islington EX Mlllersburg Carlisle JtihiiNon Mayaville OUTH BOlND 56 am am am am isipn pm 9i lm am 737pm 700 74s 808 827 945 No 550 pm Pm No II DKily Ex Hun Daily Ex Siiii Lve Mayhville 553 am Johnson 630 am Carlisle 703 am Mlllersbnrg 73 am rr Paris 74s a m Lexington 835 am Covington m 1034 Clnciiinatl 1030 am Ko- - tut ther tn foriiiation rales on or freight address P 145 324 308 337 350 637 6 tickets it CARR Ticket and Emigration Agent Ri hiiiond Ky r - RICHMONDSTEAM LHUNDRY HOME INDUSTRIES I Work tione pmniplly and a well as any other LuiiiiJrv in the Couutrv PRICES NO HIGHER And other wel known writers Price 3 Sincle ronv an tier year Ln five 2 cent stamps for specimen copy Stand hy Home People and Ihey will stand by you rnt LIPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE pm pm pm pm pm pm 645 pm Capt King Ameiie Rives Mrs Stickney Miss Train pm 4 01 p m a mi 4 07 p m am 4 15 p m am 4 4 a ami 455 425 505 537 608 in Gertrude Athhtok pm pm - am No Daily 10 o - 300 a nt 358 a m 425 a m 550 p m 630 p m 8ty a m 150 pm 5ao pm Kx I p m P m 310 352 430 505 325 m p m p m 445pm Arr Jellico Arr Kiioxvllle Lve Khhmoiut rr Rowbmd P P m am m 217am 310 am pm p m p 3 50 p 105 a m 135 a m 355 p m 310 p m Lve LlviiiKHtoii Ive Iniliiu 2 p in pr 5 1310 n w 1055 1125 a m 1035 210 n n 1055 1235 pml 1055 135 p m 1143 p m 1143 Ivr Pans NORTH lt Jss KflVil ive ive ve Lra A or - N R R I M Kt Knoxvie Tenn tnd Complete Novel Mrs AtEXANDtt r eared Himalayan angora BELGIAN HARE M - tary system was a crime of untold magnitude It was the rankest kind NORTH BOfNI of class legislation in favor of the ve Rowland wealthy against the producers of Arr Richmond Lve Knoxville wealth and hostile to the prosperity Lve JelHco Lve Wllliamabg of the United States It was an net Air corbin Lve Cninl liap of treason because done at the instance Lve Mliliilehii Pineville of a European syndicate and for bribe Lve Lve Rarbrvllle rr Corbin money giving aid and comfort to Lve London our countrys enemiesTo shield rrL Livingston iivtiiKNtou the guilty parties tlie well authenti- ¬ Lve Lve RereH Vrr Richmond cated facts often published have been Lve Richmond Arr Wlnrlieaier vigorously denied tve Winclietiter Paris The Enquirer will continue to ex- Arr ve exingtor Lve pose this unpardonable crime until Lve Paris Cyntlnana Kalmoiith right and justice are done the people Lve Arr Covington by the full restoration of silver to its Arr Clnclniiali Willows 1 T Superintendent J W RoCK train Dispr v Poplar Shingles Framing Lnmber is M 6 5a PATRONIZE reason iur selling 12 rv Caveats and Trademarks obtaine I and all patent business conducted for Moder Poplar Weather boarding Cypress Shingles BARGAI 8 8 55 n - and Trade Marks obtained and al Pat-Sent business conducted for moderate rtcs EOun Office is Opposite U S Patent Office J 5 and we can secure patent in less time than those J remote from Washington model drawing or photo with descrip- t Scad We advise if patentable or not tree of J Jtirn O ir fee not due till patent is secured 0 marge How to Obtain Patents with J J A Pamphlet cost 01 same in the U S and foreign countries J tree Address 0 4se1t Caveats CEILING 5 35 1 nd South ¬ Patent Office Washington 7 ortesi ano Quickest Kouicirii Kentucky to All Points Norf SILVER - M 6 58 Truns lietwt cn Louisville and Ver- T rains between CuiiiinAt and N daily an leave Richmond ar spend three hours in Lex at 1020 a m and return You ran pend t in Cincinnati or m return to Rich For bn gh any ticket agent cr addri C M BROWN PATENTS FREE COIXACE OF Opp C BLUE GRASS ROUTh i a- 2ND Ex Si court house Telephone 17 you KENTUCKY yvill irit what you order and get it QUICK A cold wave never catches him napping - My 4 A ¬ my lime is wholly IO Valley Vk Nicholaxviile Versailles River Farm For Sale White LoJge No s 12 F M 12 28 i2 43 12 46 -- FOR SALE b ¬ 18 1894 1ST CLASS jr0 No 3 Richmond Unton Moberly Brassfield Panola Irvine CLiUMH ice z36 Front Street j 15 Million M ate Fees office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Ofjice and mv ta ciities lor securing patents areunsurpas W M J H Turpin Secretary ed Send model ketch drawinaor pho I Hamilton No Lodge at John tograph with de tnption and statement sS Union Citv meets second Saturlav in as to advantages claimed every month John D Hamilton W M No charge is made for an opinion as to ohn L Giiigs Secretary patentability and mv lee for prosecnt ng Daniel Boone Lodte No isjat Booncs the application will not be called for until borough meets third Satui a in even the patent is allowed Wm Bennett W M month S OldA pamphlet entitled Inventors Glide ham Secretary containing foil information soraishrd lierea Ledge No 617 meets the first free AJdre s Saturday in each month at 7 oclock p m B T Fish E L Robinson Secretary Fkankiin H Hoi ii Master O I O i2i F street Washington D C F Madi on Lodge No 14 meets everv Mention this paper er for sale privately my farm conat their hall on Main street taining 22acres of land over 00 of Mondaj R CKirhy N C S H Thorpe V All of snd land winch is bottom rich G L J France Secretary and very productive Said farm shea every led ob the Kentucky Kiver at the mouth tir Boone Encampment No 40 meets t and third Thursday in Odd Fellows of Drowning reek and has good on Main street Richmond F J The free and unlimited coinage of weather boarded leg boose also 1 good Hall Lip comb C P L J lianee Scribe barn aad young orchard and is well wa silver the product of American mines Richmond Uniform Degree Camp No I also have 150 to 210 barrels of tend meets second Thuradai m each month at the old ratio of 1 6 of silver to i of com some work macs work cattle and al Odd Fellows Hall C R Tudor Cap- gold is the a tine vouug Kaddkt mare 011 sale at the only solution of and tain L J Frazee Clerk faun Will sell the farm on liberal terms for remedy the disturbed and unsatis- ¬ Call oa or address me at the CLIMAX ol KMOll rs OF lloVOR tice Richmond Kv Amity Lodge No qiq K of II meets factory condition of trade manufac- ¬ tf Tims THORPE even Friday evening in the Odd Fellows ture and general business of the coun- ¬ hall at 7 oclock H O Rice Dictator try The surreptitious act of 1873 E W Rowland Reporter divorcing silver and gold in our mone- ¬ KNIGHTS COMMON RABBITS i 11 Union Richmond ¬ 11 7 35 Office and yard corner Main and B streets one Bqatare from the Richmond Roval Arch Chapter No 16 - third Tuesday in each month D P Aruier II P Speed Smith Sect Reg- ¬ Richmond Comnunderv No hj ular meeting the first Tneadai in each ir Kniehti are cordial month Visitinn v invited to aitend S I Deatherage E J Speed Smith Recorder Madison Lodye No is at Kirksville meet Siturdav evening before the full A J Ro s V noon in every month M B F Cotton Secretarv Kingston Lodge No i at Kingston metis Saturday ecning before the full moon in tverv month T C Witt Sec retary I M Roen W M S Waco Lodye No meets fourth Saturday in evert month John F White We are the sole agents for Cnt 1 j7 Ar Irvine Panola Brasstield COAL Secretary Tool oplc who having sought the photographer in his studio gaze with complacency 00 the presentment f themselves that his art lias evolved are unconscious of the extent to which they are indebted to judicious retouchings for the effectiveness of picture and often the genera jitvenvseence of the subject touching a negative a pencil will only mark well when slippl me chanical devic been tried for giving this stippling motion to the pencil but they are nearly all too heavy to be held in Die hand A little tool IS now on the market which is said to tie marvel of Ii its operative power is a not which vibrates a keeper after the manner of the electric bell This sets the pened in rapid motion and the retoucher is enabled to work mir formation with ease and 10 W H ADAMS DXRECTOBT Richmond Lodge No meet- - second S and fourth Tuesdavt in each month I Deatherage Master J Speed Smith Many i Lv 10 oo MoberU MASONIC CASH rltitric Itetonrhin 7 45 5 6 i i WEST BOUND Ex Sun Ei Sun Ex Sun Ex Dealer in LODGE CHEAP ¬ Ar Million send your orders to ¬ ¬ - Winchester 201 Versailles Nichoiasville Valley View And cannot supply what you want 1 SENTINEL ¬ Ar Lv Dily Is Out ten page eight colnmn Democratic Newspaper Henry VYatterson is the Editor PRICE 00 A YEAR Weekly The Courier Journal makes very liberal terms to agents Sample copies of the paper and Premium Sup plement sent free to any address Write to COURIER JOCRSAL COMPANY Louisville Kentucky ¬ 1 Richmond 7 05 ASl BULtU Courier Journal 2 Lv 323 fect Nov L R BLANTON Tur 6 R the WEEKLY - 2 30 P A MOUNTAIN ¬ J M A M P Regular Dealer THE PLANT ¬ TXJL ZF 5JESIS r Condensed News Stories Miscellany ¬ 1 JaBBat anli i ia Mia BESTlifYou Fires lifec death and taxes have been in the werid since its creation Pew ell Tnrley 3 wW miln thoelrt IIICincinnati - QUEEN AND CRESCENT ROUTE ik lie Jc Raaaa llnnt1 s tna ast Caw the atorc r nf thrranh can Cmeinnn to KaaarUM an4 haa mnnm few Orlaaaaw In C Hirt Afhcrill f rnt I iikoiic Ajk uoiu bnt turt ti CattMaia via ShrocKrt auactioa ia matin at Lcaiaatva II and Lar Soutl tnuatj to ail triuua aith ruliukd R1XEARS0X Gob I Paaar Agent CaaatataSB 0 0 3- Ciwnt e miles Orleaat Atlanta or JackaonTilla Florida v Toledo rowel ii S Deafness fail not lie CsVed by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-¬ dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is in llained you have a rumbling sound or imperfect ln aiing and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result and unless the inflammation is taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition bearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are canned by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for anv case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure bend for circulars free A Co F J CnKNi In ure tnat big barn lev i - Oalj k- Richmond Ky Sold by druggists t SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS Jefferson was fond of telling a story v hich illustrates in a forcible manner the importance that absurdly insignificant matters may mulct hues assume Vo When the deliberative body that gave the world the Declaration of Independence was in session its proc biers were conducted in a ball close to which was situated a livery stable The was weather warm and from the stable came swarms of flies OF IIIK that lighted on the tegs of the honor able members and biting through the thin silk stockings then in fashion gave infinite annoyance It was no uncom mon sight said Jefferson to see a mem ber making a speech with a large handkerchief in hand ami pausing at every moment to thrash the Hies from his thinly protected calves The opinion of the body was not unanimous it favor of the document and under other circumstances discussion might have been protracted for days if not weeks but the Hies were intolerable Efforts were made to tind another ball IS OFFERED FOR SALE- free from the peats but in vain As the sresther became warmer the flies grew worse and the flapping of hand kerchiefs was heard all over the hall as an accompaniment to the voices of the speakers In despair at last some one suggested that matters be hurried sc that the body might adjourn and get away from the Hies There were a few FOR- mild protests but no doe heeded them the immortal declaration was hurriedly copied and with the handkerchiefs in hand lighting Hies as they came the members hastened up to the table le sign the authentic copy and leave the flics in the lurch Had it not been for the livery stable yi its inmates there is no telling wh n the doCSUM nt would have been cosapleted but it certainly It is first cliiss in its appoint would not have been ifallELd on the merits and will be sokl at a Fourth ¬ c Qowa Mi Geni Soiirh FLY AN 1MP0KTANT FACTOR Prices Cream Baking Powder Worlds Fair Highest Award i Hi In trat ami ¬ improving and from a bitter weed has developed a succulent forage plant unusually rich in sugar and relished by nil kind- of stock The illustration of plant shows its resemblance to tlie i pea t which it is closelv rev to lated The roots are sai to penetrate the hardest driest and rockiest soils reaching to the depth of ten or twenty feet Drought has little effect upon it Barren land occupied by it has its fertility improved Those who understand how red clover takes so much of its nourishment from tju air will have A IAlIi ol little ditiiculty in believing this as the llihlMs flat pea like the elovera belongs to the gle cimits The cuckoo Dorkings nave Iegumino ie family Four tons of dry a peculiar plumage consisting of a hay p r acre can be obtained if three marking of Lars or peneilrngs of dark cuttings arc made Tlie lirst cutting blue gray on a ground of lighter gray takes away all chance for an early In size it is slightly larger than the honey crop but if wo understand it white but smaller than the other varie- correctly the bees gather a rich harties vest after the Brat catting and not Dorkings liave foil broad ireasts until October ii its yield of nectar over broad backs short legl and are rather A somewhat serious drawback to short in theneck They have five toes growing it in this country is the uifji on each foot The Basle in good con- Cidty of getting a start as it is very dition will weigh twelve pounds and liable to be winter killed during the the hen nine pounds They are ftr Brat and second years layers good mothers mature earlv and grtiw rapidly The great objection is UNITING SWARMS the delicacy of the young birds which renders raising them difficult The Thia Can tie Done to iitellent Advantage climate or the soil or both in many iu the Fall pats of the Doited States does not If had four small colonies that I seem to agree with them This may wished to unite says a correspondent ever be due to loo much inbreed in American Dee Journal I would ing as fresh blood is difficult to pro- move them together ami let them get cure well established in their new location Dorkings can only b successfully before disturbing them I would move raised on a dry soil dampness lteing them in the evening after all the peculiarly fatal to them The also workers had returned from tlie Held require wide range The Dorking is and pat grass or strawii front of the not exactly suited to the requirenteuts hive entrance so they could not leave of tlie American market its shanks a a board in front to bump being white w hile we generally prefer their heads against will cause them to yellow ones Its skin is also white or notice a change in their location and pale yellow instead of the gold color take their bearings When established BsanUIy demanded but for the producin t heir new home I would remove all tion of en fowls for the table their queens but one and cage them it should prove of great value ing tlie beat one to remain with the colony When wanted to unite ipteora nioorariiwi theui 1 would remove the hives from An interest ror photograph their old stand and place a new hive aetaom lias recently been pi in the center of the pia tucy in the Vale university observatory It stood plaein a smooth hoard in front consists of aa inclined shaft carrying of it to brush apoo Then 1 a Dumber ofea aa to would the frames containing include tn large brush off oil area of sky The shaft is turned by the bees and pat the frames promiscu he m ously into the new hive and pour all d make s op- - the bees together iu front of it pear as points in ical of drive all the bees into tt with smoke would le the ease ii th As neither of t lim to With tiiisarr this accept the conditions of th ti in their true and unite peaceably The frames con heavenly bodies and taining honey I would ui eap a few at a their direction at lined ttne and place them iu the second story The instrument useful with a small aperture iu the covering the radiant i he lower story over the fi to from permit tin come up and i ri r Tlie honey thai iffiei the farm wnel f eut will is kepi it is not got win- another requires season to pay for the labor of uniting number Dr Cm inn ¬ WAliVKRS FLAT IKA Am I arc yel unknown or only slightly known to the manufacturers of wood In the civilized world The woods of Central and South America are perhaps the most remarkable a well as the least known In the yet untouched forests of this continent an many woods far finer that ant of those now in use These woods range from pure white to jet black in color and many of them arc most beautifully marked and veined Some of them are s hard that they turn the edge- - of axes chisels and othii tooK while the band saw cuts them onh slowly Ir the Colum bian exposition there were many displays of little known woods and the finest of then were those from Argen tine Republic Brazil am other St American countries Some of these southern wood- - yielded to the teeth of the band saw not tin ordinary saw- ¬ dust but fine powder fine as the fines flour so hard were the woods Some of them burnt but slowly Others pos sess qualities that keep them free from insects Some of them seem to be alb indestructible by air and water All along the eastern slopesof the Andes up to the now line mi those gnat elevations throughout all the great river valleys and in some of the wide areas of level country in Ninth America are great forests of fine woods that are specially fit for the finest cabinet and furniture work and also for shipbuilding carpentry and other industrial arts in whicl raw material Th are noe an unknown quantity in the commercial world but they will conic rapidly into the knowledge of men and into industrial use when once the rail- ¬ road has reached them Before many years it Is safe t predict the South American and Contra American republics will be threaded by railroads and then those wonderful woods will a An upon to supply the demand for in v and fine woods in all the civil- ¬ ized countries Lumber World ¬ - He ireat Profusion In Inn Aaaertca Mam of tin finest woods in existence - 3K Hnuna that VALUABLE WOODS ¬ r Cum IMUCrSfeslrllDLAND WHAT DOES IT MEAN ¬ a pasteboard tulie long enough toreach ip into the foot of tlie boot while the ¬ ¬ isrn duets becaate loose with the drawn with the ig Been at the baric ing - soiili ej PARIS 109 ¬ tf - wTffr -- j i wsrn t 23 90 ¬ ¬ 5 17 ¬ i i We cannot too strongly urge upon our readers the importance of having l first class high grade monthly home oitrnal in the household Such a journal ia M but a kmger considered a luxury necessity which it is the duty of every man and woman to provide for his or her family One of the very best home journals published hi The Woaani Ilcuti Journal a journal pure bright and interesting in its literature and in its special departments helpful alike to every member of the home In addition to its other teaturts The Womans Health Journal has mo e than any other noma journal a spot fad department of Health and Hygiene edited by a competent and experienced physician which feature of itself makes it of inestimable value to every household No family can afford to be without the Journal The Ol ima fully alive to the nee its patrons has made special arrangements ith this superb journal whereby it will receive orders for yearly subset ip tious to the two combined for onh 175 Address orders to I bird of heroism and the emblem of wisdom Perhaps it is because he looks so solemn perhaps because he Hies about in the night and makes a curious mel- ancholy noise that sounds like a per- petual Who who who There are many different kinds of other owls from the great horned owl two One day when Montdidier was walkfeet high to the little bits of fellows ing in a lonely wood rear Psrht called and the burrowing1 owl which is about the forest of Bondi he was attacked as large as a pigeon and which makes and murdered by a man named Ma its home underground ciiire The murderer buried the body This last owl is not very honest in under a great bree He thought no the way he acquires his home Instead one had sen him and that he was of taking the trouble to dig out a house Cjuite safe but he was mistaken The for him clf he roe to the cozv little up his residence already made of some quiet faithful dog appeared and to station by his masters grave under the little prairie dog who is too peaceful tree There be remained day and night and Timid in disposition to dispute the iinc- his lxKiy matter There he selects a snug corh never left the spot except to go ner for himself with the prairie dogs thing to eat Be usually family in a curious fellowship after ia to Paris to the hou--of his But the usual home of owls is in some masters most intimate friend where old ruined building or in the hollow be was well known and after lie had eaten what was given him be returned immediately to the grave a1 resumed bis watch Montdiuiers friend began to think the conduct of the dog very singular and one day be followed him The dog led him through the forest till they came to the grave under the tree began to scratch away the The man helped earth and leaves him and you may imagine hoe when they laid bare the body f his missing friend The SN dog now seemed to feel that he had given the responsibility of caring for hi masters body over to the friend He attached himself to him and went lived in his hoase was not long before Macairea ac ei him of being tions r t be dog met the n him be growled his hair bristled np mill it was all people could do to keep him from tearing the man to pieces MB BAJB OWL Ihey finally sentenced M ight a dinl with the dog after the custom trurksof trees There they sleep all A that time day tnd at night go out on a forage in The tight was to be in a urge amphisearch of something to eat The owl theater at ste Kotre Dame in Paris does not seem very particular about his mid an Immense crowd was thereto food Any small animal he can catch tee the m in and the dog tear each makes a meal for him Babbits rats and mice even frog- - toads and such other to pieces Macaire was not al any weapons except a stick and such small fry he will eat and carry ft shield while the dog had a tub into borne to his nursery of hungry little which be could retire when he was OW let Most owls are of dark grave colors weary The ii was let loose and rushed at brow n gray or black But tlie owl of the man At lat Uischance to avenge Greenland the cold region is sunny white Naturalists tell ns thai that is so that be can travel about the coun- ¬ i try unseen to search for his food Owls live over almost the whole world The I commonest kind is that which all country b well enough the barn owl or screech owl This creature makes a very unpleasant noise and certainly merits his name farmers dislike him and take every occasion to kill him But in spite of his unpleasant hootings he does them good service in clearing the house where he lives of rats and mice It takes a great many rata nnd mice to supply himself and all his family and Mr Ban Owl is an industrious hunter The mouse is pret Tin i unii i i imju irt who can outwit him N V World his masters death had come and be was determined to make the most of it NEW HONEY PLANT The mans guiln did not prevent him from fighting desperately Wagners II it Tea In Said to PoaseM and he defended himself well Again ataau ilvaiitije mid again the bravt A plant that will pay land rent in at him only to b bad by be club honey alone has long been wanted and the hi M always cam- between 1 Tgwort the spider plant and many bim and the mans throat which he others have been tried and found tried hard to reach Th was wanting At resent German bee long and hard but inqucrcd keepers are very enthusiastic over a The man worn ae Qnallv new forage and h tiey plant which it ronfi the peo- - niav be wrth while to give a trill on i IVorld this side of the water A few see Li of thi- - plant wen- sown this season by eepers in this country and their ALL ABOUT DORKINGS experience with it will be gratefully Some of the baraeteriatara tf rT ed by this department The Itptilar I uhsli Bn American Bee Journal ha the followTliis breed ol fowls is oldei even ing to sar the plant It than tin English nation by whom it ifciii- - that a scient Wagner Iseonsidered the ideal table fowl la of Munich Germany hns been at work fact the breed is so popular ii- that for the past thirty years crossing and country that it is generally regarded as an Knflish breed of fowl Die foui varieties of the Dorkingsviz ml it gray white and cut The corks of the grai rarietv hare I y a either pur black or slightly mottled back being white striped with black and the rossed by a well defined black bar The silver grays arc always in color the male having a black breast white wings crossed by a black and a black tail The head neck and back are pure silvery white with out sign of yellow or straw eolor The white Dorking is not onite so large as the other varieties which it ib considered to surpass in symmetry Its plumage is pure white and it w tiat is known as roae comb others having a somewhat larger sm- - F TO OUR READERS BOOTS DRYING RUBBER OUT OF TOWN WORK - SOLICITED
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