Stuck on the road with nowhere to workout? Don't let that be an excuse. Try these awesome full body workouts using just bodyweight/dumbbell exercises to maintain strength and conditioning. Use 30 second work intervals with 10 second rest intervals in between. Aim for at least three rounds to work up a decent sweat or push for a full six rounds for some serious punishment. LET’S BEGIN. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dumbbell Workout 1. Thrusters. Standing with the dumbbells held at shoulder height squat down then stand up and raise the dumbbells up above your head. Return to original position and repeat. 2. Russian twist. Sitting down with both hands holding a single dumbbell, raise your feet off the ground and move the weight over your body from right to left and back again. 3. Deadlift curls. Standing with the dumbbells held in front of you at waist height, lean forwards until the dumbbells touch the ground. Stand up straight again and curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders. 4. Rotating plank. Starting from a push-up position with your hands resting on the handles of the dumbbells, turn your body to the side and raise one dumbbell up above you so that your body is in a ‘T’ position. Return to the dumbbell to the ground and repeat on the other side. 5. Snatches. Standing with a single dumbbell in one hand, crouch down until the dumbbell is touching the ground between your feet. Stand up quickly raising the dumbbell up directly above your head in one swift movement. 6. Single-arm rows. Starting from a push-up position with your hands resting on the handles of the dumbbells, pull one dumbbell up to your stomach using the other hand for balance. Return the dumbbell to the ground and repeat on the other side. 7. Windmill. Standing with a single dumbbell in one hand raised above your head, reach down on your opposite side and touch your ankle with your free hand. Return to standing position and repeat. 8. Reverse wood-chops. Standing with both hands holding a single dumbbell, crouch down so that the dumbbell almost touches the ground to the side of your body. Now stand up accelerating the weight as if you are about to throw it over your opposite shoulder. Lower the weight back down and repeat.
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