Evaluating Impact: From Promise to Evidence Theory of Change How to Get from Program to Impact? Impact Evaluation Workshop Debre Zeit, Ethiopia • Christian Borja-Vega (GWASP) December 9 – 12, 2014 Not only ask: “Did the program work?” …but also ask: “Why did the program work?” Results Chain Inputs Activities Implementation (SUPPLY SIDE) Outputs Intermediate Outcomes Outcomes Results (DEMAND + SUPPLY) Simplified Results Chain Impact Evaluations identifies these links PROGRAM INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES Theory of Change OUTCOMES Theory of Change • What is the program? Ask the right questions • What impact does this program hope to achieve? • How does it expect to achieve this impact? Sanitation Program in Azania Providing Clean Water Question 1: what is the program? PROGRAM INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME OUTCOME PROGRAM INPUTS People, money, supplies ACTIVITIES Construct facilities OUTPUTS Handwashing facilities Question 2: what impact does this program hope to achieve? PROGRAM INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME OUTCOME OUTCOMES LOWER DIARRHEA LOWER ANEMIA LOWER INFANT MORTALITY IMPROVE CHILD DEVELOPMENT Question 3: how does this program expect to achieve this impact? PROGRAM INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES OUTCOMES INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES People use and benefit from program WASH HANDS LESS GERMS ON HANDS Full Results Chain PROGRAM • Inputs: people, money supplies • Activities: Construction • Output: Handwashing facilities INTERM. OUTCOME • People wash hands • Less germs on hands OUTCOME • Lower diarrhea and anemia • Lower infant mortality • Improved child development If we only measured infant mortality and there was no change, what does this tell us? Program not implemented properly? People didn’t use it properly? Or, did not reduce diarrhea, anemia, etc.? Bottom Line • Ask not only what, but why. • And, measure it! Other Examples School Textbooks PROGRAM? INTERMED IATE OUTCOME OUTCOME PROGRAM INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME OUTCOME ? Which one of the following is an impact of the program? A. Pupils are doing their homework. B. Textbooks are being delivered to the school. C. Pupils are performing better at school. D. Children attend school more days per month. Which one of the following is an intermediate outcomes of the program? A. Textbooks are ordered at the publisher. B. Textbooks are being delivered to the school. C. Pupils are using the textbooks D. Pupils are performing better at school. PROGRAM • Activities: Distribute Textbooks • Output: Textbooks at school INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME • Teachers and pupils use textbooks OUTCOME • Improved learning Type of Program Activities Outputs o Education o o Health Social Protection and Labor o o o o Teacher training Doctors hired Birth attendants trained CCTs delivered Targeting system MIS o o o o Teachers trained in new methods Textbooks delivered New doctors practicing Attendants applying methods CCTs delivered to target households in accordance with conditions Intermediate Outcomes o o New methods used in classrooms Increased use of textbooks o Increased use of health clinics for deliveries o Increased food consumption Increased child health visits o Outcomes o Increased test scores o Improved maternal mortality o Decreased poverty Lower child mortality o Other Examples Results chain –Programs tackle specific outcomes of complex issues; – Certain programs combine multiple interventions; –Results Chains can help identifying how and why program components can lead, when combined, to certain outcomes – Facilitates understanding of complex programs Example: The Fecal Peril Fecal contamination is the main source of diarrhea infections… Water supply Sanitation Fluids Hygiene Fingers Faeces Food Flies Fields/Floor s PROGRAM? Water Supply + Sanitation+ Hygiene INTERMEDI ATE OUTCOME OUTCOME PROGRAM INTERMEDIATE OUTCOME OUTCOME What is the impact? What does this program hope to achieve? • • • Would the program improve health by delivering water quality only? If behavior change does not take place and sanitation infrastructure is poorly delivered, people may still show poor health outcomes Would the program improve health by delivering sanitation infrastructure only? If water quality is not delivered and behavior change does not take place, people may still show poor health outcomes Would the program improve health by delivering behavioral change triggering? If water quality and sanitation infrastructure are poorly delivered, people may still show poor health outcomes Results chain may help us understand program component’s contribution leading to the desired outcomes Example: Combined intervention of education, health and clean water Impact Evaluations help understanding how and why components (individually and collectively) contribute to the desired impacts
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