Spring Bride Guide 2015 A Comprehensive Guide to All Things Wedding in Adams County and the Surrounding Areas: Flowers, Invitations, Jewelry, Venues & More! Check Out These Local Businesses: Complete Printing • Econo Lodge/Baymont • Goldie’s Goodies • Nine Mile Quixote Hills • Richard’s Jewelry • Ritter’s Flowers • Starlite Country Club State Farm • The Grainery • The Hayloft • The Mirage DECATUR DAILY D E M O C R A T Page 2 Spring Bride Guide 2015 Decatur Daily Democrat Etiquette: The Basics Getting married is as American as apple pie, but many Americans aren’t schooled on what’s proper and what’s not when it comes to weddings. Wedding etiquette is important — and any faux pas can be remembered for years to come — but it doesn’t have to be complicated or stuffy. Here are the basics: Dress up Unless otherwise stated, weddings are formal affairs. Women should adorn themselves in non-white dresses, and men should wear suits. These styles of clothing help commemorate the importance of the occasion. They also look good in pictures. Arrive early Plan to be at the wedding venue at least 30 minutes early. You need time to greet other guests and be seated. In addition, you don’t want to miss a portion of the wedding because the ceremony has already begun and you have to wait to enter the room. Be cordial Do you have a grudge against a relative who is also attending the wedding? Wedding etiquette dictates that you — at least temporarily — bury the hatchet. Refusing to acknowledge another guest or starting a fight is a no-no. As a result, be polite to everyone regardless of how you feel. Reserve judgment Despite what you think about the accommodations or food, keep your opinions to yourself. Your duty as a guest is mainly to support the bride and groom. As long as they are happy, you should be, too. Say good-bye Before you leave the wedding, say good-bye to the bride and groom. Thank them for inviting you. In addition, congratulate the pair on their new union. Wedding etiquette isn’t difficult to master. Employ these basic tips and you won’t embarrass yourself or be the butt of a few unwelcome jokes. Starlite Country Club US Hwy 33 724-4433 Decatur, IN For the.... Most Important Night Of Your Life! Making Bride’s Happy For Over 30 Years! In Beautiful Downtown Berne, Indiana Over 250+ Bridal Styles—Diamonds Booking Wedding Receptions • Banquets Celebrations For Any Occasion Catering • Bar call Pauline @... Ample Parking 724-4433 Call Nine Mile Catering Services So Your Dress Isn’t The Only Compliment You Get All Day Dress Flowers Great Food! Of course, we have Nine Mile Catering Services doing all the work! Mon-Thurs. 9-5:30—Fri. 9-6—Sat. 9-3 www.richardsjewelryonline.com M-Thurs 6am-10pm • F-S 6am-Midnight • Sun 11am-9pm www.ninemilerestaurant.com 13398 S. US. Hwy 27 - Fort Wayne, IN • 260-639-8112 Decatur Daily Democrat Spring Bride Guide 2015 Page 3 Negotiation Know-How How to Get the Best Deals on Wedding Services Many engaged couples have grandiose visions of their wedding days. While such visions typically come to fruition, they often do so only after heavy negotiations with the various vendors necessary to turn a dream wedding into a reality. Negotiating prices with wedding vendors is something brides- and grooms-to-be may not anticipate, but the process of negotiation is paramount for couples who hope to plan their dream weddings without ruining their budgets. Though vendors vary considerably with regard to their willingness to negotiate, the following are a few tips for couples hoping to get the best deals possible on their wedding services. • Prepare, prepare, prepare. Couples who blindly enter negotiations with wedding venues and vendors are far less likely to get a good deal. When working with any wedding vendor, whether it’s a wedding venue representative, a local florist or a deejay, couples should know what the going rate for the vendor’s services are. Couples who find a venue they like should receive quotes from similar venues before negotiating a rate with the venue they most prefer. Arming oneself with quotes from competitors increases the chances of receiving a more couple-friendly quote from the venue liked best, as that venue won’t want to lose business, especially to one of its chief competitors. In addition to pricing, estimates from other venues can vary based on what they include. Even if a favorite venue does not come down much on its original quote, they may be willing to add extra services, such as an open bar or an extra hour during the reception, free of charge to match a competitor’s offer. But they cannot match such offers if couples don’t first do their homework and solicit estimates from their competitors. • Avoid making demands. Coming off as too demanding when negotiating prices with wedding vendors may not produce the results couples are hoping for. Much like couples don’t want to receive “take it or leave it” offers, vendors don’t want to be given demands they have to meet in order to book a wedding. The right tone can go a long way with wedding vendors, who are typically more willing to work with couples who treat them nicely than couples who enter the 1988. negotiation process full of demands. Vendors often like it when couples know what they want, but couples are not doing themselves any favors when they express those desires as demands. Family owned and operated since • Ground level facility • Room for 500 guests • Climate Controlled • On-site catering • Free parking • Large Bar • Affordable pricing • 35ft x 65ft dance floor • Minutes from Fort Wayne & Adams County Weddings Anniversaries Parties Hog Roasts (260) 639-6765 14013 Emanuel Road • Hoagland, IN 46745 • Don’t be afraid to ask for more. Making demands and asking for more are not the same thing. When negotiating with wedding vendors, there’s no harm in asking for more. For example, the worst a deejay can do when asked to play an extra hour at no additional charge is deny that request. Reception venues often have the most wiggle room, so don’t be afraid to ask for free coffee with dessert or valet parking. Vendors are often open to suggestion and willing to honor requests, but it’s not their responsibility to make such offers. • Make sure all contracts are itemized, and read them thoroughly before signing on the dotted line. The negotiation process is often tedious, and contracts should reflect that. When hiring a wedding vendor, make sure the contract is itemized, spelling out in intimate detail just what was negotiated and how much each item costs. Couples may even notice items in the contract that can be removed, saving them a few dollars as a result. Be especially mindful of extra fees that can add up. For example, some venues try to make up for lower rates couples negotiated by tacking on fees for cutting the cake or other minute details. These fees will be in the contract, and it’s up to couples to have them removed before they sign and the contract becomes official. • Remember there are two parties involved in the negotiation process. Vendors are not the only ones who might need to bend a little at the negotiating table. Couples might have to be flexible in order to make their dream weddings a reality. Some vendors charge considerably less during certain times of the year than they do during peak wedding season. If couples are finding it impossible to afford the wedding of their dreams during peak wedding season, they should consider tying the knot during a less popular time of year, when venues and vendors can offer them more competitive rates. Brides- and grooms-to-be cannot expect vendors to bend over backward for couples who aren’t willing to make any concessions themselves, so couples might have to make certain sacrifices at the negotiating table when planning their weddings. Negotiation plays a significant role in wedding planning. Couples who take the process of negotiation seriously often find the best deals without having to make too many concessions. Page 4 Spring Bride Guide 2015 Decatur Daily Democrat Things to Consider When Mulling a Destination Wedding According to a study from XO Group Inc., creator of wedding Web sites TheKnot.com and WeddingChannel.com, 350,000 destination weddings take place annually. Such figures reflect a growing trend of couples who want to tailor their weddings to their own personalities, even if that means tying the knot in exotic or unusual locales. But as popular as destination weddings have become, couples who have had have such weddings can attest that planning a destination wedding is not necessarily easier than planning a more traditional ceremony close to home. Though destination weddings can make for memorable affairs, there are some factors couples must consider when mull- ing whether or not to have a takes place, pull the kids out of school for an extended destination wedding. period of time. Couples with Guest list smaller guests list might The XO Group study find a destination wedding found that destination wed- much more manageable dings have an average of 86 than those whose guest lists guests. When sitting down crack triple digits. to organize their guest lists, many couples realize they Another thing to considhave well over 100 guests er is that the larger the guest on their lists. Such couples list, the more likely many of may find a destination wed- those guests will not be able ding especially difficult to to afford to attend or get pull off, as resorts may or enough time off from work may not be able to accom- to make it to a destination modate such a substantial wedding. Couples who want number of guests. In addi- to ensure all of their loved tion, couples who hope to ones can be there with them invite children to their wed- on their big days might be dings might want to recon- better off avoiding destinasider a destination affair, as tion weddings. those youngsters’ parents Accessibility will have to foot the bill for Accessibility is a comadditional airfare and ac- commodations and, depend- mon concern for couples destination ing on when the wedding considering weddings. Destination weddings typically ask guests to travel far to attend the ceremony and reception, but there are ways to make that travel less of an ordeal. When choosing a location for their destination weddings, couples should consider the cost and convenience of travel. Remote islands are not very accessible, and as a result guests will likely have to pay a pretty penny for their flights and lodging. In addition, the more remote a destination wedding locale is, the less convenient getting there figures to be. Nonstop flights likely won’t be a possibility. Before choosing a locale for a destination wedding, research flights, making sure that affordable flights are available within spitting distance of loved ones’ homes and that they won’t have to suffer through multiple connecting flights when traveling to and from the wedding. Weather Weather is another factor couples must consider before choosing to have a destination wedding. The XO Group study found that 30 percent of American couples who have destination weddings choose to tie the knot outside of the continental United States. That’s a distinct disadvantage for couples who likely are not very familiar with weather patterns overseas. Couples who choose outdoor weddings close to home are often familiar enough with local weather patterns to choose a wedding date that likely won’t be interrupted by harsh weather. But choosing an overseas or distant locale erases that comfort level, and couples may find themselves worrying about storms or other inclement weather conditions as their wedding days draw nearer. Before choosing a locale for their destination weddings, couples should thoroughly research each potential destination’s weather patterns. Brides, grooms and guests alike don’t want to do all of that traveling only to end up indoors because it just sohappens to be tropical storm season. Competition As destination weddings have grown in popularity, the competition for idyllic locales and top-notch venues has increased. That competition is great for venue owners’ bottom lines, but it might not be so great for couples looking to keep their wedding costs down. Costs might be considerably less in the off-season, but that’s also when storms and inclement weather tend to take hold, Booking a venue early can help couples mitigate some of the costs of a destination wedding, but the growing popularity of destination weddings might make them out of reach for couples working on tight budgets. Decatur Daily Democrat Spring Bride Guide 2015 Page 5 Tips for Delivering a Wedding Speech Speeches are among the highlights of a wedding reception, so it’s important to get them right. The key speeches are usually delivered by the groom, best man and the bride’s father, and each has a slightly different function. Speeches are usually a mixture of humor, sentiment, compliments and messages of thanks. Getting the balance right is essential and can make or break a wedding speech. RELAX It’s natural to be nervous before delivering a wedding speech, and even those used to public speaking will experience anxiety. Keeping things simple is one of the key tips for delivering a wedding speech. Take deep breaths to calm your nerves, and speak loudly and clearly so that all the guests can hear you. If using a microphone, make sure you know how to operate it before standing to deliver your speech. Any comedy moments should be intentional, with guests laughing with you and not at you! PREPARE Writing a wedding speech can be daunting. Research, preparation and planning are the keys to success. Begin preparing the speech weeks before the wedding day, and don’t get caught out at the last moment. Every speaker should have several stories and anecdotes to share, so begin researching these well in advance. Always consider the audience you will be speaking to, and make sure all material is relevant and of interest. Never set out to embarrass or offend anyone. TIME IT Once you have some stories to share, write them out and time how long it takes to read them. If you are a confident speaker, 10 minutes is a good time aim for to deliver the whole speech. If you want to be brief, three to five minutes is acceptable. One of the worst mistakes is to speak for too long, and lose the interest of your audience. CONSIDER PROPS Props can bring additional interest to a wedding speech. A slideshow of photographs can be highly entertaining. For example, showing photographs of the bride and groom as babies and children is always very well received. Remember the boundaries of good taste, and do not show photographs which may offend. STAY FOCUSED Keeping a clear head is essential when delivering a wedding speech. Weddings generally involve alcohol, and it’s important not to partake too early. Drinking before delivering a speech is one of the worst mistakes you can make, and it’s something that will be remembered for years to come. Delivering a wedding speech is actually an honor, and it’s something you should look forward to doing. If you follow these tips, you should be confident in delivering an entertaining speech to be proud of. Here’s Your... INVITATIONS 937 N. 2nd St. • Decatur • 724-8406 • rittersflowers.com Ritter’s Flowers & Gifts offers a gorgeous selection of bridal bouquets, floral cake decorations, wedding ceremony flowers and centerpieces to fit any budget. Whether your wedding is a spring, summer, fall or winter event, simple or elaborate – we can provide bright, beautiful flowers to make the day unforgettable. Call or stop by today for your personal wedding consultation. 260-724-8406 937 N. 2nd St. Decatur, Indiana TUX and SUIT RENTAL JIM’S FORMAL WEAR Thank Yous, Napkins, Gifts and More Stop in and see our large selection. Choose from over 15 sample books here or view them in the comfort of your home!! You can shop for our wedding items online too: completeprintingservice.carlsoncraft.com Click on the Wedding Tab and Enjoy! 210 S. 2nd Street • Decatur 724-3722 Open M-F 8:30 - 5:30 • Sat 9:00 - 11:00 Spring Bride Guide 2015 Page 6 Decatur Daily Democrat Choosing the Right Photographer Congratulations! You are getting married. Just as you want your special day to be perfect, you will also want the pictures of the occasion to be perfect as well. Choosing the wrong photographer may not altogether ruin your wedding day, but it can definitely spoil the memory as you look back on less-than-par photographs. Here are a few tips for choosing the right photographer: BE QUICK Don’t wait to the last minute. When planning your wedding, choosing a photographer is one of the first things on the list. Good photographers are often booked a year or more • • • • • • • • • • • in advance, so the photographer needs to be one of the first people you call after the engagement is announced. DO YOUR HOMEWORK Review previous work. And don’t just rely on a few good wedding shots posted on a website. Look through your would-be Indoor pool Business Center 100% Non-smoking Flat Screen TV's with Deluxe Cable Channels Honeymoon Suites Continental Breakfast Fitness Center Wireless WIFI Meeting Rooms Guest Laundry Catering Available photographer’s portfolio. Is the lighting good? How about the colors? Also make sure you are reviewing the work of the actual photographer that will be taking your pictures. Larger studios may have several photographers that represent them. •NEWFlatScreenHDTVs •NEWBedding •ContinentalBreakfast •IndoorPoolwithHotTub •100%Non-smoking •EfficiencySuites •WhirlpoolSuites •HoneymoonSuites •MeetingRoom •CateringAvailable GET REFERENCES Personal references from others who have used the photographer in question are always a good idea. Inquire not only about the finished product, but also about their experience with them. Was it pleasant and hassle-free? Would they use them again? KNOW THEIR PLANS Ask about backup equipment. Not only should your wedding photographer have an assistant to help them, but they should also bring extra equipment in case the originals fail. Multiple lenses, flash cards and batteries are a must. SIGN A CONTRACT Most photographers are very professional, but this step will ensure that they don’t suddenly change the pricing or back out at the last minute. Negotiate price, packages, proofs and other particulars, and then get it in writing. Don’t sign anything until you have had the time to review the contract. You want to have a good understanding of the products and services you will be receiving before you enter into the contract agreement. Because great pictures are the cornerstone of your wedding memorabilia, it’s important to choose a trustworthy and competent photographer. Having uniquely preserved wedding memories is a one-shot deal. Do your homework and employ these tips when choosing the photographer for your wedding. Wedding Packages Are Available -Wedding Cakes-Special Occasion Cakes-Gourmet Cupcakes-Cheesecakes-Homemade Pies-Specialty Desserts-Cookies-Handcrafted Chocolates227 S. 2nd St. Decatur, IN 46733 (260)724-9779 260-728-4600 1201 S. 13th Street Decatur, IN 46733 260-724-8888 1302 S. 13th Street Decatur, IN 46733 Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8 Spring Bride Guide 2015 Decatur Daily Democrat Garden Wedding Color Combinations Page 7 Garden weddings are more popular than ever before as brides and grooms want to start their married lives amid the splendor of Mother Nature. When planning a garden wedding, it is important to choose colors that match the garden setting. Before choosing your colors, think about which blooms are dominant in the garden ceremony location. Will you be standing in front of rose bushes, hyacinths or an array of colorful tulips? Choose colors that go nicely with your garden wedding backdrop. Moss Green and Nutmeg Earth tones are great choices for a garden wedding. Dress your bridesmaids in tea-length the gowns of nutmeg cloth tied with moss green sashes. Choose bouquets of white flowers such as begonias, carnations, lily of the valley or calla lilies. Bronze or silver both go well as accessories for this color combination. Use natural greenery for your wedding ceremony décor and reception tables. Deep Hyacinth and Taupe If your garden location has purple flowers or hyacinth bushes, deep hyacinth and taupe is a good color theme choice. Choose hyacinth-colored Hayloft “where memories are made” Receptions • Catering • Wedding Cakes Jim & Jill Griebel Family (In the Pequignol family since 1975) 15112 Brunson Rd., Hoagland 260-639-7205 • hayloft.info@gmail.com dresses and accent them with simple taupe sandals, purses and shawls. Either pearl or silver accessories go well with this color combination. Set the tone for your wedding by choosing wedding invitations with a hyacinth motif. Cantaloupe and Sunflower Yellow The light orange cantaloupe goes well with a bright sunflower yellow. Choose daffodils, daisies or sunflowers as your wedding flowers, and you could even go with a melon or sunflower motif. These light, sunny colors contrast nicely with greenery and blue skies. Swathe your bridesmaids in fulllength cantaloupe gowns for a more elegant feel, or go for knee-length sunflower yellow dresses to keep your garden wedding more casual. decorate with metal watering cans filled with peach-colored blooms. Have your groomsmen wear tuxedos with peach-colored vests and pin peach carnations on their jackets. Periwinkle and Lavender Another soft color combination that works well in a garden setting is periwinkle and lavender. These colors offer a contrast with greenery or pink and red flowers. Choose a cute periwinkle hummingbird motif or violets to adorn your wedding invitations. Dress your bridesmaids in periwinkle and have them hold sprigs of lavender. Pastels, earth tones and soft colors work best for garden weddings. Stay away from Peach and bold, bright colors like neon Mint Green Pastel peach is a nice, soft orange and fire-engine red. You color for garden weddings. don’t want your wedding color Paired with mint green it combination to distract guests goes well with greenery and from the natural beauty of the garden setting. surrounding blooms. Choose a floral or fruit motif, or Page 8 Wedding guests are usually anxious to head to the reception, where they can let loose and party. Music is an essential component of a lively and fun wedding reception, and there are some musical miscues couples should look to avoid to ensure the music is not memorable for all the wrong reasons. • Blocks of silence: Nothing makes time seem interminable more than silence. Always have a constant flow of music to avoid awkward silences. This includes the time guests are waiting prior to the ceremony as well as when they’re entering the cocktail hour. Music will help everyone feel comfort- Spring Bride Guide 2015 Decatur Daily Democrat Music mistakes to avoid able, and it creates a pleasing atmosphere, so make sure music plays throughout the festivities. • Second-guessing a professional: In an effort to curb costs, some couples provide their own playlists via an mp3 player or a streaming service for the music. This is often a mistake. Hiring a professional means you will not have to worry about managing music on top of your many other wedding day responsibilities. A band or deejay usually also serves as the emcee for the event, announcing key moments of the reception as well as getting guests up on the dance floor. • Playing only one type of music: Playing too many songs from one genre of music will alienate some of the guests who simply are not interested in that type of music. Professional deejays or performers know how to offer a great mix that will appeal to the masses, and they are often well worth the cost. Try to span different decades and genres to keep as many of your guests on the dance floor as possible. • Failure to make a song list: Some songs you may feel are essential to the wedding and others may be on a do-not-play list and are associated with negative memories. Band leaders and deejays are not mind readers. Give your band leader or deejay ample time to review your requests so that he or she has time to find a song that may not be in his or her collection. • Dancing to long songs: Pay attention to a song’s length, and choose spotlight dance songs wisely. Remember that guests will be watching you dance with parents or each other, and a five-minute song can seem neverending while others are waiting around. Avoid very long songs, as the mix of music should be upbeat. The wedding isn’t the time to play “American Pie” by Don McClean, Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” or Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Free Bird.” • Inappropriate lyrics and volume: Keep the music at an acceptable volume, and avoid songs with suggestive language or curse words that are inappropriate in a family setting. Music is a key element of any good party, including a wedding reception, and it’s essential that couples take steps to avoid any musical miscues. Spring Bride Guide 2015 Decatur Daily Democrat Party Hearty A Look at Five Trends in Bachelorette Parties Here is a look at some of the hottest trends in bachelorette parties. The Weekend Getaway More and more women are opting for a weekend out of town for their bachelorette parties. A trip to an exciting location like Las Vegas or New York means that the bride-tobe can have more than one night out on the town. The party can go shopping and sightseeing together during the daytime, and enjoy dinner and drinks in the evenings. This is a great option for a bride who is inviting guests from different parts of the country. Everyone can meet in a central location, and no one guest will have to spend more than the rest on hotel rooms and car rental. The Champagne Brunch O l d e r brides and w o m e n celebrating a second marriage are opting for the less raucous champagne brunch. It is a more sophisticated and elegant way of celebrating an upcoming wedding. This should not be confused with a wedding shower; it is meant for the bride’s closest friends and not her entire family. Typically, this party takes place at an upscale restaurant, and • Offers a complete line of wedding services • Choose custom designed florals for your perfect wedding day Free Consulation with our wedding desiger Rita Bachelorette parties are not the same as they used to be. Gone are the days of heading to the maid of honor’s house for drinks and party games, because modern brides are looking for more sophisticated ways to celebrate before their weddings. all of the guests dress for a semi-formal event. A Day at the Spa Many modern brides see a day at the spa as a great way to celebrate and unwind just before the wedding. The entire bridal party can get their nails done together, so everyone has a uniform look The Grainery 217 N. 1st Street Decatur • 724-3709 Mon. - Fri. 9-5:30 • Sat. 9-2 www.thegrainerycompany.com Page 9 for the big day. Many upscale salons offer drinks and light snacks, creating an atmosphere that is perfect for a relaxing day for the bride and her party. Brides should steer clear of facials, chemical peels, or any new treatments immediately before the wedding to avoid any irritation that might affect wedding photos. The Party Bus Pub-crawls are not new for bachelorette parties, but many brides are opting for a bus, trolley, or stretch SUV to carry the party from one location to the next. Drinks can be served on board the party bus, meaning that the party doesn’t have to stop just because everyone has left the first bar. It is also a responsible way to have fun, as no one in the party has to worry about driving. Combined Bachelor/ Bachelorette Parties Some couples are opting to combine their bachelor and bachelorette parties. Instead of separating the guys and the girls, everyone enjoys a prewedding celebration together. This is ideal when the bride or groom has opposite-sex friends who would otherwise not be able to attend. Couples who choose this option should make sure that they are in absolute agreement before planning this party to avoid any resentment or regrets later. Spring Bride Guide 2015 Page 10 Decatur Daily Democrat Tuxedo purchasing pointers Gentlemen getting ready to tie the knot will have to make certain wardrobe choices so they look their best on their big days. Although many grooms-to-be rent tuxedos on their wedding days, it may be more cost-effective to purchase a tuxedo. Tuxedos are the ultimate formal wear for men. Worn at formal gatherings like proms, weddings and lavish parties, tuxedos have undergone several style changes over the years. Men interested in looking polished will find no option makes that impression more convincingly than the right tuxedo. own tuxedos also can choose the style, fabric, color, buttons, accessories, and type of lapels on the jacket. A tuxedo store may have more styles available for sale than for rent. If you desire something that fits your personality and your physique perfectly, buying your own tuxedo may be your best bet. joins the collar. This lapel mimics the shape of a classic suit. A peak lapel is the quintessential classic, featuring a broad, V-shaped lapel that points up and out just below the collar line. A shawl lapel is a smooth, rounded edge lapel. The shawl lapel reached the height of its popularity in the 1950s, but it can still look good today. Men worried about purchasing a tuxedo only to see their waistlines increase Black tie affair ... or decrease should keep in now what? mind that many tuxedo shops Receiving an invitation offer free tailoring for as long to a wedding or another party in as you own the tuxedo. the mail can be an exciting pros When purchasing a tuxedo, men should choose classic styles and colors so they can enjoy the tux for years to come. Opt for a slimfitting white shirt underneath that won’t billow out when jackets are removed. Men who want to break from tradition can opt for a shirt that is a pale blue or light gray to wear under the jacket. This is still an understated look, but one with a hint of creativity. Men frequently called upon to attend formal events may find purchasing a tuxedo is a wise investment. There are several advantages to owning a tux rather than renting one time and again. Tuxedos typically cost around $1,000, whereas renting tuxedos can be $200 or more each time, making it advantageous for men who frequently don tuxedos to A classic, black bow purchase their own rather tie is an ideal match when than rent. purchasing a more classic tuxedo. The bow tie is back Another advantage in a big way, and men who to owning a tuxedo is the op- want to spice things up can portunity to wear a tux that purchase more traditional is custom-made and tailored neckties for those occasions just for you. Instead of a rent- when they don’t want to wear al that will merely be stitched bow ties. temporarily to fit your measurements, a tuxedo you pur- Tuxedos come with chase will be tailored specifi- different lapel styles, and it’s cally to your body, increasing important to know the differcomfort and making you look ences. Today’s most popubetter as well. lar style is the notch lapel, wherein a triangular inden Men who buy their tation is cut where the lapel pect, presenting a chance to enjoy a night out and share several hours in the company of friends and family. Upon opening the invite, you may find the words “black tie.” If you have never attended a black tie event, you may be unsure what that entails and how to prepare. The appearance of “black tie” on an invitation means the party hosts are planning a formal affair and they’d like their guests to dress appropriately. For men, this dress code is unequivocally a black tuxedo. Gentleman who want to dress in the spirit of the occasion should purchase a tuxedo or rent one if finances do not allow for the purchase. Accompanying the tuxedo is a bow tie. Now is not the time to don a clip-on. Only a hand-tied bow tie will suffice. Additionally, men are expected to be conservative with their choice of tuxedo shirt. A white shirt is customary. It may have ribbing or a subtle detail. If a cummerbund or vest is worn, it should also be black. However, sometimes matching the vest or cummerbund to a date’s dress is acceptable. cocktail dress is customary, and many women prefer to wear something floor length because it appears more formal than a shorter dress. Dressy separates also are acceptable, provided they look formal enough. A ball gown or something you might see a celebrity wearing on the red carpet is customary. giving guests the option to attend even if they prefer not to wear extremely formal attire. In this case, it’s still in your best interest to dress as formally as possible. A black suit for a man and a cocktail dress for a woman are appropriate. White tie is similar to black tie. Men are expected to On some occasions, wear full dress with a white shirt, some men may not want to be white vest and white tie. Women curtailed by dress code and may wear long, fancy gowns. use the opportunity to dress as Party hosts who rethey would like. This is a breach of etiquette. Although a party quest formal attire are trying host may be accommodating to keep a uniform look to their to the lack of tuxedo, he or she party and avoid any conflicts that doesn’t have to be. If you are could arise with lax dress code invited to a black tie party, try to requirements. If a host or hostkeep with the dress code so you ess has specified a dress code, are respectful of the party hosts. it is in proper form to stick to the requirements or decline the in In some instances, an vitation. If you are ever in doubt Women have a little invitation may read “black tie about what to wear, you can almore wiggle room when it comes preferred” or “black tie optional.” ways ask your hosts what is exto dressing for a black tie affair. A At such events, the hosts are pected of you. Decatur Daily Democrat Spring Bride Guide 2015 Shopping for the Dress Page 11 If you’re like most brides-to-be, you’ve probably spent countless hours combing bridal magazines and websites, looking for your perfect wedding dress. Whether you’re mulling over necklines, beading detail, or train length, wedding dress shopping can be one of the most exciting and overwhelming parts to the wedding planning process. Here a few tips to help you scout your perfect dress: Bring pictures Before your dress shopping appointment, look through bridal magazines and bridal websites to get an idea of what dress styles and designers you’d like to try on. Bring these pictures to your appointment so your dress consultant will has a good grasp of how you want to look on your wedding day. you’re face is makeup-free and your body is free of selftanning lotions or sprays. Bridal shop owners work hard to keep their sample dresses as clean as possible for their clients, so it’s important for all brides to do their part in keeping the gowns stainfree. bring three or four individuals who you feel will have your best wedding dress interests at heart. Bring accessories If you’ve already purchased your bridal shoes, bring them to your appointment. Otherwise, bring a pair of pumps that are the same heel height you anticipate buying. Having the right shoes on will help you visualize where and how the dress’s hemline will fall. If you expect to wear any shape wear pieces under your dress, bring those as well so you can see how smoothly the dress will lie against you. Keep your audience to a minimum One of the biggest mistakes a bride can make is bringing too many friends and family members to her dress appointment. The bigger your audience is, the bigger the chance of encountering clashing opinions – which can Keep an open mind ultimately skew your own thoughts on the dress you It’s important to understand Start fresh that wedding dresses Before you leave to try on choose. wedding dresses, be sure A good rule of thumb is to are sewn and structured differently than any other type of dress you’ve worn in the past. So, it’s a good idea to try on as many styles as possible. If you think a certain dress style hasn’t flattered your body type before, that doesn’t mean that same style won’t look stunning on you in wedding dress form. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and experiment. There’s no mistaking that the wedding gown is one of the most significant pieces a bride will buy for her wedding. When it’s time to shop for your wedding dress, remember that the only person you need to please is yourself. If you feel comfortable, beautiful, and like the star of the day, your wedding will fill you with many happy memories for years to come. Our Diamond Studio Seats up to 100 people! Our Midnight Ballroom Seats up to 600 people! Our Midnight Ballroom Seats up to 600 people! WWW.MIRAGEHALL.COM CONTACT PAM @ 260-223-3222 1640 WINCHESTER ST., DECATUR, IN ~ WEDDINGS ~ BUSINESS MEETINGS ~ FAMILY REUNIONS ~ ~ GRADUATION PARTIES ~ ANNIVERSARY~ Page 12 Spring Bride Guide 2015 Decatur Daily Democrat HERE COMES THE OF THE YEAR! 2015 Adams County Bridal Show Sunday, March 8th Noon - 4 p.m. at The Mirage Banquet Room 1640 Winchester St. • Decatur, IN Free Admission To The Public Sponsored by The Decatur Daily Democrat
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