Grandes Écoles and Higher Education Schools MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS SCHOOL Paris/Nice IPAG Business School PROFILE Main programmes of study Selective examination 1st year: Selective examination: More information: Dual & Triple degree: • Master of Science in Business Management • European Master in International Management • Master of Science of International Finance and Banking • Master of Science in International Business and Enterprise • Master of Science in International Marketing with Tourism and Events • Master of International Business • Master of Business • Master of Marketing • Master of Human Resource Management Research • IPAG Lab research institute to provide a framework for faculty research and to unite cooperating firms Copyright The Institut de Préparation à l’Administration et à la Gestion (Institute for Business and Management Training, IPAG) is a business school established in 1965. The IPAG diploma is recognized by the French Ministry of National Education as a Bac+5 (Master’s) degree. IPAG has 4 urban campuses: Paris - Nice - Kunming - Los Angeles. Thanks to a network of 124 partners institutions, students receive the twin benefits of disciplinary specialization and a strong international orientation. IPAG also offers the possibility of dual Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in partnership with French and foreign institutions. • Partnership with the research center of Université de Cergy-Pontoise • IPAG research reports, • Joint colloquium with Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis on NTIC Strengths • IPAG Business School is accredited to award Master’s Degree • A strong international dimension; all students spend at least one year abroad, • Progressive integration into the work world: internships (18-27 months inside a firm) • Graduates highly sought after by firms; graduates get first job after average of just two months before finding their first job. • A third year 100% in English • Personalized coaching for 5 years. • 124 partners universities in 35 countries Location Paris and Nice Member of Campus France Forum IDENTITY FORM Precise name of the institution ¢ Type of institution ¢ City where the main campus is located ¢ Number of students ¢ Percentage or number of international students ¢ Type and level of qualifications awarded ¢ French language courses ¢ Programs for international students ¢ Programs in English ¢ Registration fees / year (for information only) ¢ Postal address ¢ IPAG Business School Independent non-profit organisation under the law of 1901 Paris/Nice 2 500 15% BTS (2 years) - Bachelor Degree - BA (Hons.) - Master Degree - Certificates Yes - The French language classes are included in all English curriculum programmes. Three to six months of intensive French language classes in Paris can be done by the student - a fourweek Summer Programmes in Nice and in Paris are offered as well. Yes - International students can apply to all Ipag Business School’s French or English curriculum programmes. Yes - Bachelor - IBMP (Master 1) - Masters - M.Sc - MBA - EMBA 8 400€ programme Grande École - de 8 400 à 14 000€ Masters - 3500€/semestre IBMP - 3 000€ summer courses - 9 000€ MBA IPAG Business School - 184 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75006 Paris - 4 boulevard Carabacel, 06000 Nice Updated at January 2015 IPAG Business School Paris/Nice ÎLE-DE-FRANCE Number of international students enrolled each year: 15% Social networks Web site in English BEFORE LEAVING F RENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES C ourses in French as a foreign language offered before start of academic term Courses in French as a foreign language available throughout the year Name of the training center: France langue HOUSING S ervices offered • Guaranteed space in student housing controlled by institution • List of available rentals or of Web sites that can be used to find rental housing Accommodation can only be booked in advance in Nice. T hese services apply to All international students These services are free Airport pick-up Transfer to study site Welcome upon arrival at study site Welcome upon arrival in student housing T hese services are available to All international students These services are free UPON ARRIVAL AT THE INSTITUTION A ssistance with administrative and academic registration A ssistance with housing (explanation of steps to be taken with respect to housing assistance, utilities, insurance, security deposit, housing tax, etc.) ONGOING SUPPORT Specific services Assignment to peer mentor Assignment to faculty tutor SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LIFE ebsite dedicated to student clubs and W special interest groups les-campus/ipag-business-school-une-vieassociative-intense/ Contact: Anaïs Monribot Tél. +33(0)1 53 63 36 22 *** NOT FOUND *** Alumni network Help opening a bank account A ssistance with administrative and regulatory compliance (such as obtaining residency permit) NE-STOP SHOP WITHIN THE O INSTITUTION PARIS/NICE USEFUL INFORMATION International Office 180 A, boulevard Saint Germain, 75006, Paris Network transit: Monday : 14h-17h RATP Tuesday - Thursday : 10h-12h/14h-17h Friday : 10h-12h Campus France - January 2015 Contact: Valentina Jonova Tél. +33(0)1 53 63 36 24 International Office, 180A boulevard Saint Germain, 75006 Paris, France Institution’s online application form UPON ARRIVAL IN FRANCE © INSCRIPTION WELCOME SERVICES
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