Content • January 2015 • No. 1 Editorial .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 RFP News ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 F. DUDENHÖFFER Global automotive market 2015: Expected profit decline due to low growth ....................................... 16 The tyre industry in China ........................................................................................................................... 20 From Reifen China and RubberTech China 2014 ........................................................................................ 23 About the first VDI conference “Eurotyre 2014” ....................................................................................... 26 Tire Technology Expo 2015 preview ........................................................................................................... 28 A. CRIÉ, L. SARDO, C. BARITAUD, M. PORTIGLIATTI, R. VALETTE, B. VERGNES Single screw extrusion of SBR compounds – experimental study and numerical simulation ............... 29 120 92 °C 100 126 °C 104 °C Flow rate / kg·h-1 The flow behaviour of a SBR compound during single screw extrusion process has been investigated. Experiments were conducted on a single screw extruder equipped with various pressure and temperature sensors along the screw profile. Influences of temperature of feed section, screw and barrel were characterised. In order to modify the pressure drop, different dies were used. Three parameters were varied during the tests: the screw rotation speed (15, 40 and 70 min-1), the temperature of the feed section and barrel (30, 60 and 90 °C) and that of the screw (50 and 90 °C), and finally the die restriction. The characteristic curves of the extruder were deduced from the values of head pressure and flow rate. A comparison of the characteristic curves was made to determine which factor (temperature of the feed section, of the barrel or of the screw) was the most significant. An increase in the temperature of feed section induced a decrease of flow rate and pressure. An opposite effect was observed when increasing the screw temperature. Finally, in order to predict the behaviour of this material during the extrusion process, a numerical simulation has been implemented. The 1D model developed may provide orders of magnitude, but is too simplified to account for the complex conditions prevailing in the process. 80 Die 3 Die 2 87 °C 60 102 °C 126 °C 117 °C 40 84 °C 20 82 °C 94 °C 92 °C 30/30/50 ( , , ) and 30/30/90 ( , , …..) 0 10 15 20 25 Pressure / MPa 30 35 G. MORGAN, P. CLARKE, S. MIRZA, N. SMITH Challenges of temperature extremes for elastomer materials................................................................. 34 Elastomers function as seals, packers, barriers etc. by deforming against surfaces to prevent passage of fluids. Their elasticity allows them to accommodate changes in temperature, pressure and movement in ways that are impractical for “harder” materials. However, at very low and very high temperatures this elasticity may be compromised particularly when also under pressurised conditions causing the component to lose its rubbery capabilities and cease to function as expected. The understanding and evaluation of elastomers under HP and LT/ HT conditions is still developing; this paper reveals some test methods, observations and interpretation which should further this knowledge and provide insight into material and component performance under these demanding thermal conditions. The following are discussed: Is Tg an effective measure of seal performance for elastomers at low temperature when pressurised? The effect of high pressure on the glass transition temperature of elastomers – are rubber-like properties lost? Visual examination of seals as they experience energisation, pressure, low temperature, swelling, contraction, movement, leakage. Elastomers at high temperature, extrusion, gas decompression, chemistry. Are test regimes such as API 6A (Appendix F.1.11: PR2) or ISO 10423 robust enough to capture all possible HPHT failure modes possible during large extremes of temperature and pressure cycling? How FEM of polymeric components using appropriate material properties with subsequent validation through functional testing provides added value engineering in critical thermal applications. China Rubber Conference + China Rubber Expo 2015 preview................................................................ 41 S. ARRIGONI, F. MERLI, P. FARROW Innovative perfluoroelastomers with improved low temperature sealing capability ........................... 43 Volume change / % 20 15 Hardness change / Shore A With operating environments becoming more extreme, fluid resistant elastomers with a wider temperature performance window are required. A new fluorinated monomer technology is now extending the low temperature capability of perfluoroelastomers (FFKM) down to -30°C, whilst retaining the fluid resistance typical of a standard perfluoroelastomer. The paper describes this technology and characterizes a new low temperature polymer capable of replacing more complex engineered sealing solutions. This allows the use of this polymer in a broader range of applications within the chemical and petrochemical industries. 0 Hardness change Volume change 10 5 –5 –10 PFR LT PFR 94 Competitor A –15 4 RFP 1/2015 – Volume 10 Y. DIETZEL Development of an eco-friendly, halogen-free flame-retardant coating based on mineral fine precipitated high-performance submicron metal hydroxides............................................. 50 To inhibit the flammability and flame spread of textile materials and to meet the safety regulations regarding fire protection, easily flammable textiles are finished with flame-retardant chemicals. For the flame-retardant coating of textiles, metal hydroxides find so far little usage. To obtain sufficient flame retardancy up to 60 % of the metal hydroxides have to be used in the coating. This leads to a high solid add-on which limits the use of metal hydroxides to a few textile applications such as carpet backings and tarpaulins. The particle sizes of aluminum hydroxide used for finishing of textiles generally range from 1 to 5 µm. Results from scientific investigations regarding the development of flame-retardant nanocomposites consisting of polyolefins and polyamide with incorporated nanoscale metal hydroxides show that the particle size of the nano-additives has a crucial influence on the flame-retardant effect. The finer the hydroxide particles are, the faster bound water is separated, and water vapor is released. Additionally, the combination with flame retardant synergists such as nano-layered silicates (bentonites, montmorillonites) of a few percent by weight can reduce the necessary quantity of submicron metal hydroxides. The aim of the project, funding code IGF 17358 BR / 1, was the development of an eco-friendly, halogen-free flame-retardant coating based on mineral fine precipitated high-performance submicron metal hydroxides such as aluminum trihydrate (ATH), aluminum-oxide-hydroxide (AOH), and magnesium hydroxide (MDH). The term “submicron” is used for a particle size range from 100 to 500 nm. Fields of application are contract textiles and automotive textiles. Longitudinal Transverse 15 % Actilox 200 SM Longitudinal Transverse 15 % Magnifin H-10 Longitudinal 10 % Actilox 200 SM + 5 % WorléeAdd FR 5000 S. STEMMLER, M. REITER, D. ABEL Model predictive control as a module for autonomous operation of complex plastics production processes ...................................................................................................... 56 With the ambitious future project ”Industry 4.0“, the German government encourages the informatization of the industry as we know it today. Amongst others, the factory of the future shall automatically adjust to fluctuating requirements and increase the resource efficiency. An essential element of these developments is the systematic establishment of additional control loops. These control loops can be machine-oriented, assuring within the scope of a process control that the process reliably keeps within predefined states. In addition to that, higher-level control loops, e. g. in the form of quality control loops, can adjust machine parameters depending on the required product quality. In all cases, control technology brings forward self-controlled and reproducible production. In the following, a small outlook shall be given on how methods of advanced control technology can support and improve production processes, e. g. in the area of plastics technology. Model predictive controller Model Process Reference System input Optimisation Source: Arburg Measured outputs N. C. RESTREPO-ZAPATA, T. A. OSSWALD, J. P. HERNÁNDEZ-ORTIZ Modeling decomposition kinetics of OBSH as blowing agent for cellular EPDM rubber ...................... 60 100 100 95 95 90 Weight / % Weight / % The decomposition of p’,p-oxybis(benzene sulfonylhydrazide) (OBSH) and its behavior once mixed with additives and rubber compounds were studied by thermal analysis. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TGA) were used to understand and characterize the exothermic reaction. Different kinetic models are evaluated following a non-linear least-squares minimization approach, thereby obtaining activation energies and reaction parameters. The autocatalytic Kamal-Sourour model shows better performance and allows a better description of the kinetics resulting in the most suitable option for OBSH kinetics in elastomeric foams processes. 90 85 80 75 85 70 (A) 80 0 (B) 65 100 200 Temperature / °C 300 0 100 200 Temperature / °C 300 New books.................................................................................................................................................... 65 People in the news ...................................................................................................................................... 66 Events ........................................................................................................................................................... 67 Suppliers list ................................................................................................................................................ 68 Publication information & contacts ............................................................................................................ 70 RFP 1/2015 – Volume 10 5
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