MUSIC + FILM + INTERACTIVE • AUSTIN, TX ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES The way people consume information is changing rapidly and as a hub for innovation, we understand the importance of establishing a multi-platform presence when it comes to advertising. From print ads to giveaways to social media and more, there are plenty of creative opportunities for advertising to our attendees. Program Guides • Pocket Guides • SXSWorld • Social Media Packages SXSW.COM DEMOGRAPHICS 2014 2014 REGISTRANTS Music 25,119 Film 16,297 Interactive 30,621 Total SXSW.COM 72,037 AGES INCOME Under 21 (1%) 21–24 (6%) 25–34(43%) 35–44(32%) 45–54(13%) 55–64 (4%) 65+ (1%) Under $25K (6%) $25–49K(11%) $50–74K(15%) $75–99K(13%) $100–149K(22%) $150+K(33%) PURCHASING POWER None (15%) Under $1K (14%) $1–9,999K (19%) $10–49,999K (15%) $50–99,999K (4%) $100+K (33%) JOB FUNCTION Sales/Marketing(17%) Creative development (22%) Business Development (7%) Management(22%) Communications(10%) Other(22%) Everything subject to change Program Guides SXSW Music, Film and Interactive program guides are the ultimate resource for the 2015 conferences. With session details, listings and editorial pieces on the event, they provide insight into many facets of SXSW — from speakers, bands and films to conference tips and highlights — and function as a lasting registrant souvenir. Available in both print and digital formats, advertising in a conference program guide allows you to reach the full range of SXSW registrants in the conference of your choice. Program Guide Ad Rates FILM INTERACTIVE MUSIC B&W Color B&W Color B&W Color 1/2 Page $1870 $2762 $2684 $3966 $2080 $3602 Full Page $2974 $4638 $4224 $6592 $3670 $5818 --- $7230 --- $11210 --- $10880 Two Page Spread Inside Front Cover $6430 $9544 $9112 Inside Back Cover $5682 $8434 $8434 Outside Back Cover $7196 $10334 $9646 2014 DISTRIBUTION: Film: 15-17k Interactive: 25-27k Music 15-17k SXSW.COM ADS DUE: January 30, 2015 Everything subject to change Program Guide Specs HALF PAGE HORIZONTAL 7.5 x 4.875 in HALF PAGE VERTICAL 3.625 x 10 in (190.5 x 123.8 mm) (92.1 x 254 mm) FULL PAGE - NO BLEED 7.5 x 10 in (190.5 x 254 mm) TRIM: 8.5 x 11 in (215.9 x 279.4 mm) REQUIRED AD FORMATS: SXSW.COM press-ready pdf (fonts embedded or outlined, 300 dpi) Contact your account executive for upload instructions. FULL PAGE BLEED 8.75 x 11.25 in TWO PAGE SPREAD BLEED 17.5 x 11.5 in (222.25 x 285.75 mm) (444.5 x 292.1 mm) TRIM: 8.5 x 11 in TRIM: 8.5 x 11 in (215.9 x 279.4 mm) (431.8 x 279.4 mm) Illustrator .eps or .ai (with all fonts outlined) Photoshop .tiff or .eps (hi-res 300 dpi) Everything subject to change Pocket Guides Place your brand in the pockets of Music, Film or Interactive registrants with one of SXSW's indispensable pocket guides. This handy, battery-free schedule is a one-stop tool for sessions, screenings, exhibitions, showcases, evening events and more. DETAILS: Sponsor to receive sole ad rights within the guide Sponsor receives logo on the front cover and full color ad on back cover (4''x8.5'') Interactive Pocket Guide: Pocket Guide is distributed to all SXSW Interactive, Gold and Platinum registrants In 2014, 35,000 guides were printed and distributed Film Pocket Guide: Pocket Guide is distributed to all SXSW Film, Gold, and Platinum registrants In 2014, 21,000 guides were printed and distributed SXSW.COM Music Pocket Guide (Consumer): Reach the thousands of fans that fill Austin clubs during SXSW to see the world's hottest musical acts with the SXSW Music Pocket Guide (consumer edition). This handy schedule is a onestop tool for SXSW Music Showcases & official SXSW free events like the Flatstock Poster show and the Music Gear Expo. Pocket Guide is distributed to all SXSW Music Wristband holders In 2014, 16,000 guides were printed and distributed Music Pocket Guide (Registrant): Access thousands of music industry professionals with branding in the SXSW Music Pocket Guide. This handy schedule is a one-stop tool for SXSW Music Showcases, panels, and more. Pocket Guide is distributed to all SXSW Music and Platinum registrants In 2014, 19,000 guides were printed and distributed SXSWorld Magazine Print Ads An insider’s discussion of trends, discoveries and breaking news in the entertainment and tech industries, SXSWorld is mailed to every SXSW registrant and available online via March issues are distributed onsite at the event. Advertising in SXSWorld gives you both a print and digital presence and exposure to professionals working in all aspects of the music, film, and interactive industries. SXSWorld Magazine Ad Rates 2014 CIRCULATION SXSWorld Ad Rates Over 35K copies per issue for November, February and May. Issues three and four in March run at least 7,000 copies each. Single Ad 2 Ads (10% off each) 3 Ads (20% off each) 4 Ads (30% off each) 5 Ads (40% off each) 1/2 Page $3472 $3124 each $2778 each $2430 each $2084 each Full Page $5580 $5022 each $4464 each $3906 each $3348 each Two Page Spread* $10458 $9412 each $8366 each $7320 each $6274 each Inside Front Cover $6696 $6026 each $5356 each $4688 each $4018 each Inside Back Cover $6458 $5812 each $5166 each $4520 each $3874 each Outside Back Cover $6936 $6242 each $5548 each $4856 each $4162 each (color only) *extra charge for inside covers SXSWorld 2015 PRINT SPECS Editorial Calendar AD DUE November Issue: February Issue: March (week 1) Issue: March (weel 2) Issue: May Issue: Sept. 26, 2014 Dec. 19, 2014 Feb. 6, 2015 Feb. 6, 2015 Apr. 17, 2015 HALF PAGE HORIZONTAL 7.5 x 4.875 in HALF PAGE VERTICAL 3.625 x 10 in (190.5 x 123.8 mm) (92.1 x 254 mm) FULL PAGE - NO BLEED 7.5 x 10 in (190.5 x 254 mm) TRIM: 8.5 x 11 in (215.9 x 279.4 mm) SXSW.COM FULL PAGE BLEED 8.75 x 11.25 in TWO PAGE SPREAD BLEED 17.5 x 11.5 in (222.25 x 285.75 mm) (444.5 x 292.1 mm) TRIM: 8.5 x 11 in TRIM: 8.5 x 11 in (215.9 x 279.4 mm) (431.8 x 279.4 mm) SXSWorld Magazine Editorial Calendar #1 World: ‘Rear-View’ Issue • Issue date: November 4th • Ads due: September 26th A look back at what has happened during the course of the year as it pertains to SXSW subject matter. This issue focuses on trends, ideas and highlights from SXSW V2V and ECO, while also discussing developments that have come to the fore since the spring. What surprises have there been? What is interesting moving forward into 2015? This issue also features early program announcements and general conference information. #2 World: Preview issue • Issue date: February 3rd • Ads due: December 19th This Preview issue: Includes features relating to SXSW 2015 sessions — important Interactive speakers and key ideas, major films, headlining musicians and additional programming highlights. The issue also includes news and announcements about the upcoming event and a supplemental section with exhibition and exhibitor information. SXSW.COM #3 World: Film and Interactive Conference Issue • Issue date: March 15th (Distributed to Downtown Hotels & Ads due: Feb. 6th Covers stories related to upcoming Interactive and Film programming as well as content related to the beginning of SXSW Music. It will also include photos and late-breaking content from the first days of SXSW. Austin Convention Center) • #4 World: Music Conference and Festival Issue • Issue date: March 19th (Distributed to Downtown Hotels & Austin Convention Center) • Ads due: Feb. 6th Features stories related to upcoming Music programming that as well as content related to the last couple of days of SXSW Film. It will also include photos and late-breaking content from days following the previous issue. #5 World:SXSW 2015 In Review Issue • Issue date: May 26th • Ads due: April 17th This issue focuses on highlights from SXSW 2015 — including bands that have been discovered, registrant stories and a photo retrospective as well as announcements about award winners, breakout films and more. There will also be advance information SXSW V2V and SXSW ECO. Everything subject to change Social Media Packages Harness SXSW’s global web following to let the world know what your company is about and promote your official SXSW event. By purchasing a social media package you will receive one blog on, plus a linked mention on SXSW’s twitter and facebook pages. DETAILS: Social Media Type Rates (1) Blog/Tweet/Facebook $5000 (2) Blog/Tweet/Facebook $10000 (3) Blog/Tweet/Facebook $15000 SXSW.COM Each package includes: 1 blog post on the Music, Film and Interactive, 1 linked tweet on SXSW’s official twitter page 1 linked facebook post on SXSW’s official facebook page • Blog and social media blast to run on the same day • Client can specify a preferred date/timeframe (not guaranteed) • Client to provide copy and image for blog post STATS: Twitter followers: 387K Facebook: 396,977 likes Google+: 534,306 followers g+ Everything subject to change Marketing Contacts GENERAL INQUIRIES PHONE & FAX ph 512/467-7979 | fax 512/467-2254 SXSW SXSWUS US&&CANADA CANADASALES SALES SXSW SXSWMUSIC MUSIC Luann LuannWilliams Williams || Sara SaraBarney Barney || SXSW SXSWFILM, FILM,COMEDY, COMEDY,SXsports SXsports SXSW SXSWINTERACTIVE, INTERACTIVE,COMEDY, COMEDY,SXsports SXsports Katie KatieKing King || SXSW Justin SXSWGAMING GAMING JustinBurnham Burnham || SXSWedu, SXSWedu,SXSW SXSWJOB JOBMARKET MARKET SXSW SXSWECO ECO Val ValLink Link || Morgan MorganCatalina Catalina || SXSW SXSWV2V V2V Katie KatieKing King || SXSW MAJOR & SUPER SPONSORSHIPS Scott McNearney | SXSW SXSWINTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALSALES SALES SXSW SXSWEurope EuropeMUSIC MUSIC&&International InternationalDevelopment Development UK UK&&Ireland IrelandFILM FILM&&INTERACTIVE INTERACTIVE UK UK&&Ireland IrelandMUSIC MUSIC++ SXSW SXSWECO ECOEuropean EuropeanManager Manager SXSW SXSWBrazil Brazil SXSW SXSWAustralia Australia&&New NewZealand Zealand SXSW SXSWJapan Japan Mirko MirkoWhitfield Whitfield || Una UnaJohnston Johnston || Tracy TracyMann Mann || Phil PhilTripp Tripp || Hiroshi HiroshiAsada Asada ||
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