IB Psychology, 2014-15 ACS Cobham, Muir Summative Assessment – Presentation & Essay (45 points) DUE PRES: 2.1 – 9/2 ; 2.2 – 6/2; 2.3 – 5/2 ESSAY 9/2 via turnitin.com Notes Handout Due: 24 hours before presentation via email This is your final major take home assignment of this course. It consists of a small group presentation (3 people each) and an essay on one specific disorder that we have looked at in class. You will need to go into a great deal of depth on both the presentation and essay. You will also need to develop presentation notes that all of your classmates can use for revision. Your group for the presentation and disorder will be assigned to you. Group members missing on the day of the presentation will have to make it up by themselves. The essay should be between 1200-1500 words per the format explained in class and on the homepage of the class website. Not adhering to the format will result in you losing points. The essay should be submitted via turnitin.com. Late essays will lose points, including weekends. If you have any valid excuse for lateness, you must speak to me 24 hours beforehand for any consideration of being excused. You will not need to find additional research for this project. I will provide you with additional materials to use along with class materials. You will have one week of class time to work on the presentations. Pay attention to the attached explanations and rubrics for both parts of the assessment. TASK 1. Presentation (20 points) You will be making a 30 minute presentation. Pay attention to command terms. You need to provide clear, thorough, complete notes to the class on your presentation, covering each point below and including research summaries. This should be 2-3 typed pages or in the form of PPT notes pages (3 slides per page with at least 15 slides). Notes must be emailed to me no later than 24 hours before the presentation is due or you will lose 5% each. For the presentation you need to – 1. Define and explain your disorder; 2. Explain how the disorder is typically diagnosed and evaluate (strengths and limitations) diagnosis of this disorder; 3. Discuss the possible etiology/ies of this disorder, looking at it from more than one perspective/LOA & using research; 4. Evaluate treatment options for this disorder – looking at least two options, linking the treatments to the etiology/ies, and using research. 2. Essay (25 points) You need to choose from one of the statements below and respond to it per the marking rubric below. Pay careful attention to the command terms used. You must write the essay on the same disorder you did your presentation on. Statements: 1. Describe the symptoms and prevalence of one psychological disorder. Discuss cultural and/or gender variations in the prevalence of one psychological disorder. 2. Discuss how biological and sociocultural factors influence one anxiety, affective or eating disorder. 3. For one affective, anxiety or eating disorder, discuss the relationship between etiology and therapeutic approach. 4. Compare and contrast individual and group approaches to treatment. 5. Evaluate the use of eclectic approaches to treatment. Abnormal ERQ – Marking Rubric A. Knowledge and comprehension Markband 0 1-‐3 4-‐6 7-‐9 Level Descriptor The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding that is of marginal relevance to the question. Little or no psychological research is used in the response. [This response may mention research but vaguely and without adequate terminology. The person is describing human behaviour – perhaps accurately – rather than explaining it precisely, backed up by theories and research with detail as a scientist would.] The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding relevant to the question or uses relevant psychological research to limited effect in the response. [This response may refer more specifically to research and theories and use some appropriate terminology but lacks sufficient detail, depth, and complexity.] The answer demonstrates detailed, accurate knowledge and understanding relevant to the question, and uses relevant psychological research effectively in support of the response. [This response will be impressive in its more than sufficient demonstration of research, theories, terminology, and application. This person is confident in their knowledge and the bigger picture.] B. Evidence of critical thinking: application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation Markband 0 1-‐3 4-‐6 7-‐9 Level Descriptor The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. The answer goes beyond description but evidence of critical thinking is not linked to the requirement of the question. [When the IB says it goes beyond description, they mean description at a less than 12th grade level. The answer shows very limited use of critical thinking and connections. It may only involve linking studies to theories.] The answer offers appropriate but limited evidence of critical thinking or offers evidence of critical thinking that is only implicitly linked to the requirements of the question. [There is some critical thinking and the individual has tried but it isn’t at a level of advanced, university level connections yet. Studies are linked to theories and possibly linked to a bigger picture of human behaviour or other theories. There may be 1-‐2 examples of higher level critical thinking but it isn’t throughout the essay.] The answer integrates relevant and explicit evidence of critical thinking in response to the question. [This shows quite an advanced level of critical thinking throughout the essay that is seamlessly structured into the essay -‐ linking studies and theories as part of a bigger picture, showing interconnections and additional connections, implications, further studies, new questions, etc. The thesis itself probably shows a higher level of critical analysis and is argued well. Research and studies are the sideshow to support impressive academic arguing.] C. Organisation Markband 0 Level Descriptor The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1-‐2 The answer is organised of focused on the question. However, this is not sustained throughout the response. Some issues with structure of the essay. [As it is, the thesis isn’t sustainably argued throughout, there isn’t a clear thesis, a conclusion is forgotten or it is weak. Otherwise, the writer loses focus, gets side-‐tracked, or just lacks flow and rhythm.] 3-‐4 The answer is well organized, well developed, and focused on the question. [Clear, well-‐ structured, consistent, flowing essay with clear thesis, argued and supported throughout, and concluded to an impressive finish. The writer stays focused, flows, and transitions well. The paper is well-‐edited and follows the correct format.] D. Research and citations Markband 0 Level Descriptor The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1 Basic research using only class resources from the textbook or class handouts is used. Citations are done improperly or inconsistently. Research is done beyond class resources but uses poor sources (e.g. only Wikipedia). IB Study Guides online made by teachers or students cannot be used. Basic research with 1-‐2 additional sources is done. At least one of these sources is not Wikipedia, Simple Psychology, About.com, or Quizlet and is from an academically appropriate source. IB Study Guides online made by teachers or students cannot be used. There are a few minor errors in the citations in text and/or at the end of the piece. There is a high level of creative research done with 3-‐5 sources outside of those used in class. No Wikipedia, Simple Psychology, About.com, Quizlet, or IB Study Guides online (by teachers or students). There is a good mix of resources, including some print media (i.e. books), and it is or almost is all academically challenging (i.e academic journals). Citations are consistent and correct, using MLA or APA format. 2 3
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