2015 CCW Ex ecuti ve Executi ecutiv Boar d Board www.cattlewomen.org Sheila Bowen President 661-201-5572 sbowen1958@earthlink.net Newsletter of the California CattleWomen, Inc. CCW News January, 2015 Cheryl Foster 1st VP 530-459-3270 cherylafosterlb@gmail.com Anna Reed 2nd VP, 1 year 707-287-1575 areed@silveradovineyards.com Rebecca Been 2nd VP, 2 year 661-444-5375 kcteachersag@aol.com Leslie Joost 2nd VP, 3 year 530-260-1174 ljoost1975@yahoo.com November meeting in Sparks, new officers take the reins The CCW Board of Directors meeting, with President Tammie McElroy presiding, was held Saturday, November 22, 2014, at John Ascuaga’s Nugget, Sparks, NV. Past presidents attending were Melanie Fowle, Judy Ahmann, Karen Sweet, Jean Barton. There were 87 members and guests in attendance. County presidents were reminded to turn in their new slate of officers to CCW Secretary. Also reminded to turn in their proxy to Credentials Chair and Secretary, two weeks prior to meeting if unable to attend meeting. Treasurer Nadette Raymond Ott presented the financial statement, and received a standing ovation for 16 years as treasurer, plus another great audit of (continued on page 2) Paula Francis Secretary 661-392-9453 paulycowgirl@gmail.com Melody Lake Treasurer 916-835-6025 melodylynn128@yahoo.com Tammie McElroy Parliamentarian Immediate Past President 530-518-7787 tjmranch@cattlemen.net Kathy Vignolo-Knight NorthernDirector 530-832-0395 dakagolf@sbcglobal.net Millie Krause Central Director 209-848-2525 coyotekk@aol.com Susan Cochrane Southern Director 831-809-6947 scyardscape1@aol.com New CCW officers for 2015-16: (Seated l-r) Melody Lake, treasurer; Paula Francis, secretary; Cheryl Foster, 1st vp; Sheila Bowen, president: (Standing) Leslie Joost, 2nd vp; Kathy Vignolo-Knight, northern director; Anna Reed, 2nd vp; Millie Krause, central director; Susan Cochrane,southern director; not pictured: Rebecca Been, 2nd vp; Tammie McElroy, parliamentarian. CCW 2 (Meeting, continued) bank statements, invoices and deposits, and no exceptions were noted. Special Reports - CCW Heritage Foundation, Melody Lake reported wonderful attendance at the meeting. New officers: President Jill Bright, Santa Clara; VP – Leslie Joost, A/E/S; Secretary – Darcy Hanson, Lassen; Treasurer – Melody Lake, Placer/Nevada; Directors – Northern, Marsha Stevens, Placer/Nevada; Central - Millie Krause, Mid Valley CowBelles; Southern – Debbie Torres, San Diego. Old Business - • Sam’s Club in Fresno, Jane Cochrane gave report that demonstrations increased sales substantially compared to the same date from the year before. • Mom’s Day at the Farm – Barbara O’Connell told about the visit to her ranch, Mom’s saw a new born calf, bbq their grass-fed or conventional steaks after a chef spoke, learned about beef industry. Toured the orchard with 60 varieties of fresh fruit. • Wiggy Contest – (Wildly Important Goals Go Yahoo!) President Tammie urged units to send in monthly reports to Debbie Torres and Ann Cochrane, about Ag in Classroom , Beef Promotion and legislation efforts. Membership numbers are important. Send CCW membership dues ($20/person) to Karen Moller, 7592 Silver Bridge Road, Palo Cedro, CA 96073. ANCW dues are $60. Mail to: ANCW, 9110 E Nichols # 302, Centennial CO 80112. Next state report is due 3rd week of January. • Powder River Panel Tickets- Ticket sales were good. Motion carried “ Get tickets printed for 2015 World Ag Expo, and after expenses split money between CCW and Heritage Foundation Scholarship.” • Cow Palace – Anna Reed reported 7 worked Friday, and 14 served on Saturday at the barbecue, but no table for beef industry information was supplied. Alameda Co. CattleWomen had a window on the concourse. New Business- Board of Directors voted the following: a) MSC – Remove Cal Poly – Pomona scholarship funding for 2016. Replace with a new Open Education Scholarship. The parameters of this scholarship have yet to be determined. b) MSC “RoundUp Report – Have 100 magazines printed and distribute to CCW members at the Convention in November. This number may be amended if units request the roundup by electronic means. The Roundup should also be sent to the Website Coordinator to be published on the CCW website. Chairman will also forward an electronic copy of the Roundup to All County Presidents for distribution to unit members.” c) MSC –“ CCW fund the final cost of $749.00 for Melanie Fowle’s quilt from the CCW General Fund.” d) MSC – “CCW welcome a new unit to the CCW family: Mid Valley CowBelles.” This would be in area of Merced and southern Stanislaus County. • World Ag Expo – Feb. 10-12. Sheila Bowen had a signup sheet. Planning to have three shifts between 9-5 each day. • Spring Meeting & Beef Promotion will be a partnership with California Women in Agriculture at Harris Ranch Inn, Coalinga. A tour of the feedlot will be a feature. March 13-15, 2015 Committee Reports – • Ag in Classroom – Debbie Torres. Reports are to be mailed to Debbie and ANCW as completed. Each president received an AitC and Beef Promotion report form. Beef Promotion reports to Ann Cochrane and ANCW. ANCW reports can be filled out quickly at their website, ancw.org • By-Laws – Sherry Maltby, Article 3, Directors at Large. See attached. A buckle was presented to Tammie , from the California CattleWomen, for a great two years. Membership Increase (l-r) In the 51-100 member units, Plumas/Sierra increased membership by 28 members; 1 - 50 members, Humboldt increased membership 37 members; 101 to 150 members, Kern increased membership 24 members; 151+ members, Siskiyou increased membership 5 members to go with their 164 members. Far right, Di Kanz was membership chair. California had 1915 members. In the 51-100 group, AES had 7 new members. John and Dee Lacey of Lacey Livestock have been the sponsor for many years. CCW 3 Ag in the Classroom Winners The winners were announced at the CCW convention by DebbieTorres, chair. AG STAR, 2014 award was given by the total number of students touched by your presentations. 1st - San Joaquin/Stanislaus with 13,588; 2nd - Siskiyou with 5,457; 3rd - Kern with 4,576; 4th - Alameda with 2,146; 5th- Fresno Kings with 1,800; 6th - Plumas/Sierra with 1,143; 7th - Napa/Solano with 900. 8th San Luis Obispo with 837; 9th -Glenn/Colusa with 638; 10th - Tehama with 525; 11th - Lassen with 380; 12th - Modoc with 265; 13th - San Diego with 250; and 14th - Shasta with120. The total is 32,625 , 10,764 more students than 2013. ALL STAR READER 2014 - Award given by the total number of reading hours by a single individual. Favorite books were: Star - the series, AnythingCowboy. 1st - Flinda France, Plumas/Sierra - 18 hours - 954 students. 2nd- NancyThompson, Plumas/Sierra - 10 hours - 461 students. 3rd -Annie Terrassas ,Plumas/Sierra - 6 hrs - 227 students. 4th Lynda Beverlin, Siskiyou 5 hrs - 231 students. 5th - Carolyn Houghton, Siskiyou - 3.5 hrs - 86 students; 6th - Kathy Vignolo-Knight, Plumas/Sierra - 2.5 hrs - 87 students; 7th - Kay McKee, Siskiyou - 1 hr - 154 students; 8th - Ginger Fowler, Shasta - 1 hr - 20 students; 9th - Barbara Cowley, Siskiyou - 50 min. - 53 students; 10th - Colleen Alvarez, Siskiyou - 15 min.- 14 students; 11th - Melanie Fowle, Siskiyou - 10 min. - 30 students. MEDIA MADNESS 2014 award is given for the outstanding use of media to promote Ag in the Classroom, via newspaper/television. 1st - Kern Co. - 470,600 circulation. 2. San Joaquin/Stanislaus Co - 156,723 circulation. Amador/El Dorado/Sacramento Co. was left off the count for some reason. Donations wanted for scholarships Every spring the CCW’s Heritage Foundation awards a Memorial scholarship to each of 5 colleges in California. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Pomona, Fresno State, UC Davis, and Chico State each receive a $1,000 scholarship for a deserving student who will be involved in the Beef Industry or a related field. These awards are made in the name of someone in our industry who has passed on. All funds are made possible by donations from our county units and individuals. I would like to encourage all units to make a donation this year. No donation is too small. Also, any individuals that would like to make a donation in the name of a friend or loved one that they have lost, please do so, as these contributions are vital to the life of the Scholarship fund. Please help us support the futures of our young cattlemen and women thru this important program. Your donations can be sent to the CCW Memorial Scholarship Chairman, Nancy Hawkins at P.O. Box 70, Fiddletown, CA 95629. Surprise, surprise! The note read: “A reception will be held on Friday evening that all CattleWomen are invited to attend. We will honor Nadette Raymond for 16 years of service as treasurer of CCW.” Little did we know it would be a WEDDING RECEPTION for Nadette and Walter Ott, married earlier that day!!! Congratulations Nadette and Walter!!! CCW 4 By-Laws Amendment Bayer Member Scrapbook Layout: 1st Beverly Solis - Placer/ Nevada CattleWomen Publicity Tools - Newsletter - 1st Tehama - March, May, June 2014, 2nd- Tehama - Nov, Dec. 2013, February 2014 Feature Story- San Joaquin/ Stanislaus (Tradition 125 years-Erickson Ranch) Bayer Beef Promotion & Education Book Under 50 members - 1st - San Diego Co.CowBelles 2nd- Lassen Co. 51-100 members - 1st - San Joaquin/ Stanislaus 2nd- Tie Alameda and San Benito 3rd- Glenn/ Colusa 4th - Tehama Also - Humboldt Co. 101+ members - 1st - Siskiyou Co.CattleWomen Marsha Stevens, CCW Scrapbook Chairman Bayer HealthCare donated $750.00 towards the awards given to our unit winners. Please thank: Brett Davis, Bayer Healthcare, 31941 Success Valley Dr; Porterville CA 93257, Bret.davis@bayer.com Alameda County is the winner of the Walt Rodman Beef Promotion award. They got their name on the perpetual placque and were awarded $400, given by California Beef Council, for their window in the concourse of the recent Cow Palace. Second place and $200 went to San Joaquin/Stanislaus. Honorable Mention and $50 each was awarded to Amador/El Dorado/Sacramento; Butte; Calaveras/Tuolumne; Humboldt; Lassen; Madera; Napa/ Solano; Placer/Nevada; Plumas/Sierra; San Luis Obispo; Santa Clara; Santa Barbara; Siskiyou and Tehama County CattleWomen. Pictured with the group are Jill Scofield and Bill Dale, Executive Director of CBC. The following By-Laws amendment was presented on November 22, 2014 at the CCW Board of Directors’ meeting and will voted on at the CCW Spring meeting. The purpose of the change is to give the President a wider choice of candidates when appointing the 3 Directors at large, by allowing the director to be a past or present County Unit President instead of only a current president. Article 3, Section 1. F. Appoint (3) County Presidents from the past or present Board of Directors representing the North, South, and Central sections of the State to serve as the Directors at Large on the Executive Committee. Add: Section 6: Director at Large – Job Description (this portion will be developed and voted on at the Mid Year meeting.) 90 copies of reports from committee chairmen for the packets at the Spring Meeting. Send to: Jill Scofield, CA Beef Council 4640 Northgate Blvd; Suite 115, Sacramento CA 95834 916-925-2333 jill@calbeef.org; Keep her informed about beef promotion in your county. Alameda wins Rodman Award CCW 5 California CattleWomen and California Women for Agriculture Joint Spring Meeting • March 13-15, 2015 Friday 6:00 pm CCW Executive Board meeting Saturday * All of Saturday’s events are Joint (CCW & CWA)* Don’t forget to order CBC materials by Feb. 27th 7:45-8:30 Check-In (foyer of Garden Ballroom) 8:30-9:00 Welcoming Remarks CCW & CWA 9:00-10:00 Telling Your Ag Story 10:00-10:15 Coffee & Snack Break 10:15-11:00 Farm Fresh Ideas 11:00-12:00 California Beef Council & Materials Madness 12:00-1:00 Lunch served in the Garden Ballroom 1:00-1:45 Hands on Beef Promotion Activity 1:45-2:30 Effective Consumer Marketing 2:30-2:45 Chocolate Lovers Delight Break 2:45-4:30 Tour of Harris Feeding Company 4:30-5:00 Wrap Up the Day and Door Prizes! 5:00-7:00 Mingle in Horseshoe Bar 7:00 Chef’s St. Patty’s Day inspired meal (optional) Sunday 8:00-8:30 Check-In for CattleWomen Board Meeting 8:30-noon CCW Board Meeting Hotel Reservations: Harris Ranch Inn, 24505 West Dorris Ave, Coalinga, CA 93210 Room Rates start at: $130/night + tax (800) 942-BEEF group: CCW & CWA 2015 ROOM RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY 2/28/15 CANCELLATION 48 HOURS Meeting Registration due March 5th Callie Borror, 5379 Walnut Drive, Williams, CA 95987 Registration is $65 and includes lunch on Saturday. Name: ___________________________ Unit: ____________________________ Address: _________________________ City/Zip __________________________ Phone ___________________________ Email ____________________________ Lunch Choice: (Circle one) Tri-Tip Sandwich Beef Cobb Salad CCW 6 Beef promoters! Losers & winners! Susan Cochrane, left, with winners of Beef Promotion categories. 2014 CowBelles honored at luncheon The 2014 CowBelles of the Year were honored at a luncheon during the CCW/CCA Annual Meeting in Sparks, NV, November 21st. CCW President Tammie McElroy welcomed the 190 members and guests. Guest speakers were American National CattleWomen President Patti Buck, Ignascio, CO, and Jillian Cassaca, 2014 California Beef Ambassador. 2014 CowBelles of the Year: Alameda - Dena Goff Amador/El Dorado/Sacramento Camille Borba Butte - LaVerne Daley Glenn/Colusa - Rebecca Klein Humboldt - Tia Wilson-Dimmick Intermountain - Helen Albaugh Kern - Kathy Williams Madera - Betty Samper Modoc - Cassie Cockrell Oyarzun Placer/Nevada - Jeanne Reaume Plumas/Sierra - Nancy Thompson San Benito- Jessica French Brem Lassen won the perpetual trophy for weight loss, with Terri Bertotti, Claudia Johnson and Darcy Hanson. Congratulations on winning for losing! San Diego - Jess Crawford San Joaquin/Stanis - Rita McPhee San Luis Obispo - Ann Cochrane Santa Barbara - Barbara Mackie Santa Clara - Kathy Towle Shasta - Ginger Fowler Siskiyou - Rita March Sonoma/Marin - Kit Simmie Tehama - Kelly Mouton Tulare - Nicky Henderson Yuba/Sutter - Melba Adamson Tammie McElroy (left), the out-going CCW President, and Sheila Bowen, the new CCW President. To thank Tammie for her hard work the past two years she was presented a beautiful belt buckle. CCW 7 President’s Memo Building on Strength The California CattleWomen is an organization built on the strength, foresight, and dedication of past and present CattleWomen members. Thanks to the vision of ranch women in the 1950’s we have a state organization that is dedicated to beef promotion, education, and youth development. Building on that strong foundation, and drawing on the collective strength of our local units, California CattleWomen is able to accomplish a great deal. “Building on Strength,” will be the motto for CCW for the next two years. This organization has afforded me the opportunity to meet some very fine women who care deeply about the future of ranching and our children. They have dedicated a tremendous amount of volunteer hours to promote and educate the public about the cattle ranching community and about the nutritious aspects of beef. Recently I sat down to compile a comprehensive list of what CattleWomen in our state have accomplished since May 1, 2014. This list filled nineteen pages and doesn’t even include our winter and spring activities!!! We have until April 30th to complete this list and submit it as part of a contest that ANCW is sponsoring among the state affiliates. The WIGGY contest offers a Powder River calf chute to the winning state. Part of the contest is to increase state and ANCW membership by 1%. With the help of local units we will meet our goals. Thank you for submitting your activity reports and your end of the year Roundup Reports. Our list of accomplishments was compiled with the help of these sources of information. We have a great team of ladies for the two years ahead of us. The list of officers, directors, and chairwomen can be found on our website, cattlewomen.org. Please visit the site often and “LIKE US” on Facebook. We will be sharing lots of current happenings in the CattleWomen World on both of these internet sites. DID YOU KNOW? When CCW began in 1951, Helen Carver of Kern County was the first CCW president, and there were 58 founding members. In 2014 we were up to 1,943 members. If every unit has a net gain of two by Sheila Bowen Dates to Remember: February 2 – 6 - NCBA/ANCW National Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Several CCW ladies will step into leadership roles at this convention. February 10 -12 - CCW will have a booth at World Ag Expo in Tulare, CA. We will hand out literature and play the beef trivia game. We have some great ladies signed up to help. March 13 – 15 - Please come to our Spring Meeting at the Harris Ranch Inn. 24505 West Dorris Avenue, Coalings, CA 93210. Right off of Interstate 5. We will meet with the California Women for Ag on the 14th. It promises to be a great get together. June 11 -12, 2015 - CCA/CCW Mid Year Meeting Double Tree, 2001 Point W. Way, Sacramento, CA 95815 July 15 – 18, 2015 – ANCW Summer Conference, Denver, CO Hyatt Regency Hotel new members this year, we could be a state organization with over two thousand CattleWomen members!!! DID YOU KNOW? California CattleWomen has a new local unit. At the CCW State Convention last November, the Board of Directors voted to approve Mid Valley CowBelles as the 30th local unit in the state of California!!!! The Mid Valley Cowbelles takes in Merced County and the southern part of Stanislaus County. Welcome to the family ladies. DID YOU KNOW? Melanie Fowle, a past CCW President from Siskiyou County, will take the reins as president of American National CattleWomen in February of 2015. CattleWomen continue to be a (l-r ) Promoter of the Year - Pam Doriorn, Santa Barforce for good by bara County; CCW Educator of Year - Amanda promoting our nutritious product, Barrett, Kern County; CCW Outstanding and the ranching CattleWoman - Judy Ahmann, Napa/Solano way of life. We do youth promotion in a big way. All of which benefit our communities and our nation. Thank you for the honor to serve as the CCW President for 2015 – 2016. We have our strength in numbers. 30 local units serving our communities is a force for good! Stand Strong Ladies! Three winners! $5K raised for President Melanie Friends and organizations raised $5,000 for Melanie Fowle’s expenses as ANCW President in 2015. Millie Krause, chairman of the quilt project, is pictured with Melanie. 2015-16 CCW Committee chairs: Standing: Debbie Costa - Nominations; Julie Barnett - website; Deb Cockrell - Round-Up; Callie Borror - Credentials; Sherry Maltby - By-laws; Camille Borba - Ag Day at Capitol; Jill Bright- Beef Ambassador; Karen Moller - Membership. Seated: Nancy Hawkins - Memorial Scholarship; Ann Cochrane - Beef Promotion; Marsha Stevens - Bayer Beef Promotion & Education Book; Debbie Torres - Ag in the Classroom; Tammie McElroy - Parliamentarian & Immediate Past President; Nadette Ott - Budget. Not pictured: Amanda Barrett - CowBelle of the Year & Social Media; Sherry Scheller - Legislation; Jean Barton - Newsletter; Jane Cochrane - Publicity & Chimes. California CattleWomen, Inc. An Affiliate of the California Cattlemen’s Association CCW Calendar Feb. 2 – 7 ANCW Convention, San Antonio Feb. 10-12 World Ag Expo, Tulare Feb. 28 Spring meeting hotel reservations due - Harris Ranch Inn, group code 2SW6ZG, 1-800-942-BEEF Mar. 5 Spring Meeting registration deadline March 13-15 Spring Meeting & Beef Promotion, Harris Ranch Inn, Coalinga March (TBA) Ag Day at the Capitol April 29-May 1 Region VI meeting, Tucson, AZ May 14-16 Region V meeting, Klamath Falls June 11-12 CCW/CCA Mid-Year meeting -- Double Tree, Sacramento Pull out and save this handy directory! California CattleWomen 2015-2016 Officers, Directors, Committee Chairs President Sheila Bowen HC 1 Box 10 Glennville, CA 93226 sbowen1958@earthlink.net c: 661-201-5572 h: 661-536-8652 Treasurer Melody Lake 791 Sparrow Drive Fernley, Nevada 89408 Melodylynn128@yahoo.com 916-835-6025 1st Vice President Cheryl Foster 9900 Ager-Beswick Road Montague, CA 96064 cherylafosterlb@gmail.com c: 541-601-6954 h: 530-459-3270 Northern Director Kathleen Vignolo-Knight P.O. Box 1618 Portola, CA 96122 dakagolf@sbcglobal.net 530-832-0395 c: 209-471-7470 2nd Vice President (2015) Anna Reed 1301 Milton Road Napa, California 94559 areed@silveradovineyards.com 707-287-1575 Central Director Millie Krause 8806 Wamble Road Oakdale, California 95361 209-848-2525 c: 209-985-4409 mkrause1@live.com 2nd Vice President (2016) Rebecca Been 16411 Salmon Bay Court Bakersfield, California 93314 kcteachersag@aol.com 661-444-5375 Southern Director Susan Cochrane 4880 Lamplighter Way Paso Robles, California 93446 scyardscape1@aol.com 831-809-6947 2nd Vice President (2017) Leslie Joost P.O. Box 344 El Dorado, California 95623 Ljoost1975@yahoo.com 530-260-1174 Parliamentarian Tammie McElroy P.O. Box 362 Gridley, California 95948 tjmranch@cattlemen.net c: 530-518-7787 530-534-5736 Secretary Paula Francis 3500 Pine Mountain Road Bakersfield, California 93308 paulycowgirl@gmail.com c: 661-203-0883 h: 661-392-9453 Chairwomen Ag in the Classroom Debbie Torres 2632 Live Oak Park Road Fallbrook, California 92029 kndshorthorns@live.com 760-728-6078 Beef Ambassador Jill Bright 1019 Branbury Way San Jose, California 95133 jill.bright@coramhc.com 510-999-2907 Credentials Callie Borror 5379 Walnut Drive Williams, California 95987 callieborror@yahoo.com 530-526-3070 Beef Promotion Ann Cochrane P.O. Box 4653 Paso Robles, California 93447 annlcochrane@gmail.com 805-431-7086 805-369-5203 Legislation Sherry Scheller P.O. Box 408 Los Alamos, CA 93440 rancheria@aol.com h: 805-344-5901 c: 805-598-5745 Beef Promotion For Ag Day at the Capitol Camille Borba P.O. Box 1173 Shingle Springs, California 95682 camille.m.borba@gmail.com 530-957-3441 Membership Karen Moller 7592 Silver Bridge Road Palo Cedro, California 96073 vacacreekranchkm@gmail.com 530-547-5424 Bayer Beef Promotion and Education Books Marsha Stevens 3745McCourtney Road Lincoln, California 95648 Stevensranch3s@gmail.com 916-717-2866 Budget Nadette Raymond 5300 Los Altos Parkway #335 Sparks, Nevada 89436 nadetteraymond@yahoo.com 775-626-5323 530-227-6649 By-Laws Sherry Maltby P.O. Box 760 Williams, California 95987 maltby@citlink.net 530-473-2830 c: 530-681-5046 Cowbelle of the Year Amanda Barrett 23500 Walker Basin Road Caliente, California 93518 cabeefgirl@aol.com c: 661-345-9533 h: 661-867-2511 Memorial Scholarship Nancy Hawkins P.O. Box 70 Fiddletown, California 95629 209-245-3541 cowhawk21@gmail.com Nominations Debbie Costa 12359 N. Cadie Road Lodi, California 95240 debcosta@sbcglobal.net 209-327-2742 Publicity and Chimes Jane Cochrane 2001 West Merritt Hanford, California 93230 janecochrane@rocketmail.com 559-362-2306 Round-Up Deb Cockrell HC 01 Box 11-A Cedarville, California 96104 debcockrell@gmail.com 530-640-2209 Social Media Amanda Barrett 23500 Walker Basin Road Caliente, California 93518 cabeefgirl@aol.com c: 661-345-9533 661-867-2511 Website Julie Barnett 5614 Coronado Street West Bakersfield, California 93314 gangacows@yahoo.com 661-588-6587 Newsletter Jean Barton 23446 Volcano Way Red Bluff, California 95080 jbarton2013@gmail.com 530-527-4793 California CattleWomen 2015 Unit Presidents Alameda Annette Warner 10620 S Flynn Road, Livermore 94550 925-449-6048 warner18@llnl.gov Amador/El Dorado/Sacramento Leslie Joost PO Box 344, El Dorado CA 95623 530-260-1174 lesliejoost@yahoo.com Butte Diane Avrit 432 Vance Ave., Biggs CA 95917 530-868-1048 C:530-864-6565 standiavrit@yahoo.com Calaveras/Tuolumne Karen Riley P.O. Box 444, Murphys, CA 95247 209-728-8866 karenriley@hotmail.com Fresno/ Kings Kate Horstmann 2124 Ave 404, Kingsburg CA 93631 559-259-3512 KateLCochrane@gmail.com Glenn/Colusa Sherrry Maltby POBox 760, Williams CA 95987 530-473-2830 C:530-681-5052 maltby@citlink.net Humboldt Lauren Sizemore 6888 Mountain View Rd., Kneeland, 95549 707-443-1108 lscwsizemore@gmail.com Intermountain Debbie Bidwell 42770 Bidwell Rd., Hat Creek CA 96040 530-335-3093 dbidwell@citlink.com Kern Debbie Hay 13915 Ashe Rd., Bakersfield CA 93313 661-487-7754 debbiehay@rocketmail.com Lassen Teri Bertotti 464-950 Old Cutoff Rd., Janesville CA 96114 530-253-7804 C:530-249-3791 bertotti@psln.com Madera Stacy Miles 33983 Road 600, Raymond, CA 93653 559-689-3320 C:559-760-9532 milesranch@sti.net Mendocino Kay Beeson 14000 Eel River Rd., Potter Valley CA 95469 707-743-1630 Mid Valley CowBelles Candace Cook Peterson Box 100, Farmington CA 95230 209-777-2183 cookranch@hughes.net Modoc JoAnn White PO Box 1791, Alturas, CA 96010 530-233-2584 C:530-640-2584 modocjo13@hotmail.com Monterey Marianne Madson Box 113, San Liucas, CA 93954 831-262-4702 m.madson7@yahoo.com Napa/Solano Anna Reed 1301 Milton Rd., Napa CA 94559 707-287-1575 areed@silveradovineyards.com Placer/Nevada Beth Casillas 652 Mazzolo Drive, Lincoln CA 95648 916-253-7886 casillascattle@yahoo.com Plumas/Sierra Kathleen Vignolo-Knight POBox 1618, Portola CA 96122 530-832-0395 Cell: 209-471-7470 dakagolf@sbcglobal.net San Benito Jae Eade 4760 Santa Ana Valley Rd., Hollister CA 95023 831-673-3196 jaeeade@garlic.com San Diego CowBelles Janet Tulloch 28383 Hwy 78, Ramona CA 92065 760-789-8163 C:760-315-3538 csnyder2@sbcglobal.net San Joaquin/Stanislaus Edie Solari 22015 E. Melton Rd., Linden CA 95236 209-887-3519 edithsolari@gmail.com San Luis Obispo Susan Cochrane 4880 Lamplighter Way, Paso Robles CA 93446 831-809-6947 scyardscape1@aol.com Santa Barbara Linda Williams 2411 Ironridge Ct., Santa Maria CA 93455 805-925-2416 linda@lindasyv.com Santa Clara Cheryl Beckwith 3261 Tenley Drive, San Jose 95148 408-892-8916 seebeckwith@gmail.com 408cattlelady@gmail.com Shasta Dottie Long 13336 Pala Mesa Circle, Redding CA 96003 530-356-0030 dottie@realestate-Redding.com Siskiyou Sharon Erickson 1325 Holzhauser Lane, Etna Ca 96027 530-467-3536 C: 530-598-6741 vallhallaranch@hotmail.com Sonoma/Marin Joyce Doughty 5844 Mathilde Dr, Windsor CA 95492 707-838-3034 winecountrylimo@comcast.net Tehama Linda Borror 23820 Tehama Ave., Gerber CA 96035 530-385-1250 C: 530-624-6566 tehamaranch@gmail.com Tulare Claudia Guthrie 57 S Corona Drive, Porterville CA 93257 559-793-2540 C:559-788-7576 cguthrie@ocsnet.net Yuba/Sutter Bev Tipton 5299 Fruitland Rd., Marysville CA 95901 530-742-5010 530-632-5760 botipton@att.net
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