Pastor’s Paragraphs We are in the final days before the Women’s Conference featuring Lisa Whelchel. Each year this conference is a highlight for our church both for our ladies and those from surrounding areas. I trust that each one will pray for our guest speaker and those who will attend. Vol. 59 No. 4 / Friday, January 30, 2015 EHBC, Montgomery, AL Likewise men need to note upcoming events. One is the Wild Game Dinner featuring Siran Stacy as the speaker, coming Saturday evening, March 7. This is a great outreach and family event. Our hunters are especially encouraged to donate meat for this dinner and pictures from hunts to be shown that evening. Also our Carpenter’s For Christ have announced their plans for the project this year in Louisiana, June 5-13. Let me encourage men and sons or grandsons to join them for this event which is about far more than just construction. It is a great time for spiritual bonding and witness. We are also reminded that men are welcome even if they can only serve for part of those days. Please contact Steve Fuller or Bill Summers for more information. I am beginning Sunday, a three-part series of messages on the family. No greater challenge lies before our nation than the breakdown of the home. The origin of marriage and the model for the home come straight from God’s Word. Whether people are married, widowed, planning to get married one day or have children or grandchildren, this is an important series of messages. This is also a good opportunity to invite people, who would come to church to hear messages on the family, who might not otherwise come. Below are the titles for February 1, 8 and 15. “Building Your Family God’s Way” “Faith and Family Working Together” “Making the Most of Your Marriage” Also let me remind you that Ricky Solar is leading a Marriage Retreat on Friday and Saturday, February 13-14. You can contact The youth choir will be sponsoring a pancake breakfast on Saturday, him or the office for more information. Let me offer a word of sincere appreciation February 7th. Ticket donations are $5 and all proceeds will go to help to Mickey Phillips who has served the past five years as our Treasurer. His expertise was defer choir tour costs. Wednesday, February 4 will be a great help to our Stewardship Committee. the LAST DAY to purchase your Pancake Recently David Furst was elected as our new Treasurer. We welcome him as he also brings Breakfast tickets. Purchase your tickets on excellent experience and commitment to our Stewardship Team. Sunday in the Green Ridge Welcome Center Rick Marshall before Sunday School or after the 10:45 IN THE PULPIT A.M. “Building Your Family God’s Way” Psalms 127:1-5 P.M. “What Makes A Winner?” Psalms 37:3-9 service or on Wednesday in the gym. Thank you for supporting our Youth Choir. MINISTRY TEAMS, 2015 (Newly elected officers and committee members in bold) COMM ON COMMS: Pastor Rick Marshall Assoc. Pastor Dan Harrison Assoc. Pastor Ricky Solar Treasurer, David Furst Chm. Deacons Robert Barnes Chm. Personnel Chm. Stwrdship Jason Gardner Chm. Nomin. CHURCH COUNCIL: All Ministerial Staff SS Director Chm. Deacons Robert Barnes Treasurer David Furst WM Dir. Jenean Sprayberry Men’s Ministry Larry Kennedy WMU Dir. Linda Solze CHURCH OFFICERS: Treasurer David Furst Asst. Treas. Barbara Kennedy Parliamentarian Barry Leavell Church Clerk Debbie Farthing MINISTRY TEAMS: Baptism 2015 Chad Royal 2015 Stacy Royal 2016 Al Steineker 2016 Aimee Steineker 2017 Mike Woodall 2017 Shelia Crews Childcare 2015 Marie Berry 2015 Connie Barton 2015 Debbie Farthing 2016 Sonja Peaspanen 2016 Teresa Caldwell 2016 Angela Hand 2017 Stacy Benefield 2017 Susan Cline 2017 Mike Hand Children 2015 Lynn Higbe 2015 Jennifer Pollard 2015 Sandy Harmann 2016 Dan Summers 2016 Chris Hutto 2016 Keri Stephens 2017 Kristi Cantley 2017 Trey Higbe 2017 Derek Robertson Church Foundation Fund 2015 Kay Miller 2015 Larry Armstrong 2016 Joette Castleberry 2016 Bill Harper 2017 Bill Campbell 2017 Sandra McGraw College Teacher 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 Mike Free Diane Weaver Evelyn Pate Gwyn Bruner Jeremy Turner Teresa Hicks Gene Smith Fellowship/Food 2015 Maggie Royster 2015 Suzanne Reaves 2015 Sandra Ezell 2016 Charlene Shoemaker 2016 Charlotte Blasingame 2016 Mary Hataway 2017 Cyndi Arnold 2017 Dinah Bundrick 2017 Patsy Watson History 2015 Pat Walker 2016 Mary Clay Davis 2017 Fara Zaleski Lord’s Supper 2015 Shirley Martin 2015 Jerry Martin 2016 James Owens 2016 Elaine Owens 2017 Robert Golden 2017 Elaine Golden Missions WMU Dir., Linda Solze Stewardship, Jason Gardner 2015 George Ray 2016 Brittney Gardner 2017 Sheron Poole Music 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 Robert King Teresa Hicks Jimmy Bradford Sandy Harmann Joe Bruner Cheryl Chappell Nominating Assoc. Pastor, Ricky Solar S.S. Director, PreS SS Dir., Margaret A. Morgan 2015 Linda Westbrook 2015 Betty Baggott 2016 Russell Lackey 2016 Keith Cantley 2017 Gwyn Bruner 2017 Robbie Barnes Personnel Pastor, Rick Marshall Chm. Deacons, Robert Barnes Treasurer, David Furst 2015 Wayne Robinson 2015 Debbie Caldwell 2016 Lynn Huett 2016 John Morgan 2017 Larry Kennedy 2017 Cheryl Jarrell Preschool 2015 Margaret Ann Morgan 2015 Margaret Spain 2015 Kelley Hill 2016 Rhonda McDuffee 2016 Michelle Robertson 2016 Linda Westbrook 2017 Ashley Moon 2017 Amy Waters 2017 Cherry Payne Property Assoc. Pastor, Dan Harrison Building Sup., Chad Royal Buildings, Sub. 2015 Brandon Smith 2015 Skip Royster 2016 Crews Reaves 2016 Ken Freeman 2017 Charles Bundrick 2017 Chris Wells Grounds, Sub. 2015 Brian Langford 2015 Robby Bice 2016 Scott Steward 2016 Steve Harrison 2017 Matt Emerson 2017 Sandy Noah Insurance, Sub. 2015 Don Harris 2016 Don Walker 2017 Laura Leavell Recreation 2015 Jill Wells 2015 Scott Morgan 2016 Jeff Nobles 2016 Dennis Waters 2017 Melissa Steward 2017 Kara Bruner Scholarship 2015 Sharon Green 2016 Tammy Free 2017 Jeremy Turner Stewardship Pastor, Rick Marshall Assoc. Pastor, Dan Harrison Church Treasurer, David Furst Asst. Treasurer, Barbara Kennedy 2015 Jason Gardner 2015 Kay Miller 2015 Neal Robinson MINISTRY TEAMS, 2015 Continued 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 Jason Westbrook Jim Handey Betty Nolan Ken McGraw Norman Arnold Tracy Smitherman Transportation 2015 Neal Kendrick 2015 Trey Higbe 2016 Jim Tanner 2016 Matt Manning 2017 Carolyn Howton 2017 Glenn Hataway Trustees 2015 Barry Leavell 2016 Don Walker 2017 John Morgan Youth Advisory 2015 Steven McDaniel 2015 Terri Golden 2016 Sharon Walker 2016 Robby Bice 2017 Chris Sullivan 2017 Jill Wells SERVICE COMMITTEES: Greeters/Welcoming Captains: Russell Lackey Ron Myers Sharon Myers Flowers/Decorating Linda Westbrook Charlotte Blasingame Sandy Harmann Jim Tanner Pat Tanner Maggie Royster Bette Edmonds Jane Martin Peggy White Media Center Fara Zaleski Judi Minister Angela Hand Mary Horton Prayer Bob Thompson Laura Leavell Bill Harper Betty Baggott Joette Castleberry David Furst Security Captains: Mike Woodall Robert Barnes Chris Wells Jim Gouge Derek Robertson Jeff Hilliard Sound Harold Ezell Jim Handey Earl Venable Randy Driskell Ushers 8:30 10:45 10:45 6:00 Chris Green Johnny Swanner Billy Struthers GrayWatson Video Anthony Green Brian Hidle Sam Brabham Keith Cantley Brian Pope Mickey Phillips SENIOR ADULT TRIP March 23-27 2015 Savannah, Georgia and St. Augustine, Florida $730.00 per person Double Occupancy Price includes Motor Coach Transportation • 4 nights accommodations one dinner Cruise • 2 theatrical productions 3 evening meals... and much more. Detailed itinerary available in the church office. Call the church office to sign up. Children’s Ministr y B I RT H DAY B OA R D Tyler Hand Breanna Turrentine Finley Pollard January 31 January 31 February 5 (7) (7) (6) We gratefully acknowledge gifts to the church in memory of: Raymond Bryan Given by: Bill & Jane Harper Colonel & Shirley Durden Dr. & Mrs. David Jarrell Mary Vann Virginia Reynolds Given by: Dr. & Mrs. David Jarrell Judi Lackey Given by: Jill, Howard, Gracie, Claire and Aubrie Wells Curly Thomas Given by: Allen & Patsy Watson WILD GAME DINNER Saturday, March 7, 2015 • 6:00 pm • CLC It’s hunting season and we need to start now in gathering deer meat, or any other donations, for our upcoming Wild Game Dinner in March. We need approximately 10 to 13 processed deer donated for this year’s event to be successful. Each person will receive four (4) passes to this year’s Wild Game Dinner for each deer donated. Our guest speaker this year is Siran Stacy, former football player. In November 2007, his life changed forever when a drunk driver struck his van, a mile from their home, killing his wife and 4 of his 5 children. Come hear his testimony, and hear how the Lord continues to work in his life. Please contact Larry Kennedy 850-8405 or the Church Office 272-0604 if you have a deer to donate. Please help us in making this outreach event successful. Tickets are $8 per person or $64 a table and are available Sundays in the Green Ridge Welcome Center and Wednesdays in the gym. PICTURES NEEDED! Start now and send your Hunting/Fishing/Game pictures to Ricky Solar ( or Melissa Steward ( for this year’s Wild Game Dinner. These pictures will be shown on a big screen at this event, and always fun to watch. We gratefully acknowledge gifts to the church in honor of: Merle Fields Given by: Bobby & Linda Swayne STUDENT NEWS Disciple Now Weekend February 20-22, 2014 • Cost $30 This is an area-wide discipleship weekend event. We will meet in homes this year as well as the church. Sign up now for this wonderful weekend experience! TERRY VEAZEY Pray for Evangelist Terry Veazey as he preaches in Oradea, Romania during the dates of February 5 to 16. For additional information, go online to Prayer: Principles and Practice • “Preparing the Prayer Warrior” The Disciples asked Jesus to teach them just one thing...“...Lord teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1) Prayer is the very Heart of a Relationship with God. As children of God we forget that when God is not kept in every part of our life, we stray and find frustration. Come and learn to prioritize prayer and learn the principles of prayer that Jesus taught His Disciples. February 1 “How Sin and Faith Affect Prayer”, led by Meredith McLendon Meets in Room 154 Why Do You Believe That? When it comes to talking about matters of faith, how confident do you feel? Do you wish expressing your beliefs about Jesus with others was easier? Join us in this 7 session study and be equipped to have meaningful conversations, gain skills to communicate your beliefs more effectively, and even understand your faith better! Know what you believe and why! Meets in Room 150 Missions of Mobile MISSIONS OF MOBILE will be presenting a concert at EASTERN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH on Sunday night, March 8th at 6:00 pm. Monday, February 2nd at 5:30 pm A snack supper will be served and childcare is available. Be sure that your Sunday School Class is represented! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Missions of Mobile, is a classical worship ensemble from the University of Mobile. Through the use of multiple languages from across the world, the group hopes to cross cultural boundaries in pursuit of taking the gospel to the corners of the earth. Our own, KARISSA SMITH, is a part of this group. A love offering will be received to help with the groups’ future mission trips to share the gospel. Up-coming Events SENIOR ACTIVITIES Celebration Singers Thursday, February 12 & 26 Chappy’s Breakfast Bunch Monday, February 23 Game Day Thursday, February 26 The February edition of “The Encourager” is available in the Sunday School Classes and the kiosks. MUSIC NOTES Youth Choir Sunday at 4:45 pm Choir Tour deposit, $100 due February 1 Veritas Sunday, February 15 at 6:00 pm The unmistakable sound of Veritas brings a fresh approach to the contemporary classical genre. These five male vocalists sing both new and old songs, delivering the sound of love, hope and excellence. Visit their website, A Love Offering will be received. Jesus, the One and Only A study of the life of Jesus based on the book of Luke. Beth Moore Mondays at 1:30 pm Led by Susan Lanthrip Gripped By the Greatness of God Expound upon Isaiah’s encounters with God, to rediscover the wonder of God’s attributes. James McDonald Tuesdays at 9:30 am Led by CeCelia Armstrong Me, Myself, & Lies: A Thought-Closet Makeover This study will encourage you to replace hidden negative thoughts with positive truths from God’s Word. Jennifer Rothschild Tuesdays at 6:00 pm Led by Kimberly Turman Precepts: Genesis Part 2 The Fall, the Flood and the Nations Kay Arthur Tuesdays at 9:30 am; 6:30 pm Led by Judy Ray Meets in Judy’s home at 6:30 pm All ladies are invited! Childcare will be provided only when requested to Susan Sessions in the church office. The Youth Department is in need of volunteers to make desserts for Disciple Now Weekend and Breakfast items for Sunday morning, February 22nd. If you will be willing to donate an item(s), please drop off desserts in the gym on Friday, February 20th or breakfast items on Sunday morning, February 22 between 8 - 9 am in the Reception Room. This is the time of year when we have the most youth in our church, so we will need LOTS of goodies! Please contact Jill Wells, 279-9824 to sign up. Thank you in advance for your help! Sign up in SS or call Melissa in the church office. Deadline to sign up is Sunday, February 8. We look forward to the TWO of you being with us! Women on Mission MEETING Tuesday, February 3, 2015 9:30 am • Reception Room All Women are Invited to join us as we count the cost and consider the rewards of living our lives fully surrendered to God’s plan. Friday, February 13 • 6:00-10:00 pm (dinner provided) Saturday, February 14 • 8:00-2:00 pm (breakfast and lunch provided) Childcare will ONLY be provided if arrangements are made with Melissa in the church office. W E D N E S D AY N I G H T M E N U February 4, 2015 Family Night Meal 4:45 p.m. Poppyseed Chicken and Rice Green Beans Pineapple Casserole Roll Cake Drink CHILDREN’S MENU The Messenger (USPS No. 591-420) is published weekly by Eastern Hills Baptist Church. Rev. Ricky Solar, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery Alabama. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Messenger, 3604 Pleasant Ridge Road, Montgomery Alabama 36109 Hamburger, Chips, Ice Cream, Drink SOUP/SALAD BAR Soup Please note that you must CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE BY12:00 pm ON MONDAY to make or change your reservation. NO SHOWS ARE EXPECTED TO PAY FA M I LY CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY To Shirley Bryan and Lynn & Jerry Young and Family in the death of their husband and father, Raymond Bryan. To Jeanette Friday the death of her sister, Lucy Buffalo. To Brenda Vann and Jenille Ball in the death of their mother, Mary Vann. STAFF ANNIVERSARY CONGRATULATIONS to Greg Gosselin who completes eleven years on staff as Minister of Children on February 1st. MINISTERIAL STAFF Dr. Rick Marshall...........................Senior Pastor Dan Harrison ........................Associate Pastor of Senior Adult Ministries & Administration Ricky Solar...........................Associate Pastor of Education & Families Keith Pate................................Minister of Music Greg Gosselin ......................Minister of Children Mark McLendon .................Minister of Students and Activities Debbie Farthing......................Pastor’s Secretary Donna Brown ........................Financial Secretary Melissa Steward........Education/Youth Secretary Joy Priester ...............................Music Secretary Susan Sessions ...........................Staff Secretary and Receptionist Chad Royal ...................Building Superintendent Stacy Royal ..............................Daycare Director THIS SUNDAY Counting Committee Peggy Kendrick, Robbie Barnes Deacon Offering Chairman 8:15 am – Robert Barnes 10:45 am – Chris Wells Deacons of the Week February 1 – Chris Wells, George Ray Security Team 2/1 & 2/4– Jim Gouge, Jack Davis Golf Cart Drivers Jerry Martin, Allen Watson Wednesday Night Servers Lillian Antes, Faye Spivey, Norman Arnold, Norman & Portia Goss, Bill Morgan Extended Session Workers February 1 Captain: Kelley Hill Please be in place by 8:00 am. 8:15 Bed Babies: Adam & Kelley Hill Toddlers/Creepers: Connie Barton Please be in place by 10:30 am. 10:45 Bed Babies: Jane & Carey Chandler Toddlers: David & Jo Anne Green 2’s: Keith & Kristie Cantley 3’s: Mike & Teresa Caldwell ON THE GROW Sunday School Attendance for January 25, 2015 Att. G.O. 8 Preschool 43 Children 55 Youth 77 Adults 469 Spanish Ministry 12 Total 664 BUDGET REPORT Year to Date Budget Requirements Budget Receipts Under Budget $146,293.60 130,453.00 15,840.60 Weekly Budget Report January 25, 2015 Budget Requirements Budget Receipts Under Budget Designated Continue the Dream Designated $36,573.40 25,205.25 11,368.15 $1,640.00 2,991.50
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