North Reading Public Schools’ District Highlights An informational newsletter showcasing news and events of the North Reading Public Schools. Superintendent’s Message It is my pleasure to present to you the first edition of the North Reading Public Schools’ Superintendent’s newsletter. It is my intention to issue a newsletter periodically during each school year. The transition into my new role as Superintendent of Schools has gone very well due in large part to the warm and supportive reception I have received from across the school district and within the community. Prior to and since beginning my work on October 20th, I have engaged in a number of very revealing and informative conversations with individuals and small groups as part of my Entry Plan process. The purpose of the Entry Plan is for me to gain further insight into the strengths and needs of the school district and the hopes of the community for their new leader of the North Reading Public Schools. While it is true that I have worked for many years as an educator in the North Reading Public Schools, the role of superintendent is far more expansive and thus the Entry Plan process will prove to be invaluable as I work to enhance the work of the school district. The overarching goals of my Entry Plan are as follows: (1) to get to know further the school district across all grade levels and its people as fully as possible in a concise period of time; (2) to examine deeper the key issues in the school system’s past in order to make sense of how such issues were handled and to identify the norms which affect how the organization may function in the future; (3) to identify and prioritize the tasks which need to be done; and (4) to establish how these tasks should be accomplished. The format of the Entry Plan will center on four key areas: (1) Governance and Leadership; (2) Academics; (3) Parent and Community Relations; and (4) Finance and Budget. Conversations with various constituencies have been central to the work of my Entry Plan thus far. Through engaging conversations, listening intently, and asking guiding questions, I have begun to gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives and expectations of various stakeholders. I have been reviewing documents and gathering data that will drive the goal-setting process for our school district following a format that is delineated in the district’s established strategic plan, currently referred to as “NRPS 2016” (The full text of “NRPS 2016” is available on the school district’s website at The information gained through document review and conversations will help me to uphold our district vision, impart the mission of the North Reading Public Schools, and ensure that our students experience an educational program that is not only enjoyable and rewarding, but one that will afford them lifelong success upon graduation from high school and as they enter a global society with many exciting challenges ahead. The full text of my “Entry Plan Timeline,” which is intended to serve as an overview and outline of the full Entry Plan process and which was presented at a public meeting of the North Reading School Committee on December 8th, is available under the “District News” section of the school district’s website at In the coming weeks, I will be releasing to the school community an on-line survey to be completed. The results from this survey will serve as an additional means of gathering important data for me to consider as I complete my Entry Plan process. I anticipate that my Entry Plan will be made available to the public in February of 2015. Thank you for your continued support of my and the entire school district’s efforts to provide the highest quality educational experience for all students. I hope you enjoy this newsletter, and I extend to all families my sincere wishes for an enjoyable holiday season. Jon C. Bernard, Superintendent of Schools Volume 1, Issue 1 Winter 2014-2015 Inside this issue: NRHS Accreditation News 2 JT Hood School Students Selected to Participate in the NAEP Test Student and Teacher Engagement 2 Performing Arts Department News 3 2 Community Impact Team (CIT) News 3 Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Update 4 Middle/High School Building Project Update Common Core and PARCC Test Informational Forums 4 5 Upcoming Important Dates and Events: Page 4 1 North Reading High School Receives a Status of “Continued Accreditation” by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) North Reading High School has received a status of continued accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) following a successful four-day site visit conducted by a team of educators from across New England on Mach 2-5, 2014. The high school faculty, staff, students, and parents participated in an extensive Self-Study of the high school’s programs, policies, and facilities in the two years prior to the site visit. The school has received a number of commendations in seven areas: (1) Core Values, Beliefs, and 21st Century Learning Expectations; (2) Curriculum; (3) Instruction; (4) Assessment; (5) School Culture and Leadership; (6) School Resources for Learning; and (7) Community Resources for Learning. A comprehensive process, the Self-Study and Site Visit contributed favorably to North Reading High School receiving continued accreditation meaning that the school has met or exceeded the expectations of the seven standards for accreditation. Students, their parents, faculty, staff, and the community as a whole should find great pride in being awarded continued accreditation of their high school, for such a status means that our students are receiving a rigorous and high-quality educational program that will assist them in meeting the challenges of a global society. There is also great value to the taxpayer when the community’s high school has received continued accreditation, for home values are enhanced. The high school community soon will begin its work to address the recommendations of the visiting committee and prepare to submit a “Two-Year Report” to the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, which is due in October of 2016. J. T. Hood School Students Selected to Participate in the NAEP Test We are pleased to announce that The J. Turner Hood Elementary School was selected to represent schools across our state and nation by participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics within the U.S. Department of Education. The test assesses students in reading and mathematics. Assessment data tells us what our nation's students know and can do. Students in grade 4 will be administered the NAEP Assessment on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. NAEP results are reported in "The Nation's Report Card." Test data are used by policymakers, state and local educators, principals, teachers and parents to inform educational administration. NAEP allows participating states to monitor their own progress over time in reading, mathematics, writing and science. States can also compare the knowledge and skills of their students with students in other states and with the nation. We are excited that students at the JT Hood School will be participating in NAEP. We know that the J. Turner Hood School’s students will help us show what Massachusetts students know and can do. Students and Teachers Highly Engaged Across the School District I have been visiting classrooms in all five schools across the district these last several weeks and I am thoroughly impressed with the high level of engagement of students and teachers. Our students are being challenged and assignments require that they think critically and creatively. There is strong evidence that our teachers have set very lofty yet achievable goals for all students and that they are supporting students to meet these goals, rooted in 21st century learning. Many thanks to the students and teachers who have warmly welcomed me into their classrooms; I intend to make school and classroom visits an integral part of my daily work as Superintendent. 2 Performing Arts Department News Holiday Concerts were held in each of our five schools leading up to the winter break. Congratulations to our students and their teachers of the Music Department for helping us all to engage in and enjoy the spirit of the season. The North Reading Middle School Drama Club, which recently adopted a new name, NRMS Hornet Productions, performed “The Wizard of Oz” to near sell-out crowds at the high school’s new Performing Arts Center on December 12th and 13th. The show was wonderful! Congratulations to the cast and crew and their teachers for a wonderful production of this timeless classic. The North Reading High School Masquers will be performing “Peter Pan” on January 30 & 31 and February 6 & 7, 2015. Stay tuned for announcements on when and where to buy your tickets! All performances will take place in the Performing Arts Center at the new North Reading High School. Community Impact Team Update: Save the Dates for Jon Mattleman’s Program, “The Secret Life of a Massachusetts Teen”; Wednesday, March 4, 2015 and “North Reading Night Off”; Thursday, March 12, 2015 Jon Mattleman: “The Secret Life of a Massachusetts Teen”; Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Mr. Jon Mattleman has over thirty years of experience as a mental health counselor and trainer with a focus on issues facing youth and parents. He has addressed thousands of parents in schools and community groups and is committed to ensuring productive communication, collaborative problem-solving, and supportive relationships. His program, “The Secret Life of a Massachusetts Teen,” is a high-energy presentation that actively focuses on what teens are really thinking, what they fear, why they do not share their fears, and how parents can more effectively support their teen. The presentation will cover areas such as acting out behaviors, drug and alcohol use, depression, suicide, and more. Parents will leave the workshop with strategies that they can implement immediately; new ways of understanding teens; innovative techniques for engaging teens; and the confidence, courage, and new language needed to enhance their relationship with their teen. This is an adult only program; parents of children of all ages are invited to attend and will be asked to register their attendance in advance (registration instructions will be communicated out to families in the new year). The program will begin at 7:00 p.m. at North Reading High School (location will be determined by the size of the audience; greeters will be available on site on the evening of the program to guide attendees to the presentation). Please mark your calendar for this event! The program is being sponsored by the North Reading Community Impact Team (CIT). “North Reading Night Off;” Thursday, March 12, 2015 The Community Impact Team (CIT) will sponsor its inaugural “North Reading Night Off” on Thursday, March 12, 2015. “North Reading Night Off” is an evening when, from 5:00 p.m. on, there are no scheduled meetings, activities, games, homework, etc., in our town. This initiative is in response to feedback from North Reading families that stress and the need to balance family life is a widespread concern. While we can’t change our culture with one night, we can help provide a few hours during which families can enjoy dinner and a stress-free evening together. Other communities, including Needham, have conducted “Nights Off” to great success and positive feedback from the community. Please look for additional communications about “North Reading Night Off” in the North Reading Transcript and through notices sent home through the school department. For now, you are asked to please “save the date” of Thursday, March 12, 2015 to take part in “North Reading Night Off” and enjoy quality time with your family. 3 Fiscal Year 2016 Budget The process has begun to develop a preliminary budget for the 2016 fiscal year. It is scheduled that this preliminary budget will be presented to the North Reading School Committee at a public meeting on March 9, 2015 and that a public hearing on the fiscal year 2016 budget will be held on April 6, 2015 in an effort to gain input from the citizens of the community. The school department’s strategic plan, “NRPS 2016: A Strategy for the Future,” will continue to serve as the guiding document for prioritizing the needs that are requested in the budget. The major areas, labeled “Strategies for Continuous Improvement,” that will remain focus areas for budget development are Teaching and Learning, Student Services, and Technology Integration. A complete copy of “NRPS 2016” is posted under the “District News” section of the school district’s website at In addition to the operating budget, the school administration recently presented its large capital requests to the town’s Capital Improvement Planning Committee. The school department’s requests include replacement of a special education department transport vehicle, improvements to the Hood School parking lot and playground’s paved areas, new computer devices at the Hood and Little Schools, upgrades to the district’s data management systems, and a new transport vehicle for athletic and extra-curricular student transportation. A copy of the large capital presentation can be found under the Business Office section of the district website under the tab for Budget. The school administration will continue to update the community as the budget development process progresses over the next few months. North Reading Middle/High School Building Project Continues The construction of the new North Reading Middle School continues to progress well. The brick façade is nearly complete, infrastructure/utilities installation continues, and it is the goal to have the building “weathertight” in January so that that interior work can continue at a rapid pace to prepare the middle school to receive students and staff for the start of the 2015-2016 school year. The new North Reading High School is a wonderful new facility and all of the many new spaces and resources available to students and faculty are being taken full advantage of. The facility is spectacular and serves as a testament to the community’s strong support of public education. Thank you, North Reading, for your support of these two new, beautiful schools! Upcoming Important Dates and Events: Kindergarten Parent Registration January 15, 2015 High School Mid-Year Examinations January 20-23, 2015 Kindergarten AM/PM Switch January 26, 2015 Middle School Conferences January 28-30, 2015 Kindergarten Registration February 3, 2015 No School; Teacher Professional Development Day February 6, 2015 February Recess February 16-20, 2015 Taste of Metro North February 25, 2015 Jon Mattleman Parent Presentation March 4, 2015 North Reading Night Off March 12, 2015 Elementary School Conferences March 11-13, 2015 High School Conferences March 18, 2015 4 Common Core and PARCC Testing Informational Forums to he Hosted On January 21 & 22, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. the school district administration will host informational forums for parents about next generation testing. In 2015-16 Massachusetts districts had the choice to preview the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessment or to remain with MCAS for one more year. In 2016 and beyond the state of Massachusetts will either adopt PARCC or create a next-generation MCAS to replace the current system. As you may be aware, North Reading is among the more than fifty percent of school districts who are test-driving the PARCC assessment in the Spring of 2015. This test will be computer-based at the Batchelder School for grades 3, 4, and 5 and paper-based at these same grades at the Little and Hood schools for both English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. The Middle School will utilize the PARCC assessment in grades 6-8 for ELA and Mathematics. At the high school, the ninth grade students enrolled in the Algebra I course will be taking the PARCC assessment this spring as well. During this “test drive” year, tenth grade students will continue to take MCAS, as will students taking the fifth and eighth grade Science assessment. Biology students will also take the MCAS exam for that subject area. Students who traditionally take the alternative MCAS test will continue to take that exam in the spring of 2015. North Reading has aligned its curriculum and courses with the 2011 Massachusetts curriculum frameworks and we are looking forward to this “test drive” of PARCC as we look to see if this new assessment truly measures the standards in a way that provides meaningful feedback to our students and educators. We look forward to answering questions and exploring the next generation assessments together at the two informational forums. The January 21st forum will be held in the Batchelder School cafeteria and will focus on the elementary level testing program; the January 22nd forum will be held in the Distance Learning Lab at North Reading High School and will focus on the secondary level testing program. North Reading Public Schools’ Vision and Mission Vision The North Reading Public Schools prepare all students to be productive citizens who thrive in the 21st century. Mission The North Reading Public Schools provide a safe, supportive, and contemporary learning environment where dedication to excellence, service, and life-long learning is paramount. All students are challenged to work collaboratively and to become creative and critical thinkers. Emphasis is placed on mastering core academic knowledge, developing 21st century skills, pursuing individual potential, and fostering citizenship in a global society. Thank you to Dr. Patrick Daly, Assistant Superintendent; Mr. Michael Connelly, Director of Finance and Operations; and Mr. Glen McKay, JT Hood School Principal, for their contributions to this newsletter. 5
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