Roseville Area Schools Quality Teaching & Learning for All...Equity in All We Do Early Childhood 651.487.4378 EARLY CHILDHOOD Your guide to spring classes for 2015 and s e ss for Cla s e i ivit t c a ung o y r you ly! i m fa Welcome! p. 2 p. 6 p. 9 p. 15 About Us ECFE Classes Special Topics Brown Bag Parent Lunches EARLY CHILDHOOD Giving your family a great start! We provide support and educational opportunities for all children from birth to kindergarten entry. We want to journey with you on the road to school success by offering day classes, evening and Saturday classes, drop in and play classes, early childhood screening, PreK classes for 3-5 year olds, parenting classes, home visits, and more! Goals of the Roseville Area Schools Early Childhood program: • Provide support for a child’s optimal physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development during the LPSRUWDQW¿UVW\HDUVRIOLIH • Promote informed, realistic attitudes and expectations about raising children • Offer child development information and a variety of parenting techniques • Provide support to parents in their efforts in raising children • Help create effective communication in families • Provide information on resources available in the community 2 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE CONTENTS FIND US p. 2 About Early Childhood Brimhall Elementary (BH) p. 3 Contents Locations Schedule Edgerton Elementary (EDG) p. 4 Resources One-to-One Visits Toy Lending Library Refer a Child to Help Me Grow Are You in Our Database? Early Childhood Screenings Advisory Council p. 5 About ECFE 1744 County Road B West Roseville, MN 55113 1929 Edgerton St Maplewood, MN 55117 Emmet D. Williams Elementary (EDW) 955 County Road D West Shoreview, MN 55126 Fairview Community Center (FV) 1910 County Road B West Roseville, MN 55113 Parkview Center School (PCS ECFE Center) 701 County Road B West Roseville, MN 55113 p. 6 ECFE Classes Infant & Parents Toddler & Parents Prince of Peace Church p. 7 Twos & Parents 651.487.4378 p. 8 3-5 Years & Parents Saturday Classes Evening Classes 651.487.4367 p. 9 Special Topics p. 10 Explore S’more Classes Music Classes p. 11 Family Drop In & Play Special Events Biggest Little House in the Forest Peter Pan the Musical p. 12 ECFE Registration & Fees p. 14 ECFE Registration Form p. 15 Brown Bag Parent Lunches Class Information: 651.487.4378 2561 Victoria St Roseville, MN 55113 Early Childhood Main Office Tamy Reese, Early Childhood Manager Janina Haug, PreK Coordinator 651.604.3578 SCHEDULE Winter/Spring daytime and evening classes will run January 12 - May 15 unless otherwise noted. There will be NO class the following days: • Monday, January 19 • Monday, February 2 • Friday, February 13 & Saturday, February 14 • Monday, February 16 • Friday, March 13 - Saturday, March 21 • Friday, April 3 & Saturday, April 4 • Friday, May 1 When Roseville schools are closed or delayed, ECFE classes will be cancelled. Listen to WCCO radio 830 AM for school closings or call 651.487.4378. Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 3 Resources for you and your family One-to-One Visits -FREE! One-to-One Visits provide education and support to parents with children from birth to age 5. A licensed parent educator can work with you by phone, e-mail, a home visit, Skype, or by appointment at Parkview Center School. Visits can include: • Current information on parenting and child development issues. • Activities for young children. • Information about resources through the district and in the community. • A New Baby packet… and much more! This helpful service is free to parents with infants, toddlers and preschoolers living in the Roseville School District. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUWRDUUDQJHDYLVLWSOHDVHFDOOWKH(&)(RI¿FHDW651.487.4378. Toy Lending Library It’s like having new toys every week! Open to all individuals, families and childcare providers. Membership is $10 per year, (September - May) and you can check out: • Slides, riding toys, infant, toddler and preschool toys • Puzzles, games • Children’s books and the best parenting books and tapes • You can register online at • Fee assistance is available Refer a Child to Help Me Grow If you have concerns about your child’s development, talk to your health care provider, or call Help Me Grow at 651.604.3700. Someone will assist you to arrange for a free screening or evaluation to determine if your child is eligible for Help Me Grow: Early Intervention Service. Early childhood specialists will work with eligible children and families to plan the services and support they need. Are You on the Roseville Area Schools District Database? Do you have a new baby? Did you get this brochure from a friend? If so, your child’s name is not on the 5RVHYLOOH$UHD6FKRRO¶VGDWDEDVH%\UHJLVWHULQJ\RXUFKLOG¶VQDPHQRZ\RXZLOOEHQRWL¿HGRIHDUO\FKLOGKRRG screening, when to register your child for kindergarten, and receive district publications including this brochure. Call now: 651.628.6449. Early Childhood Screening The State of Minnesota requires a free screening of a child’s development, vision, hearing, immunizations and overall health. The purpose of having your child screened early is to identify any concerns that may interfere with their learning. Screening dates are offered for 3-4 year olds year round. Dates can be found at: Early Childhood Advisory Council Get more involved by joining the Early Childhood Advisory Council! This Council provides opportunities to advise program development, evaluation, outreach and become more aware of district issues. Call Tamy Reese, Early Childhood Manager, at 651.487.4367 for more information. 4 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE ECFE Early Childhood Family Education You are your child’s first and most important teacher. :HZDQWWRVXSSRUW\RXUIDPLO\GXULQJWKHVH¿UVW\HDUVRI\RXUFKLOG¶VOLIH2XUKLJKTXDOLW\HDUO\ childhood classes are for you and your young children - birth to pre-kindergarten age. A typical class includes: • • 3DUHQW&KLOG$FWLYLW\7LPHZKHQ\RXDQG\RXUFKLOGWRJHWKHUHQMR\DFODVVURRP¿OOHGZLWKGHYHORSPHQWDOO\ appropriate play and learning activities. Parent Discussion: You’ll meet with other parents and a licensed parent educator to share experiences and information about child development and parenting techniques. Children’s Activity Time: While you are in Parent Discussion (in separating classes), children learn and play with licensed early childhood teachers. Children practice social skills and will enjoy music, art, stories, and large/small muscle activities. Choosing an ECFE class What you need to know about separating classes: • • 3DUHQWVDQGFKLOGUHQLQWHUDFWDQGH[SORUHDFWLYLWLHVWRJHWKHUIRUWKH¿UVWSDUWRIFODVV7KLVSURYLGHVDQ opportunity to spend uninterrupted time with your child exploring games, creative activities, books, science, dramatic play and more! Following parent/child interaction time, parents meet in a separate classroom with a licensed parent educator for discussion of topics related to child development and parenting. While parents meet for parent discussion, children participate in age-appropriate activities with a licensed early childhood teacher and a teaching assistant. Children are provided experiences which encourage social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. What you need to know about non-separating classes: • • • • Parents and children stay together in the classroom for the entire class. Parents remain in the same room with children and interact with them in varied learning and play activities. A licensed parent educator leads discussion on topics such as child growth and development, transition to parenthood, and how children learn and play. Discussion, sharing, and support take place within sight and sound of playing children. Parenting Only Classes: • • Parents will meet the entire class discussing parenting topics. Children will experience educational activities in an early childhood environment. What you need to know about sibling care: • • Child care is offered to siblings of class participants. Sibling Care is available on a sliding-fee scale. Starting at 4-5 months of age, siblings need to go to sibling care. Newborns and young babies are welcome to come to class with parents. Sign up for sibling care on your registration form, page 14. Our Promise Fees for ECFE classes are on a sliding fee scale according to family income. No one will be turned away because of inability to pay for an ECFE class. Class Information: 651.487.4378 Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 5 INFANT & PARENTS birth -12 mo Spring 2015 classes These classes support children and parents GXULQJWKH¿UVW\HDURIOLIH7KURXJKWKHXVHRI music, sensory activities, movement and language development, you and your child will experience activities that enhance brain development. For separating classes, after parent and child activity time, parents will meet to discuss topics of interest to the group including: sleep, brain development, how babies learn and play and more! For non-separating classes a parent educator will be available to answer your parenting questions and there will also be time to learn and share ideas with other parents. Class 001 002 003 Age Date 0-12 months F, 1/16-5/15 0-12 months Th, 1/15-4/23 0-12 months T, 3/24-4/28 Format Time Location Sibling Care Fee Separating 11:00AM-12:15PM Parkview Non-Separating 10:45AM-11:45PM Parkview Separating 3:30PM-5:00PM Parkview 001a 002a 003a A A C ages TODDLER & PARENTS 12-24 Spring 2015 classes mo Explore the classroom, sings songs, read books, enjoy creative and messy projects and more during this class just for toddlers and parents. Connect with other parents on topics such as language acquisition, routines, nutrition, the importance of play, dealing with tantrums and child development. Class 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Age Date Format Time 12-24 months 12-24 months 12-24 months 12-24 months 12-24 months 12-24 months 18-30 months M, 1/12-5/11 M, 1/12-5/11 W, 1/14-4/22 Th, 1/15-4/23 F, 1/16-5/15 T, 1/13-4/21 W, 1/14-4/22 Non-Separating Separating Separating Separating Separating Non-Separating Separating 9:00AM-10:15AM 10:45AM-12:15PM 9:00AM-10:30AM 8:45AM-10:15AM 9:00AM-10:30AM 6:15PM-7:30PM 11:00AM-12:30AM 6 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE Location Sibling Care Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview 101a 102a 103a 104a 105a 106a 107a Fee A A A A A A A TWOS & PARENTS Spring 2015 classes ages 24-36 mo You and your two-year-old will share time together enjoying painting, sensory activities, singing, playing with new toys and building creations! After circle time of music and movement, the parent educator will lead discussions on topics such as sharing, independence, potty training, effective discipline techniques and self esteem. Class 201 202 203 204 205 206 208 209 Age Date Format Time 24-36 months 24-36 months 24-30 months 30-36 months 24-36 months 24-36 months 24-36 months 24-36 months M, 1/12-5/11 T, 1/13-4/21 W, 1/14-4/22 W, 1/14-4/22 Th, 1/15-4/23 Th, 1/15-4/23 F, 1/16-5/15 T, 1/13-4/21 Separating Separating Separating Separating Non-Separating Separating Separating Separating 9:30AM-11:30AM 9:00AM-11:00AM 9:15AM-11:15AM 12:15PM-2:15PM 8:30AM-9:45AM 10:00AM-12:00PM 9:30AM-11:30AM 6:00PM-7:30PM Class Information: 651.487.4378 Location Sibling Care Fee Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview 201a 202a 203a 204a 205a 206a 208a 209a B B B B A B B A Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 7 ages 3-5 YEARS & PARENTS 3-5 yrs Spring 2015 classes As your child is exploring growing independence, this class will provide opportunities to practice social skills, early literacy and math skills, art, science, creative art and more! The classroom will have engaging learning centers that will develop school readiness skills. Parents will have the opportunity to develop connections with other parents and learn how to support your child’s readiness for kindergarten. The children will participate in learning activities that will enhance their other preschool experiences. Class 607 502 Brown Bag Parenting 615 608 Discipline Tools 609 Raising a Reader Age Date Format 3-4 years BirthGrade 3 3-5 years 3-5 years Th, 1/15-4/23 T, Various See page 15 Th, 4/2-4/23 Th, 1/15-1/29 3-5 years Time Location Sibling Care Fee Separating 9:30AM-11:30AM Parent Only 12:00PM-1:00PM Parkview Parkview 607a 502a Separating Separating 6:00PM-7:30PM 6:00PM-7:30PM Parkview Parkview 615a 608a B No Fee E E Th, 2/26-3/12 Separating 6:00PM-7:30PM Parkview 609a E SATURDAY & EVENING Spring 2015 classes ages listed below We want to accommodate your busy schedule! That’s why we also offer evening and Saturday classes, which follow the same format and provide the same experiences as our daytime classes, but at times that are convenient for the modern family. Class Age 209 106 601 Dad and Me! 602 Kindness Class 603 Time In 24-36 mo 12-24 mo 0-5 years 2-4 years 0-5 years Date T, 1/13-4/21 T, 1/13-4/21 Th, 1/15-3/26 S, 1/17-2/28 S, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, 4/18 608 Discipline Tools 3-5 years Th, 1/15-1/29 609 Raising a Reader 3-5 years Th, 2/26-3/12 615 3-5 years Th, 4/2-4/23 8 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE Format Time Location Sibling Care Fee Separating Non-Separating Separating Separating Separating 6:00PM-7:30PM 6:15PM-7:30PM 6:00PM-7:30PM 10:00AM-11:30AM 10:00AM-11:30AM 209a 106a N/A 602a N/A A A F C E Separating Separating Separating 6:00PM-7:30PM Parkview 608a 6:00PM-7:30PM Parkview 609a 6:00PM-7:30PM Parkview 615a E E E Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview SPECIAL TOPICS ages listed below Spring 2015 classes *UDQGSDUHQWLQJLQ7RGD\¶V:RUOG Here is a chance to experience some quality time with your grandchildren making art projects, singing, reading books, playing dress up and more! After activity time, join other grandparents in discussion. The children will continue activities with the early childhood staff while you are meeting. #601 Dad and ME! This class for children and dads and includes a parent/child interaction time followed by discussion time for dads. We will enjoy crafts, group games and literacy activities with our children. During discussion, we’ll talk about issues that are unique to fatherhood including discipline and goals of parenting. #602 Kindness Class This class will focus on building social skills. We will explore 6 building blocks of character development which include the following: empathy, gentleness, UHVSHFWVHOIFRQWUROIULHQGVKLSDQGFRQÀLFWUHVROXWLRQ3DUHQWGLVFXVVLRQ time will focus on building your child’s friendship skills at home. To further the learning this class also includes “home sweet homework” which involves kindness activities for the whole family. #603 Time In: An Alternative to Time Out This class will begin with a parent child time where you and your child can participate in a variety of creative projects and hands on activities. This will be followed by a circle time of singing, movement activities and stories. The focus of parent discussion will be based on the book: Time in: When Time out Doesn’t Work by Jean Illsley Clark. Time In is a 4-part process that helps with discipline while also connecting with children. It promotes problem solving and taking responsibility for our actions. The 4 parts to Time In are: ASK, ATTEND, ACT, AMEND. #608 Discipline Tools Learn about discipline tools that work for ages 3-5, stages of development, power struggles, communication and dealing with challenging behavior. #609 Raising a Reader We will discuss the language and vocabulary skills needed to become a good reader and how we as parents can support our children’s’ literacy development. Parent/child time will promote literacy development. Class Age Date Format Time 604 Grandparents 601 Dad and ME! 602 Kindness Class 603 Time In 0-5 years 0-5 years 0-5 years 0-5 years T, 1/13-4/21 Th, 1/15-3/26 S, 1/17-2/28 S, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, 4/18 Th, 1/15-1/29 Th, 2/26-3/12 Separating Separating Separating Separating 11:00AM-12:30PM 6:00PM-7:30PM 10:00AM-11:30AM 10:00AM-11:30AM Parkview Parkview Parkview Parkview N/A N/A N/A N/A A F C E Separating Separating 6:00PM-7:30PM 6:00PM-7:30PM Parkview Parkview 608a 609a E E 608 Discipline Tools 3-5 years 609 Raising a Reader 3-5 years Class Information: 651.487.4378 Location Sibling Care Fee Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 9 EXPLORE S’MORE ages 3-5 Spring 2015 classes yrs These are child only class. Children must be toilet trained. #612 Minnesota Fun! Come and learn about all things Minnesota! What animals live here? What is the shape of our state? We will explore Minnesota sports teams, animals, songs and more! #613 Planes, Trains and Automobiles! We do activities and learn about ways to get from here to there! Experience cooperative projects, games and movement activities about trains, cars, bikes and more! Can you paint with cars? How about making a giant airplane? Does your body move like a hot air balloon? Come and join the fun! #614 Dinosaurs! In this class, we will do dinosaur crafts, search for fossils and pretend to be paleontologists! Dig in! Class Age Date Format Time Location Child Care Fee 612 613 3-5 years M, 2/23-3/9 3-5 years M, 4/6-4/20 Child Only Child Only 1:15PM-3:15PM 1:15PM-3:15PM Parkview Parkview N/A N/A E E 614 3-5 years M, 4/27-5/11 Child Only 1:15PM-3:15PM Parkview N/A E MUSIC CLASSES ages listed below Spring 2015 classes Music Classes will be available for all ages through the ECFE program. Chellie Brown, music specialist and owner of Wee Bop, will lead these classes. The fee for each class is $148.00 (which includes a $10.00 non-refundable registration fee). Payment is due in full at the time of registration. All classes will be held at Fairview Community Center in the Early Childhood wing. Siblings can attend for $74.00 per child (which includes a $10.00 non-refundable registration fee). The siblings will remain in the same room. #M01 My First Music Class This music class is for the youngest musicians—lap EDELHVFUDZOHUVDQG¿UVWZDONHUV<RXDQG\RXUOLWWOH one will explore the world of music through children’s folk songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, age-appropriate instruments and movement. Connect with other families and expand your home musical repertoire while you begin to nurture a musical bond with your baby. #M02 Tots & Tunes (18-29 months) Just the thing for these busy learners who want to move and explore! Engage them through singing, hand instruments, action songs, parachute play, rhythmic patterns, dancing and movement while developing their cognitive, physical and social skills. 10 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE #M03 Instrument Adventures Excite the natural curiosity of these growing kids through the exploration of drums, horns, and hand instruments. Each week there is a new featured instrument the kids can touch and “play”. The pace of this class is upbeat as we move, sing and dance to the latest children’s music appealing to both children and adults. NEW! #M04 Join the Band! Kids of all-ages know good music, and what preschooler doesn’t love “playing” real musical instruments? Explore the music and instruments heard in jazz, classical, Rock & Roll, or country music in this new, drop- off class for 3-5 year olds. This class will familiarize your preschooler with a wide variety of music styles and introduce age-appropriate musical concepts while we sing, dance, play musical games, shake scarves and the parachute and have fun together! Class M01 M02 M03 M04 Age 0-17 months 18-29 months 30-41 months 3-5 years Date F, 1/16-5/8 T, 1/13-4/7 T, 1/13-4/7 F, 1/16-5/8 Format Time Location Sibling Care Non-Separating Non-Separating Non-Separating Separating 10:15AM-11:00AM 9:45AM-10:30AM 10:45AM-11:30AM 11:15AM-12:00PM Fairview Fairview Fairview Fairview M01a M02a M03a M04a Fee $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 $148.00 Family Drop In & Play The entire class is devoted to parent and child activities including dramatic play, sensory experiences, J\PSOD\VFLHQFHDUWSURMHFWVDQGPRUH(DFKZHHNZLOOEH¿OOHGZLWKPDQ\FUHDWLYHDQGHQJDJLQJ learning activities for the whole family! No fee or registration necessary! Just come and join the fun! Parkview School S 1/17, 1/24, 2/1, 2/7, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, & 4/18 10:00AM-11:00AM Prince Of Peace Church T&W 1/13-4/22 9:00AM-10:00AM and the 4th Tuesday of each month 6:15PM-7:30PM (1/27, 2/24, 3/24) SPECIAL EVENTS Spring 2015 ages listed below Biggest Little House in the Forest %HUQLFHWKH%XWWHUÀ\KDVDEULJKWFKHHU\KRPHDOOWRKHUVHOI²RUVRVKHWKLQNV:KDWKDSSHQVQH[WLVDQ eruption of preschool-friendly chaos! Ages 2-5 and parents. #SE2 $12.00 per ticket Tuesday Feb 10 0HHWDW&KLOGUHQ¶V7KHDWUH&RPSDQ\DW$0UG$YH6RXWK0LQQHDSROLV01 Peter Pan the Musical Fly to the second star to the right and straight on ’til morning—but keep an eye out for lost boys, vicious pirates DQGRQHUDYHQRXVFURFRGLOH<RX¶OOEHKRRNHGIURPWKH¿UVWPRPHQW$JHVDQGSDUHQWV #SE3 $12.00 per ticket Wednesday May 6 0HHWDW&KLOGUHQ¶V7KHDWUH&RPSDQ\DW$0UG$YH6RXWK0LQQHDSROLV01 Class Information: 651.487.4378 Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 11 ECFE Registration & Fees General Registration Information • • • • • • Online, phone, and in-person registration begins December 8, 2014. Registration continues until classes are full. Payment can be made by cash, check, VISA, DISCOVER or MASTERCARD at the time of registration. Checks payable to: Roseville Area Schools. If sibling care is offered for the class for which you want to register, please complete the information on the registration form. Enrollment limits: Families are limited to one 10-14 week class per child. There is no limit on special topics classes, special events, Family Drop In & Play, or classes that run less than 10 weeks. Sibling Care Costs: Sibling care cost is noted on the sliding fee scale on page 13 (note registration number for sibling care on form). Cancellations & Refunds • • • No refunds are given for emergency or weather closings or for days missed due to illness or vacation. We will attempt to make up individual cancelled classes if the schedule allows. We reserve the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment. If a class, sibling care, or special event is cancelled due to low enrollment, a full refund will be given. Cancellation Policy: • • • • 10-14 week classes: If you decide to cancel within 3 weeks of your start date, a pro-rated refund will be given, minus a non-refundable $10 cancellation fee. All registrations will be FRQVLGHUHG¿QDODIWHUWKHWKLUGZHHNRIFODVV and no refunds will be given after that time. Classes less than 10 weeks: If you cancel within 2 weeks of your start date, a pro-rated refund will be given, minus a non-refundable $10 cancellation fee. All UHJLVWUDWLRQVZLOOEHFRQVLGHUHG¿QDODIWHUWKH second week of class, and no refunds will be given after that time. Weather Closing Information: Hazardous weather conditions may at times prevent us from holding classes. When Roseville Schools are closed or delayed, ECFE classes will not meet. Listen to WCCO radio 830 AM for school closings or call 651.487.4378. We will make every effort to make up cancelled ECFE Parent/Child classes. Possible make up dates for Spring classes are 4/28, 4/29, 4/30, 5/18, & 5/22. 12 | Roseville Area Schools ECFE ECFE Registration & Fees Affordable Classes ECFE classes operate on a sliding fee scale, so you pay what you can afford – no one is turned away for inability to pay. There is no better investment than your child! Fees Fees are determined according to a sliding fee scale. Locate your gross yearly family income on the scale. The fee listed is your fee for the class. Please enter that fee on the registration form. The sibling care fee must be paid at registration. No family will be turned away because of inability to pay. Please call 651.487.4378 to request a fee waiver. REGISTER ONLINE STARTING DECEMBER 8, 2014 at and Click on Class Openings and Online Registration for ECFE Classes IN PERSON OR BY MAIL Parkview Center School ECFE Center 701 County Road B West Roseville, MN 55113 CALL US WITH QUESTIONS 651.487.4378 Sliding Fee Scale Income A B C D E F $150-200,000 $100-150,000 $75-100,000 $50-75,000 $30-50,000 $20-30,000 Below $20,000 $172 $148 $120 $94 $70 $53 $32 $245 $196 $159 $126 $94 $70 $45 $74 $63 $51 $41 $30 $23 $14 $98 $84 $68 $54 $40 $30 $18 $49 $42 $34 $27 $20 $15 $9 $122 $105 $85 $68 $50 $38 $23 Sibling Care Sliding Fee Scale Income A B C D E F $150-200,000 $100-150,000 $75-100,000 $50-75,000 $30-50,000 $20-30,000 Below $20,000 $86 $74 $60 $47 $35 $26 $16 $122 $98 $80 $63 $47 $35 $22 $37 $32 $26 $21 $15 $12 $7 $49 $42 $34 $27 $20 $15 $9 $25 $21 $17 $14 $10 $8 $5 $61 $52 $42 $34 $25 $19 $11 Class Information: 651.487.4378 Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 13 Roseville Area Schools Quality Teaching & Learning for All...Equity in All We Do ECFE PROGRAM REGISTRATION Register online at - Click on Class Openings and Online Registration for ECFE Classes &KLOG¶V)XOO1DPH (First, Middle, Last):______________________________________________________________________________ Male Female Date of Birth:____________________ Phone:____________________________________________________ Street Address:_________________________________ Apt #:_________ City:_____________________________ Zip _____________ Special Health Concerns (accommodations, disability, allergy, dietary restrictions, or special needs we should be aware of): No Yes, explain: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Primary language spoken at home:________________________________________Do you need interpreter assistance? No Yes Name of Parent(s) or caregiver attending class:_____________________________________________________________________ 6LEOLQJ¶V)XOO1DPH (First, Middle, Last):____________________________________________________________________________ Male Female Date of Birth:____________________________________________________________________________ Special Health Concerns (accommodations, disability, allergy, dietary restrictions, or special needs we should be aware of): No Yes, explain: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Number of family members in your home:_______ Primary language spoken at home:_________________________________________ Street Address:_________________________________ Apt #:_________ City:_____________________________ Zip _____________ Email Address(es):_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Highest level of education completed:______________________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in volunteering? Yes No ( Classroom volunteer Advisory council) Emergency Contact:________________________________ Relationship:_________________ Phone:__________________________ Yes, I want a Toy Lending Library Card! $10.00 fee per year (September-May). Class Number Class Fee Sibling Care Class Number Sibling Care Fee Choice 1 TOTAL $ Choice 2 Choice 1 $ Choice 2 Toy Lending Library Card $10.00 Total Fees = $ Full payment by cash, check or credit/debit card Payment Plan by auto pay by credit/debit card (First payment with registration, second payment processed on March 2) Cash Check (Make Checks Payable to Roseville Area Schools) Credit/Debit CardSOHDVH¿OORXWLQIREHORZ Card Type (circle one): Mastercard Visa Discover Name on Card:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number:__________________________________________________________ Exp:____________ CVC:_____________ Authorized Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________ By registering I acknowledge that this activity has potential dangers to it and my involvement is voluntary. In order to participate in this activity, I agree to hold Roseville Area Schools harmless and I waive any right to make any claims or lawsuits against the school district or anyone working on behalf of the school district for any injuries or damages related to the alleged negligence of the district. By registering your child for ECFE classes, you are acknowledging that photos of you and your child may be used for educational and publicity purposes for Roseville Area Schools or Roseville Community Education. To read the District’s full policy on Directory Information, please contact ECFE at 651.487.4378. Immunizations are required in order to participate in ECFE and PreK classes. Please submit to your parent educator or teacher. EARLY CHILDHOOD nch u l r ka c a s fo P u join e of d an lat p l l a fu ning! lear Class Information: 651.487.4378 Roseville Area Schools ECFE | 15 Roseville Area Schools EARLY CHILDHOOD 1RQ3UR¿W2UJ U.S. POSTAGE PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 3248 1251 County Road B2 W Roseville, MN 55113 EARLY CHILDHOOD Spring Classes 2015 We provide support and educational opportunities for all children from birth to kindergarten entry! Toy Lending Library It’s like having new toys every week! Open to all individuals, families, and childcare providers. Membership is $10 per year. • Slides, riding toys, infant, toddler and preschool toys • Puzzles, games • Children’s books and the best parenting books and tapes and s e ss for Cla s e i ivit t c a ung o y r you ily! m a f SEE PAGE 4 FOR MORE GREAT RESOURCES! Family Drop In and Play (DFKZHHNZLOOEH¿OOHGZLWKPDQ\FUHDWLYHDQGengaging learning activities for the whole family! No fee or registration necessary! SEE PAGE 11 FOR MORE DETAILS Watch for more information about these Free Family Events: 6QRZ%DOODQG(&)(¶VWK Anniversary Celebration at Parkview School. Thursday January 29, 2015 End of the Year Concert at Brimhall School. Thursday May 14, 2015 REGISTER ONLINE
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