TAPE Page 12 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Melbourne FL Permit No. 103 HEARTBEAT Page 1 Label here Volume IV Issue II FEBURARY 2015 Publication of Melbourne Moose Family Center Published monthly and Authorized by Mooseheart International of Mooseheart, Il 60539-1172 OR CURRENT OCCUPANT LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 1406 157 DAYTON BLVD. PO BOX 121506 WEST MELBOURNE, FL 32912-1506 TAPE HEARTBEAT HAPPY VALENTINES PHONE NUMBERS OFFICE SOCIAL QUARTERS ADMINISTRATOR GOVERNOR 724-1480 724-1480 298-6366 724-1480 W.O.T.M. OFFICE SENIOR REGENT RECORDER CHAPLAIN E-Mail lodge1406@aol.com Visit our web page at ‘melbournemoose.com” SOCIAL QUARTERS HOURS: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY—-03:30-10:00 FRIDAY———3:30 UNTIL 12:00 SATURDAY— 12:00 UNTIL ???? SUNDAY—=—12:00 UNTIL9:00PM 676-5272 676-5272 676-5272 676-5272 HEARTBEAT Page 2 HEARTBEAT MELBOURNE LOOM OFFICERS JR. PAST GOV. GOVERNOR JR. GOV. PRELATE TREASURER TRUSTEE TRUSTEE TRUSTEE SGT AT ARMS INNER GUARD OUTER GUARD ADMINISTRATOR BILL BRUMFIELD STEVE FERNAAYS PAUL DIAMOND RYAN HATFIELD STEVE RECKENWALD CHUCK STRADFORD MIKE EDWARDS ROCCO BATTISTA RICH BRACCIALE JOE GEHRLEIN WALLY EXELL RALPH WYON MELBOURNE WOTM OFFICERS SENIOR REGENT JR REGENT CHAPLIN JR GRAD REGENT SECT./TREAS RECORDER GUIDE ASS’T GUIDE SOPHIE HODOM BETTY VAUGHN ELIZABETH BRACCIALE LOIS BRUMFIELD TAMMY DIAMOND SHARON-ANN LYNDE RITA CARPENTER PATTI ANN HALL WOTM DINNER/ DANCE FEBRUARY 14 SATURDAY EVENING BEEF WELLINGTON 6pm MUSIC BY PEARL JOY $14 Page 11 HEARTBEAT Page 10 FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR HEARTBEAT SPONSORS Alvin Langley February already, it is time for Baseball. We are looking for volunteers to man the concession stand at the ball park. The sign up sheet in on the LOOM bulletin board. Twelve volunteers are needed for each game. This is a big fundraiser for the Lodge and we always have a good time. Won't you join us? Speaking of volunteers, cashiers are needed for Friday dinners and Sunday breakfast. Please see me or the Kitchen Manager if you are interested. Our Lodge runs on volunteers and we cannot get by without them, please do not yell or argue with the volunteers they are here so you can enjoy the function of the day at a very reasonable cost. Repairs were needed on the lift station again. Please be very careful on what you put into the system. The wet wipes do not break down fast enough and if to many get in at one time the pumps have a very hard time dealing with that. The Lodge Karaoke contest is Thursday Feb 12th and the winner will join Beth Vaughan (District 7 Fall Champ) for the District Championship to be held at our Lodge Saturday Feb 28th with the winner going to FBMA Championships with a chance to win $5,000.00 at the international convention in Nashville this July. Come out and support your favorite singers. This will not be a contest that can be bought. I am lining up judges now and we still will have a fan vote also. There is a suggestion box just outside the administrators door, if you have a idea for a function or fund raiser please use the forms above and drop it in the box and the Officers of the Lodge will be back to you. Ralph Wyon Administrator Page 3 9/15 B. Hendrix 11/15 ASTRICK INDICATES EXPIRING Ken & Loretta Folks 7/16 Kirsten Saltzedt 11/15 Betty Vaughn 4/15 Bill & Helen Pelisari 9/15 Marlene Lancaster 7/15 Bob Neener 10/17 C Pleasanton 10/15 Mary Durbin 11/15 Carol & Robert Fett 7/15 Mary Fratarengelo 3/15* Mary Jane Silay 7/15 Don Hummel 7/18 Melva Patterson 7/16 Mike Edwards 3/15* Esther Threadgill 11/15 Nellie Parrish 11/16 Phil & Barb Gladchuck 7/15 Frederick Geraci 8/15 Gerda Beltrami 2/15 Rita Botwinis Guy Smith 3/15 Robert Fett 7/15 Helen Buckley 11/15 Rocco Bastistta 4/15 Helen McGee 7/15 Roger & Joan Rappole 8/15 Shelby Winters 7/15 Steve & Cathy Reckenwald 7/15 Jim Osterman 3/15 * Joan Sanders 10/15 Tom & Mary Lou Wajnar 7/15 Joe & Jeri Daube 11/ 15 RALPH WYON AMINISTRATOR 8/15 Joyce & Ray Dallaire 3/15 * Pat &Bill Meszaros 8/15 IN MEMORY OF : John Silay Anna Paone Chief “McGee Richard Botwinis Philip & John J Yachnowitz Sherry Mayes Phil Furman HEARTBEAT Page 4 HEARTBEAT Page 9 Senior Regent Report MELBOURNE MOOSE LEGION FISH & CHIPS DINNER SECOND TUESDAY EVERY MONTH 5:00-7:00 PM $6.00 ASK NOT WHAT THE LODGE CAN DO FOR YOU, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THE LODGE! VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED AT EVERY POSITION. SEE THE KITCHEN MANAGER, GOVERNOR, SR. REGENT OR ADMINISTRATOR FOR MORE INFO. FROM YOUR SENIOR REGENT Well another month has gone buy. Here are the events that are coming up this month: I will be appointing a Nominating Committee for the upcoming elections of new Officers in March. Those of you who are appointed are asked to attends those meetings. A Notice of when the meetings will be held and the names of those on the Committee will be posted on our bulletin board in the Social Quarters. Please Check and see if your name is on the list. Anyone wishing to run for an office will find forms in the Ladies room on the bulletin board or you can get them me. Fill out the form and give it to me. There will be a Valentines Day Dinner Dance on February 14th. Tickets are $14.00 and can be purchased at the bar. Dinner will be Beef Wellington, Small Potatoes and Herbs, Veggies, Butternut Squash Soup, Salad and Dessert. Come and join us in the most Romantic Evening of the year. Lois Brumfield will be having her Green Cap Meeting and Luncheon on Feb 28th at 11:00 AM till 2:00PM. Please come to honor her as a new inductee. It's that time of year again that we need volunteers to help man the concession stand for Spring Training Baseball Games. If you are interested in volunteering please see Joyce Dallaire. She is in charge of this event and will have a list with dates and times that you can sign up for. Come and help out. It is work but we have fun doing it also. Don't forget about our Thursday Night dessert sales at the Spaghetti Dinner or our Monthly Bake Sale on Feb. 15th. We need donations of bake goods. If we don't have the desserts to sell we don't make any money for our chapter. I would like to Thank all of you co-workers who donated last month because it was a successful month Senior Regent, Sophie Hodom HEARTBEAT Page 8 GOVERNOR’S REPORT Who can forget Valentine's day? We are celebrating with our not to be missed dance on Valentine's Day. Make sure you grab your sweetheart and come for a romantic evening at the Moose. Buy your tickets today as the tickets are flying out the door. The big event in February will impact the Lodge for the entire year. We begin our election process. Electing the Lodge Officers is an important time of the year. It is your chance to take an active role in the running of your Lodge. It is up to you to decided how your Lodge will operate next year, who is going to lead the way. What things are you interested in? What is your passion? Who is the person who can help you to get the things you are interested in at the lodge? You do make a difference if you choose to take part in the process. You can serve on the election committee, nominating committee or run for one of the officers positions. Please don't just sit on the sidelines and say "I've done my time" or ignore the process. Every member of the Moose is important and your voice needs to be heard, but a voice without actions is a voice that is silent without meaning. By being a positive part of the process your voice is heard and a difference can be achieved. Please make this year's election a positive experience and help us elect our new officers. I am proud of our Lodge and all that we do, the people we have in the Lodge that give of their time and talents generously. I look forward to many more years in this Lodge, by working together we will continue to achieve greatness. Oh by the way if you are not getting our weekly updates there may be two reasons one you have not sent me your e mail address or there is a mistake in your address I have. so if you send me your address I'll add you to my list. STEVE FERNAAYS GOVERNOR HEARTBEAT Page 5 WORDS TO LIVE BY IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME. WE ARE THE KEEPERS OF THE CHILDREN AT MOOSEHEART AND THE SENIORS AT MOOSEHEAVEN. ORIENTATION The next ORIENTATION will be FEBURARY 18 at the regular LODGE Meeting of the LOOM. MEMBER SERVICES LAWN SERVICES—-Matt Ringer 321-652-6006 AIR BRUSH ART—Nick & Beth Vaughan 321-362-0885 CERTIFIED HEALTH EDUCATOR Michael Edwards 321-220-1941 BEAUTICIAN—Mary Ann Harney 321-724-8770 PHOTOGRAPHER James Hunning 321-727-1147 REALTOR —Diane De Yorgi 321-427-1122 HOME IMPROVEMENTS -Serge Sixto 321-432-9833 TRAVEL SPECIALIST_ Jennifer Buchanan 321 914 2095 and Linda Strnberg 321 261 6096 PET SITTING Deborah Raskett ,…..,321-728 1245 OFFICIANT Lara Beers……… ..321 751 4766 HEARTBEAT Page 6 SUN 1 MON 2 8:30AM BREAKFAST 11:15AM BINGO 5:00PM BAR BINGO 5:00PM WHEEL HEARTBEAT TUE WED D 4 5:00PM WING NIGHT 7:30PM MBR RSHP 7:00PM ACEY/DEUCEY MTG YES AND SUPER BOWL 6:00PM GRILL NIGHT 8:15 MOOSE LEGION MTG 7:15PM H/C MTG OFFICERS MTG 6:00PM KARAOKE JANICE & RENE 8 9 10 11 5:00PM WING G NIGHT 8:30AM BREAKFAST 11:15 AM BINGO 5:00PM FISH/CHIPS 7:30 JOINT OFCRS O 1:00PM DISTRICT MTG 5:00PM WHEEL 6:30 WOTM 3 5:00PM TACOS/BEER MTG SEBASTIAN RIVER 6:00PM GRILL NIGHT ORIENTATION 5:00PM BAR BINGO 6:00PM KARAOKE 7:00PM ACEY/DEUCEY 7:30PM CHAPTER 7:30 WOTM OFC MTG NIGHT 16 15 17 8:30AM BREAKFAST 11:15AM BINGO WOTM DESSERTS 5:00PM WHEEL 5:00PM TACOS/BEER 5:00PM BAR BINGO 6:00PM GRILL NIGHT 7:00PM ACEY/DEUCEY HAPPY HOOKERS 7:15PM H/C MTG 12pm 5 11:15AM BINGO 5:00PM WHEEL 6:00PM ITALIAN FRI SAT 6 7 6:00PM FAMILY DINNER EGG PLANT PARM 6:30PM DANCE PARTY MUSIC BY MUSIC BY 7:00PM KARAOKE SHOWTIME JANICE & RENE SWEET SUE IN SOCIAL QUARTERS 12 11:15AM BINGO 13 14 5:00PM WHEEL 6:00PM FAMILY DINNER 6:00PM VALENTINE 6:00PM ITALIAN ORANGE CHICKEN DINNER/DANCE 7:00PM KARAOKE LODGE CONTEST SWEET SUE MUSIC BY OLD SCHOOL OF ROCK MUSIC BY IN SOCIAL QUARTERS PEARL JOY 21 18 19 20 11:15AM BINGO 6:00PM FAMILY DINNER 5:00PM WING NIGHT 7:00PM 1ST N NOM. 5:00PM WHEEL CHICKEN FRIED STEAK COMMITTTEE MTG 6:00PM ITALIAN MUSIC BY 7:30PM MBR RSHP 7:00PM KARAOKE DUFF & DUFF MTG 6:30PM DANCE PARTY MUSIC BY PEARL JOY 6:00PM KARAOKE JANICE & RENE 23 22 8:30AM BREAKFAST 11:15AM BINGO 5:00PM BAR BINGO 5:00PM WHEEL & ORIENTTATION OFFICERS MTG 24 5pm STUFFED CABBAGE 7:00PM ACEY/ SWEET SUE IN SOCIAL QUARTERS 25 26 27 28 5:00PM WING NIGHT 11:15AM BINGO 6:00PM FAMILY DINNER 5:00PM WHEEL 6:00PM ITALIAN WOTM ALL C COMMITTEEE 7:00PM KARAOKE MUSIC BY SWEET SUE IN SOCIAL QUARTERS GOOD TIME NESS JILL'S RIBS DISTRICT 7 HAPPY HOOK KERS 7pm 6:00PM STEAK & PRIM 7:30PM WOTM BUSI- THU Page 7 7:00PM DANCE JANICE & RENE KARAOKE CONTEST AT MELBOURNE RIB MEETING 6:00PM KARAOKE JANICE & RENE 7:30 0 5-7 PM
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